I thought he was going to say "I have Devil Sight..." 😂
@bradeck3744 Жыл бұрын
All of my player thinks that "Darkvision" allow them to see perfectly in any conditions. So because we use foundry, I often say : the map is very pretty, it's a shame you only see it in grey scale because of your dark vision... And around the table : no, you see in darkness as in dim light, so when you search, you have disadvantage on perception checks, you can't see colors so don't ask about them whenever you see a flag, or a stain on the floor, or when you want to know what color are the kobolds to know about their resistance. You have -5 on passive perception, so it's a tradeoff because you are not as easely seen, but it's harder for you to detect secret doors / traps / etc... And whenever they "miss" in this five margin or because of the desadvantage : "If only you had a light". So now : the dwarf cleric has a custom helmet with a contraptionthat can hide / show a continual flame, and they are never in the dark.
@Cergorach Жыл бұрын
So darkvision is the new 10' pole... ;)
@shayulghul Жыл бұрын
All of this… I'm literally thinking about stripping natural dark vision from my 5e game unless it's for some sort of magical creature. That or I might go back to 3e vision rules (dwarves have dark vision; elves have low-light vision, and so on).
@DiceAndEasy Жыл бұрын
Yeah I feel like Darkvision is just too common in 5e but since 5e has given it to almost everyone, it’s hard to take it away