Diablo 2 Crafting & Rune Word Items

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A behind-the-gameplay look at the crafting process and all the items I've made thus far in my playthrough of Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.. For item recipes visit classic.battle....

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@zykedovleik5137 10 жыл бұрын
Rune Words (*no ladder rune-words like "Edge".) ========== Steel TirEl Tir (3) + El (1) Swords, Axes, Maces {2} Clvl Required: 13 +25% Increased Attack Speed +20% Enhanced Damage +3 to Minimum Damage +3 to Maximum Damage +50 to Attack Rating 50% Chance of Open Wounds +2 to Mana after each Kill +1 to Light Radius --------------------------------------------------------- Nadir NefTir Nef (4) + Tir (3) Headgear (all types) {2} Clvl Required: 13 +50% Enhanced Defense +10 Defense +30 Defense vs. Missile +5 to Strength +2 to Mana after each Kill -33% Extra Gold from Monsters -3 to Light Radius Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 charges) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Malice IthElEth Ith (6) + El (1) + Eth (5) All Melee Weapons {3} Clvl Required: 15 +33% Enhanced Damage +9 to Maximum Damage -25% Target Defense +50 to Attack Rating 100% Chance of Open wounds Prevent Monster Heal -100 to Monster Defense Per Hit Drain Life -5 Life drain is the opposite of life regeneration, with this you will lose 1 hp about every 2 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------- Stealth TalEth Tal (7) + Eth (5) Armor {2} Clvl Required: 17 +25% Faster Run/Walk +25% Faster Casting Rate +25% Faster Hit Recovery +6 to Dexterity Regenerate Mana 15% +15 Maximum Stamina Poison Resist +30% Magic Damage Reduced by 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Leaf TirRal Tir (3) + Ral (8) Staves {2} Clvl Required: 19 +3 to Fire Skills Adds 5-30 Fire Damage +3 to Inferno (Sorceress Only) +3 to Warmth (Sorceress Only) +3 to Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only) +(2*Clvl) Defence (Based on Character Level) Cold Resist +33% +2 to Mana after each Kill ------------------------------------------------------------- Zephyr OrtEth Ort (9) + Eth (5) Missile Weapons {2} Clvl Required: 21 7% Chance to Cast Level 1 Twister When Struck +25% Faster Run/Walk +25% Increased Attack Speed +33% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense +66 to Attack Rating Adds 1-50 lightning damage +25 Defense ------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient's Pledge RalOrtTal Ral (8) + Ort (9) + Tal (7) Shields {3} Clvl Required: 21 +50% Enhanced Defense Cold Resist +43% Lightning Resist +48% Fire Resist +48% Poison Resist +48% 10% Damage Taken Goes to Mana Recipe is given by Qual-Kehk as a reward for completing the second quest in Act Five. Bonuses will stack on top of a Paladin's inherent shield properties. -------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Thunder EthRalOrtTal Eth (5) + Ral (8) + Ort (9) + Tal (7) Scepters {4} Clvl Required: 23 +60% Enhanced Damage +10 to Maximum Damage -25% Target Defense Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage +75 Poison Damage over 5 secs +3 to Holy Shock (Paladin Only) +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist Lightning Resist +60% Level 7 Chain Lightning (60 charges) --------------------------------------------------------------- Strength AmnTir Amn (11) + Tir (3) Melee Weapons {2} Clvl Required: 25 +35% Enhanced Damage 7% Life stolen per hit 25% Chance of Crushing Blow +20 to Strength +10 to Vitality +2 to Mana after each Kill -------------------------------------------------------------- King's Grace AmnRalThul Amn (11) + Ral (8) + Thul (10) Swords & Scepters {3} Clvl Required: 25 +100% Enhanced Damage +150 to Attack Rating +100% Damage to Demons +100 to Attack Rating against Demons +50% Damage to Undead +100 to Attack Rating against Undead Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Adds 3-14 Cold damage 7% Life stolen per hit ------------------------------------------------------------- Radiance NefSolIth Nef (4) + Sol (12) + Ith (6) Headgear {3} Clvl Required: 27 +75% Enhanced Defense +30 Defense vs. Missiles +10 to Vitality +10 to Energy +33 to Mana Damage Reduced by 7 Magic Damage Reduced by 3 15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana +5 to Light Radius -------------------------------------------------------------- Lore OrtSol Ort (9) + Sol (12) Headgear {2} Clvl Required: 27 +1 to All Skills +10 to Energy Lightning Resist +30% Damage Reduced by 7 +2 to Mana after each Kill +2 to Light Radius ------------------------------------------------------------- Honor AmnElIthTirSol Amn (11) + El (1) + Ith (6) + Tir (3) + Sol (12) All Melee Weapons {5} Clvl Required: 27 +1 to all skills +160% Enhanced Damage +9 to Minimum Damage +9 to Maximum Damage +250 Attack Rating 7% Life Stolen per Hit 25% Deadly Strike +10 to Strength Replenish life +10 +2 to Mana after each Kill +1 to Light Radius ------------------------------------------------------------- Rhyme ShaelEth Shael (13) + Eth (5) Shields {2} Clvl Required: 29 +40% Faster Block Rate 20% Increased Chance of Blocking Regenerate Mana 15% All Resistances +25 Cannot be Frozen 50% Extra Gold from Monsters 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items ------------------------------------------------------------- Peace ShaelThulAmn Shael (13) + Thul (10) + Amn (11) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 29 4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck 2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking +2 To Amazon Skill Levels +20% Faster Hit Recovery +2 To Critical Strike Cold Resist +30% Attacker Takes Damage of 14 (Amazon) ------------------------------------------------------------ Myth HelAmnNef Hel (15) + Amn (11) + Nef (4) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 25 3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck 10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking +2 To Barbarian Skill Levels +30 Defense Vs. Missile Replenish Life +10 Attacker Takes Damage of 14 Requirements -15% (Barbarian ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Black ThulIoNef Thul (10) + Io (16) + Nef (4) Clubs, Hammers, Maces {3} Clvl Required: 35 +15% Increased Attack Speed +120% Enhanced Damage +200 to Attack Rating Adds 3-14 Cold Damage (3 sec) 40% Chance of Crushing Blow Knockback +10 to Vitality Magic Damage Reduced By 2 Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges) ------------------------------------------------------------- White DolIo Dol (14) + Io (16) Wands {2} Clvl Required: 35 +3 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only) +20% Faster Cast Rate +2 to Bone Spear (Necromancer Only) +4 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only) +3 to Bone Armor (Necromancer Only) Hit causes monster to flee 25% +10 to vitality +13 to mana Magic Damage Reduced by 4 (Necromancer) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Smoke NefLum Nef (4) + Lum (17) Armor {2} Clvl Required: 37 +20% Faster Hit Recovery +75% Enhanced Defense +280 Defense vs. Missiles +10 to Energy All Resistances +50 -1 to Light Radius Level 6 Weaken (18 charges) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Splendor EthLum Eth (5) + Lum (17) Shields {2} Clvl Required: 37 +1 To All Skills +10% Faster Cast Rate +20% Faster Block Rate +60-100% Enhanced Defense (varies) +10 To Energy Regenerate Mana 15% 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items +3 To Light Radius --------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory LumIoSolEth Lum (17) + Io (16) + Sol (12) + Eth (5) Staves {4} Clvl Required: 37 +3 To Sorceress Skill Levels +33% Faster Cast Rate +9 To Minimum Damage -25% Target Defence +3 To Energy Shield (Sorceress Only) +2 To Static Field (Sorceress Only) +50% Enhanced Defense +10 Vitality +10 Energy Increase Maximum Mana 20% Magic Damage Reduced By 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Melody ShaelKoNef Shael (13) + Ko (18) + Nef (4) Missile Weapons {3} Clvl Required: 39 +3 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) +20% Increased Attack Speed +50% Enhanced Damage +300% Damage To Undead +3 To Slow Missiles (Amazon Only) +3 To Dodge (Amazon Only) +3 To Critical Strike (Amazon Only) Knockback +10 To Dexterity --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lionheart HelLumFal Hel (15) + Lum (17) + Fal (19) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 41 +20% Enhanced Damage +25 To Strength +15 To Dexterity +20 To Vitality +10 To Energy +50 To Life All Resistances +30 Requirements -15% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treachery ShaelThulLem Shael (13) + Thul (10) + Lem (20) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 43 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fade When Struck 25% Chance To Cast level 15 Venom On Striking +2 To Assassin Skills +45% Increased Attack Speed +20% Faster Hit Recovery Cold Resist +30% 50% Extra Gold From Monsters (Assassin ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion DolOrtEldLem Dol (14) + Ort (9) + Eld (2) + Lem (20) All Weapons {4} Clvl Required: 43 +25% Increased Attack Speed +160-210% Enhanced Damage (varies) 50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies) +75% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage +1 To Berserk +1 To Zeal Hit Blinds Target +10 Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25% 75% Extra Gold From Monsters Level 3 Heart of Wolverine (12 Charges) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wealth LemKoTir Lem (20) + Ko (18) + Tir (3) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 43 +10 to Dexterity +2 to Mana After Each Kill 300% Extra Gold From Monsters 100% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enlightenment PulRalSol Pul (21) + Ral (8) + Sol (12) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 45 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck 5% Chance To Cast level 15 Fire Ball On Striking +2 To Sorceress Skill Levels +1 To Warmth +30% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +30% Damage Reduced By 7 (Sorceress ) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Crescent Moon ShaelUmTir Shael (13) + Um (22) + Tir (3) Axes, Polearms & Swords {3} Clvl Required: 47 10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking 7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking +20% Increased Attack Speed +180-220% Enhanced Damage (varies) Ignore Target's Defense -35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance 25% Chance of Open Wounds +9-11 Magic Absorb (varies) +2 To Mana After Each Kill Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Duress ShaelUmThul Shael (13) + Um (22) + Thul (10) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 47 40% faster hit Recovery +10-20% Enhanced Damage (varies) Adds 37-133 Cold Damage 15% Crushing Blow 33% Open Wounds +150-200% Enhanced Defense (varies) -20% Slower Stamina Drain Cold Resist +45% Lightning Resist +15% Fire Resist +15% Poison Resist +15% -------------------------------------------------------------- Stone ShaelUmPulLum Shael (13) + Um (22) + Pul (21) + Lum (17) Armor {4} Clvl Required: 47 +60% Faster Hit Recovery +250-290% Enhanced Defense (varies) +300 Defense Vs. Missile +16 To Strength +16 To Vitality +10 To Energy All Resistances +15 Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges) Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges) -------------------------------------------------------------- Gloom FalUmPul Fal (19)+ Um (22) + Pul (21) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 47 15% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck +10% Faster Hit Recovery +200-260% Enhanced Defense (varies) +10 To Strength All Resistances +45 Half Freeze Duration 5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana -3 To Light Radius ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bone SolUmUm Sol (12) + Um (22) + Um (22) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 47 15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Armor When Struck 15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Spear On Striking +2 To Necromancer Skill Levels +100-150 To Mana (varies) All Resistances +30 Damage Reduced By 7 Useful Necromancer bonuses. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Prudence MalTir Mal (23) + Tir (3) Armor {2} Clvl Required: 49 +25% Faster Hit Recovery +140-170% Enhanced Defense (varies) All Resistances +25-35 (varies) Damage Reduced by 3 Magic Damage Reduced by 17 +2 To Mana After Each Kill +1 To Light Radius Repairs Durability 1 In 4 Seconds ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rain OrtMalIth Ort (9) + Mal (23) + Ith (6) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 49 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck 5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking +2 To Druid Skills +100-150 To Mana (varies) Lightning Resist +30% Magic Damage Reduced By 7 15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Druid ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Venom TalDolMal Tal (7) + Dol (14) + Mal (23) All Weapons {3} Clvl Required: 49 Ignore Target's Defense +273 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25% Level 13 Poison Nova (11 Charges) Level 15 Poison Explosion (27 Charges) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanctuary KoKoMal Ko (18) + Ko (18) + Mal (23) Shields {3} Clvl Required: 49 +20% Faster Hit Recovery +20% Faster Block Rate 20% Increased Chance of Blocking +130-160% Enhanced Defense (varies) +250 Defense vs. Missile +20 To Dexterity All Resistances +50-70 (varies) Magic Damage Reduced By 7 Level 12 Slow Missiles (60 Charges) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Delirium LemIstIo Lem (20) + Ist (24) + Io (16) Headgear (all types) {3} Clvl Required: 51 1% Chance To Cast lvl 50 Delirium When Struck 6% Chance To Cast lvl 14 Mind Blast When Struck 14% Chance To Cast lvl 13 Terror When Struck 11% Chance To Cast lvl 18 Confuse On Striking +2 To All Skills +261 Defense +10 To Vitality 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 17 Attract (60 Charges) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Principle RalGulEld Ral (8) + Gul (25) + Eld (2) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 55 100% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking +2 To Paladin Skill Levels +50% Damage to Undead +100-150 to Life (varies) 15% Slower Stamina Drain +5% To Maximum Poison Resist Fire Resist +30% (Paladin ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kingslayer MalUmGulFal Mal (23) + Um (22) + Gul (25) + Fal (19) Swords & Axes {4} Clvl Required: 53 +30% Increased Attack Speed +230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies) -25% Target Defense 20% Bonus To Attack Rating 33% Chance of Crushing Blow 50% Chance of Open Wounds +1 To Vengeance Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Strength 40% Extra Gold From Monsters ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart of the Oak KoVexPulThul Ko (18) + Vex (26) + Pul (21) + Thul (10) Staves & Maces {4} Clvl Required:55 +3 To All Skills +40% Faster Cast Rate +75% Damage To Demons +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons Adds 3-14 Cold Damage 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit +10 To Dexterity Replenish Life +20 Increase Maximum Mana 15% All Resistances +30-40 (varies) Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges) Level 14 Raven (60 Charges) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Silence DolEldHelIstTirVex Dol (14) + Eld (2) + Hel (15) + Ist (24) + Tir (3) + Vex (26) Weapons {6} Clvl Required: 55 +2 to All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed +20% Faster Hit Recovery +200% Enhanced Damage +75% Damage To Undead +50 to Attack Rating Against Undead 11% Mana Stolen Per Hit Hit Blinds Target +33 Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25% All Resistances +75 +2 to Mana After Each Kill 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Requirements -20% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos FalOhmUm Fal (19) + Ohm (27) + Um (22) Claws {3} Clvl Required: 57 9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking 11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking +35% Increased Attacked Speed +240-290% Enhanced Damage (varies) Adds 216-471 Magic Damage 25% Chance of Open Wounds +1 To Whirlwind +10 To Strength +15 Life After Each Demon Kill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call to Arms AmnRalMalIstOhm Amn (11) + Ral (8) + Mal (23) + Ist (24) + Ohm (27) Weapons {5} Clvl Required: 57 +1 To All Skills +40% Increased Attack Speed +240-290% Enhanced Damage (varies) Adds 5-30 Fire Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit +2-6 To Battle Command (varies) +1-6 To Battle Orders (varies) +1-4 To Battle Cry (varies) Prevent Monster Heal Replenish Life +12 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exile VexOhmIstDol Vex (26) + Ohm (27) + Ist (24) + Dol (14) Shields {4} Clvl Required: 57 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies) +2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) +30% Faster Block Rate Freezes Target +220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies) Replenish Life +7 +5% To Maximum Cold Resist +5% To Maximum Fire Resist 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Repairs 1 Durability every 4 seconds Paladin Shields only. Inherent Paladin shield bonuses remain active. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind SurEl Sur (29) + El (1) Melee Weapons {2} Clvl Required: 61 10% Chance To Cast Level 9 Tornado On Striking +20% Faster Run/Walk +40% Increased Attack Speed +15% Faster Hit Recovery +120-160% Enhanced Damage (varies) -50% Target Defense +50 To Attack Rating Hit Blinds Target +1 To Light Radius Level 13 Twister (127 Charges) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bramble RalOhmSurEth Ral (8) + Ohm (27) + Sur (29) + Eth (5) Armor {4} Clvl Required: 61 Level 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped (varies) +50% Faster Hit Recovery +25-50% To Poison Skill Damage (varies) +300 Defense Increase Maximum Mana 5% Regenerate Mana 15% +5% To Maximum Cold Resist Fire Resist +30% Poison Resist +100% +13 Life After Each Kill Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beast BerTirUmMalLum Ber (30) + Tir (3) + Um (22) + Mal (23) + Lum (17) Axes, Hammers & Scepters {5} Clvl Required: 63 Level 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped +40% Increased Attack Speed +240-270% Enhanced Damage (varies) 20% Chance of Crushing Blow 25% Chance of Open Wounds +3 To Werebear +3 To Lycanthropy Prevent Monster Heal +25-40 To Strength (varies) +10 To Energy +2 To Mana After Each Kill Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chains of Honor DolUmBerIst Dol (14) + Um (22) + Ber (30) + Ist (24) Armor {4} Clvl Required: 63 +2 To All Skills +200% Damage To Demons +100% Damage To Undead 8% Life Stolen Per Hit +70% Enhanced Defense +20 To Strength Replenish Life +7 All Resistances +65 Damage Reduced By 8% 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fury JahGulEth Jah (31) + Gul (25) + Eth (5) All Melee Weapons {3} Clvl Required: 65 40% Increased Attack Speed +209% Enhanced Damage Ignores Target Defense -25% Target Defense 20% Bonus to Attack Rating 6% Life Stolen Per Hit 33% Chance Of Deadly Strike 66% Chance Of Open Wounds +5 To Frenzy (Barbarian Only) Prevent Monster Heal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Famine FalOhmOrtJah Fal (19) + Ohm (27) + Ort (9) + Jah (31) Axes & Hammers {4} Clvl Required: 65 +30% Increased Attack Speed +320-370% Enhanced Damage (varies) Ignore Target's Defense Adds 180-200 Magic Damage Adds 50-200 Fire Damage Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage Adds 50-200 Cold Damage 12% Life Stolen Per Hit Prevent Monster Heal +10 To Strength ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enigma JahIthBer Jah (31) + Ith (6) + Ber (30) Armor {3} Clvl Required: 65 +2 To All Skills +45% Faster Run/Walk +1 To Teleport +750-775 Defense (Varies) +(0.75*Clvl) To Strength (Based On Character Level) Increase Maximum Life 5% Damage Reduced By 8% +14 Life After Each Kill 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana (1*Clvl)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom HelOhmUmLoCham Hel (15) + Ohm (27) + Um (22) + Lo (28) + Cham (32) Axes, Hammers & Polearms {5} Clvl Required: 67 5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped +2 To All Skills +45% Increased Attack Speed +330-370% Enhanced Damage (varies) -40-60% To Enemy Cold Resistance (varies) 20% Deadly Strike 25% Chance of Open Wounds Prevent Monster Heal Freezes Target +3 Requirements -20% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eternity AmnBerIstSolSur Amn (11) + Ber (30) + Ist (24) + Sol (12) + Sur (29) All Melee Weapons {5} Clvl Required: 63 Indestructible +260-310% Enhanced Damage (varies) +9 To Minimum Damage 7% Life Stolen Per Hit 20% Chance of Crushing Blow Hit Blinds Target Slows Target By 33% Replenish Mana 16% Cannot Be Frozen 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Level 8 Revive (88 Charges) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand of Justice SurChamAmnLo Sur (29) + Cham (32) + Amn (11) + Lo (28) All Weapons {4} Clvl Required: 67 100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up 100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped +33% Increased Attack Speed +280-330% Enhanced Damage (varies) Ignore Target's Defense -20% To Enemy Fire Resistance 7% Life Stolen Per Hit 20% Deadly Strike Hit Blinds Target Freezes Target +3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breath of the Dying VexHelElEldZodEth Vex (26) + Hel (15) + El (1) + Eld (2) + Zod (33) + Eth (5) All Weapons {6} Clvl Required: 69 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy Indestructible +60% Increased Attack Speed +350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies) -25% Target Defense +50 To Attack Rating +200% Damage To Undead +50 To Attack Rating Against Undead 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit 12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies) Prevent Monster Heal +30 To All Attributes +1 To Light Radius Requirements -20% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@TheAwesometrollface 11 жыл бұрын
That music... so calming
@Dreadnaught1985 12 жыл бұрын
@GameVoyeur I had a helm for my barb, was an Arreats face with Delirium. It carried all the bonuses of Arreats as well as the Delirium Runeword bonuses.
@GameVoyeur 11 жыл бұрын
PLEASE READ: The song is "Above the Clouds" by Christian Marsac for all those wondering.
@xTheEnigmax 13 жыл бұрын
@cheesymcnuggets123 Yes, if you a take a 2 socket armor, (IT MUST BE THE SAME NUMBER OF SOCKETS AS THE RUNEWORD!) And then you put the runes into it in order and it will create a runeword.
@TomeeDee86 12 жыл бұрын
wow! i didn't know, you also can combine different things with each other too (beside the mission items...) thank you for that info! :)
@GameVoyeur 12 жыл бұрын
@jacsam8 For some items, yeah. Check out Arreat Summit for crafting information. There's a link in the video description.
@GameVoyeur 13 жыл бұрын
@Dilly288 Thanks, Dilly. I posted a link to the source I used in the video description.
@AyeChea 13 жыл бұрын
@GameVoyeur Hey mind if you tell me the artist please, i've been trying to search it up sadly nothing found ): Thanks.
@krittawitchaitong8338 8 жыл бұрын
>>>> If we take the Jewel does not match, you will do it. Plz Answer me. THx
@GameVoyeur 13 жыл бұрын
@KidPixExtraordinare Google Arreat Summit. All Cube recipes are there ;)
@nostoll 12 жыл бұрын
That music godammit ... My ears!
@charliepeters586 11 жыл бұрын
A crafted +2 Skill ammy/20 fcr/ str/dex all resis mod is worth a lot more than any single unique/runeword.
@evilbadguystrikes 8 жыл бұрын
hey Gamevoyeur is that really you in the picture holding binoculars?
@randymogus7811 2 жыл бұрын
can i come over because u made this video?
@GameVoyeur 13 жыл бұрын
@JustinKwapich No, Blizzard wasn't that generous. It'd be hard to squeeze all those item stats on the screen =)
@Insomnimanic805 12 жыл бұрын
p ame, a jewel and any rune plus item equals same type of item with better stats and a funny color?
@TrungLe_Chungcu_HaNoi 11 жыл бұрын
Could you tell me how to craft gloves?
@DiMoNico1981Swe 9 жыл бұрын
The best MF boss in diablo2 is - Snapship Shatter you found him Ice Celler Act5, he dropps the best items in the game.... And the mostly high runes dropps from him to =)..
@GameVoyeur 12 жыл бұрын
see the description for the link.
@skillers999 13 жыл бұрын
Good shit bro
@PsychoDante77 10 жыл бұрын
Wish I could find a 4socket sword. I played D2 classic a ton but never the xpac.
@GameVoyeur 10 жыл бұрын
=( Good luck!
@자라왕자-x8s 8 жыл бұрын
ɷɷɷ Heey Friendsss I Have F0undd W0roking Online Hacck Visit : - t.co/g05Xap5c22
@addfiero 12 жыл бұрын
plz tell the name of the song ,,, PLZ PLZ
@CogoGaming 11 жыл бұрын
@GameVoyeur 13 жыл бұрын
@Deathroll666999 Above the Clouds, I believe.
@ron_sherman 10 жыл бұрын
what version is it?
@sow_py 11 жыл бұрын
@Procxv 12 жыл бұрын
name of the song plz?
@odlasesking123 12 жыл бұрын
Where are rare items be easy to get?
@RyzeSkyz 13 жыл бұрын
@KidPixExtraordinare combine 3 flawless gems of the same kind to get the perfect gem
@GameVoyeur 11 жыл бұрын
Above the Clouds
@GameVoyeur 12 жыл бұрын
Above the Clouds.
@wahedtinwala7419 11 жыл бұрын
can u write the formulae please coz ur cideo isnt clear
@Akabuena 13 жыл бұрын
craftin takes forever to have badass gloves, weapons, belt, ring, ammy, boots.
@klegendzx 11 жыл бұрын
can the jewels be random?
@felipearaujo3937 7 жыл бұрын
@CogoGaming 11 жыл бұрын
yes :D
@Criticalperspective2 12 жыл бұрын
Django Reindhart?
@aqswefhtgy 12 жыл бұрын
hes in act 3. notice how hes in travincial
@TheMirall 8 жыл бұрын
@loganhall741 11 жыл бұрын
do you need an emthist
@vujqk2527 8 жыл бұрын
cais hom do lay o dau vay
@TheNameTooSexyToShow 9 жыл бұрын
I don't get it... why would I craft items??
@UnreliableUsername 9 жыл бұрын
These are very basic crafted items... only really 2 useful crafted items... crafted caster amulets are potentially the best in the game... blood gloves are useful to zealots and barbs for crushing blow and life leach.
@TheNameTooSexyToShow 9 жыл бұрын
DiG Baireád Thank you for pointing that out to me! Like 1 month ago I began playing Diablo 2 again, that 5-10% Crushing Blow sounds good, I read a little about DB on the wiki, is it really that useful? edit: I made a Concentrate Barb with shield.
@UnreliableUsername 9 жыл бұрын
No problems, yeah its absolutely essential for all melee characters. You need about 30-40% chance of crushing blow minimum I would say... I have 30% on my zealot now he uses Goblin toe boots and venom grip gloves which are easy items to get, especially if you play online.
@TheNameTooSexyToShow 9 жыл бұрын
DiG Baireád The thing is I play single player, untwinked. I want to do it this way, so I can focus mainly on "building" my character with what I can find, I am aiming for runewords as socketed items are somewhat easier to find and the runes are somewhat easier to collect from the Countess (well.. except the high-end runes).
@UnreliableUsername 9 жыл бұрын
Bada Bing Bada Boom Ah right I just solo play but online since that way I can trade with other players, I play Hardcore too so I don't play with anyone else because they can't be trusted! Too many PK's around! I only started myself from nothing not long ago and have managed to build a good bit of wealth, its still alot of fun. Anyway I would suggest making a mf armour so when you are at bosses equip it, Mephisto in Nightmare can drop some pretty useful stuff, he can even drop Arreats
@Kacicka999 11 жыл бұрын
that music is killing me....
@GameVoyeur 12 жыл бұрын
@Dreadnaught1985 Well, it can be done, but only if you're using hacks ;-) I always played legit, though.
@paserakcz 11 жыл бұрын
low items
@Karlostoven 11 жыл бұрын
Esta en llama la music esa... That music is worst thing i ever listen
@GameVoyeur 11 жыл бұрын
Above the Clouds
@GameVoyeur 11 жыл бұрын
Above the Clouds
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