Dimitri's Kingdom of Justice: The Fate of Fodlan

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@toriwork8891 3 жыл бұрын
AM's ending honestly seems like the only one that has a chance of succeeding if you stop using "fantasy land and they lived happily ever after" logic Three Houses closes every route in. Edelgard set up an awful system that's doomed to fail (not to mention, Imperialism never works out, just ask Japan how relations with Korea is going or the US with the Middle East). She created a position where one person has all of the power, and you see it through her hand-picking all her friends to important positions and even going as far to censor art (which is straight-up stuff from a dystopia honestly). Even if we assume Edelgard is infallible, that is an incredibly dangerous precedent to set. SS and VW do not separate church and state and put an ignorant mercenary in charge of both religion and politics. VW gets a slight boost through working hand-in-hand with foreign leader, Claude. AM's ending is the best because it's the least dependent on its leader. Dimitri being a good person or not isn't nearly as important as betting that Edelgard or Byleth is in CF, SS, and VW. Because Dimitri's emphasis is on giving power back to the people and away from leaders and starts setting up a system to do so. Claude and Edelgard may have worthy causes they're fighting for, but Dimitri's cause is the people rather than his own self-righteous ideals getting forced on everyone else.
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah and I think that Dimitri's understanding is one of his greatest strengths as a compelling character and as good ruler for the future. Plus like you said I think Dimitri's giving power back to the people is one of the largest benefits of his ending. Thanks for the well thought out comment!
@cocoabeanz6171 2 жыл бұрын
Dimitri was always a man who cares more for others than himself. One of his defining traits throughout the game is his incredible compassion, and how it’s simultaneously a harm to him (his sense of duty to his dead loved ones and his intense self-hatred) and a virtue (his ease at sympathizing with the plights of others and his ability to listen to others and understand their points of view). There’s a lot of words to describe him, but “Empathetic” sums the man up nicely. His empathy drives his whole arc, and it makes him a great leader.
@theredsir869 3 жыл бұрын
The best and most realistic ending.
@basilofgoodwishes4138 3 жыл бұрын
Dimitri is interesting because unlike the other 2 lords, he has the least ambitions goals, but comes the closest to creating an Democracy, even if VW hinted at something similar. He created more or less an Moderate Society and will most likely create a long lasting golden age, but with the Agarthans still alive, they could overtake the System and destroy everything he built. A sequel with the AM route could tell the story of the rise of Fascism and how to avert that. This time Dimitri's descendant has to face the Agarthan Socrates, the World Ruler to defeat the Agarthans once and for all. Also this route is called Azure Moon and during Moon time, there is no sun to see, thus the Agarthans hide in the Dark( I consider the Black Sun to be their symbol).
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
That sounds like an interesting premise, but if I had to guess I'd say IS isn't going to create any direct sequels to three houses and will at best create ones that are tangentially related to fodlan. And I also think that the narrative not directly addressing the agarthans is one of Azure Moon's greatest weaknesses as a route.
@0axis771 3 жыл бұрын
No route ever hints at democracy. Ever. At all. In fact, every route but Edelgard's ever implies that the nobility system remains. Democracy and nobility systems don't mix.
@basilofgoodwishes4138 3 жыл бұрын
@@0axis771 Dimitri's main ending says otherwise and regarding Nobles and Democracy...have you ever been in the UK?
@0axis771 3 жыл бұрын
@@basilofgoodwishes4138 Please tell me where Dimitri's ending states that he created democracy. Also, adding a democracy so early into a society that has a completely uneducated commoner society. that makes it unlikely that democracy can even sustain itself. Don't even try to claim that Dimitri brings free education. That's what Edelgard brings with Ferdinand, who only suggests it to replace the nobility system. A democracy with an uneducated population, along with rich and powerful nobles, it's already a system that will collapse in a single generation. Because nobles would simply buy the votes easily or shed blood to force votes to come to them. So before trying to say "he created democracy", actually be mindful of what the dialogue actually states.
@toriwork8891 3 жыл бұрын
@@0axis771 "Democracy" is the wrong way to put it, but Dimitri IS the only lord who gives power to the people. Is it democratic yet? No. But it is representative and is the only route that ends that way. All of CF's endings maintain the nobility though. There's even endings where children are inheriting because of who their parents are, so what on earth are you going on about?
@tahamohammad8842 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair with the agarthans, Dimitri probably didn’t even know they existed. Claude didn’t even know they existed until that out of nowhere letter in verdant wind. Also considering that almost all major leaders of TWSITD are dead they can’t really do much damage considering that in the shambala chapters for SS and VW you only need to kill the Thales and so their could be some remanants of TWSITD yet their still considered destroyed. I think that shows that the death of all major leaders of the agarthans should remove them
@leandorr3299 3 жыл бұрын
I really like the ending because he is not trying to change everything in a instant but taking the human and the slow route
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I feel the same, the blue lions ending is my personal favorite.
@nickelakon5369 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I think might serve to fix the problem of "what if the argathans return?" Is a positive that a lot of people forget about the crest system. People with crests are essentially superhuman soldiers capable of fighting in the place of scores of men. Dimitiri's ending is the only one where the possibility of fixing this system while benefiting from it remains. Fodland is at it's strongest at the end of this route, and while it might be against an unknown enemy, it is easily the most prepared for that enemy
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's explained through the game that crests are really important means that the people of Fodlan use to protect themselves, such as in the case of the Gautier family defending against invaders. I think that the importance of crests gets ignored partially because of how minorly they impact gameplay causing people to forget their importance in the narrative. Thanks for pointing this out!
@BardockSkywalker 3 жыл бұрын
@@ordinaryunits4341 Yeah, Clause is usually the one who *"has the best route since he got rid of the system without causing a war"* (Which is actually a load of shit when you really get down to it), Dimitri *knows* that the system is bullshit, but is also aware that completely destroying it might cause more harm than good long-term
@bluemoon0371 3 жыл бұрын
I know that it isn't addressed in the route, but isn't it possible that Hubert was still able to inform Dimitri about the Agarthans like he did in the VW and SS route? While it's true that they are unaware of the location of Shambala, I feel like Hubert would've still left the note that says that it's the victor's responsibility to defeat the Agarthans.
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
It's definitely possible, but I think that that particular situation was omitted from the blue lions route to distinguish it from verdant wind/ silver snow. Unfortunately, the story elements about the agarthans are more or less lost in the blue lions route, but I do think that it would be in character for hubert to extend the same information to Dimitri.
@BardockSkywalker 3 жыл бұрын
@@ordinaryunits4341 Not that it matters anyways since they were completely annihilated by pure accident! Because both Cornelia (who we never found out the true identity & name of BTW since the REAL Cornelia is dead) & Thales died as early as they did, they couldn't use those nukes to destroy Fort Merceus like in SS & VW (which i STILL don't know HOW the hell can they make nukes in a place like Fódlan) & Myson died at the Final Chapter... In-short, TWSITD were pretty much squashed like bugs without The Blue Lions even TRYING & whatever comeback they can do is pointless since they'd be too weak to fight back & wouldn't know how to use the nukes. So if they DO strike back someday, Dimitri & the others can EASILY finish the job without ANY real issue
@SierraGustafson 2 жыл бұрын
It's kind of a shame that we never go to Shambhala on either Dimitri or Edelgard's paths, but we *do* get to take out some of the members of Those who Slither in the Dark such as Arundel, who's rumored to be Thales, Cornelia, and Myson.
@ordinaryunits4341 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way, they probably left Shambhala out of the blue lions route to differentiate all the routes, but it still would have been fun to see.
@Material_Monkey 2 жыл бұрын
Wasnt it now confirmend in three hopes, that Arundel is Thales?
@mcsalturn5979 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! I found your channel recently, and I must say that your fe3h videos are REALLY well done! I still haven't seen them all cause I have yet to complete some routes-, but from what I have seen so far I must say that I loved them, and they caught me from beginning to end! Again, great video, keep up the good stuff!
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I really appreciate the comment and I'm glad that you enjoy my content! Comments like this really make the creation of these videos worth it.
@FireofGia111 3 жыл бұрын
I didnt like the ending in terms of plot because of what you mentioned under the issues, but I completely forgot about all the social changes Dimitri made and didnt notice the Duscur people in the end CG! Great analysis! Definitely made me have a new perspective
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Bringing a new perspective is what I hope to do in this series so I'm glad that it did that for you and yeah I also felt a little underwhelmed after finishing blue lions because TWSITD were a complete afterthought.
@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T 3 жыл бұрын
@@ordinaryunits4341 the weird thing about AM's ending is that it kinda sets up a sequel that is probably never going to happen Other then that, the ending is very good regardless for one of the best written characters in the entire game
@siegfried7988 3 жыл бұрын
Imma need that church ending video 👀
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
I'll get it out soon lol I'm glad that you're excited for it!
@dimitriforchrist2248 Жыл бұрын
Huge win for the good guys
@ordinaryunits4341 Жыл бұрын
Dimitri for christ💀 that's awesome
@valentinchappa6702 5 ай бұрын
In a way edelgard's dream lives on in Dimitri. Not everything mind you. But i like to think that because of her circumstances, edelgard wasn't fully aware of she was wishing for. Her meritocracy idea is just plain awful, but with her shortened lifespan, it makes sense she wouldn't be able to really sit down and think about the repercussions of her choices. It will take time. It won't even be guaranteed, but with Byleth's steady hand, the core of her dream, the selfless parts, the justice of it, WILL come.
@ordinaryunits4341 2 ай бұрын
For sure! I like to think that Edelgard stabbing dimitri at the end of azure moon is both a sign of her refusal to give up on seeing her dream through, but also a sort of resignation to dimitri. She gives him the dagger that empowered her to resolutely make change the world symbolically passing that torch to him, even if she can't abide being in that world.
@abedramirez5059 3 жыл бұрын
I have the theory that AM was the first route to be written (it has the narrative structure of a classic FE and the strong emphasis of the kingdom whole situation in the chapters of Lonato, who is directly correlated with the character arc of Ashe, Miklan and his troubled relation with Sylvain which it entails the whole problematic of crest system and the whole conflict involving Mercedes and the Death Knight) and addressed the problem of the Agarthans, but in the meanwhile they were writing the other routes, they decided to pull of the Agarthans in AM to give the VW/SS route their principal antagonistic force, but in my head canon Dimitri discovers all the deeds of TWSITD by connecting dots about the whole situation about Patricia’s treason and all the possible documentation left behind by Cornelia and Thales (you can’t lead a millenarian well organized cult just by spoken words), is not the best way to leave inconclusive conflict points in your storytelling but this allowed AM to be a more character driven story were they surely had the time to develop their principal characters (all the Blue Lions). I believe this route leads to the best outcome for Fodlán, the promise of Claude gives to understand that the relations between Almyra and the new kingdom will be of cooperation, if you recruit Petra technically you help Brigid to regain their autonomy adding one more ally to the kingdom, in some endings of Sylvain is stated that the relations with Sreng were improved so yeah, maybe I’m a little biased, but the political (and the intertwined economical) landscape is one of prosperity and mutual help between all Fodlan. Also Dima best boi, thanks for reading all this whole mess, English is not my mother language.
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
I think I'd have to agree with you on Azure moon being developed first. When I first played the game I was really satisfied with the narrative payoff of Dimitri's personal journey and how most of the early missions pertained to kingdom. I'm also very partial to Azure Moon's ending, but I'm probably biased too lol. And I thought that you expressed your ideas well in English despite it not being your first language.
@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah it's clear as day that this route was written first I started the game with the Blue Lions and when I saw that we were dealing with Kingdom conflict, I thought in the other routes we would be dealing with their respective lands problems in early WC. And if I'm being honest, it kinda pissed me off when it turns out it's not the case
@DHVF28 3 жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure the devs stated that they developed SS first but I can see why one would think that AM was developed first
@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T 3 жыл бұрын
@@DHVF28 SS was developed first, but was it's story also written first as well? That's what isn't very clear
@DHVF28 3 жыл бұрын
@@J_U_D_G_E_M_E_N_T Yeah that could be the case
@0axis771 3 жыл бұрын
Azure Moon's ending definitely suffers because of how Claude and Edelgard at least give you an idea of how they intend to reform things, with Edelgard changing nobles into government positions and creating free education, and Claude wishing to open trade with Almyra and Fodlan, while Dimitri gives you no idea. Because the story of Dimitri is about getting over his own issues, he's someone that doesn't really go to address the main issues of Fodlan beyond speaking in pure idealistic terms. He doesn't know what he wants, or his wants are generally buried under his madness. Edelgard and Claude already know what they want and how they will generally go about achieving their desires. Dimitri doesn't because the story is about him, not Fodlan. But this makes any of Dimitri's reforms be reliant on the case of "Good person = Good leader", and players are meant to just believe that he will surely fix things because he fixed himself. If people are okay with that, that's fine. But with how the other routes address how they plan on fixing things for Fodlan, Dimitri not even bothering to give his own input and just speaking in purely idealistic terms makes me less receptive to supporting him. It's taking them at nothing but their word. It works in other games, but not in this game for me.
@ordinaryunits4341 3 жыл бұрын
Fair enough Claude and Edelgard are more explicit with their political goals throughout the game and Dimitri is a little more vague. Although to his credit he does give hints as to the types of goals that he has in mind in his supports with byleth and his conversation after the gautier inheritance. There also is a significant amount of faith that needs to be placed in Dimitri's leadership abilities in the moment, but he also does take steps towards more representation within Faerghus's government, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.
@stuartcrippen5066 3 жыл бұрын
OrdinaryUnits Azure Moon is the only route I have currently played through. I never saw any leadership abilities from him.
@toriwork8891 3 жыл бұрын
@@ordinaryunits4341 To be fair, you've got to put a significant amount of faith in the leaders for every ending. Edelgard is ruling with such an iron fist she's hand-picking her heir and everyone else and censoring art in her ending with Dorothea. You need to put a lot more stock into believing in her than Dimitri's more spaced out AM ending. Likewise, Byleth is leading both politics and religion in SS's and VW's ending, which is putting a lot of stock in an ignorant mercenary's abilities to lead a nation on two fronts, not to mention the complete lack of seperation of church and state. Dimitri's ending is by far and large the most stable because it's the least dependent on one person - Emperor or King/Pope.
@0axis771 3 жыл бұрын
@@toriwork8891 Pft, yeah, sure. Iron-fisted? Edelgard proves herself in her supports to actually be a faithful listener to people and actually talk about how she goes about changing things, whereas Dimitri has no plans or idea on how to fix things, and we're just meant to believe he will fix things. There's far better stocks to put on Edelgard, who has a plan, than Dimitri, which is purely blind faith.
@newtonia-uo4889 3 жыл бұрын
@@0axis771 In one of Dimitri's ending cards, he sets up a parliament with a citizen government. So the system kinda mirrors that of britain but the monarchy actually having power.
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