Doctor Who: 10 Things That Make NO Sense In The Modern Series

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Yes, because destroying Gallifrey is as easy as stepping on an anthill. #DoctorWho

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@phoebegilliland8897 3 жыл бұрын
"Destroy Gallifrey? Super easy, barely an inconvenience."
@eliaspeter7689 3 жыл бұрын
"But won't this upset fans?" "I don't know." "I mean it was a pretty big deal that it was saved in the 50th aniversary." "Whoops" "Whoopsie!"
@thethunderant9208 3 жыл бұрын
@@eliaspeter7689 I’m gonna have to ask you to get all the way off my back about that
@windowone 3 жыл бұрын
The master is a timelord... Unlike you, human
@thereisnothingleft3948 3 жыл бұрын
@@windowone yeah but it's one man against thousands of time lords and he somehow won? ;-;
@Midnight_Wolf13 3 жыл бұрын
oH rEaLlY?
@robinvik1 3 жыл бұрын
When 9 regenerated into 10 he chose the "No fall damage" perk.
@Paulafan5 3 жыл бұрын
When 10 regenerated (Journey's End) and then channeled that extra regeneration energy into his severed hand maybe that did something.
@MoAhmed75 3 жыл бұрын
My guess is that it’s a form of evolution for the doctor. The doctor has regenerated before due to falling so he gained the ability of not getting damaged by fall
@braddsfx8921 3 жыл бұрын
Paulafan5 my theory is that the doctor becomes invincible or resilient to whatever he regenerated from, notice how no doctor dies the same way
@Butter-Milk 3 жыл бұрын
@@braddsfx8921 I had the same idea. The Doctor seems to still die of old age, but that's something I'm cool with. Maybe stress makes their bodies age faster and each body has a longer lifespan?
@helenwhs 3 жыл бұрын
@@Butter-Milk Depending on the source, Time Lords may live forever barring accidents, or have a natural lifespan of around 1000 years per incarnation. They also may or may not die of old age, or of “wear and tear”.
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
The wolf was not allergic to mistletoe. The monks trained it associate the smell of mistletoe with danger and harm, so that none of them would be accidentally be killed by it when it transformed. It's afraid of mistletoe but not allergic.
@lucifersdevilishdetails. 3 жыл бұрын
It’s Mistletoe but yes that is correct.
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
@@lucifersdevilishdetails. I'll correct it cheers. 🙂
@andrewb2494 3 жыл бұрын
@@PokerPlayerJames what was it at first?
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
@@andrewb2494 I said 'holly' because I was half asleep when I wrote it. 🤣
@andrewb2494 3 жыл бұрын
@@PokerPlayerJames Ah Ok Thanks!
@Temptation666 3 жыл бұрын
"Are there anything I missed?" Yes the whole of Chipnall's run so fare makes no sense 🤣
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
I'd correct your spelling of Chibnall but why should I when he doesn't care about anything in Doctor Who fitting-in with previous episodes.
@me-dc8pj 3 жыл бұрын
I personally didn't mind the Timeless Child thing, it's quite interesting. If you have a look at the extended universe, there's honestly a lot more pressing issues. For instance, the Brigadier fought Hades in Hell, the Master and The Doctor had a pop band on Gallifrey and Jackie Tyler met the 3rd Doctor, Mike Yates and Jo Grant. Oh, and the 4th Doctor retired in (I believe) either Essex or Sussex with Mike Yates and Aladdin, and his scarf-turned-genie. I could go on but I think you get the point
@mjm3091 3 жыл бұрын
Timeless child as idea would be good, if it comes out that it is not Doctor. Cause that literally makes her not special - just another boring specially born heroine, instead of a person who built themselves from scratch. Someone who became special after centuries of work.
@hempracer 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed....please let the last season been a dream of The Doctor and she has been imprisoned by The Judoon the entire season because it cancels every episode before the Timeless Child; that episode destroys Doctor Who in its entirety!!!
@mjm3091 3 жыл бұрын
@NovaWolf Gaming but he was not born originally special - he was just another basic ass Gallifreyan/Time Lord (Time Lords known for their lack of interference and awful attitudes, which he grew out of). Timeless Child puts him on the pedestal even on top of Time Lords, not by his own actions, but his heritage. Doctor we knew - was known in universe, cause he did stuff - wasn't important cause he was "born to godhood, but worked his way to it, by himself" - (somehow) quoting Rick and Morty. It's different between getting rich with your own hands and being born as rich. Instead of believing that we can also like Doctor make a difference even, if we are nameless nobodies, we are left with a presumption than only people born to be a Superman can be one.
@demaunix2723 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that Davros failed to detonate the bomb in every single parallel universe is amazing
@theyellowlightsaber3193 3 жыл бұрын
Its a presumption there are paralell universes though and even if there are multiple universes what makes you think nature has recreated everything exactly the same way in all of them so that we have a million duplicates thats not how nature works
@patrickmccurry1563 3 жыл бұрын
@@theyellowlightsaber3193 We have literal episodes with near identical parallel universes though. An original 3rd doctor series had a very mirror universe style reality that the Doctor was unable to save.
@theyellowlightsaber3193 3 жыл бұрын
@@patrickmccurry1563 That doesnt answer my question, he's making an assumption davros and indeed the daleks exist in every single universe and the pertwee episode had nothing to with daleks did it.
@patrickmccurry1563 3 жыл бұрын
@@theyellowlightsaber3193 I answered your question of parallel universes existing, and that they can be exceptionally similar. Only one universe with Davros succeeding would destroy all reality. No one claimed that everyone exists in every universe.
@theyellowlightsaber3193 3 жыл бұрын
@@patrickmccurry1563 Um, the claim is that Davros exists in every universe which presumes every universe has carbon copies of all the things in this one, I posit that it doesnt. Simple, so Davros is a one off regardless of paralell universes or not.
@cameronmarnoch5236 3 жыл бұрын
Mels travels back in time as a child to Amy and Rory's past. We've never seen her before because she is literally rewriting the timeline.
@m.stewart8094 3 жыл бұрын
Cameron Marnoch seems obvious. The fact that she came out of nowhere was the first clue. Duh.
@nancyhi8357 3 жыл бұрын
Or she could have been in prison
@LibraGamesUnlimited 3 жыл бұрын
That was my impression, at the time, yeah.
@michaelramsey1299 3 жыл бұрын
An easier explanation is that she just wasn’t nearby during eleventh hour. She had already explained the wedding as she not a wedding person. We didn’t meet everyone Any knew in the first episode just her fiancé and her next door neighbors. Heck Mels might have even thought the Atraxi would take her as she by then knew she was a time lord or at least had time lord dna and all. She had no way of really knowing Amy was with the Doctor during that so why pop her head up when a powerful alien hailer is searching for an escaped prisoner.
@patrickmccurry1563 3 жыл бұрын
It is similar to how the crack in time ate Amy's family. So when it was fixed her family was un-eaten along with her childhood.
@SpeedyCheetahCub Жыл бұрын
The thing about the Family of Blood is that the Doctor planned to hide from the Family until they died of natural causes, but he told Martha that if the Family did come for him to open the watch. That would mean he could stop them before innocents were harmed. However, he didn't account for 2 things. One, John fell in love so he didn't want to become the Doctor again, and two, the kid stole the watch so Martha couldn't open it and release him.
@JAProductions494 3 жыл бұрын
Here’s a cool theory I heard which answers the plot hole from Blink about the Image of an Angel: What if that picture did in fact become an angel but not just any angel, the angel which zapped the Doctor and Martha back in time 😊😱
@dubbingsync 3 жыл бұрын
Some sort of self fulfilling paradox?
@Paulafan5 3 жыл бұрын
Or if the original is destroyed then a copy cannot be made.
@qwertyuio404 3 жыл бұрын
Rhys Causon “This is called the Bootstrap Paradox. Google it.” -12
@OverWims 3 жыл бұрын
The doctor states that the angel that zapped Billy back to 1969 was the "same one probably" that sent him and Martha back to 1969 too. Granted this isn't a certainty it could be a different one but in this case The Doctor and Martha could be zapped back from before or after the photo became an Angel (due to them being time travellers) but Billy was zapped before it was taken. We know from the timeline that Martha was actually from 2008 not 2007. Series 1: 2005 - 2006 Christmas Invasion: Dec 2006 Series 2: 2007 Runaway bride: Dec 2007 Series 3: 2008 Voyage of the damned: Dec 2008 Series 4: 2009 Specials: 2009 End of time: Dec 2009 (And before someone says that the Runaway Bride could be set after the events with Martha we know from Turn Left that the christmas star incident was before the hospital incident so series 3 MUST have been set in 2008.) So The Doctor and Martha didn't travel 1 year into the future to 2008 at the end of Blink, the main part of the story in 2007 was actually set 1 year in the past from the main earth timeline of the show at the current time regardless of the fact that it was the actual year the show was aired, so they were actually in Martha's present day or at the very least close to it. So we assume they were sent back maybe just after dealing with the lizard thing. This could be the angel from the photo but it is unlikely. Maybe if the photo of the angel is a photo of the same angel that sent Billy back and therefore it sends The Doctor and Martha back to the same year (but somehow to before Billy arrived in 1969) then it is plausible otherwise it is not.
@hempracer 3 жыл бұрын
You need to stare at the eyes of the Weeping Angels to get an angel inside you; that's why.
@hank2188 3 жыл бұрын
The best childhood friend didn’t exist until they changed the timeline when Amy had the baby
@Midsomnyx 3 жыл бұрын
but River already existed before Amy had the baby.
@mountainneko 3 жыл бұрын
@@Midsomnyx Yes. . .and no. . .remember she came forward from the 60's and had to find a way to the UK. . .
@Domisbeast 3 жыл бұрын
Love that 'showrunner bad' joke
@abcdefgh6951 3 жыл бұрын
Also the "fans came up with terms like wibbly wobbly or timey wimey to explain it" part, at first I was like, wait, didn't RTD write this or something? And then I was like oh-
@stevenhale2935 3 жыл бұрын
@@abcdefgh6951 I didn't really understand that either
@dannymIufc 3 жыл бұрын
Abcd Efgh not “came up with” as in the fans wrote it. “Came up with” as in that’s what fans chose to say to explain things
@abcdefgh6951 3 жыл бұрын
@@dannymIufc oh, that makes sense! But still... :D
@abcdefgh6951 3 жыл бұрын
@@stevenhale2935 yeah, I didn't understand it, but what I thought of was, he is also kind of a fan himself Russell, isn't he
@terrymullins7338 3 жыл бұрын
I found the disbanding of UNIT to be weird. An international organisation, which has proven itself time and time again cut due to funding cuts. Like, would they do that to the airforce? MI6? It is a throwaway line to explain why the doctor has no local support except a few soldiers who die. UNIT fought the Daleks on two occasions. True, it didn't go well for them (especially the second time, bye-bye flying aircraft carrier) but still there is some institutional knowledge. And why does no one remember the invasion? That's just stupid. Military assets and a scientific base designed to defend earth. Just cut out. Weird. I did like the idea of a Dalek scout, and the episode but that part was dumb.
@silviasanchez648 3 жыл бұрын
I think they meant to make a sarcastic commentary on how stuff gets cut or dismantled for the sake of "saving money" or "politics".
@ianfinnigan264 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I get people not remembering a few big invasions because of the crack in time, but saying that everyone also forgot literally everything useful unit has done is a bit much.
@AndreiTupolev 3 жыл бұрын
Chibnall again; UNIT: nasty militaristic imperialists.
@GameBreaker1055 3 жыл бұрын
What was even weirder about the whole thing is that the Doctor found out about it via a call-center, but the freaking MI6 still thought that UNIT was up and running!
@rf3162 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody remembers things for two reasons. The 11th Doctor systematically erased all mention of himself from human history., and the second big bang erased some events due to chaos theory garenteeing that you can never control what differences are going to accur when you screw with things.
@krab1791 3 жыл бұрын
In Family Blood, that wasn’t the Doctor when they were killing all the people. He was a human who didn’t remember he was the Doctor so to expect him to stop them would be out of the context of the plot.
@phily8093 3 жыл бұрын
hate the idea that the Doctor becomes "Human", with the chameleon arch. It's such a horrible idea. Disguise himself as human, make him think he's a human, hide his memories, I can get on board with, but to change him genetically so easily, makes the idea of being a different species, and what makes that species special, lose all its power. It's the same problem I have with River Song, The Doctor's Daughter, and of course latterly with the whole rewriting of the origins of the Time Lords. It shouldn't be that easy to become something so powerful, ancient and unique, or something supposedly so precious as a human being.
@joshuamccarroll2188 3 жыл бұрын
@@phily8093 unless Time Lords are a branch of Gallifrey people - like Sir's or Lords, so when you complete Time lord academy you become a time lord in title and maybe some basic dna rewriting to include extra abilities like regen and Tardis compatibility which is how River got it cause the same upgrades are present in the tardis. Otherwise you are just gallifreian like Susan.
@nousallons4118 3 жыл бұрын
@@phily8093 but gallifreyans are human. It’s only when they look into the time vortex and go to the academy that they become time lords and are able to regenerate. In fact it’s believed that before they become time lords they only have 1 heart.
@Tazer_Silverscar 3 жыл бұрын
@@phily8093 I think it's more a perspective thing. If the Doctor tried to do anything other than the thing that would restore their memories, their own perception filter would stop them ever working out they're not human. People don't question it because they look human, and residual energy around them from the arch disrupts scanners, but if anyone checked them literally (e.g: listening for a heartbeat), they'd find they aren't (because their two hearts are notably out of sync). They often pick out backstories that nobody would question, including themselves, and while they often tried to also pick personalities that wouldn't draw attention to them, they found their human personalities would eventually do so through no fault of their own.
@lisa1162 3 жыл бұрын
It was the choice of becoming (hiding as) a human in the first place, that put the normal people in danger, not the fact that he was there. He should have just taken care of the issue right up front.
@kevinkelly5780 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing in the Chibnall era makes sense. For instance, the Doctor's entire modus operandi is to run away from monsters and then think of a way to defeat them. But now she knows she has been regenerating for hundreds of millions of years and the regeneration energy destroyed a Dalek fleet, so has no need to run from anything. Ever
@michaelburke4048 3 жыл бұрын
Season 14, we get a new actor playing the Doctor each week, and just as we get to know them, they explode themselves to kill the bad guys.
@LapisAndroid17ParkRanger 3 жыл бұрын
....Ow dear God no!!!!
@Rickdegraaf 3 жыл бұрын
@@LapisAndroid17ParkRanger New show runner: michael bay
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
Anyway, she ain't the 13th doctor. Twelve had decided to stop before Chibnall kills the show... So did I.
@michaelburke4048 3 жыл бұрын
@@philippebernard4577 Assuming for a moment that's why Capaldi left, it still doesn't make her "Not the 13th Doctor." I actually had cautious optimism toward Chibnall. I loved the episode 42, but hated Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and Torchwood and Broadchurch were both good. Only, he had a lot of goals to accomplish with his time at Doctor Who, and telling a compelling story wasn't even on the list. It has been utter crap, none of which I blame on Jodie.
@scottpandich3972 3 жыл бұрын
The easiest way to explain how the Master destroyed Gallifrey is that he didn't. I'm hoping a future showrunner has the guts to give Chibnall a massive metaphorical smack in the chops and have all of Series 12 turn out to be an illusion/head fake/psychotic break/whatever designed to mess with the Doctor for some reason. And it would be really, really great if the character explaining all this to the Doctor were played by Patrick Duffy.
@sovoho7502 3 жыл бұрын
@sovoho7502 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for nothing Chibbers
@conkom1 3 жыл бұрын
Scott Pandich people seem to conveniently forget that the War Doctor had the means to annihilate Gallifrey. The doomsday day box known as the Moment which in the Bad Wolf/Rose Tyler interface used his good conscience (and the help of future incarnations) to find the solution to save the planet. Let’s assume The Master found the box. He is pure evil and in his twisted rage, would have no qualms about destroying the Time Lords. I do think that Gallifrey’s demise is not permanent. Chibnall probably has plans to restore it, or will leave the groundwork for a future show runner to bring it back. Incidentally the Timeless Child storyline was brilliant.
@scottpandich3972 3 жыл бұрын
​@@conkom1 Except The Moment was the ultimate WMD which also had a conscience and also passed judgment on its user. Does it really make sense that the Master could use it to selectively kill everyone on Gallifrey but leave their corpses and their regeneration ability intact, all the while not having any sort of judgment passed upon him? As for the Timeless Child storyline, it was awful. Putting aside the abominable story arc of the Master (completely negating the excellent performances of Michelle Gomez and John Simm in Twelve's swan song to return to the really bad "Master by way of evil Daffy Duck"), all the continuity-shattering, Gallifrey-destroying, and elevation of the Doctor into the de facto creator of the Time Lords seemed like nothing but an egomaniacal showrunner indulging all his worst desires just because he could. Instead of acting as the temporary steward of a show that's been around longer than he's been alive, he's behaved like a self-important brat.
@conkom1 3 жыл бұрын
Scott Pandich well you, as I am, are entitled to your opinion. But I do remember the same criticisms leveled at Steven Moffatt, previous Doctors, and both Simm and Gomez in the way they portrayed the Master/Missy. So what you saying is nothing new. I find the stories quite intelligent and satisfying and I haven’t been disappointed with any of New Who (although there has been the occasional lame episode, a few each during Davis and Moffatt). I have been rewatching the last two seasons and they are excellent, especially this year’s run. Incidentally your reasoning about the Moment is neither here or there. The WMD was created for the purpose of annihilation. Perhaps it just needed an individual devoid of any morality to trigger it, which is why the unscrupulous Time Lords created it in the first place. Other than that you might be reminded in science fiction there does require a suspension of disbelief and a willingness to allow the plot threads to develop. And to be prepared for new mysteries to emerge along the way. That’s what makes Doctor Who fun and thought provoking. However I admit I loathed the moon as a dragon’s egg when hatched laid another moon-egg. That was the lowest point of New Who since some silly stories from the classic era. Cheers!
@samuelhbrawlycoma1484 3 жыл бұрын
Jodie survived the fall from her TARDIS as she was within a certain time period after regenerating. In that time period, timelords can heal from anything like david regrew his hand and river song survived 6 magazines of machine gun fire
@Catherine.Catherine 3 жыл бұрын
YES! I was just about to comment this and saw what you wrote.
@michaelburke4048 3 жыл бұрын
True, however, if they were following those established instances, she should have been burned to a crisp by re-entry, then smashed to a pulp, and then the regeneration energy would bring her back. Instead she just popped right up, saying, "Alright, what's going on, eh?" Another example that should have been accounted for is when the Eighth Doctor crashed. It was too much damage for a regeneration. Or in The Impossible Astronaut, when he was shot during a regeneration, it was established that could kill him dead. Recent regeneration never meant immortality.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
There should have been a bit more time between splat and back in the shape of a person. A body falling from that hight onto a hard train roof would basically vaporise, blood everywhere.
@samuelhbrawlycoma1484 3 жыл бұрын
Time lords seem to have intresting rules on falling from height
@samuelhbrawlycoma1484 3 жыл бұрын
Also the TARDIS has heat sheilds
@lukiia9854 3 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping that the Timeless Child is actually a completely different entity, and not the Doctor, because then not only does that retcon series 12, but maybe the Timeless Child formed an alliance with The Master so that A. He would lie to The Doctor so she would believe she is stronger than she is, and B. To help destroy Galifrey, thus ending the race that did so much harm to the Child.
@diosoth 3 жыл бұрын
Same physical body, different personality. Timeless Child was already dead when the body was reconstituted. Most viewers seem to miss this and most of the whiners are conservatives who don't watch the show but want to whine about women.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
This could be an out for Chibs. The Timeless child is pretending to be The Master etc. It would also explain why there is a "Master" after Missy was killed, properly killed. Ruth could be some sort of avitar copy of the Doctor.
@JoPo4815162342 3 жыл бұрын
Would have been better if The Master was the Timeless child, he always felt he was better then others which he learns to be true. Also means part of him is inside the doctor, which would explain the doctor's darkside. Would be better is the doctor was the one who found the timeless child, have a few regenerations before choosing to forget the mistakes she's made and have a limited regeneration.
@mjm3091 3 жыл бұрын
@@Payne2view Ruth could have been Matrix made Doctor, clone Doctor or future incarnation that lied. Everything would be more welcome than Timeless Child bs. Like it destroyed a lot of things from massive plot devices of certain seasons to small things like Doctor wanting to be ginger (we were shown multiple ginger kid incarnation, which kinda kills the whole joke).
@fadeddeathkinght 3 жыл бұрын
@@diosoth that not the problem though it changes and retcon so much it seemed that most writers tried to stay out of that part as it was what made them mysterious an not to ruin to much past plots. Also having his/her memory erased doesn't make them a different person, yes different personality not person same body like you said so he/she is the timeless child in how they suggest as they don't full show nor say for 100% proof doctor=timeless child. From people stuck and travelled on the doctor's timeline they never see any of these other doctors, the bad wolf could see all yet missed this, and why the tardis never thought to mention this (you know because it a living thing or was this forgotten?) Here's a form of other people seeing so many holes in this.( I loved the first few episodes as jodie whittaker came off every well as the next doctor in fact I personally didn't like Peter Capaldi doctor the problem is the script is just seems to miss the point on so much stuff #1 tip when writing a character WRITE A CHARACTER meaning an INDIVIDUAL (yes no gender) that has plot connection, flaws, like ability, hate ability, and relevance to both current and expanding story THEN choose gender and create personality edit few things to match new said gender/personality and what not (NOT to much but enough to create a character.) The issue comes when the discussion is female first (same with male first as well) as this tends to have the adverse effect of them focusing on that as if it's a defending feature of the character this then causes focuses to sway from them being able to do or achieve whatever even with this being a crutch or is actually a reason why they are better instead of making it where the character is relatable with flaws for anyone as we're the same an the differences between us genetically is the same between us with everyone including are own family.
@TheHufflepuffSaint 3 жыл бұрын
1. I don't think Dalek Caan cared about his allies... As he says to Sec, "You taught us to imagine. And we imagined your irrelevance." Perhaps he saw Thay and Jast's irrelevance to become The Dalek Victorious and fly into the Time War, even if it wasn't planned. 2. Did you miss the part where the Doctor said he danced with everyone at the wedding and didn't meet Mel's there and Mel's replied; "I don't do Weddings." 3. You have a great point actually about the Reality Bomb... I would argue that most of them only have a specific blast but even in Donna's parallel world, we saw that the Reality Bomb was already wiping out star systems. So yeah, great point. 4. I would say it might be heavily down to the Doctor's PTSD or something; maybe the Spitfire's destruction reminding him of ships getting destroyed in the Time War, yeah it's another great point... 5. Aside from the photos, you have a great point there. I feel sorry for Larry in Blink, he stared into the eyes of an Angel for sometime, guess he's dead now. :'( sorry Sally. Unless of course, The Angels didn't infiltrate his head like they did Amy's. 6. It's the Doctor's ultimate strength but also weakness... Compassion as Davros put it. And as Baines' puts it; "He never raised his voice that was the worst thing, the fury of the Time Lord. We wondered why he had ran from us and hidden but he was being kind." - The Doctor most likely or hoped that they wouldn't hurt innocents to get at his Regeneration Energy. But sometimes, there's no stopping it, and as Davros also said; "Compassion is wrong." Plus, you can't compare it to the Racnoss as he gave them a chance too, a chance the empress declined. 7. I kinda lost track with Series 10 and only watched the finale so I can't weigh my opinion on that. 8. In the corridor, I would say he was mostly in stalker mode but when he smashed through the ceiling, he had just seen his Dinner run out of the room probably triggering endorphins within his system like adrenaline to combat the allergy and give chase. Let's not forget that we don't know a Werewolf's microbiology so we don't officially know how his allergy works. 9. Yeah, I've never understood that fall either... Dramatic flair I think and as you said last time the Doctor fell he was mortally wounded by it. So yeah another good point. But as for Jodie, she had just regenerated, and when she's asleep on Graham's Sofa, she just has Regeneration Energy flowing through her, so I'm guessing that's how she survived. 10. Um, to be honest, the events in The day Of The Doctor was already undone back in the End Of Time when the 10th Doctor destroyed The time Lock sending Rassilon and Gallifrey back into Hell of The Time War. Yet somehow it still exists at the end of the Universe given Hell Bent. But Gallifrey and the Citadel Of the Time Lords is not indestructible, The Master did say he nuked it... Be it a Dalek Nuke, a Human one whatever. Any significant massive explosion will probably do it. Plus The Time Lords are horrible warmongers from what the modern series has shown this far, I don't care that they're gone. But you missed the really big thing that didn't make sense about Gallifrey being destroyed; HOW THE HELL IN ALL THAT DEVASTATING RUMBLE WAS THERE *TWO* FUNCTIONAL TARDISES?!!!!
@kyctinc6078 3 жыл бұрын
If the reality bomb work in one reality, would all realities die,that was the point of the main universes bomb right? Or was the reality in which it worked also the reality where it doesn't matter?
@keskonriks710 3 жыл бұрын
Day of the doctor is not undone in the end of time. The timelock is opened but then immediately closed again, when the Doctor sends them back into the timewar.
@r4z0rv1n3 3 жыл бұрын
They actually briefly mention the High Council and their End of Time plan in Day of the Doctor, it implies that those events happened before where Gallifrey is shown in Day of the Doctor.
@Jedi_Spartan 3 жыл бұрын
For the angel point, perhaps he looked at its mouth instead... also I wish the last Weeping Angel story had picked up from the aftermath of Blink.
@themetalking7787 3 жыл бұрын
The closest thing i could think about the Reality Bomb is in other universes, maybe the Doctor doesn't exist them so he was never there to save Davros as a kid so the kid died.
@jackjordan5833 3 жыл бұрын
Also headcanon, the 10th doctors body actually dies when he falls, so the radiation in the glass cabinet doesn’t kill him. The regeneration process already started before he goes into the box. This is why he doesn’t die because regenerative ability had already kicked in. The doctor walked into the cabinet as if he WAS going to die, as if that would kill a time lord normally. He only survived because he’d started regenerating from the fall.
@robertwareham8466 3 жыл бұрын
That ruins the meaning behind the four knocks, though. And also the Doctor's relief at surviving, just prior to the four knocks.
@jackjordan5833 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertwareham8466 I see the four knocks thing as a prediction that wilf would end up in the cabinet, and that the doctor would save him. These circumstances would normally prove fatal. Similar to the Impossible Astronaut story line, where the fixed point was that the doctor had to be on the beach, not that he had to die, it’s just that it was likely. Likewise I think there’s a fixed point here, in so much as that the doctor will find himself having to step into the cabinet to save wilf, which would normally kill him, hence the speculation for his death. The fixed point doesn’t account for the fact that he would fall and his body would die before hand, meaning the thing that saves him is his willing to sacrifice himself and jump out the ship. This is all head canon of course and I agree it undermines the ‘four knocks’ thing, it’s just a way to rationalise deficiencies in the script.
@braddsfx8921 3 жыл бұрын
Jack Jordan no the doctor didn’t die there, he survived the fall because his body is more resilient to that sort of damage after his 4th incarnation
@ianfinnigan264 3 жыл бұрын
And Whittaker survived her fall because she had literally just regenerated, and 10 had established that all wounds heal for 24 hours after the regeneration
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianfinnigan264 That...I can accept.
@RaggedyDoctor11 3 жыл бұрын
It also doesn’t make sense how Jeff NEVER returned. I wanted Jeff to be my companion after Amy but Moffat just told me to get lost. #JeffForCompanion
@BartokandBadIdeas 3 жыл бұрын
He had to go live on the moon, give him a break #LutherForLife
@deltahalo241 3 жыл бұрын
Jeff technically did return, in series 6, in the finale when Amy was drawing pictures to try and remember Rory, the drawing of 'Rory' that she showed the Doctor, was actually of Jeff
@nigelhickman2274 3 жыл бұрын
He probably didn't delete his browser history (as advised) & therefore couldn't continue in a kid friendly timeslot at the BBC...
@roryevans4295 3 жыл бұрын
How did the doctor put his hand through the crack when the light from the crack erases everything it touches like Rory, the doctor shouldn’t be able to pull out a piece of the tardis because it shouldn’t exist, and he should also be permanently missing an arm from that point on too or be entirely erased, chibs was writing bad plot holes before he was even show runner
@WGDN05 3 жыл бұрын
Literally, I have wondered for years
@roryevans4295 3 жыл бұрын
Wendy testaburger personally I just want him to lose the arm by accident doing it, and then smiths doctor doesn’t get his left arm back until he regenerates 😂😂 thats the only way to fix the plot hole for me 😂😂
@dumbasstransgirllol46 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe because he's a timelord so it'd probably take a while for it to erase him.
@roryevans4295 3 жыл бұрын
Undying Evil im not buying it, in the flesh and stone he contemplates feeding himself to the crack to shut it and save Amy and river, it was firmly acknowledged that he’d be erased from history as would river have been when she offers to sacrifice herself instead, chibs just wrote himself in to a hole he couldn’t get out of before he was even given the show, if only someone had looked back on chibs story’s before they gave him the show to make sure his writing made sense we wouldn’t have the whole timeless child mess that I guarantee the next show runner will retcon immediately
@dumbasstransgirllol46 3 жыл бұрын
@@roryevans4295 That's if they don't cancel the show before they can get another show runner.
@Smidgon 3 жыл бұрын
chibbers has done the whole show dirty in season 11 and 12 not just the time lords
@r4z0rv1n3 3 жыл бұрын
RE: The Reality Bomb- Honestly I believe the truth is that yeah the Reality Bomb does indeed go off in some parallel universe. What I also think is that some other things are true, the multitude of alternate realities are infinite, and literally every single time the Reality Bomb destroys a universe it's also creating a universe where the effects of the bomb were stopped somehow. So it kind of cancels itself out, sure there is an small portion of infinity wiped out. But because infinity, is... well... infinite... It destroys a significant of it's infinite parallels infinities, but then eventually peters out being cordoned off into it's own section of infinity. In other words! It's infinity, you might be able to destroy some of it, but you'll never be able to destroy all of it. Because Infinity!
@Dracandre 3 жыл бұрын
Very good argument. But if the reality bomb is supposed to destroy every universe and it's constantly creating new ones, does that mean that is still destroying universes now, or do you think it would have powered down after a few moments?
@r4z0rv1n3 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dracandre Assuming that it does what Davros said it would do. My guess is that he vastly overestimated how powerful it was compared to how big the infinite multiverse is. And honestly either way doesn't matter either it just kind of fizzles out on it's own sure having caused lots of destruction but only destroying a small tiny part of infinity. Or it's still going, but it's only dangerous to those universes its destined to destroy. But since infinity, that doesn't really mean anything cause there will always be non destroyed universes out there.
@mickys8065 3 жыл бұрын
Or the 3 doctors used davros' console to isolate their reality and Pete's world from the time bomb which means they are the only 2 realities left, aside from dimensions outside of reality like House
@alanira2971 3 жыл бұрын
No, the real argument here is that this is just a case of people not understanding how the many worlds theory actually works. Granted, Doctor Who doesn't explain it that well, but the point here is that there can never be a universe where the reality bomb succeeds, because by law of "indefinite universes", a universe in which every indefinitely probable universe is being eradicated by the reality bomb cancels itself out, because it's a sheer oxymoron. You cannot destroy every universe if there is a universe that exists where every universe is not destroyed. It's a little hard to wrap your head around that concept, but that's basically all there is to it. If there is an actual issue with the reality bomb storyline from a writing perspective it's that there's no actual threat, because the reality bomb cannot succeed by sheer nature of it's own method; destroying all the indefinite number of universes where indefinite possibilities exist would be literally impossible. Granted I doubt any of this was intentional on RTD's end, but it does sorta nullify the threat a little.
@bazzer124 3 жыл бұрын
Infinity is the sabot in the gears. Infinite possibilities mean infinite variables to each possibility. Could anything happen before all the variables are considered? My totally unscientific conclusion is that either every bomb but one would work, or every bomb but one would not work. My brain hurts. Cheers...
@garyzimmerman62 3 жыл бұрын
If you saw a weeping angel, escaped, and then dreamed about it...
@danielbible3654 3 жыл бұрын
Young Mels was inserted into the timeline by The Silence and everything we had previously seen was altered. Why is that so difficult to understand? Makes sense to me and I never had a problem with it.
@dwebster238 3 жыл бұрын
Couple of points about the falling thing. First, the obvious. Jodie/Thirteen was mid-regeneration when she fell, and we've previously seen David/Ten regrow his hand while mid-regen. So surviving a little thing like fall damage doesn't seem too far-fetched, especially since we see her sleeping while the energy works not long after the fall. Secondly, Ten's fall from the ship. Not long after that, we see him holding off his regeneration, originally we assume due to the radiation he absorbed. However, it's entirely possible that he could have been fighting back the regeneration since the fall. We've seen Capaldi/Twelve hold off his regeneration for ages, and at the same time so did One, so it's not a new thing that the Doctor can hold back the regenaration. So both of those fall damage points are invalid. If you're going back to Classic Who to ask why he didn't try and hold back the regeneration then, the answer is that back in that time of his life, he wasn't as attached to the face. Ten was consistently shown to have become too stuck in his ways, clinging desparately to that regeneration and being unwilling to give it up. IMO, the fall started his regeneration, but he fought it in the hopes he could heal himself without giving up his form. It wasn't until Wilf called out for help that he finally gave in, and accepted that that form's time was finally over.
@sovoho7502 3 жыл бұрын
Russel T Davis: mixed plots, generated lore, characters show development Stephen Moffatt: Weeping angels in blink: then becomes the statue of liberty Chibbers: RUIN LORE! GALLIFREY FALLS EVEN MORE and a frog.
@ftumschk 3 жыл бұрын
Davies certainly generated lore, like making the Doctor capable of human love in one series and turning him into Space Jesus in the next, or giving Time Lords the ability to fire lightning-bolts from their hands.
@ftumschk 3 жыл бұрын
​@Noah Tabraham Romantic love between the Doctor and Companions didn't feature in the Classic era. We saw the odd instance of a (grand)father/daughter dynamic - Hartnell/Susan, Troughton/Victoria, Pertwee/Jo Grant - but that was as far as it went.
@jigsawfeeling 3 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk It was due to restrictions on showing affections on TV at the time, as few of the classic directors and actors had said. If they could, they would, basically. And by the way, Jo was totally in love with The Doctor. I said my piece, lol.
@ftumschk 3 жыл бұрын
@@jigsawfeeling I can't recall any of the Classsic actors or directors (or writers for that matter) saying that they'd have liked the Doctors and Companions to be "involved" with each other. I can't recall any restrictions either, beyond JNT's quipping that there should be "no hanky-panky in the TARDIS", and that was very late in the day in terms of Classic Who. I guess it was simply the case that romances between Doctors/Companions just weren't necessary back then. And, tbh, I don't think they're necessary today... there are plenty of great episodes of NuWho that would work just as well without it. The only time it's been instrumental to the plot was to build up tension for the departure of Ten and Rose, and that could just as easily have been achieved by Rose hero-worshipping the Doctor, instead of their being obviously in luuurve.
@jigsawfeeling 3 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk It was in a documentary/extra feature made in... 90s or early 00s. I'm not sure. They were discussing specifically 1970s era of DW, and huge hints were dropped. Though I am too of an opinion that romance was overdone in New Who. When there's too much of anything, sooner or later you get sick of it.
@shiroi201 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that the master destroyed gallifrey just like he simply had some time to spare on a friday morning always annoyed me to no end!!
@EditedAF987 3 жыл бұрын
I mean in the classic series he very nearly destroyed Gallifrey one time. And he wasn’t even trying to, it was just a consequence of his plans to restore his dying body
@shiroi201 3 жыл бұрын
@@EditedAF987 jesus...
@Jonathan-vf7wg 3 жыл бұрын
The entire race of the Daleks couldn’t destroy galafrey but the master can destroy the entire planet off screen like it was nothing. Galafrey is one of the most powerful races in the universe. I found it worse than the timeless child twist
@tristanrodway 3 жыл бұрын
It could be explained by the fact that mels existence only becomes a thing after amy decides to join the tardis, so after the doctors interference Mel retroactively becomes part of their childhood memories, such as with Kazran Sardick in a Christmas carol, hence we didn’t see her in the eleventh hour...?
@pedroxqui 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I'd like to think... that Mel get's into Amy's life AFTER the doctor started traveling with her, so, in the doctor's timeline, Mel wasn't there, she was inserted later
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe she was traveling ? Or in jail ? At the end, who cares !?! It's DW, not Agatha Christie or Colombo !!!
@rhmb1019 3 жыл бұрын
You forgot the fact that the doctor has now got problems infinite version of himself and Clara was scattered along his life line (another problem in its self) but she fail to mention to the doctor that he is not actually the 11th/ 13th doctor and can’t die because he has infinite regeneration, plus the known knowledge that the first doctor choose the tardis which after is chameleon system fails (with the help of Clara but the other doctor who Jodie’s doctor meets also has that same tardis disite being before the first doctor. And finally surely all times lords would know about the doctor having infinite regenerations as they would have to wipe his mind so it is funny that nobody ever told the doctor dispite the fact it would have absolutely no affect on him/ her as shown in the episode, where the 13th doctor just recovers from it instantly. Also why did the time lords grant the doctor extra regeneration energy in time of the doctor if he just has infinite regeneration. These are only of the top of my head as I am sure this new problem that Chipnall brought in as he tries to change the entirety of 50 years of a franchise. This new idea of the doctor not being a time lord has so many holes in it.
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
CHIBNALL = SHITNAIL !!! Hope he'll never works anymore after murdering Doctor Who. I hate this sucker.
@mitchjames9350 3 жыл бұрын
@@philippebernard4577 Moffat started the whole fucking around with the origins of the Time Lords and the Doctor.
@brandonmccarthy1611 3 жыл бұрын
Chibnall's era peaked at Eat My Salad Man 🥗🥗🥗🥗
@Raftors 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly that was the peak of his entire career not just on doctor who
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
I did like Fugitive of the Judoon. Y'know before. . . .
@sjacpswbs03162005 3 жыл бұрын
(un?)fortunately chibbers bad applies here
@ianfinnigan264 3 жыл бұрын
@@PokerPlayerJames i mean the idea of a previously unknown incarnation showing up as a fugitive sounds good on paper but Chibnall just wasn't smart enough to pull it off.
@Silverdragon94 3 жыл бұрын
One of the things I've heard that sorta explains the statue of liberty being an angel. Apparently the angels also have an ability to make people see what they want them to see. So the statue of liberty didn't stomp across NYC because it wasn't actually there
@yoloforlive5395 3 жыл бұрын
you forgot one thing that makes the whole series seem illogical. SPOILER: in season 12 it is revealed that the Doctor is the child of time and therefore immortal. But. If that were the case. Then why did other Time Lords have to give him regenerations in order for him to survive? And why does he still almost die like in the episode Let's kill Hitler?
@lanapowell 3 жыл бұрын
Personal theory: It's psychosomatic. Him almost dying is all in his head. Time Lords (and presumably the Timeless Child, since that's where the ability comes from) have the ability to choose to regenerate or not. We see the Doctor hold off his regeneration multiple times (10 in "The End of Time part 2", arguably 11 in "The Time of the Doctor", 12 in "The Doctor Falls" and "Twice Upon a Time"), even going so far as to almost not regenerate at all (both 1 and 12 in "Twice Upon a Time", being the driving force of the whole episode). Granted, in all of those examples, we see evidence of the regeneration at least starting (the tell-tale golden glow), which isn't evident in "Let's Kill Hitler", but in "Last of the Time Lords", the Master chooses not to regenerate after being shot by Lucy Saxon, instead dying in the Doctor's arms, *without* glowing, and we know the Master can regenerate, because he has to become Missy after the events of "The Doctor Falls" or Missy wouldn't be carrying the spare part for his TARDIS in that episode. As far as he knows, as he explains to Clara in "The Time of the Doctor", he's used all his regenerations, and so doesn't even try. Yes, it's a bunch of shoe-horning of facts, but it still kind of tracks.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@lanapowell Or Counter Theory, what the timelord was not giving her more regeneration but rather giving her power back
@qdllc 3 жыл бұрын
RE: Weeping Angels. Some criticize that the angels are shown moving in statue form. I’d have to rewatch the pandorica episode, but I suspect the video was supposed to have pulsing light...implying that the angels were moving in the moments there was darkness. It would have been better to show the movement like stop motion with very noticeable pulses of darkness. Likewise, the idea of an image of an angel becoming an angel, it may be something they CAN but do not HAVE TO do. So, any image of an angel was discouraged by those who knew of this because of the risk it posed.
@sonnykingcomposer 3 жыл бұрын
I just think the Angels were playing mind games on Amy and not actually moving lol
@thehybrid3947 3 жыл бұрын
Wait I just realised back when Blink was around the 2 characters were both looking at the photos maybe when multiple people are looking at images or videos of an angel it doesnt move but the angel itself only targets single people like as we saw when everyone left the room in Series 5 and Amy was the only one looking at it
@RokuHanmar 3 жыл бұрын
The Master's Cyber-lords can regenerate, but in Nightmare in Silver, the Doctor mentions that when a Time Lord regenerates, it'll blow out all of the Cybernetics. My question then is, how do the Cyber-lords work? Surely they'd just be regular Cybermen who turn into Time Lords after death?
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think so. It's the Master, just like he can supress the regeneration of Missy, or hasten some regenerations of the Doctor (mainly 10th), he surely can make his Cyber-Lords to regenerate into Cyber-Lords again.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
Most likely the missy route where these cyberman comes from the timelord
@sludgemuffin2447 3 жыл бұрын
At least with the tenth doctor I think he has falling damage resistance, because remember when he fell down the hole in the The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit I think he estimated it was like forty feet or something. Also remember how they beat the angels the first time by making them look at each other? It basically established that they *had* to turn to stone when something was looking at them; or they would have just freed themselves. But when Amy has her eyes closed the Doctor tells her to act like she can see so they won’t move. And one of them clearly turns it’s head, and you’d think they’d notice they can move just fine and realise she must not be able to see them? This always bugged me.
@greenmonsterprod 3 жыл бұрын
RE: Gallifrey, it's all but certain that the destruction won't take. Most likely, the next showrunner will bring it back, just like they keep bringing back the Daleks every time they're supposedly utterly wiped out.
@ianfinnigan264 3 жыл бұрын
I mean here's the thing: the initial destruction of Gallifrey wasn't just another battle like the Dalek's destruction, it was the defining trait of new who. Thus, the return of Gallifrey wasn't just another retcon, it was one of the biggest events in the show's history. For Chibnall to undo all of that for a regular old season finale could an act of nothing less than pure ignorance. And when they inevitably undo Gallifrey's destruction, it'll cheapen the 50th anniversary special and everything that came before it.
@zeallust8542 3 жыл бұрын
Crazy how every dalek or group of daleks we meet is the "last" every time
@hank2188 3 жыл бұрын
Anything the 13th doctor does makes no sense
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
Anyway, she ain't the 13th doctor. Twelve had decided to stop before Chibnall kills the show... So did I.
@ihateunicorns867 3 жыл бұрын
That falling thing really annoyed me with The End of Time. I forgive it in The Woman Who Fell to Earth because she was still regenerating. If Tennant can grow another hand, Whittaker can heal some broken bones. It would have been so easy for them to come up with a simple explanation as to how he survived. Maybe the Timelords passed on some regeneration energy or something. But …nothing. Zip. Makes the ending to Logopolis even more of an anticlimax.
@wendyheatherwood 3 жыл бұрын
They could have had him borrow something from the ship. Bit of gravity plating or something. Something he could use to slow himself at the last moment. "All I need to do is flip this into reverse before I hit the ground. It'll slow me right down. Perfect landing." "You're mad. Even if that worked, you'd have to time it perfectly to the second and if you were even slightly out..." "Can we not think about that?" -misjudges timing by half a second, hits the ground hard, but not too hard- "Yep. Perfect -ow- landing."
@_Nikolas_ 3 жыл бұрын
Except, she didn't even break her bones. Like, literally nothing has happened to her. She just fell through the roof, stood up a second after and was just like: „Heeeeeey, bros! What's going on?”
@nicholas6217 3 жыл бұрын
Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor survived the fall bc she was early in her Regeneration. Just like when David Tennent’s Doctor was able to regenerate his hand bc he was early in his Regeneration.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
She still should have taken longer than a second to go from splat to back in one piece though.
@nicholas6217 3 жыл бұрын
Ik but im just saying that is why she survived the fall. They are acting like she should have died like the 4th Doctor but she didn’t bc she is early in her regeneration.
@michaelspringer9658 3 жыл бұрын
or when River Song could heal from being shot by the German Guards
@nicholas6217 3 жыл бұрын
Michael Springer yeah exactly
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
Bullshit. In the same circonstances, 11th dies (The Impossible Astronaut) or put on a spacesuit (opening of The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe). So what ? WHAT !!!??? Answer : Chibnall is a moron.
@jasonjack7606 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing attention to the Blink pictures being in the TARDIS. I have been asking this question for a couple years now.
@gordonw.8831 3 жыл бұрын
That "My name's Jeff" meme.... Haven't heard it in a while.
@kieranfo3739 3 жыл бұрын
My theory on the Weeping Angels photo: The Angel has to be in active/attack mode as that is a living Angel, a photo of a dormant Angel with the eyes covered is as the Doctor described just stone.
@bryanmacklem2654 3 жыл бұрын
I'd add that it would have to be a video of an inactive angel for it to become one as the video shows a time progression, whereas a photo is literally a moment frozen in time.
@Paulafan5 3 жыл бұрын
And if the original is dead then a copy cannot be made. The 4 in Blink killed each other by looking at each other so the originals are dead. Or timelocked each other or whatever mcguffin they called it.
@michaelburke4048 3 жыл бұрын
Sally took a lot of photos, and of things that may have been Angels. They also may have just been statues.
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelburke4048 At that moment the thing with "the image of an Angel becomes an Angel itself" wasn't established yet, so they didn't really care about taking pictures here and there. I get that it's tempting to retroactively put it in there, but it takes some heavy mind gymnastics to bend around. It's far easier to say, that the Angels evolved, were somehow forced to adapt or something later on, in the Moffat era and hadn't that ability in Blink yet..
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@Croftice1 I mean it's just a photo. A still moment in time where the image is created. Basically trapping that copy in that moment in time
@lewisrowley3429 3 жыл бұрын
5:13 - Fair enough, but what about "The eyes are not the windows to the soul they are the doors. Beware what may enter there"'.
@melancholymelon5316 3 жыл бұрын
My headcanon for the image of an angel thing Is the images were the angels that sent the doctor and Martha back in time
@demaunix2723 3 жыл бұрын
THe 10th Doctor is durable as hell from falling that high, I guess he got used to it
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
I mean after getting drop from a high point and got his hand bang on a tardis conseil, dropping from great height might just be a sting to him
@hank2188 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like Doctor Who ended when Steven Moffat left
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
It's sad, but more than feeling, I'm seeing it and am pretty sure of it... But the murderer is known : Chibnall !...
@fraserswift7231 3 жыл бұрын
apart from this youtube channel bringing up this timeless child in every single video I REALLY enjoyed this video!!! GREAT job guys!
@tommoconstantly 2 жыл бұрын
For the family of blood One, the doctor didn’t stop them straight away because he was hoping he could evade them by becoming a human, and not have to deal with them at all but it wasn’t part of his plan for them to find out who he is, the reason why they got away with basically destroying the village is because, as a human, the doctor completely forgot his identity when he became human, which is why Martha had to try to persuade him to go back to being the doctor. 10th doctor doesn’t let them chase him and find him, he was trying to evade them and was hoping that he was one step further away from them that they wouldn’t find him on earth in that time period
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
"The Master destroys Gallifrey, like it's nothing" *The Moment exists* *The Moment enters the chat* *Time Lords leave the chat*
@jacksonfriend4169 3 жыл бұрын
The Moment would have completely destroyed the planet which means the master couldn't have used it, becuse while a lot of Gallifrey was destroyed, the planet itself was intact. Also The Moment has a price to pay, which differs depending on who uses it, The Doctor's price was to live on, burdened with the knowledge he killed his own race, because he was mainly a good person and he also had a good reason to use it. The Master on the other hand is evil and used it solely to kill innocent people, so would have had to pay a bigger price.
@charlestownsend9280 3 жыл бұрын
The master has almost destroyed galifrey single handed in the past, so him actually succeeding in doing it when the doctor isn't around does make some sense, especially as this is a war torn galifrey that isn't exactly at its height of power.
@ashwinnaidoo796 Жыл бұрын
But it isn’t really war torn gallifrey was doing well
@applejuice5272 3 жыл бұрын
*The Master 'destroying' Gallifrey* Ten: "I told you he was a hypnotist!"
@jimmideerichards9554 3 жыл бұрын
I got a theory to how the master wiped out Gallifrey. Simple really if you think about it. He used the moment. Seen as the 50th anniversary stopped the doctor using the moment by freezing the planet in a stasis cube, the moment is still in the time lord vaults. So the master obviously acquired the moment some how and used it to burn Gallifrey to the ground and wiped out the time lords that he didn’t turn into cybermen prior to its destruction. In the 50th anniversary episode they say only the doctor is mad enough to even try using a weapon like the moment, but don’t forget the master is completely mad and in previous episodes it states the master is the doctors equal. So I think the master is more then cable of being able to use the moment.
@skydragonslayer9820 3 жыл бұрын
The moment was a galaxy destroyer. So if he did use it,it would have destroyed gallifrey. He most likely used one of the other OP weapons left from the time war.
@michaelburke4048 3 жыл бұрын
This is the best theory I've heard so far, but the War Doctor had The Moment, it was not in the vaults. There is a possibility it ended up in the Black Archives, but I think he put it somewhere no one could get it, and since he was outside his timeline, even he didn't remember where that is. I also think The Moment is a suicide mission--the trigger is right on the explosive and based on the Interface, I don't think it can be activated remotely. Of course, we don't know that much about it either. It could be designed to make you live with what you've done.
@masterslayerable 3 жыл бұрын
@@skydragonslayer9820 Well it seems to me based on info we got that the moment has the POTENTIAL to be a galaxy destroyer, it doesnt necessarily have to. And since the interface has a conscience which seems to be able to control it which could mean that the moment is a bit like the infinity gauntlet. It destroys only what you intend to use it to destroy and it has the theoretical power to destroy a galaxy
@Domihork 3 жыл бұрын
About Mels, I just assumed that this was a new reality that we hadn't seen because Mels didn't exist. Kind of like when Amy brought back her family from being erased. She remembered both realities where she grew up with her parents and without her parents at the same time. So what we saw in series 5 was the reality where Mels didn't exist yet, but after the events on Demons run where Melody is stolen and River's identity is revealed, it retroactively creates a new reality where Mels finds Amy and Rory and grows up with them.
@holdenb.huffman4042 3 жыл бұрын
Too be fair, Jodie would've survived the fall because she was still within the first 15 hours of her regeneration.
@_Nikolas_ 3 жыл бұрын
@Noah Tabraham Well, that's really unfortunate in that case.. because she should have gotten hurt at least, not just fall through the roof, jump back on a second after and just be like: „Hello, bros! What's up?”
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@_Nikolas_ Oh I can explain that...keep a face.
@bluehax6 3 жыл бұрын
When I saw Mels appear out of nowhere, I was confused. Once she was revealed as Melody Pond/River Song, And she was tasked with killing the Doctor, I figured it to be the timey-wimey BS mentioned earlier, with her retroactively superimposing herself in Amy and Rory's life, to eventually meet with the doctor, somehow without changing major story points that change the course of history.
@filmfan4 3 жыл бұрын
Rose: “The werewolf’s allergic?” Doctor: “Or it thinks it is!”
@CharlotteSunshine94 3 жыл бұрын
Not only is the use of wheely things instead of a keypad silly, but surely the manufacturer of the wheely things would put braille on them? Like most non-touch screen things e.g. remote controls, buttons on pedestrian crossings, etc. Although having said that, I suppose the doctor might not be able to read braille, given that, even though he can understand "every language in the known universe" he can't speak British Sign Language (Under The Lake)???? Idk, ableism ig.
@CharlotteSunshine94 3 жыл бұрын
@Joseph Douek Right... so why can't the the Tardis translate BSL? It's a language just as much as any spoken one is. And as for your second question... because in the hundreds of years he's been travelling, a lot of which seems to be on Earth in the UK, he may have come across a couple of blind people?! You're just adding to the ableism here really.
@CharlotteSunshine94 3 жыл бұрын
Also, braille is a writing system so we're coming back to the Tardis translation issue really.
@namename9998 3 жыл бұрын
Based on another video, it seems like the numbers were basically stickers attached to the dials. Had they been raised, the sonic sunglasses would have been able to echo-locate what numbers were where, along with The Doctor could have felt the numbers. It would explain why there wasn't braille either. The dials were a stupid plot device. There were probably better alternatives that could have been used to reach the same ending.
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
@@CharlotteSunshine94 I think it's more like the Doctor, who knows many languages, doesn't want to be depending on TARDIS translating for him, since sometimes they just get separated. Well now comes the real question. Why the hell would he ever need the semafor language? Did he expect being stranded on a ship with foreign sailors, or something? Or was it just his hobby, because why not learning new things, that you likely won't ever need? And he even erased BSL to get space for it. BSL is, you know, sign language, it's one of things, that the TARDIS most likely doesn't translate, because she didn't for him Under the Lake. How do you even translate it without using hands (written text is directly translated into your brain in the form of written text, letters, spoken is also translated as spoken, using the speaker's own voice, but Cass communicated using her hands, how do you translate that)? I guess the Doctor didn't meet many deaf people on his travels to consider keeping it.
@SahilFR 3 жыл бұрын
For the last one, it could be possible that The Master used “The Moment”.
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
No. The Doctor did. And, as says the name, it is The Moment (without ''s'')...
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
@@philippebernard4577 The Doctor didn't. He consulted with the Moment, with it's conscience in form of the Bad Wolf persona. But the Master could actually use it, as in pressing that big red button.
@jacksonfriend4169 3 жыл бұрын
The Moment would have completely destroyed the planet which means the master couldn't have used it, becuse while a lot of Gallifrey was destroyed, the planet itself was intact. Also The Moment has a price to pay, which differs depending on who uses it, The Doctor's price was to live on, burdened with the knowledge he killed his own race, because he was mainly a good person and he also had a good reason to use it. The Master on the other hand is evil and used it solely to kill innocent people, so would have had to pay a bigger price.
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
@@jacksonfriend4169 We don't really know, how exactly the Moment works. It's a weapon like no other, it's sentient, has a conscience to judge you, it can also open time windows, so what makes you think it's just a huge bomb? It may work differently to different wishes. The Doctor wanted to end the Great Time War once and for all, so he wished to destroy Gallifrey with the Daleks. No Time Lords and no Daleks means no Time War ever again. Even the Doctor himself didn't know, how the Moment works and it was clearly shown, when he complained about there not being a big red button, which the Moment then created for him. The Master however had other plans, so he could wish to kill the Time Lords and leave the planet basically intact. About the price. The Doctor was ready to pay for using the Moment with his own life (as he said, he had no intentions to survive) and the Moment decided to let him live as a sort of punishment, living with the guilt. But it wasn't really about an arrangement, agreement, paiment or anything. No one had anything to give away for using the Moment. It's because the Moment judged the Doctor, it decided to punish him with a life full of guilt. And letting him live to become a better person (as the 10th and 11th reincarnations have shown). No one ever said, that using the Moment has a price.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@Croftice1 I mean...Beside the moment itself said it requires a payment. And shouldn't the master also be dead too? He is a galafraian and a timelord
@EditedAF987 3 жыл бұрын
Are we forgetting that time that the Master very nearly destroyed Gallifrey in the classic series? And he wasn’t even trying to in that story, it was just a consequence of his plans to try and heal his body
@elliotkessler7271 3 жыл бұрын
With family of blood the problem you proposed is actually addressed. The Doctor expected the family of blood to just pass by because he was human. That’s why he changed. He was going to wait them out and after they died he would change back
@Evfan301 3 жыл бұрын
Why is Rich calling himself a werewolf my favorite part of this video? 😏
@snazzyquizzes2336 3 жыл бұрын
I say that the Master was able to destroy Gallifrey so easily because he was being secretly manipulated by the expelled Time Lord High Council, who engineered it somehow for the Master, a separate third party, to clear out Gallifrey for their return.
@Croftice1 3 жыл бұрын
I remember the Doctor exiled only Rassilon, the High Council was completely fine, he even consulted the Hybrid prophecy with them.
@isaac2990 3 жыл бұрын
I understand the Master is a fan favorite villain, but having him destroy Gallifrey at that time was stupid... they had their chance to have the Master lay Gallifrey to ruin when he literally stepped back into the Time War during Tennants era. If he wasn't gonna do it then when he was at his most psychotic and least stable, I don't see him just doing it now.
@SpringtrapLover2010 3 жыл бұрын
The reason Jodie didnt die from her fall is the same reason Tennants hand re grew, she still had regeneration energy.
@markrobinson6023 3 жыл бұрын
#1 thing that makes no sense ... you know: with how much love you lay on Chibnall's series, I'm just happy you noticed the galaxy-sized gaping hole in it.
@Pheebeee_ 3 жыл бұрын
1. Dalek Caan decided Just and Thay were irrelevant. At this point their plan had failed and he was going to jump ship anyway. 2. Mels is constantly being arrested, getting in trouble, and generally being a nuisance. It's easy to avoid the doctor if you're in jail. 3. The reality bomb could still happen I guess? But, I believed that the reality bomb that was working in Turn Left was The Doctor's Universe one, and because Rose told Donna to warn the Doctor it was stopped. 4. If I recall correctly "Danny Boy" informs the doctor about the shield after the other two planes are hit. It's fair to believe the Doctor didn't know there were shields. The Doctor does state when he first arrives on the ship it's pretty beaten up, and running on emergency power. Maybe he believed it didn't have enough power to shield. 5. Maybe there's a reason Larry and Sally have never returned. They died. Angels got them. 6. The Doctor believed they would not find him. And, they wouldn't have found him if it wasn't for Tim Latimer opening the Fobwatch. It was the Doctor's kindness that led to the death of people. It was a pure and simple error. 7. Plot conviencience is all I can say. 8. Any creature, even with allergies, will do what it can to escape a room built of said allergies. 9. Adrenaline. The Time Lords were returning, Master was going to slaughter them, The Hell of The Time War was emerging. He held on, just to prevent it. Also, 13 survived her fall because she had just regenerated, and there's a time after regeneration where you're basically unkillable. 10. It's not farfetched to believe the Master has, or could easily get a hold of, weapons of mass destruction. Hell, he probably invented them.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
10. If the Master really is The Master.
@Pheebeee_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@Payne2view are you really tugging that string? It's the master. Why would you think it's not?
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pheebeee_ because when we last saw Missy she had been hit by a fully discharged laser scredriver by her former Master self who said "don't even bother to try to regenerate, you go tthe full blast".
@Pheebeee_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@Payne2view if she can remember to bring a materialisation circuit, she can probably remember to bring something to negate the effects of a laser blast. Also the Master has gotten out of worse things, and more impossible situations.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I can give a simple explanation for 10. The master poison the drinking supply with Aspirin. With many Gallifreyan dying and regenerating, their energy starts to destroy the world around them doing the master bidding for him
@akaakaakaak5779 2 жыл бұрын
Biggest issue with destroying Gallifrey is that it makes no sense to destroy a civilisation that can time travel. Tbh none of that ever makes sense, but it either always exists or never does
@lesigh1749 3 жыл бұрын
The thing with Mels seemed to me that Rory and Amy altered their own past when they conceived Mel inside the TARDIS, so she only exists in their personal timeline AFTER that point, but always existed there once she had been conceived. like a Bootstrap paradox. The Audience got to see their timeline before she existed in series 5, and then the patched version once she had appeared in series 6.
@JoeNeutrino 3 жыл бұрын
Chibnall Who isn't canon.
@brentbarr498 3 жыл бұрын
Chris Chibnall is a slightly slimmer version of Newman (they literally could be twins) from Seinfeld and a total TOOL who has destroyed the current Who culture/universe as we know it...
@JoeEnglandShow 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that I wasn't the only one who caught that Reality Bomb plot hole.
@duderyandude9515 3 жыл бұрын
There are three other things: 1) The inconsistency of regeneration: When River regenerates in “Let’s Kill Hitler” she takes out some Nazis by being shot by them and says “Never shoot a girl while she’s regenerating” and blasts them with regeneration energy. But in “The Impossible Astronaut”, River says that the Doctor was killed because he was in the middle of his regeneration cycle. Even though he shouldn’t have had a regeneration cycle because that was his last body. But this could be explained as River lying because she knew it is was her in the Apollo spacesuit and it was the Tesselecta pretending to regenerate as it was revealed in the Series 6 finale. Plus, in S7 E04 “Angels Take Manhattan”, the Doctor gives River some regeneration energy to heal her broken wrist, when he shouldn’t have any regeneration energy left because that’s his last body. AND, in “Let’s Kill Hitler”, the Doctor asks the voice interface of the TARDIS if he should just regenerate when he can’t because he hasn’t got any left so River uses all her remaining regenerations in one go to revive one person when surely it would waste only one life (plus, she kisses him with the poisoned lips when she does this). 2) When is the end of the universe? In real life, we know that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old in the 21st Century and the universe should die due to entropy in about 200 billion years. But in “Utopia”, the Doctor lands in 21st Century Cardiff to refuel and then he is taken to the end of the universe by the TARDIS to try and shake off Captain Jack. The Doctor says they are in the year 100 trillion. It’s fine if the show wants to have its own end of the universe, I’m not complaining about that. What I am complaining about is that in Series 9, the Doctor lands in 21st Century London and then spends 4.5 Billion years in his confession dial, and when he emerges, he is on Gallifrey at the “end of the universe”. 13.8 billion years + 4.5 billion years does not equal 100 trillion years. The Doctor does go forward in time to the “last hours of the universe” but he couldn’t have gone far because he kept saying that he was at the end of the universe and if you are in the year 18.3 billion (13.8B + 4.5B) with approximately 99 trillion years left of the universe, you wouldn’t say that you are at the end of the universe. (Maybe I’m missing something here.) 3) Dematerialisation: In the first series of Doctor Who back in 1963, the Doctor explains that it takes 12 minutes for the TARDIS to recharge and prepare for dematerialisation after materialisation. But this is constantly broken in Classic Who and New Who. Episodes like S06 E02 “Day of the Moon”, S10 E01 “The Pilot”, and New Year’s Special “End of Time - Part Two” where the Doctor makes quick and frequent trips in the TARDIS, break this law, unless in between scenes the Doctor is awkwardly waiting 12 minutes to take off again. That would be especially dumb for the last two because the Doctor was being pursued and was dying. But to be clear, I only notice these because I’m a massive Doctor Who nerd (like most of us here, I assume) and I watch these episodes over and over again.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
1) the doctor lied too. That regeneration was from a robot version of him so it would have a built-in "press here to fake a regeneration" 2) Maybe he been there for a few minute before leaving the area? 3) Didn't the tardis has a shield to protect itself from gun fire? Also it could be explain that he was using the recharge energy at limited capability, taking a phone out of the plug when it's 80%.
@rhysvlogs9508 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not being mean or anything and this is my opinion but doctor who has changed a lot. The storylines need to improve as I found the current series quite slow compared to some other ones which are fast paced. Everything is now politically correct. Also I think there are too many companies (even though I like Bradley Walsh) I just think it was a bit much. The storyline was quite childish as well where as some of the different doctors had anger and mature. (There were funny scenes don’t get me wrong.)please don’t hate this is some things I was thinking about and is my opinion 👍
@hamie58 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree, I think he wanted to take the show back to what it was in 2005 more kid friendly but he did it to quickly. Moffat took a lot of time to make the change slowly to a more serious adult show jumping back without buildup doesn't work. Also 3 companions only works if they are all already established characters, we can't really get to know any of them when there are so many new characters.
@philippebernard4577 3 жыл бұрын
Anyway, she ain't the 13th doctor. Twelve had decided to stop before Chibnall kills the show... So did I.
@julieeverett7442 3 жыл бұрын
@@hamie58 1st and 5th both had three companions, and they worked quite well
@WGDN05 3 жыл бұрын
The doctor never forgets a face as he always says so how did not remember Clara was the girl who told him which tardis to steal???
@cookiespy7027 3 жыл бұрын
Because she was erased from his memories
@WGDN05 3 жыл бұрын
@@cookiespy7027 yeah like 2 series later so he should have remembered her as 11
@mickys8065 3 жыл бұрын
Simple answer for the angels, the ones on earth simply hadnt evolved to the an image of an angel is an angel, presumably the ones in angels take Manhattan fled once the paradox started poisoning their food supply until you have the four in present day London with don't blink, then many years later you have the angels on the Byzantium and tranzalor which evolved so that they can't be trapped as easily, unless you happen to carry a mirror
@SuperverseProductions 3 жыл бұрын
The werewolf is not actually allergic it was said so in the episode it just thinks it is and when it thew the door open i dont think it was thinking at that time to notice it as it had the queen in sight and only wanted to bite her so yeh
@MrRonald327 3 жыл бұрын
Not everything about fiction is supposed to be accurate.
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
But it should be consistent within the established rules of the fictional world in question.
@ftumschk 3 жыл бұрын
@@PokerPlayerJames Rules that have never been written down, and have been fluid ever since November 1963.
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk I dont see how this counters my point in anyway. It only affirms that it's been a constant issue with the series.
@ftumschk 3 жыл бұрын
@@PokerPlayerJames Your point was that there are "established rules", but there aren't. The "rules", such as they are, have always been subject to change, and writers have invented/bent them as they saw fit.
@PokerPlayerJames 3 жыл бұрын
@@ftumschk Yep. So we agree the show establishes rules then bends or outright breaks them since 1963. This a valid critique and simply saying "It's always been that way" is not a valid counter. I personally am not that bothered by it and love the show regardless but I acknowledge the existence of the flaw and can see how some would be put off by it. Especially when the show keeps up the pretence of having a consistent cannon and lore.
@isisulph 3 жыл бұрын
I love doctor who is sometimes confusing/weird/bad.
@blakesheldon3167 3 жыл бұрын
Hey dude love the channel. Don't know the classic series like I know the reboot but think when the doctors close to regeneration his body wills itself forward like in heavens sent and with Jodie I think it was more she was in the early stages of regeneration. Your definitely right about the master destroying galifrey he couldn't even kill them properly in end of time, 2 minutes after they show up they stop his plan and make him look like a bit of a prat 😂
@TheJlook2000 3 жыл бұрын
Wasnt the moon once an egg in a Capaldi episode ?
@jacksonfriend4169 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, in Kill the Moon.
@JamesThomasJeans 3 жыл бұрын
Jodie surviving the fall makes sense, in that she's just regenerated. We saw back in the Christmas Invasion that Time Lords are basically immortal for a few hours after they regenerate (David grows back his hand after it was cut off).
@Dyllusionn 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and River got shot multiple times by the Nazis in Let’s Kill Hitler
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
There's a big differenct between having a hand cut off or being shot and making a hole in the roof of a train at a terminal velocity of 120mph, which would have caused a splat with blood & guts everywhere in that train carriage.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@Payne2view Gallifreyans could survive some falls which would shatter the bones of humans.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
@@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec Spoilers but once the doctor didn't survive a fall off the Jodrell Bank radio telesope in the UK. About 100ft.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@@Payne2view He was dying anyway with the arrival of the watcher
@jadominek7116 3 жыл бұрын
11th thing that make NO sense: that the hack without any talent is a showrunner now :P
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
@GamingWithChu **look at his track record** This ain't it chief
@stormtroop1298 3 жыл бұрын
You forgot that in Matt's last episode the time lord's gifted him a whole new regeneration cycle if he was the timeless child he wouldn't have needed the extra cycle plus we get to see the regen energy from the crack
@anirudh_vadrevu 3 жыл бұрын
9:11 IDK about ten but thirteen is still within fifteen hours of regenerating so she had enough regenerative energy to heal of any problems as seen when ten loses his hand and grows a new one.
@tompyke3979 3 жыл бұрын
Basically, since Capaldi this series has gone to shit. The timeless child ruined the entire storyline
@Squicx 3 жыл бұрын
Series 8 was good and some episodes of Series 9 were masterpieces. But series 10 didn't catch my eye. Only that last 2 parter was decent
@tompyke3979 3 жыл бұрын
Squicx everything with Jodie Whitaker is worse than everything with doctors 10-12 (not just her fault, writing was bad as well)
@Lalerato 3 жыл бұрын
Squicx to be fair it was still better than 11th and 12th season
@Squicx 3 жыл бұрын
@@tompyke3979 Series 11 and 12 is absolute GARBAGE
@Bowswa 3 жыл бұрын
oml not yet. IT HAS NOT RUINED IT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to say it won't, but IT HASN'T YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to list every point as to why: 1. The FKing master said it. 2. Chipnell wrote it so well that it does not change who the Doctor has become, just adds on to it. None of the past 50 years is overwritten. 3. It could actually explain some things that were put in the series quite by accident(i am talking about the old series now) 4. The FKing MASTER SAID IT!!!!!!! ISN'T THAT REASON ENOUGH TO KEEP WATCHING AND NOT ASSUME?!?!?!?
@barretblake 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad I got rid of cable and haven't watched any of the Chibnell crap.
@wizstorm172 3 жыл бұрын
its really awful
@Spectahman2.0 3 жыл бұрын
Here's one: When Regenerating, why does The Doctor sometimes blow up the TARDIS console (10, 12) but other times he preserves it (9, 11), I know the out of universe explanation, but what is the in universe explanation?
@notmyrealname453 3 жыл бұрын
10 has his left hand pointed directly at the main TARDIS console. 12 had his right hand aimed at a side console. Regeneration energy can do some damage, look at 11 with the Daleks in The Time of the Doctor. Also with both, he was holding back the regenerations for a while before he finally gave in whereas 9 and 11 went with it. Holding back a regeneration makes it more powerful.
@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 жыл бұрын
10 regenerating that destructive is because he had been holding back, The great fall, the radiation poisoning, him holding back the regeneration to say good bye to his friends, that's like shaking a can of soda. 12 on the other hand did damage the console but it was 13 who press a random button that cause the tardis to blow up 9 regeneration didn't destroy tardis because he didn't holding it long before regenerating 11 regeneration was actually destructive but it was done 80% outside of the Tardis where he weaponizes it to blow up the threat in Trezlore. He hold back the last 20% to say goodbye to clara so it wasn't that deadly.
@waterinmyotter6245 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that reality bomb one always annoyed me, especially since we’d just had ‘Turn Left’ which took place in a reality where the Doctor was dead.
@danthemeegs8751 3 жыл бұрын
the stars go out in Turn Left too
@LloydEWatson1983 3 жыл бұрын
Something else that makes no sense, why haven't series 11 and 12 been retconned and purged from existence yet?
@simonfernandes6809 3 жыл бұрын
Don't like? Then don't watch. Another Doctor and showrunner will be along at some point. You want crap Doctor Who? The late 1980's with Colin Baker and show runner John Nathan Turner was orders of magnitude worse than series 11 or 12.
@wackywaa1458 3 жыл бұрын
Simon Fernandes I disagree Colins era had great stories like Attack of the Cybermen, Vengence on Varos and Revelation of the Daleks nothing in this era so far has come close to those stories so far imo
@LloydEWatson1983 3 жыл бұрын
@GamingWithChu For a lot of fans, including myself, the Chibnall/Whittaker era isn't canon. For us Doctor Who ended with Peter Capaldi on Christmas Day 2017. Until there's a massive improvement I'm strictly 1963-2017. At least there's more animated reconstructions and Big Finish to fill the void until then.
@LloydEWatson1983 3 жыл бұрын
@@simonfernandes6809 Colin Baker had some great episodes. Attack of the Cybermen and Vengeance on Varos for example. Even Colin Baker's weaker episodes make any of Jodie Whittaker's look like masterpieces.
@LloydEWatson1983 3 жыл бұрын
@GamingWithChu Well the ratings for series 11 and 12 would suggest I'm not in the minority. I know plenty of Doctor Who fans who have stopped watching since Chibnall and Whittaker took over.
@Lalerato 3 жыл бұрын
I hope they un do the Timeless Children with a sensible plot
@timwoods8297 2 жыл бұрын
About blink it can be that the angels appeared out of these pictures in the first place, and thats why the doctor was stuck in the past, you know, timey wimey
@FlushGorgon 2 жыл бұрын
#8, Davros, yes, I never thought of that one. That's a very good one, thanks.
@simonfernandes6809 3 жыл бұрын
It's easy to destroy the Timelords. The Master came very close to wiping them out in the classic series 'The Deadly Assassin'. The Doctor did do it offscreen with The Moment. The Master probably got hold of another time weapon from the Omega Vault.
@joelbrown2782 3 жыл бұрын
Jodie's Doctor has an excuse over the 10th Doctor, this is because she had regenerated and a Timelord has the ability to be nearly invisible during the first 15 hours of the regeneration cycle.
@evanmccreesh268 3 жыл бұрын
The pictures of the angels turned into the angels that got the Doctor and Martha
@katrinadavis8762 3 жыл бұрын
i always assumed the pictures from blink didn't do that because their eyes were covered, but that probably doesn't hold up if you look too closely.
@Thomas-or6og 3 жыл бұрын
2:14 Talking about Mel's well I think she appeared when the Doctor said "I'll be back in 5 minutes." Or whatever he said and some time later Mel's moves into Amy and Rory's Neighborhood and became friends with them that's just my Theory I know Mel's appeared out of nowhere.
@joseignacioreallozano348 2 жыл бұрын
The angels part, it doesnt bother me that with Sally they have pictures (given that moffat didnt come up with that and the doctor didnt know that either, so nobody is there to stop the images from being taken and everything) what bothers me is, in the hotel episode, when they are trapped with their worst fears, one of the rooms show angels, but they are sinulations and not angels themselves but... they should right?
@Paulafan5 3 жыл бұрын
They brought back Gallifrey from the Time War with no real consequences. None of the other horrors escaped the Time War like was directly stated in the End of Time. "Not just Gallifrey but all the horrors of the Time War" or something to that effect. Day of the Doctor was fun to see Matt and David together but the episode special was filled with problems that made no sense.
@Payne2view 3 жыл бұрын
Such as the Nightmare Child (oh hold on, is that the Timeless Child?) or the "mean wahs" and the "never weres". Yes, lots of scary stuff created in the latter part of the timewar. Perhaps The Master just used "The Moment".
@millieoshie 3 жыл бұрын
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