Dinosaurs vs Dragons Debate: Is it rational to identify bone discoveries as Dragons?

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Howard George Stirrup

Howard George Stirrup

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Original video & Many more debates on Standing For Truth Ministries:
/ @standingfortruthminis...
+ The Tesseract clip and many more videos can be found on Malice In Wonderland Studios:
/ @maliceinwonderlandstu...
...Could the Dinosaur narrative be an attempt to distort the truth about our history?
......Might that be why so many families and organizations use similar symbols and shared interests?
.........Considering there is written accounts of Dragons, Maps and Statues throughout history, is it rational to identify modern bone discoveries as Dragons & Giants?
#Dragon #dragons #dinosaur #dinosaurs #reptilian #shapeshifting #giants #ancienthistory #ancientreligion #ancientreligion #firmament #newnormal #conspiracy #actnow #debate #activism #activist #debates #raisingawareness #speakerscorner #evangelist #evangelism #godwins #matrix #1984 #TheyLive

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@Seafarer-Ade Жыл бұрын
Howard talking utter crap, again.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
🙄 If you explain what you disagree with and why, that would be more constructive and I am interested to see what you can provide to support your claims!
@midlander4 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrupno you're not. You even lie about lying.
@ptcollin6802 10 ай бұрын
You just embarrassed yourself on MDD. Imagine being so bad at debating the actual topic that the other person is forced to leave based on your inability to have a meaningful conversation. Dude, you couldn't get through a single sentence without bringing up multiple conspiracies. You seriously need an evaluation of your mental state.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
I wasn't the one name calling, swearing and saying nu-huh pal. It went well considering the new information that I am sharing is fringe and most people are uncomfortable when their faith is challenged with mathematical proofs, geological evidence and documented conspiracy. ...Demonstrate that I am wrong, otherwise don't be so certain!
@dagg310 10 ай бұрын
just because his views aren't mainstream he needs an evaluation? who should evaluate him? a doctor who believes it's ok for men to play in women sports? remember, people who believed the earth was a globe were the delusional ones at one point because that belief was also not mainstream. the only thing is he did bring up way too many topics for the topic of this debate
@ptcollin6802 10 ай бұрын
@HowardGeorgeStirrup what's wrong with swearing? At least it isn't fallacious. You couldn't present one argument without bringing up 5 other topics, bro. Learn how to debate.
@ptcollin6802 10 ай бұрын
@dagg310 flat earthers are quite possibly the dumbest people that exist right now. But then again, you probably believe the Bible is 100% true as well, so I'm not surprised.
@ptcollin6802 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup if you actually think that you are the one that came out on top, you are delusional. No one wants you back on MDD just from how awful your performance once. Save the embarrassment.
@vendettaukiain 10 ай бұрын
if a relative or actual friend of Howard in RL is reading these comments, please urge him to seek therapy.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
Attack the evidence and arguments instead of the person 😴
@vendettaukiain 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup im not attacking you- you need help
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
@@vendettaukiain thank you for proving my point again pal. You cannot provide a stronger explanation or counter evidence 🙄
@gomen7788 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrupno, mate you need serious help. And I'm saying this as an ex-truther. I debunked them one by one. It's all lies.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
@@gomen7788 I challenge you to support your claim with evidence!
@BruthaMuzone 10 ай бұрын
You said you like to investigate and research for yourself. So get on a plane, wait until you're at cruising altitude and look out the window. You can then see the curvature of the earth!!! It's that simple.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
Try to support your claim with evidence pal 😴 *Like I do, when I make a statement. ...The reason you don't, is because you can't!
@vendettaukiain 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup you dont provide evidence. What you provide is some kind of weird Twister game you made in your basement and a spew of unconnected nonsense- you are so delusional that you cant see you are delusional. Have you read the comments on MDD - you made an idiot of yourself.....again .You said it yourself -you dont want to debate, just spread your inane ramblings
@BruthaMuzone 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup Do you not know what planes do? Just book a local flight and 'see' for yourself. If you only knew how foolish your statement was you'd never have made it!
@FrostBite-oy5us 10 ай бұрын
​@HowardGeorgeStirrup So you're not going to investigate this claim by getting on a basic plane ride and seeing the evidence first hand? Thought you were open minded and wanting to make your own observations?
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
@@FrostBite-oy5us I have uploaded a video of my skydive pal.
@veganskeletons4131 Жыл бұрын
Snake was wrong
@johnferry7778 10 ай бұрын
Why do you bother?
@vendettaukiain Жыл бұрын
just heard you phone into Matt on The Line - that went well! Glad he gave zero credence to your rubbish. "Globe sceptic"? more like reality sceptic
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
You are mistaken, it went really well, cowards resort to censorship when they are confronted with primary observations that conflicts with their blind faith in secondary information :)
@vendettaukiain Жыл бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup so why then, do all the comments say that you are a very silly person?
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
@@vendettaukiain confirmation bias pal, didn't you see their own poll, on how there was only 4% of theists in the audience?
@midlander4 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrup you're an embarrassing narcissist, we get it.
@johnferry7778 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrupHoward you have NO primary observations of dragons not a single one, you have pictures and carvings and stories and these all vary from culture to culture. There many myths and carvings and paintings of unicorns as well. You are fooling yourself if you think that you presented a shred of evidence. There are many COMPLETE dinosaur fossils and they are irrefutable PRIMARY evidence. Where is even one single skeleton of a winged dragon? Your arguments are hopelessly ill informed and unconvincing. People would have seen fossils of dinosaurs(dragons) all over the world exposed by erosion or dug up, don’t you think it’s possible that these skeletons are the origins of dragon myths? You seem to believe ANY explanations apart from the most likely ones, this leads me to believe that you are arguing from a religious young earth apologist perspective and are dishonestly dismissing good evidence out of hand. Because ALL of your beliefs are extreme fringe beliefs I think(hope)this is just a self promoting grift that you are trying to monetise.
@docsavage30 10 ай бұрын
I was fascinated by your "heart shaped rocks are actually hearts (ergo the global flood)" hypothesis and encourage you to write this up for publication. Best Wishes, DOC PS I found a rock shaped like Dracula. Does that prove flat earth?
@utz2867 10 ай бұрын
Right? Who knew finding rocks that look like organs could prove anything, when they say "it looks like" I immediately know they are scientific for sure! I found a rock the shape of a cookie, now I know that planet x is real!
@bosco008 10 ай бұрын
Just no kidney shaped ones. 😫
@johnferry7778 10 ай бұрын
@@bosco008Or fossilised skeletons.
@johnferry7778 9 ай бұрын
That’s “Count” Dracula to you!
@griggpev 10 ай бұрын
Math PhD student here specializing in discrete and algebraic geometry. Please do a video on sacred geometry, and please be careful with your exposition.
@MarroniMusic Жыл бұрын
Awesome bro
@maxmac7845 11 ай бұрын
You stated that people should be "testing things for themselves", right? Do you agree that there are right and wrong ways to reliably test different hypothesise. For example, you could test a hypothesis using incorrect methods and come to the wrong conclusions through faulty testing methods. You could also come to incorrect conclusions through personal confirmation bias or a combination of both. Here's the thing, how do you discern the right and wrong method to test and how do you eliminate personal biases? Testing methods vary, dependant on each particular hypothesis. Applying the correct method to each particular test is a critical part of a successful test. It's a skill that's learnt early on in our schooling. Teaching methods(at least in the west) involves a combination of lectures, reading and hands on, practical work and testing. No one simply listens to a lecture and takes everything said at face value, nor is it expected by teachers or pupils. So in conclusion, if someone makes a claim, be they professor, teacher or layman, and they offer no actual evidence, you still have the tools to prove/disprove any claims they make.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 11 ай бұрын
I agree that not one person should make an experiment or observation and assume they are correct. That's why the nost important part of the scientific method is REPETITION. ...When everyone that makes the experiment/observation reproduces the same result, that's strong evidence, as each peson will have their own way to assure the controls are valid etc
@maxmac7845 11 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup The number of people that makes the experiment/observation is not critical. For example, multiple people could make the same mistakes and arrive at the same incorrect conclusions as each other because they may have copied each other, mistake included. THE most important thing is to carry out the experiments/observations correctly using suitable methods and instruments/tools. Eliminating every conceivable variable that might have an adverse effect on the experiment/observation is also important, example...if observing our Sun, using a solar filter is better than not using one. If we were measuring it's angular size, a solar filter would allow an accurate measurement compared to not using one.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 11 ай бұрын
@@maxmac7845 if only 1 person claims to have made an experiment with optimal controls, apart from potentially being dishonest, they could still be mistaken. So, I disagree with you. You believe in secondary information, wheras I require primary observations reproducible experiments and that the evidence is demonstrable, by myself and others.
@maxmac7845 11 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup I'm not sure where you got the "you believe in secondary information" from, when i specifically described not repeating the mistakes of previous attempts or copying others mistakes. Primary observations/experiments can incorporate mistakes. If someone sees a mistake in an experiment/observation, points out the mistakes, they must explain why it's a mistake and also back it up with a repeat of the experiment minus the alleged mistake then compare conclusions. If only one person claims to have made an experiment/observation with optimal controls, that's simply an unsubstantiated claim. Claims are not evidence. A claim without evidence is meaningless. If you and i were to do the exact same experiment but our controls varied, it would be reasonable to expect different conclusions, correct? If the the conclusions differ from each other it could be because of the controls(or lack of) employed, correct? We would have to then discuss the controls and reasons for introducing them or leaving them out and see if they have genuine, scientific merit.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 11 ай бұрын
@@maxmac7845 but you don't even have counter evidence do you? (I imagine you are challenging my globe skepticism)
@criticalthinker2760 Жыл бұрын
Howard you should inter Islam, it would make your points stronger, especially with the “believing in some of the book and disbelieving in some”
@carlosgonzalez1822 10 ай бұрын
This guy has been watching to much of Maxwell Jordan.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
I challenge you to debunk one specific piece of evidence!
@midlander4 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrup is that your big gotcha moment Howard? Seriously? 😂😂😂😂😂
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
@@midlander4 I challenge you to try and debunk any evidence that I presented. (It's not about me pal!)
@hannahlee156 Жыл бұрын
Howard, the Quran does not say men can marry 6 yr old children. The verse you mention 65:4 has been twisted and distorted in order to deceive the masses into believing that Quran allows child marriages. The Arabic word ‘Nisa’ has been used 59 times in the Quran. Not once has the word ‘Nisa’ been used for a ‘child(ren)’, it has always referred to mature adult women. Dr. Rohi Baalbaki, says in Al-Mawrid: A modern Arabic-English Dictionary: nisa = women, womenkind The Hans Wehr Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic states: nisa = women The Quran has commanded Muslim WOMEN to observe a waiting period, which they must observe before they can remarry. This waiting period must be observed after they are divorced, which is a (waiting) period of three months. If we look at the verse just as it is, it does not mention or state that you can marry female children. It is referring to adult females who have reached the age of maturity but who cannot menstruate because of either medical conditions, even breastfeeding, menopause or because some females just take longer to start their menses. From a scientific aspect, some women can and do experience situations where their menstrual cycles have stopped for a long period of time in some cases well over 4 months. If Allah in chapter 65:4 approves of child marriages, why isn’t the Arabic word ‘itfal’ (طِفْلًا) mentioned in the verse (65:4), as has been done in following verses: (Quran 22:5) ṭif’lan (as) a child وَنُقِرُّ فِي الْأَرْحَامِ مَا نَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُسَمًّى ثُمَّ نُخْرِجُكُمْ طِفْلًا (Quran 24:31) l-ṭif’li [the] children أَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَظْهَرُوا عَلَىٰ عَوْرَاتِ النِّسَاءِ (Quran 24:59) l-aṭfālu the children وَإِذَا بَلَغَ الْأَطْفَالُ مِنْكُمُ الْحُلُمَ فَلْيَسْتَأْذِنُوا (Quran 40:67) ṭif’lan (as) a child هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ تُرَابٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ نُطْفَةٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ عَلَقَةٍ ثُمَّ يُخْرِجُكُمْطِفْلً Verse 65:4 can refer to older women who sometimes due to a body disorder have had their menstrual cycles ceased. This may be due to stress, diet or heavy athletic training, pre menopause too. In the Book ‘The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health’, it says: “Amenorrhea means the absence of menstruating in a pre-menopausal woman. During pregnancy or breastfeeding amenorrhea is perfectly normal and is called physiologic amenorrhea. Abnormal or pathologic amenorrhea comes in two forms: primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea is a term used if menstruation has not began by the age of 16. Secondary amenorrhea is a term used if previously normal menstrual period stop for more than 6 months in a woman who is not pregnant or breastfeeding and is not nearing menopause.” In the book ‘Integrated Women’s Health: Holistic Approaches for Comprehensive Care’, Professor Ellen Frances Olshansky writes: “Three broad types of amenorrhea have been identified. If menstruation has not started in a woman by the age of 16, this is referred to as primary amenorrhea. If menstruation stops after at least one period has occurred, this is referred to as secondary amenorrhea. Women frequently experience this second type of amenorrhea due to stress, loss or gain of weight, breast-feeding, excessive exercise, change in lifestyle, or physical ailments, and may be due to menopause. The third type of amenorrhea is known as irregular or erratic menstruation. In this case, menstruation may occur a few times a year.” As for the the hadith it's a secondary source, and cannot be trusted. The life of the Prophet Muhammad and his marriages can be found in hadith. None of the Prophet's wives are ever mentioned in the Quran by name. The only source of truth is the Quran, Allah has said in the Quran that nothing has been omitted from this clear book, so that proves we do not need to take our religion from the hadith. Unfortunately the majority of Muslims hold the hadith in higher esteem than the Quran and Islam has become a religion of hadith.
@veganskeletons4131 Жыл бұрын
The Quran cannot be trusted. That's why i stick with the real uncorrupted word of God the KJV Only.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making such a detailed comment, I believe you are correct, as I have already been contacted by a few kind brothers like yourself, with the same information. *I am sorry that I wasn't aware of this prior to this debate. For future conversations I shall only criticise the Hadith 👍 (This debate is over a month old, I waited to not upset the host)
@Wren_The_Ten 10 ай бұрын
Aisha was 6 when he married her… Deny it all u want.
@veganskeletons4131 Жыл бұрын
Hey Howard have you seen the documentary called the lost history of flat earth?
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
Yes there is some brilliant information in that video, it helped join some dots and opened me up to new ideas :)
@lindadanzey3823 11 ай бұрын
❤ your Channel I have been following mudfossil University for many years, people will not wake up they have their head stuck in a hole. I have walked out into my backyard and found mud fossils.. keep doing what's your doing because the truth will set you free thank you❤❤😊
@formertenant9276 Жыл бұрын
The American dude is desperately trying to maintain his delusions.
@johnferry7778 10 ай бұрын
Howard isn’t American.
@formertenant9276 10 ай бұрын
​@@johnferry7778Still desperate to maintain his delusion.
@maliceinwonderlandstudios Жыл бұрын
please credit the tesseract clip or youtube will flag as copyright infringement ... at 3:00 minutes
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
I have named and linked your KZbin channel in the description of this video and if I were to use in any of your footage in the future I would also credit you in the video itself. I found the clip on an Instagram account I follow, I had no idea where the clip was originally from.
@criticalthinker2760 Жыл бұрын
Howard, there is nothing about marrying a six year old in the Quran, what verse is that. If you mean Hadith, that is not Quran, open your eyes, Quran clear. Some Hadiths are not true. The girl in Islam has to agree to the marriage before anyone else. Islam holds women in the highest regard, protecting their bodies and keeping the community safe from sexual assault.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup Жыл бұрын
I was informed after this debate about how the 'Iddah is for women that cannot menstruate and that the Quran specifically uses the word for woman, not child. ... It's KZbinrs like Hamza and Daniel Haqiqatjou that are promoting the idea. *Many Muslims seem to put the Hadith's and scholars before what the Quran literally says, it's shocking!
@criticalthinker2760 Жыл бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrupsome people say that Christianity is attacked in the media, I agree but not more then islam, not only the obvious terrorist and barbarism agenda, but also within the community with these media interpreters that never mention level earth in the Quran and suna. There is a reason, it’s because they can’t change the Quran. Allah says “ It is We have sent down the memorance (Quran) and surely we will be it’s most preservers” alhijr 9. What an outstanding statement that is. There is only one version of the Quran, no matter what others tell you about this
@redflag4781 10 ай бұрын
Do you think that MDD appearance went well?
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
As well as can be expected, the information is available to those who choose to investigate. Those faithful to the mainstream narratives will keep their head in the sand but people who are true skeptics will investigate :)
@FrostBite-oy5us 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrupBut you won't get on a plane and see the curvature of the earth for yourself. Instead, WE don't have evidence even though we're telling you how to get it.
@georgecostanza4386 10 ай бұрын
Better bring your A game when you meet up with Matt. He's a killer.
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
Thank you, I will do my best!
@midlander4 10 ай бұрын
​@@HowardGeorgeStirrupand you made an utter fool of yourself
@FrostBite-oy5us 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrup What dosage of chlorpromazine, fluphenazine decanoate, enantate, and haloperidol do you take and how often?
@jepgg4992 10 ай бұрын
@@HowardGeorgeStirrupHahaha, bruh😂 Take your meds
@HowardGeorgeStirrup 10 ай бұрын
@@midlander4 I am really happy about the presentation and that Matt gave up :)
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