DMS Project Omega REVIEW!

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Super* Review

Super* Review

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@grantdillon3420 12 күн бұрын
Single person operations making a product for the first time incur a lot of up front capital expenditures. To compensate for this, and make a timely profit, they often have to sell their products at a significant markup. Just because DMS's product "looks" cheap doesn't mean the price is unreasonable.
@dgevert 11 күн бұрын
The price may not be unreasonable from the perspective of the seller. That doesn't mean it's not unreasonable for the buyer. As a potential customer, I'm not responsible for the manufacturing/build choices that DMS made when he came up with this. The elephant in the room that people don't like to talk about is that there's other really nice boutique hand-made headphones on the market that you can buy for a fraction of a price, and some of them sound and look fantastic. The example I'm thinking of is even made in a country wrecked by war (Sash Tres.)
@Lost1ntheSauc3 11 күн бұрын
​@@dgevert good for you
@Hahmier 12 күн бұрын
Truthfully speaking, he should have got a company to nylon injection mold it. He even agreed as much on a recent live stream. It would be a faction of the cost over 1 year supply chain. You can then then offer the schematic of each part so people can SLS print replacements. You still get right to repair, but at a drastically reduced initial investment.
@MrThephonypope 12 күн бұрын
In a recent livestream I heard I didn't hear him say that - a week or two ago he said he wasn't able to get the right FR when trying to use that method, and he wanted to make his headphone with SLS due to weight, feel and durability Main difference would have been he could have actually made good money personally off of the project if he had rather than basically nothing, but it wasn't being seriously considered until well past the point of no return (in DMS' mind at least where he didn't want to compromise FR)
@Choloo-jf7fw 12 күн бұрын
​@@MrThephonypope it was the headphone show live stream.
@MrThephonypope 12 күн бұрын
@@Choloo-jf7fw Yeah that was what I was referencing as well then, there might be a section I'm missing but from the part I listened to I think you might be misrepresenting his view somewhat He stated that he couldn't go with injection because by the time he was considering it because he had already promised a particular tuning which he couldn't achieve with injection He then goes on to mention other points such as it always being his intention to go with SLS, him liking the look and feel, and improved weight and durability But yes likely injection could have allowed him to make the headphone sales profitable for himself
@Hahmier 12 күн бұрын
@MrThephonypope you misinterpreted me. He did say he would do nylon injection molding if he did it again. I didn't say "oh what he should have done is waste a tone of money on 3d printers, then throw it out and injection mold instead." It should be obvious to anyone, including the guy you are replying to, that is only a hypothetical. DMS understood it as hypothetical. Obviously, you can't switch processes once you start. It's called a mistake. Something Blain was quick to point out. There was no advantage to SLS printing for his project, but he didn't know that at the time he chose it. He admitted to exactly that in the live stream.
@Hahmier 12 күн бұрын
@MrThephonypope Blain was very persuasive in pointing out all aspects of the look, feel, and weight that could be achieved using injection molding. Just look at the finish of the LCD 2C. It's exactly that, if not an even better finished product.
@treblewellxtended 12 күн бұрын
Seems like a good effort. I like that you set the expectations right in start itself. This set is more of collectors item at this point. With the story and efforts behind it.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I didn't even think of the collectors item aspect, but yeah that's interesting -- this is now DMS lore.
@treblewellxtended 12 күн бұрын
@@SuperReview I'm ordering my unit this month hopefully get it soon for review.
@enjoshi-godrez8775 12 күн бұрын
Hay, it's still a infinity better value proposition that eris. This one doesn't have model resonances...
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Yeah... I mean I haven't heard Eris so I should say I'm certainly open to being surprised, but the tuning direction of Omega is definitely more aimed at me.
@luigismilazzo 12 күн бұрын
@@SuperReviewbe prepared
@vinnydolce541 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for not hyping this up!
@calvinyip364 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for comparing it with hd58x it's so underatted
@KingUltraMayne 12 күн бұрын
I believe these headphones simply are what they are. And not in a bad way. They were made specifically to accomplish a certain sound. It looks like thats been done. The issue that others have stated is that the price tag doesnt necessarily match the aesthetic and perhaps build quallity of the headphone. Thats not unfair. I believe the build is fairly solid but comes with some expected design quirks. To me that gives the headphones character. The $1000 price is somewhat debatable. I can see both sides of that argument I agree in that the Project Omegas are definitely a collectors item. That said anyone can choose to collect or not based on their preference.
@dgevert 11 күн бұрын
The pricing is an odd choice, it kind of forces it into collectible territory for people who already have multiple kilobuck headphones, so another $1000 on a headphone isn't a big deal. I can't imagine anyone looking for their first kilobuck headphone saying, "oh wow, I should definitely get the 3D printed one."
@KingUltraMayne 11 күн бұрын
@@dgevert Fair point. If you're comparing the Omega to other headphones at a similar price point, that could be a hard purchase to justify. But you also have to consider that those other headphones are coming from brands with larger scale/established manufacturing facilities. That's not the case with the Omega. I think DMS did well given this is a small operation project. Perhaps if DMS does a version 2 somewhere down the line, he'll make some manufacturing/production changes that might result in a lower price point. Guarantee that even then, people will still say the price is too high.
@Kamakurajoe 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for the no-hyped review. 😊😊 Love your channel ❤❤
@Kamakurajoe 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for the review. Love your channel and love your honest review. ❤❤ Fiio FT1 closed back's coming soon???
@blainelacross 11 күн бұрын
10:10 I took the stance that trying to make headphones look less dorky when they aren't on heads was messing with ergo on our livestream, and I appreciate the validation of my take that this is something people are actually caring about
@SuperReview 11 күн бұрын
It's floppy to make it look cool?
@blainelacross 11 күн бұрын
@SuperReview it's floppy because comfort was the only mechanical priority
@natalyakeane 5 күн бұрын
knowing what i know about material science and sls nylon, i really dont have a problem with it. yeah its not as premium feeling as say magnesium or aluminium, but id have no worry with it breaking over time. as someone who has had trouble with the weight of more "premium" built headphones, i really appreciate what DMS is going for. i intend to buy one in run 3 or 4.
@luigismilazzo 12 күн бұрын
I don’t understand how anyone can even listen one song on a meze 109.
@NightmareFactory830 12 күн бұрын
I’m surprised you found it to be thin, mine sound perfectly full and when the sub bass hits my head feels that vibration and texture. Maybe it’s hint variation but I didn’t have that issue myself As for the build, yea I feel that. Although he did say that he’s fixing the floppiness in the next patch and will make the solution available for wave 1 customers. Imo the best part about the build though is that it’s easily and completely modular, so if there’s something I don’t personally like I’ll be able to fix it however I so choose In terms of sound I definitely prefer it to the hd800s and 109pro, so with that insane comfort I’m happy with my purchase
@andibrema 12 күн бұрын
The individual FR measurement is a game changer. Is it a 5128 measurement? That would allow quick easy EQ up to 20kHz
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Good question RE: the rig, I think DMS is using an older B&K rig, not the 5128.
@listener-reviews 12 күн бұрын
DMS uses a 4128, but even if it was a 5128 you wouldn't just be able to EQ up to 20 kHz with guaranteed good results, because the 5128 is not your head.
@andibrema 12 күн бұрын
@@listener-reviews Thanks 👍 but people who can’t or don’t want to EQ by ear would still rather have what is, on average, good treble, right?
@listener-reviews 12 күн бұрын
@@andibrema Not at all, unfortunately. Even just looking at data from different heads adherent to the IEC 60318-7 standard (B&K 4128, HeadAcoustics HMSii.3, GRAS heads using the KBx06x/KBx07x or KB50xx pinnae) which are all fairly anatomically similar shows that variation between even similar heads is stupidly, annoyingly variable. And regardless of 5128 being a meaningfully better head, it's not better enough to overcome the fact that heads (and their HRTFs) and headphones when placed on heads (and their Headphone-to-ear Transfer Functions) are variable enough at small wavelengths-aka treble-for AutoEQ or EQing to exact adherence to a target in the treble to be absolutely inadvisable. 5128's benefits are mostly in low frequencies anyway, as its more accurate acoustic impedance serves as a more realistic input load for devices with high acoustic output impedance (IEMs, closed back headphones to a lesser but perhaps still meaningful extent).
@thelastrhino2581 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for a great review!
@MrThephonypope 12 күн бұрын
Slightly surprised there wasn't a mention of sub bass, or bass levels in general where it's a common complaint about the 6x0 line that this "fixes". That said true that the bass levels on the 600 isn't seen as a problem for everyone
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
The bass attack is a bit more prominent on the Omega & better defined vs. the Sennheiser's, but the thinness keeps it from sounding overall warmer / fuller.
@CptMark 12 күн бұрын
HPs are cursed. Almost 30 years on and HD600 still can't be dethroned.
@SuperReview 11 күн бұрын
It really is awesome.
@tradehut2782 3 күн бұрын
Almost every headphone nowadays has better soundstage than hd600
@hartyewh1 12 күн бұрын
Very interesting review and points out different things than the other ones. I also was expecting a warmer and full-bodied experience being at least the goal, but being more clinical than HD600 sounds very surprising. Some have given different opinions of that as well. I was certainly expecting more than 3/5, but need to try them myself to see.
@Marian1st. 12 күн бұрын
They look like a very early prototype of Grado. Good luck with the project.
@rem792 12 күн бұрын
Careful there, you are about to be attacked :)) You're not allowed to say they are ugly and Grados are ugly and built like shit. Although I think these are built better.
@Marc_dd 12 күн бұрын
@@rem792 from what I’ve seen, they look to be exceptionally well built (grados don’t even come close). Apart from build, omega clears in all areas barring “aesthetic” for some, it’s no contest.
@rem792 12 күн бұрын
@@Marc_dd Exceptionally well built is what I would call a Meze, but I get your point. Grados are trash for sure.
@Marian1st. 11 күн бұрын
I think Grado headphones look good. Like something nice from the past. I rarely use my SR 325, but I still keep them around. Project Omega headphones, not my style at all. I don’t think they are anybody’s style, except the creator’s. The big cups and the hinges remind me of Grado.
@Disco_Potato 12 күн бұрын
I think the unfortunate thing is that people hear "hand made and 3d printed" and will automatically think he's printing these in his basement on $300 3d printers with cheap spool of PLA. Which isn't the case. These are probably made on $100k machines using much better quality filament than what we use in our 3d printers.
@enjoyer_of_tinkering4706 12 күн бұрын
SLS 3D printing does not use filament. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) works by spreading thinn layers of powder in a build chamber and melting it with a laser to form parts. The build chamber is heated to reduce warping and to make it easier for the laser to melt the material.
@EvilMilton 12 күн бұрын
The price is extremely unreasonable for a general consumer, BUT… I bet his aim is to make a unique product that caters to those who have a similar taste in sound quality to him, and realistically only people in the community are aware of this product, so the audience is extremely narrow and if DMS doesn’t want to lose money the markup is pretty much warranted. Despite the aesthetic/build quality I still believe this product deserves to exist, I even want it to succeed so DMS hopefully reiterates and expands making his next projects more affordable for those appealed to his sound preference. If it was closer to $500 I would definitely buy it, yet I don’t feel offended by the $1K price. So it is reasonable in the big scheme of things given that there’s many incredibly more expensive products that probably sound worse.
@garfythecat 12 күн бұрын
People have lost sight of the reality of what it costs to make things like this. Years and years of cheap shit from China has accustomed everyone to low prices with little to no understanding of how that works. Look in any hobby at a small time run of a highly customised product such as this and you'll see it's not actually that crazy.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I mean, it is a lot of money for any headphone, I get that. But the incredulity at the price and backseat decision making is a little irritating.
@Heldermaior 12 күн бұрын
​@@SuperReviewoh totally especially as DMS has been so transparent showing where the money went. I mean, is an LCD 2 better? Maybe. but the fact he did it, described the entire project and it is so reasonable... I mean, I can't afford it right now and maybe I wouldn't get these even if I could. But you cannot be unimpressed that he was able to do this and do this well.
@dgevert 11 күн бұрын
You can get something like the SJY Audio Moonlight and have a beautiful open-back wood planar headphone (and oh hey, that headband looks familiar) for roughly half the cost. Or a Sash Tres (my 45 ohm Tres sounds shockingly close to my Audeze LCD-X, which is more than double the price) for less than half.
@hemispherecompensation 5 күн бұрын
If this hunk of cheap plastic and metal is $1000. Then Hifiman should stop getting clapped for "cheap build", coz they're being sold for cheaper than Omega. Did you know, Utopia 22, a carbon fiber + Berrylium driver + fancy shmancy packaging MSRP is $2250? Same price as DIY Modhouse, only 2.25x of Omega. Oh, and that's with dealer price, so manufacturing price is even lower. Which mean it cost less than 2.25k to make. And you're telling me Omega cost $1000? It's a joke. Sellers have inflated markups, no wonder because there are so many oblivious buyers.
@Ducbloke 12 күн бұрын
I'll look for it at CanJam if there's a set there or if you bring it.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I’m sure there’ll be sets floating around, probably at table.
@AudioMemo 12 күн бұрын
I was hoping for an in-depth comparison to the Auribus Sierra.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Two reasons Sierra is not in the video. (1) I sent back the loaner Sierra so it's not here physically until I get my personal, pre-ordered unit. (2) It's questionable if I should be comparing a product like Omega with a product made by a friend of mine. I certainly have my preference, but it's hard to say how much is my personal bias.
@AudioMemo 12 күн бұрын
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the response! I haven't heard either one, but from what I'm seeing, the Sierra appears to be the better choice for more people.
@rajZ772 11 күн бұрын
Hey there, please suggest a few IEMs under 100$, best suitable for electronic music production and has accuracy, considerable low frequency range, and sub-bass. But isn't boomy.
@studynowPH 12 күн бұрын
I want to ask about your conclusion and 5-point scoring. Is your 5-star IEM better than your 3-star headphones? I know scoring are vague but just for reference on how we look upon those scores.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I generally find it hard to compare headphones and IEMs so I don't. I should do a video explaining my ratings, we've talked about it on the Discord server. But in short: It's price relative (e.g. a KSC75 is 5-stars at $15, but probably not at $300). 5: My favorite at the price range, in the category. 4: Very good, but not quite a fave. 3: Range from respectably good to just OK, maybe just not for me. 2: I do not recommend it. 1: Something went terribly wrong.
@DucNguyen-ln8jy 12 күн бұрын
Does this or the Sierra comes closer to the Senny 6x0 line in terms of vocals in your opinion ?
@hartyewh1 12 күн бұрын
Vocals isn't just one measure. One might prefer different vocals to another. Forwardness, coloration vs neutral, male vs female vocals are some variables.
@calvinyip364 7 күн бұрын
Pls review the Fiio ft1 & ziigaat Estrella.
@gavinxq1224 12 күн бұрын
I had HD600, I think it's boring so I traded it for Ananda Nano. Is it a bad idea?
@SuperReview 11 күн бұрын
Not if you like it! Personal preference trumps reviews.
@gavinxq1224 11 күн бұрын
@@SuperReview Thank you.
@doubleXnickel 12 күн бұрын
I like the DIY concept, just personally not into it. Good review tho
@OledBurnInKing 12 күн бұрын
I wonder how a pair of open back and close back headphones sounds like with zero coloration and measured completely ruler flat from 20 hz to 20 khz with no eq at all when looking at the frequency response graph. I wonder how the same thing would apply in the same way with a dac and amp with the same 20 hz to 20 khz frequency response measured completely ruler flat. I don't use any eq anymore. The last time I used an eq was years ago when I was a basshead. I don't use any room correction software and no dsp. Maybe even have another option for trying out a pair of headphones with accurate mids, accurate treble, accurate bass, accurate sound stage, accurate imaging and accurate timbre. Basically every single part of the headphone is completely accurate with no dips, no elevations, no peaks, no boost and no curve to the headphones. The only way to affect the sound quality is by using any form of an eq. I don't use any eq and using any form of dsp colors the audio. Whenever I hear someone mention the word dsp and see the word dsp in audio, it always reminds me of bose that's why I don't use any eq and no dsp.
@SuperReview 11 күн бұрын
"Ruler flat" is a misguided goal -- and not because "ruler flat" doesn't sound good, but because "ruler flat" is like saying "up and down" in space. There is no fundamental "flat" reference, "flat" is relative to the rig that's measuring the frequency response. Want something that sounds "flat" as measured on my rig? You can EQ to that, I expect it won't sound good. But it also won't be "flat" if measured on another rig.
@PaulLembo 12 күн бұрын
I am hallucinating or is this a re-upload?
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
You might be, I have uploaded it only once. Unless I'm hallucinating. Now you got me worried.
@naren.freak1c 12 күн бұрын
Omega vs Sierra?
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I have my preference, but given my closeness to Auribus, probably better for me not to compare them publicly. Both will be at CanJam in a few weeks!
@luigismilazzo 12 күн бұрын
Sorry, Aune did it just better a 1/3 of the price.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I do wanna try the AR5000.
@luigismilazzo 12 күн бұрын
@@SuperReviewbody, richness, soundstage and naturalness. Just my favourite
@waiik76 12 күн бұрын
It's too expensive!
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Fair. It is more than most people will spend on a headphone.
@pigmanny 12 күн бұрын
6:04 definitely lacks polish dms is american
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Costco polish dog is an amazing value.
@igorzovko5854 12 күн бұрын
Like Grado...terrible design. Nice review
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Oh damn, I think Grados look dope. Too bad they're not ergonomic 😆
@igorzovko5854 12 күн бұрын
Yes....Grado looks unique...but inside...what you get is tanlged cable, cheap plastic and the worst ergonomic in this hoby. I put my SR60e on the wall of shame
@Marc_dd 12 күн бұрын
I’m a bit lost when it comes to the “I want premium” crowd here. It’s clear that DMS was less interested in the “premium feel” over sound and ergonomics, so this headphone just isn’t for you. I’m almost tempted to compare that “premium” crowd to the hypothetical “Why make a headphone, I wanted an IEM!” crowd, haha.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I mean I understand that people have baseline expectations for anything that costs $1,000 -- it's a lot of money, and frankly more than most people will ever spend on a headphone. It's fine that it doesn't make sense for a lot of people. It's not for them.
@Marc_dd 12 күн бұрын
@dgevert 11 күн бұрын
You think it's unreasonable to expect "premium" at a thousand bucks? Why? For this level of money, premium build, good sound, and comfortable ergonomics are all reasonable expectations.
@Marc_dd 11 күн бұрын
@@dgevert It’s clear that the intentions behind this product never had a “premium feel” in mind. It’s fine to want that, but it feels a bit odd for it to be a complaint towards Omega specifically. Omega intended to fill a tuning, ergonomic, and repairability niche. If I want to see any criticism, I’d prefer it there. On the other hand I get it, it loses out badly in terms of “premium build” to the competition price-wise, and bringing that up is important (for potential buyers). Voicing that as a dealbreaker makes perfect sense, but voicing it as criticism feels odd.
@franksam8610 2 күн бұрын
1. they are expensive 2. Just ugly as heck
@MML66 12 күн бұрын
With these manufacturing materials, frankly, they are very expensive. Without bias, if I saw them, I would assume that it is $200 as a compliment and as a performance, and the total may be 500 appropriate, but 1000 is a lot. There are companies that have a production line. I will get better and more beautiful manufacturing materials, so why would you go to something like this?I see no other reason Just to support the creator of the content you are watching, to be productive and without cooperation, but it causes harm in pricing, compared to a product with cooperation that is better in price.
@Lead_Foot 12 күн бұрын
Then don't buy it, wait a year for it to be open sourced, and try making it yourself for less.
@nhansgoofyvideos7581 12 күн бұрын
It's not bang for buck kind of product... If people are willing to buy it, it's priced right.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Definitely you get this because you wanna support DMS, and you wanna support independent hobbyists builders, and you value DMS’s opinion on audio and want his preferred sound. It’s perfectly understandable that people want more premium build for $1,000. Just keep an open mind that not everyone has the same value system, as evidenced by the fact DMS has sold hundreds of these.
@MML66 12 күн бұрын
@@Lead_Foot This makes me wonder about the price it is sold for and how much it is double the price it is. I expect 700%.
@hartyewh1 12 күн бұрын
Umm.... some are into headphones for sound😅 Also mass production of exactly this with industry standard profits would be way over $200 and considering the level of driver matching and individual measurements are TOTL stuff. One is free to pay the Meze premium for example for the design and materials, but even objectively this level of sound will cost meaningfully more.
@FabioKasper 12 күн бұрын
Chinese clone. When?
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I think I've already seen one >_
@Sturgon 12 күн бұрын
​@@SuperReview no really? On Ali?
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
I swear I saw someone knocking it off, but don't think it was for sale.
@JuanAuribus 12 күн бұрын
@vael_ 12 күн бұрын
@dhruvmeena96 12 күн бұрын
Sierra spoiled bass for mark :D lmao
@JohnnyADi 10 күн бұрын
This guy is the same guy who did the most FAKE negative mod house tungsten review on KZbin, saying that amplifiers and dacs mean nothing. He probably also used this on a trash amplifier and dac. Just take this video with a massive grain of salt.
@SuperReview 9 күн бұрын
@raymondwebby2441 12 күн бұрын
Na thank you, won’t even buy it for $100.
@disastrousemouse 12 күн бұрын
I’m not a fan of these art project headphones. High prices can be compensated for with some time and sacrifice, but temporal unavailability (limited time only!) is designed to raise the price of a product far beyond its actual value. If it’s good, keep making it. I want technical ability, reliability, a known path toward repair, and sonic fidelity.
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Check out DMS's video breakdown of the costs. He also covers repairability (the designs will be open source and 3D printable).
@MrThephonypope 12 күн бұрын
"I want technical ability, reliability, a known path toward repair, and sonic fidelity." This headphone was designed specifically to achieve each of these ends...
@Karim.Haggag 12 күн бұрын
To be honest, this price tag is not justified, as I’d want to get what I pay for. As for supporting DMS, this is not the purpose of releasing the product!!!!! I guess Patreon still exists!
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
Y'know, I 100% get things like "this isn't for me" or "if I spend $1,000, I want premium materials." TBH I'm probably in that camp more often than not. But "this shouldn't exist / shouldn't be done this way" category of feedback really confuses me.
@Karim.Haggag 12 күн бұрын
@@SuperReview I believe headphones that are worse than these do exist. It’s just not worth it in a competitive market.
@enjoshi-godrez8775 12 күн бұрын
​​@@Karim.Haggag there isn't a headphone with remotely as good preference bound target adherence, with this good of subbass, that is remotely this light. PLUS you get your personalised FR of your particular model. The only one that comes close is the mm500, which is another $500, and almost twice the weight That will be more valuable than asthetic qualities (remember the hd600 and 800 last longer than any "fancy" material headphone) to alot of audiophiles.
@enjoshi-godrez8775 12 күн бұрын
​@@Karim.Haggag you ultimately don't get to decide what aspects of a product are most valuable to someone else. I for instance think your complaints about its material choice is mute considering the hd800 with its plastic construction last longer than any focal, audeze, or hifiman. But maybe feel is important to you.
@Sturgon 12 күн бұрын
​@@Karim.Haggag having the frequency graph for your own unit is enough for anyone using autoeq.
@neilsnyder7915 12 күн бұрын
I have subscribed to this fellow but I am going to unsubscribe. IMHO, I don’t like his split screen approach and the fact that he focuses a lot of the time on minutiae that is simply not relevant is a waste of my time. Plus his sound profile preference is simply not mine. His B roll needs a lot of help. In this review, he spends time on the texture of the cable splitter. Utter nonsense. So long…..
@mrfrosty3 12 күн бұрын
I'm honestly amazed that you took the time to type a comment like this. I also suspect that you've made a comment of the same tone on another video from this channel.
@TheBlazegt 12 күн бұрын
Bro rather watching reviewer face in full screen for 30 minutes
@SuperReview 12 күн бұрын
What about the finger pointing at the graph part, that's kinda cool at least yeah?
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I Bought a Recording Jammer. It’s Legal.
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I said I wouldn't cry... - Abyss Diana ULTIMATE Audio Experience
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The K361 killer: A truly excellent budget closed back (FiiO FT-1 Review)
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Electric Flying Bird with Hanging Wire Automatic for Ceiling Parrot