Sex Pest DnD DM Forces ERP | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@atraxian5881 6 ай бұрын
"paying customers are allowed to join regardless of disruptive behavior" policy is the best way to lose customers.
@heatherharrison264 6 ай бұрын
If a large number of players get together and directly send this message to the game store by threatening to take their money and go elsewhere, maybe the game store will realize that the entry fee from one disruptive player is worth a lot less than the combined entry fees from numerous other players who want the idiot gone. Why do people put up with this? Surely there must be somewhere else people can meet and play their games.
@fred_derf 6 ай бұрын
@@heatherharrison264 The other players need to organize, all show up but don't pay the entrance fee until they find out if the problem player is showing up -- then when he does, they all leave. You'll only have to do that once for the store to change it's policy. Alternately you could have everyone wait to join tables until they see what table the problem player joins, then join other tables. The problem player will quickly learn that no one wants to play with him, but that might not dissuade him. I wonder how he'd react if, at any game he joined, the other PCs immediately attacked his character...
@nightstalker32587 6 ай бұрын
I was going to post the same thing. Seriously have the GM go to the store managers and explain the math won't math, unless this one player is willing to pat a tables worth of fees and play alone the store will lose money when the rest of the table leaves and takes their money with them.
@pjirp 5 ай бұрын
"it's what my character would do" "then play a character that wouldnt do that"
@simonO712 5 ай бұрын
@solosynapse 5 ай бұрын
I've had precisely one of those players at my table (FLGS game). They were surprised when their character got arrested by the higher-level town guard (all their gear confiscated, obviously), and more surprised when the party they'd caused problems for said they weren't going to get them out. I guess they'd never had consequences for their actions before.
@speks36 6 ай бұрын
F to pay respects to Ross Bowman the Crossbowman. You were accurate when it counted most.
@Karmasu_L 4 ай бұрын
@dylanwoerner2154 4 ай бұрын
@Kantilvih Ай бұрын
@davidtherwhanger6795 6 ай бұрын
One of our cats, years and years ago, named Tommy got catnip for Christmas once. It was inside a little cloth ball. Tommy grabbed that ball with both forepaws and shoved it into his nose like a cocaine addict.
@Spartan135 6 ай бұрын
Sounds absolutely hilarious 😂
@me0262 6 ай бұрын
"Aaahyyayayayay... Let's get another 8-ball!"
@TheFuriousScribbles 6 ай бұрын
I too used to have a cat named Tommy. He was a black tuxedo cat.
@peterriverajr6899 6 ай бұрын
I'd love to see that
@RedCrusader-ph2vk 5 ай бұрын
The funny thing is that Prima Nostis is a myth. Most historians (that I know of) agree that it was never a thing. The most likely reason the DM thinks it was real history is because he saw Braveheart and thought it was 100% historically accurate.
@kcc1396 4 ай бұрын
It's literally only ever shown up in various cultures myths, and all the myths I know of that it appears in all but one It's portrayed as unbelievablely evil
@bigboybastard7162 4 ай бұрын
Hell, even in Game of Thrones, it ended up spawning one of the most sociopathic bastards in the series.
@Projolo 3 ай бұрын
It was a thing in some tribal societies so some historians in the modern age saw the european medieval age very similar to tribal people.
@Xalerdane 3 ай бұрын
If it ever existed at all in medieval times, it was only as bullshit nobles used to make themselves seem better. “You should be more grateful to be _my_ serf; there’s nobles out there that force the newly wed brides in their domains to sleep with them first, you know!”
@weaseltheswede7821 3 ай бұрын
I came to thy conclusion after I read a Wikipedia article. This would support thine claim that it was a myth.
@ailinfergan 6 ай бұрын
Any game store that has paying customers allowed to join any table despite disruptive behavior is a game store not worth going to.
@knottheory79220 6 ай бұрын
Shoot, at my FLGS, you weren't even allowed to use the tables until the owner knew you well enough to know you weren't a troublemaker.
@HarleyHerbert 5 ай бұрын
Same with any store that hires anyone who keeps trying to involve a character in sexual encounters against the player's wishes just because they're attracted to them. They're supposed to be hiring people who actually care about giving people a good experience not socially inept creeps who take their frustration out on the players whenever they realise the player they're attracted to isn't into them
@junktion 6 ай бұрын
Prima Noctus was a plot hook in the movie Braveheart to establish the backstory of the main character and that’s about it. Considering it was a historical tale I guess people decided it must be real
@TheUltrahypnotoad 6 ай бұрын
It was a real thing, but even by the time of Braveheart, it was considered a creepy, ancient throwback.
@TheFuriousScribbles 6 ай бұрын
Braveheart was pretty fast and loose with history as well.
@TheUltrahypnotoad 6 ай бұрын
@@TheFuriousScribbles Indeed.
@catandrobbyflores 5 ай бұрын
I had a 3.5 supplement that told you exactly how to handle it, like a plot hook and only a plot hook. Like a lord or lady was using it, and the nearby villages were feeling antagonistic to them for the injustice. But this story is just ewww.
@stevenschnepp576 5 ай бұрын
​@@TheUltrahypnotoad And it probably didn't actually exist.
@samuelsalvatore4511 6 ай бұрын
ok, i know this may sound terrible for a lot of people, but if the DM lacks the agency to kick the player, and the player isn't willing to listen to the DM, literally the only thing the party and DM can do (aside from straight-up bullying the player) is to just act like he doesn't exist the DM may not be able to choose his players, but he does get to choose what happens in the world. for example: player casts fireball in a way that hurts both allies and enemies? the DM should just say "you cast fireball" and not count the damage to neither the party nor the enemies. if the player feels bored enough, he will quit on his own, the fact that the player is allowed to hurt the party is literally the whole reason he likes DnD in the first place.
@acrefray 5 ай бұрын
This is exactly my advice. Make sure there is no room to sit at the table. If he gets a seat, ignore him entirely, both players AND DM. The player's entire goal, it seems, is to get a reaction by being disruptive. Ignoring them is the best solution.
@DomsGamingSquad 6 ай бұрын
RIP Ross Bowman The Crossbowman.
@Greekphire 6 ай бұрын
The legend of Ross Bowman The Crossbowman will not be forgotten.
@patjacksonpodium 5 ай бұрын
The Best to Ever Do It
@NoName-mb7sv 6 ай бұрын
First story dungeon, master hasn’t seen Game of Thrones, but he seen Braveheart!
@schwarzerritter5724 6 ай бұрын
We know for sure when everyone starts throwing swords.
@rynowatcher 6 ай бұрын
I think the author has... this one sounds made up. This one is sus because the other party members are literally dying for the Kobold PC and going to a PC wedding during game time. Even players that care about the other players a lot, it sounds overly invested in a character that is not theirs. Op leaves when eladrin and Kobold are offended and does not seem to care the dm killed their character. That does not sound like any player I know. If we are doing historical misdeeds, there is a lot of history of nobility using position, violence, and law to assault people in many, many ways that are unsavory. It is the classic damsel in distress trope; they are not kidnapping the princess to have her make cupcakes for them. Gross, but this sort of thing happened..... why you would want it in a game is beyond me.
@MortusVanDerHell 6 ай бұрын
@@rynowatcher Unfortunately, just like Mel Gibson, he didn't realise that "Prime Noctis" is not a historically accurate term in the sense that it was portrayed in Braveheart. In the (few) areas where it was practised at all, the newly wedded wife (fully clothed) of the serf would lie in her bed, the lord would then (dressed and with boots on his feet) symbolically step over her once and then leave the room so that the newlyweds could devote themselves to whatever newlyweds were in the habit of doing. He had proved his dominance and that was the end of the matter. No need to be an arse and cause bad blood with those who surround you day and night. People in the Middle Ages weren't idiots. ...unlike later generations who spread stories about them.
@rynowatcher 6 ай бұрын
@@MortusVanDerHell generally I was not commenting on the historical accuracy of the Prime Noctis so much as the fact a feudal lord could and often did whatever they wanted to those of lower station or if they captured a noble of higher or equal station. That is where the whole "damsel in distress" trope came from. Capturing another noble's family and randsoming them off was pretty common. If you are being held by a lord, they pretty much have authority to do whatever they wanted and there are numerous historical records of captured nobles or enemy soldiers coming back with all sorts of unsavory things done to them... let us not dwell on that. It gets icky. Really, the law is fluid if you have your own army, and feudal lords did, by definition. The story also makes no claim that any of the pc's had standing in the court; they may not even be peasants if the system the gm was modeling had surfs or even considered kobolds and eladran to be people. Not really clear with the story. All this does not matter, though as the story is fake, and the "well actually" should be directed to OP as this is a work of fiction.
@MortusVanDerHell 6 ай бұрын
@@rynowatcher My statement was meant as a supplement and classification of the historical facts, not as an attack on your previous point. :-) If anyone here was to be attacked by my statement, it was the nonsense the GM spouted when he claimed that this right was historically accurate and that OP and the female character should be exploited accordingly.
@whitenekos 6 ай бұрын
Hmmm, loot hog. Say it with me now. "Mimic"
@justinmargerum2559 6 ай бұрын
Story 3: The idea that disruptive players are allowed to stay in paid campaigns suggests a number of possible solutions. Many have already been mentioned, such as boycotting any game Problem Player joins. Imho, that's probably the most practical way, although it runs the risk of souring the experiences of first time players who don't yet know enough to avoid him. Another is to make more direct use of this "money is power" dynamic by having enough players pool their resources to cover whatever Problem Player would have paid for the session (or more) to have him kicked outright: "Here's your refund and there's the door, have a wonderful day!" Having players at pay-to-play tables pay to remove a problem player not only satisfies the store's perverse "money rules" policy, it sends a powerful message when one or more tables will actually pay to have the same guy removed. Granted, it's a deeply flawed solution; it's only a matter of time before the richest kid in the neighborhood abuses the system and goes on a power trip.
@Karmasu_L 4 ай бұрын
For the DM i think he already mentioned the options, i agree with them. a, look for another location to play. If the problem player is so important to the shop, they can keep 'em. b, bully the player out of the game with consequences and event that take away his fun playing (or better, in ruining the game).
@timalice-2833 6 ай бұрын
Prima Noctis was made famous with the movie Braveheart which then people thought it was real since the movie was a historical drama, but yeah, historians say it didn’t happen.
@whensomethingcriesagain 6 ай бұрын
Dealing with someone like the Rogue is to take the XP to Level 3 strat: "I want you to fuck off and make a new character, that's the only response I have to this"
@Doodle1776 6 ай бұрын
The second to last story the GM is obviously trying to not exclude the other player.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 6 ай бұрын
Noo! Not poor Ross Bowman, the Crossbowman! HE HAD A WIFE AND CHILD!
@davidtherwhanger6795 6 ай бұрын
Prima Noctis Story. From what I understand it has never been found by any scholar since the 1800's to have been an actual law or even practiced. What accounts of it there are refer to it being something done in earlier times, but not anymore. And no matter how far back you go it was always earlier. Most scholars now think it was made up to show nobility in a bad light when nobility became less and less popular. Being as Prima Noctis was seen as barbaric. No. This all boils down to some DM wanting to get paid to run their own sexual fantasy. And cherry picking historical tales as "fact" to support that.
@hatientacetlen4246 6 ай бұрын
Main thing that popularised the idea in pop culture was Braveheart since the director wanted to make England look as evil as he could (IDK why you have to make stuff up for that, we did loads of messed up things)
@gameygeemer4142 6 ай бұрын
The main thing I know it from is one of the things that Gilgamesh was supposed to be hated by his subjects for
@sailorsloth8183 6 ай бұрын
The whole concept falls apart the moment you actually think about it. If a lord really did that, that would mean every single married woman in his lands could say their firstborn is one of his heirs, and he would have no way of denying it. It would make noble inheritance an absolute nightmare. Yes, people in power have used their positions to force themselves on others all throughout history and into modern day, but prima noctis itself is nonsense.
@davidtherwhanger6795 6 ай бұрын
@@sailorsloth8183 Especially if the marriage was annulled or the husband died before consummating the marriage themselves. Both of which could happen and then there would be no question as to whom the child was an heir of. And as this was during the time supposedly when Christianity was the dominant religion, it would be adultery and grounds for divorce or annulment under Catholic Law. Which means that the annulment/ divorce would be happening a lot. If the local men didn't grab the torches and pitchforks first that is. Can't imagine this would not lead to rebellion.
@praecipitator 6 ай бұрын
From what I heard, the english and the french used to slander each other by saying that the royals on the other side were doing the Prima Noctis thing. I don't know if it was historical anywhere, but I'm fairly sure EVERYONE considered it a bad thing.
@bbureau12 6 ай бұрын
"It was history. Prima nocta was seen as an honor back then." I love it when people get their "history" from Mel Gibson films. Prima nocta was likely invented as a smear campaign. Want to make an enemy ruler look particularly barbaric? Tell people he legalized sa. There's no actual law on any book, only rumors of OTHER countries doing it. It's not even grammatically correct in Latin.
@alphons1456o 6 ай бұрын
Jokes campaign: I'm gonna hold out hope by saying that, if you explain your plight and what happened, just saying that you're an SA survivor, they'd probably realize they were in the wrong and let up. If they're the kinds of morons that go, "Bro, where was your teacher in my school?", then yeah, they're dipshits and you're probably better off leaving the group. I'd also say find another group if you could
@Juju2927 6 ай бұрын
Chances are they gonna call them a Snowflake and gaslight them into acting like an ass for "Traumadumping" on them.
@Wraithspartan 6 ай бұрын
It sounds, unfortunately, like OP neglected to mention any discomfort over the comments until the outburst. The other players shouldn't have been making the joke in the first place, and the DM's response was pretty sorry, but none of them can read OP's mind to know the level of problem. OP needed/needs to inform them - not about the trauma, but about it being an uncomfortable topic to joke about
@Here_is_Waldo 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps, but at the same time it's SA. You shouldn't really have to justify why it makes you uncomfortable. Personally I don't mind jokes about the subject, but I would never assume that it's in good taste, or expect strangers to be okay with it in a DnD game. The DM and other players were just aHoles.
@joearnold6881 5 ай бұрын
@@Wraithspartan No. That’s why it’s so fucked to to make those jokes in public like that in the first place Now you have a victim reliving it, but you expect them to to vaguely suggest it bothers them, somehow just the right amount that the sort of assholes who’d joke like that would stop, but without actually telling them an assault happened? What an awful thing to suggest. They didn’t “neglect” to do anything, unfortunately or otherwise. Jesus. None of this is on the victim. None of it. They were under no obligation at all. The instant people thought “hur Dur, sleeping lady means rape”, we know what kind of horrible people they were. It’s just a kid, but I hope next time they’ll know to just leave the table and never come back if it happens any other time.
@stevenschnepp576 5 ай бұрын
​@@joearnold6881 No. If you're particularly vulnerable to something, you need to develop enough of a spine to tell people not to when they start joking. This wasn't an actual event, this was just the other people in the group _joking_ about something that didn't even happen in the game. You need to keep in mind that most people aren't hypersensitive Redditor types. Also, the player threw a tantrum. That's why he got thrown out.
@Opalin 6 ай бұрын
The timing of "Iron Bull slightly approves" popping up at the same time of "The party unanimously agreed that Ross Bowman the Crossbowman would be better off with just his crossbow" was wonderful. Be it happy accident or clever timing, fantastic
@etcetera1995 6 ай бұрын
Also *prima noctis/droit du seigneur* is a PRESUMED right. It most likely was made up to make foreign lords and/or rulers of the past seem more barbaric and savage, while the (at the time) modern day looked enlightened and noble for doing the bare minimum of not letting new brides get raped by the aristocracy. The most famous examples that can be attributed to individual lords, kings, etc. were in *fiction,* in epic poetry or plays or opera. Plus said presumed right was abolished in the 1400s, so "It's gritty reality, it's the past" is bullshit. Any lord who raped a new bride on her wedding night probably didn't need the law on his side anyway, considering. You know. He could pay to have her abducted.
@davidtherwhanger6795 6 ай бұрын
Ross Bowman Story. That is RPG Gold stuff right there. As soon as I heard the BBEG targets Ross I knew what was going to happen. And that it didn't matter how many Tarrasques, Legions of Hell, Armies of the Abyss, or Flights of Dragons; came to the BBEG's aid that dude was not leaving there alive.
@davidtherwhanger6795 6 ай бұрын
Jokes Story. While yes I would expect that kind of joke in the military or with a bunch of veterans; you don't do that around kids. Now I suspect OP is a little terrified of this DM by the way they talked and their age. So I would advise just leaving.
@stevenschnepp576 5 ай бұрын
I also suspect OP was okay with it until he wasn't, and then threw a tantrum.
@HarleyHerbert 5 ай бұрын
NOT ROSS BOWMAN! 😧 He was a true hero, for he never gave up no matter many times he failed. He knew giving it his all to support his allies was far too important to give up trying, and he kept on doing his best up until the end. RIP Ross Bowman. A true inspiration.
@StSubZero 6 ай бұрын
That third story makes me glad our Local Game Store doesn't deal with BS. They have very few DMs, and I'm the only one who comes regularly. One of the others wants to DM more but refuses to put the effort of organizing their own group or keeping in touch with players. Two others the store had before clearly half-assed everything and only did it for store credit and not for the sake of having fun. One of them pulling every little thing out of his hat and including unwarrented sexual content despite the store being public, and the other excessively favoring his wife and not letting players play their characters themselves. As one can imagine, they're not permitted to DM anymore despite the shortage, as they kept being off-putting to the customers who had come to play. That store in the story is gonna lose customers if they don't reconsider their policy, as it seems the best option if the problem player doesn't quit his crap is for them to go play at home, which loses the gameshop several times more money in the long run just because they refuse to grow a pair. I know revenue is a delicate thing for local game shops, but integrity makes more money than sheer numbers alone. Like the store I go to which actually refunded a problem player and sent her on her way when she kept yelling at the other players.
@reddinareddika3624 6 ай бұрын
I was so invested in Ross Bowman the Crossbowman's story. Now I'm crushed.
@reesescup69 6 ай бұрын
I have to agree with OP and story. 2. One of the consequences of making a bad character is that the party doesn't want you around and they have the right to not to allow you are around
@Abgilosby 6 ай бұрын
That "Jokes" Story: Run. Fast. Do not look back. Do not collect 200 gp. Keep running.
@davenrippe480 6 ай бұрын
Ok so the first tale with "Prima Noctus" is messed up. So lets just put in what the english lords and Catholic/christian faith did to all the celtic people of whales, scottland, and ireland in the attempt to breed out the celtic people since decades of attempted genocide failed. Only now it's a sad incel in his hopes to get with a girl who was happy in her rp with another player. Talk about sad and messed up.
@Karajorma 6 ай бұрын
There's no evidence that Prima Noctus was a real thing. Probably yet another thing invented by horny Victorians.
@Zetact_ 6 ай бұрын
It's actually very spotty on whether it even happened and most of the sources that make reference to it are from mythology, and in such instances it's used as a sign of moral flaw. Gilgamesh engaging in prima noctus is during his period as a tyrant and gets Enkidu sent after him. It's referenced in Irish mythology under Conchobar but Conchobar is a king who is consistently presented as a beloved stateman for his competence but a really awful person - his own character flaws set up MULTIPLE parts of the greatest conflict in his era. In the Biblical Genesis, those practicing what may be prima noctis in great number brings about severe punishment for humanity (though the language is a little more poetic and vague, references to kings who "took as wives whomever they chose" is effectively the same implication). Those are just three high profile examples.
@lawrencebarber8583 6 ай бұрын
Yeah pretty sure it was a myth. Brave heart is why people think it was a thing
@ButIamAStick 6 ай бұрын
​@@lawrencebarber8583 Oh dear, how much i hate that movie. I'm too much of a history mayor to be able to enjoy it
@MatrixRefugee 6 ай бұрын
@@Zetact_ Yeah, it's one of those things that maybe a handful of noblemen/kings engaged in, but Enlightenment-era propaganda against royalty/aristocracy exaggerated its prevalance and now, sadly, thanks to Hollywood depictions (looking at you, Braveheart), it's become one of those myths about the medieval era. George Orwell lampshaded it in a throwaway bit in 1984
@ButIamAStick 6 ай бұрын
The worst thing is tha "prima nocta" never existed, Lords did take things from weddings, but by taxes. There is almost no documentations of it, and the ones that exist are either defamatory towards someone else as possible negative propaganda; laws banging it; or taxes over the couple gifts
@mikelindley4227 6 ай бұрын
I had a GM once during a Rifts game insist that our characters have s*x with NPCs. We all said no, and he basically forced us to. That was the last time we let him run a game. He was the type who created female characters who were supposedly irresistable to men. The most memorable was an Amazon who had to have sex every day or die.
@RetardIncgames 6 ай бұрын
@robertwildschwein7207 6 ай бұрын
More like "cantrip"
@zixserro1 6 ай бұрын
Second Story: Why is this guy multiclassing like this if all he's going to do is spam Magic Missile and Firebolt? It makes no sense. Just play a wizard.
@GarkKahn 6 ай бұрын
"Jokes" story: I think the group should've discussed what they want and what not before the game to avoid this
@stephenadams8712 6 ай бұрын
12:19 the main reason players multi-class 1 level in Bard is to use bardic inspiration Why take a level in Bard if you aren't even using bardic inspiration
@hayden1351 4 ай бұрын
I shrieked NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so loud when Ross Bowman the Crossbowman was taken out that I scared my cat
@cthulhluftagn3812 3 ай бұрын
"High value male" Red flag flew up so quick air friction set it on fire.
@RealSeanithan 3 ай бұрын
"It's dark, gritty, and realistic." I mean, I'll give it dark, probably not gritty, and certainly not realistic: there's nothing that we currently have in the historical record that suggests Primae Noctis was ever a thing. The closest thing is a time when people were complaining about high taxes, and a priest wrote a letter to some people saying something to the effect of, "If you think this is bad, the taxes used to be so high that parents would let the nobles sleep with their daughters in exchange for having their tax burden reduced or eliminated." Further, beyond that one letter from that one priest after the fact, we don't even have any contemporary record of that. Something like Primae Noctis is a great way to introduce conflict into a fictional story (not in DnD, though), but let's not pretend it's historical.
@ArcmageZaln 6 ай бұрын
I'm so sick of people saying they want a realistic campaign when playing with INTERACTIVE GODS, MONSTERS, AND MAGIC! medieval history and DnD are not the same. also, hope nippsy is not too hooked on that now. ;p
@watchmurraydostuff2468 3 ай бұрын
I once heard of a party that adopted a one-legged goblin. They named him Wayne. Wayne the Goblin. All he could speak in common was "ate my leg." The main Wayne-papa himself was named Col Umbo. Yes, that Columbo.
@akun50 6 ай бұрын
First story - Depending on the level of the player characters, even a lich should be doable. The problem is that the DM is a disgusting turdling that they should've just walked away from. Second story - I would argue that any character that's brought to the table should have a vested interest in working with the party. If they don't, they're an annoying sabotaging NPC and need to be slain. Third story - This is not a DM problem. This is a player/store problem. You have a number of options: either immediately kill the player every time or boycott the entire store. If I were a DM, I would ignore the problem player entirely, and if they spoke up about it, "Oh, right. Yeah, rocks fall, you die. Roll up a new character." Fourth story - Yeah, I would've acidly told the DM that sexual assault is not a joke to everyone while glaring him down. But leaving the table is probably far better for your comfort. The fact that this DM never had a Session 0 to decide on taboo topics, especially in a public store, is also telling. Fifth story - This is entirely on the DM. He likely made the dragon hatch to give the centaur player something to do, but given that the OP's party wanted to be present, he could've put the betrayal off until after the dragon hatched.
@thephantomspectator407 6 ай бұрын
That kitty's EYES...!😂 Nipsy was higher than the stratosphere!🤯 Everybody roll up a tabaxi stoner in his honor and let the shenanigans begin!🤣
@theofficerfactory2625 6 ай бұрын
OMG, poor Nipsy. He is not on cloud 9; he's above it! Story 1: Those poor players; having to spend their game time to be on lookout for the DM's shenanigans and then that BS! Prima noctis. WTH DM! 5:50 There it is! "realistic". DM license revoked. Story 2: Sigh. The lone wolf loot goblin. Story 3: Well that's a crap policy. I agree with actions have consequences and have them directed at the character and if they have a problem; tell them why. Story 4: Yeah; leave but voice why OP is hurt. Story 5: Oh boy. If he can' take constructive criticism; then that's on them. Story 6: Sigh. Never let the people name anything. Nooooooo! Not Ross!
@edwardbirdsall6580 3 ай бұрын
Time for the ol' necklace of fireballs suppository
@2222nova3 5 ай бұрын
On the 4th story, I'm assuming they had a session 0 to explain things, the particular themes that may end up happening. But she also didn't explain to the DM that she had gone through something like that. I know it's none of the DM's business, but at the same time if she wants to see any changes made in the way jokes are done it might be a good idea to explain it to somebody.
@rb98769 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, she probably could try to talk to the GM in order to find a solution and maybe they can figure a way to make the group work. But if the rest of the group doesn't want to adjust, then she's better off just leaving for a group that suits her better. The jokes are in bad taste, but these issues are ultimately more about finding the right people to play with rather than figuring out who's in the right and who's in the wrong.
@darby2314 6 ай бұрын
Evil/secretive characters are really easy to play well within a party. Secret Rogue: Tell the players that your character used to he a locksmith apprentice, but took up an adventuring life to look for a cure to a blight in your hometown. Then explain your rogue fighting style as just being a coward. Serial killer: Have your character learn that he can murder all he wants if he does it in the name of justice, and recognize that allies make the killing easier to defend, and witnesses make it more fun. Torturer: Be a religious inquisitor. Claim rightiousness in the eyes of your God, and set clear religious edicts so your party knows what may set your character off. Secret Warlock: Take a level of cleric, and make your God your Patron. Then rightfully claim all your powers are divinely granted.
@marybdrake1472 6 ай бұрын
Holy crap, the game store need to ditch that DM yesterday before they get into trouble. Also yes, Prima Noctis is a load of crap. Lastly, I think Nipsy might be the silliest of you cats Doge. 😆
@BlueTressym 6 ай бұрын
1.58 Anyone who uses the term 'high value male' unironically has told more than enough about their views on relationships for the wisdom of taking the Dodge action against them to be clear. Loot Hog story: NTA, OP, what you said was perfectly reasonably and you do not have to keep on putting up with this player's bs when they're actively spoiling others' fun. They've been using the ultimate cop-out excuse for being an AH at the table and turning it on them was more than fair. If you're worried, talk to the other players (besides the problem open) because I'm pretty sure they're as tired of Loot Hog as you are and you can collectively express your feelings to the GM, which is often easier and less stressful than having to do so alone. Doge is also right that said GM has been enabling this so they need to know they're making the whole game less fun just to pander to one player and need to make a decision. Disruptive: The LGS owners seem more than a little dense if they haven't realised that keeping disruptive players, even when they drive away others, is going to lose them a lot more revenue than a more sensible policy would. Keeping one player who causes even two people to leave is a suboptimal and it can only get worse from there as more and more people desert rather than deal with that bs. Maybe they need to be directly asked whether they'd rather lose 1 person's money or half a dozen. 'Jokes' OP, run and don't look back. If it's hurting you and people know that and carry on, it is not a fecking joke; it's bullying.
@zhornlegacy7936 5 ай бұрын
"Scene Cut" story was definitely a case of both including the player, but also giving them a chance to rejoin for group. Yes it killed momentum; but the killing momentum was a constant choice of the player going "I chose to wait for something to happen rather than actively seek where the story is". We get enough cases of "And the DM never cut to my character or introduce me into the scene" to know ignoring a player is a sure fire path to a regular RPG horror story. This is just the opposite end of that; refusing the call to adventure.
@annormal1414 Ай бұрын
Second story: DM is absolutely 100% to blame. One of the players are fucking up everything for all the party, it was M's job to step up. When i give guidelines for players the main two are: 1) NO Bilbo Bagginses (character don't want to go on an adventure, party must convince him) 2)No lone wolves. If you made a character that don't want to work together with the rest of the party you can't play him.
@idontconsenttoinfobeingsol3041 5 ай бұрын
Ross Bowman was the mascot 100%
@7thsealord888 6 ай бұрын
Story #1 - This DM was a sorry excuse for a human being, and a disgrace to the hobby. Yet again, surprise that the party stuck with him for as long as they did. Story #2 - "It's What My Character Would Do" is generally just an excuse to be a d#ck. Want your Character to be "secretive"'? Fine , but you also have to do your bit for your teammates. Otherwise, why should they put up with you? . But I do wonder if there is more to this. The others just went silent, apparently not taking sides in the confrontation, so question mark there. The DM doesn't seem to be doing much of a job - he's the one who should take the lead in dealing with bad behavior or player disputes. Finally, if Mister Edgelord - Rogue (that's how he comes across here) has a habit of separating from the party to do his own thing, there should be consequences. Things that the entire Party could probably deal with OK, but a lone individual cannot. Story #3 - Talk to the LGS management again, because this is a real problem for the group. Point out nicely that it could come down to either That Guy or everybody else in that group. Then if no joy, time for the DM to step up, harshly. The DM *ALWAYS* has the option of saying "That Didn't Happen". Doesn't have to justify it, not really, just say the actions prevented are inappropriate to the scenario. Keep doing this. If that Character does something really heinous or over the top, just kill him off with the full consequences - don't bother gaming it out, just "Rocks fall, you're dead." If he wants to be resurrected, ask the Party. If he wants his replacement Character to get the old Character's stuff, ask the Party. If the Player improves his behavior, well and good, but unlikely. If he leaves in a snit, also fine. Story #4 - Tell this group they are insensitive douches and leave. This is completely unacceptable. Story #5 - The DM has to be told, diplomatically. Listening to feedback and criticism, and learning from it, is part of what all good DMs do. The only alternative is to just put up with whatever he's doing, and that is not healthy for the group. Story #6 - Not what I consider a horror story at all. Let's all raise a tankard and drink to the memory of Ross Bowman the Crossbowman. :)
@TBTabby 6 ай бұрын
What's worse than a DM trying to forcibly romance a player? A PAID DM trying to forcibly romance a player! And the shop still lets him DM after that?! That place needs to be boycotted.
@Hachizukatenzo 5 ай бұрын
The first night story is probably a tale anyway. I have never seen any historian backing it up .
@kokocarillo9931 6 ай бұрын
First story got that from asoiaf . . . It worked in the word building in asoiaf. The DM literally got this out of his ass to satisfy his wants with the sorcerer. To try and force that on his players (especially without a heads up) is plain up disgusting.
@Toyall1 6 ай бұрын
Nah, for the LGS story, if the DM already tried and talk to the player and store and nothing changes, its time to go to your local library and rent a conference room from them once every two weeks. (For me it was only like 50 bucks for like 6 hours, though that was before pandemic pricing so it may have went up) to run the game without that player. If money is such an issue, ask the players to pay the same amount as they did in the store to help out in the cost.
@nowayjose1870 4 ай бұрын
Everytime "Ross Bowman the Crossbowman" is said, it's said with an Australian accent and I love it XDDD
@dylanwoerner2154 4 ай бұрын
My DM asked me to come up with another member of my order's name (I am a L/G Paladin) and of course I channel all of my creativity into James Anüs (pronounced A-noose) he liked it.
@ACOE 6 ай бұрын
That first DM is channelling some serious Uday Hussein vibes.
@RuinQueenofOblivion 6 ай бұрын
D&D History Note: In old school Ravenloft, Vlad Drakov, the original Darklord of Falkovnia, did pull Prima Noctis. But it was, you know, because he was a horrible person and a mysoginist. Its one thing I'm glad they cut from 5e Ravenloft, and makes me laugh that they replaced him with a woman.
@stevenschnepp576 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, can't have nasty villains in our -lifestyle brand- dark fantasy game. Fucking mall goths.
@medicaoctavia8002 5 ай бұрын
Prima noctis is a horrendous urban legend that needs to die.
@laazkoh8099 4 ай бұрын
How to deal with disruptive player ? Just play it. I've played multiples DnD games with a bunch of IRL friends i know very well. We're very friendly and all. But at one campaign, one of them decide to play a greedy character. A really greedy character. He often played this kind of character, but this time, take it to a different level. The first flag was when this character, a wizard, jump into a dragon and cast fireball, then, go back to the group to force the fight, while the rest of the team wanted to just escape because the dragon wasn't necessary to be fighted and could just be avoided, and we wanted that cause we've been all exausted from previous fights. We warned him that it was "not cool, don't do that again, we've nearly decided to leave you alone against the dragon you know mate." Second red flag was when the wizard, who have a lot of AoE spells and capacity to avoid us with them (selective targeting) decide to leave us alone against a group of "battlefrogs" while he goes into the lake to catch a gem glowing inside. No more for me. No more for a friend of mine. We got fed up. At our turns, we escaped from the fight too (forgot to mention: I played a Monk this time. Kind of "don't try to escape me you fool i'm Usian Bolt" monk). I run onto my wizard friend. High kick high kick. Turn after, wizard decide to be more cooperative. I would have killed his character if not. From then, no more problem, more friend than ever with the player, who played again some greedy characters, but cooperative greedy ones. Lot more fun. If a player at your table decide to go PvP, uncooperative and disruptive behavior. Go with it. Especially if he argue roleplay reasons. Roleplay is a two way street. Also, Ross Bowman the Crossbowman feels like a character from Galavant.
@Klaital1 5 ай бұрын
The weirdest part from the first story to me was the whole thing about an Eladrin getting married to a Kobold.
@towelgirl21 6 ай бұрын
Ross Bowman the Crossbow Man... I've got to find the story about the NPC who was supposed to die a martyr for story reasons but just kept surviving and the party LOVED him and let him fight the boss.
@DnDDoge 6 ай бұрын
I think I've read that one, lol
@towelgirl21 6 ай бұрын
@@DnDDoge yeah, I just found it in your vids. I love it and the one with the "2 mile long dragon" and the one where the guy keeps yelling "fish titties"
@annormal1414 Ай бұрын
Story with disruptive player: I mean, if he's still in a party after all of that seems like some of the players don't mind. Though if all the table is sick of him you just made one simple rule: every time he comes to play the rest of the party just jumps on him and kill his character. Loot him , spit on the body and let it rot. If he brings a new character - repeat. If you need a lore explanation ask DM to make succubus appar out of the blue and take his characters under control every single time. In game encounters are allowed, right?
@rb98769 5 ай бұрын
"It's what my character would do" Then make a different character.
@ninjagregshow9423 5 ай бұрын
I have really grown to hate the phrase "it's what my character would do"
@Mernom 6 ай бұрын
Disruptive player: like the previous post, at that point, it makes IC sense that the party would dump that dude out.
@PromisedTriggeringExcalibait 5 ай бұрын
The Jokes story is her fault. She should have told them that topic makes her uncomfortable instead of suddenly exploding on the group with no warning and making a scene. There needs to be communication if positive change is going to happen. Not saying anything and waiting till you're past your breaking point is not going to do you or anyone else any favors, and it will certainly not paint you in a good light considering the group lacks the context to understand why she is acting that way. Obviously, she doesn't need to say why it makes her feel that way or what happened in the past, but her failure to communicate is what lead things to go as far as they did with that group. Imagine being the other people in that group. You've been making jokes that the other players find funny throughout the session until one person suddenly starts raging out of no where. It would be confusing. That group sounds like they were just having some fun, while lacking awareness to how sensitive that topic may be for some people. Not everyone goes about there lives worrying about what might offend someone else. I'm surprised you came to the conclusion that the group was in the wrong on this one. If there's a problem, just talk it out instead of abruptly throwing a fit.
@Svartalf14 4 ай бұрын
the 15 year old with issues with r*p* ought to leave that campaign, and try to find a group somewhat more sensitive.... there's nothing to do with that bunch.
@Phoenix8492 5 ай бұрын
Prima Nocta may be a myth but it is alleged to be why the Battle of the Oranges is celebrated in Ivrea, Italy: sometime in the 12th Century the marquis of the city decided to invoke prima nocta on a young newlywed only for her to _decapitate him_ when they got to the bedchamber. Now they remember that event by chucking half a million pounds of oranges at dudes dressed in knights armor for the three days before Fat Tuesday.
@m9wshideout613 5 ай бұрын
For story 3 i would have just pushed him towards the villagers and did an act on how he was at fault to get the villagers to beat his ass.
@rb98769 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, perfect opportunity for the party to cast him out
@CatLover-gk8uu 6 ай бұрын
As soon as I heard the term “high value male” I knew this was going to go downhill into creepy incel territory.
@Goop946 5 ай бұрын
Rip Ross Bowman He was a real one
@kainslegacy78618 6 ай бұрын
Cats are truly shameless. Look at how they let themselves be filmed and memed while they are doing drugs...
@dionnejinn3789 6 ай бұрын
Nipsy was covered in that catnip! Oh, and I loved the story of Ross Bowman the crossbowman!
@absolutfx 6 ай бұрын
Ross Bowman the Crossbow Man comes out so perfectly.
@UltimatBlitz 5 ай бұрын
idk, Doge. It sounds like they tried to talk to him above table and constantly got the "what my character would do" reply, so it makes sense to show them the consequences to their character.
@Derginator 5 ай бұрын
I’d have to check but I remember from college Prima Nocta may have been a legal right of kings that was never used.
@johnhodgdon2434 3 ай бұрын
I don't see why people think Prima Noctus is a myth it wasn't, but I think it was a Roman thing that ended up in early Britain, and then died off, it wasnt an extremely common or even popular practice, but it did happen.
@Ruinbornaftonalwayscomesback 3 ай бұрын
One question is why the fuck do they need to bring sex into this
@me0262 6 ай бұрын
Head cannon that Ross Bowman the Crossbowman turns to celebrate his hit and sees the PCs faces in celebration, turn into abject horror. He stops mid-celebration, "What?" and turns around to see the BBEG, which ends him.
@claudiamcfie1265 6 ай бұрын
Love to Nipsy (and here's to your algorithm)
@wtfbonzo5025 6 ай бұрын
That cat is gonna go on a trip through the 6th dimension XD
@DiscoTimelordASD 5 ай бұрын
R.I.P Ross Bowman the Crossbow Man
@Beastmann3d 5 ай бұрын
Ross Bowman just inspired my next character.
@Nyffs_ 6 ай бұрын
Prima Noctis .... Yeah the guy watched Braveheart a ittle too much. It's not really a thing that was common in Europe. Like the Lords won't use this right to avoid, like, the peasant to go after them xD It was not a good thing to do politicaly.
@Janary08 6 ай бұрын
Rip ross bowman the crossbowman. He was inspiring and like a father to me. I loved him like my son 😔
@Zucca101 3 ай бұрын
The perfect NPC name doesn’t exi-
@CooperAATE 6 ай бұрын
Time for Doge already? Don't mind if I do!
@TheFuriousScribbles 6 ай бұрын
"Prima Noctus! It's history!" Uh-huh. Know what isn't history? D&D. Which is what we signed up to play. This is a personal hang up of mine. GMs and players using "history" or "realism" as an excuse to be crappy.
@robbietheweirdo 2 ай бұрын
RIP Ross Bowman the crossbowman
@Evoker23-lx8mb 6 ай бұрын
With the DM that’s sensitive to criticism, it sounds bad I know but someone who can’t take criticism should be a DM.
@erato1 6 ай бұрын
Loved the story about Ross Bowman.
@thewolfstu 4 ай бұрын
23:23 I get that, but also def a good reason for communication.
@pulsefel9210 5 ай бұрын
telling someone that them disliking SA type things is a CRIMSON AS CHINA flag. you dont just leave, you tell the cops they need to investigate the guys computer
@weaverdc292 Ай бұрын
That's disgusting behavior. If someone is uncomfortable, theyre uncomfortable. End of discussion. A joke is not funny if its hurting someone like that. Some of the people who play DnD are using DnD as an excuse to be a controlling, toxic jerk.
@yourdadsfriedchicken9661 3 ай бұрын
Rest in Piece Ross Bowman the Crossbow Man
@ShitpostingJoJo 6 ай бұрын
First Story: I'm still wondering WHY THEY DIDN'T LEAVE SOONER?! 💀 I feel like they put up with WAY TOO MUCH of this incel's crap, even if it WAS a paid game. Better late then never, I guess? 🤦🏻 EDIT: RIP Ross Bowman 😔 you will be dearly missed 😢
@ArcCaravan 6 ай бұрын
Probably a mixture of money and time invested while being able to fight off everything before lich prima noctis.
@ShitpostingJoJo 5 ай бұрын
​​@@ArcCaravan Fair -_-U and maybe I'm frugal for thinking like this, but I'd be much more vocal on the DM changing his damn attitude if I'm giving him money to run this game. If that doesn't change, I'm spending my money elsewhere expeditiously. 😤
@SaturnSenshi3105 6 ай бұрын
I got fired thanks for giving me something to laugh about
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