Do Idahoans hate Californians?

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Hannah McNeely

Hannah McNeely

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@vic6081 2 жыл бұрын
It depends on whether or not you’re interacting with other fortunate people. People are usually not happy to have transplants in their neighborhood or local area if they are contributing to the huge gentrification issue that places like Austin, TX is having. I personally don’t hate any Californians for moving here, but I know a lot of Californians that have bought homes for 3x the actual worth of these homes, and folks that are living here working for years to save up to buy a home could never do so here anymore. Which is very discouraging of course. Lots of families are getting pushed out of the city and forced to relocate. Which is the other side of folks that are joyfully choosing to move here and buy homes and settling down here by choice.
@holisticmaya 2 жыл бұрын
Same phenomenon happening in my city in Gatineau (near Ottawa, Canada). Lots of people coming from Toronto who are prepared to pay triple what we usually pay for houses. And now in just a couple of years, houses went from about 350k to 750k because that is the price some people can pay (in Toronto houses are even more expensive than that)
@jodiebolender503 2 жыл бұрын
It’s definitely about this, you’re right. In TN it’s home prices are outrageous b/c of that very reason. I don’t hate Californians, so far, they’re all cool that I’ve met. But I do hate that now that we have outgrown my house, we can’t afford a bigger house in our home state and super cool town. But there’s nothing we can really do about it. It’s just the way it is.
@brittanyalphin6707 2 жыл бұрын
I think a big issue with people moving from places like California is more so political. People have fled from New York to Florida because of lockdowns but then when they get to Florida they want to vote the same as they did in New York. Obviously that's just an example but it's a popular one.
@ashelyearthchild 2 жыл бұрын
As a person who grew up in a once small town in Canada, I imagine it's similar. We dont hate anyone, but we definitely are deeply saddened by the fact that our small town exploded and is rapidly growing and getting busier. And that the rental and housing market has skyrocketed from people coming in from bigger cities and over biding on houses, that so many of us can no longer afford to live here anymore. We are being forced out of the places we grew up and thought we would retire in. Now all the millenials can't even afford to rent or own anything around here without exhausting themselves or living with other people. Our neighbours would never make anyone feel unwelcome but sadly all of our neighbour's kids can no longer afford to find places of their own. And it definitely is a struggle. It's happening everywhere. Its probably an overall upset of the state of real estate and influx in people/traffic as whole than the actual people. To give an example, I moved into my own apartment at 17 working a shitty minimum wage job and was able to comfortably live. Now at 33, I have a career and am making the most money I ever have in my life and have to live with a friend because I cant afford to rent alone. We also used to have a 13% vacancy rate. Now its 1% and almost impossible for locals to find somewhere to live in their own town, being forced out.
@strega_bonnie 2 жыл бұрын
As others have pointed out, I don't think it's a hatred of the people themselves, it's dislike/frustration/sadness with the downstream effects of them moving there. One thing that stands out to me is that many people such as yourself who move inland from pacific coastal states give "community feel" or something similar as a reason for moving. But community needs continuity of people over time to exist - people who truly know the things and the ways of the community that make it unique, people who have experienced it. They're the ones who perpetuate the community and by driving out locals through increased costs and lack of housing, the people moving in from different places are contributing to the decline of the very thing that they are seeking.
@mikaunger5792 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! Boise is such an amazing place and community, I hope you and your family love it here! As someone who has grown up in Boise for 20+ years, the influx of Californians is something that has caused a lot of ruckus for the current housing market. While the people moving here from California have been nothing but kind and excited to be here, it is extremely difficult to find an affordable place to rent. Unfortunately, local wages have not kept up with cost of living and is pushing longtime Boise residents out of the city. Boise teachers have a starting salary of about $30k. Almost everyone I grew up with has left the city or moved in with family because they cannot afford rent. A one bedroom apartment is now running about $1,800 compared to $900 in 2019. Personally, this shift has nothing to do with shifting political views but rather the to ability to live in this place I’ve called home for so long. Some of my favorite aspects of Boise include the easy access to outdoors, low traffic, and quick trips to Bogus ski area. All in all, the city has not planned for the rapid growth. I understand the motives for moving to Boise - cheaper cost of living, nature, less crowded - but with around 100,000 new residents in the valley area, even these perks are getting tougher to come by. It breaks my heart to hike trails and instead of the warm “Hello, have a good hike!” chit chat, you get people talking on the phone, avoidant eye contact, or no comments back. So yes I agree with your comments about continuing to be kind through the growth and appreciate you acknowledging how difficult the housing market has been.
@ryahroberts1623 2 жыл бұрын
There is so much to be said on this topic and I'm sure everyone's thoughts and experiences on it are different. In my experience, I live in one of those states that everyone is moving to, I've lived here my entire life and seen it change. I absolutely get frustrated when 9/10 license plates on the road are out of state... So many people are moving here which makes places that used to be intimate and special out in nature (and even in the city), completely backlogged with people pouring in and abusing it. I no longer am able to go to the places I used to love in my home state. With that being said, I am certainly not mean to these people in any way and still welcome them. But yes, it is extremely frustrating. And this is only one small part of the discussion. There are many different downsides to this topic and obviously upsides as well.
@emily042794 2 жыл бұрын
I'm from Austin, born and raised. The influx of people is ROUGH. The city wasn't built for as many people that are here now.
@cardimars757 2 жыл бұрын
It's worse than that, with how notoriously awful the grid is there should've been a population limit imposed a decade ago. We need more parks, trees instead of zombified automatons infesting the place.
@ladien7 2 жыл бұрын
As other commenters have shared, as someone living in Texas I think it's less about the individual people, but the power and privilege that Californians are bringing with them. I welcome more diverse ideas in my state and hope one day that it will be blue, what I'm struggling with is the inability to purchase a home as a first time homebuyer because of cash offers coming from primarily California. One of Texas' biggest draws used to be its affordability and that is no longer the case due to (trying my best to be gentle) people like you who may be well intentioned but had the privilege to stay with well-off parents to save money, buy in California, sell at what I'm sure was an exorbitant rate, and then purchase what most people in Idaho can't. I appreciate the overall message that warmth attracts warmth, but I believe it irresponsible and insensitive to not be open to hearing people's frustration with this trend.
@ladien7 2 жыл бұрын
Last thought, are you talking to those who have been displaced or can no longer afford Idaho? If you live in an echo chamber of people with similar SES as you, I imagine you're not experiencing more of the frustration.
@rrr441 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I feel that she doesn't really understand the actual issue.
@sasavs9398 2 жыл бұрын
Well said! Her starting conditions for the life she has now were better than that of most people who want to buy a house. I think the common problem for well-off and privileged people is that they live in a small bubble and surround themselves with people who have enough money as well and they eventually start to lose understanding of the struggles less privileged people face on a daily basis. E.g., the example Hannah made about being welcomed in France doesn't say anything about how good attracts good - she was a white young woman from the US coming to France - would she have the same experience if she came from a less-developed country?
@vic6081 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said. That’s exactly what’s been happening in Austin and it’s extremely sad to see and to experience.
@kathrynbrowning6389 2 жыл бұрын
Yes exactly, as someone who was born and raised in Texas it's heartbreaking that myself and many others cannot afford to buy homes in the areas we grew up in due to people from other states (but mainly California) buying homes sight unseen at ridiculous prices pushing everyone else out.
@amossymindset 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is a born and raised Nashvillian, I can certainly say I don’t personally hate anyone, especially those looking to move to this city. The caveat is that most of my friends have had to move out because they can’t afford to live here anymore and have to commute in, all the local venues that made Nashville Nashville have closed down, local restaurants we all grew up with closed down…rent for anyone and everyone has just skyrocketed and, well, Nashville certainly isn’t the Nashville we knew and loved. But that is not any one individual’s doing. Tourism brings profit and our city has turned into one that supports that over its locals. Our roads are some of the worst in the country, crime is unbelievable but that happens with growth….Change is inevitable though! I personally am trying to sell my house and get out as quickly as possible but that’s just this one opinion. From my local friends I’ve talked to at length about this, the most pain and anguish comes from when people move here and are aghast and angry that it’s not the city they moved from. And those opinions get heard moreso by the local government so that’s where the money goes. Anyways, thank you for this video and I wholeheartedly agree with you that you are only going to see negativity if that’s what is your driving focus. We’re all in this together.💚
@annjames1837 2 жыл бұрын
My previous comment was deleted. I'll try again. I live outside of Nashville and have first hand experienced the influx of people fleeing failing democratic blue states and the consequences of it. The locals are extremely upset over rising cost of living. The prices of homes have doubled!! Property taxes are steadily rising, traffic is so congested, and our quality of life is diminishing.
@carebearv23 2 жыл бұрын
Same! Even my little farm town outside of Nashville is seeing exponential growth. All the farmland is being bought up for housing developments. So, while traffic in metro Nashville gets worse, just wait to see how bad it is once the thousand extra people are commuting there from the north.
@annieoosthuizen8296 2 жыл бұрын
I imagine going from an abundance and wide variety of produce to more strict seasons would be difficult. I live in Michigan, so we’ve been eating storage crops for months now. I guess my point is that when you get those little glimpses of Spring (lettuce, radish, asparagus, etc.) it fills you with hope and you realize those are the nutrients you’ve been waiting for all winter. I think you’re going to adjust to the new spread of produce very well, it just takes some getting used to!
@lucianas4919 2 жыл бұрын
MN is the same way Farmers Markets will be opening soon, I am very much looking forward to the abundance of fresh produce options.
@annjames1837 2 жыл бұрын
You ask a question. I gave my opinion. You deleted it so why ask?
@kristiiiiiiiii 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think Hannah concerns herself with deleting comments, because she doesn’t read them. Maybe someone reported your comment and it got deleted.
@YazSalera 2 жыл бұрын
I can't get over your haircut! These bangs are absolutely amazing on you and you look so so stunning! Looking forward to seeing how your garden flourishes :)
@tm-qe8is 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly like many of the other commenters have already said and spoken to, it’s an issue of gentrification
@amycraig5073 2 жыл бұрын
You literally are just the cutest thing. I would LOVE to have you as my neighbor. I live in Wisconsin so you’d have to move again lol. I love how real and raw and honest you are. You are an inspiration! I sincerely hope you guys are super happy in Boise. If not, you can always come to Green Bay😀
@ASVNature 2 жыл бұрын
We lived in Boise and because so many people move into the city the traffic got a lot worse, more accidents on the freeway, pollution went up and we got priced out of our city. Our rent doubled and we couldn't afford to live there anymore and had to move. I am not angry that people moved into the area. As U.S citizens I believe everyone has a right to move anywhere they want to and I completely understand why people are leaving California. But I do also understand why there may be resentment from locals. It is just unfortunate that the changes happened so quickly and there wasn't a lot of time to adjust.
@weitzfc1 Жыл бұрын
you shouldn't have to adjust . that's the burden that goes to outsiders. you have a right to resent those people that are making a shithole of where you live .
@kristievead2385 2 жыл бұрын
Cosmo is growing so fast. So happy for you and your family. Looks like such a lovely place to live.
@brittanyrippy563 2 жыл бұрын
I am from Tennessee and I actually just moved to South East Asia and I have experienced the kindest people!!! They are so glad to see me and welcome me! It’s been amazing. To think that there would be predispositions of hatred because of race/nationality etc is such a sad piece life.
@cardimars757 2 жыл бұрын
based SEA
@salinajordan2209 2 жыл бұрын
Hannah! I am thrilled your here. I hope this state only brings you more joy and happiness as time goes on. I live in the meridian area. Hope to run into you one day. 💞 We are also plant based and homeschoolers. Love you and Ellen. I feel apart of your family through the connection of KZbin/Instagram. Welcome.
@GoldenAngel444 2 жыл бұрын
Living on the southeast coast where we are also finding our small coastal town to be very suddenly busy beyond tourist season (yes, a lot more NY and even CA plates), along with lot more congestion, traffic issues and fatal car we only have one main highway; more fatal pedestrian and biking accidents; housing and rent prices sky rocketing (a whole different conversation that has little to do with people fleeing the rigid policies of other states...but it’s still happening). Since we don’t have a lot of clear land, more forests are being knocked down for developers to create more housing. The more trees we lose (aside from being a fellow nature lover), the more vulnerable we will be to coastal flooding during hurricanes and tropical storms, etc. I think it’s not so much that people aren’t unwelcoming, it’s that that there is a hope that the folk “fleeing” understand what is driving the reasons why they left so they make “carefully- researched decisions” that don’t recreate what they were trying to leave behind. I fully agree with you...if people everywhere would just embrace one-another’s humanity and truly connect, the world would be a much happier and more connected place. I also agree that what we give out and perceive through our own lens, is what we receive. I believe in my heart of hearts that is why there is so much chaos in the world right now....shedding what no longer serves to create space for something much better and more beautiful 💞 Welcome to your beautiful new home and state... enjoy!!! I’m very happy you received a warm reception!!! 🍍
@danikajolangley3669 2 жыл бұрын
I love this video! As someone from Idaho, born and raised, it’s been a joy to share this beautiful state!! Welcome to Idaho 💕 so thankful for your kindness and excitement to love Idaho for what it is!
@danikadestinikey7477 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there Danika! I’m Danika! You’re a rare find, fellow holder of my name!
@ErinAlbie 2 жыл бұрын
I ADORE that quote from your friend about the whimsy and gardening :) your home and garden are going to be so loved!!
@isthisreallife9027 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Everyone does.
@ezgieftekin4495 2 жыл бұрын
This is a gorgeous video. I don't know what but I felt so calm after this video and I didn't realized the time. I have never watched such a long video in one go.
@lynettegriffiths6386 2 жыл бұрын
The tea spillage had me laughing out loud 🤣
@SophiaBrooke777 2 жыл бұрын
I was so happy to see the tea spill! I was literally thinking to myself “this video is almost too perfect for Hannah’s style”…and then SPILL! And I was like “yes!! That’s why I love Hannah’s videos!”
@janjentz1053 2 жыл бұрын
As a transplant from CA to So. Utah... besides the prices driven up on rents and home prices; From what I hear from people here; the biggest objection from people coming from CA are remarks like what you said; about being disappointed in the difference of what is available at Farmers markets, also saying things like" well in CA they have this or that, or do this and that". People in other states, don't want transplants from CA coming and trying to turn it into CA. In that case, why would you move? just stay in CA then. Over 6 years our whole family moved away from CA to a better life.
@emmah505 Жыл бұрын
Love you and love that you moved to Idaho. My family did as well from California so it's been fun to see you enjoy the DELICIOUSNESS of Funky Taco and all the places I've been. But I just moved to Hawai'i for a job and shipped my car with an Idaho license plate and am 'welcoming warmth'. But before I could get a new license plate, I was driving down a main street when someone very angrily approached my car and hit it and said "GO BACK TO IDAHO". It's not about what you welcome. It's about who you are surrounded by at any given moment. My dad in Idaho made a remark that I thought was funny when I told him about this, he said "well once you get back to Idaho they're just going to tell you to go back to California!". But anywho, I can't afford to live in the Bay Area anymore based on every single state moving here to work for tech companies. I definitely won't be able to afford anything on Maui with my current non-profit. It's a tricky situation. But you can still experience contention when you practice loving kindness.
@casslarkin4567 2 жыл бұрын
Great to hear you're having a positive experience. BTW, the color of your kitchen cabinets is stunning. Looking forward to the tour.
@ashaeileen6551 2 жыл бұрын
I give you this advice as someone who lives in a climate where you don't get fresh fruit and vegetables year round and very similar to where you are. Have a large garden. My mom has been vegetarian since she was 10 and I was raised vegetarian/vegan. Ever since I was little my mom has had a large garden. We jar a lot. Fresh pack for corn is the way to go and make sure you do whole tomatoes. I have a fig tree that is outside in summer and comes in in the fall. Also do the cold windows/greenhouse in the winter if you have the space. My neighbor has a sunroom and she keeps tropical fruit in there year round. We will also do salad greens, kale, radishes, carrots, snap peas, herbs on our deck in large pots. Do a compost, you can use the moving boxes in it as long as they are not wax coated. Anything that you cut in the fall(flower beds) put in the garden over winter then burn in the summer. If you want more in depth advice there are definitely videos on it. There are a few good Instagram accounts on this also. I will have the @ replied to this comment so I can get them.
@beewisegardens 2 жыл бұрын
💖💖💖 thank you for being such a wonderful human!! I’m glad to know you and your family!! Now I’m going to make that salad!!😘
@paulag.9339 2 жыл бұрын
I can see why people might think this because I feel like a lot of Californians are moving elsewhere with wfh jobs that pay more and that makes house prices go up for people and that affects locals a lot, who might not have the same income. That being said, SO GOOD that you're experiencing kindness!
@smurfy101101 2 жыл бұрын
Do you think you could talk a bit about the demographics of Boise at some point? I am curious what your feelings are about a community that is less diverse than Southern California. Lots of places are not as diverse as California, but Boise is particularly white so I'm curious if you've thought about that much or what your feelings about it are. I have looked at Boise as an option to move and that aspect of it is kind of unappealing to me, but I'm not sure how reasonable that is.. Let me know what you think!! :)
@margpsims 2 жыл бұрын
Love these sit down vids with a little vlog and food. Just hearing any thoughts you want to share is so interesting to me so thanks
@maggy1679 2 жыл бұрын
Hannah, we are so lucky to have you and your fam here in idaho! I’m glad your experience has been good. I look forward to your more in-depth video on this topic. I do think your experience would be different if you were a POC or poor. Personally I think Idaho could benefit from diversity and ‘coastal thinking’. ;) We could especially benefit from these things as we grow. You mentioned feeling empathetic to this in your video, for me it’s hard to feel “priced out” of the housing market in my home state - even with a good job and an education. I know this has more to do how the state is run though (hello livable wage!). I look forward to more of your content!
@hannafox990 2 жыл бұрын
Hey :) I just want to say that I love your videos because they (and you) are so authentic and ”down to earth” 💗
@charlotterose5421 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Hannah! I am a fellow Californian who moved to the PNW 5 years ago and I say "WELCOME!". The pace of life, people, economy, politics, seasons, and sights are truly a welcome to me (and it seems like your family is enjoying it as well!). I hope that you guys settle in well and continue to enjoy what PNW has to offer.
@beverlieyacks6125 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an American in Australia. I’ve lived in a small rural area for about 7 years. Around 2020 we started getting a ton of people moving in from the city because they couldn’t afford homes there but it was cheaper here. Now the locals can’t afford homes. There are no rentals. A ton of them can work remotely now so they are on a much higher salary than the locals. I don’t think it’s about not liking the person or being unfriendly but it’s a big privilege to be able to cash in on your place in the city and move to a place more inexpensive when people in that place can’t do the same. That’s just my experience, it happens everywhere. I’m from the Midwest and I think we’re known for being very friendly so I’m glad you had a good experience!
@CGflores 2 жыл бұрын
I might be late to this, but you move to Boise correct? That’s why. You moved to a bigger city. As more people move to boise, the same problem that you had in cali will happen. Because it’s not a state issue. It’s how the system is. The only way it can get better it’s if cities/ towns aid at diverse mode of transportation and people embrace walking more or cycling. Because traffic is due to people only driving. During COVID I went to so many places where they had close the streets ( breckeridge it’s an example)and let restaurants seat people outside,and it was great! I have being back to brecken ever since with the steeets back for cars and wow. So horrible. The noise, people are more frustrated due to traffic. Ugh just bad. So it clicked me! It’s the cars not the people.
@jesseyhoffman1377 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the topic of your video and your thoughts on it. Beautiful video quality as well 💛
@Marissa14081 2 жыл бұрын
Most Oregonians don’t like it when Californians move up here, but it’s just an issue of feeling a bit overcrowded in certain areas. I personally know several families moving from Oregon to Idaho recently & I can imagine Idaho is feeling a bit of that overcrowding that the PNW has. Also I LOVE YOUR YARD!
@lucialucia3123 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video. Curious if you have friends of color to learn if and how their experience differs in any way. I’d love to believe the sentiment of if you look for warmth that’s what you’ll find-ugh these days, it seems our communities of color are having a harder experience. Curious about what you’ve learned from your friends of color-thx
@byersfamily138 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been forced to move away from my home town in Florida where my family has been for generations because of so many people moving here. It is a sad state when you can’t afford your own home anymore, but I’m hoping I’ll be welcomed to our new town so I guess I’m the pot calling the kettle black on this situation lol
@amybostic1439 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately California hasn’t made a very good name For itself and a lot of states prefer those of us from CA don’t come and ruin their state. We were in Idaho last spring and everyone was so kind-
@user-vn6xo2tc9r 2 жыл бұрын
The portrait/landscape scenes are very hard to visually focus on. It gave me a headache to be honest.
@thesweetestbear 2 жыл бұрын
Having cold weather most of the year gets old fast, take it from someone who lived in the Midwest her entire life, it gets depressing
@samarasea4444 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you enjoy our state. There's so much beauty and peacefulness here
@Wildflowerslori 2 жыл бұрын
Love the chat that we are all human. 🥰
@daniellenokes4182 2 жыл бұрын
My friend's sister was visiting her parents in Boise, where she went to high school. But someone saw her CA license plate and left an anonymous note on her windshield that said "Go back to CA, we don't want you here." So the negativity is out there. Being in UT, people here complain and blame everything on CA. The growth we have here and a lot of our problems have been happening over the last 10 years and most definitely are not caused by Californians. One big thing that people complain about the most is that politically conservatives (extreme conservative) don't like some of the shifting views and are very worried about what politics outsiders brings. I find people are much more open to speaking these views in private conversations with like minded individuals or behind keyboards. Making friends and being positive and open is definitely the way to help quiet their concerns.
@lnicole2504 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in California, Los Angeles, for 3 years. In my opinion, hands down, California is the most beautiful state in the country, but you can't help but notice how dirty, and crime ridden and politically mismanaged it has become. The real estate is super inflated, the political correctness is absurd, the too far left beliefs and indoctrination is crazy. There is no moderation, so for me, California became a great place to vacation, but impossible to live there, so we moved on to Arizona. Californians march to the beat of their own drummer. I don't think people in other states hate Californians, per se. I think they hate what Californians stand for, and the fact that they run from California bringing the very same beliefs and ideologies to other states that ruined California in the first place. It is more resentment than hate. New Yorkers do the same thing in states like Florida, but I never judge people on where they are from, but I am resentful when people try to change something that isn't theirs to change.
@MindfulMusings1 2 жыл бұрын
You can learn canning to put up the produce you grow during growing season!
@emmag2329 2 жыл бұрын
Same thing is happening to hawaii. So many people moving to hawaii for the “dream” life but they have no idea who they are displacing, how expensive it is or what even they are getting into. Such a problem. Stop moving to hawaii!!!
@emmag2329 2 жыл бұрын
Also I can confirm that hawaii people do not like California’s.I mean they are not easy here and will let you know
@emmag2329 2 жыл бұрын
If you are from California I wouldn’t even visit hawaii. Just don’t.
@fuckthisshit8895 2 жыл бұрын
@@emmag2329 I think you should re-read that ridiculous comment you just made. So you like being on the side which hates on others because of where they are from? Unreal to say someone can’t move to another location or even visit! Hawaii would suffer tremendously without tourism.
@iluvhou 2 жыл бұрын
Hannah MOST people are not as nice as you. It is true that many Californians want nothing more than to immediately change where they move to...this has been going on for decades. People want to be to live and not be judged by newcomers who (instead of learn the ways of where they moved, live THEIR lives and gently offer what they have to offer.) rudely tell those already there that they're doing it all wrong. I hope you are an inspiration to transplants to be kind THEMSELVES & they will not experience resistance.
@eternalsunshine2458 2 жыл бұрын
I seriously can't believe you haven't washed your hair yet... it still looks amazing! xoxo
@secondyaya 2 жыл бұрын
Try a Berkey water filter for your shower. That's what I use. I could really tell a difference when we hooked it up.
@JaimeeLauren 2 жыл бұрын
I second this! I use one here in Basingstoke England…. Where I live we have high chlorine levels and it has made a huge difference.
@thechecchihomestead6136 2 жыл бұрын
I am not American, but lived there in 3 states before ,and other countries in the world . And I have never came across anything but kindness. But also ,as you say, it's bc I have a kind and open attitude to others . You find what you are looking for . 🥰 I hope you will love it there! :)
@animalorangel 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s an interesting thing…I moved from a coastal state to gorgeous, wonderful Vermont prior to the pandemic and I am having to move BACK now because with a new baby it’s actually less expensive to live in my coastal hometown than it is to live in VT. There’s also ZERO child care left due to the recent influx. It’s just such a crazy reality.
@moonafarms1621 2 жыл бұрын
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." Henri Matisse Enjoy the new chapter of your life Hannah! Thank you for what you share!
@amybostic1439 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome!!! Your first snow! Baby’s first time seeing it ever?
@PDogB 2 жыл бұрын
True, we are all americans. Growth is happening everywhere that offers people what they need and want. People really need clean air, water and food, shelter, safety and nature available to them wherever they live. But there often seems to be more attention paid on judging others by their personal beliefs regarding politics or religion, what they own, etc. Publicly judging people based on ethnicity, heritage or just which state they came from is another way for us to lose focus, dividing us as a country and unwilling to work together towards common goals. I see the word "hate" being used now where "dislike" used to. Can we change that back? What if we collectively spent more time thinking about how we can sustain a healthy quality of life for our families instead of listening to negative media sources telling us what to think? For our own, children's and grandchildren's sake. I enjoyed your video, thank you. New sub.
@castlenani 2 жыл бұрын
That corner of your yard reminds me of the Barney playground in the school in the OG show lol
@abstractswirls 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful calming video. Also Hannah, I wanted to just mention that people in Idaho are probably really nice to you and your family because you are so nice too, and grounded, compassionate, supportive, calm, intelligent, mature, respectful, ect. You admire a simple, homey, and nature filled life. The type of Californians that other states don't appreciate are the rich entitled snobby fake types of people that have gotten wrapped up in materialism, consumerism, party life, social media, egocentrism, and pop culture. Sadly, that type of lifestyle pollutes the fabric of society and healthy family life. You are not one of those people. And so no matter where you are from, you will be welcomed with open arms in other states. I am from the midwest, and you would fit right in here too 🥰☀️🌿🌿🌷💕 you reap what you sow, and you give out such warming welcoming kind hearted energy to others and so you will get that in return with openness and support 💗 much love kindred soul! Your editing, and capturing of special simple lovely moments along with the ebbs and flows of life gets better and better ☀️🥰 Regards, Anecia
@jacquelinevillarreal657 2 жыл бұрын
What a cool snowing scene❄️❄️❄️
@lisaruttenberg5886 2 жыл бұрын
I understand the sustainability and environmental reasons for an a ecookbook but will you ever offer it printed? I prefer cookbooks to be a physical book?
@marguiWaterland 2 жыл бұрын
Happy Sunday everybody!
@BM-nm1gc 2 жыл бұрын
It will be interesting watching as you adjust with eating more with the season there. We lived on Maui and now live in Colorado and i miss how easy it was to eat the way we love to eat there. At times it can *feel* like it’s hard to be vegetarian or vegan in cold places.. I guess making adjustments is key. 🥰
@violetjane7152 2 жыл бұрын
Your so pretty, inside and out!!
@emmapurcell211 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome to Idaho from a fellow Southeast Idahoan! I’m a CA transplant too, and ID is Idahome now, since 2014. Like others have mentioned, ID is more affordable and free from big government because most people vote Republican/Conservative here. Don’t want a repeat of CA and other states on the coast. That along with the crowdedness and crazy home prices scares Idahoans, but most of us love and welcome people who appreciate Idaho enough to move here! Highly recommend making a trip to Yellowstone, your family will love it! Big welcome, Idaho is lucky to have you and your family!
@brionyweddell2353 2 жыл бұрын
The hum when she sanitises the bench after spilling 😂
@sieacosta6905 2 жыл бұрын
If you haven’t been to roots zero market in garden city , it’s super close to Boise then you have to go!!! 😻
@smurfy101101 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Hannah! I am wondering what camera you use? The quality is so amazing and I love the way the auto focus functions. If anyone else in the comments knows that's great too. :) Great video as alwayss!
@petiteearthling4324 2 жыл бұрын
you’re sooooo pretty Hannah!!!
@xena1028 2 жыл бұрын
Look up Eamon and Bec, amazing vegan people. They have a company with selling chai, and a really nice youtube channel
@sasavs9398 2 жыл бұрын
It's easy to believe that "be good and you will get good back" if you were born privileged (white, heterosexual, and born in at least a middle-class family). I observe people who weren't born with these privileges and have a very positive perspective on life but still - life doesn't treat them that good. According to Hannah's "formula" it should, right? I like her videos but I wish she acknowledged her privileges at least once in a while because without doing that she just doesn't come off very grounded and empathic. Not to mention her video about open relationships was horribly tone-deaf and ignorant as well - her response to negative comments was just ''you don't have to agree with me'', although her viewers explained very politely and with good examples why she sounded rude and ignorant. :( She seems like a nice person in general but her approach to life seem to go into the direction of "I already know everything".
@mellisag9056 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I’m Cuban and black and I grew up in a very poor part of Florida. I had nothing growing up and often went hungry. But you know what? I don’t need anyone telling me how privileged they are to make me feel better about my childhood. I worked my ass off, went to school with a scholarship (black and latin people are considered for those before whites btw) and I have a great life. Life is all about choices and ATTITUDE. My mother thought me to NEVER Feel sorry for myself or feel like a victim. I’m so tired of people (especially white people) speaking on my behalf. I don’t need anyone to talk about their privilege. I don’t care. I’m technically privileged now and I damn thankful! I’m sure Hannah is very thankful for the life she has had as well. Stop gaslighting people!
@kajalspandey 2 жыл бұрын
​@@mellisag9056 I appreciate your comment. A victim mindset gets you nowhere regardless of your privilege or not. Like you said, it doesn't matter where you come from or who you are - you taking responsibility for your life and giving yourself what you deserve/want ultimately comes down to you.
@sasavs9398 2 жыл бұрын
@@mellisag9056 I think you're mixing two things - acknowledging that people aren't born with the same opportunities is not the same as victimizing. Victimizing would be saying ''No matter how hard I work, I will never be able to buy a house because I'm not privileged", acknowledging, on the other hand, would be "I work hard, I know I can buy a house someday but it will take me longer because I face many obstacles due to not being privileged and not due to lack of skills or laziness". It's normal that even people who have lots of privilege want to be acknowledged for their hard work (no one said Hannah didn't deserve what she has) - however, they are also the ones who can change the most (think of very rich people who could do so much good for the society if they didn't keep all the money they have just for themselves) Privileged people not doing anything about injustice creates a societal imbalance that negatively impacts everyone in the long run.
@mellisag9056 2 жыл бұрын
@@sasavs9398 Just be someone was born into a better life doesn’t mean they owe anyone an explanation for it nor do they constantly need to bring up the fact that they are aware of their privilege. That comes from a place of guilt, and that’s not ok! Hannah shouldn’t have to feel guilty about anything. And she’s not even a very rich person. If you want the real rich people of this world to help change things for the better, go point your finger at the Rothschilds, Waltons and Rockefellers! Go to the root cause when it comes to the suffering of this planet. Pointing the finger at people like Hannah telling them they need to announce their “privilege” is not going to help make this world a better place. Again, I grew up dirt poor and I didn’t need anyone telling me about their advantages! I still made it without hearing the virtue signals of the “privileged”!
@kateknowsbetter 2 жыл бұрын
Texan here. Texas is awesome. I’m glad people want to move here. Proud to say people want to live in my home state, because again, it’s awesome. I think people jump on this “we don’t like people from California” bandwagon.
@lorij9649 2 жыл бұрын
@12:55 Please elaborate on what a "cool" person is to you! Thank you! From another ex-Californian. Lived there 41 years after graduating from the Univ of Tx. Sold my home and everything in it in Sonoma, CA after living in it 31 years and raising my son there. Now in Virginia Beach, VA and working in a Vegan Organic kitchen! HI to Jan your next door neighbor! I'm turning 69 this year...
@anneliesjoss 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I’m trying hard to just focus on the good people in this world. This often means leaving politics and religion out of conversations. Politics and religion all too often bring out the worst in people.
@theroadlesstraveled3993 2 жыл бұрын
"If you're looking for hatred/warmth, that's what you'll find". So true! We really do attract what we expect and exude.
@Sarah-xj9il 2 жыл бұрын
Born and raised in Idaho…your right…they are welcoming. NOW…I moved to Wa, 20 mins from Seattle. Seatlites ARE NOT welcoming. They don’t mind saying Hi, but their friend quota is filled 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. Lived here now for 15 years. Your right about to many people changing the area. I was there when the Boise Mall opened. And when Nampa was tiny. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@iluvhou 2 жыл бұрын
Thar hummus to me looks scrumptious.
@weitzfc1 Жыл бұрын
it looks like slop for the hogs.
@craftynanatracy3108 2 жыл бұрын
Hannah I have a question....have you ev r made or tried Seitan? If so can you make a video of how to ou cook with it? So great to see you settling into your new life💕. Blessings and peace to you.
@brib3967 2 жыл бұрын
As an Oregonian who has now lived in Utah for almost 2 years, I myself worry whenever I see Cali plates. Which is OFTEN. Since my political views have changed DRASTICALLY because of rona, which is why we relocated... We all welcome fellow west-coast-refugees with open arms! Just as we were welcomed when we came here. We just ask that they DON’T bring their politics with them! These conservative states are great for a reason😉☺️♥️ The influx of people moving to the Midwest from places like Vegas, Colorado, WA, Oregon & Cali will only continue to grow & drive people out of their blue states but I hope it’s all for the better!
@rachelpotts7496 2 жыл бұрын
Beautifully said
@jennyrd4789 2 жыл бұрын
When is Ellen coming to visit??
@TNT_dynamight 2 жыл бұрын
this is a funny video title bc your friend in a previous video said “don’t move to idaho” to your audience and that goes to show people who live there already aren’t wanting outsiders and it’s ok that you moved there bc that’s your friend
@Alaskaventureswithbrodie 2 жыл бұрын
awww there’s my friend Gabrielle!
@sarabryson4816 2 жыл бұрын
You catch more bees with honey than vinegar! Be the honey((:
@hello_danielle 2 жыл бұрын
As a person born and raised in Northern California, when I first became a young adult ready to move out I quickly realized that I would probably not be able to move out alone or just with my husband to start a life on my own because of the lack of housing, housing prices, competitive apartment selection process mixed with the job market. People who can afford to live where I am bought a long time ago when the world was a different place with a completely different market or they have already been able to establish their job and income streams before the prices went up. I just want the basic things in life like an apartment and ya one day a house. For us to be young married adults who are still building their careers/ income we simply can't afford to breathe here. We want to move out of state but I do actually worry about people not liking us just cause of where I was born. We can't figure out where to move quite yet. I never would move somewhere that I don't already align with their values since that doesn't seem like a place I would want to live.
@heatherfrederick2192 2 жыл бұрын
House tour?
@melsamantha 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of unacknowledged privilege in this video is wild. So much of your experience being welcomed has to do with being a middle class white family. You are literally exactly what those conservative places want. Disappointed in this take.
@fuckthisshit8895 2 жыл бұрын
Oh geez so you want her to apologize for her being what she was born as and for telling her experience? How pathetic.
@Hannah-sy7zz 2 жыл бұрын
@Melanie Samantha Thanks! I thought the same! It is so ridiculous to say that you just have to be nice and smile when you are white, married and have little boy! I wonder if the neighbors would be as welcoming when they were gay or black...Always check your privileges!
@melsamantha 2 жыл бұрын
@@fuckthisshit8895 nope, I don't think anyone has to apologize for being born any which way. All I'm saying is her perspective is informed by her race and class and other people will have different experiences. So for her to claim these places are so welcoming and kind is just not true for everyone.
@sasavs9398 2 жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking as well. It's easy to believe that "be good and you will get good back" if you were born privileged (white, heterosexual, and born in at least a middle-class family). I observe people who weren't born with these privileges and have a very positive perspective on life but still - life doesn't treat them that good. According to Hannah's "formula" it should, right? I like her videos but I wish she acknowledged her privileges at least once in a while because without doing that she just doesn't come off very grounded and empathic. Not to mention her video about open relationships was horribly tone-deaf and ignorant as well - her response to negative comments was just ''you don't have to agree with me'', although her viewers explained very politely and with good examples why she sounded rude and ignorant. :( She seems like a nice person in general but her approach to life seem to go into the direction of "I already know everything".
@fuckthisshit8895 2 жыл бұрын
@@melsamantha Hannah seems to be speaking from her experience and perspective and in simple terms. She doesn’t and shouldn’t have to bring up all the other scenarios in which people could come up against resistance. The truth remains that the best you can do is what she said really. You can’t control how people will receive you. And she doesn’t need to “check her privilege” every time she shares something. I think she does a great job at being grateful for those without making every topic something complicated. You’d spin in circles if you brought up everyone else’s battles all the time. The truth is there will always be people like you in her comment section shouting out she isn’t doing something right or she’s not doing enough. I hope you go to bed happy with yourself from all of your virtue signaling. You really accomplished something there.
@violetvictory 2 жыл бұрын
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