Meryl Streep | Full Documentary

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@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I really want to thank god for putting the actor, Meryl Streep in my life one year before my dad died and I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad and I am eternally grateful and I am forever grateful.
@bingmimbisa1802 3 жыл бұрын
Meryll is Jordan if she were a basketball player, Ali if she were a boxer, Nicklaus if golfer, Pele if a Soccer player and even more. She is extraordinaire!!!
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl came along in my life one year before my dad died and I am happy she is a part of my life because she’s family and she is in my life.
@MartinSage Жыл бұрын
Lucky,lucky YOU😊
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
After 38 years Caitlin Dougherty is back in the business going back to my childhood and after 10 years Caitlin Dougherty is back in the business. I know I have lost my dad dad to COPD in 2013 but I have rediscovered myself after my dad’s death and I have found myself after my dad’s death.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl is home, she’s home. I stay at home with my cousin, Meryl and my cousin, Meryl stays at home with me. I feel like I am home for the first time in a long time and for the first time in my life. Oh Meryl, it’s been so long, so very long.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I want to say something I am glad I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie but I am glad I did and I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad. I am proud of some of the stories I have told. I am proud of myself of how far I have come and I didn’t give up because I have perseverance. I admit that I am stubborn but sometimes stubborn pays off to get what you want because you stick with it and you prevail and you get to where you going.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep from my dad. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did and I am happy I have found out that I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad, this is what happened to me one year before my dad died and I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and when I got interested in acting I knew I wanted to become an actor. I remember the reason why I became an actor and I have fun and I remember the reason why I became an actor and I need to have a strict diet and fitness regime.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I keep my memories of my dad. I know I won’t forget. I know I don’t have any regrets. I know I’ll always remember. I know I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did but I am happy I did.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I need to say this: I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and that changed my life forever because family is forever. I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad one year before my dad died and I am happy, I am and I am so happy. I couldn’t be happier than to find out I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I am happy.
@Bluestar-nn2uh 2 жыл бұрын
How many times are you going to comment?😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
@ellenorchid01 4 жыл бұрын
Entertaining and fascinating person as well as actress. Such variety, such a skill-set. Hope to meet her some day.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl is a part of my life and I am a part of my cousin, Meryl’s life because we’re family.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I love my cousin, Meryl Streep. I know my cousin, Meryl personally because I am a cousin to her from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did and I am happy I have found out that I am a cousin to her from my dad and I am happy I have found out that I am related to her from my dad’s mom’s dad from her mom’s mom’s mom. Meryl is of Celtic ancestry and Celtic descent. Meryl and I share a common ancestor, Queen Elizabeth 11 and this makes us related and we are related distantly down the line from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and 3rd Great Grandfather, William McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop from her Great Grandmother, Mary (McFadden) Wolf from her 3rd Great Grandfather, Thomas McFadden/McFadyen/McFayden/McPhaidon/Phaidon and we are distant cousins and we are cousins. I know my cousin, Meryl both personally and privately. I am so happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep. I am so happy and I am so glad.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep from my dad, I am. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did. The music of Mamma Mia! The Movie still makes me dance because it does make me feel good and it does make me happy. ABBA music makes me feel good and makes me happy and makes me dance and it does make me feel happy. I know I have Down syndrome and I know I have lost my dad to COPD in 2013 but what happened in the summer of 2012 changed me forever and I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie in the summer of 2012 one year before my dad died in 2013 but I am glad I did and I am happy I did. I remember when I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie in the summer of 2012 one year before my dad died and I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died but I am glad I did because that’s when I have found out that I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep and I am happy to be a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep. I am so happy I have found my cousin, Meryl in time and I am so happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am happy to have my cousin, Meryl in my life from my dad. I am happy, I am.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I remember my graduation card I got from my dad from when I graduated from high school in 2004 and there is so much beauty, I find new ways to reach out to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I learn more about who I really am. I learn more about who I really am and I will do what I will become and I am actor. I learn more about who I really am and I am an actor with me having Down syndrome.
@julianromo4230 3 жыл бұрын
She has 3 oscars already!
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
After I watched the movie of The Prom I realize what I am missing in my life. I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty’s Mom, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I need someone like my cousin, Meryl Streep in my life. I need my cousin, Meryl in my life now more than ever because my dad died and I need her, we’re cousins.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me go into acting to become an actor and this is the reason why I want to become an actor. It does help to have family in the business and this is how I got into this business and I got into this business from my cousin and gay partner, Meryl Streep. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl got me interested in acting. I wasn’t interested in acting when I was growing up but my interests changed and I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl got me interested in acting and I know I want to become an actor with me having Down syndrome. Anyway I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and I am glad I did. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I won’t be the same like I was before my dad died. I won’t be the same as I was before my dad died. This is my new normal after my dad’s death. My family is in my life from my dad and from my grandparents and I am happy I have found my family and I am not the same after my childhood and I am not the same before and after my dad’s death. I am changed forever both before and after my dad’s death. My life is changed forever both before and after my dad’s death. I will never be the same again because I have lost my dad because I have changed after my dad’s death. This is my first death I am going through because I am going through my dad’s death. I am trying to cope after the death of my father. I got interested in my family from my dad before my dad died, I did. I got interested in my grandparents before my dad died and I am glad I did. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I am glad I did and I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl Streep from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty. I am happy I have found out that I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad. I knew I was related to the actress, Meryl Streep one year before my dad died because god wanted my dad to be around so that I could tell him that he is a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep and I am glad I did. I did the family genealogy into my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty’s McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop family and now I have a family book from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty’s side of her family from her Dad, Robert Dunlap. I did the family genealogy into my cousin, Meryl’s McFadden/McFadyen/McFayden/McPhaidon/Phaidon from her Great Grandmother, Mary (McFadden) Wolf. I made the discovery because I have found out that I am a related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I know I have been watching The Prom a lot lately and it’s my favorite movie. I love the story of The Prom because I love the message of the movie and it says something about me and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl, it does. The message of The Prom is a message of equality to love who you love.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a cousin to a famous actor, my cousin, Meryl Streep. I have bragging rights because I am proud to be a cousin to actress, Meryl Streep.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I am here today because I survived my open heart surgery in 1986 and I am eternally grateful to god for putting me here and I want to thank god for putting me in my family from my Parents Robert Dunlap Dougherty and Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and from my Maternal Grandparents Gertie (Gerstberger) Sanko and Edward Sanko, Jr. and going back down the line of my paternal grandparents and going back down the line of my maternal grandparents and my family is of the very very few who has family in Hollywood and I am actor, Katie “Caitlin” Marie Dunlap Dougherty and well I am happy and I thank god for my family, for my life and for my health. I just want my family in my life. I need my family in my life. Family is family and family is forever.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My life changed before my dad died because I got interested in my grandparents who died before I was born and I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I have found out that I am a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad one year before my dad died.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
That always has been my family because my cousin, Meryl has always been my family from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
This is my life now. This is my life now after my dad’s death and I love it. This is life now after my dad’s death and I am part of another life because I am an actor with me having Down syndrome because I am in that life because I am an actor with me having Down syndrome and I am in that world. I will never be the same again after my dad’s death and my life will never be the same again after my dad’s death because I am changed after my dad’s death and my life is changed after my dad’s death. My life will never be the same again after my dad’s death because my life is changed forever after my dad’s death. I am not going to be the same after my dad’s death because I have lost my dad and I am changed forever after my dad’s death.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I won’t be the same like I was before my dad died. I won’t be the same as I was before my dad died. This is my new normal after my dad’s death. I am changed forever after my dad’s death. My life is changed forever after my dad’s death. I will be okay after my dad’s death. I will be alright after my dad’s death.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas, Meryl. Happy birthday, Meryl.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I got into acting to become an actor and I am in it for the long haul. I got in.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I have lost my dad to COPD in 2013 and I am going through my first death of my dad and I know my dad will always be my dad and I don’t want to forget my dad because he is my dad. I know my dad’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined. My dad is a part of me and my dad is a part of who I am and half of my DNA is from my dad and half of my ancestry is from my dad, my dad is a part of me and always will be because he is my dad and my dad is a part of my life and my family from my dad is a part of my life. I know my grandparents who died before I was born are my grandparents and even though I didn’t know them I don’t want to forget my grandparents because they are my grandparents and they are a part of me and they are a part of who I am and they are a part of my life and my family from them are a part of my life. I am glad I did get interested in my grandparents before my dad died. I got interested in my grandparents before my dad died and I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I am glad I did and I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad one year before my dad died, I am. How far I have come is what got me here and is where I am going. I am happy I have found my family from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently I have my cousin and gay partner, Meryl’s acting talent I got from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl got me interested in acting one year before my dad died, she did. I know exactly how I got interested in acting one year before my dad died because it was at the same time when I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl got me interested in acting one year before my dad died and my interests changed from my childhood because I am now interested in acting and in drama. I remember the reason why I became an actor and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are connected and I have the key to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl because we are cousins and we are connected and I have fun and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are are gay and we are in love.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I graduated from Great Bend High School in 2004 and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl did the remake of The Manchurian Candidate in 2004 and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events in 2004 in the same year I graduated from high school in. I remember my graduation card my dad got me for my high school graduation in 2004.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty was born in Casper, Wyoming to Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and died on February 18, 2013 and he married Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty, they have 5 children John and wife, Linda (Rose) Dougherty, Paul with wife, Sarah (Hatfield) Dougherty, Timothy with wife, Wendy (Borowski) Dougherty, Michael with wife, Jill (Campbell) Dougherty and Katie “Caitlin” with wife Meryl (Streep) Dougherty and 16 grandchildren, Brandon, Brian and Mercedes Dougherty, Gabe and Anna Dougherty, Kenny Anderson, Zachary, Grace and Addy Dougherty. Emma, Eve, and Sam Dougherty. Henry, Mamie, Grace and Louisa Gummer. My dad is loved by his children, there spouses and his grandchildren.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad I got interested in my grandparents before my dad died and I am glad I got interested in acting one year before my dad and these two things go hand in hand. When I got interested in acting I knew I wanted to become an actor and to have a career in drama and to have a career in acting. I do have a creative career and it’s a career as an actor and my future is better than I have imagined. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor. God takes care of me and I am happy I have found the actor my cousin, Meryl Streep from my dad one year before my dad died. I wouldn’t question god. God works in miraculous ways in my life and god works in mysterious ways in my life.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I have a Great Grandfather, Robert Dunlap who is buried out in Forest Lawn Cemetery in a suburb of Glendale of Los Angeles, California. Now I know my Great Grandfather, Robert Dunlap buried out in Los Angeles, California but I know he is in heaven but I want my Great Grandfather, Robert Dunlap to get me to become an actor in Hollywood.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I knew my mom’s parents because I grew up with them and I didn’t know my dad’s parents because they died before I was born but I got interested in my grandparents before my dad died and I am glad I did get interested in my grandparents before my dad died. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died in the summer of 2012 one year before my dad died but I am glad I did watch Mamma Mia! The Movie in the summer of 2012 one year before my dad died. I am happy I have found out that I am related to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I knew one year before my dad died and I am a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad from my dad. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and when I got interested in acting I knew I wanted to become an actor and that’s what made me to become an actor. I am following in my cousin, Meryl’s footsteps to become an actor, I am and I know this is what I want to do because this is my life, it is my life and I want to have a career as an actor with me having Down syndrome and I know this is what I want to do with my life. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and this is what made me to go into the business to become an actor and I am in this business because I have family in the business. I would like to work with my cousin, Meryl, I would because she’s my cousin and because she’s my gay partner.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My family is my life and a part of my life from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Mom, Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and from my Maternal Grandparents Gertie (Gerstberger) Sanko and Edward Sanko, Jr. and down the line of my grandparents.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am definitely going to become an actor with me having Down syndrome. My Down syndrome is not going to stop me from becoming an actor, it’s not. I have determination and I am going to follow through and I have determination as an actor. I know what my mom told me but I am going to overcome this obstacle with me having Down syndrome because I know I want a career as an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl and I are cousins from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am one of the few people who can talk with me having Down syndrome. I should really count my blessings because I have been blest with a lot in my life because I have a handicap with me having Down syndrome.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t get to choose who you fall in love with. My cousin, Meryl and I fall in love with each other and we are happy because we are cousins who are in love with each other.
@MartinSage Жыл бұрын
We all have favorites. For Meryl my fav is “Bridges over Madison County” as I am sure for many.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t imagine my life without my cousin, Meryl in it. I can’t imagine my cousin, Meryl with anyone else but me. I am the one who my cousin, Meryl wants to be with. My cousin, Meryl and I are meant to be, this is meant to be. My cousin, Meryl and I are going to get married. My cousin, Meryl and I are cousins and my cousin, Meryl and I are cousins.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I have my cousin, Meryl’s great acting ability/talent and I did inherit something from my cousin, Meryl and it’s my great acting/talent. Oh my god, I am a movie star because I possess the qualities of a movie star with me having Down syndrome and I can thank god for putting me in my family and I am a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep and boy I am happy to find out that I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep from my dad and that tops it. I do have some of my cousin, Meryl’s natural ability to act and to perform and it’s no wonder I am born to be an actor and I am actor, Katie “Caitlin” Marie Dunlap Dougherty.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I dream big and I will go along way because my heart is in the right place. I am born to be an actress, an A-Star and a movie star and a Hollywood star.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I am happy to have my cousin, Meryl in my life, I am.
@Mr.Magic4ever 2 жыл бұрын
I was there when she was on the water filming "The River Wild". Got to see multiple days of them shooting on the water and on the river bank. I also went white water rafting multiple times on those same rapids.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I am in this business because I am an actor and I am not in it for the fame. I am in this business for the long haul and I commit myself to being an actor with me having Down syndrome. I didn’t give up because I have perseverance. I knew that I would get here today. I knew that I would breakthrough. I knew god will give me my divine intervention to become an actor for me to get into acting. I knew that I would know someone who has a friend who is a friend to the actor, Meryl Streep and I knew that Jim Dunlap will send my letters and my acting resume, cover letter and acting cv to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and he did and now I am ready more than ever to meet my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I am ready to move and I am ready to become an actor. I am waiting for my first big break for me to become an actor and I know I am going to get my first big break from my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I am waiting for it and I know I am ready to move and I need to get more boxes for me to move.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am one of the few who has family in Hollywood from my parents Robert Dunlap Dougherty and Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty.
@caitlindougherty5320 9 ай бұрын
I took a leap of faith and it all worked out because my cousin, Meryl and I both know it’s all going to work out and that’s great and we will work as cousins/family as wife and wife as Caitlin and Meryl Dougherty, we will.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
People should be careful of what they say to other people because words can really hurt a person.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I have found what was missing in my life looking back into my childhood after my dad died and now I have two sets of my grandparents in my life both paternal and maternal and now I have two sides of my family in my life both paternal and maternal. My Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty is a part of my life and my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 are a part of my life even though they died before I was born. I have found what was missing in my life and it’s the art of acting and I have found the artist within me. I am an artist because I have the art of acting and the business side of acting and this makes me an actor. I am artist and I am an actor. I am a different kind of artist because I am an actor but I am an artist. I got my acting talent from my cousin, Meryl. I got my acting, singing, dancing, musical, fashion, cooking and baking talents from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and I got my rare acting talent from my cousin, Meryl. I got my inborn acting talent from my cousin, Meryl and I got my innate talent for performing and entertaining from my cousin, Meryl. No wonder I can act and I often wondered where I got it from and now I know.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My 12 nieces and nephews are going to have 4 more cousins and Meryl’s 4 kids: Henry, Mamie, Grace and Louisa are going 18 more cousins.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl and I are blood related and we are related distantly from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep because we share a common ancestor, Queen Elizabeth 11 and this makes us related and we share some DNA because we are cousins and we are related and we look alike and we are cousins and we share some talents and they are acting, singing, dancing, musical, fashion, cooking and baking.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I know I remember the reason why I became an actor and my cousin, Meryl is the reason why I became an actor and I know I want to become an actor with me having Down syndrome and my cousin, Meryl and I are connected. I know I remember the reason why I became an actor and I know I have what it takes to become an actor and I need to have a strict diet and fitness regime.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are proud of who we are because we are gay/lesbian and we are proud of who we are because of where we come from our families.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep and this makes me important and this puts me in the spotlight because I want to perform and I do see myself up there on the stage behind the camera starring alongside my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. I am well connected in the industry because I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep. I know I want to be an actor and a movie star and a Hollywood star with me having Down syndrome and I know want to work and to star alongside my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. I only want to work with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want to star in my cousin and gay partner, Meryl’s Hollywood movies and television series.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I know my cousin, Meryl and I love to dance because we are Irish.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a happy actor and I am thriving. I am happy I have found the connecting link to my Paternal family tree from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Maternal family tree from my Mom, Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I am happy I have found my family from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and I am happy I have found another side of my family from my dad before and after my dad’s death. I know I have 2 sides to my family from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty but I am happy I have found my family from my dad both before and after my dad’s death and that has changed my life forever, it has. Family is family and family is forever.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I have found happiness after my dad’s death, I have and I am happy, I am.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
Colleen Atwood is a costume designer for both of the movies of Into The Woods and The Tourist.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I can perform the role of my cousin, Meryl Streep, I can. I want to be like my cousin, Meryl because she’s my cousin. I look up to my cousin, Meryl. I admire my cousin, Meryl. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and my cousin, Meryl got me interested in acting and when I got interested in acting I knew I wanted to become an actor and that’s what made me to become an actor. When I have found out that I know someone who is a friend to Jim who is a friend to the actor, Meryl Streep, I knew I was going to get discovered by my cousin, Meryl Streep who is my relative in the business. This is it, I am going to big break as an actor who has Down syndrome. I know my time is coming to become an actor, I know it. I know this year is my year. My cousin, Meryl is going to call me. I am going to get a phone call from my cousin, Meryl, finally. I know god gave me my divine intervention to get into acting to become an actor. I got my miracle from god. I know it takes time to become an actor and my time has come to become an actor. My cousin, Meryl and I will work because we’re cousins.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I know someone who knows someone who is a friend to the actress, Meryl Streep, who is a friend to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl Streep. I am going to get my breakthrough to become a movie star, a Hollywood star and an actor with me having Down syndrome. I think I just got my divine intervention from god to get into acting to become an actor in Hollywood. I think I just got my miracle from god to become an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl is my kin and I am my cousin, Meryl’s kin. My cousin, Meryl and I are related and we are kin because we are cousins.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
Relationships change but family relationships don’t change because family is family and family is forever.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if my niece, Anna Dougherty knows this but she is following in her cousin, Meryl’s footsteps because she is a cheerleader and Meryl was a cheerleader and she will be an actor like her Aunts Caitlin and Meryl. Anna is interested in drama and she started acting at a young age and she will become a movie star and she will take acting up in high school. Anna is following in her Aunts Caitlin’s and Meryl’s footsteps to become an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I watch my cousin and gay partner, Meryl’s documentary because she’s my cousin and my gay partner and because I want to become an actor. I am following in my cousin, Meryl’s footsteps to become an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I got my cousin, Meryl’s acting chops because I have her acting talent.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I already have packed some boxes to move and I am going to stay packed to move and this shows how serious I am about moving. I know I still have more boxes to pack but I need to make my boxes light to move. There’s one box I am going to pack on the day of my moving and those will be my movies because I am still watching movies.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am happy I have found my cousin, Meryl Streep from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep. My cousin, Meryl and I are a match from my Paternal side of my family from my 3rd Great Grandfather, William McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop from her Maternal side of her family from her 3rd Great Grandfather, Thomas McFadden/McFadyen/McFayden/McPhaidon/Phaidon and we are distant cousins down the line from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty from her Great Grandmother, Mary (McFadden) Wolf and we share a common ancestor, Queen Elizabeth 11. My Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty’s family from her Great Grandfather, William McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop is of real nobility. Meryl’s family from her Great Grandmother, Mary (McFadden) Wolf’s Grandfather, Thomas McFadden/McFadyen/McFayden/McPhaidon/Phaidon is of real nobility. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are of Hollywood royalty because we descend from common ancestor, Queen Elizabeth 11 from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep. I am happy I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I am happy I found my cousin, Meryl Streep from my dad, I am. I don’t know what made me watch Mamma Mia! The Movie that fateful summer one year before my dad died but I am glad I did and I am happy I did and I am happy I have found the actor, Meryl Streep is my cousin from my dad.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t live in a fantasy world, I live in the real world. I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and that’s what made me to become an actor. I know my cousin, Meryl is gay because of how she grew up. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are in love and we want to get married and to have a cousin marriage and to be kissing cousins because we are cousins and we are meant to be. It’s all true about my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I have always known I am gay/lesbian for 10 years since from 2012 one year before my dad died because I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie over and over again and now I am doing the same thing with The Prom.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am not okay, I’m not okay. Leave it god. God knows what he is doing. I know this is hard for me because I have lost my dad and I don’t know what to do and I don’t know what I should do after the loss of my dad but I know I need my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. Meryl is a cousin first and an actor second. There is nothing more important in your life than your family. Family should always come first.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
People just want to be accepted for who they are and don’t want to be judged regardless of their sexual orientations.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am proud of where I come from and I come from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Mom, Linda Marie (Sanko) Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and from my Maternal Grandparents Gertie (Gerstberger) Sanko and Edward Sanko, Jr., and going back down the line of my Paternal Grandparents and going back down the line of my Maternal Grandparents. I have family roots with my immediate family and with my extended family and I have family roots all over the place and I am home in more than one place. I am home. I know I’ve lost my dad and I know my dad’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined. I know my mom’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined. I have family. I know I am not all alone after my dad died and I know I still have family from my dad who are alive and they are not all gone. I am happy I have found my family from my dad and from my grandparents.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
Meryl is my cousin, she’s my cousin and I am her cousin, we’re cousins, we’re family.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I want to have a career in drama. I am willing to combine creativity and commitment. I have special qualities as a dramatic actor. I do have a creative career and it’s a career as an actor and my future is better than I imagined. I have an interest in acting and in drama and I turn my interests in acting and drama to a career as an actor and as a movie star and Hollywood star.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
These comments I have been putting on KZbin are talking therapies for me because I have mental illness and this is why I have been commenting throughout recently and from the past years too on my cousin, Meryl’s KZbin videos and this is good for me to talk because it’s how I communicate and relationships are about communications and open communications. Here’s what I do know because I know my cousin, Meryl’s mystery because I am her cousin because she is a rare performer who does imbue with a hint of mystery. I am the actor, Meryl Streep’s cousin and I do think I would know my cousin, Meryl because she is my cousin because she is a part of my family from my dad’s mom and I am part of her family from her mom’s mom. I think I would know my cousin, Meryl Streep.
@sultanzayed6102 2 жыл бұрын
You are the best lovely MERYL STREEP. I love you from Yemen.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
Meryl Streep is a cousin way far down the line from my dad but she is a cousin from my dad and I know why god put her in my life at the same time when my dad was dying because he knew we are related and I am glad I have found my cousin, Meryl from my dad and I am glad I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie at the same time when my dad was dying and that’s when I got interested in acting and that’s what made me to become an actor and as a result of this I am going to be an actor and I am going to be a best actress and a movie star with me having Down syndrome. My cousin, Meryl and I are a success that never ends because we are family. My cousin, Meryl and I are both safe because we came home to each other and we are home and we have found happiness.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I got this one. Meryl and I are cousins. I am not 27, I am 38. What happened after I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie, I lost my dad to COPD in 2013, I experienced death at 27 years old when my dad died from COPD in 2013 and he was 81. But I will always remember when I got interested in my grandparents who died before I was born before my dad died from COPD in 2013 and when I watched my cousin, Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! The Movie on that Saturday that changed my life forever in 2012 one year before my dad died from COPD in 2013 and I’ll always remember when I got interested in acting and when I became an actor and I have fun and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are connected and I have the key to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl because I have a connection to my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are gay and we are in love and we are connected and I want to be a movie star because I have the qualities of a movie star with me having Down syndrome. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I will work.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am a cousin to the actress, Meryl Streep from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty’s Mom, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep’s Mom, Mary (Wolf) Wilkinson. I am following in my cousin, Meryl’s footsteps to become an actor. I am gay and I am in love with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are in love and we want to get married.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I just know my cousin, Meryl is the one for me. I know my cousin, Meryl is the one I want to marry. I know my cousin, Meryl is the one.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
Life changes and nothing stays the same because life is always changing. Change doesn’t go back to the before.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve lost my dad, I’ve lost my dad and I need to meet my cousin, Meryl. I need to move. I’ve just got to get out of Great Bend, Kansas. I need to move in with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. I need to become an actor.
@caitlindougherty5320 8 ай бұрын
My cousin, Meryl is my significant other and I am my cousin, Meryl’s significant other. My cousin, Meryl is still the one for me and I am still the one for my cousin, Meryl and there’s a song called “You are Still the One” and this is me and my cousin, Meryl’s song. My cousin, Meryl and I have a song and we have more than one song because Moondance is our song too and my cousin, Meryl and I really do have more than just one song, we do.
@skyejp4975 Жыл бұрын
Geez that lions for lambs is a quiet perfection. Watch it if u haven’t. The hours. She devil. Even defending ur life. It’s light but heavy? Cate Blanchett same level
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
This is my life now after my dad’s death. This is my life after my dad’s death and my life has changed after my dad’s death and my life is changed forever after my dad’s death.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I am so happy I have found my cousin and partner, Meryl, I am, I really am, I am so happy, oh I am so happy.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
When I watch movies my eyes are drawn to the female lead and not the hunky male. I can’t help noticing how beautiful my cousin, Meryl is and I watch the movie over and over just to see that one moment where the camera closes in on my cousin, Meryl’s slightly parted lips and all I can think about is kissing my cousin, Meryl’s lips. All I want to do is to kiss my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and to pull her in close to me and to kiss her for the rest of my life even after we get married. I take this woman my cousin and gay partner, Meryl as my wife and when I say this it’s meant to be forever. Well family is forever.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was 53 and my mom was 42 years old when they had me in 1984, I am born to older parents and my parents are will die before me because of how old they were when they had me in 1984. I am thinking about my future. I want to become an actor and a movie star and a Hollywood star. I am moving into my cousin and gay partner, Meryl’s home and I am moving in with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I am making a commitment to her to my cousin to marry her. I’ve lost my dad and I am going through my first death of my dad and I am grieving but I know my dad’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined and I know I will be okay because I have my family from my dad and from my mom. I want to get to what’s waiting for me on the other side, the other side is more bountiful and lush, and on the other side of the garden is more lush and bountiful than I ever imagined.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My life is changed forever before and after my dad’s death. There’s always a before and an after. I am happy to have my family in my life from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111 and my family is here now in my life. It had to take until my dad died for me to get interested in my grandparents who died before I was born and for my family to come along into my life from my dad. I got interested in my grandparents who died before I was born before my dad died and I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and I got interested in acting one year before my dad died and I am glad I did. I am happy I have found my family from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty and from my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111. I am happy I did a McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop family book from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and I needed to do a McDunlap/McDunlop/Dunlap/Dunlop family book from my Grandmother, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty. I know I have lost my dad but I am happy I have found my family from my dad, I am. I am happy I have found out that I am a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep from my dad and I am glad I watched Mamma Mia! The Movie one year before my dad died and god takes care of me and god works in miraculous ways in my life and god works in mysterious ways in my life. I know I am going through my first death of my dad but I am happy and I am happy I have found my family from my dad. I’ve lost a parent, I’ve lost my dad and I know my dad’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined. I know my grandparents died before I was born but my Paternal Grandparents Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty and Brian Dougherty 111’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined and I know I lost my dad and I know my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty’s family roots and mine are forever intertwined. I have found happiness after my dad’s death, I have.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I do have to tell our immediate families and her children we want to get married if we want to go through with this because we are the ones who are marrying each other. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I do want to get married.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I know my cousin, Meryl is someone I can rely on, I know my cousin, Meryl is someone I can count on, I know my cousin, Meryl will be there for me, I know my cousin, Meryl will be here for me and I will do the same for her. I don’t know how I got through all these years after my dad died if it wasn’t for my cousin, Meryl. My cousin, Meryl is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My cousin, Meryl is my best friend, is my friend, is my cousin, is my gay partner and is my lover and I am my cousin, Meryl friend, best friend, cousin, gay partner and lover. I love my cousin, Meryl and I am in love with my cousin, Meryl and I want to marry the woman who I love my cousin, Meryl. I want to have my cousin, Meryl as my wife and my cousin, Meryl wants to have me as her wife. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are going to get married because we want to be married to each other because we make each other happy and we make a cute couple. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want to be together.
@MargoHardy 4 ай бұрын
Love that m9vie Brigges of Maddison County ❤
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
My cousin, Meryl is my cousin. Meryl is my cousin, she’s my cousin and I am her cousin.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am born to act. I am born to be an actor. I have it made to become an actor because I am a cousin to the actor, Meryl Streep from my Dad, Robert Dunlap Dougherty’s Mom, Dorothy (Dunlap) Dougherty from her Mom, Mary (Wilkinson) Streep’s Mom, Mary (Wolf) Wilkinson.
@caitlindougherty5320 2 жыл бұрын
I am gay and I am in love with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I admit it. I fell head over heals in love with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. This isn’t just a fling. I have real feelings about my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. I have romantic feelings about my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. I know I am in love with my cousin and gay partner, Meryl, I just know, it’s something that I know. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are in love and we want to get married. The truth is that neither of our families don’t know about us and that’s our immediate families. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want our families to meet before we get married. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are going to get married. I know I will have to tell my family but I am not ready to and I want to go through with it because I want to marry my cousin and gay partner, Meryl. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I are in love and we want to get married. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want to have a cousin marriage and to be kissing cousins. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want to get our families together and tell them together about us and to meet each other. My cousin and gay partner,Meryl and I want to get married.
@caitlindougherty5320 Жыл бұрын
I adapt to changes in my life. I adapt to changes in my life after my dad’s death. I accept change and I accept changes in my life. My life is changed after my dad’s death. My life has changed after my dad’s death and I have to reflect that in my comments on KZbin. I am changed forever after my dad’s death. My life is changed forever after my dad’s death. I will never be the same after my dad’s death. I am definitely changed after my dad’s death, I am forever changed and I’ve come out as gay/lesbian in 2020. I am gay, I am a lesbian. I am happy I have came out as gay/lesbian and I’m not hiding who I am and I am gay proud. My cousin, Meryl and I are partners and we are in love and we are gay proud and we celebrate gay pride month in June. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl and I want to get married. My cousin and gay partner, Meryl has changed my life and in more ways than one. I have met my cousin, Meryl who has changed my life. I am happy I have my cousin, Meryl in my life from my dad.
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