Did Jesus Lie? (Full Preterism)

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Escaping Christianity

Escaping Christianity

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Was Jesus a failed doomsday prophet? Did He lie to us? The New Testament only gives us two options to choose from. I talk about those options in this video and discuss my disappointment with Christianity and the heartache it has caused me.

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@gloryman3634 4 жыл бұрын
I listened to your vid yesterday and to encourage you I want to tell you what has been happening here. It was about two years ago now since I dug into the eschatology subject. I wanted to settle it in my heart, even though it seemed impossible. I looked at all the views in brief and eventually found myself in the partial preterist camp and after a time I came to the full preterist position. I surely didn't expect this! It was by the help of the Holy Spirit and the excellent teaching of many on the internet. So, not long after that, a close friend of mine went through a major revival and I sat down with him and shared some of the best videos on the subject. He is now a full preterist and a very out spoken one too. Soon after his renewal, his wife became a Christian and a full preterist as well. Next my middle daughter became a Christian and it wasn't long before she stepped into the full preterist camp! She is also very outspoken about her position and has just currently submitted a twenty page essay on preterist eschatology to her second year bible prof! All of this was happening while we were attending a small congregation in the area here. The leadership are staunch futurists. Within this congregation we discovered that there were a number of closet preterists and also people that were really hungry for truth. So slowly but surely we have, by the grace of God, been expanding our circle to the point that my friend was contacted by the pastor and asked to come and explain his position. How is this happening? By the grace of God, of course, but there is a strategy that He seems to be using. Futurism is a very negative poison and offers no hope especially right now, but the preterist position is absolutely positive and invigorating. Both my friend and my daughter believe that they are on resurrection ground, having died and become new creations and the excitement is very infectious. In short, they are on fire. Without any prompting, they studied like Bereans and can readily give an account for what they believe. The second thing was to keep it simple....time stamps and audience relevance. I anchored them there and avoided the more difficult issues and later they went after those. The approach is basically, "Did Jesus return when he said he would?" and "Who were the prophets, the gospels and the letters written to?" The third thing seems to be fellowship...going right into the midst of the current theological mess and letting the Holy Spirit lead. So...I don't want to go on and on, but just be encouraged. There are a lot of Christians who are fearful and trapped in darkness and they are looking for relief. Covet your prayers and God bless you!
@brandonhaines6936 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos Robert. They've been helpful and I really appreciate them. In my 16 years of Christianity and after being apart of several denominations and even attending seminary for a short stint, I believe what you are speaking on( as well as a few others) is by far the most sound as far as biblical clarity and application. Blessings
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s is Mathew 24 fulfilled
@mikezieg80 Жыл бұрын
Not any listeners🤔
@Rise2theoccasion92 3 жыл бұрын
5 years ago I bought a Bible and read it a couple of times. I had assumed the next logical step would be to attend church. I didn't grow up in church, but had attended here and there in my youth, The pastor preached from the Bible, but I began to notice his interpretation of verses and chapters didn't match what I had read. He handed me some reading materials and it was on dispensationalism. I checked it out and attempted to see the Bible through dispensations, it made absolutely no sense. Not only was the theology confusing, but people who were supposed to be "like Jesus" at the church, were absolutely judgemental and rude. I had many conversations with the pastor and others, which left me very unfulfilled so I left. I then, through diving back to the Bible, ran across the verses in Matthew and other verses talking about the direct audience of Jesus experiencing his coming etc. I turned to people i knew grew up in church and when I showed them, they would claim to not have noticed. I would point out, if it refers to an event to happen in the audiences lifetime, it is past, or Jesus is a liar. I get the typical robotic response of, ill have to check it out, yet I never hear from them on it again. Its like they have cognitive dissonance. This sent me into a further hunt for truth. What freaked me out the most was the way most self proclaimed Christians seemed to have no interest in finding truth! If they did engage, it was to say, this can't be correct, because my "pastor" says, this or that. I can't imagine saying I believe in something, yet knowing little about what I'm investing so much time into. I'm newly researching full preterism now and I really appreciate your willingness to speak on such an unpopular subject. Regardless of how it may be received, I would prefer truth over any other option. Thank you for sharing!
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
@lou lou Thank you for sharing! I have ran into many of the same things when interacting with Christians. They simply are not honest with others or themselves. I am not sure if you are aware of this but I de-converted from Christianity about 1.5 years ago. The last dozen videos on my channel cover my deconversion and also expose why Christian arguments for their god simply won't work. In the final 8 videos on my channel beginning with "Why the Christian god cannot exist" I deal especially with full-preterism but also futurism. If you want to know why full-preterism won't work please watch those videos. If you don't have time for all of them then I would recommend watching "Why Partial Preterism does not work", "Christianity's Fatal Problem" and "Christianity's Fatal Problem Addendum". Those 3 videos should be enough to show you, from the New Testament's own words, why the Christian god cannot exist. I hope these videos will help you and, once again, thanks for sharing your experiences!
@AG-nu8ix 2 ай бұрын
😊 ❤ Love your videos brother !
@Ben-qb4lj 4 жыл бұрын
Oddly, leaving behind the steepled doomsday cults and realizing fulfillment freed me . Every time I learned more that judgement (duh!) Was for rejectors of Christ. His murderers. And of the prophets, apostles.
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s Amen. Your thoughts on this thx
@THUGGO773 Жыл бұрын
Great points. Do you have evidence for salvation for all humanity? Isn't the scriptures closed and fulfilled?
@AG-nu8ix 2 ай бұрын
Great video brother ❤ ! 😊
@AG-nu8ix 2 ай бұрын
My name is Anthony , and would like to get to know you personally brother ? . . Thanks for your Wisdom and Spirit (breath, life) ! 😊
@jlr1701 Жыл бұрын
Do you have a list of the time statements in the NT? That would be very helpful!
@escapingchristianity8765 Жыл бұрын
I am no longer a Christian. I de-converted 3 years ago. If you would like a partial list of the time statements you can see it in the last video I made for my channel called "Christianity's Fatal Problem Revisited". That video covers one of the biggest reasons why I left the Christian faith but there are many others as well. If you would like a full list of the time statements please let me know and I can try and put one together for you.
@jlr1701 Жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 I would really appreciate a full list of the time statements! Thanks!
@jlr1701 Жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 I too have left the faith and your videos have helped me a lot. Thank you!
@jlr1701 Жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 it would be awesome if you could do a video with all of the time statements included. I would really appreciate it, and I'm sure others would too!
@escapingchristianity8765 Жыл бұрын
@@jlr1701 I have the list. Do you have an email I can send them to please?
@mikezieg80 Жыл бұрын
Are you out helping your neighbor? Helping the poor. Helping the homeless? Showing your faith by your works?
@bobbyallison1228 4 жыл бұрын
I respect your understanding on the time statements, in fact I agree. I too am a full preterist. But friend, study the entire book of Galatians and you will see the difference between The Law and "religion". The Law revealed sin (Rom 3:19-20), therefore the bondage of Gal 4:25 is to sin. The Law made no person righteous but Christ does. He desires a response from us. Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the SECOND DEATH John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me SHALL NEVER DIE. Believest thou this? Universalism is not biblical friend. Universalism is not Christianity. I mean this with all love and respect. Universalism is anarchy. God is a lover of order. Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. You describe religion as bondage, but this is not how The lord describes it. Mal 3:16 ¶ Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. Mal 3:17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Mal 3:18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Isa 65:20 There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. Sin is punished now in the new heaven and earth, not just for a season. You complain against organized religion and uphold a catholic doctrine of "purifying fire". The most logical conclusion that we can come to in considering all of biblical evidence is that punishment is for the degree that God determines and then destruction (second death) I hope this causes you to consider the things that you are saying because you are influencing people. Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent is God Almighty! All we are is fallible. If organized religion is what makes Him happy, then I dont care what kind of bad experience I have had with it, I will do and teach as He says Ecc 12:13-14
@scarlettnewman1115 4 жыл бұрын
Hey how could I talk to You
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s Mathew 24 fulfilled
@bobbyallison1228 3 жыл бұрын
@Sharon Porter I will disagree with you there. Peter gave witness to Paul in 2Peter 3 as being an inspired beloved brother. The wolves in sheep's clothing were those of 2Peter 2 and Jude along with 1st 2nd and 3rd John. James also addresses them in James 4:13-5:6. They were false brethren trying to turn the grace of God into meritorious gain. I have reconciled all the passages that I've found that may seem to contradict Paul with the rest of the 1st century brethren. I'm biased though. I believe 2Timothy 3:16-17
@javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Robert I’m glad I found your channel and you definitely put a good case forth for preterism. If you believe this is 100% true and would like to spread this view around and make it mainstream maybe it would be beneficial to make a video and respond to the claims made on this website. The objections brought up all seem to be reasonably sound objections. Thanks
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@shaunty hangrus I looked at the article you sent from Jonathan Brentner and his "5 errors of Preterism". First thing I want to say, and I mean this respectfully, is that I can't tell if you are genuine or not. The reason why I say that is I have actually debated hundreds of Christians on eschatology mostly through online platforms. I get "innocent" sounding replies like yours all the time but often times they are not "innocent". I'm not saying that is the case with you but I have run into that a lot. Especially when they post lots of links to articles that they think refute full preterism like you did. If you are genuinely asking, and I will give you the benefit of the doubt, let me respond to Brentner's article. He mentions "5 error" so let me address each one briefly along with the assumptions and errors that he makes. 1) Mr. Brentner claims that Full Preterism "diminish the glory of Jesus". That is just his opinion. His entire argument about Matt 24:29-31 is that it must be a physical kingdom on earth. An assumption he makes that he does not get from Scripture. Matt 24:34, just 3 verses after the verse he cites, says ALL the things Jesus was describing would happen in Christ's generation. 2) Mr. Brentner claims that "preterism exalts the church over Jesus". This is just another opinion of his. It is not an argument from Scripture. It is postmillennialists, a form of futurist eschatology, that believe the church will convert the world and usher in a "millennial reign". Full-preterists do not believe that. Mr. Brentner is confused. 3) Mr. Brentner claims "preterism negates the biblical hope of believers". This is his third opinion and once again is not an argument from Scripture. Once again he ASSUMES that Christ's second coming must be a PHYSICAL coming to make earth into a paradise. Jesus said the kingdom of God was spiritual (John 4:21-24) and was within a person (Luke 17:20-21, Col 1:27, John 14:23, Rev 3:20). 4) Mr. Brentner claims "preterism errs in its claims regarding church history". Mr. Brentner does the same thing that many Christians who hate full preterism do. He appeals to church traditions instead of Scripture. It doesn't matter what Irenaeus, Justin Martyr or Tertullian believed. Anyone who has studied the patristic writers know that they were all over the map on their beliefs and did not agree with each other on many things. Christianity has never agreed on what the NT says and thousands of denominations today are proof of that along with two thousand years of church history . I would suggest reading "Before Jerusalem Fell" by Kenneth Gentry. It's a free pdf online. He offers plenty of evidence for Revelation being written before 70 AD. Revelation is about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of everything written in the Bible. Revelation says 7 times it would be fulfilled shortly (Rev 1:1,3 & Rev 22:6,7,10,12,20). Either John told the truth or Christianity is false. Christianity doesn't get to invent other options because it doesn't like those two choices. 5) Mr. Brentner claims "Preterims perverts the gospel". Before I address this last one let me point out that all of his arguments were opinions not based on Scripture and are completely invalid. Mr. Brentner makes two errors in this section. First, he once again ASSUMES that the "hope of the gospel" as he puts it, is a physical body coming out of the ground. Christ said His physical resurrection was a SIGN (Matt 12:40). Signs are not the nature of something but point to something else. Mr. Brentner does not understand the resurrection. He proves this further when he makes his second error in this section when He cites Hymenaeus and Philetus in 2 Tim 2:17-18. They were claiming the resurrection already happened and says full-preterists do the same thing. What Mr. Brentner misses is that Paul was writing to Timothy before 70 AD and the resurrection had not happened yet so it was still future to them! I have seen these "arguments" from men like Mr. Brentner over and over. They are not arguments from Scripture at all but simply emotional appeals that are invalid. I hope this is of help to you.
@javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 4 жыл бұрын
All Bible Prophecy is Fulfilled thanks for the reply I appreciate it. I’m completely genuine and on a search for the truth sorry if it sounds like anything but that in my comments
@javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 4 жыл бұрын
All Bible Prophecy is Fulfilled just out of curiosity did you look at the other articles. There are better cases presented for preterism being false found within those articles
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@@javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 The other two web pages you linked have arguments that are just as bad as Mr. Brentner's. The former full-preterist testimonies from the preterist archive are basically emotional appeals. I read most of them a long time ago because I was curious how men could abandon full preterism. Those testimonies are filled with irrational and emotional statements. The same thing goes with the "Mythbusting" article you linked and even Duncan McKenzie's article that is mentioned in that article. I also read both of those arguments a while back and they are terrible. Once again they are emotional appeals not based on Scripture. Many Christians cannot handle the idea that a physical kingdom and paradise is not coming to Earth and it is too upsetting for them. Let me simplify everything to try and help you find the truth. There is only one argument that matters. Everything else is a red herring. Jesus and His apostles stated dozens of times in the NT, plainly, that His kingdom must come before that generation passed away. There is no way to escape this! Either Jesus lied or He told the truth. Christianity hates both options. I would suggest to you that you watch the first video I ever made on this channel it is called "Seven passages were Jesus says His second coming is in 70 AD". I would also watch my video entitled "The Time Framework of Bible Prophecy". If you still have objections after those videos please feel free to reply to me and I will try to help you.
@javariusjavarlamariuslamar3759 4 жыл бұрын
All Bible Prophecy is Fulfilled alright will do thanks for the reply
@mastermasonhiramabiff2538 2 жыл бұрын
So when Jesus says to the high preist that he would see him "coming in the clouds": did the high preist see him or did Jesus lie? Mark 14:60-62 King James Version 60 And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? 61 But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? 62 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.
@cactushound 3 жыл бұрын
I don't call myself a 'full" Preterist. Do not be mistaken a "partial preterist" so-called, is simply a futurist who happens to take a very preteristic stance on Bible prophecy. I don't believe in this term "full preterism", "one quarter preterism", "three quarters preterism", "partial preterism", one eighths preterism", etc. If one does not believe that ALL Bible prophecy has been fulfilled then he is still a futurist. He still believes in Hollywood's interpretation of Bible prophecy. If you believe that ALL once and for all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled by the year A. D. 70, then you are qualified to be called a Preterist. I am a Preterist. I believe in the fulfilled Gospel.
@alexis21212121 4 жыл бұрын
I study bible on my own people dont have critical thinking. Saludos desde Guatemala
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s is Mathew 24 fulfilled
@ptt3975 4 жыл бұрын
Great teaching. I thought I was partial preterist until I thought it through because I realized the scripture simply does not provide for partial or dual fulfillments. Daniel 12:7 says and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. AD70 was the end of all prophesy. God could certainly speak of us 2000 years later but the Bible simply does not do that. Everyone is "ISOGETE'ING" (their own ideas into scripture.)
@TheAstrostar28 3 жыл бұрын
this is awsome, jesus is a true prophet. he didnt lie. people lie
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
I am no longer a Christian. If you want to find out why then please watch the last 8 or 9 videos on my channel. I explain in those videos why the Christian god does not exist.
@stevenfrasier5718 4 жыл бұрын
Don't be discouraged, brother. You seem like a reasonable enough of a guy to me. Preterism has been "on the shelf of my mind." I'm a Christian Universalist like you. But I still believe in the literal Gospel of The Kingdom of God that Jesus preached. The Annual Sabbath feast days that's in the O.T. point out God's plan for humanity. The 70 AD historical event that Preterists bring up does make a whole lot of sense. "Over-spiritualizing" The Gospel of The Kingdom seems to me the Preterist pitfall. A literal Kingdom when Jesus returns to take the throne of David to rule the world. Plus, even now, we've got "God in Christ in Us. It's not "either / or", it's "now & then." ~Steven of Montreal
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s Mathew 24 fulfilled. yes
@Ben-qb4lj 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@fzs695 2 жыл бұрын
Your people might not be hearing you, but Jesus God Almighty has those ears who hear you although they are not part of the common wealth of the Israelites.
@ghosttube6525 4 жыл бұрын
So, your saying the Bible states hell doesn't exist and everyone (no matter beliefs) is saved?
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s noooo
@cactushound 3 жыл бұрын
If Jesus lied then this would mean that Jesus cannot be not God. Hebrews 6: 18
@Ben-qb4lj 4 жыл бұрын
Living stones producing good fruit isn't fulfilled. Or not looking at the victories of Christ in history.
@ghosttube6525 4 жыл бұрын
Their are DOZENS of verses that state one must believe in Christ in order to be saved. Saved meaning to inherit eternal life and His kingdom. Meaning to not enter hell= eternal separation from God. If you honestly need to be pointed to these scriptures I can provide them. A bit silly honestly.
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@Live4 Christ I mean this respectfully but please provide me one verse in the NT that says "believe in Jesus to go to heaven". Being "saved" that you read about in the NT was about being delivered from the bondage of the Mosaic Law (if you were a Jew) or being delivered from pagan idol worship (if you were a Gentile) or being delivered from a blood flow of 12 years (Matt 9:21). Or being delivered from the "wrath of God" that was coming in 70 AD on Jerusalem when God would condemn religion once and for all. The Greek word "Sozo" means "to be saved, delivered, healed" depending on the context. It's never used about going to heaven. There is no Hell (spiritual prison in the afterlife) in the NT. It is Gehenna. Read Jeremiah 19. Jesus used the Greek word Gehenna. That is the valley outside Jerusalem's walls where the Romans dumped the bodies of the unbelieving Jews in 70 AD. The Greek phrase "aionion zoe" which is mistranslated as "eternal life" in English actually means "life of the age" or "age of life". When would that age come? 70 AD. It came for all of humanity then. Those who believed would enter that age and not die in Jerusalem.
@ghosttube6525 4 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 I mean no offense either first off. Read John 14 from the beginning. Its crystal clear. Jesus speaks of His father in heaven. Going there to prepare a place for His disciples (whom He is speaking to), and clearly stating no one goes to the Father in Heaven but thru Him. Also the video contradicts itself quite often. You seem to say there is no heaven or hell. Then call "Christians" carnal for believing Christs kingdom was physical which in turn Christ proves is spiritual. So then you claim their is a Heaven by that very statement. Christ refers to Gehenna, lake of fire, Hades etc, not just Gehenna. If their is no punishment after death why does He speak of it several times? If the punishment was just for Jews why does Paul preach the gospel to the Romans? If the lake of fire is just Jerusalem or Gehenna why does Revelation 20 call it the second death? It would be the first. Why preach the gospel at all if you don't even have to believe in God or Jesus to be saved? No offense, but its obsurd, honestly.
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@@ghosttube6525 I was pretty confident you would bring up John 14. It's the closest thing you will find in the NT to "believe in Jesus to go to heaven" but it's not saying that at all. The reason you think it says that is because Christianity has been preaching a physical kingdom coming to planet Earth for 2,000 years that Jesus denied. You are thinking of the kingdom of God as "going to some place when you die". When you do that you are thinking of it physically. Jesus said the kingdom of God was within a person (Luke 17:20-21) John 14:6 (happens to be my favorite verse in the Bible) does not say you must believe in Jesus to go to heaven. It doesn't say that at all. Jesus is simply declaring that He is the only way to the Father. Through the offering of Himself He would reconcile the world to God (2 Cor 5:19, Rom 5:18-19). A person doesn't have to believe it. Every person born after 70 AD or who lived past 70 AD automatically entered God's kingdom. Luke 21:31-32 says that ALL would happen in that generation and that the kingdom of God was arriving on earth when Jerusalem was destroyed. God destroyed religion forever and human effort. We live in the age of grace since 70 AD which is the spiritual kingdom called the new heavens and earth in Scripture. I would suggest reading 2 Cor 5:1-10 and even the last verse of chapter 4. The "house made with hands" in 2 Cor 5:1 is a reference to the temple. The Christians of the first century were groaning (Romans 8:18-23) wanting to be clothed with the 'house NOT made with hands". That's the new Jerusalem that was coming down out of heaven in 70 AD that Paul talks about in Gal 4:21-31 and you find in Rev 21-22 and where Revelation says 7 times the book would be fulfilled shortly (Rev 1:1,3 & Rev 22:6,7,10,12,20). It is a spiritual kingdom. It's not about going somewhere when you die. God already is everywhere (Rom 10:6-7) Hades was destroyed in 70 AD. That was where the dead went before God's kingdom came in 70 AD. Lake of Fire is only mentioned in Revelation an apocalyptic book that is filled with symbolic imagery. It is well known among scholars that the Book of Revelation has between 200-400 references to the OT. If you can't find hell in the OT (and you can't) the Lake of Fire is not hell as Christians think of it today. It's Jerusalem being destroyed in 70 AD. I will answers your other comments in a new reply.
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@@ghosttube6525 The punishment Christ talks about is temporary. You can see that in Luke 12:46-48 and the end of Matt 18 and Matt 25:31-46. How that works God doesn't tell us. The Greek word "Aionios" which is the only Greek word in the NT that is used for the English words "eternal", "forever" and "everlasting" does not mean that. It's root word is "Aion" which means an age. So for exampled 2 Thess 1:8-9 is not talking about the Jews being destroyed forever but experiencing "aionion destruction". The destruction that came with then end of the Jewish age and the beginning of Christ's kingdom in 70 AD. It doesn't say anything about the time duration. Please study the Greek word "Aionios". The gospel is still important today because when you believe the real gospel (Christian Universalism) it sets you free from religion. How many Christians throughout the centuries on their death beds have wondered if they repented of sins enough to go to heaven? A lot. You can read some of their writing (e.g. the Pilgrims, Martin Luther in his early years etc...) Christ finished everything 2,000 years ago. Many Christians just don't believe it. Jesus didn't come to start a new religion. The idea that the Holy Spirit has been guiding Christianity with its thousands of denominations is laughable. Christians don't understand the NT because they refuse to accept the 100 plus time statements I mentioned that only allow for Christ's kingdom to come in His generation or the Bible is false. Christianity refuses to deal with that and remains confused sadly.
@ghosttube6525 4 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 I believe the time statements Christ claimed. That's unmistakable. Universalism is not sound doctrine from what I see in scripture. Christ will lead to truth though.
@AG-nu8ix 2 ай бұрын
Don't Quit making educational unitarian christian One LORD GOD Not three . . Deut 6:4 . . Acts 2:38 . . Acts 4:12 . . 😊
@mikezieg80 Жыл бұрын
Are you escaping Christ?
@mikezieg80 Жыл бұрын
Is God your Father?
@mysticmouse7261 2 жыл бұрын
"If the bible is true it must teach full preterism." Quite a claim. Hardly an argument. Oh I see what you read into the Olivet discourse is 'the bible'. LOL.
@TheAstrostar28 3 жыл бұрын
lets take this to the next level, hes on the right course, ad 70 was the end of the old cov age, the ending of the old heaven and earth, waxing old, ready to vanish, gathereing in of the elect and the door was shut on judiasm forever. but, but from my studies that was the end of the age, when he handed over the Kingom to the Father, 1 cor 15:24. but, but, but post ad 70 was the on growing growth of the Kingdom of God. jesus ministry was over in ad 70 imo, he finished it for judiasm and Israel. that door was shut. post at 70 imo isa 65;17-45 NEW H AND NEW EARTH. world w/o end, from age to age. eph 3. i have alot more on this post ad 70 realities. new h and new e. ongoing growth
@TheAstrostar28 3 жыл бұрын
jesus told the woman at the well, '' the hours coming when u will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth, not jesus, the father''. jesus ministry imo ended basically at the end of the age, when he handed the kingdom back over to the father. the door was shut. as in the days of noah. post ad 70 was the new h and new e time, world w/o end.
@TheAstrostar28 3 жыл бұрын
i havent renounced christ, but his ministry had nothing to do with me, he preached the good news of the gospel of the kingdom to israel, the jews, his people, to redeem them from the curse of the law. at the end of the age '' that kingdom'' was handed back over to the father and the door was shut on judiasm forever. he died on a cross for them, not me, i wasnt being waved from the wrath about to come, they were.
@TheAstrostar28 3 жыл бұрын
i have so much more i could share here, he died for his people the jews, i was never a jew, never under torah trangressions. had nothing to do with me. i came 2000 years later under the new h and new e.
@gustavmahler1466 4 жыл бұрын
Christianity ended in 70 AD
@have2behere477 4 жыл бұрын
No one who lives as truth itself can love Jesus anymore. Jesus entire kingdom is lies. All he spoke of what his Abbas kingdom, and yet he is the sickest of liars because a man of truth cannot look forward to it. Jesus can not look the other way either because he says he is the truth personified. He kills truth wherever it arises.
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hqezkHudbZyfq6s is Mathew 24 fulfilled
@marioneira777 4 жыл бұрын
Have 2BeHere Jesus is the truth the way and the life. I pray that you seek him and repent of what you just said. He loves you, me, and his creation. He is not a liar, he is perfect and righteous. It is our misinterpretations that are flawed.
@gustavmahler1466 4 жыл бұрын
Only fulfilled in the imagination
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