Ever have problems with the barley popping like corn? I had barley all over my oven lol
@BrewingBeerTheHardWay17 жыл бұрын
Yes! it means your oven is too hot and there is still too much moisture in your malt. The steam can't escape fast enough and the kernels pop. Historically this is referred to as Blown malt. The size of the malt is increased by doing this and maltsters would make more money this way since malt was measured and sold by volume, but the quality and diastatic power was lower so it was a bit of a scam. What temperature did you have your oven at? I find as long as I'm below 215F the malt won't pop, I was thinking that the popping occurs above the boiling temperature (214F) just a theory.
@djdrone85467 жыл бұрын
I appreciate it! Yes, barley still had quite the moisture content to it. I had my oven at 270. I guess I'll kiln it a bit longer. Thank you for the answer.