Digimon Story : Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory : All Signature/Special Attacks & Victory Poses!

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@LammergeierX 6 жыл бұрын
0:08 Kuramon: Glare Eye 0:16 Pabumon: Adhesive Bubble Blow 0:24 Punimon: Bubble Blow 0:33 Botamon: Bubble Blow 0:43 Poyomon: Super Bubble Blow 0:52 Arcadiamon In-Training: Data Drain 1:03 Koromon: Bubbles 1:12 Tanemon: Adhesive Bubble Blow 1:20 Tsunomon: Bubbles 1:30 Tsumemon: Nail Scratch 1:39 Tokomon: Bite 1:47 Nyaromon: Fox Tail 1:52 Pagumon: Poison Bubbles 2:02 Yokomon: Soap Flower 2:10 Bukamon: Air Bubbles 2:20 Motimon: Elastic Bubbles 2:27 Wanyamon: Smile Fang 2:35 Agumon: Pepper Breath 2:43 Agumon Black: Spitfire Blast 2:55 Arcadiamon Rookie: Soul Absorption 3:06 Armadillomon: Diamond Shell 3:17 Impmon: Summon 3:29 Elecmon: Thunder Cloud 3:38 Otamamon: Lullaby Bubble 3:48 Gaomon: Double Backhand 3:57 Gazimon: Electric Stun Blast 4:07 Gabumon: Blue Blaster 4:16 Gabumon Black: Little Horn 4:28 Guilmon: Rock Breaker 4:36 Kudamon: Blinding Ray 4:46 Keramon: Crazy Giggle 4:57 Gotsumon: Rock Fist 5:06 Goblimon: Goblin Strike 5:18 Gomamon: Marching Fishes 5:30 Syakomon: Black Pearl Blast 5:41 Zubamon: Twenty Dive 5:49 Solarmon: Shiny Ring 5:57 Chuumon: Cheese Bomb 6:06 Terriermon: Terrier Tornado 6:16 Tentomon: Super Shocker 6:25 ToyAgumon: Plastic Blaze 6:33 Dracmon: Eye of Nightmares 6:44 Dracomon: Baby Breath 6:56 Dorumon: Metal Cannon 7:05 Hagurumon: Cog Crusher 7:14 Patamon: Air Shot 7:25 Hackmon: Fifth Rush 7:34 Palmon: Poison Ivy 7:44 DemiDevimon: Demi Darts 7:56 Biyomon: Spiral Twister 8:06 Falcomon: Ninja Blade 8:12 FanBeemon: Gear Stinger 8:22 Veemon: Veemon Headbutt 8:31 Salamon: Puppy Howl 8:40 Betamon: Electric Shock 8:50 Hawkmon: Feather Slash 9:00 Mushroomon: Fungus Crusher 9:08 Monodramon: Knuckle Beater 9:18 Lalamon: Seed Blast 9:29 Lucemon: Grand Cross 9:43 Lunamon: Tearing Shot 9:54 Renamon: Diamond Storm 10:08 Lopmon: Blazing Ice 10:18 Wormmon: Sticky Net 10:29 Sistermon Blanc: Divine Pierce, Protect Wave 10:49 Ryudamon: Katana Attack 11:01 Sistermon Blanc Awake: Divine Pierce (Awake), You forgot Protect Wave (Awake) 11:15 Shoutmon: Fiery Fastball
@LammergeierX 6 жыл бұрын
11:25 IceDevimon: Frozen Claw 11:34 Icemon: Iceball Bomb 11:42 Aquilamon: Glide Horn 11:53 Agunimon: Pyro Punch 12:03 Aracadiamon Champion: Prison Fist 12:14 Ankylomon: Tail Hammer 12:23 Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo 12:32 Wizardmon: Thunder Cloud 12:43 Lobomon: Zwei Sieger 12:51 Woodmon: Branch Drain 13:00 Airdramon: Spinning Needle 13:12 ExVeemon: Vee Laser 13:22 Angemon: Heaven's Knuckle 13:32 Ogremon: Pummel Whack 13:43 Guardromon: D-Grenade 13:51 Guardromon Gold: D-Grenade 14:01 GaoGamon: Spiral Blow 14:12 Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker 14:19 ShellNumemon: Mature Poop 14:28 Gargomon: Dumdum Uppercut 14:37 Garurumon: Fox Fire 14:48 Garurumon Black: Freeze Fang 14:58 Kyubimon: Will-o'-Wisp 15:07 Growlmon: Exhaust Flame 15:15 Kurisarimon: Data Crusher 15:24 Greymon: Mega Flame 15:34 Greymon Blue: Bit Fire 15:44 Clockmon: Chrono Breaker 15:53 Kuwagamon: Scissor Claw 16:02 Gekomon: Symphony Crusher 16:13 Geremon: Hyper Smell 16:25 Coredramon Blue: Blue Flare Breath 16:35 Coredramon Green: Green Flare Breath 16:45 GoldNumemon: Golden Rush 16:58 Golemon: Crimson Curse 17:10 Cyclonemon: Hyper Heat 17:19 Sangloupmon: Sticker Blade 17:27 Sunflowmon: Sunshine Beam 17:36 Seadramon: Ice Blast 17:47 Coelamon: Fossil Bite 18:03 GeoGreymon: Mega Burst 18:15 Sukamon: Poop 18:29 Starmon: Meteor Shower 18:39 Stingmon: Spiking Strike 18:49 Strikedramon: Fang Strike 18:59 ZubaEagermon: Vantheon 19:09 Socerimon: Crystal Cloud 19:19 Tankmon: Hyper Cannon 19:30 MudFrigimon: Great Weight 19:39 Tyrannomon: Fire Breath 19:46 Gatomon: Lightning Paw 19:55 Devimon: Death Claw 20:06 Turuiemon: Ninja Claw 20:18 Togemon: Needle Spray 20:26 Dorugamon: Power Metal 20:36 Nanimon: Poop Dunk 20:44 Numemon: Poop Toss 20:53 Birdramon: Meteor Wing 21:04 BaoHuckmon: Fif Cross 21:12 Bakemon: Death Charm 21:31 Veedramon: V-Nova Blast 21:41 Hudiemon: Infinity Dream, Flying Kick 21:58 PlatinumSukamon: Rare Metal Poop 22:08 BlackGatomon: Lightning Paw 22:16 Vegiemon: Super Stinky Jet 22:26 Peckmon: Kunai Wing 22:34 Meramon: Burning Fist 22:44 Monochromon: Volcanic Strike 22:54 Frigimon: Sub-zero Ice Punch 23:03 Unimon: Holy Shot 23:14 Raptordramon: Ambush Crunch 23:24 Raremon: Sludge 23:33 Leomon: Fist of the Beast King 23:44 Lekismon: Moon Night Bomb 23:53 Reppamon: Razor Wind 24:04 Waspmon: Turbo Stinger 24:15 Sistermon Ciel Awake: Silent Bullet (Awake), Fury Fire (Awake) 24:36 Sistermon Noir Awake: Silent Bullet (Awake), Fury Fire (Awake) 24:59 Ginryumon: Metal Armor Blade 25:10 Sistermon Noir: Silent Bullet, Fury Fire 25:35 Sistermon Ciel: Silent Bullet, Fury Fire 25:51 MegaKabuterimon: Horn Buster 26:01 Arcadiamon Ultimate: Dot Matrix 26:12 Antylamon: Bunny Blades 26:23 Andromon: Spiral Sword 26:37 Meteormon: Galactic Flare 26:51 Infermon: Spider Shooter 27:01 Myotismon: Night Raid 27:13 Wingdramon: Blaze Sonic Breath 27:22 BurningGreymon: Corona Blaster 27:33 AeroVeedramon: Dragon Impulse 27:49 Etemon: Love Serenade 27:59 Angewomon: Celestial Arrow 28:10 Okuwamon: Double Scissor Claw 28:19 Garudamon: Shadow Wing 28:31 KendoGarurumon: Speed Star 28:45 Gigadramon: Genocidal Gears 28:56 CatchMamemon: Miracle Bomb 29:13 CannonBeemon: Nitro Stinger 29:26 Groundramon: Scrapless Claw 29:37 GrapLeomon: The King of Fists 29:46 Grademon: Cross Blade 29:57 Crescemon: Lunatic Dance 30:13 Cyberdramon: Desolation Claw 30:26 Shakkoumon: Disaster Blaster 30:37 Cherrymon: Cherry Bomb 30:47 Silphymon: Top Gun 30:59 SuperStarmon: Superstar Uppercut 31:09 SkullGreymon: Oblivion Bird 31:19 SkullSatamon: Nail Bone 31:39 Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer 31:47 SaviorHuckmon: Trident Saber 32:01 Taomon: Talisman of Light 32:13 Dragomon: Forbidden Trident 32:27 Chirinmon: Wind Cutter Sword 32:37 Dinobeemon: Hell Masquerade 32:53 Digitamamon: Nightmare Syndrome 33:09 SkullMeramon: Heavy Metal Fire 33:24 Duramon: Blinded 33:36 ShogunGekomon: Musical Fist 33:47 Triceramon: Tri-Horn Attack 34:02 DoruGreymon: Metal Meteor 34:14 Knightmon: Berserk Sword 34:32 Datamon: Digital Bomb 34:42 Paildramon: Death Parade Blaster 34:53 Panjyamon: Fist of Ice 35:01 Pandamon: Animal Nail 35:15 Pumpkinmon: Trick or Treat 35:27 Piximon: Pit Bomb 35:36 HippoGryphonmon: Heat Wave 35:46 Phantomon: Soul Chopper 35:56 BlackKingNumemon: Dark Pupil 36:06 BlueMeramon: Cold Flame 36:17 Vademon: Unidentified Flying Kiss 36:26 Whamon: Tidal Wave 36:40 MagnaAngemon: Heaven's Gate 36:51 Volcanomon: Big Bang Voice 37:04 Matadormon: Earth-Shattering Stomp 37:20 MachGaogamon: Winning Knuckle 37:30 Mamemon: Smile Bomber 37:43 MegaSeadramon: Lightning Javelin 37:53 Megadramon: Genocide Attack 38:03 WarGrowlmon: Atomic Blaster 38:14 MetalGreymon: Giga Destroyer 38:24 MetalGreymon Blue: Revenge Flame 38:40 MetalTyrannomon: Nuclear Laser 38:50 MetalMamemon: Energy Bomb 39:03 Monzaemon: Hearts Attack 39:23 Crowmon: Savage Emperor 39:33 RizeGreymon: Trident Revolver 39:43 Lilamon: Lila Shower 30:54 Rapidmon: Golden Triangle 40:05 Lillymon: Flower Cannon 40:16 Lucemon Falldown Mode: Dead or Alive 40:33 LadyDevimon: Darkness Wave 40:46 WereGarurumon: Wolf Claw 40:56 WereGarurumon Black: Full Moon Kick 41:05 Wisemon: Pandora Dialogue 41:27 Hisyaryumon: Legendary Dragon Blade 41:39 Arcadiamon Mega: Dot Matrix 41:49 Alphamon: Blade of the Dragon King, Soul Digitalization 42:10 Ebemon: Brain Rupture 42:23 Imperialdramon Dragon Mode: Megadeath 42:34 Imperialdramon Fighter Mode: Positron Laser 42:49 Vikemon: Arctic Blizzard 43:03 Valkyrimon: Fenrir Sword 43:17 Varodurumon: Aurora Undulation 43:31 VenomMyotismon: Venom Infusion 43:43 WarGreymon: Terra Force, Great Tornado 44:11 Gaiomon: Will-O'-Wisp Slash 44:20 KaiserGreymon: Firedrake Strike 44:34 ChaosGallantmon: Demonic Disaster, Judecca Prison 44:53 Chaosdramon: Hyper Infinity Cannon, Destroyed Hook 45:17 Gankoomon: Quake!Blast!Fire!Father!, Table Flip 45:40 KingEtemon: Monkey Wrench 45:58 Kuzuhamon: Taizoukai Mandala 46:10 GranKuwagamon: Dimension Scissor 46:19 GranDracmon: Crystal Revolution, Eye of the Gorgon 46:46 GroundLocomon: Destruction Crush 46:57 UlforceVeedramon: The Ray of Victory, Victory Sword 47:21 Ophanimon: Eden's Javelin 47:32 Gryphonmon: Supersonic Voice 47:42 Craniamon: Waltz's End, Breath of the Gods 48:12 Kerpymon Black: Lightning Spear 48:26 Kerpymon Good: Heaven's Judgment 48:40 Goldramon: God Flame 48:49 SaberLeomon: Howling Crusher 48:59 Sakuyamon: Amethyst Mandala 49:16 Jesmon: Judgement of the Blade, Weltgeist 49:46 ShineGreymon: GeoGrey Sword 49:57 ShineGreymon Burst Mode: Final Shining Burst 50:13 Justimon: Justice Kick 50:24 Kentaurosmon: Bifrost, Odin's Breath 50:50 Slayerdramon: Divine Dragon Slash 51:03 Seraphimon: Strike of the Seven Stars 51:13 MegaGargomon: Burst Shot 51:22 Darkdramon: Dark Roar 51:36 TigerVespamon: Mach Stinger V 51:46 Titamon: Soul Core Attack 51:54 TyrantKabuterimon: Shine of Bee 52:07 Dianamon: Good Night Moon 52:18 Diaboromon: Catastrophe Cannon 52:28 Creepymon: Flame Inferno 52:38 Gallantmon: Lightning Joust, Shield of the Just 53:04 Dynasmon: Wyvern's Breath, Dragon's Roar 53:30 Durandamon: Zwei Glanze 53:42 Leopardmon: Extinction Wave, Black Aura Blast 54:06 Leopardmon Leopard Mode: Vulcan Crusher 54:17 BlackWarGreymon: Dark Terra Force, Black Tornado 54:47 PrinceMamemon: Smile Warhead 55:00 Dorugoramon: Brave Metal 55:13 Neptunemon: Vortex Penetration 55:28 HiAndromon: Atomic Ray 55:38 PileVolcamon: Volcanic Driver 55:55 Barbamon: Pandemonium Lost 56:26 BanchoLeomon: Flashy Boss Punch 56:37 Piedmon: Trump Sword 56:50 Puppetmon: Puppet Pummel 57:02 PlatinumNumemon: Platinum Junk 57:12 Brakedramon: Destroyed Rush 57:23 Plesiomon: Sorrow Blue 57:35 HerculesKabuterimon: Giga Blaster 57:44 Beelzemon: Double Impact 57:57 Beelzemon Blast Mode: Corona Destroyer 58:11 Belphemon Sleep Mode: Eternal Nightmare 58:24 Hououmon: Starlight Explosion 58:36 Magnadramon: Fire Tornado 58:47 Boltmon: Tomahawk Stinger 58:57 MagnaGarurumon: Machinegun Destroyer 59:18 MagnaGarurumon Starlight Velocity: Starlight Velocity 59:31 Mastemon: Chaos Degradation 59:49 MarineAngemon: Ocean Love 1:00:10 Minervamon: Strike Roll 1:00:22 MirageGaogamon: Full Moon Blaster 1:00:36 MirageGaogamon Burst Mode: Full Moon Meteor Impact 1:00:49 Machinedramon: Infinity Cannon 1:01:11 Megidramon: Megiddo Flame 1:01:23 MetalEtemon: Banana Slip 1:01:36 MetalGarurumon: Ice Wolf Claw, Freezing Breath 1:02:00 MetalGarurumon Black: Ice Wolf Claw, Garuru Tomahawk 1:02:23 MetalSeadramon: River of Power 1:02:34 Merukimon: Thousand Fists 1:02:47 RustTyranomon: Terrors Cluster 1:02:58 Leviamon: Biting Crush 1:03:06 Lilithmon: Phantom Pain 1:03:19 Ravemon: Celestial Blade 1:03:32 Ravemon Burst Mode: Mourning Dance 1:03:46 Crusadermon: Spiral Masquerade, Fist of Athena 1:04:08 Rosemon: Thorn Whip 1:04:25 Rosemon Burst Mode: Aguichant Levres 1:04:39 Lotosmon: Seven's Fantasia 1:04:51 Armageddemon: Ultimate Flare, Black Rain 1:05:26 Arcadiamon Ultra: God Matrix 1:05:43 Alphamon Ouryuken: Ultimate Ouryuken 1:05:57 Imperialdramon Paladin Mode: Omni Sword 1:06:12 Examon: Pendragon's Glory, Dragonic Impact 1:06:39 Omnimon: Transcendent Sword, Supreme Cannon 1:07:17 Omnimon Zwart: Transcendent Sword, Supreme Cannon 1:07:43 Chaosmon: Bantyo Blade, Dark Prominence 1:08:13 Chaosmon Valdur Arm: Bantyo Blade, Aurora Blaster 1:08:42 Susanomon: Celestial Blade, Heaven's Thunder 1:09:16 Gallantmon Crimson Mode: Quo Vadis 1:09:32 Belphemon Rage Mode: Gift of Darkness 1:09:47 Lucemon Satan Mode: Divine Atonement 1:10:04 Flamedramon: Flaming Fist 1:10:15 Rapidmon Armor: Golden Triangle 1:10:28 OmniShoutmon: Hard Rock Spirit, Flame Cannon 1:10:54 Crusadermon NX: Spiral Masquerade, Fist of Athena 1:11:19 Leopardmon NX: Extinction Wave, Black Aura Blast 1:11:39 Omnimon NX: Transcendent Sword, Supreme Cannon 1:12:06 Ouryumon: Eiseiryuoujin 1:12:19 Magnamon: S-Gold Solar Storm, Plasma Shot
@zwart. 6 жыл бұрын
Cheesy Peeny um dam that's alot
@LordVanOskuro 4 жыл бұрын
I question a few dozen choices for which attacks got animated.
@fairydust1397 4 жыл бұрын
@DavidAKJohnson 3 жыл бұрын
@@LammergeierX you deserve a raise from whatever you job you are currently in
@cantdestroyher7245 4 жыл бұрын
300+ digimon with a bevy of unique animations from an old handheld console. Pokémon’s got no excuse
@primaloftheabyss3139 3 жыл бұрын
And yet a good portion are just recolors
@geniusgamerr4517 3 жыл бұрын
@Antisim1 3 жыл бұрын
Consider also that in 2015 there were around 700 Pokémon, a much more advanced type matchup system and 826 different moves.
@joeshroom8482 2 жыл бұрын
@@primaloftheabyss3139 Even then the recolors have different animations, Coredramon Green runs, Coredramon blue flies, now think how many Pokemon have the same open mouth, learn forward pose for beam/breath attacks.
@michaelbarrett8141 2 жыл бұрын
True that not only are the special moves more epic. They even have a different winning Pose. Plus a melee attack.
@TypetwoAbsolute 4 жыл бұрын
57:58 - He did it, for us boys.
@mascotwithadinosaur9353 4 жыл бұрын
Omg lol. He really is a hero
@chronoshindou9848 4 жыл бұрын
Lmao yes
@quinnnewman9538 3 жыл бұрын
@Aibadenshi 4 жыл бұрын
44:24 Reason why I like this version the most.
@GreenRanger6 4 жыл бұрын
Dragonfire Crossbow!!!💥💥💥
@ShadowShak 6 жыл бұрын
Gallantmon NX & Alphamon NX are not incuded since it's only for Europe and Japan at the moment. Update Apocalymon is now in the game!! Check it out : kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZeynXZ4bNiDiqM Thanks for watching! :)
@LordZeromaru 6 жыл бұрын
The Magnamon is from HaMe or the footage is from the original CS?
@LammergeierX 6 жыл бұрын
Yet you still included Sistermon Noir
@Skellington977 5 жыл бұрын
21:54 “Hey! Eyes up here, perv!”
@Saiol1000TheCrossover 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, Erika. Never change! 😊🥰
@krazzyfanatic 4 жыл бұрын
Dude thank you for making this video. Literally dont see most of the special attack because I power leveled very early and pretty much used the same Digimon through out the game
@Freezient 6 жыл бұрын
29:30 me, when I see a mosquito
@technolance2164 5 жыл бұрын
44:02 me when I see a spider
@Daemvu 3 жыл бұрын
underrated comment
@aidanobrien5591 4 жыл бұрын
This video taught me "crystallizing the target" means.
@Rurounik99 2 жыл бұрын
High Quality Animations. Pokemon Sword & Shield cries.
@ChaosMissile 5 жыл бұрын
57:25 - "Sad Water Blast" I wonder how many people will actually know this reference? >_>
@dylankatz6035 5 жыл бұрын
What's the reference?
@ChaosMissile 5 жыл бұрын
It's called "Sorrow Blue" here, and it's the actual name of Plesiomon's signature move. But back in Digimon World 2, among others things, it was translated as "Sad Water Blast" (voiceover still shouted "Sorrow Blue" however) Which wouldn't be that bad, if it weren't for the fact that it's one of the stronger moves in the entire game and thus alot of people will usually have it in their moveset. And it's also one of the stranger translations.
@williamzeledon586 5 жыл бұрын
Exactlyyyyyy xDD i loved DMW2 and the voiceovers
@Adloquiem 4 жыл бұрын
Gamefreak: *sweating*
@primaloftheabyss3139 3 жыл бұрын
Remember that a good few are recolors
@GoldenRose116 3 жыл бұрын
@@primaloftheabyss3139 so? There is still 10 times as much effort put into these animations then the lifeless ones in pokemon
@primaloftheabyss3139 3 жыл бұрын
@@GoldenRose116 these animations are the exact same from a previous game
@GoldenRose116 3 жыл бұрын
@@primaloftheabyss3139 i assume you mean the one from pokemon that they have been using with those models since like 2013
@primaloftheabyss3139 3 жыл бұрын
@@GoldenRose116 either way this argument won't do anything, I'm just a little miffed the seadramon line is basically just reskins
@diapollockal8962 6 жыл бұрын
i love the Airdramon line.
@lynell2B375 2 жыл бұрын
I never noticed that there's 300+ digimons in this game. Although some uses the same animation(or at least super similar), there should be still around half of those were unique animations, which is still amazing. And the fact that this game is 7 years old now(I think it first came out in 2015 in JP)
@ESw0rdsman 3 жыл бұрын
You know a Digimon is special when they have TWO cinematic attacks~
@m7mdalkhadeer399 6 жыл бұрын
Cool Video shak u deserve way more Subs for ur Great Work
@aditbiju3717 6 жыл бұрын
Japanese is kind of catchy, once you heard it many times, you’ll start to understand Japanese
@fairygamer77 5 жыл бұрын
So true. With so many jrpgs in Japanese language English subs u hear the same words over and over.
@SaShA6572 4 жыл бұрын
27:42 no more rasengan like in next order :(
@EmmauelAkinyemi 3 жыл бұрын
Pandamon's special move was the first one that made me think "damn that's cool"
@kingzant99 3 жыл бұрын
you know, when you watch this as a compilation, you realize just how much poop there is in digimon. why is there so much poop?
@slandgkearth 5 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile game freak cant do decent animation from half their roster pathetic.
@nintendolife25 5 жыл бұрын
It’s even more shameful when you realize Digimon almost have double the amount of creatures Pokemon has and still have the time to animate their signature moves, which EVERY Digimon has.
@uchillama8189 5 жыл бұрын
Raul Slandgkearth Gonzalez Guzman it’s even sadder that Game Freak is like one of the most successful companies in the world, yet their games are so pathetically sad looking
@supersonicbro 5 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile people who haven't actually played these games don't know that this is all for 1 move. Every other move they do the same 1 animation. At least Pokemon has at least 2-3 animations the Pokemon does itself, and then each move has their own animations. In comparison, Pokemon does more.
@silverauron7850 5 жыл бұрын
@@supersonicbro More than 400 animations unique to a specific digimon (some have two specials), some 100 shared ones plus a unique victory animation for each and every digimon AND special voice overs for a few fan favorites and the npc digimon? nope.
@leonardofarias8843 4 жыл бұрын
@@silverauron7850 But both games lack decent reactions from the opposing random encounters and important bosses
@Dracogueure 3 жыл бұрын
So..... Beelzemon is the weapon against coronavirus ?
@LammergeierX 6 жыл бұрын
Why the sound dead for some of the megas?
@maximaldinotrap 5 жыл бұрын
They are so powerful that they can destroy sound (kidding but it sounds good anyway)
@MilenAnessar 3 жыл бұрын
Translation in this game for move names is kinda weird to say at least, they are under 4 categories. Correctly translated / Stayed original names (Beast King Fist, Hyper Heat , etc.) : Logical ones with nothing wrong. Keep old localized name (Pepper Breath, Terra Force, etc.) : I get it, gotta make consistent to the older games and to be fair some localized names are better. Corrected old localized names to original (Heaven's Knuckle, Burning Fist, etc.) : This surprised me, seeing them using the second category for so long I didn't think they will revert some names back to what it should be in the first place. And then there's the last category.... Doesn't go either way and make a new names (Ice Wolf Claw, etc.) : Just why? Thankfully this category doesn't have much to confuse us.
@LucasHenrique-eg8ox 4 жыл бұрын
27:23 Corona blaster
@khassunkedblue40 4 жыл бұрын
This video taught me that bubbles coming out of creatures mouths are Disgusting
@CallieBlader 5 жыл бұрын
so they still haven't added in all of the humans from frontier and their enemies, all of the egg armor digivolutions, all of shoumons fusions, any fusions from xros wars, i was honestly hoping to see them in this game. guess not
@miguelcom13 5 жыл бұрын
Excalibur you are not going to see any xross from xross wars in any future game
@gohanossjz391 5 жыл бұрын
There's Super Xros wars Red and Blue in NDS.
@velvetdarksoul8741 4 жыл бұрын
@leroy shankins Xros is the Power Rangers season done bad Frontier is the Power Rangers Jungle Fury done right
@theotherky 5 жыл бұрын
Hmm, Digimon has its share of animation highs and lows too, it looks like. I'm seeing a few "your opponent's all the way over there" moments.
@Long1Shot 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it’s not perfect.
@connorradcliffe1769 5 жыл бұрын
@@Long1Shot still way better then pokemons battle animations
@leonardofarias8843 4 жыл бұрын
@@connorradcliffe1769 But you can see in both games that the attack doesn't cause much impact
@treehouseoffun1242 Жыл бұрын
@@connorradcliffe1769I know I’m late but why bring up pokemon. Comparing it to persona would make more sense, atleast in this game.
@KingExalted Жыл бұрын
Yeah I noticed that the attacks aren’t actually making contact with the opponent but at least the animation value is still there cause the Digimon is actually animated and moving instead of attack animation in front of the monster or it’s aligned in a weird way like they do with Pokémon moves
@BlueBlazingCharizard 4 жыл бұрын
Woah! That Light of Beast Spirit is in Cyber Seulth, from Cyber Seulth/Hacker's Memory? How did you get that?
@congathemonkey2242 4 жыл бұрын
You can get lobo and aguni into hackers memory story but lobo Line and aguni Line you can get him in batlle points
@BlueBlazingCharizard 4 жыл бұрын
@@congathemonkey2242 Battle Points... Where do I get them?
@JackOfen 6 жыл бұрын
Where are Apocalymon, Gallantmon NX and Alphamon NX?
@thoaihoquang1578 4 жыл бұрын
May be he not unlock them yet
@omegaderose4342 4 жыл бұрын
i was so happy when this game came out in germany firt complet englisch but got a german fiull translation later
@deathbykonami5487 Жыл бұрын
Arcadiamon looks like some reject from The Thing.
@q-miiproductions878 5 жыл бұрын
Where's the audio for Breakdramon?
@MohdMirul-zu4gq 4 жыл бұрын
some of the signature moves are missing, looks like bandai namco did not add it, sad :C
@rickkhemai1443 5 жыл бұрын
im confused, is cyber sleuth hacker memory a prequel or a sequel to cyber sleuth ????
@riospark8849 5 жыл бұрын
The events of the game occur at the same time
@riospark8849 5 жыл бұрын
So none of them
@velvetkey1367 5 жыл бұрын
Rick Khemai they happen at the same time
@bricesonroy2350 5 жыл бұрын
It’s pretty much a side story
@fairygamer77 5 жыл бұрын
Same time. Several times you are told in hackers memory that you are just like the 'other' one referring to first game.
@Mr_broken_record 3 жыл бұрын
Only thing I hate about this game is the digimon don’t say their special line of their attacks unless they are on the opponents field
@gakpyu 3 жыл бұрын
those poor babies being killed for this video >3
@MrMirageCaster 5 жыл бұрын
Digimon has a weird obsession with monsters fighting with their..."leavings".
@cantdestroyher7245 4 жыл бұрын
I think it comes from the original digimon tamagotchi thing where they’d always poop all the time
@yolandamelero6759 5 жыл бұрын
@drom498 5 жыл бұрын
If impmon can fly or float then why didn't he do it on Digimon tamers
@bubalackgaming8892 6 ай бұрын
He does in Digimon Tamers all the time wdym
@nle_zitro5761 6 жыл бұрын
Shake can you do a all digimon showcase not there moves like what the digievolve to
@SamuraiMotoko 5 жыл бұрын
Bakemon... That was akwars...
@elijahcausby8899 4 жыл бұрын
How do I get Zubamon?????
@ktvx.94 4 жыл бұрын
Okay I've never played this game. How come a lv 1 mega has around 1000 HP and another one at lv 99 has 2000? Like, almost 100 times the level yet only 2 times HP?
@cantdestroyher7245 4 жыл бұрын
there’s not as much stat growth compared to some other games but yeah stats are all over the place in this game
@kleberson777 3 жыл бұрын
Each Digimon has variable stat. some Digimon is very squishy but hit very hard (Glass Cannon), some was very tanky but done less damage, some was balance. The most tanky Champion Digimon, can have more HP than Squishy Ultimate. That is the beauty of this game. Also there is training system. The higher the ABI mean higher stat gain.
@shadowdragun 3 жыл бұрын
On average, each digimon gets 10 hp per level and 1 to each stat, or sometimes none of that stat, sometimes more. Its weird and you can't predict it
@Aibadenshi 2 жыл бұрын
Base stats? Pokemon and many RPG had that. Is this your first ever RPG?
@nandasyahputra7468 2 жыл бұрын
Sound effect less impact
@ceecee6521 Жыл бұрын
Keep Arcadiamon away from me.
@queenofdarknesscosmoqueen3190 6 жыл бұрын
for love god can someone tell me how to fuckin got usb billionaire 😵 ? five days i did not get anything......😒
@KryzzaAbrea 6 ай бұрын
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