She Hulk Episode 1 Review

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Despot of Antrim

Despot of Antrim

Жыл бұрын

What should have been a fun and entertaining show is instead a platform for a particularly vile strain of feminism. Even by the presently low standards of the MCU, She Hulk is nothing short of a disgrace.

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@edrosa3485 Жыл бұрын
Her little rant with Bruce was hilarious. For years he had to live with the face that at any moment he could decimate an entire city and kill thousands so he tries to put a bullet in his mouth and Hulk spits it out.... she get cat called though.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Serving suicide is Hulk male privilege. Jen is the true victim.
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
Please, how would you rewrite this speech?
@HenriFaust Жыл бұрын
@@AxenfonKlatismrek Your question reveals a deeper misunderstanding about the issue. The speech itself is not the problem. In fact, at least one KZbinr has pointed out how with a few minor changes in the preceding scenes, the speech can be rescued without alteration. The problem is that the speech, as well as any other element of an artistic work, cannot be viewed as separate from the other elements of that work. Each element must be evaluated in terms of the work as a whole, and in the way each element interacts with other elements of the work _in situ._ In more simple terms, it's not enough to just throw a bunch of things one likes together and call it a day because those things may not work well together.
@mkhachfe Жыл бұрын
I know. Shes so brave 😅
@henrydupree8412 Жыл бұрын
@@mkhachfe And stunning!
@erictalaveramartinez4160 Жыл бұрын
22:36 I've seen this message popping up a lot from that type of media: - Dedicating time and effort to your children and husband is slavery. - Dedicating time and effort to your corporate bosses is freedom.
@colt-_-jonson1743 Жыл бұрын
wait a minute, that isn't muh free thinking rick and morty individuality
@maxav1wolvman874 Жыл бұрын
That’s how the human race dies, with thunderous bitching
@StarboyXL9 9 ай бұрын
How women fell for it is astounding. Its such an obvious lie.
@DannyDevitoOffical-TrustMeBro 5 ай бұрын
@@StarboyXL9to be fair, men are falling for it now. That’s Andrew tate’s whole schtick. The problem is indoctrination instead of education at very young ages. When people are taught to be stupid from the get-go, they reach further levels of stupidity even than what the most uneducated, illiterate generations of human history ever achieved. At least those generations knew how to survive independently.
@raven75257 5 ай бұрын
The best (worst?) part is that the same people who unironically support this mentality, demand that their husbands play the traditional role while they do not
@thefanwithoutaface8105 Жыл бұрын
Last thing that annoys me is how Jen is presented compared to the comics and cartoons. In the comics and cartoons Jen is a fun, loveable character. She's a intelligent party girl who loves being a Hulk because it gave her the self confidence to appreciate herself she never got in her normal day to day life and essentially lived life to the fulllest. Yet she was also humble and compassionate, apologizing to Bruce because she knew she got the easy end of the proverbial stick since she could control her transformation when he couldn't and always offered her a shoulder to lean on when he needed it, both out of gratitude for the power he gave her and out of genuine love for her cousin. This THING on TV is nothing like that. She's an entitled, misandrist, naracisst who'd probably tell Bruce to piss off if he ever asked her for anything more serious than a ride home. She's utterly unlikeable, not a good lawyer, not compassionate in the slightest, there isn't a single thing about her that is endearing or attractive.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Exactly, Jen is like a parody of a Tik-Tok liberal living up her own ass. When she walks through the law firm building bitching about how it's 'so unfair' that people think she wasn't hired on merit, I thought about an interview I saw recently of a kid who lost his legs but carried on playing football because he didn't want to just feel sorry for himself and give up. The modern wokehack writers (Obi Wan, ROP, She Hulk) are the product of a culture of narcissism and entitlement, they are symptoms of a profoundly ill civilization.
@divinedelaware7541 Жыл бұрын
@derrickdaniels3955 Жыл бұрын
Your making me want to read the comics.
@brandonmoore5408 Жыл бұрын
Everything you said is complete BS... and we will address why .using your own points.. She did apologize to Bruce literally in the first episode for the harsh things she said... and the argument stream from her not wanting to secluded herself from the world like him..( something that she doesn't need to do given that she not a rage monster like him) She literally was willing to risk losing a job to to avoid. Defending a man who tried to kill her cousin, goes as far as to call him and ask if he would be OK with it. She literally calls Bruce almost every episode to talk ( indicating) she holds his opinions in high regard...because who the hell calls someone for advice they don't respect? Bad lawyer? She won every case she been given by providing the merit of the case.. showing the US government holds some responsibility for creating the abomination and that Magic practices dangerously is a threat to the wtf are you talking about when saying bad lawyer..
@brandonmoore5408 Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim are you dumb? She literally wasn't hired on her merit but to be the face of the super human law division...because she a superhuman...passing up how many people at the firm with more experience and more deserving...They in the damn episode fire her for being a hulk then hire her back on the grounds that she represents their super human clients ad she hulk!! For fk sake
@joshdillon9637 Жыл бұрын
Ever notice how Jen always completely miserable in this show? The life she's trying to lead as a career woman makes her miserable, but she has no interest in trying anything else. All she does is complain about everything and get drunk. She doesn't want to be She Hulk at all until it can be used to make a bunch of old high school acquaintances jealous. She's selfish and awful. They'd have to pull off a miracle to change her from this train wreck of a human being into someone likable in the last couple of episodes.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
She's a very boring character. Most people have boring lives. They don't want to turn on the TV and see some miserable, lonely hag chasing the corporate lie, it's a fucking drag.
@JamesRDavenport Жыл бұрын
Jen is the perfect representation of the middle aged Millennial girl boss divorcee devotee type who plasters on a pubescent squee after a few too many at the bar, twerking to hide her endless nights of misery. Misandrist, easily manipulated, arrogant, and worst of all, unable to mentally mature past high school. They're all over society. They've infected entertainment, they've poisoned the law. And they will never ever admit that they were lied to and totally screwed out of any chance of personal happiness by their own dogmas. It's a tragedy for us all, but especially these modern woman. We all lose in the deception.
@adambrunn5699 Жыл бұрын
Have i told you the definition of insanity
@chazzitz-wh4ly 5 ай бұрын
And even when she gets what she wants, she complains.
@Menorahdude 3 ай бұрын
@@chazzitz-wh4lySounds realistic to me.
@krofgninut5984 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the shapeshifting monster that wears many skins, but always behaves the same.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
The trope must be dead, Rings of Power has dealt it the fatal blow.
@doriecameron4397 Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim unfortunately, the Mary Sue will NEVER “die,” because it’s an essential part of the development of an aspiring writer. The self-insert protagonist allows the young, usually pre-teen or teenage, writer to work through issues of confidence and adversity in a safe environment, and as they seek to improve their craft, will transfer these experiences into the development of actual empathy and good writing skills. That being said, these blatantly obvious marks of an immature writer should NEVER have made it into professional media. These writers should have either grown up or been weeded out long ago.
@dottorekaoz8679 Жыл бұрын
@@doriecameron4397 I think the "immature" writer is not young of age. Only that the writer did not age mentally, got out to look at the failures and successes to differentiate on what life can be. The writer then would be still selfcentered like a small child, because she would never have found a border to her demands. Just imagine you would be four years old and then just live life again. Eradicating the failures, speed up the successes, and be "glorious". It is a dangerous fantasy to think of oneself as inherently perfect, but held back by the "cruel" world. But this fantasy also tiks many boxes, like dealing with uncertainty, insecurity, lack of knowledge. "If not for the world, I would be a god!". Hubris to the extreme. Any breaking in of real life into this fantasy world would be considered an utmost threat.
@devilmask4964 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it 😁😁
@Good_Boy_3000 Жыл бұрын
Any lawyers or paralegals, feel free to add to this list of legal discrepancies. 1) The first court case wouldn't have been automatically lost because Jen/She-Hulk literally saved everyone from an irate lunatic(which she had to be convinced to do), there would be a mistrial, but the jury would be dismissed and replaced with unbiased jurers, Jen may have to recuse herself, something along those lines. Jen also wouldn't be fired for such shallow reasons. 2) Emil would have been charged for serial homicide, so I doubt he'd get a parol hearing in 15 years, of at all. This is just how I understand it, so no doubt I'm wrong. 3) Wong would be a fugitive for forcefully breaking out an inmate from maximum security prison. 4) Runa the Light Elf would at minimum be sentenced 2 years of prison for impersonating 2 federal employees(Dennis, a Deputy District Attorney & the Judge), with a maximum sentence of 6 years. 5) The whole Donny Blaze scenario is a huge mess. He was messing with powers & forces he knew little to nothing about, endangering his entire audience, and an inebriated woman. If the Ancient One could explain in detail the consequences of messing with unfathomable powers, Wong could've explain that his reckless use of the Sling Ring is like playing Hackie Sack with a nuke. 6) After putting his audience in mortal danger yet again, needing outside help to undo his mess, instead of Jen strongly suggesting Donny sign the Cease & Desist and to hand over the Sling Ring, she threatened him as She-Hulk with a demon to sign it. Donny should be utterly screwed, legally speaking, and Jen should be disbarred.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this. This is great stuff! I have read it carefully and will mention some of it when I do a season 1 post mortem video.
@ckelly19841 Жыл бұрын
4 year law student here. She could try some motions, but overall, she is not a very "good/well written" lawyer. The cases ignore a lot of legal concepts and procedures for common jurisprudence
@jamesneese7663 Жыл бұрын
according to many defenders of the show "law is different in the MCU" and "why are you asking for realism in a make believe show". the same show that wants to talk about real world issues like "catcalling" and "mansplaining" and "female victimization" suddenly THEN says that realism isn't important and shouldn't matter. Hmm...
@ckelly19841 Жыл бұрын
Law may be different in the MCU, but the cases that Jen and her firm argue still follow certain legal principles. Mr. Immortal, in particular, appears to follow a more putative spouse controversy rather than a divorce scenario. He may be able to commit acts that would end a "non-superhuman's" life, but the legal principle with death requires certification by a coroner and ultimately a recording in the county recorder's office. He may "die" in an effort to end his marriage, but the episode plainly demonstrates that the spouse, Mr. Immortal, cannot die. As such, he would still be married to every living spouse that was in that conference room. As such, every one of his spouse's would need to be interviewed to determine their subjective belief as to when the "marriage" started and when the respective spouse discovered that she was no longer validly married under California authority. It could potentially be humorous since Mr. Immortal's ignorance as to his hubris of his superhuman ability at believing he can attempt suicide to end his marriage only to find himself in a legal settlement with his putative spouses who would be entitled to a certain percentage of his assets given their subjective belief as to the marriage's validity. This would be difficult to write humorously, but could be done. And as to Ms. Walter's societal problems she believes she suffers through (i.e. catcalling and mansplaining), this seems pretty superficial and ignorant of her cousin's childhood that the show's writers have clearly demonstrated their lack of concern for in displaying Dr. Banner's arguably high ACEs score. Marvel fans more avid than me may correct me if I'm wrong, but Bruce's "hulk" ability was the result of a tragic industrial accident that affected both himself and his father. While his father was only able to withstand the Gamma radiation without significant side effects, his rage and alcoholism was directed towards his wife and son that ultimately resulted in Bruce's continued abuse and the ultimate murder of his mother when she attempted to defend her son from his father's wrath. Eventually, Bruce was forced to confront his father, which resulted in his father's death, and despite Dr. Banner's best efforts to correct or mitigate the Gamma radiation's effects on his physiology, he remained a fugitive of the US government until his services were required in the famous "Battle of New York" episode. Fiction has to be credible, and when your titular character advertises herself as "attorney at law", it stands to reason that she would be familiar with...the law. Her episode involving using demons to extort a person into withdrawing a lawsuit was one that any law student will tell you is something that can result in your disbarment. Realism and poor writing are two different things, and in any work of fiction, poor writing is unforgiveable.
@Lawofimprobability Жыл бұрын
I am a lawyer but not familiar with the show. 1. Seems correct. Heroics in the courtroom risk prejudicing the trial simply because it does not pertain to the specific issues at hand. That is also why the famous clip of "let's introduce some larger social animosity and then you win" being presented as "good lawyering" is absurd. There actually are rules against that kind of argument. 2. Different jurisdictions have different rules. Mandatory sentencing rules are different and tend to fluctuate wildly based on political concerns over either career criminals or "over-incarceration". I can absolutely imagine murderers getting parole in 10 years (much less 15). 3. Not having seen the specifics (was he gambling on not being identified?), all I can say is that helping inmates escape is a felony pretty much everywhere. I don't know if that was considered a "superheroes are effectively beyond the law" scene (which could have been a really interesting point to build a show around). 4. Sadly, people caught impersonating Federal employees tend to get wildly erratic sentences. You can even see some of that in how fake cops get prosecuted and some sentences range from months to years. This is an area where a lot of prosecutors consider it a low priority in real life so tend to ignore that unless there is a political angle. Some prosecutors take it seriously, others do not. 5. Since I'm not familiar with the show enough to comment, I will leave the generic "superhumans tend to use forces that are often public nuisances or other liabilities but people can consent to risks they are informed of". Some broad disclaimers can cover an astonishing degree of risks but that depends on the jurisdiction such as the split over if one can disclaim away negligence. 6. Lawyers may not use physical intimidation to accomplish the legal needs of a client nor may they lie. Actual negotiations might seem pretty intimidating or confusing but there is a clear line between truthful statements and false statements. That said, one of the more recent She-Hulk comic series was written by a lawyer and did depict She-Hulk as being a bit lacking in her legal ethics compliance (like talking to a client in a public place about confidential matters).
@thefanwithoutaface8105 Жыл бұрын
21:54 It's extra ironic because the show is written by people who've literally admitted to having no idea how to write a lawyer show, Jen is presented as an absolutely terrible lawyer who falls ass backwards into victories she doesn't deserve or simply roundhouse kicking the law in the throat and I'm a paralegal so I atleast have an idea of how things are supposed to go.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
They also have no idea how to write a show. The legal aspects in the show are piss weak, it's clearly only influenced by courtroom scene pop-jurisprudence.
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
You know, send her against Phoenix Wright and she might defeat him through power of bullshit
@PhilSunderland Жыл бұрын
@@AxenfonKlatismrek Funny because you can play She-Hulk and Phoenix Wright at the same time in Marvel vs Capcom 3. A better She-Hulk by the way.
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
@@PhilSunderland i meant in court case, if we accept her as Mary Sue
@PhilSunderland Жыл бұрын
@@AxenfonKlatismrek Oh I know what you meant. That was just a joke. My apology.
@TheRenofox 11 ай бұрын
One question I'd love to ask a feminist is: If women are smarter, stronger, and all around better than men, how did they become oppressed by their physical and mental inferiors?
@FelicityAfton-mm9ld 3 ай бұрын
Not sure if I’m mentally prepared to get into this argument, but that’s genuinely the best question I have ever heard to slag off feminism with. Kudos. First of all, as a woman, let me just say that we are not generally stronger than men, hence we get raped so often. Second, there’s this wonderful little thing called ‘religion’ that gave men such a sense of entitlement that we never really stood a chance, dating back hundreds of thousands of years, idk, dates aren’t my strong point. Third, we’re generally more accepting. Men tend to have a certain standard that they expect women to be before they put their dick in them, which men consider to be the height of masculinity. Desire to please and body shame makes women think they should strive to please men in order to have any self-worth because, hey, manipulation does exist and we DO have mental health issues. Also, I’m pretty sure men cause most of the crime, war, sexual abuse, violence and definitely rape, but don’t let that deter you from trying to glow up your own misogyny. Have a lovely day, happy 2024, bitch.
@dudesayingthings 29 күн бұрын
I was just thinking that when watching this video!! 🤣🤣🤣 They are making their female heroes instantly OP, smarter than anyone, and just flawless in general, and yet they want to reflect a world where these OP superheroes have been "held back"? 😂😂 Who in the world could "hold back" Rey Skywalker when she beats future Supreme Leader Kylo Ren the first time she meets him??????
@aliceofspades Жыл бұрын
As a woman, I am so sorry that others of my own kind not only created this show, but thought it was anything but awful. I swear, we aren't all that crazy.
@carlosrivas1629 9 ай бұрын
tell this wanker, she is written as a flawed person to begin, with. nothing wrong with having them but she is a bit unlikeable.
@goldsteed8832 9 ай бұрын
don't blame yourself for their actions just because you have the same set of genitalia, that type of think is what started this feminist bunk in the first place, these are just Misandrist creeps who are upset they are alone and want to destory the unity amongst men and women out of selfish spite, your all good
@casperryborg4869 9 ай бұрын
Both of us have bad apples on our side. But if anyone is generalize half of the earths population because of a few, they aren't mentally stable anyway.
@carlosrivas1629 9 ай бұрын
@@casperryborg4869 yes the main character herself is flawed too and only decent men like Bruce and Daredevil can put with it in small doses. they had not interacted much at all.
@carlosrivas1629 9 ай бұрын
@@casperryborg4869 Pobodys nerfect
@Sjono Жыл бұрын
Can you believe some people say we can’t judge with how terribly they handled her character and think that this can all be repaired with character development? 😂
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
There's nothing to develop. She's an utterly boring, middle aged plain Jane who lives for her career. That's just about the last thing people want to see when they turn on their TV, no wonder this garbage has flopped so hard.
@cm3.redeye42 Жыл бұрын
Haha, yeah, repaired in the season 2 that'll come out right abt when Bush & Obama face a War Crimes tribunal in the Hague. Jen in this show is literally the stupid c*nt at every woman's job that they complain about (every. single. day. 😑)
@BigCowProductions Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim And a misogynistic whore
@BANANA42k Жыл бұрын
@jout738 10 ай бұрын
She is booring wortheles boatch, that nobody would even care about her charchter development in future seasons.
@Tossler Жыл бұрын
I don't think it's intentional, but I don't count She-Hulk better at tossing the boulder because Hulk didn't even try. He just flicked his arm while She-Hulk used her whole body's strength to toss her boulder further Hulk is still stronger there, but the show writers did NOT mean for that to happen.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Interesting point. I know MCU is shit now but Jesus man, what the fuck were they thinking putting these idiots in charge of this show?
@devilmask4964 Жыл бұрын
Marvel has and will never respect the source material specially after phase 4 ,i am sure of it.
@ridbanner1407 Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim feels like the trading places $1 bet. This money making machine is idiot proof ,go ahead and prove it.
@jout738 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@DespotofAntrim MCU ended in 2019 with the defeat of Thanos, so they no longer had any objective anymore and so the actors went in other movie projects. 2020s Marvel just seems so shite and political, that Marvel aint worth watching anymore in 2020s, when its good that they ended it in 2019, when decided to go too political in 2020s and make absolute dogshite Marvel movies and serieses from then on.
@jout738 10 ай бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim It seems MCU dosent care anymore to ruin their own reputation by making dogshite Marvel movies and serieses, so thats how they will lose most of their fanbase their never going to get back. It seems owners of MCU are also dumb not realizing, that shows like these dont make any money at all, when their so bad, but maybe its, because MCU is owned by Disney. If it wasent owned by Disney. They would make better movies overall and never release crap like She-Hulk series.
@GarkKahn Жыл бұрын
The moment she told bruce she had a tough life was really the breaking point for me Bruce lost EVERYTHING he ever had because of hulk, he was chased by the military, turn into a criminal and his lover died Worst part is that all the mistakes can be fixed with little tiny details, like in that scene she-hulk joking about maybe exaggerating or something similar
@dantethewanderer4989 11 ай бұрын
He and his mother were also horribly abused which got his mother murdered and lead to Bruce developing DID, which is where Hulk actually comes from before being given a physical form from the Gamma Radiation. He has also attempted suicide, even with guns, and it always failed because Hulk would always come out and be unaffected by it like how in one comic Bruce says that Hulk literally spit out the bullet(s) he was using to try and blow his own brains out with.
@jout738 10 ай бұрын
It seems the loser feminist writers dont care about Hulks backstory, when this miserable wortheles sluts backstory who has nothing special in her and does nothing significant in her life has more important backstory then for the untalented sore loser feminists.
@chazzitz-wh4ly 7 ай бұрын
Then that brawl she starts with him really just tipped me off the edge because that lab he had he built with Tony. That’s all he has left of his friend. All his friends died to save the world and bring it back to some relative normality and she destroys his place, lectures him, and beats him up. All his friends are dead and she just rubs it in.
@Menorahdude 3 ай бұрын
@@chazzitz-wh4lyJust like real life.
@GodzillaMaster18 Жыл бұрын
And that ladies and gentlemen is why slasher flicks will make a comeback in the near future. No longer will we have to look at unlikable characters with out being to look forward to their inevitable demise
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I dunno man the characters in Winne the Pooh: Blood and Honey look pretty likeable, but that won't stop Pooh bear from doing what needs to be done...
@Wyatt6661 Жыл бұрын
Can Pooh come and kill this she hulk not the one in the comics I read as a kid😂 that one loveee man
@naquingreen1603 Жыл бұрын
@Jake Mills While I agree I also disagree because technically the unlikable characters that die in horror movies Trend died in the early 2010s. No one and I repeat no one liked this Trope in horror movies. Every single horror movie in the '2000s not out of Japan was terrible / awful and featured some of the worst unlikable main characters in horror movies. Those movies seem to forget that we want to root for the good characters to survive not the unlikable stupid ones who make bad decisions.
@housewilma4904 Жыл бұрын
@@naquingreen1603 the issue is a slasher movie in inherently illogical and requires people to make alot of dumb descions which makes the audience dislike them which means its easier to make a cast of character you hate and enjoy when they get slashed with like 1 or 2 geuinly good character in there.
@naquingreen1603 Жыл бұрын
@@housewilma4904 Action Horror doesn't appear to have this.
@rewind1960 11 ай бұрын
Was fluke that I found this channel, Despot of Antrim. It is now one of my favorites as it covers many topics, not just movies and television. The fresh, truthful, and factual information is great. This channel deserves millions of subscribers.
@DLTyrus Жыл бұрын
One of the best rants on this topic I've seen. The touch about the importance of career being a harmful message that only benefits corporations was unexpected but very welcome, as that's not an attitude I've seen presented by critics of this show, but one I happen to 100% agree with. Also appreciate the direct calling out of diversity-hire culture that I feel a lot of channels talk around but never about.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
The pro-corporate propaganda is stomach turning. And when you hire based on immutable characteristics, disasters like She-Hulk (And Obi Wan, also a diversity hire director) become unavoidable.
@DLTyrus Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim 100%. More of the anger about Marvel's recent outings needs to be directed at the hiring processes of creative staff, especially writers. I get why race/gender/etc. swapping iconic characters gets the headlines, and it means a lot of the conversation is about the casting. But arguably it's more important that talented writers who both understand the source material and just, frankly, know how to write good stories, get their deserved chance to deliver compelling adaptations of these comics.
@christa_bell Жыл бұрын
Great analysis! The way media dumbs down of men and portrays women achieving everything without even trying is honestly so tiresome. The way these movies try and force the message is making a mockery and doing more harm than good. Great video though ❤
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I think the Mary Sue trope is now officially dead. After the hard flop of Rings of Power: The Meanderings of Galadriel and She Hulk, the charcater is proven box office poison.
@christa_bell Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim what they've done to Galadriels character honestly annoys the shit out of me! The original Mulan did the "strong female lead" thing properly, she was weak to begin with and fell short alongside the other soldiers. So she trained and failed so trained harder until she proved she could do it. she used her brains and determination. which sends a much better message than the shite theyre spewing out atm
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Women are only strong if they act like moronic men now (Galadriel).
@christa_bell Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim I’m sorry but how did she know to punch the wall of ice in episode one and then find the sigil afterwards 🙄
@scottchaison1001 Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim ¿?
@Thom1212 Жыл бұрын
The whole she/her-hulk rant was nothing more than a "I'm-Better-Than-You" rant. The entire subject of that rant was she/her-hulk telling hulk that she is better than him at being calm, then failing to pass it off as "comedy" by proving (through the rant) that she can't keep her temper under control.
@EdwinSteiner Жыл бұрын
Also, while I haven't watched the show, in all the scenes I've seen, the Hulk is smiling at her warmly during her diatribes like a genuinely good guy who is just looking for a way to support her. Toxic.
@patrickkanas3874 5 ай бұрын
What's dumb is that it could've been an emotional moment if they chose the right thing for her to rant about. If they had dropped the fight scene that happens because Bruce is mad that she doesn't want to become a superhero and use that as the reason she gets upset, it would've worked. Her wanting to remain a lawyer rather than become a superhero because that's what people with superpowers do could be a great moral dilemma that plays out throughout the series.
@androidmk5987 11 ай бұрын
I want it to be remembered that Bruce Banner is the only MCU hero to try and commit suicide. And She Hulk basically said "Yeah I got it worse."
@TheDarkEnigma Жыл бұрын
I always find it interesting that any show or movie that wants to push either an 'acceptance ' or 'we can do it too' message, they have to either push down everyone but the group they want to positively promote, or make that group almost flawless. How are you equals or just as good if you need to weaken everyone else to show the message?
@jout738 10 ай бұрын
Because its made out of childish arrogance of thinking we can do it better, so thats why these feminists serieses and movies are so bad, when it has no other meaning, than show we can do it better.
@johnwalton287 Жыл бұрын
As with so many other critics here on KZbin, your writing is better than the writing you critique. I hope your channel grows, you are very entertaining
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much! I fairness a monkey at a typewriter is a better writer than anyone involved in she Hulk.
@schokistange Жыл бұрын
The good thing about all those crap shows is that people like you reach out to the world and clarify and correct those awful garbage messages spreaded by mainstream minions. Keep up - I love your content.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks man, I'm glad you've been enjoying the videos .
@jamall7003 Жыл бұрын
I wish shows would just focus on entertaining us and not try and lecture us all the time.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
There are plenty of such shows, but the big franchise stuff is all about 'the message' now.
@jimivey6462 Жыл бұрын
She Hulk talking to starving children in an African village: “You think you’ve got it tough, try getting catcalled at a construction site!”
@kacperfrontczak1257 5 ай бұрын
@yourfanfictionhd Жыл бұрын
The good thing about She Hulk and Rings of Power, is that I discovered a lot of amazing critiques like you. Good job!
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much!
@justforever96 21 күн бұрын
Critics. Critics make critiques.
@serpentinious7745 9 ай бұрын
1:50 What I love about this scene is that Hulk casually tossed the boulder using only a flick of his wrist. Fulk then put her whole body into her throw, barely made it a few meters past Hulk's no effort wrist flick, and is so stupid that she actually thinks she bested him.
@johantolli372 Жыл бұрын
This whole competition about who has it worse is so tiresome and that is what i feel is ruining entertainment today. Life sucks sometimes, for both women and men but in differing ways. Everybody has struggles in life and ironically Jen doesnt even really struggle at all, infact she lives a very privileged life, but by the writers logic she has it worst so she is deserving of all our praise and adjulation. Having it hard in life doesnt mean anything anyways and it certainly doesnt automatically make you likeable.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Corporate feminism only concerns itself with the top 5% of women, which is why they moan constantly about their cherished pay gap myth, not enough women CEOs (won't someone think of the poor CEOs!) and not enough women in the political elite. They NEVER talk about teachers, nurses, care home workers or mothers (obviously), you know, the jobs that are done mostly by women but which pay far less than what they should. Feminists despise 'common' women, almost as much as they despise men.
@scottchaison1001 Жыл бұрын
@Menorahdude 3 ай бұрын
@@DespotofAntrimIt's all about control anyway, none of these people actually care about helping anyone.
@AmbroseSimpson Жыл бұрын
".....a particularly vile strain of feminism." *Every* strain of feminism is vile.
@justforever96 21 күн бұрын
I don't think that's true. What are you defining as "feminism"? It's vile to say that women should be given some respect and freedom of choice, allowed to work in any field they are capable of? Anyone who suggests women shouldn't be constrained to the kitchen and childbearing is vile and wrong, it's immoral to say a woman can be a good athlete? They they deserve the right to vote? That's still feminism, just reasonable moderate feminism. It doesn't involve hating men or calling women superior or forcing them into every (desirable) employment category.
@kiki88561 11 күн бұрын
@@justforever96 Some people seem to have forgotten that the world we live in currently is completely alien to any society that previously existed.
@Meowpheus101 Жыл бұрын
Mate, you nailed it at 23:40 in regards to the word career, strangely I was contemplating what a bullshit concept 'career' is while indulging on a joint just 3 nights ago! Another quality video. Keep it up & you'll be up there with a following like Critical Drinker!
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much Christopher Walkens Cat! A lot of people are waking up to the corporate con job that decimated previous generations.
@scottchaison1001 Жыл бұрын
@laurelvanwilligen9787 Жыл бұрын
The best part about her supposed superiority as a lawyer is how absolutely incompetent she is. In a later episode, she doesn't know her client doesn't have a case until it's brought out in court by opposing counsel--by asking questions she was obviously not sharp enough to ask him before she took on the case. It's kind of hilarious.
@JohnnyCoolMusic Жыл бұрын
Your Rocky analogy is P E R F E C T. Thank you.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks! That's my favourite part of the video.
@Gotofy105 Жыл бұрын
What would have made a lot more sense and would make she-hulk the Mexico arc is they should show her struggling to get used to her new massive body, it doesn’t have to be anything extreme, just have her bump her head and break shit because she doesn’t know her own strength. Now what I did like from the original scene was she hulk being more flexible than the hulk, but instead of making her stronger in top of that than the hulk, why not lean into that higher flexibility. It could be interesting if she gets super upset, say she’s frustrated by her seeming lack of improvement. She hulks out and her and the hulk fight, instead of being able to easily physically match and overpower the hulk, it’s an seemingly one sided fight with the hulk dunking on her. Then she begins to use her improved flexibility to wrap herself around the hulk and tries to choke him out, while this surprises the hulk she still loses with him slamming her on the ground or something. Then the hulk begins to train her harder seeing her potential while being more compassionate.That would be an acceptable training arc.
@wadelamont5097 Жыл бұрын
It’s a sad state of affairs when the writing in a KZbin critique of a multi million dollar budgeted television is VASTLY superior than the subject matter!!! Well done mate, another great video!!!
@NebLleb Жыл бұрын
I dig the opening sketch where TV She-Hulk clubs a hapless unsuspecting TV viewer in the face whilst a woke emo-pop song blares in the background (specifically the I'MMAWOMAAAAN song from that abominable Batwoman show, does anyone know what it's called?). It is the perfect representation of the most Misandrist modern MCU product ever.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I got the song from the Batwoman trailer and couldn't be bothered looking up its name. Good for memes though. And thanks, that opening sketch took ages.
@brok56 Жыл бұрын
That Rocky and Apollo montage around The 9 minute Mark is a fantastic comparison.
@mxvega1097 Жыл бұрын
I was really struggling with that Billy Joel clip, wondering whether it could really be that bad, on a big stage, which all looked professional and expensive, yet the girl sounded like it was her turn for the karaoke machine at an underage drinking function in suburban Cleveland. But no, there it was, Olivia Rodrigo at Madison Square Gardens with the piano man himself. Excellent frame by frame on his face at the end. To me it read "I will gut and fillet the booker so help me God".
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
...underage drinking function in suburban Cleveland' 😆 🤣 😂 😹
@toweypat 7 ай бұрын
Oh, is that who it was? I was trying to figure it out.
@kharijordan6426 Жыл бұрын
"IM BETTER THAN YOU" AH.geez the insecurity is thick with this one.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
That same kind of insecurity is all over this show.
@sarajerde8280 Жыл бұрын
Okay, hear me out... I actually love the bit where Bruce and Jen are throwing the boulders. Look at the scene: Bruce gently lobs the boulder. Jen throws her whole body, using significant momentum and power to launch it... And it only lands slightly farther than Bruce's 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mentkansleyunitedstatesgov6364 Жыл бұрын
I like that whole she says "incompetent men" and then she proceeds to be the most incompetent person throughout the entire show 😂 aside from when she's beating up men
@sorath1396 Жыл бұрын
She Hulk is a masterclass in what not to do when making a strong female character.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I would say it's a masterclass in what not to do in everything. Nothing is good about this show, it is hands down the worst show of 2022 by far.
@3SCAPER00M13 Жыл бұрын
Is your profile pic of Disturbed? If it is, that's cool because I like that band.
@SebasTian58323 Жыл бұрын
I've loved She-Hulk as a character ever since I was first introduced to her in the Hulk cartoon from the 90s. But now, it's like they're writing a show meant for single feminist ladies in their thirties instead of fans of lawyer shows, comedies (pretty much nothing in the show is funny) comics/superheroes. Even the 4th wall breaks aren't very fun. I definitely prefer other versions of She-Hulk more but I'm hoping that it will get better. One of my biggest criticisms is when Jen is talking about how she's constantly regulating her feelings because she'll be lightly scolded for being overly emotional, acting like men aren't told not to show any emotions besides stoicism and made fun of by both other men and women if they show emotions too. News Flash to women, you aren't the only people told not to be overly emotional. Everyone is. You're not being specially targeted for your emotions. People in general just aren't comfortable around highly emotional scenes in public. I'm not sorry to say that Jennifer's life has been in no way more difficult than Bruce's, he can't even have sex without turning into the Hulk, is now the hulk on a much more permanent basis, and has been dealing with the consequences of being the hulk for over a decade. That's not even mentioning all the trauma that gave birth to the Hulk persona There's a lot wrong with the show from the first episode, and it hasn't gotten any better in the next 5. Overall, don't watch the show, go read the comics or watch cartoons she appears in.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
'don't watch the show, go read the comics or watch cartoons she appears in.' Honestly, people watching old shows and movies will become a cultural movement before too long because woke / ESG garbage is only going to get worse.
@jeremyallen5974 Жыл бұрын
Feminists? This shit excuse for 'entertainment' was written by fucking Femnazis
@xpqrcx7335 Жыл бұрын
Stan Lee would not allow it, in the mavel comics Hulk Beat her within the first few seconds.
@ashura3313 Жыл бұрын
Hulk's anger and strength has no limits.
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
Im no Marvel fan but how would he smash her then?
@neo7566 Жыл бұрын
I almost threw up with the Henry Cavill/She-Hulk/Inglorious Bastards joke. Classic!
@tammyventer5488 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the 4th wall break, i am so glad that you dealt in detail with that. House of Cards was exceptionally well written & the 4th wall break makes sense for the story but She Hulk is a total mess. You explained it really well
@jeremyallen5974 Жыл бұрын
It's like Deadpool where instead of being witty about it (see: Mel Brooks' "where are we now?" Scene in Spaceballs) they take the most annoying possible route of having the character elbow the viewer in the ribs while shouting "Ain't I so gosh darn witty?! Are you laughing yet? We're talking to the audience! Laugh you moron!"
@omarmatouq3855 Жыл бұрын
Loved the Kill Bill reference, also, every woman(like Beatrice kiddo)in this film dwarf the amount of "good" in she hulks character.
@Drain-Life-Archive 11 ай бұрын
I like how Jaba the Gao was bragging that she knew how people would react years in advance and that she loves trolling the trolls. I think she should leave trolling for the trolls... and also writing for the writers. The product she is so proud of is just another woke trash for the already overflowing woke dumpster fire.
@hatuletoh Жыл бұрын
It's a hilarious irony: misandrists have proven time and time again over the past several years that they cannot competently create quality entertainment. They have a 100% complete, unblemished record of failure. The only film that espouses this ideology that can call itself a financial success is "Captain Marvel," but it only succeeded because disney was shrewd enough to release it right before the conclusion of the most lucrative and popular film franchise in history, and they rather dishonestly marketed "CM" as being required viewing for anyone who wanted to properly understand "End Game." But "CM" has no fans, only political sympathizers; no one today even pretends that it's any good, and disney has so little faith in the film, character, and actress who portrayed her that if they ever get around to releasing a sequel, it's going to be an ensemble film. And that is the one and only "successful" modern ggrrrrl power! movie. Meanwhile, a show like "House of the Dragon" demonstrates that its possible to have a female-led show focused on female issues that even, at times, has an overtly feminist message, and it can still be successful. All you have to do is write a compelling story with interesting characters and refrain from beating your audience over the head with your political message. And the writers of that show are...a couple of white dudes.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
'only political sympathizers' very well put. But "CM" has no fans. I dunno man, there were at least 30 people at Brie Larson's recent D23 appearance. I don't regard the perceived feminist messaging in House of Dragons as genuine anti-everyone who isn't a corporate slave feminism. It's only coming from one character, a dumb little girl whose about 5 minutes old and doesn't know her ponytail from her bodyguard's cock. Which actually suggests that the whole 'I don't need a prince to be happy' Disney messaging garbage is just the naive fantasy of a brat. It's amazing that groups of women are still being allowed to run shows unsupervised, it been tried, it doesn't fucking work.
@fettbub92 Жыл бұрын
You nailed it, evangelical wokism. The Social Justice movement is the new Moral Majority, and its exhausting. If I want to be preached at, I'll watch God's Not Dead, at least that is funny, even if unintentional.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
What I'm really looking forward to is seeing if Disney will cancel this abomination. Its ratings are in the gutter and it has seriously damaged the MCU brand. They will probably be too proud to admit to the humiliation, and they would fear a stock loss if an MCU show was cancelled, so I suspect they will try a course correct, but it's too late for that. Fun to watch the disaster unfold.
@eoingaskin Жыл бұрын
"hello. 😊" *stab* Just seems like a normal day in London tbh.
@brotbrotsen1100 Жыл бұрын
I'm not even mad anymore about these shows. They always end up being just as bad as i expect. I'm just a bit baffled and confused, like why do they basically do the same thing time and time again even though this stuff fails every time.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
There are reasons for that. Hollywood has created a culture of silent cowardice, everyone in the room knows this is a terrible fucking idea, but no one has the balls to stand up and say 'No!' because they fear being outed as a non-believer in the message.
@duncanharrell5009 9 ай бұрын
What about the fact their financial loses are compensated by Blackrock and Vanguard? They get to sell “The Message™️” and recoup money spent.
@SallyBMcgill Жыл бұрын
There was a similar scene in Daredevil where Karen Page pulled a gun on some black boys because they were talking to her. Then she starts saying that speaking to someone will get you shot. One of the reasons I hate Karen Page
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
She sounds like a Karen.
@indiajohnson 6 ай бұрын
When I was shown the 2nd season I was like who was she because I didn't know anything about her and I found her to be very bland.
@PrivateIvan Жыл бұрын
May the Lord bless you and the ground you walk upon for that glorious rant (and I use that word in the most positive way possible)! Since I really have no dog in this fight (She-Hulk came along after my comic book years, so it's not like something I cherished was defiled---although, I am a mondo Jack Kirby fan, who still has his run of the Eternals from the 1970s, so as such refused to go near the cinematic Eternals--NO, never!), but I really appreciate your taking this train-wreck of a show and putting it into a larger context. Thanks!
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
You're welcome. I still haven't seen the Eternals and can't see it happening. It looked like a bloated mess in the trailers, like the MCU was trying to cram a party into a phone booth.
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
If there is one rant i would say is kinda good is the one of Ashur from Spartacus: Blood And Sand: S1E13. He rants to his trainer about how he was mistreated by fellow gladiators, while his trainer Oenomaus(THIS IS MADNESS!) did nothing. Its underrated, we understand his motives, we get why he is like that, his ranting is like Ashur: "My treachery? Did anyone of you(Gladiators) stood up for Ashur? Did anyone of you have greeted me and treated me with respect, instead of mocking and insults? You bastards!". Spartacus show is the most underrated TV Show of 2010s.
@enyoowen.yookay 11 ай бұрын
As a 51 year old ex-lefty, I can only apologise for all this.
@WordBearer48 Жыл бұрын
4:15 The message is that men who women dont find attractive should never approach women, and violence is justified against them for existing.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
True, but even attractive men can only approach a woman when she's 'in the mood'. If he doesn't read her mind correctly that's sexual harassment.
@ookingramseyoo Жыл бұрын
Great video & breakdown of society! Subbed!
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@angrytheclown801 Жыл бұрын
I think the fourth wall breaks were supposed to be like Deadpool's, while forgetting that the viewers were primed from the silly opening credits on. People that already knew Deadpool were expecting it, people that didn't became ready for anything. And they went out of their way to make him likable to the audience so it wouldn't feel arrogant, unearned, and flat. Though as in the Kevin Spacey example, it was used to push the plot through his inner thoughts at times, like when he described memorizing Vanessa's face as the doom of cancer was setting in.
@thefanwithoutaface8105 Жыл бұрын
24:11 Yes, that is exactly it and being a Lawyer SUCKS! And again, this is coming from a guy who went to Law School. I've spoke with Lawyers and other people who went to Law School and they told me horror stories about what it's like to be a lawyer. Often you'll work numerous hours on a case, spending countless stressful days trying to get ready for court, which is no where near as a exciting as movies and tv make it look, it's borderline like a project presentation at school where the judges can interrupt you whenever they want and you have to sit there and take it. Many lawyers also develop substance abuse problems or atleast alcoholism to cope with the stress and some will drop out of law for a different area or job. 90s and 80s tv shows made it seem like being a Lawyer or Doctor was a guarantee to a successful life, but while they can make you rich the trade off isn't worth it. Then again Jen probably enjoys that since being miserable is all she has, much like all the lonely single feminist writers.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Very interesting. Very good assessment of how 80s and 90s media massively distorted the brutal reality of working in law and medicine. I'd love to know how many people studied law because of pop culture influence, then dropped out when they realized that, big shock, they weren't cut out for spending 12 hours a day doing research and making detailed notes behind a desk filled with miserable paperwork.
@MinecraftIsLoveMinecraftIsLife Жыл бұрын
My uncle is a doctor. He’s a GP. One day i asked him if being a doctor is easy since he just works in a regular clinic, not a hospital. He said that sometimes the job is hard, since part of the job is knowing when to reference patients to specialists or not. He used the example of a person having a lump on them. It could be a tumour, or it could be something harmless. If it was a tumour, and he thought it was a harmless lump so didn’t send the person to a specialist, then that person’s future trouble is because of him.
@naquingreen1603 Жыл бұрын
@The Fan Without a Face Maybe they should have changed Jen Walters career from a lawyer to something else.
@Nirmiti. Жыл бұрын
Gintama is a cartoon where the producers fourth-wall breaking technique is phenomenal. This is also helped by the talented Japanese VAs. Even though the audience knows full well what Shinpachi, Kagura, and Gintoki's personalities are like, entire opening scenes, is just a static shot of their apartment while they talk shit about the producers. Like friends talking about how terrible their boss is during lunch. How they're lucky they didn't kicked off the air and Sunrise was allowed to renew it for season two. The main character only looked directly at the audience once for the entirety of the of the show. That too, for a brief period of comedic relief before the opening theme.
@leonielson7138 Жыл бұрын
The thing is that the writers, producers, and directors, knew that it was going to be a s#it-show and put it out to troll the fans. "Oh, you want a court drama with a compelling and powerful main character? DENIED!"
@virginiaviola5097 Жыл бұрын
If you want to find a nice girl, go to a library.
@tomcoop9750 Жыл бұрын
This was a fantastic analysis.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Ballbroth Жыл бұрын
20:20 realizing the piano man was THE piano man gave me a good laugh, god that singer is awful
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
She is, she's also one of the most popular 'artists' in the US right now.
@Ballbroth Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim ofc she is lol
@AxenfonKlatismrek Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim Who is she?
@viborgvee8399 4 ай бұрын
It’s all psychological warfare. They don’t care about losing money, ratings, viewership. They don’t care if people watch it or not. They know that we know it (and other movies and TV shows) exists, what the messages are, who they hate. The demoralisation caused is worth the resources. But pushing back by taking pleasure in reviews such as this and others is a start. Subscribed!
@nigeltheoutlaw Жыл бұрын
Dude I am so glad I discovered you, excellent commentary and analysis of this crap, and it's MUCH less fence sitting and cowardly than the kind of rhetoric guys like Mauler spit.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks, glad you're enjoying the videos.
@MenrvaS Жыл бұрын
To be fair, no sane person would think that a modern feminist could write a compelling character, let alone a show. Their "women are better than men from birth", "women can do anything better than men without much training" and "women are the victim of men" mentalities are the perfect shit storm for shit writing. With this kind of shit writing, younger generation would learn extremely wrong lessons, lessons that will make life kick them back into reality, hard. What do you think they would do? learn new things and be better? Nah, they will reject the reality and become another feminist who will scream "patriarchy", hating on men, and trying to bring their imaginary world into reality.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
It's actually a very depressing, pessimistic message, 'Your talents are the sum total of what you are born with, end of.' Self-growth, improvement and salvation are antithetical to the beliefs of the cultural Marxist filth writing these shows. I recall hearing a story about a guy whose girlfriend took a few MMA classes then insisted he wrestle her, he reluctantly agreed, they wrestled and she was shocked and upset at how easily he overpowered her. Young women today are so brainwashed that they are now getting 'reality shock' when they experience the real world.
@TheKingOfRuckus Жыл бұрын
"The Great Awokening" Sad but true.
@punkphoenix2341 Жыл бұрын
The first 40 seconds of this video perfectly illustrate my feelings about this show
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
It's just so true, this show is about as subtle as a bat to the head.
@TheScarletSlayer Жыл бұрын
The CGI artists who had to miss out on large portions of their personal life just to have fans mock how bad their work is: 😑
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I feel worse for the artists who worked their asses off on Rings of Power (costumes, set design, weapons, CGI, make up) then looked on in horror as episode after torturous episode was released.
@TheScarletSlayer Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim Like a master cake decorator creating a masterpiece only to find out it was for a kids birthday party.
@naquingreen1603 Жыл бұрын
@@TheScarletSlayer If this show was actually written by competent writers and instead of using CGI they could have done like the original 1970s Incredible Hulk series and used a body double to portray She-Hulk. Imagine Gina Cariano or WWE Superstar Raquel Gonzalez
@TheScarletSlayer Жыл бұрын
@@naquingreen1603 *GASP* are you suggesting a woman isn't already perfect in every way and needs to exercise to get bettererer? How dare you make sense and use logic an reason.
@TheDevilinThePaleMoonlight Жыл бұрын
I liked the whole review but the ending rant earned u my sub. Look forward to the next one my dude.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks Psychopath, I appreciate it!
@vedanshgehlot4845 Жыл бұрын
When marvel asked writers to make she hulk a court room drama, they just said they don't know how to write one. After seeing the show well I can say that they know how to write crap
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
It's in the lead for my year end 'worst of woke' video. There is a lot of competition though.
@RalphJr-xp3hp Жыл бұрын
Can you do a video essay similar to this but the main talking point is about current black TV shows that is predictable and nothing new being televised? Shows such as: - Fox/Lee Daniels’ Empire - ABC’s Black-ish - P Valley - Netflix’s Dear white People - Marvel’s Luke Cage - The Parkers - Peacock’s Bel-Air reboot series - Netflix’s Family Reunion - Netflix’s Dad Stop! You’re Embarrassing Me - TBS’ The Last OG and many more shows to come. Because I like to watch black TV shows but have seen a bunch of terrible, cliche writing for the episodes that won’t age well down the timeline. I would really be happy if you do a video essay on this subject.
@thefanwithoutaface8105 Жыл бұрын
Ugh Blackish, aka Anthony Anderson whining about racism from his million home in California. I miss when he was the goofy fat guy from Kangaroo Jack. Now he's just an insufferable asshole.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it. Sure, I'll do a video on one of them, I'll enjoy the challenge of doing something a bit different. I'm definitely going to do a video about The Woman King soon, which is a condescending pile of shit, I'm also dropping a meme video about it today.
@RalphJr-xp3hp Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim thank you. And I will most definitely be on the lookout for it. 👍💯.
@darrengordon-hill Жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT. Sucks I missed the "10 subs" video but at least I'm in before 1mil Too much to comment on. Awesome intro/repeat of that joke. "Career". Not yet finished but will watch again
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. I'm really glad to see a lot of people turn against the 'sacrifice your health and sanity for a 'career' ballicks.
@darrengordon-hill Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim Her awesome life of whining, working in her social time (except when called to check on Abomination, then she hates her job), bitching about dating in her 30s And even then - not to "bring justice", just for the " LinkdIn" cool points
@LukeLovesRose Жыл бұрын
I didnt think about that. Emilia Clark's Sarah Connor came in when Kyle Reese was giving up. KYLE REESE! Hes giving up before accomplishing the most important mission in the history of the world.... That is not the Kyle Reese I remember. They had to make Kyle a complete wimp.
@givmi_more_w9251 Жыл бұрын
I'm still baffled at She-Hulk's catcalling rant. How do you write something like that, rehearse it, record it, edit it, and not for a second think ..."you know, that really sounds like a toddler tantrum, she is talking to a man who went to things that drove him to attempt suicide". I want to believe that it's satire, but looking at the bimbo writers, my faith dwindles.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
This show is the natural conclusion of diversity hiring.
@marda0maranwe Жыл бұрын
14:25 The fight choreography reminded me of the fights in "Scary movie 2", when Cindy Brenda and the third girl (forgot her name) were fighting this guy with the weird hand. This fight was just as kooky.
@sterlingarcher857 Жыл бұрын
Flying kick like in scary movie 2
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Fuck man if I'd known I would have put that in the video. I'll probably do a post mortem of She Hulk season 1 and include it in that. Thanks!
@sterlingarcher857 Жыл бұрын
@@DespotofAntrim as soon as I saw it that's exactly what sprung to mind.
@BigCowProductions Жыл бұрын
2:36 While he gingerly flicked the boulder, where she had to two-hand effort-throw hers. They actually hinted at something legit there
@jaycee330 Жыл бұрын
18:04 And this is why "Friends", 25 years on, is still remembered with love (even with "modern audiences" trying to tear it down), and "She-Hulk" will be lucky to be found in a Dollar Tree/Pound Land DVD bin.
@Ryder_OMEGA Жыл бұрын
The tralier made it look ok, but when you see episode 1. You know you fooked up. I stopped watching it, but at episode 6 Daredevil still hasn't shown up, I heard and with only 8 episodes? Is the Daredevil showing up at the end credits or something?
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
I suspect they'll bring him in as a hook for season 2, he'll show up at the end of season 1 to give audiences a reason to tune back into this puke.
@michaeldavis2001 9 ай бұрын
In episode 1, She Hulk is showing off powers that she DOESN'T KNOW SHE HAS. Hulk throws a rock casually, so Jen throws her BIGGER rock harder. Hulks puts his full weight on his hands, so Jen puts her (less) weight on one hand. She then tells a man who has been hunted for years by the military, attempted to end his own life, lost the woman he loved (twice) and had to fight armies, that she controls her anger better than he does, WHILE LOSING HER TEMPER FOR NO REASON as she says it (and Hulk remains perfectly in control! Bruce has to control his anger because the Hulk is a MONSTER. Jen has to control herself because she might get called names. An angry Hulk might kill hundreds of people. It DOESN'T MATTER if Jen gets angry. She Hulk can WORK IN AN OFFICE, without consequence. Frankly, who cares if she gets angry. She's a lawyer (allegedly), and she knows that she dares NOT touch a normal man. The Hulk is not aware of any such thing (until Disney neutered him). His anger is terrifying and destructive! And, BTW, the softened, weakened and neutered Hulk is the one she's showing off to. Try THAT s**t with the Hulk that fought with Thor in The Avengers or Iron Man in Age of Ultron!
@spencerreid2086 Жыл бұрын
dude I can't believe you got Henry Cavil to actually star in your video that's amazing.
@vincenzobonadonna4556 Жыл бұрын
I cannot explain how hilarious your delivery is, thank you😂❤
@justinbowers2749 Жыл бұрын
The only satisfying thing on that show was when first Matt Murdoch completely *ANNIHILATES* her in a case and that she loses her designer because she sided against him
@dr.borisbalinkoff5756 Жыл бұрын
Give her red hair and you've got a buff Fiona. Billy Joel was making the "How the f*ck is that chick even here?" face. This is the result of hiring based on image and inclusiveness instead of hiring based on who is the most talented and qualified.
@balthazarasquith Жыл бұрын
Lol what a great start. Love your content man. You rock 🤘
@melkgn Жыл бұрын
LOVE THIS CHANNEL!!! Absolutely on point, and awesome humor! Thank you!!!
@thatoneguychad420 Жыл бұрын
Shit man you are clued up! Also very well spoken and articulate. Love it!
@orkutfinance Жыл бұрын
It would be recommended that from now on Marvel and Disney hire people who have actually read the comic books that they plan on making an adaptation of
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
But then how will they insert the message?
@DBSG1976 Жыл бұрын
I'm bringing your videos and finding them so entertaining they are interfering with my work. Fantastic and highly entertaining, look forward to more!
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
Glad you like them!
@Justmonika6969 Жыл бұрын
Dude your videos are amazing, keep it up!
@HenriFaust Жыл бұрын
Mary Sue originated in 1970s _Star Trek_ fanzines. The trope is never going away, because terrible writing will never go away.
@anguswilliam2141 Жыл бұрын
That whole section with the Rocky III example is right on point @8:01. You could do that as a stand alone post. It's pretty good.
@ianodonnell5552 Жыл бұрын
I don’t watch any of these movies, but I really enjoy hearing them explained so eloquently lol I can’t stand mainstream media anymore, we need more people like you explaining in detail how fucked it all is. For the saps who actually watch this utter shit and don’t see right through it all immediately. Fiction has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far, even movies “based on true events” change everything up to be all inclusive and push an agenda, which just ruins it every time.
@throatwobblermangrove8510 Жыл бұрын
It's funny to me how Mary Sue became the poster child for the perfect character with no flaws and no reason to have a story arc. Kimball Kinnison from EE "Doc" Smith's Lensman series is exactly the same thing, and that series was actually nominated for best science fiction series of all time (losing out to Asimov's Foundation series).
@ADogandHisBoy 9 ай бұрын
Not sure why The Nerdrotic Crew hasn't invited you on yet my dude. You got the gift!!
@markrussell1988 Жыл бұрын
As agreeable as the Rocky III comparison is, I worry now that studios may see this and go ahead anyway and make THAT Rocki♀️
@graustreifbrombeerkralle1078 Жыл бұрын
oh god, please no
@Meowpheus101 Жыл бұрын
They'll make it with the added bonus of a gender swapped LGBTQ+whatevever Rocky of course 🤣
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
The movie will be called 'Apollo' but will mostly be about the girl Apollo is training. We'll get Carl Weathers to reprise his role as Apollo Creed. It will be an alternative universe were Apollo never fought Drago because he was dealing with fallout from a sex scandal (he'd taken his side-bitching too far and one of his former kept women got jealous and went to the papers with photos), MCU do it all the time, audiences will love it. So Apollo is old now but sees great potential in this young up and coming female fighter. He warns her before a fight that her opponent is too advanced and she's moving up the ladder too fast. She ignores Apollo and gets KOed. Humbled, she goes back to Apollo and he tries to train her, it turns out she doesn't need him because she can do it all and she walks out of camp. She wins the rematch, Apollo goes to congratulate her, she tells him to get fucked and calls him a good for nothing, he gets angry and caves the side of her face in with a single hook. The morale of the story is that women never need men and Apollo was always a toxic male loser, and Rocky fans are toxic male losers for liking him.
@derrickdaniels3955 Жыл бұрын
Don't give them ideas!
@seangannon6081 10 ай бұрын
The other day this really cute girl working at the Dunkin drive through complimented my shitty tattoo and asked what I do for work (I had ladders and lumber on my truck)while I was waiting for my food. It’s been so long since I’ve gotten a compliment from or even tried flirting with or approaching a random girl that I didn’t even realize she was clearly flirting until I pulled away. I blame feminism and she hulk in particular.
@DespotofAntrim 10 ай бұрын
You should have pointed at your ladders and said 'I'm a cat rescuer, if your pussy ever needs rescuing, I'd be more than happy to help.'
@petergilbert715 6 ай бұрын
The worst part is the writers admitted they don’t know how to write court room scenes. How are you going to do a show about a female lawyer and not know how to write court scenes?
@Don-ds3dy Жыл бұрын
No Henry Cavill! You're not going to find a "nice girl" at your level who frequents bars! Believe me I've tried.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
He gave it a shot at least.
@cm3.redeye42 Жыл бұрын
Hah, I was just imagining a great ending to the Mexico sequence, where Jen's shit-cuntery causes Bruce to snap & go full enraged Hulk on She-Hulk, only coming to when he's literally crushed her into green & red paste w/ shards of bone sticking out here & there. Y'know, what would happen if the two of them _actually_ fought.
@DespotofAntrim Жыл бұрын
The fact that Bruce is a considerably experienced warrior and Jen has never thrown a shot in anger apparently doesn't matter, she's just too awesome to be defeated by a mere hulk.
@edwoodsr 10 ай бұрын
I enjoyed the scene comparisons with other films, but I also wanted to see comparisons to the comic books.
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