Doctor Responds to Mendi Hit-Piece DISASTER Review by YouTuber Drew Gooden

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Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych

Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych

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@bskilla4892 Жыл бұрын
As a researcher myself (PhD), what I find discouraging about the Mendi is how opaque they have been all these years. No peer reviewed papers from reputable researchers from reputable universities/entities in reputable journals. There's no data and methodology out there to replicate. That's what's so shady.
@Eristtx Жыл бұрын
I became interested in the whole subject about an hour ago, so I'm at the very beginning. Technically - if there is no data on this, how can such a product be sold within the EU? Of course I don't know Swedish law, but I assume it is similar to mine (Czech Republic) in many ways. There, advertising the features of a product that promises some features and not being able to prove it would fall under unfair commercial practice. At the same time, I suspect that at EU level we have regulation of so-called medical devices (here it is possible that the English term is different - I only know the Czech one, which I have translated literally). Such devices have to be registered and pass tests - now I don't know whether at EU or state level. From another point of view - research on neurofeedback exists, although there does not seem to be 100% consensus among the professional community. So your post addresses the fact that Mendi may not be sensing brain function in the way that the neurofeedback method implies? (I'm struggling a bit with terminology in this paragraph, so excuse the confusion if I said nonsense.)
@trialstud 7 ай бұрын
Breakthroughs hardly ever go through The Academia.
@petersvideofile Жыл бұрын
Having worked in internet marketing, I don't trust any arbitrary scores provided by any apps. I always want the raw data, and an open source program to analyze it whenever possible. This is part of the reason why I dislike proprietary algorithms and have growing issues with AI in a lot of situations. Keep up the great videos though man !
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Agreed Peter! fNIRS is even more challenging than EEG in that regard. I am aware of a few promising projects and believe that should have some more open-source and research data on fNIRS neurofeedback soon.
Жыл бұрын
I was looking into this as im the target audience, and have been getting the facebook ads. But if the score goes up no matter what you do, just because you are using it than it does seem like a scam
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Focusing is focusing, doesn't matter if you're focusing on a ball or playing your favorite video game
@azharel Жыл бұрын
I have been using Mendi for two months, 5-6 times a week, last week managed to get more than 100 seconds focus. Anyway, I noticed after a month of use (first month I was using about 5-6 times a week, 10 minutes per session) what I noticed the most is the ease of me to sleep, which I was surprised that I use Mendi right before sleep which gives me higher score than in the morning. These days, I find that I have much better control over my emotions throughout my days at work also I can focus more when I’m doing paperwork on the screen (I am a chef so computer work makes me feel sleepy easily 😂) but I can focus longer.
@dualmass Жыл бұрын
I tried the mendi, silly waste of money imo, this guy would disagree cause he is salesman for them... ALSO returning it was Most difficult not a good company to deal with
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear it didn't work for you dualmass.
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
You wouldn't happen to see a pattern in the way you think against things and any other thing do you are you pissed off at someone to think so negatively about everything just a thought just here to support diversity of victory you may want to think about the habit patterns of your thinking before you get into anything
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Well my son's a witness my wife's a witness my son's mother is a witness my sister is a witness the little girl that is doing better in South Africa is a witness my sister's dude his niece is using one in either India or South Africa and my sister says she's doing much better whatever that entails it doesn't matter the words alone speak for themselves
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
That's so funny you've never worked with your brain like that before in your life and you're going to try it and then you're going to say it doesn't work I hope you figure that out for the rest of your life so you don't do that with everything else cuz that seems like it could be a habit pattern
@tellsan Жыл бұрын
@davidpatrickgreen5319 Жыл бұрын
Hmm, not a good look to hear they increase your score just for using it. That's deceptive and will bite them in the ass. I agree they should provide the actual blood flow measurements so you can share them with other medical professionals and so you know you're not just getting patted on the head for showing up. Here have an extra scoop of ice cream for doing your homework? Please. Enough with duolingo style gamification. I hope Mendi doesn't go down that silly little road. Wow this guy really amped up my own cynicism. I was being quite naive about their app before.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Or it just showed that he was Focusing Just on something he liked doing (playing music) instead of the ball on his phone
@hunter5w6 Жыл бұрын
As a viewer I appreciate you providing full context to Drew’s clips and not taking him out of context. Much more compelling reaction style than deceptively clipping his video in my opinion. Still, it’s important to acknowledge that Drew’s series on instagram ads is through the lens of a *consumer* who is being *advertised* to. It seems disingenuous to approach his argument-that advertising expensive, gimmicky products to a vulnerable market is predatory-from the angle of “well, you just weren’t using the product correctly.” Being an informed buyer is important, but even from a purely business perspective, the user should not have to put in hours of research before buying a product for it to work. (In fact, the more I learn about this product, the more strange it seems that it’s available and marketed directly to consumers at all.) Drew’s critiques of the product from a user experience standpoint are valid, and if mendi didn’t want the bad publicity, they shouldn’t have been advertising the product before these issues were addressed.
@hanabi18-78 Жыл бұрын
Well, the problem with Drew's video is his evaluation is like when someone evaluates a hammer using it as a wrench. He does not use the tool what it was meant for, does not use the tool how was it meant to be used. For Mendi to give a proper review you would need at least 1 month of consistent use and training, to give a fair evaluation. It works like meditation it needs time to be effective.
@hunter5w6 Жыл бұрын
@@hanabi18-78 drew’s review certainly wasn’t that of an earnest user expecting the product to work, but he is upfront about that and his review still highlighted a couple glaring issues with the product and deceptive practices by the company. to use your metaphor-if the hammer falls apart while using it as a wrench, that’s still a fundamental issue with the product.
@sybo59 4 ай бұрын
If he didn’t use it correctly, he doesn’t have the basis yet to say it doesn’t work. Your argument is circular, assuming the product is a gimmick based on no evidence, except for one guy not using it right. It might be a bad product, I don’t know, but there’s not much of an argument here.
@hunter5w6 4 ай бұрын
@@sybo59 my argument was more on the advertisement/consumer side of things but if you want to go into the product functionality-I disagree with your point entirely. drew’s video showed exactly what it was meant to: that the device is programmed to increase your score regardless of what brain activity/blood flow it picks up. that’s not some conspiracy, it’s disclosed by mendi themselves according to this guy at 16:15. having a score breakdown which accounts for continuous use as a “bonus” would be one thing, but artificially inflating user scores (the basis of the quantification for which is still unclear) so that they keep using your product or rate it higher is deceptive at best. especially for a product that touts scientific importance, inflating data in this way is a MAJOR red flag. so yes, I will comfortably argue that makes it a bad product without seeing it used “properly.”
@quarinteen1 Жыл бұрын
So I purchased the Mendi headband. Here is my opinion about it. Pros 1. It is enjoyable 2. I was able to figure out how to push more blood into head. (Up to %48% score with a 93 overall score today) 3. Since I just started using it I suppose I will not see any noticeable improvement in my focus until I have used it longer so I can not comment on that. Cons Most of these the guy that did that review touched on. In spite of his sarcasm he was correct about a couple of things. 1. It needs more games. The ball gets old very very fast and once it does the headband gets shoved in a closet and forgotten about. 2. It needs metrics of some sort. The guy touched on this. If you do not understand what you are doing it is impossible to master it. 3. It needs more users reviewing this honestly 4. Cost is a bit much for what it is. Find a way to bring production cost down if that is why it costs as much. Well Dr. Rall I hope you find this message in good sorts. You have a pleasant day. Thank you. 1. There is only the 1
@JamesLoweryHypnotherapy Жыл бұрын
I recommend people read the book "Emotional Intelligence" to get an understanding of just how vital the prefrontal cortex is in emotional regulation and a host of other regulatory skills involving different areas of cognition. Also, Dr. you know that despite his claims, or even this video as a whole, the way these devices are marketed are disingenuous or need massive improvement. One should not have to put in a concerted effort to have one's main concerns about the device's physical capabilities answered. Answers to such concerns, which truly address why anyone would use the device, should be advertised front and center.
@leonardthelean 10 ай бұрын
I just tried mine. Honestly, I felt the same way. And I do/did extensive research. I have followed the concepts of meditation and brain training for years, so I went in believing in the potential. Here is why I am skeptical of Mendi. THEIR videos use a lot of specific terms without explaining how they fit in context. For example, what is The Score? According to Mendi, The Score was developed by Mendi to show your..ummm...score. No context. No explanation on how The Score was derived other than 'it measured your activity.' Our how about focus? How do they explain it? Well, you focus by focusing. Also, I really could not determine if the app was actually real. For example, as I used it, I realized that the moving ball could have easily been an algorithm that made me BELIEVE I was doing something. It moves in a positive direction and I get a dopamine hit thinking I did something. The only metrics are The Score and 'I feel more focused.' Honestly, without expensive scanning equipment, there is no way to determine if anything actually happens. Then there is the app itself. When I used it, many things were happening on screen, but NOWHERE in ANY of the literature do they explain all of the little features on the screen. And, please, if I have to watch YOUR videos for an explanation, then they have failed as a company. I have a lot more detail complaints, but my biggest point of confusion is that a company that markets itself as helping with ADHD did little to nothing to provide material that someone with that condition could effectively use. 'The Score is The Score' and 'you focus by focusing' is no different from the admonishments we heard so often of 'Try harder. Just try harder. Why won't you try harder?' Consider this. How would someone with ADHD even comprehend what focus feels like? Now, how would they understand good or bad focus? Finally, NO PHONE SUPPORT. More and more, I distrust companies that do no have phone support. It is about impossible for even highly educated consumers to cogently, and PRECISELY explain their issues in written form. THAT, alone, shows how the leaders at Mindi do not understand their customers, and, clearly, have no desire to.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Give it an honest (several) try(s) And don't expect it to be like popping and Adderall
@krissche1863 Жыл бұрын
Are there any unbiased studies that actually see an improved blood flow to the frontal lobe in long time users counter to first time users of any of these technologies? And just to answer you on the "getting a higher score from repeated use"; I think it is super deceiving to even take that into account, and if that wasn't a main driving factor of the score he wouldn't continue to get higher scores. It shouldn't just be scaled back, it shouldn't be a factor at all. And I must admit that point alone have me sceptical if there is actually any improvement at all. Even if you get better at the ball game doesn't mean it translate to other situations. Plenty of mind training games that just make you better at the games and nothing else.
@Findski Жыл бұрын
Nothing like a review from someone who is an affiliate... Am I right?
@krissche1863 Жыл бұрын
@@Findski Exactly, I actually like this kind of stuff but the guy he is responding to isn't just making fun, he is actually making good points.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
There are a couple of research projects right now that are validating the improved blood flow and some work on cognitive fatigue with the Mendi. I should be able to talk about the results soon.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
@Findski . Yeah... maybe I should just quit making free videos for everyone
@krissche1863 Жыл бұрын
@@CodyRallMD I really want to start with emphasizing that I really am into all sorts of biohacking and was a subscriber long before this video, but I must say that specifically the part of them elevating your score based on useage is concerning. If you do go into the study I hope that it is from a third party, otherwise even if it will be interesting it can't really be held up as evidence. But go into it and publish a link to the study so I can go through it myself. Most interesting would be to see a change of blood flow even in unrelated tasks and not just during use of the device. If it is just during use of the device the point is pretty much mute. Hope I don't come off as to negative, I just want the best information from the best and unbiased sources. Just keep up the great work! I will continue to take part of your educational videos!
@BrainsInHarmony 4 ай бұрын
My 2 cents as a brain doctor. This device is ?able. Focus and increase in blood flow to PFC can be done for free w/o spending $$ on this. Convergent eye focusing on an object will train the focus circuits in our brain, so pick a random target, like an apple on your table, zero in on it , get your eyes to converge, remain there for some time, and there's your free brain focusing training. That's also how yoga and finding a focal point during balancing poses has been shown to improve focus. You can get way more cognitive benefit out of doing yoga than a device like this. Another example of increased blood flow to frontal lobe - 1 minute of jumping jacks, quick jog, go up the stairs, do some pushups, there's your free increased blood flow. A game of watching a ball can help some perhaps because the principle of focus on a near object is the same one as with a visual convergence exercise, but you can do it for free without the device. Drew Gooden made some good points. But you have not adressed valid negative points that he raised. For example, how the app was showing great performance even though Drew is sleeping on the couch during it. That's a pretty concerning finding for an accuracy of measuring the brain performance. How he got the best score while eating and not even playing the game. How the score went up every day no matter what he did, while he was not trying to do anything the app was telling him to do. The score going up you say is proportional to the blood flow increase. By what methodology is this actually being measured. Where is the raw data on how the score was calculated? This is just feeling like weak science, and bordering on pseudoscience using flashy terms like prefrontal cortex and blood flow. Your affiliate connection to Mendi puts your objectivity into question and your opinion cannot be unbiased as you make money from every person clicking on that link to purchase this device. In this case more credibility goes to the unbiased reviews of consumers who is not being paid by the company that made this device.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
So you're a neurologist
@alejandroalvarezbenitez7037 Жыл бұрын
Hi. The guy Gooden has some good points which are not adressed in your video, like the other products in the video. No comments about the bad review of the app Mendi by you or why the product keep increasing scores by doing other things. Also that you indicated that the product is for "experimenting" so the idea of Gooden is good not to recommend a product which is lacking in many aspects and be critical, and feel identified not to buy that product.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your opinion Alejandro. I'm not sure why reviews of the app are low. I think it is because of lack of variety... because the app landscape is visually appealing, the audio is nice and it never crashes on me. Perhaps I should have included that in the video. It's hard to dive deep into everything sometimes, because of time.
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Everybody's life is an experiment to see what the hell they're going to do with it
@MsJavaWolf 8 ай бұрын
@@CodyRallMD From reading some of the reviews, many people just give 1 star if the app breaks in any update and then they never adjust that score once it's fixed. Of course it is always better if a device just always works 100% of the time but it certainly works very well at the moment and I don't think having connection issues a few times would warrant a 1 star review.
@jessemcilvenna2980 Жыл бұрын
I've been using my Mendi off and on for almost a year. I've noticed significant improvement in my Complex PTSD symptoms, easier to focus, significantly less anxiety and depression, and just happier all around. One of my friends used it and he had even better results than me.
@davidpatrickgreen5319 Жыл бұрын
yes but is it the mendi or is it just you sitting down to focus
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Thanks for the feedback Jesse.
@hanabi18-78 Жыл бұрын
@@davidpatrickgreen5319 Actually, if you think about it Mendi is a tool to make you sit down and focus.
@joer8386 Жыл бұрын
@@hanabi18-78 I guess the question he is asking is if Mendi is even needed when you sit down and focus? If the PTSD symptoms is being resolved by simply sitting down and focusing, or is it that he is convinced it works because that was the first time he tried to focus with the headband on?
@Brand.on18 Жыл бұрын
@@davidpatrickgreen5319 Exactly; what's the difference between mendi and reading a book daily? Reading stimulates the same part of the brain.
@hanabi18-78 Жыл бұрын
For me the biggest issue with Drew Gooden's review is that it does not fit the product. He should not expect results from a product within a week that was designed to aid long term regular training. If he had the review after 4 weeks consistent use that would be different. I think that his review is shallow, was made to entice emotions (basically a sofisticated click bait), and does not worth the time.
@zzzzzzzzzzz6 Жыл бұрын
I don't know how much I trust the blood flow piece -- like if you can increase blood flow by just watching KZbin videos or other day to day tasks like food / guitar then why wouldn't you just do that (what you would normally do anyways), instead of use the Mendi app? And if you already have the blood flow there doing normal random things then why bother with the Mendi at all? There are some good points raised even as a naive consumer stand-in.
@TheMindverse Жыл бұрын
Interesting. So many of these "influencers" rely on exaggeration, jokes, and general silliness that there's actually very little usable information. Thanks for the insight, Cody.
@suobset Жыл бұрын
Alright no I tried to watch all of this with a very unbiased point of view, but it just feels like a very blatant sell-out pitch for a stupid product with no ACTUAL-NUMERICAL-DATA that can be looked up. Moreover, there is not even a single mention of the algorithms and the actual calculations behind what the device actually does. Coupled with the affiliate link in the description, I can fairly conclude that this entire video is just clickbait. Need more evidence. -Person in Computer Science who creates software and optimal algorithms for a living, and has insight on how devices work, and what limitations may exist.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the criticism. The Mendi fNIRS data validation in relation to blood flow changes with Cognitive Load/Cognitive fatigue has been analyzed by a neuroscience expert at University of Victoria and being presented at an academic conference as we speak. It is going through the peer-review process and I should have a video covering the data/evidence this summer. Stay tuned!
@suobset Жыл бұрын
@@CodyRallMD Thanks a lot for the reply!!! Would love to see the paper once it's out. I would also advocate for the code to be made open source. Also you really cannot hate on Drew for any of this, in my opinion. He reacted on it from a consumer point of view, and he was advertised this product to. It's not really reaching out there if the company has to pay for ads. And no consumer should have to extensively research on how to use a device, that should be automatically obvious from wherever the device comes from. If there is a very specific way to use it, it should either have been conveyed in the product documentation, or the app. Otherwise it shouldn't have been released at all. Do you also have any evidence against it being a placebo by any chance? How do we negate that??
@stubborndetermination6373 Жыл бұрын
I have had a Mendi for about a year and I can say that my score does not go up day after day. I do have bad days where my score does go down.
@McLKeith Жыл бұрын
I have seen my neural activity drop by half. There is no explanation that I can think of. I check the amount of light and how the device is positioned.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Keith Mc, Have you tried calibrating earlier in the morning when you are still waking up?
@stubborndetermination6373 Жыл бұрын
@@CodyRallMD yes, I do it around the same time of the day: in the morning before going to work.
@pro60721 Жыл бұрын
Same here.
@lexerium7892 Жыл бұрын
I have the same experience. If I'm not so concentrated my score is a lot lower than my top days.
@quarinteen1 Жыл бұрын
What really sucks is that you are the only person on KZbin or anywhere else I can find that is providing information on these wearables. Nothing against you at all it would just be nice if there was more than a single opinion on these things. I find you dr. Rall very knowledgeable and I do enjoy your videos so please do not take that personally.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
That means there's an opportunity for you to become the 2nd KZbinr putting info out there
@petrareuter2645 Жыл бұрын
I got the Mendi about 11 weeks ago and I do it nearly every day. Luckily the Mendi does not manipulate me into something but it just measures how much I managed to stay concentrated and that is nothing else but training and luckily nothing changing my brain from the outside. Gosh, what do some people expect? And .... I realized that my scores get better on the whole, my time of being concentrated on either breathing or the ball or the numbers or whatever shows results and I am on the whole more relaxed and calmer according to the daily informations about all our problems we do have here in Germany.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
That's amazing Petra, thanks so much for sharing your experience here. I'm glad it is helping you be more relaxed and calm with better focus.
@Francesca-yu5cy 8 ай бұрын
How did you get it in Germany? I am thinking of buying it
@petrareuter2645 8 ай бұрын
@@Francesca-yu5cy I just bought it from their page when they had a reduction of the original price what they offer from time to time.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
They expect it to be like Adderall (Americans specifically)
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
@Francesca-yu5cy look like I have an opportunity to become a smuggler of mindis
@Here-AndThere Жыл бұрын
Is there any other software available for Mendi? And are you in contact with Mendi and know whether or not they plan to add more to the app?
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Not that I know of but neurosky has the most apps out for it And if you're programmer (or not) neurosity as a section of their website that walks you through making some software for the device in node.js and React
@drmtwr Жыл бұрын
I'm also a Mendi fan, been using it for months now. Have you read the book on jahnas from Leigh Brasington Dr. Rall? I would love another video about this subject. Thanks
@McLKeith Жыл бұрын
It seems that everything is becoming arbitrary. Even blue jeans are becoming bigger than the label size. Schools give higher marks than they should to "encourage" students. For me after 12 weeks, I am not sure if the Mendi is doing anything. I rely on my Muse S much more than my Mendi.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Interesting, thank for sharing Keith
@JakeHaugen Жыл бұрын
I watched his video. I think he’s gave a fair representation of the average customer’s experience. I think calling it a hit piece on your end is unfair and frankly something that makes me distrust you. The product didn’t work for him and he shared his opinion and experience. That’s good for the market. The product sucks for a good number of people based on the comments here. I feel like he’s helping people by promoting more insight into the industry. Is he supposed to say something is great when he didn’t think so? How are we going to get a better BMI in the future if not for honest reviews?
@McLKeith Жыл бұрын
Come on. There are criticisms of Mendi. But that fellow was just playing games and didn't do a serious test.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
I would have to agree with Keith. A fair review is one thing... but one look at his other videos (making fun of products online) will show you what his agenda was. I do appreciate his perspective as a mainstream consumer and have been thinking deeply about his experience. Because he certainly will not be the last person that feels this way. All we can do is get feedback and have continual improvement on these devices to help evolve mental health treatment and brain computer interface capabilities.
@jerichoex Жыл бұрын
He didn't even do anything to actually warrant a real review fucjwad, now go back sucking trans peepees, Jack.
@mrtinbracken Жыл бұрын
Nice Job Cody, I'm I'm doing my due diligence on Mendi and this is one of the better videos I've seen as you look at the entire use and reasons for use and the fact that it is not an easy fix. I read through a few of the comments and boy some of them are a little off to say the least Anyway I've subscribed to the channel and look forward to learning from you on this wonderful biohack Thank you keep up the good work
@proprgent 10 ай бұрын
Focus is the basis of meditation
@cbjessee Жыл бұрын
A guy like DrewG seems to appeal to a lot of people. Yes, no consumer neurofeedback/neuromodulation devices are guaranteed to work quickly for anyone and everyone who buys them. If you want/need professional help, get some. Not everyone can/will sit on a cushion and count breaths daily, even if they get some training at a zen center. These devices are aids and gateways to next steps, not final solutions. I’ll use the Mendi device (as I’ve used/use NeoRhythm, Muse, Zendo) as needed/desired until the next options arise.
@desireco Жыл бұрын
I used Mendi for a while and didn't notice anything significant... I really want to believe but find it very hard...
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Try something else We're all have different responses to different this Idk it was coincidence but mindi seemed to have at least line up with migraines So I gave it to a friend to use on his family and been doing the muse instead
@guidoravs 9 ай бұрын
"Finally I can pay attention at the conference" lol Thank you for introducing me to an actual reasonable youtuber, Dr Scammer
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Have you actually tried it? And if yes, more then just 1.5 times
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Or were you expecting it to hit like your add meds
@dallascowan Жыл бұрын
My mom is the one in the video. 😂 had to tell her she was trending on KZbin.
@michaelmchale1009 5 ай бұрын
This made my day. Hi Mom! ❤🎉
@snowthedirtbub Жыл бұрын
Why would you not only point out Drew having the headset upside down but also make it the opening of your video when it's very obvious he never tried/used the device upside down? When he went to actually use it it was on correct. Intentionally trying to make him look bad?
@excel04 Жыл бұрын
This is either contempt for clicks and to be cool or this guy has even bigger issues than trying to get a device to work. A decent therapist would spot his projection a mile off.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
@zzzzzzzzzzz6 Жыл бұрын
I think Drew provides a good balance though.. I think influencers like him act as a representation for the naive public, to the point that I think they consciously try to act more naive because they understand that they are a stand-in for the public A lot of these companies need to do a loooot more work on how they market and message (and provide easily accessible evidence) their products so that more than the top 5% more online / clued-in people can parse it.
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Just because somebody gets a telescope doesn't mean they're astronomer and somebody looks through a telescope from looking up into the sky it doesn't mean they know any more information about the Stars I'm only at 3 minutes and 45 seconds
@michaelmchale1009 5 ай бұрын
I got my mendi to help with my sleep issues and already after just two weeks I have begun to notice a difference. Able to fall asleep easier and my mind is "quieter" and focused at bedtime and I know it's because of Mendi. Thank you Dr for calling out this hack youtuber. Millions of followers mean NADA if you're misleading people. Research and try. They have a money back guarantee. But for me this had definitely begun to improve my sleeping habits ❤
@marcelozilberberg6975 3 ай бұрын
Is it not unethical to also increase the score based on use as opposed to based purely on what it is measuring? (16:28)
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
I see it as that playing a guitar helps him focus
@Yolleem 4 ай бұрын
I have had Mendi for several months and I will admit I was lost interest at how simple it was and stopped using it . But then with research and actual meditation practice I realized the biggest truth I learned in the military applies here. “Keep it simple stupid!” As simple as it is it has helped since I gave it a chance at focusing my attention on what I want to focus on. So much more I want to say and criticize that guy, but I will take the high road. All things that are worth while takes patience and practice.
@gabrielmoreno4113 Жыл бұрын
Hey Cody, thank you for making this video. From one physician to another (neurologist), I very much appreciate your evidence based reviews. It's unfortunate that others are not so rigorous in their evaluation of important products for health. Certainly many people will not benefit because of that, a bit irresponsible in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Thanks Gabriel!!
@vaderbloke Жыл бұрын
The phrase "contempt prior to investigation" comes to mind!
@excel04 Жыл бұрын
contempt for clicks prior to consideration
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Haha David thanks
@christofinb Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video Codie. Unfortunately this is a trend nowadays. KZbinrs have realized a niche in the market to criticize and be cynical about products and new tech, because they realize that people will want to go along with it and watch it more than if they were fairly evaluating it. There is one where someone just hires an electric car in order to video himself supposedly having a nightmare trying to use it but a lot of the time it is just staged to get more views as it creates controversy. I hope this guy reaches out to you, but it seems like he is making loads of bucks by doing what he is doing so he probably won’t. Thanks again for your work.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Either way, it was nice to defend all the good work people in this space are doing. It's easy to sit back and criticize. No appreciation!
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Okay I'm at 13 minutes and 51 seconds I don't know who this individual is so his communications have no discipline he just says whatever is in his head that's very dangerous that's what gets people in trouble and I'm starting to see why older people don't even want to talk to younger people up to this point All things considered epile luo
@ErikaCamp-hq4if Жыл бұрын
Mendi makes me so sleepy - Do you know why? Am I doing the exercise wrong?
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
It's relaxing you
@krashpass Жыл бұрын
Images for your videos have just gotten to "Click Bait" and it's turning me off your channel.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Ahhhh!! Click Bait. Thanks for the feedback. It's a constant balance between getting people curious/interested VS not clicking because the thumbnail does not grab their attention.
@johnreynolds4313 Жыл бұрын
All he did with the mendi was straw man it in a most disingenuous way.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Agreed! thanks John.
@perplexedpat Жыл бұрын
Drew’s suffering from emotional immaturity. Root cause
@trialstud 7 ай бұрын
Doc Cody, i still don't get why You don't talk mindmachines. Frontal lobe blood flow increase of 35 percent!
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
There should be limitations on ignorance but there's not
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
To bad I don't have admin privileges
@bugabugojaska7468 9 ай бұрын
I have not tried yet, i am not sure it is worth money. Because maybe i can do it my self , maybe....i am still considering.....But I know that even if it really works it takes time. This is like a gym, but this gym is for our brains. I guess it takes at least 2-3 months regular use to see some positive changes.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
You can do it yourself. Be like the dog, one with the tennis ball (excluding English bulldogs) You just won't have anything scanning your brain while doing it
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Hello doc it's interesting how the lack of accurate information leads to wrong direction. bad communications corrupt good manners.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Agreed Stclair
@yildiraykomurcu Жыл бұрын
If only you mentioned a little bit about NeoRhythm. I know you used NeoRhythm and he made fun of it like Mendi.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
One thing at a time Yildiray ;)
@tacicana Жыл бұрын
Good for you Cody for providing sound advice. Professional grade. Thank you.
@zoeige 10 ай бұрын
I honestly think mendi is confusing. They use big fancy words to back up their product. Yet no context is explained well. What to focus on? Just focus on point on forehead. I can be focused and ball drops. I can focus on anything and control seconds are lower but Oxygenation and activity higher. What creates Oxygenation ?what increases neural activity? No explanation. What does the graph mean when it's up/down with no stars? I still don't know how to use this product. I just do it anyways and notice I'm more focused after but during each secession it's completely inconsistent and confusing. I found it's not what you're focusing on but rather what healthy routines you have done before doing mendi. In addition, the plus side is I'm able to have better emotional regulation. Though is this a byproduct of mendi itself ? If mendi is advertising that it improves focus then in theory whether I stare at a screen or not, wouldn't make a difference as it tracks blood flow. So i decided to try many combinations. From doing routines before using mendi, doing it when i didn't sleep on time, to when i have a good nights sleep, to during reading , secussions when im meditating without looking at the bal. The list goes on to when I'm playing a shooter game and playing piano. Ill play around with thoughts and progressing it. Ball drops. They say to focus on intent of moving the ball up. Tried that and it plummeted. The results were lower doing reading, playing piano, shooter game. My scores are high only after I committed to healthy activities. I read a book, learned a language, played piano, exercised, had a good night's sleep, took a cold shower. For the price point, one could simply do healthier habits and can reap results. Meditation on your forehead and breath does the same. People say they sleep better but that's not because of the product. It's the same effect if you do meditation focusing on a point on forehead 15 minutes. You'll definitely be sleepy If users can't correlate their experience/ have the empowerment to improve that inner control to the product. Then it's useless in my hypothesis.
@MsJavaWolf 8 ай бұрын
I think you can achieve the same results without neurofeedback but it might help some people, not everyone is great at meditation. Good point about healthy habits but I don't think this makes the Mendi useless, you still get feedback about which habits work, it's similar to a sleep tracker or a fitness watch in that regard.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
I think they still sell dictionaries
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
At 10 minutes it's really hard to watch the ignorance in the the flow of crap from that individual that's harder-heartedness right there if he spews ignorance like that over things just think how the other portions of his mind are scrambled he doesn't even realize his words and if he does then the ego just keeps him going just because he has a mic he thinks he has a right
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Let's keep it positive and hope he finds his way!
@maxagist Жыл бұрын
So it does scamly increase points it's very dumb not talking about directly. It's so stupid
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Or it was showing showing us that he was Focusing on a hobby (playing the guitar)
@taradavis9388 Жыл бұрын
What a dork, all the device does is help you practice focusing. Practice focusing, you get better at focusing. I am getting results but I am realistic in my expectations.
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that's like a Arab given his son a scarab in the next thing we see is a 60 ft sailboat cut in half
@spliffnotes8359 Жыл бұрын
Lol at "hit piece"
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Doc just to let you know my son since doing the Mendy has now found his purpose in life no joke he is now on his very own journey for his life and it's very physical for the preservation of the earth and the safety and preservation of humanity and people very directly he is going to be putting himself in the line of fire literally the line of fire so I thank God for the opportunity to use the Mindy I knew about EEG 12 years ago then boom 12 years later it's in a wearable for my son God set me up for success. God bless you doc
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
That's incredible St Clair. What strategy worked best for him using the Mendi?
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Consistency I made sure he did it on a daily basis for at least two and a half months and I would love it if he could take it on himself to do it a couple of times a month he may have done it on his own after he went back to school but maybe not so all I know of is two and a half months of discipline doing it five to seven times a week that's all I know and the highest minutes that he's ever done I think is 10 he didn't do the max minutes I'm thankful for what he did do just think if he had been doing the 15 minutes and kept doing it after he left my oversight. but I'm thankful for the accomplishments because it says it has been documented that the brain will keep working that pattern to keep strengthening itself and that's what it has done at his young age of 19 and his mother's witness he has a drive that I have never seen in him before
@goonymiami 10 ай бұрын
@@stclairjones815 Maybe it was the drive to leave the house? I swear I have rarely seen such a suffocating energy in a comment section as yours. You are spamming judgmental messages, long paragraphs with no clear sentences and no ponctuation. Also to tell us how you are forcing your son to use that thing. If someone needs help here...
@stubborndetermination6373 Жыл бұрын
We do live in a magic pill society. If it doesn’t work miracles after the first try then it isn’t working. The problem is with the product and not the user. Period. End of story. Most people nowadays aren’t willing or disciplined enough to work at things to give it a fair try. Yes, he has a link to Mendi but we need to ask ourselves why? Is it because he wants to make money or is it because he truly believes in the technology and how it could help people. I bought my Mendi after doing my own research, and before watching his videos. His endorsement didn’t sway me one way or another, and to say that he’s just recommending it to make money is unfair to him and the technology/product. Is it true that some people lie to push products, but that doesn’t prove that everyone pushing products are out to make money. I heard about the Omnipemf Neorhythm on his channel. I did my own research on it and decided to buy one and try it out. For me it has been amazing. Exactly what I needed when I needed it. Is that going to be the case for everyone? No. I bought one for my sister and she hasn’t noticed much of a difference, but is trying out the different settings to see if there is one that she feels that does help her. We are all different, and what works for one person might not be helpful to the next.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the support @Stubborn Determination! I really believe in the products that I talk about on my channel. Trust me, I've passed up plenty of other products that offered me deals because I did not feel they would benefit my audience.
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
How much was that apparatus that I can't even pronounce what is that thing Nero rhythm I endeavor to just believe to find the best I saw others I decided on the mendi because of the details I use it in believing I don't have to compare it to anything or anyone I'm only on here as a support to the people money has nothing in my bag of information
@stubborndetermination6373 Жыл бұрын
@@stclairjones815 The Neorhythm? I bought mine for $279 I think it.
@micha3728 Жыл бұрын
Thank you again Cody, for the video. I own almost all of these devices as I am very interested in neuroscience and neurofeedback. My experience is, that stimulation devices like neurorythm, vielight, nucalm, apollo, … successfully work on some individuals only. For some, PEMF works; for some, it does not, for example. When it comes to Focus/Calm/Meditation approaches like Mendi, FocusCalm, Muse they help if you 1) have a certain level of knowledge of the science behind it and 2) you are open to and 3) are aware that this will take time to feel results. With the Mendi device, I think the company is on the right track, and the technology is unique among consumer devices, but they should provide more guidance for the sessions and adapt their scoring approach. Several sessions in a row without an increase in neural activity and resilience should not increase the score. I have good experiences with using Mendi in the morning to get into a focused state and FocusCalm in the evening to calm down.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
That's also full of expectations drawn at add meds or something
@hasangulles3024 Жыл бұрын
Please put Turkish subtitle option in your videos.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Doesn't KZbin have a subtitles thing in the settings?
@hasangulles3024 3 ай бұрын
@@whatwhat9519 no
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
The scientific community says we came from monkeys well I guess there's a few still left
@McLKeith Жыл бұрын
The scientific community never said man came from monkeys. That was bishop Wilberforce in a 1860 debate with Thomas Huxley. Science says man and primates have a common ancestor. Try and get the facts straight.
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
Keep it positive and respectful in the comments everyone!
@MissAmber_lee Жыл бұрын
Mic drop lol
@stclairjones815 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting up with that crap doc that individual is an excellent example of undisciplined and what do they put that white line on the side of the road for and that's the kind of communication that you get without guidelines I wonder if he tried bleach that kind of belligerent exhaling of words only hurts him poor thing. people with autism spectrum do a lot of self thinking that doesn't connect them to the real world
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
It's nothing new, I'm getting used to it at this point
@trialstud 6 ай бұрын
I like that dude.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Which one? There's two main ones from my count
@burgermind802 6 ай бұрын
obvious scam is obvious
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
What, mindi? Have you actually tried it
@petrareuter2645 Жыл бұрын
That guy is a joke: For whom it may concern !
@CodyRallMD Жыл бұрын
lol thanks Petra.
@tabularasa9576 Жыл бұрын
Dude u r not a doctor far from (hope you are not) otherwise I would be worried tbh for your patients
@jomamma269 Жыл бұрын
He's a certified psychiatrist which is a type of doctor, so not quite sure what you're talking about there. Why exactly do you hope he's not?
@tabularasa9576 Жыл бұрын
@@jomamma269 because hes only interested in money and his affiliation he gives 0 fcks about his "patients".. Thats why. Maybe you have never had psychological problems thats why you wouldn't understand.
@whatwhat9519 3 ай бұрын
Do you need to be a doctor to read whatever research is currently out there and repeat it to a camera for KZbin?
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