Do External Threats Hold Societies Together?

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@MM22966 11 ай бұрын
There is a quote (from President Reagan of America): "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
@thearpox7873 11 ай бұрын
I think you'd be disappointed. While many nations would be capable of coming together, others... just aren't good actors, and history is full of examples of coalitions of small states imploding for stupid reasons in the face of an existential threat. The modern China, some radical Islamist groups in the Middle East, even the egos of some Western politicians could all lead to this alliance going sideways, and that's ignoring many parts of Africa which wouldn't even be plugged into the problem.
@runajain5773 10 ай бұрын
​@@thearpox7873you like how french and england but when germany form they become closet alliance against german they forget their old rivalry
@MM22966 10 ай бұрын
@@thearpox7873 I never said I agreed with the quote. In fact, depending on the exact circumstances, I could see various groups attempting to beat each other out for individual advantage, playing Judas, refusing to help unless directly threatened, blaming it on a conspiracy, etc. All manner of varied reactions, as you said.
@thearpox7873 10 ай бұрын
@@MM22966 That if fair. Though you'll have to forgive me for thinking the quote represented your views when you put it without any further context.
@MM22966 10 ай бұрын
@@runajain5773 A good example. When the same two countries spent most of their formative history invading/beating up on each other, but are suddenly best buds, you know a bigger bear is out there. (or a black eagle, in this case)
@metodiusm428 10 ай бұрын
This reminds me how Northern Italians stopped hating Southern Italians when immigrants started arriving from the 90s, creating a more united Italian identity which did not exist before
@ChristopherFodor 10 ай бұрын
The opposite is true in Ireland. People who are neoliberals will bring in Pakistanis and Africans and say "it's not like they oppressed us like the English"
@DontKnow-hr5my 10 ай бұрын
To my knowledge, that divide still exists
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@metodiusm428 That is a very good point!
@paulohagan3309 10 ай бұрын
Have theystopped hating them? Or simply hate them less?
@metodiusm428 10 ай бұрын
@@paulohagan3309 Nowadays Northern Italians hate the Southern ones much less than they used to. In fact Southern Italians used to be hated so much that some politicians from the North even wanted to create a separate country called "Padania". They even hold a fake referendum on 25th may 1997 and as many as 5 million people voted for the independence of "Padania". Since then, with the arrival of immigrants, the far-right parties from the North changed their rethoric, targeting more the immigrants instead, and even the main anti-South party, Lega Nord, changed its name to just "Lega" in order to get votes from Southern Italians.
@globaltheater9343 11 ай бұрын
"Why would you give your life for your country when you have no enemy to fear?" The fact that our leaders dont do whats in the best interest of the people theyre supposed to serve.
@9_9876 11 ай бұрын
Rika is better
@Anon-pl8kz 10 ай бұрын
We are on the cusp of a period of internal national power struggles. Our greatest enemies reside within our borders. I sum it up with the quote: "I have no quarrel with the Viet Kong".
@communityyoumustseekyoungp5630 10 ай бұрын
I find it very calming to know that fellow european citizens think like I do. The enemy is on two sides: from the outside that came into our countries, and the state itself with their stupid left-wing-agenda
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@globaltheater9343 That is true.
@paulohagan3309 10 ай бұрын
We always have an enemy to fear. The universe.It's not friendly to life. The more scietific information I learn, I suspect our existence is just a very unlikely accident and that there's probably no other intelligent life in the universe. So humanity's real battle should be with the universe and not with each other. Of course that's not going to happen. Ah well. probably in a very short time Artificial Superintelligence is going to come along and all this will be moot. 😅😅
@edjeon 10 ай бұрын
This fits with what I have been thinking for a long time. As a Korean, it always struck me that the modern 'Korean' identity was somewhat always defined by an outgroup, whether that be China or Japan. In my opinion, the focal point that definitely set ground for Koreanness to take place was the colonial occupation of Japan. Ironically, though Japan tried very hard to eradicate and assimilate Korean culture, it actually led to a more concrete and reinforced Korean identity.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@edjeon Yes, this pattern is very common!
@redpillsatori3020 10 ай бұрын
I think we see the same in America today. Demonizing whites and nationalism is having an inverse effect now. It's making whites cling to, and fight for, their ethnic identity MORE--not less.
@puraLusa 10 ай бұрын
Present day south korea is alongside japan and europe on the decline - demographics. If this trend continues all these identities will just be nominal in the future or maybe will go extinct.
@wellingtonsh1 10 ай бұрын
​@@puraLusaChina has also been experiencing demographic collapse. In a short time only India and Africa will not be like this and after 2060 only Africa.
@puraLusa 10 ай бұрын
@@wellingtonsh1 it's what's predicted yes, but don't forget what history shows: that often things don't follow as predicted. We don't know if some war or desease comes around and wipes out the entire african continent. We don't know if of trade gets disrupted to the point of a sudden lack of pills and condoms. All these can alter what has been predicted. What we know is europeans, korean, japanese etc given the chance decide for less reproduction. What we also know is that the chinese decline in demographics is policy-made and not a general individual choice. End result is the same, but with AI taking simple tasks from job market, maybe it's a blessing such shrinkage in population as it makes budgets easier in the future with more qualified job market, thus high income tax payers. It's a possibility in many - we can't trully predict the future, too many variables.
@albionnika 10 ай бұрын
Your final words were amazingly accurate! "We might mentally just be tribesmen only with the internet and nukes"
@jefferylou3816 9 ай бұрын
Nope we’re mentally monke 🙂
@prohacker5086 8 ай бұрын
Back to monke
@Nick-bs6yo 11 ай бұрын
As for group evolution (the emergence of self sacrifice), the theory you mention is well established in insect biology. There are species which take this level of group evolution to extremes unimaginable in mammals (bees and ants are common examples). I think mammalian biology is simply offended by the idea. Many scientists get emotionally defensive over human traits and allow their culture to blind them to the pursuit of truth.
@ludlowaloysius 10 ай бұрын
Human beings aren’t insects bro. you’re talking out your ass.
@ludlowaloysius 10 ай бұрын
im offended that you think can compare human biology to insects lmao.
@ludlowaloysius 10 ай бұрын
I googled the term “biologically offensive” and nothing came up. That must be just your own little made up subjective perspective.
@lilben4184 10 ай бұрын
​@@ludlowaloysiusPut 50,000 men of the same spiritual/civic religion in a stadium together and they'll generally get along just fine. Same with bees or ants. Try that experiment with chimps and in six hours every last one of those chimps will be dead. Along at least one dimension Man has far more in common with eusocial insects than with great apes. Sorry-not-sorry if that fact triggers you.
@skeletorlikespotatoes7846 10 ай бұрын
Well self sacrifice is not proven to be a evolutionary product
@artilleryman895 11 ай бұрын
Correction on the spain section: It's not the reconquista that kept them fiercely catholic, it's that even after the reconquista they had to deal with the age of reformation
@Flashipedia 11 ай бұрын
Good point. The Catholic/Protestant divide was a big influence on the formation of national identities in Europe. Prior to Catholic Emancipation in Great Britain, for example, there was a great deal of paranoia among the ruling classes of Papist plots to bring about the downfall of the nation.
@farkasabel 10 ай бұрын
It is interesting as hungarian reformation was the first step of national identity for hungarians as it was the sign of opposition against catholic Austria. The further you go from Austria the more protestant churches and villages you find even today.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@artilleryman895 Another "Other" trying to change the proper catholic ways! :D
@miloslavtokar1080 10 ай бұрын
my favorite example of this is that the word for slavs in slavic languages is "slovani" - people of the word and the word for germans is nemci - mute people
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
The Greeks had a similar thing. The root word we get barbarian from just meant foreigner or non Greek. All the world outside of Greece was barbarian. There's a bunch of African tribes where their name for themselves translates most closely to human or man in English. Meaning everybody outside the tribe is not human. It seems to be a natural route groups take.
@screwstatists7324 10 ай бұрын
@@phoenixjones7191who are we to disagree?
@user-uf2df6zf5w 11 ай бұрын
My thoughts on this: A common enemy is what makes a group a group in the first place. Conflict is also the main cause of innovation. In regards to Europe this means: I see only one, basically unavoidable, future: as soon as living standards really start to slide, there will be civil conflict (between right and left, old and young, native and immigrant). the result of this will be, likely, fascistic regimes, and the continent will build its identity mainly around the common enemy of Islam. The problem is that "old" ideologies, like small national identities and traditional religion, are gradually becoming outdated since they originated in the preindustrial world. We are currently living through a period of history similar to the "Neolithic decline", where a fundamental change in the way humans lived (Back then from hunter-gathering to agriculture, now from agriculture to an industrial, urban society), caused major stresses on the very fabric of human society, resulting in its restructuring into something not imaginable before. This means that we need to find new stories and social structures to move forward, completely new ideologies, structured around the fundamental truths science has brought to light. This will, like most such changes throughout history, emerge organically, but living through it may be hard.
@thearpox7873 11 ай бұрын
Problem is, the pace of rapid innovation hasn't ended, and you can't properly weave a new fabric when your foundation is still constantly shifting. Innovation is amazing, but it also causes generational strife and makes the folk wisdom relied on for many generations useless or worse, and at the current pace even the knowledge of ten years ago is rapidly becoming outdated.
@user-uf2df6zf5w 11 ай бұрын
@@thearpox7873 And it won't. I think we are still at the beginning of this process, the point were the hunter gatherers have just settled down, startet relying solely on agriculture, and than noticed that they have no clue how to deal with a drought or why they are all suddenly weaker and dying of previously unknown deseases. The agricultural age startet with populations gradually decreasing (after a initial sharp spike) and live expectancy going down significantly. Inter group conflicts became also way more prevalent. Those stuck in such situations had no say in their initiation, nor will they likely see the end. Applying "old wisdom" will not help, since it from the previous age, build of fundamentally different assumptions about human existence. Things like inter generational conflicts, science, war, bloody, radical changes and ideologies ect. will be the forge where the solutions will emerge out. But this will take time.
@thearpox7873 11 ай бұрын
@@user-uf2df6zf5w My thoughts exactly, and it is interesting to speculate on how this will develop and what those changes will look like. Though I will note that with the agriculture the process was fairly slow, uncertain, and relatively few groups really settled down even though the Bronze Age. If anything, animal husbandry was the more influential development for our way of life and issues.
@user-uf2df6zf5w 10 ай бұрын
​@@thearpox7873 Ok, here are my thoughts on the future of Europe in particular: I think that Europe will remain largely the same for roughly another 10 years or so, after which the transformation will begin. This is because, in roughly 10 years, the first wave of important nations will be rolled over by the "grey wave": for example Italy and PARTICULARLY Germany. This means that from that point on EU Funds, the thing that keeps much of Europe in the current order, will start to dry up. Without these and simultaneous massive aging, as well as even more out-migration (I saw a prediction where almost all of Spain, except a couple of metro areas, are projected to have more than 70% of their Population over 65 by 2050) will cause socioeconomic collapse in places like Italy, Spain, Greece, most of the Balkans and orthodox Eastern Europe. I think that this will cause a generational struggle, where people below 40 will riot in the streets as the living conditions nose-dive. The old will be blamed for having failed the system (as well as migrants). Democracy will eventually self-destroy itself there since the old can always outvote the young until the country collapses into street riots and most likely military coups and revolutions. Much of Europe will, at first, probably adopt ideologies that will be composed of nativism (either in the form of natives of that country first or maybe a more pan-European "white homeland" ideology), nationalism, ruralism, pro- natalism, etc... Charismatic autocrats and juntas will probably succeed the democracies, especially in Southern Europe (border lining fascism in many cases). I'm also almost 100% sure that Muslims will be the group by far most affected by this (This is because they believe in their own cultural superiority too much to make a long-term alliance "among equals" with non-Muslims, thus being perfect scapegoats. Add to this that Islam is viewed quite skeptically among the majority of native Europeans.) I can see an Ideology develop that glorifies rural life, village community, and ethnocentrism with significant influences of new age philosophies, Buddhism, neo-paganism, and highly individualistic spirituality. (I know personally so many people that subscribe to something like this...) This assumes that there will be some sort of partial counter urbanization, as economies in the cities nosedive. The Catholic Church in Southern Europe and the orthodox church in Eastern Europe will likely die since they are: a) too old and b) heavily associated with the current political establishment. Our current consumerism, as well as modern expressions of culture, like art and architecture, will be denounced as fundamentally bad and be seen as a weird excess of their age. This is in the short run (so the next 40 years or so). Looking at longer time scales (so the next 100 to 200 years or so) I think we will see the rise of completely novel Ideologies, based on new technologies that have the potential to fundamentally change the human condition. These may sound ridiculous now. As ridiculous as our modern world would sound to the average "gentleman" from 1823. One guess I have is an Ideology that would be based upon the belief that AI (so algorithms) is the best way to structure human society, since it is more logical than the human brain and thus eliminates its deficiencies. This would be combined with a fundamental fight against human nature (maybe even with invasive medical methods). Another future belief system, that I think will be one of the most powerful in human history, is transhumanism. Technologies like gene editing will, when fully matured, make it possible to completely change basically every aspect of human nature (and the rest of nature). Countless Ideologies and societies will form around that, taking mankind in different directions. A Method/Ideology that gives you the opportunity to be some never-aging demigod and your group to literally become the superior race will be irresistible at some point. This comes with the downside of the high likelihood of massive warfare and genocide. Just look at how, for example, only marginally more wealthy or powerful groups in society are oftentimes behaving towards their social inferiors, especially if there are no cultural norms in place to regulate that. My conclusion is that the unavoidable end result of this "wave of change" is the alteration of human nature through technology. Many point out, that a belief system can't be based on science, because its always changing, but it actually can. In this scenario, say, Darwinism, would be the main thing, that is basically the main dogma of a society (you can actually see an early application of this in the so-called "self-help-space" emerging in the last couple of years, these things are generally the foundation of most of the secular western right) So I think that this kind of social structure and philosophy will ultimately have to be coupled with some kind of morality or spirituality.
@xdlol59 10 ай бұрын
I'm curious where are you from?
@xdlol59 11 ай бұрын
It's because Anglo-sphere. Ireland gave up their language (lol) and they adapted English language. Now they are giving up Irish identity(it's not aware) and they are adapting English identity and their issues and complexes. Also Anglo-sphere is the core of wokeness, and words are very powerful.
@Bronxguyanese 10 ай бұрын
I agree.
@shzarmai 10 ай бұрын
@xdlol59 10 ай бұрын
@@shzarmai What what?
@Bronxguyanese 10 ай бұрын
@shzarmai the big problem with the Anglosphere is the rise of wokism that came out of the university system which the big issue is oppressed vs oppressor Marxian complex. The academics took the best ideas from many ideologies Marx, facists, Islam, protestant Christianity, communism and created this soup on how to be a better person morally. Btw civilizations go through moral changes. Roman empire for example abandoned paganism for Christiainty, byzantine empire moralized Christianity with removing imagery of icons, Spanish empire pushed for more Jesuit catholicsm while the British empire individuals went for more evangelical Christianity amongst protestants with the Anglican church which led to end of slavery in British empire.
@titanicbigship 10 ай бұрын
He’s saying that Irish people don't speak Irish anymore and are getting anglicized@@shzarmai
@dhuh6760 10 ай бұрын
Remember that every comfort we have, we have because of how restrictive living in a structured society is. Remember that social media emulates an immediate community, because everyone moves away for work, and spends no real time together. Remember that we have school systems because parents have no time to properly raise their kids. Remember that we have modern medicine and all it's miracles because we would be rife with disease and enfeebling disabilities if we didn't. Remember that we have jobs because our lives and our comforts are so complex and expensive to maintain that we simply *have* to sacrifice a majority of our lives, the most valuable thing any of us have, just to maintain it. None of what we, you and I, have, is an achievement. It is a compromise.
@effexon 10 ай бұрын
and this is result of previous generations having lot of kids, who always moved to cities, making cities ever bigger... most of those described things were created in city so life would be at least not horrible. It is not common sense(anti-intuitive) but social media/electronic efficient communication in big city is needed coz people actually dont live near each other but other side of town which is too long distance to pop by daily level. Just think Tokyo where they are often decade ahead of west in this. Unconvenient truth is that only solution for centuries to "empty cities" was having wars to expend lot of people. As we wanna be more civilized nowadays, we have these other problems to address. I see jihad double whammy: it is outlet like that and also strengthens identity. Uncontrollably growing cities are so big danger for civil war and chaos that it is lesser evil though also gamble it can backfire like 9/11. With modern non state jihad it seems to work a bit better than older state vs state risky gamble.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@dhuh6760 Interesting take!
@joshjonson2368 9 ай бұрын
even without ground breaking medicine and life support machinery, humans will be fine because in the past those with flaws were simply left to die or killed off, people are starting to realise this and beg for a return to more Nietzschean ways of furthering civilisation.
@rdablock 9 ай бұрын
@@joshjonson2368 tribes cared for their sick, this is just wrong
@leaveme3559 9 ай бұрын
You sound like a redditor
@9_9876 11 ай бұрын
Just see how Eastern Europeans leave differences aside when a westoid is talking
@bannedeverywhere 11 ай бұрын
Or when they see puccians on holidays is Turkey.
@tomasvrabec1845 11 ай бұрын
The only time we don't hate on Hungary
@pro-hz7kx 10 ай бұрын
Or when Russians start talking
@Pan_Z 10 ай бұрын
Balkans when Germans, Russians, or Turks act imperialistic: Best friends Balkans when at peace: Friendship over
@rastislavdemko6682 10 ай бұрын
LOL. Highly unlikely.
@Etaoinshrdlu69 11 ай бұрын
The EU share of wealth fell after communism fell because it was then safe to outsource labor and other nations got wealthier by developing their own domestic demand. So the share of wealth fell because everyone else grew wealthier. The US share of wealth has stayed flat only because US firms have benefited to a greater decree from globalization than EU firms. However it should be noted that most of this American wealth is intangible wealth,,,things like patents, trademarks, brands, design practices. 90% of the S&P 500 is intangible value. So when you buy an SPX fund you are buying 90% intangible assets.
@tomorrowneverdies567 10 ай бұрын
The fact that they are intangible, does not mean that they do not exist, and that they do not have value. Are video games tangible? Have you ever bought a video game? Is music tangible? Have you ever payed musicians by going at a music concert? Dentistry and medicine are also intangible. But you still pay doctors and dentists. Transportation, KZbin, internet, justice, education etc. Services are not tangible, but they exist. This video was also intangible, but you were desperate to watch it (and pay for it with your time, instead of eating something tangible).
@Etaoinshrdlu69 10 ай бұрын
@@tomorrowneverdies567 I never said intangible wealth is bad but 90% is very high.
@tomorrowneverdies567 10 ай бұрын
@@Etaoinshrdlu69 so?
@effexon 10 ай бұрын
that works better in US where US mil is enforcing thsoe patents and rules are followed elsewhere... europe doesnt have that benefit to same degree. design (eg iphone) is different... but I dont see any company longterm prosper with only IP portfolio and bunch of lawers.
@Etaoinshrdlu69 10 ай бұрын
@@effexon US believes in a rules based international order so they do help Europe when designer handbags are counterfeited. It's just that Europe lacks big tech companies which is a big part of that 90%.
@ente866 10 ай бұрын
You make actual brilliant content. Very smart takes on human psychology. Keep up the good work!
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@ente866 Thank you very much!
@unreliablenarratorz2772 10 ай бұрын
Human nature is fluid. If you think humanity can only flourish with competition, than your right. If you think it can only flourish with cooperation, than your also right. Real question is, all else being equal, why do you REALLY want one over the other…
@romanahowe67 10 ай бұрын
I agree, and hope we can wish for the better option of cooperation. Thank you!
@jefferylou3816 9 ай бұрын
I’m certain that we have genetics for both. However (most of the times) we choose to favor one over the other based on environmental conditions (there are times when we lose it and make irrational decisions but that’s relatively rare)
@talibabdulhaqq7513 10 ай бұрын
At 30:40, a conta-example of this would be South Korea. For decades it's faced an existential threat from the North, but it's fertility rate has dropped to be the lowest in the world. Taiwan also has an extremely low fertility rate, even with the threat from China. I'd like to see a video addressing these examples.
@AmianteTarvoke 10 ай бұрын
You live in a bubble of American propaganda.
@jurisprudens2697 2 ай бұрын
The threat may easily become old and not as threatening with time. China has not tried invading Taiwan for a long time, the same with Korea. They are deep in the money making and competition
@MM22966 11 ай бұрын
You really drilled down on this, and I love the graphics, but I am not sure I agree with your conclusions. The end-states you show are subject to too many different causative factors besides outside enemies acting as a unifying force, or strong/weak social or national dynamics. Just off the top of my head for some other factors causing modern conditions are: -Easy/safe transnational movement -contraceptives being available/accepted/working -Internet -Massive population shifts coming up from the equatorial belt of the planet -food availability -Greater moral consciousness (at least among Western civilization states). It's no longer really acceptable to go on a conquering spree, or forcibly impose your way of life on the next guy over the hill. -No unknown lands. The planet is where everybody is living, and it doesn't have any open frontiers left where adventurous/militaristic/energetic groups can expand. Maybe once we get out into space on meaningful numbers it will change back to something more like before the 19th-century.
@mobilityproject3485 11 ай бұрын
I think that the enemy inside can fill a similar role to external adversaries of the past, but only if we see something truly horrific to our whole society (maybe global warming will do this).
@FOLIPE 11 ай бұрын
​@@mobilityproject3485The inside enemy is not conductive to the development of strong national economies, as seen in Latin America. At least not up until now. In east Asia however, a less competitive international system (more internally competitive) did foster one of the most prosperous regions of the world before the industrial revolution.
@MM22966 10 ай бұрын
@@mobilityproject3485 You're not allowed to call it global warming anymore. You have to use "climate change". The Eco-nuts look stupid every time it snows.
@susangoaway 10 ай бұрын
About that moral part: It still is. You have just learnt to say it is bad, but you do it regardless. :) Not to forget that at this point it is just a cult (climate for example)
@mobilityproject3485 10 ай бұрын
@@susangoaway The irony is that Christian societies did more to create peace than SJ, (that's its whole sthick,) because Christian societies believe is self sacrifice, while wokeism is just indulgent, lazy consumerism in marxist clothes.
@Bogfrog1 10 ай бұрын
Yknow these are the only videos where I can see a similarity with Whatifalthist. But I think the focus on demographics also makes jt unique and interesting.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@bogfrog1404 Thanks!
@Yirayol 10 ай бұрын
I love Whatifilthist but should admit that he constantly speculates on catastrophic clickbait scenarios, Russia will collapse, USA will collapse, Europe will collapse. Plus he is canadian, those guys across the ocean see us europeans in a bit odd perspective and show mostly superficial understanding of what's going on here due to the lack of immersion into the cultural and political context. As a russian, I find Kaiserbauch's content more rellevant to my personal thoughts and observations. Demographic analysis is a strong tool but it would be cool to see a bit wider perspective: Sociology of everyday life, genetics, geopolitcs, etc.
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
​​@@Yirayolhe's not Canadian. He grew up in Boston. I think he still lives there but I'm not positive.
@chickenfishhybrid44 8 күн бұрын
​@Yirayol ironic, I think a lot of Europeans think they have a better grasp of the US politically and culturally than they actually do.
@amarulostcause 10 ай бұрын
A shared cultural identity still unites Ireland's diaspora. Here in the States, when people of Irish descent come across each other there is a strong feeling of comradery. From Upstate New York to California we get along. The Irish of Ireland lose thier shit when we celebrate our heritage. I think being an ethnic group amongst many others has an impact on preserving a sense of heritage.
@johnoconnell8609 10 ай бұрын
Irish getting mad at "plastic paddy's" is for good reason most of the time. Harping on about the British past historical actions, is certainly cringe. It sucked it happened, but that's how it was back then. Get over it. However, seeing Irish coming to America and ingratiating themselves on Irish American hospitality, always rubbed me the wrong way.
@sullathehutt7720 10 ай бұрын
​@@johnoconnell8609 The issue isn't that it happened in the past. The issue is that the British occupation still continues in the north.
@amarulostcause 10 ай бұрын
@johnoconnell8609 it’s a badge of honor to talk about the diaspora online and have an Irishmen from the motherland use the term “plastic paddy”. Thank you for being concerned on our behalf about that bastard Liam Neeson exploiting us. Have a nice day cousin. Edit, spelling
@TheJosman 10 ай бұрын
As a Latino, i've always found Hyphenated Americans interesting. In Latin America, the norm is that migrants from elsewhere adapt to the region and detatch from their ancestors' culture and embrace the local one. For example, if an Italian family moved to Mexico, we'd expect them to assimilate into Mexican culture. Sure, they can bring some aspects of their culture into Mexican culture (just like the Lebanese did with Al Pastor tacos, or how Spanish settlers brought Spanish cultural elements into Mexican culture), but i think that Latin America being a mostly mixed-race society is very good at assimilating, acculturating and homogeneizing foreign populations, whereas in the US and Europe, there are clear divisions between natives and newcomers (and in the case of settler countries like the US, people remember their ancestor's original culture even if they've been living in America for generations).
@amarulostcause 10 ай бұрын
@TheJosman That's a very interesting perspective. Do people in Latin America with more indigenous ancestry retain an indigenous identity at all?
@chinchillaruby4170 10 ай бұрын
Interesting theories. I have doubts about the theory that frontiers/gritty people are the defining feature in an emerging empire as I think most everyone has had harsh periods and I think geography and to a degree luck decides the winner. The Gauls/Hordes/Natives were just as gritty as the people who ended their empire.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@chinchillaruby4170 Well, one always has to be the loser.
@chinchillaruby4170 10 ай бұрын
@@kaiserbauch9092 of course, but I don't know if frontiersmen and grittiness are the primary indicator on what makes them succeed. Otherwise, I think the inuits would have done a world conquest by now.
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
​@@chinchillaruby4170I mean resources and military innovations are gonna play a part as well. One thing the old world frankly just got lucky with was the surplus of domesticated work animals. Ox, horses, dogs, and so on made agriculture and ranching way way more efficient. Native to the Americas you've got alpacas and that's about it. There was a species of small dogs in mesmo America that were raised for food more than anything else. Over thousands of years that has a pretty dramatic impact on the development of civilization. That's just one example there's many more. I'm just saying the Inuits couldn't conquer the world because the reality of living in Alaska is that it's really, really fucking hostile and difficult. You can't build up surplus resources as easy which means less time spent innovating.
@chinchillaruby4170 10 ай бұрын
@@phoenixjones7191 true, indo-europeans discovering chariots go brrr, was very big.
@pistoneteo 11 ай бұрын
Proud patreon here.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@vinfacts11 11 ай бұрын
You should do a video on different civilizations of the world
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Different KZbinr has already done this very well.
@vinfacts11 10 ай бұрын
@@kaiserbauch9092 I know who you are talking about, but I would like to see your take on it.
@MichouThe 10 ай бұрын
@chickenfishhybrid44 8 күн бұрын
@thepickle5214 10 ай бұрын
Just wanted to point out a very minor mistake. The thumbnail has Papua New Guinea grouped in the developmented, western nations, I promise you it is neither
@differentview374 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if you are aware (I think you probable are but anyway), but what you say is very similar to Carl Schmitt and his political philosophy, so I would suggest also checking him out, especially his book The Concept of the Political contained many similar ideas
@karjolaking4586 11 ай бұрын
Great video as always.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@dandankokorohikareteku2620 11 ай бұрын
Based asf
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@huihui5059 11 ай бұрын
About Polish anti-clericalism. The deal with low Church attendance is not, because Catholicism is in genuine steep decline, but because most catholics are non-practicing and go to Church only on most important occasions. It is true that minority of Polish youths go to Church every Sunday, but every big religious holidays still attracts giant crowds. For example I don't know a single person who didn't part-take in All-Saints Day 3 days ago. When I went to cemetery in my town of 50k people I bet at the hour there was at least few thousand people present and since its a religious holiday and so day-off work, so many people probably came before me and after me. So decline among youths is from my perspective only in weekly Church attendance, not really in faith.
@xdlol59 10 ай бұрын
True. Nawet w zwykłą niedziele są tłumy, młodzi też chodzą (oczywiście mniej) A w Wielkanoc na świecenie koszyczków wszyscy chodzą (włącznie z moim ateistycznym ojcem)
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@huihui5059 That is good to hear!
@huihui5059 10 ай бұрын
@@kaiserbauch9092I'm 22 and most of my friends don't bring themselves to going to Church every Sunday, because: 1. Mass is extremely boring, maintained like its addressed to 70 years old grannies (which it is) and liturgy repeats only 3-4 family friendly fragments of the Bible. 2. They're exhausted after work as they mostly work and commute long hours so they want to have free weekends. Those people go to Church once a 1-2 months when they really have a need, but celebrate all catholic holidays like Easter, All Saints-Day, Green Week, Resurrection Day etc. The number of avowed atheist is really low and they're mostly on internet. And even in edgy anti-clerical agnostic/atheist crowd most of those people practice Christian traditions due to family influence.
@jurisprudens2697 2 ай бұрын
@@huihui5059I wonder how much would have changed if the Polish church were more friendly to traditional liturgy...
@JTL1776 11 ай бұрын
@Kaiserbunch. Do you have any plans to work with American Virtue or create a similar Group in Europe to help educate the Western Youth of Reality.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@JTL1776 I do not mind working with other people, we will see!
@herptek 10 ай бұрын
Even from a darwinistic perspective it makes some sense to sacrifice ones life for the wider society, but only in certain conditions. In a multi-ethnic country whose population is only largerly composed of a few generations of immigrant stock from many diverse genepools it does not make as much sense to act altruistically at ones own expense since self-sacrifice for the group is less likely to advance the prevalence of genes shared by you in the next generation of your society, whereas in monoethnic and genetically more homogenous societies the survival advantage of the group corresponds to higher degree with the preservation of the genes shared by the individual member of society.
@The_Pathologic_Catotonic 10 ай бұрын
Very true
@Bayomeer 10 ай бұрын
Very eloquently said.
@newwonderer 11 ай бұрын
I love how you took the Watchers movie as an example , it appears in my mind too
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@michielartz8232 10 ай бұрын
The way you speak makes it seem like you have an Indian Hindustan accent (also you pronounced Celts as Selts instead of Kelts lol) Spot on analysis, especially you mentioning how great powers emerge in frontier regions. After the end of Rome, it wasn't Italy but France and Byzantium where Roman civilization had a resurgence.
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
I was trying to figure out where he was from this entire video lol. I thought maybe he grew up in India then moved to the UK when he was younger then he said he was Slavic and I was like wtf how.
@trevdestroyer8209 10 ай бұрын
@@phoenixjones7191 he's from Czech republic
@natiunea 11 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. I am clearer now - it seemed to me like that, prior to watching. Wish you deepen this point, somehow. Bravo!!!
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@KB-cq4cy 10 ай бұрын
Very good video, i have always believed this to be very true but this seems to be very unpopular and controversial idea. As a side note, you're not correct about Dawkins. His theory of the selfish gene does not imply that we are naturally selfish. It implies that all biological interaction can be explained at the gene level i.e. genes need to be selfish to survive - genes need to try to survive and reproduce. This is perfectly compatible and entirely logically consistent with group selection - only group selection is a result of the genes trying to get the best results for themselves which in this case mean they maximize the potential of the carrying group. Dawkins is often misquoted by friends and foes alike but i think his theory is logically consistent with your thesis, that said, I have no other notes, I think you're mostly correct about the other stuff.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the praise and thanks for the correction!
@calibvr 2 ай бұрын
Just a couple small things as an Irishman: - the Catholic Church was largely replaced with GAA, Hurley and other cultural markers - the Church membership was high because education until the 2010s was provided by the Catholic Church, and to enroll your child meant it was mandatory to be a registered Catholic - the education of Ireland minimizes political factors, as only the mandatory 1.5h/week "religion" subject deals with the political history, which can be greatly influenced by the individual teacher - white privelige is not a relevant discussion in Ireland, however the "shared victim" mindset from liberals does exist, where they support immigrants due to the 1845 famine - the wokest country in western europe is easily belgium, i would know as i lived in the netherlands for 7 years
@AmandaSamuels 10 ай бұрын
Very interesting and thought provoking. Please could you supply a reading list of those writers and texts that you’ve referenced in your video. I’d like to follow some of them up.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@AmandaSamuels Thank you! The most important books are always in the description!
@ukaszcota8317 10 ай бұрын
Man I'd want to sit down to drink beer (preferably Czech one) and have a long discussion with you. Another great vid!
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@ukaszcota8317 I would love that!
@JMM33RanMA 10 ай бұрын
The extreme positions of Individualism and collectivism are both wrong, human progress has occurred because human character produces a broad spectrum of personalities, traits, interests, talents and both individualism and collectivism. The theory presented here that groups need an enemy, can be contradicted by the human need for variety and even the exogamous impulse.
@buddermonger2000 Ай бұрын
@@JMM33RanMA In what way can it be contradicted or proven false by that concept? What about it creates a comtravening factor? If human progress is due to that broad spectrum, then why are some places more inclined to certain types of progress than others? What even is progress?
@JMM33RanMA Ай бұрын
@@buddermonger2000 That number of questions and of that type would require answers from every biological and psychological class and text that I studied in university, as well as years of noting such things in the real world. And also for "proven false" and "what even is progress'" would require the contents of my philosophy, history and political science classes and texts, as well as lived observation and experience. Did you expect others to do all of your homework in school and college or are you just trolling?
@buddermonger2000 Ай бұрын
@JMM33RanMA No, they're legitimate questions exactly to understand your philosophy, but also somewhat rhetorical because they're fundamentally philosophical in nature. You say "progress" as a nebulous term and don't state its nature, thus indicating much closer to an appeal to a value system than point than a real statement of substance. The first paragraph of questions are the ones most important, as they're ultimately asking for an explanation as to your point. I don't see how an exogamous impulse would at all ameliorate the need for in-group vs. out-group collective identities for human society to function, especially since not all societies are, in fact, exogomous, and variety is only needed up to a certain point or unless a disease wipes out a population. These common identities are ultimately what bind people together, even down to the family unit. You rally around the highest collective identity under threat. If none are attacked, then it's very obviously a race to the bottom in terms of social atomization. In fact, this theory of external threats even explains the rise of transnational identities and the rise of social justice caring about causes like climate change, which are focused on global issues as that's what they view as a threat.
@JMM33RanMA Ай бұрын
@@buddermonger2000 Thanks for proving that I was right about your not asking a legitimate question. That word salad indicates that you wouldn't understand my answers if I gave them. 40+ years as a university teacher and I can recognize a student's legitimate question. Go back to school.
@buddermonger2000 Ай бұрын
@JMM33RanMA If what I've said is word salad, then you never earned yourself your position.
@cabana85 10 ай бұрын
I think Francis Fukuyama was right. For Europe at least, it was the end of History. It just looks different from what he hoped.
@tianming4964 10 ай бұрын
Other examples are Armenia and Georgia, surviving as the only Christian countries surrounded by Turkic and Persian Muslims, and also ethno-religious groups who endure in environments where they are in the minority for centuries due to framing themselves as different from the majority culture on linguistic, ethnic, racial and/or religious differences. This includes the Amish preserving their unique customs in America when other European immigrants assimilated, Jews existing in Europe and the Middle East for millennia before Israel, Christian minorities resisting being assimilated into the majorities in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and South India-even when the communities lost their original tongues and started speaking the local language they held onto their unique identifies with their Christian faith. Another example is how Pakistan's national identity formed in the 20th century in opposition to Hindu India, or Christian South Sudan and East Timor in opposition to Muslim Sudan and Indonesia.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this insight!
@pand8818 11 ай бұрын
Excellent as always. Keep the bar high!
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Glawackus-1600 3 ай бұрын
This was a great video, very informative. 14:41. This is a minor detail, but it is pronounced "kelts" in English, similar to the name Kell.
@wv9529 5 ай бұрын
I love the predilection of slavs to delve into spicy and controversial topics. Entertaining and interesting
@paulohagan3309 10 ай бұрын
'The majority group is discouraged from celebrating its culture...' I don't know about other countries but that's not happening in Ireland. Every year we celebrate St Patrick's Day, no one is stopping the growth of the Irish language [except the Irish themselves though attitudes are slowly changing] Irish dance and music as strong as ever and the cultural scene is growing by leaps and bounds. But you're right! There was one bunch of immigrants who did all they could to discourage, if not outright outlaw Irish culture. Up to attempted genocide at times and creating plantations of said immigrants.Strange thing is their skin was as white as ours. What was their name again? Damn I'm getting old ...
@klown463 10 ай бұрын
“Except the Irish themselves” Exactly, the Irish don’t care about their culture and are selling out their country to foreigners, whether that be immigrants or US companies
@AmianteTarvoke 10 ай бұрын
People who complain that their culture is being destroyed by immigrants are just racists.
@longiusaescius2537 5 ай бұрын
Abdul from londonistan?
@Asdf-wf6en 13 күн бұрын
Oh so only in the most superficial sense? “We’re not losing our national will, we still drink and do our funny dance sometimes”
@paulohagan3309 12 күн бұрын
@@Asdf-wf6en Maybe so but it's enough to distinguish us from our 'British friends.' And it's in no danger of disappearance ...
@windradyne8724 4 ай бұрын
You can either have war on the frontier, or war at home.
@rickmiller1840 5 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed your work. Greetings from Canada. 🇨🇦
@kaiserbauch9092 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@RedMaitreya 9 ай бұрын
Were just animals the whole time
@swampwiz 10 ай бұрын
I like how the author uses a bot reader with an Hindian accent.
@romanahowe67 10 ай бұрын
I think it is just a typical Czech accent ;)
@astralwyrm3787 9 ай бұрын
In order for there to be self reflection there needs to be an 'other' to compare oneself to. It's why there will never be a one world government for long. If there is no evil then there is no good.
@nahuelpiguillem2949 11 ай бұрын
An ilustrative example, right wing politicians in Argentina were united against a very popular politician called Cristina Kirchner, now that she is retired (she almost got killed) this right wing coalition is breaking apart and they gonna lose Argentina elections. So i think you have a point
@FOLIPE 11 ай бұрын
They already lost, and it's the altright "libertarian" Javier Milei who is in the second round with a peronist not aligned with Kirchner.
@peternagy6067 11 ай бұрын
Great channel
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@shzarmai 9 ай бұрын
Tbh the EU's eastward expansion might have been a mistake and maybe after the Cold War ended; an Intermarium exclusive to Eastern Europe should have been set up (say led by Poland), while a "Western European Union" should have been made bound only to Western Europe and perhaps parts of Northern Europe.
@jefferylou3816 9 ай бұрын
The East just has poorer social foundation unfortunately Hence not so good for unification of Europe
@seane6616 8 ай бұрын
@@jefferylou3816 no, it wasnt the poles who created the nazi...
@presidenttogekiss635 7 ай бұрын
I mean people dismantled the catholic church's role in culture because they stopped believing in it, either fully or partially. Thats the problem with building an identity on faith - faith is something that has to actively be maintained, unlike things like language. Christianity is true, or it is false. In either case, the role it plays as a cultural stone will never be the most important thing to either its adherents or detractors, unlike a religion like shinto, which doesnt really require faith
@casualpasser-by5954 10 ай бұрын
So the main idea could be expressed in the shortes way with three words: "War is peace". That's really terrifying. Maybe, there is a way out. Maybe the common threat uniting all of humanity could be not alliens, but environmental changes and pollution. It is also possible that struggles between groups will not fade, but that they will accept more civilaized and peaceful forms.
@biomuseum6645 10 ай бұрын
There's the possibility that some humans ally with aliens in spite of their fellow race, this happened in the Americas conquest
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@casualpasser-by5954 I do not think climate change can achieve this. I think the nature is too impersonal.
@oskars1419 9 ай бұрын
so european union need enemy to federalization
@jirislavicek9954 11 ай бұрын
Excellent book on this topic is Jack Donovan: The Way of Men. 👍 It explains the cognitive function of humans and how we are able to co-operate in large numbers. No matter what the left wing mainstream establishment says, human society operates on a chimpanzee model. Dominant males secure a perimeter, create a group and clearly declare who is IN the group and who is OUT. Different groups than compete for resources, land and females. It works on a level of gang, tribe, village, nation, state, empire. It is a dynamic process and often ambitious males create their own new groups which then clashes with the old established ones. Left wing thinkers are trying to to move humanity to a bonobo model, which is characterised by female leadership. But it simply doesn't work because it's not our nature. It could be only artificially reatained by force, but when this force disappears society reverts back to a chimpanzee model. We can clearly see this process everywhere, where law does not apply. In prisons, street gangs, in dysfunctional states like Haiti or Afghanistan, in Soviet states after the collapse of the USSR. And yes, I agree, what's happening in Ireland is a disaster for the country.
@bruceparker6142 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the book recommendation.
@mobilityproject3485 11 ай бұрын
Remember, in the wild, alpha males eat last
@siloton 11 ай бұрын
@@mobilityproject3485 alpha eat last? LOL thats how you would like to see it, not how it usually is.
@mobilityproject3485 11 ай бұрын
@mobilityproject3485 11 ай бұрын
@@siloton the research says you're wrong the behavior you associate with alpha is that of the captive ones, not the wild ones... god bless you
@doriang4662 10 ай бұрын
excellent stuff Man
@nevisysbryd7450 10 ай бұрын
This was largely well-presented, although it would have benefited from the exploration of counter-arguments, because man are the argumenta cherry-picked. The causal explanation is predicated on a very narrow interpretation amongst a sea of confounding variables, such as birth control and the sexual revolution, decline of infant mortality, rise of empirical science, capitalism, globalism, the international banking and credit systems, nuclear armament, explosion in food production and preservation methods, radio, television, and the Internet, communist demoralition active measures, the Death of God, and more. The 'we need an external enemy' hypothesis fails flat on its face. The enemy of my enemy may be my ally, yet allies need not be friends. People will always divide into tiers of groups. "People need an enemy" is no more than rhetoric for authoritarian thugs to manipulate the masses through fear and dependency through divide and conquer. A people whose common identity is but a common enemy do not have a shared identity but a weak facsimile of one.
@klown463 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. The countries he mentioned now practice neoliberal politics since the Cold War is over, so of course wokeness is going to increase in those areas
@nevisysbryd7450 10 ай бұрын
@@klown463 Myself, I cite the collapse of religion as the root issue. Religiousity in the areas in question have been in decline since the late 19th century between the advances in science and philosophy severely undermining the perceived legitimacy of established religion, and religions have generally done an utterly inadequate job of providing persuasive counterargument. When you are left with materialism or physicalism, nihilism is a given, whether consciously admitted or not, since all meaning expires with death and the presence of pain thus characterizes the entire thing in a negative context. It is unsurprising that a group ceases to self-sustain when their axiomatic view of the world logically concludes in an unconscious suicidal impulse. That, and willful subversion. The descendants of communism were quite successful in infiltrating Western institutions and pushed the public into learned helplessness for generations now.
@tzimisce1753 14 күн бұрын
RE: 17:27 The Serbian language is expected to go extinct in 7 years. That is the language that they spoke up until 1818, their native language, which nobody understands today in the Balkans. Vuk Karadzic encouraged them to start speaking Bosnian instead, based on what the Dalmatian Croat writers of the Renaissance said; that the lingua franca of the southern Slavs should be Bosnian, because it is the easiest to understand for as many southern Slavs as possible, and because Serb migrants in Bosnia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Hungary spoke Bosnian (all of these places were colonized by Bosnian beys as a reward from the Ottomans for their military service, who were given Serb serfs to work for them). Ljudevit Gaj promoted it in Croatia in Karadzic's time. He, Djuro Danicic, Franz Miklosic, Ivan Kukuljevic Sakcinski, Dimitrije Demeter, Ivan Mazuranic, Vinko Pacel, Stjepan Pejakovic met in Vienna in 1850 to agree to implement the "speech of Herzegovina" (which Mateo Sovic, who studied Slavic linguistics in Moscow in the 18th century before returning to Osor, named "Bosnian") as the "official language of the southern Slavs". Serbs will never admit this, because they think that if they admit that their neighbors are different peoples, then it would be counted as aggression to attack them, but if they pretend that they're Serbs, then that justifies it somehow, even if it makes even less sense (because why would one people attack their own people and genocide them like that and then deny it while celebrating it). I.e. they think they lose their fabricated casus belli, but their casus belli is ridiculous. Also, their culture is very different. Turbofolk, Mercedes, jeans, coca cola etc. are modern things. But alcoholism is far lower in Bosnia than in Serbia, so is abuse & gRape of women, divorce, Bosnians are cleaner, less criminal, the food is different ("burek" is not "everybody's" just because everybody has a burek shop in their country, just like pizza is not everybody's but it's from Italy), the humor is different, the priorities, the anthropology is different etc.
@Sara3346 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I can imagine the UBI results, less risk in supporting ones neighbors.
@AlmostEthical 5 ай бұрын
The quote "Hell is other people" is often misquoted - but the sentiment is that other people are hard work. So, if humans don't have cling together for survival, they naturally seek space from one another. Respite. Thus, people tend to choose the lesser of two evils. That is, they usually opt to align with annoying, over-controlling peers to avoid being controlled by even more outsiders who would treat them as an underclass.
@mpireoutdoors5274 10 ай бұрын
Fear of the other. But you didn't discuss the other side of the coin: love for the same. Perhaps you don't feel it yet.
@MrBallynally2 10 ай бұрын
I am thoroughly surprised by your excellent presentations..
@mpireoutdoors5274 10 ай бұрын
Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times.
@narcispana9361 10 ай бұрын
Great analysis and profound thought. I wonder if this correlates to the death creating life cycle and how the heroe archetype is mostly discarded in the post ww2 global system. We need to find a new threat to keep humanity together and there is plenty of that to go around just not at an immediate time scale.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@narcispana9361 Thank you!
@Danfromthenorth 11 ай бұрын
I think you are right in respect to Israel. Jews would have assimilated and lost all their unique traits 100s of years ago had it not been for the persecution of Jews. It made them adapt and overcome. Hebrew btw is the only language in history that has been brought back from the dead and used as an everyday language again. Europe’s situation is the polar opposite. It seems less and less defines us as particular European, and young Europeans are more or less ashamed of their culture and history. We might end up like London with no specific identity at all. Just random meatballs in a random geography fighting entropy for a little while with no bigger og common cause. Maybe that is part of the explanation why woke culture is taking an almost religious form? To fill out the void of the soulless?
@mobilityproject3485 11 ай бұрын
Maybe the energy transition, but really the cultural change it will require, can help us get back on our feet...
@Soledar95 10 ай бұрын
Young people are 50-50. WOKE can not win in the end because who is going to fight for it ? Women lgbtq+ and feminised men ? It is just a trend that will produce counter effect.
@ortherner 10 ай бұрын
“woke culture” 💀💀
@lilben4184 10 ай бұрын
Wrong. Jews would have stopped being persecuted had it not been for their ongoing rejection of Christ and lack of assimilation into Christendom.
@basedchad6035 10 ай бұрын
Jews were not treated different then any other "enemy". They are a bad example. Because jew have the unique feature of their religion being nationalism in an age of religion (and not of nationalism). They had the Buff before everyone else.
I am so glad that YT recommended this to me... I always had the intuition that "In absence of external threats, societal infighting manifests itself, therefore peaceful coexistence is only a pipe dream until the aliens arrive" lol. But I have never had the literature to corroborate this claim. Thanks a ton for this vid, have subbed to the the channel and am excited for your upcoming videos. Gg PS: I was taking notes, so that I can use your substantiation in my future debates XD Much love!!
@screwstatists7324 10 ай бұрын
External threat selectively defines one circle of commonality and creates an incentive to made that an extended family. Without threat, without a federal (feudal) legal structure with Clear customs and laws of inheritance, concentric loyalties (circles of relatedness) thankfully override one another (men love their family and race above all others). This is a good thing. The only difficulty is that family structure is difficult to plan or define, therefore it should be voluntary and based on confession, which is how a feudal structure generally worked, with oaths of loyalty and noble marriages.
@@screwstatists7324 V well put! Thank you
@hyhhy 10 ай бұрын
Before watching the video: not necessarily, internal threats (or "threats") can also be used for this purpose.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
That is true.
@chrisrosenkreuz23 10 ай бұрын
You should give a +3db boost to your voice inside your recording software. Thank you for your work
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
I will try that!
@AmirSatt 10 ай бұрын
Guys we just need to colonize space, let the 2nd colonial age begin, lol
@andreasreichwaldt3994 8 ай бұрын
Einsicht ist der erste Schritt zur Besserung. I’ve been wondering why Stone Age people could maintain an equilibrium with nature for around 100K years and how industrialization and globalization messed everything up so badly. You suggest that rivalry between the tribes still keeps us motivated to improve and reproduce. Hopefully this rivalry is only one tiny part of the human programming that was essential to survive.
@Derner777 10 ай бұрын
Wish I had a quote but it was in Carl Sagan's 'Pale Blue Dot', that if we were contacted by aliens, it will unite the humanity and make all religions no sense.
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
The aliens landing on the Whitehouse lawn: have you heard of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
@abcdef-l2c8t 11 ай бұрын
Groups exist to promote their own interest, often adversariarly of other groups. Not just ethnic groups, even companies, trade unions, fa,ilies and sports teams. during ww2 even the mob helped the war efforts. Merely a month ago israel was getting torn by internal political divisions, since the oct 7 attack the cohesion went through the roof. All but the outmost fringes of left wing politics stand behind the war efforts. People, pundits and public figures who have regularly expressed themselves against west bank settlements are talking about not having any ceasefire until all hostages are released (not that those positions are fully contradictory, but they have taken a break from expressing the former). As another anecdote from my perspective as an israeli jew, jews survived centuries (or the better part of two millenia) of persecutions and pogroms. In some of the most hostile host nations they remained the most defiant and socially separate. Within barely a century of emancipation in certain western countries, secular jews barely hold on to their seperate identities. Many mingle with the general population to the point that being jewish becomes a portion of ancestry rather than an entire identity. It's like "oh, im 1/4 jewish, 1/4 italian and 1/2 hungarian" , often has about the same weight as any other portion of their heritage and not a critical defining feature. funny thing about nazis, german jews were very secular and intermarried with non jews at a rate of about 25% (and rising). They were pratically a dying breed and if germans stayed the pre nazi course (but highly limit non german immigration) almost nobody in germany would identify as a jew. However the same cannot be said for jews in the neighboring poland and the nazis did want those lands and wanted them "free of jews". Not unique to jews, take the anecdote of freddie mercury. He was a zoroastrian, his ancestors were chased out of iran, kept their religion and identity in exile for centuries. One generation in pluralist secular britain and he abandons it all to become a bisexual rockstar. In a hyperindividualist pleasure seeking way, his choice makes sense. Yet if enough zoroastrians take this path they will be gone, something islamic violence was never able to achive. In many tribalistic societies (frankly in europe too, before it degenerated in the last 100 years or so) preference of an outsider force or the use of it to settle internal disputes is one of the worst taboos, because it may benefit a subset of the society but as a whole wreck it if done often (i.e. it breaks the team strategy for a selfish one serving a subset and quite possible a negative sum total for the entire team). There are many examples of this, religios jews in exile even had a name for those who turned/aided the host nation against their fellow jew, a "moser" (literally means giver/hander, a jew who hands other jews to somewhat hostile non jewish authoroties). Nowadays far too many people don't see the use of mass migration for political/financial power for the utter betrayal of the collective that it is. Consider romania siding with the ottomans and fighting bulgaria, and how other christian nations in the region would view such a thing and how that would have impacted romania in centuries to come. Nowadays saudi arabia is very careful not to sound too pro israel/america as they manage their intra muslim conflict with iran. They reluctantly admonish israel for the war in gaza (while barely even mentioning america in that light) and even throw some money at the palestinians, but mohammed bin salman really wishes they'd just get out the way (his father might be a tad different but he's an old man).
@gabrielsilva-pl3dx 11 ай бұрын
The same to gypsies populations
@basedchad6035 10 ай бұрын
Fax. But the reason for jewish non assimilation is ur proto-Nationalist Religion.
@eliasorbon450 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate you touching on some more of the left leaning concepts and ideas. This was quite a balanced approach.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@maryussindili5595 9 ай бұрын
Superb ending
@ianshaver8954 10 ай бұрын
I would argue the reverse. Societies that don’t unite in response to external threat usually don’t make it.
@phoenixjones7191 10 ай бұрын
Yeah there's some survivorship bias here as well. That happened with the Aztecs, Texcalteca and the Spanish. The mesmo Americans told the Spanish they would be fine with paying yearly tribute after Montezuma was killed because that was their tradition of warfare. They didn't even understand they were being invaded until it was too late.
@Francesco-gf1sv 18 күн бұрын
This genius answer to racism is more racism
@jjreddick377 10 ай бұрын
Humans don’t like the reality of what we are. Population genetics has pointed at this for decades. Life is a contradiction
@klown463 10 ай бұрын
Have you ever considered that maybe national identity is just fading because these countries now practice neoliberal politics instead of ultranationalism (Ireland) and communism (Eastern Europe)?
@HeathenDance 10 ай бұрын
National identities are supposed to fade away. People speak English everywhere, they listen to the same music, they see the same movies, eat the same food, read the same books, worldwide. We have urban and artistic subcultures that are a big part of human life, since the 1950's. Etc, etc.
@gabork5055 9 ай бұрын
@@HeathenDanceIn the Middle-Ages people (well the nobility and clergy who shaped culture)used to speak Latin, then German. This is nothing new. We will speak Chinese or Russian next then the cycle repeats.
@joshjonson2368 9 ай бұрын
@@HeathenDance false, your bugman view of reality will come crashing down once the longing for ethnic tribalism ignites revolutions all across the west, the current situation with israel and palestine is clearly evident of cracks already showing.
@od813 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@HeathenDanceand it has been growing quickly ever since, when it comes to music just look at rock music followed by rap music, those genres are nearly everywhere with different sub genres within in different languages
@toniderdon 10 ай бұрын
23:43 I have to disagree here. If you say Europe is "culturally americanized", you would also have to say that the US is "culturally europeanized". While I agree that most of the movies, TV shows and music that Europeans consume is certainly American nowadays, you can also look at the clothing, food and traditions that Americans consume which are certainly European. For example Italian food (Pizza, Pasta), variants of German food (BBQ, Hamburgers), Belgian food (fries) German/Turkish food (Kebap) and so on. French and Italian clothing mostly, popular traditions and festivals are often Irish, British or German. It goes both ways, the US is a Western country and therefore very close to Europe culturally, but it has also developed its own culture which then influences Europe.
@klown463 10 ай бұрын
Both can be true; it’s called globalization. But who received more of the other’s influence? Europe.
@toniderdon 10 ай бұрын
@@klown463 "Who received more of the other's influence? Europe" is arguably false, but I wouldn't say it that way anyways because it misses the point. When America was founded, it received far more influence from Europe, due to the simple fact that most Americans at that point were European immigrants. Then you essentially had 200 years of the US developing it's own character which was also influenced by Mexican, South American and Asian immigrants later on. Since around the year 2000 when the internet came around, the US dominated the world wide web and exported a lot of its culture to Europe. The American culture that was exported was a mixture of many cultures, one big part of it being European. Therefore I would say, the US has influenced Europe more since the internet exists than vice versa. But before that, US culture was essentially mostly influenced by European culture while having next to no influence on European culture.
@klown463 10 ай бұрын
@@toniderdon that’s an extremely textbook way of looking at it. In reality, the US rejected European influence and created something entirely its own, which would later actually be copied by Europeans. Indeed, that’s why we are the “US” and not Southern Canada. And Latin American is way more influenced by us than we are by them as well. We also gave them their political systems and what did they give us, exactly? Same with Asia, we basically colonized the pacific, but how did they influence us? And you’re completely ignoring WW1 and 2, both of which prevented any sort of European hegemony and ensuring American hegemony. This did not influence Europe at all? What was NATO then?
@toniderdon 10 ай бұрын
@@klown463 Oh dear god of course you are very overly patriotic American that sees the reality through blue red white glasses. I AGREE YOU CREATED SOMETHING. BUT IT WAS BASED ON EUROPEAN INFLUENCE. Do you think Pizza is American? No, it is Italian. Do you think Democracy is American? No, it is Greek. Do you think Fries are American? No, they are Belgian and French. Do you think Burgers are American? No, they are German. YES, the US created many amazing things. But most of the core things of American society (Democracy, Freedom, variety of food, strong military power, free trade using the seas, and so on) are based on a mixture of European cultures that found their way to the US in the first migration waves that were mostly Europeans.
@toniderdon 10 ай бұрын
@@klown463 Saying the US "rejected European influence" is such a dumb thing to say about a country that was FOUNDED BY EUROPEANS. The food that you eat is mostly Mexican or European. Do you reject Pizza? Do you reject BBQ? No you don't. Do you reject Democracy? No you don't. You are most likely ethnically European, less likely Asian or African.
@liberty.b.r 8 ай бұрын
What would you suggest for the USA to continue surviving? Thanks! :)
@krzysztofratajski9218 11 ай бұрын
not "asabia" but asa- bi - ja
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the correction
@guadalupefreyre5900 6 ай бұрын
22:35 26:05 28:48 30:13 32:05 33:43
@tomorrowneverdies567 10 ай бұрын
I am slowly understanding the pov of people like G.Soros. The problem(s) of this video would not exist, if only a single ethnicity and culture (and religion) existed (somewhere).
@SheepWaveMeByeBye 10 ай бұрын
Civil war says hi.
@tomorrowneverdies567 10 ай бұрын
@@SheepWaveMeByeBye But where will there be a civil war, and why? I do not see any civil war happening in the next years.
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
@tomorrowneverdies567 That is a misunderstanding, I am afraid. If everyone was of one ethnicity, religion and culture, then ethnicity, religion and culture would just not be the demarcation lines, it would be something else. If you would put a couple of millions of Lutheran blond Swedes on some distant island, couple of centuries later they would be divided based on eye colour or favorite band (those are stupid examples, but you get the point).
@tomorrowneverdies567 10 ай бұрын
@@kaiserbauch9092 Ah yes, you're very right I believe. Hadn't thought about that tbh. As if people in the world were 100% in intellectual, cultural and other unanimity all across history until the 1960s. (😂) By the way your example with Swedes is not as ironic as it seems, considering that it more or less happened in reality just 84 years ago, in the case of Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia (USSR), etc, and it was one of the causes of the events that led to the NS regime coming into power in Germany, and the ultimate invasion of Poland, which started the biggest war in history. Thanks for this insight Kaiserbauch.
@gabork5055 9 ай бұрын
@@kaiserbauch9092They could form a cult around linking the one true god Rick Astley in their religious E-book and wearing similar colored contact lenses.
@DestinyAwaits19 10 ай бұрын
This is what happened after 9/11. America came together and forgot their differences. Suddenly military service was a big duty and culture was militarized.
@Sara3346 10 ай бұрын
*Glances at the treatment of arab americans* I don't know about that buddy.
@lamename2010 10 ай бұрын
While I don't want to disagree with your statement that the overton window has shifted drastically within the last decade in european countries, Scholz "we need to deport more" is hot air. His proposal has the number of deportations go from a yearly 12000 to 12600. Just 600 more.
@ghoststpatrick9955 11 ай бұрын
The Ireland point feels like a straw man. Do you believe that a white Irish man in contemporary Irish society has privilege? If you don’t that’s fine but that is the question at core the Irish position. Not that whiteness means that Ireland didn’t suffer historically.
@xdlol59 10 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? What core of Irish position?
@Soledar95 10 ай бұрын
He has the privilege but you can not change that on purpose. If you do that then other group will have privilege. If you think you can make some sort of equilibrium you are mistaken.
@harshjain3122 10 ай бұрын
More cucks, there we go
@samuelhoran7898 5 ай бұрын
This is not what @KaiserBauch means. He was talking about the cultural marxist theories that has infected Ireland.
@crystalracing4794 10 ай бұрын
Don't clump Hong Kong and Taiwan together with Mainland China. Don't clump South Korea together with North Korea and Russia either. Anyway good job
@DrewPicklesTheDark 9 ай бұрын
I think it would take something as extreme as the US abandoning Europe and actively siding with Russia (Don't ask how/why, this is a hypothetical scenario) for Europe to support some sort of unification proper.
@tytoalba4794 7 ай бұрын
What do you think about ASEAN? Unlike the EU we are basiccally surrounded by China, US allies, and potentially India in the future
@bobjohnson3940 10 ай бұрын
The US has a superpower reassertion moment right around the corner
@Kannot2023 10 ай бұрын
WW1 started when they were 1 bln people onearth , if you asked people then you they could get along , they would say no. Yet we are more than 7 bln and we get along for a long time
@2shadesofgray752 10 ай бұрын
Stay safe, stay white. ✋🏻⚡⚡
@macrosense 7 ай бұрын
When they do, that society is ultimately too dysfunctional to have many long term prospects
@kludgedude 10 ай бұрын
Identity is formed through conflict
@ReviveHF 10 ай бұрын
The sad truth is external threats hold societies together, this is why every nations are reluctant to work together to deal with the environmental issues.
@AmianteTarvoke 10 ай бұрын
Logically the threat to the whole world's environment should bring us all together if threats really are the biggest factor. But as an American I know that we aren't working together simply because it's not profitable for the corporate interests that run this country.
@jefferylou3816 9 ай бұрын
@@AmianteTarvokeSimply because we have no such global threat Like Reagan said, if humanity were facing alien invasion, we would have united easily
@AmianteTarvoke 9 ай бұрын
​@@jefferylou3816The Capitalists would have used it as an excuse to strip regular folks of our freedoms, the same reason they manufactured the War on Terror, War on Drugs, etc. They never pass up a crisis to consolidate their power.
@ssssaa2 6 ай бұрын
@@AmianteTarvoke It is because people by and large don't consider climate change to be a serious threat in comparison to other things. Otherwise countries would do stuff about it. Countries where more people care about it do tend to take some action, but it is absolutely not comparable to a war situation in terms of how much people feel threatened even in those countries that care most about climate change. If it was more sudden and apparent such as the temperature going up several degrees C in a single generation, probably people would be organizing global efforts about it, but it isn't, so they won't.
@jackniessen 11 ай бұрын
We need to find, and fight aliens
@kaiserbauch9092 10 ай бұрын
E.T. should be scared shitless.
@michaelrandle8316 10 ай бұрын
The populism you mentioned towards the end of this video is returning to America in 2024. It is becoming apparent to the public here regarding the immigration issues created by the current administration, that many have been baited and switched. Many people out of frustration, I believe that many will either sit out the next election, or will vote for Trump in the next election. There is a lot of anger in this nation regarding its priorities, and I am predicting a massive reset.
@jeffreywenger281 10 ай бұрын
If all else stays the same, will internal divisions become more or less salient with the absence or existence of external threat? I guess that's obvious. But all else never stays the same. This thesis is an interesting fit for the USA. Yes, I suppose racism and isolationism seem to go together at the moment, but historically is less clear. Do multiculturalism and global engagement? Currently perhaps, but historically not so much, although the civil rights movement of the 60's occurred alongside the Cold War. Is the cure for American racism war with China? I hope not.
@jefferylou3816 9 ай бұрын
Imagine a family where the husband has to make money to raise his wife and kids One day society is fully automated and no one has to work or take care of kids, the family will have little reason to stay together (everyone walks off doing whatever they want)
@tomstarwalker 10 ай бұрын
That's why they need China, Russia and Iran. Sad but it makes sense.
@MausOfTheHouse 9 ай бұрын
Do you consider Georgia European?
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