Рет қаралды 644
This is the thirth of the six unboxings that I'm showing this week. I've decided to unbox the remainder of my stash and this is the only Distracted by Diamonds I've got left to unbox. The beautiful Pink Mermaid from Gretl Lusky by Distracted by Diamonds.
💎 Product information:
Pink Mermaid from Gretl Lusky by Distracted by Diamonds
square diamond painting, 50 X 70 cm, 30 colors
Link to the Etsy website: www.etsy.com/f...
💎 Link to my Diamond Painting Stash Detox playlist:
• Diamond Painting Stash...
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You won't find any affiliate links for diamond painting companies on my channel. I do not do paid reviews. I do not have any sponsors. I made this decision in an effort to remain 100% impartial. All opinions are my own, based on my experiences. If I were to accept diamond paintings or diamond painting tools in exchange for a review I would disclose it per FTC regulations.
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Instagram: @lisettecraftsandtells
💎 Questions or suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact me at:
#paddywax #distractedbydiamonds #gretlluskydiamondpainting