Doctor Who's New Biggest Mystery

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Harbo Wholmes

Harbo Wholmes

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@HarboWholmes 9 ай бұрын
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@lemonwho9895 9 ай бұрын
If I did my patron name has Timmy poo poo and payed 100 pounds a month would that still count
@througtonsheirs_doctorwhol5914 9 ай бұрын
hypothesis... not theories
@ewenrd5571 9 ай бұрын
Maybe when the Doctor went back to save baby Ruby, he spent more time in the past than we saw on screen, and he met a younger version of Mrs Flood (for a mysterious reason). And that encounter will be at the center of a future episode. That would explain why she's changed after that precise scene.
@Lia-zw1ls7tz7o 9 ай бұрын
Oooh, you mean like Nine when he invited Rose and then traveled back to do all these adventures Clive told Rose about only to reappear before Rose saying that the TARDIS also traveled through time.
@jd_music23 9 ай бұрын
I can't find the source for this annoyingly but RTD did say something along the lines of "we come back to that church, and there are people at this church we didn't know where there all along" so i think there's going to be a lot more around who the doctor came into contact with/who was there etc which goes along with your theory for sure.
@adamfreddo5703 9 ай бұрын
There's also that shot in the Whoniverse logo of Ncuti that wasn't used in the episode where he looks REALLY distraught and not what he looked like in the episode. I think there's still scenes surrounding that moment and Russell has confirmed we will be going back to that church setting.
@Lia-zw1ls7tz7o 9 ай бұрын
@@adamfreddo5703 There was a behind-the-scenes photo taken by a bystander that showed Fifteen looked horrified and Ruby trying to comfort him.
@Windxchild 9 ай бұрын
This makes a lot of sense to me, I like this theory!
@LAJ-47FC9 9 ай бұрын
Maybe the Doc's not the only Time Lord to take on companions...
@angusrumplemeyer1791 9 ай бұрын
Could have been one of Clara‘s, or Me’s companions, since they had a tardis.
@toukoenriaze9870 9 ай бұрын
to be fair in the end of time the master did technically take on a companion ... altho he had no memory xD
@joshuaanson5939 9 ай бұрын
I like this, because she didn't recognise the doctor's TARDIS by its blue box form, but she recognised it after it dematerialised.
@apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868 9 ай бұрын
@@toukoenriaze9870 Also in Power of the Doctor technically Yaz was his companion for like twenty minutes
@Phoenix2312 9 ай бұрын
​@@joshuaanson5939 "I like this, because she didn't recognise the doctor's TARDIS by its blue box form, but she recognised it after it dematerialised." OK! Going to copy and paste my reply to Harbo.... Why her being a new person works... ... Actually the answer is probably very simple! Everyone in the world has seen events transpire that Donna Noble was forced to forget! Mrs Flood has seen events happen, she is aware of the "Magic Blue Box" from the media but also never thought that much of it as she had NEVER actually come across it in her own life... It was nothing more than an Urban Legend... Until that day! To best explain it, Where I used to live in Lowestoft, UK... Someone has a Garden Shed that is an EXACT RECREATION of The TARDIS... I passed it many times, Great Work But Imagine I was passing that garden one day and suddenly it did "Vanish" before my eyes... I would of course be shocked like Mrs. Flood but later eagerly awaiting it return... As I am aware of Doctor Who! I just NEVER expected to be a part of it! In Universe, many are aware of the events of the show, despite numerous "Universe Reboots" - Some events remain common knowledge... If you prefer "Fixed Points in time" - Despite the universe being rebooted, those events still happened such as the Battle of Canary Wharf... The Public are "Sort of Aware" of The Doctor and the TARDIS, but also dont have a heavy connection to it as they have a normal life to lead... The idea that they might one day come across this mysterious Blue Box and be drawn into some otherworldly adventure is just that... An Idea! No one take it seriously! But we all have that Idea... Even subconsciously, we all have a "Hero Complex" - We just never believe it will happen!
@GarbaggioGoblino 9 ай бұрын
For me, every Mrs. Flood theory MUST take the following into account: 1. Mrs. Flood MUST NOT normally associate a police box with a Tardis. Someone who has seen the Doctor once, max. A recurring villain or an old companion would think that the out of place police box may JUST be the Doctor. 2. Mrs. Flood MUST NOT be the type to go after the Doctor once she recognizes them. Most past companions and recurring villains would do that, whether that's to catch up, travel with them again, or try to kill them. I do not think she's a returning character. Past that, I can't really say. She might have something to do with Ruby, she may not. We may have seen or heard of her already (woman in the cloak, "the boss/the one who waits", etc.), maybe we haven't. Who knows?
@scarameowSucksAtGaming 9 ай бұрын
It's possible Mrs Flood is Ruby's mother here's why, Mrs Flood saw the Tardis when the doctor went to the past, and since the doctor only went to the past because Ruby was erased from the timeline so it makes sense Mrs Flood wouldn't recognise the Tardis before the doctor went to the past, and see likely has knowledge of what a Tardis is because see might not be from earth hence why there is no record of Ruby's ancestry. And keep in mind just because you know what a Tardis is doesn't mean you can recognise one in disguise
@chickenwinna 9 ай бұрын
OK. Did the meddling monk ever see that the doctors tardis was a police box. I can't remember. It would be really funny if she was the meddling monk
@scarameowSucksAtGaming 9 ай бұрын
@@chickenwinna don't know what Mrs Flood is but she clearly knows what a Tardis is but didn't recognise the police box as one until the doctor went into the past
@HMSTR1995 9 ай бұрын
Exactly, she says “never seen _A_ TARDIS before?” Where as any companion would say “_THE_ Tardis” So it must be someone who is a time lord or knows of the time lords, or knows of TARDISes as a known type of “ship” Any past/future companion would easily recognise the Doctor’s TARDIS
@scarameowSucksAtGaming 9 ай бұрын
@@HMSTR1995 yep that's what my theory is
@ElainaLycan 9 ай бұрын
My personal theory on why Mrs. Flood suddenly gains knowledge of the TARDIS is that when the Doctor goes back to save Baby Ruby, he's not just fixing the timeline but essentially altering it. Prime-Timeline: Ruby was left at the church as a baby Aborted-Timeline: Ruby was eaten as a baby by the Goblin King. New, Bootstrap-Timeline: The Doctor meets Ruby and then subsequently goes to her personal past to save her essentially allowing her to live for him to meet her. Because of the Doctor intervening with the Aborted-Timeline he has somewhat reset the situation to allow for new opportunities to exist. This version of Mrs. Flood must've experienced some interaction with the Doctor within Ruby's 19 years of life as this rework allows for Mrs. Flood to be more closely attached to the Doctor's personal timeline due to his intervention. Essentially since the Doctor is now intertwined with Ruby's life, traveling to her personal past will now open the door for interacting with a younger Mrs. Flood.
@dw7704 9 ай бұрын
That sounds more like Moffat than RTD
@ElainaLycan 9 ай бұрын
@@dw7704 Admittedly while it's very much more Moffat I believe people can change their writing styles over time, maybe he was influenced by Moffat since his own original departure.
@dw7704 9 ай бұрын
@@ElainaLycan yes, I think they did influence each other
@SleepyHarryZzz 9 ай бұрын
@@dw7704 It's more Moffat than RTD1 I grant you, but I think RTD learned a lot from Moffat's tenure as showrunner (I mean this in a positive way - writers learn from other writers they admire) and is more willing to play with the time-travel aspect / intertwining plots in RTD2. The fact the Christmas Special had a whole thing about an aborted timeline and the Giggle having the Doctor go back to 19xx Soho I think are both evidence for this.
@michaelspink1479 9 ай бұрын
This sounds close to the truth.. After the timeline is fixed, Flood suddenly has knowledge. I’m theorising she is connected to Rubys past - maybe a guardian of sorts, but that doesn’t happen until the Doctor goes back. I’m thinking it’s a Crash of the Byzantium scenario & we’re getting the Doctor out of order- for example the Doc in the cowboy hat at the beginning of the episode I think was a future Doc, maybe saying goodbye to Ruby after losing her. Flood at some will TARDIS travel & be taken at the time the crack formed (peak co-incidence)
@hothemeep1219 9 ай бұрын
Here me out. We know Series 14 is going to have an episode set in London during the late 1960's. What if as a young woman, she met the Doctor and Ruby ? She's not a big character who fits in a greater narrative scheme, she's just a random person who already met them in the past
@mca1881 9 ай бұрын
Ever since the Melody Pond/River Song reveal I've just been extra aware of anyone with a water related name being River. It definitely isn't her but fun to think about
@ImmortalBroken 8 ай бұрын
I think her name is something like Carol Flood lol. And I do think she's River. At the time her consciousness was uploaded to the library we didn't know she could regenerate, so maybe her body did regenerate when she died, and her consciousness as well, and she became Mrs. Flood.
@urbescapade 7 ай бұрын
​​@@ImmortalBroken while I'm not 100% on this theory, I could see it working; River used a number of regenerations to heal the Doctor, perhaps at some point between then and now that regeneration energy left the Doctor and somehow manifested itself. It being a regeneration of River Song could also explain the initial confusion at the Tardis and after seeing it dematerialise her memories came back to her. Possible points it could've been released, IMO: 1. When the Doctor was sealed in the confession dial 2. When the Master body swapped with them 3. The bigeneration Again, I'm not 100% on this and kinda fel her story is wrapped up so would like to see she's some new character. Perhaps a completely new renegade/expat Timelord whose been hiding out on Earth and somehow unfamiliar with the Doctor (again explaining why she didn't recognise the Tardis until it dematerialises) Side theory: but she could be the antagonist. Literally just thought pf this while typing the above but I think the story arc could revolve around somekind of biblical inspired story, an encroaching disaster that Mrs. Flood is the harbinger/bringer of. First episode focusing on a Church, Ruby SUNDAY (day of sabbath in a number of Christian denomonations) and now Mrs. Flood, a flood of biblical proportions perhaps? And the Doctor will be the allegorical Noah saving whoever he can/averting it in some way? Okay I think that might be a bit too wild a theory
@BongaChonga 9 ай бұрын
Honestly I'd be happy if she's just an old lady who googled "vanishing blue police box" after seeing it the first time and now is just hanging out waiting for fun alien stuff to happen like Wilfred. Just an old person to tell the Doctor "give 'em hell" and to tell a Dalek where to shove that plunger.
@jamessmithson-br7rm 9 ай бұрын
RTD “slow burn mystery” could just mean she wasn’t going to be anyone… but then everyone started theorising and getting super interested… so now he’s going to build her in wherever they have got to in future episodes writing/ filming
@Gemma-Majoran 9 ай бұрын
okay...but he said the slowburn thing in a prerecorded Commentary released day in with the episode
@Notallowed101 9 ай бұрын
Considering how much "advice" they have taken from Disney, I've suspected what you're saying is true.
@Phoenix2312 9 ай бұрын
But what is RTD's definition of a Slow Burn Mystery? He did a slow Burn Mystery with "Bad Wolf" back in 2005... It was Season Long Arc... If he is saying she is a Slow Burn Mystery, then he has already written it! It will be revealed in the new season towards its end! This is not a Disney Star Wars Situation where he is going to replaced as Show Runner half way through... And then be bought back to finish off... He has already written it all!
@hannahk1306 9 ай бұрын
Then why put that line in at all?
@Phoenix2312 9 ай бұрын
@@hannahk1306 People are making big assumptions because Disney now hold a lot of creative control... I am guessing many, like me are also Star Wars fans and saw what Disney did with the Sequel Trilogy - Love them or Hate them, The exist! But I dont think people have thought that Russel T. Davis has Already Wrapped up filming "Season 1" - The vast majority of Location Shooting and the main Story has already been penned, filmed and is now in Post Production... With maybe some pick ups later in the year! Its January now... The show airs in May... ITS HAS ALREADY BEEN FILMED! Whatever RTD has planned for Mrs. Flood, his idea of a "Slow Burn Mystery" will be an end of season reveal! That is what RTD does... He has always done it!
@dameonwalker8994 9 ай бұрын
The name 'Flood' seems too odd to not be significant. I can't help but think of River Song being a poetic pun based on Melody Pond. Floods most often occur after heavy rain, Rani being a basic anagram of rain. I'm not saying I want this to be the case but I can imagine ways in which RTD can make it work, whether she is on her last regeneration and suffering some form of temporal dementia or she has a damaged (or modified) chameleon arch or something else entirely. The fact that fans have guessed at The Rani's return and been wrong so many times may mean RTD feels he can pull a 'boy who cried wolf' trick and actually do it this time around. Whatever the case, I think you're spot-on that the apparently innocuous scenes in the most recent episode are cryptic clues. Time will tell and - as we all know - "time and tide melt the snowman".
@PokemonkaDub 7 ай бұрын
Her name is Flood. Maybe she is connected to the Flux somehow? But I think she might just be an alien that knows about Time Lords, or a retired UNIT worker. Or maybe she's just an old version of Ruby herself? that would be a very Doctor Who-like thing to do, but then she would not ask the Doctor who he is... She'd know already, unless her mind was wiped in a way.
@simianurchin7630 9 ай бұрын
I personally like the last theory about her timeline changing her through the episode, a big theme in the specials and this episode seems to be meddling like the mavity bit that they’re still running with or the salt line and the doctor letting in the toymaker by mistake. I thinks it’s very likely something changed in the past for her
@timelordsalad 9 ай бұрын
Yes this is exactly what I came to the comment section to say!
@iancarney1847 9 ай бұрын
It is Susan, and here is why.. the actress was 23 when she left the show with the character being left on earth, 50 years later 73 year old anita dobson appears in the show. She doesn't recognise the doctor as he looks totally different to her elderly grandfather. She hasn't seen the tardis for 50 years and is happy when she realises it's a tardis and not a police box. She promotes rubies adventures as she is sure she'll be safe and have adventures beyond time and space.
@haroldhgull1391 9 ай бұрын
I personally think Mrs Flood is someone the doctor just happened to run into once, which is why she doesn't immediately assume that the Tardis is the Tardis, my guess is that a younger Mrs flood will appear in the Beetles episode, go on a quick adventure and then get back to her own life instead of becoming a companion
@idle_speculation 8 ай бұрын
It’d be really cool if she was a companion the Doctor hadn’t taken in yet, kind of like how Charley Pollard traveled with 8 before meeting 6.
@5areth 9 ай бұрын
I had the same thought that Ms. Flood can remember alternate timelines or previous rewritten versions of history. It could be why the Mavity bit has stuck around, and The Doctor will catch how much of an anomaly she must be when she casually uses the word Gravity out of habit.
@marnetteryes2613 9 ай бұрын
Consider this a fanfic answer because I fully know this won't happen. But imagine if Mrs. Flood was one of Clara's variants from the series 11 finale. 1. Clara herself said that the variants of her were sent throughout time to help the doctor, such as being giving the new companion the push she needs to go into the tardis. 2. The knowledge of the doctor/the tardis could be subconscious knowledge for Mrs. Flood which is why she only seems to recognize the tardis at the end of the episode. 3. Ruby just really reminds me of Clara in her early days.
@Spider_MBI 9 ай бұрын
I think something you're overlooking about the Iris Wildthyme theory is that Iris Wildthyme isn't necessarily familiar with the Doctor. We've just seen The Meep meet The Doctor for the first time, despite their long history as foes. In the same vein, this might just be an adaptation of the Wildthyme character for TV. Regardless, my personal theory is that Mrs Flood is a Time Lord, but not one we've met before. Perhaps after the most recent destruction of Gallifrey, many Time Lords are scattered throughout the universe, living relatively normal lives.
@Nebby_smells 9 ай бұрын
My own take (after the part where she sees the tardis) is that she remembers the alternate timeline, meaning as the doctor has stated before, if you're a time traveller, you remember time lines that never happened I agree that I think she's a new character, but I think she has her own tardis
@saltywench 9 ай бұрын
I think Mrs. Flood is someone who knew the Dr. back when he worked at unit. There were plenty of people who knew, or knew about, the Dr. without being companions.
@naruto199797 8 ай бұрын
She might be the person who dropped ruby off at the church and became her neighbour to keep an eye on her and will play a part in uncovering Ruby's origin
@Mythologicalmemes 9 ай бұрын
I think Mrs.Flood was originally a normal person like you said,but I think she might have gotten replaced by something like a shapeshifter along the way.Like you said,her personality is completely different,and the universe probably doesn’t know about the doctors new face yet.
@Nutter666 9 ай бұрын
I think one of the most obvious/likely theories was missed here. If rumours are to be believed than one of the episodes is going to involved the Doctor and Ruby going back in time to witness the Beatles at Abbey Road, in which case it's entirely possible that they could both encounter a younger Mrs Flood at the same time. It's a bit timey whimey and a bootstrap paradox, since until the Doctor decided to take Ruby with him as a companion there wouldnt be that adventure set in Mrs Flood's past (and that adventure only happens because she encourages Ruby to go... after having knowledge of the tardis), but that seems like something RTD might play with. It also explains why she didn't recognise the Tardis at first (before the timeline change), but does after the timeline is fixed... since we're now in the timeline where Ruby does become a companion and does meet the younger Mrs Flood at the same time they go to see the Beatles. If the Goblins hadn't tried to steal the baby, the Doctor wouldn't have got involved or met Ruby, there would be an entire timeline where Ruby Sunday lives an ordinary life... I think that's what we saw initially with her not recognising the Tardis, and the Goblins (and the Doctor's) intereference is what caused the initial ripples and character change we see at the end.
@e.t.6424 9 ай бұрын
Mrs. Flood could be a pre-Hartnell companion from before the TARDIS’ disguising abilities broke, explaining why she knows what a TARDIS is but doesn’t recognize it?
@lasseehrenreich5502 9 ай бұрын
A new character - I'm pretty sure that most Doctor Who fans don't know what that means /j Regardless I hope she turns out to be a new character - new subject: the theory I think make least sense is that she is an older version of Ruby because we see her even in the timeline where Ruby died as a baby.
@goc9178 9 ай бұрын
i think she's rassilon. in the end of time he was trying to become an omnipitent being, and him being banished in hell bent is a huge loose end
@winternow2242 9 ай бұрын
She seems too chill to be Rasillon. In none of his incarnations would Lord Rasillon have winked, even in The Disney Era. I'm going with either Flavia or The White Guardian.
@Marconius6 9 ай бұрын
She can't be the Master, the Master is inside the Toymaker's gold tooth, they kind of made a point of showing that...
@williamcorpening6132 9 ай бұрын
what if Mrs. Flood IS Ruby? She pretends not to recognize the Doctor, and gets worried when they leave abruptly -- before they start traveling together.
@BEE-oz7yd 9 ай бұрын
Well OBVIOUSLY she's the ranimasterrassilonromanajennydalektimecontroller! A real fan would have noticed it immediately!😂
@xuxuang8574 9 ай бұрын
There's something that people might not have thought of. "Flood" - watery name, combined with The One Who Waits, makes me think of one person. Amy Pond. Amy was the one who waits before, once zapped by the angels she would have waited again. And perhaps during that time got angrier and angrier... Maybe got hold of time travel somehow...? It doesn't quite fit... But it seems too close to completely ignore. Especially as the toymaker reminded us of the companions lost along the way... I feel like Amy Pond would make a really awesome big bad.
@chickenpie7836 9 ай бұрын
Nil, before you mention him, I completely forgot the Grand Serpent even existed 😂
@Cminorputitincminor 9 ай бұрын
I have nothing to contribute except that I’m so happy that we’re speculating on these things and that plots like this are developing and that people are feeling more positive about the new series. Don’t get me wrong, the first few episodes haven’t been without their flaws, but among all of the people I’ve spoken to, there’s so much more excitement towards the new series than there has been for the last two. I won’t lie, I haven’t watched the last two series. I don’t like Chibnall’s writing and I went completely off Dr Who. This new breath of life given to the show is honestly so great.
@Antifag1977 9 ай бұрын
My theory is similar. I too noticed how different she was pre and post saving baby Ruby. This video just reinforced my theory by showing her interactions with Abdul that I missed. Her antagonistic relationship with Abdul seemed to change as well. . My theory is as follows: Originally she was just a normal lady with no knowledge of the doctor or TARDIS. When the doctor goes back to save baby Ruby she wasn't the woman that dropped Ruby off but rather a witness to the event that just so happened to be on Ruby rd in the wee hours of Christmas morning. . She sees a blue box materialize ex nihilo and disappear a few minutes later. Questioning her own sanity she begins to ask questions and research and investigate. She comes to learn of the doctor via all the evidence he's left throughout history. So when the doctor returns after saving Ruby Mrs. Flood has now been learning about the doctor and the Tardis for the last 19 years. And just knowing that there's this swashbuckling time traveler running around saving worlds and scared little children alike has an effect on her to the extent that a neighbor she otherwise would've had a confrontational relationship with (Abdul) is now a close friend who's cheeks she will pinch. . So that's always been my theory - just a lady in the right place at the right time to have her whole life changed by a coincidental sighting of something fantastical - which kinda fits with the theme of the episode now that I think about it.
@willcartoons 9 ай бұрын
Maybe she's a former the Fugitive Doctor
@R.senals_Arsenal 9 ай бұрын
Another Mystery Box. I think something changed with Goblins and then The Doctor changing time back and forth. I like the idea of possession. But not something evil, rather something curious, something intrigued and worldly (universely?) enough to recognize a TARDIS. One of The Players? A young Chronovore? The White Guardian? WHO knows! And if possessed, is any of her still alive in there?
@ChrissieBear 9 ай бұрын
I think she's two people. The real Mrs. Flood is seen throughout the episode, but the Mrs. Flood we see at the end is someone else stealing her shape/body. Throughout the episode she is a rather vile woman who doesn't recognize the TARDIS, but suddenly at the end she's a cheerful and polite person and does recognize the TARDIS.
@Alovon 9 ай бұрын
I do say there could be a chance Mrs.Flood could be related to the Ponds somehow. We don't really have in-universe confirmation about what they did after being stuck in Manhattan, so they could've adopted more than just Anthony/a different canonical person who could've been a girl and then happened to get married to a "Mr.Flood". As she is *Mrs* Flood. Would be a way to add to the fairytale/fantasy elements of the new run of the show, and further add coincidence between Flood and Ruby (which the episode drives off of), and also explain why she'd know what a TARDIS is, but not recognize the police box as the TARDIS at first nor exactly recognize The Doctor. That imho would probably be the best "is it a character existing or related to a character we know" route answer for me. But it is probably a brand new character. Although giving The Doctor some sense of personal closure with the Ponds, even if indirectly, would be nice, especially as 14's big arc was getting closure for 10's open-wounds.
@katrose5179 9 ай бұрын
Eh. Seems unlikely. It feels like if there were other children, Rory would have mentioned them in the letter to his father.
@Phoenix2312 9 ай бұрын
But that goes STAR WARS territory... Where everyone has to be linked to the OG Cast somehow because REAOSNS! Ands I say this both as a Star Wars and Doctor Who fan for DECADES... You dont wanna do that! It makes the world so SMALL! If Mrs Flood ends up connected to the Ponds, it makes it all BORING! And will have fans begging for a reappearance of the Ponds... Their story is DONE! IT IS TIME TO MOVE FORWARDS, NOT BACKWARDS!!! Much as I loved Billie Piper as Rose Tyler - She was excellent... Fans BEGGING FOR HER to come back even for a Cameo... It's BAD!!! Its Bad Writing and encouraging it only plays fan service stopping the show being creative!
@Alovon 9 ай бұрын
@@katrose5179 Technically P.S isn't absolute canon? At least under the "On Screen > Novelization >> Extended Universe" rules. And it would be an amendment that wouldn't radically change P.S's contents TBF. Again though, it is the only real idea I have that's original and involves a returning character of a sort.
@katrose5179 9 ай бұрын
@@Alovon feels like you’re relying on a technicality for an unoriginal idea.
@missjayspeechley9213 9 ай бұрын
What if Mrs Flood is a Gallifeyian? Not a Timelord, but a refugee from Gallifrey hiding on Earth. Yes she would recognise a TARDIS, might even have her own hidden somewhere. It would also be excusable for her not to immediately recognise the Doctor if she were a civilian during the Great Time War. Yes the Doctor is a war hero, but how many war heroes would you recognise walking down the street? Plus his face has changed multiple times since then
@Starius65 9 ай бұрын
The thing is, it's almost impossible for her to be someone who knows what a tardis is but doesn't know the doctor (at least within the show's history). There are very few people who know about timelords, and the ones who do usually know about them because of the doctor. And it can't really be another timelord, as it's basically been made well known in timelord society who the doctor is. So a new character is really the only option.
@CineScarborough 9 ай бұрын
She's obviously just trying to pass herself as a normal neighbor like Agatha Harkness in WandaVision.
@TheInkTank 9 ай бұрын
A future companion would be an awesome twist. I really hope it's not Ruby's real mom though.
@idle_speculation 8 ай бұрын
It happens again!
@thatotherted3555 9 ай бұрын
Minor quibble on your math: Someone who was 15 in 1968 would be about 70 or 71 now. Anita Dobson is 74. So Victoria seems like a pretty close match if you ask me. Not endorsing the theory, just pointing this out for its own sake.
@charleslambert8648 8 ай бұрын
Maybe she’s not good or bad explicitly but flips between good and evil
@mathieuleader8601 9 ай бұрын
Mrs. Flood could be a televised variant of the Doctors human mother Penalope Gate from the books in the wilderness years as Mrs. Flood = Floodgate.
@jonathanhart5420 9 ай бұрын
she is Sally Sparow!
@choco.__.cat8088 9 ай бұрын
my theory is the corsair. hear me out the corsair is a timelord and (according to deleted scenes from 'the doctors wife') was a doctor like person before the doctor started their travels with the doctor even asking the corsair to let him travel with him when he was a kid. they were mentioned in 'the doctors wife' and apparently was going to be revealed in the sarah jane adventures if it wasnt for elizabeth sladen's death. weve never seen this character in the main series and it would make a bit of sense. the shopkeeper in SJA (who was apparently supposed to be the corsair) did mysteriously leave a (alien) baby in front of sarah's door which she then ended up adopting with luke accepting her is his sister. this sounds a bit similar to ruby's story so far. mysterious person leaves a baby with unknown origin outside a door for it to be adopted. i know its a weird theory that will most likely not happen but it would be a waste of a good character imo
@StephenLeGresley 9 ай бұрын
I don't think her being Susan would be that bad of a concept. Susan could've regenerated and maybe used some technology to hide herself from the Doctor. I'm not saying it would be the best idea but it's not a terrible one either. I'm not one to do anagrams but we know that RTD is a huge fan of them so my recommendation is look at Mrs. Flood and see what you can make from it. Also, the Mrs suggests she either has or had a husband or wife in the past so which Doctor Who characters might that detail fit?
@Headlessperp 9 ай бұрын
The amount of mystery boxes we have already is madness
@charliesarasyoutubeadventu7539 9 ай бұрын
Maybe she wasn’t actually breaking the fourth wall and was actually talking to someone that we haven’t seen yet?
@angeljamais8541 9 ай бұрын
Or, to child Ruby?
@quantisedspace7047 9 ай бұрын
When I first saw this, I never assumed it /was/ a 4th wall breach. I mean, it would make no sense to ask 'us' because we _know_ what a TARDIS is. She looked to me as if she was talking to somebody in-Universe.
@garyshethers9834 9 ай бұрын
Maybe the Doctor did something in the episode set in the 60s to help Mrs Flood.
@davidrohde2636 9 ай бұрын
She didn't know what a tardis was until the timeline change! Plus another timelord would instantly recognise a tardis even if the chameleon circuit was activated!
@unorthodoxbox 9 ай бұрын
I beleive she is connected more to Ruby than to the Doctor. When the Doctor fixed the timeline something must've changed in Mrs Flood's personal timeline for her to know what a Tardis is which makes me think they'll be a story in the future with a younger Mrs Flood connecting to how she knows what a Tardis is. I suspect she isn't her mother but someone with a closer connection to Ruby's parents and has some answers but isn't able to answer them out of concern for what it could do to Ruby or her parents. This is all guess work I haven't seen the episode but given up on spoilers due to my KZbin feed.
@Notallowed101 9 ай бұрын
Watch the end again. The Doctor asks if he is bad luck, and yet he waits for Ruby and it's then that Flood seems to know. What else changed? The Doctor's outfit and outlook. This implies there could be time between the shot of him worrying about himself and Ruby getting in the Tardis. Could definitely have been some time where Mrs Flood travelled with the Doctor before coming back to the same spot.
@winternow2242 9 ай бұрын
Just tossing out some ideas: a regenerated incarnation of The Woman, Romana (who could also be The Woman), Time Lady Flavia, Adelaide Brook from an alternate timeline I'm which she didn't kill herself (which means 11 really WAS The Time Lord Victorious), Jenny, or Agatha Christie.
@Reginald425 9 ай бұрын
Perhaps she’s a reference to that time Doctor Who crossed over with Eastenders.
@Jedi_Spartan 9 ай бұрын
I was going to comment "Everyone is The Rani until proven otherwise..." but that's much funnier.
@doutorbolado7887 9 ай бұрын
And that's the better theory I've read
@MilesLetz-wx1iw 9 ай бұрын
Mrs flood could be future ruby. Ruby being the one to convince herself to join the doctor. She knows who the doctor is and could just be asking for a goof.
@conorcrilly1304 9 ай бұрын
I hadn't considered the Iris Wildthyme theory previously, but on that idea, what if she is an adaptation of Iris, like how the Meep is an adaptation of Beep the Meep. I feel like theres a lot of potential in the idea of a cooky old lady Time Lord, who can break the fourth wall and is just here for a good time... it would be a shame to not have Katy Manning, but if you did cast her and it wasn't Jo, it would be way too obvious that she was Iris, so this way could make it a surprise?
@Tulf42 9 ай бұрын
Another potential theory is that Mrs Flood could be the child of a former companion who was told many stories about the Doctor and the Tardis through their parent's words after their travels with the Doctor from long ago. The kids from the Sarah Jane Adventures, River Song or Melody Pond as the child of Amy and Rory, and more recently Rose Noble as the child of Donna, are the only confirmed offspring of previous companions, and Mrs Flood could be the latest edition of this category of next generation companions, with at least one of her parents being a companion or even a future companion we haven't seen yet.
@nickclare5984 9 ай бұрын
Pond - river - flood
@rickboy50000 9 ай бұрын
Timelord theory only works if their hiding because timelord can see other timelord missy was an exception because the master death then resurrecting could have changed the way timelord see him
@nickmoore6861 9 ай бұрын
I mean her asking who the doctor is could be a nod to the Doctor loving when people ask that…though rather conjoined with the follow up question “Doctor Who?”
@oswin1234 9 ай бұрын
My take is that last one. Mrs Flood is a normal person in the initial timeline, and that is changed by the Doctor saving Ruby in the past
@DarrenMatthews-d9k 7 ай бұрын
I do not know if anyone has floated this possibility. Is it feasible that she could be Victoria Waterfield (possibly name hint) as Fury from the Deep is set in the late 20th century (but not specified exactly when) so could be the right timeframe to fit the age criteria. Maybe I am wrong
@MarkLatimerRussell 9 ай бұрын
Now that you pointed out that she didn’t recognize the tardis when ruby had been taken in the alt timeline, but did when the timeline was restored makes me think we are WAY overthinking this as a fandom.
@59madmac 9 ай бұрын
There's been a focus on family recently, so what if she's the daughter of a previous companion.
@ImmortalAbsol 9 ай бұрын
Just thinking along the lines of knowing a TARDIS but not one that looks like a police box... There's the tardis that looks like a house from the 13th Doctor, and there's Clara and Ashildr's American diner tardis. Also, anyone at the time agency would have heard stories of the timelords, same with the Shadow Proclamation and the Church of the Papal Mainframe. Maybe such a group has a sleeper agent after everything that's happened on Earth.
@Benlovescheese 9 ай бұрын
What you’re missing out on is that villains are smart- they don’t have to ACT like they recognise the doctor to recognise the doctor. But I do think she’s most likely a new character that has some sinister traits, maybe playing with a half evil half good dynamic.
@greghawkins59 6 ай бұрын
The one who waits would make sense, she's living a normal life because she's waiting/scouting just to pass the time. The asking who the doctor is could be a bluff, just to be even less suspicious
@sentientwaffle535 9 ай бұрын
Cherry Sunday is the master and I CAN PROVE IT
@TheHoliday2012 9 ай бұрын
She didn't say "THE TARDIS" she said "A TARDIS"
@alanxavier2553 7 ай бұрын
She could've been informed by unit after having seen the tardis dematerialise. They could've been tracking 15 cause he's a bigeneration. With 2 doctors on earth at the same time ,why wouldn't they wanna know where they both are? Also Donna did kinda get employed by unit on the fly so... same thing maybe?
@skunclep1938 9 ай бұрын
There's often a clue in the name (Amelia/Melody Pond/River Song...). I don't know if that means Mrs Flood is a recurring character, but I think that we'll see a lot of punny references to her in the future before the big exposition.
@pjlightning1995 9 ай бұрын
I don't think she's anyone who's been in the story before. I think she had an experience 50 years earier which involved a police box, but that she didn't know then what it was. I think she and the doctor went off and did something in between him saying that he might be the bad luck and Ruby coming outside looking for him. I think she didn't know what a tardis was until then. I think we're missing a few scenes of a timey wimey nature.
@Phoenix2312 9 ай бұрын
10:55 "I have no idea how or why she knows but that's the fun of the Mystery" - TRUE and her being a Brand New Character as well helps make Doctor Who BIGGER! As a Star Wars fan as well as a Whovian, one issue I had and remains an issue for me is when fandoms feel a desperate need to link everything back to where it all began, as it stops shows expanding beyond where they are and they become stale... The Disney Star Wars Sequels made this serious mistake... The Force Awakens played it safe and was a Good Movie... Then Rian Johnson came for The Last Jedi and while many of his ideas were BAD - Rey's Parents being NOBODIES and STOPPING THE FAN THEORY THAT EVERY POWERFUL JEDI MUST BE RELATED BECAUSE LUKE AND VADER WERE... Brilliant move!!! But then Disney tried to walk it back, and now the Star Wars universe is enclosed the main cast and that's it! NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!!! It has become boring, stale and not enjoyable... Doctor Who could suffer the same fate! So the idea that Mrs. Flood is a new totally original character I LOVE... And as for how she knows about the TARDIS... ... Actually the answer is probably very simple! Everyone in the world has seen events transpire that Donna Noble was forced to forget! Mrs Flood has seen events happen, she is aware of the "Magic Blue Box" from the media but also never thought that much of it as she had NEVER actually come across it in her own life... It was nothing more than an Urban Legend... Until that day! To best explain it, Where I used to live in Lowestoft, UK... Someone has a Garden Shed that is an EXACT RECREATION of The TARDIS... I passed it many times, Great Work But Imagine I was passing that garden one day and suddenly it did "Vanish" before my eyes... I would of course be shocked like Mrs. Flood but later eagerly awaiting it return... As I am aware of Doctor Who! I just NEVER expected to be a part of it! As such, That to me is the theory that makes the most sense!!!
@Rognik 9 ай бұрын
I did think it was a bit weird that she was surprised the TARDIS disappeared only to know full knowledge of it later. There was no one around her, so she'd have no reason to drop her bags in shock unless it was genuine surprise. As for it being a "slow burn", it could still be answered by the series finale instead of waiting for a future series. She might just be the Bad Wolf or Torchwood or Saxon for the series. I would like to think she's a hint at an old character, but given what she does or doesn't seem to know, that seems increasingly unlikely.
@MikeFoster-wg8jt 9 ай бұрын
I think there is an in-universe Doctor Who TV series that Mrs. Flood has seen. If you recall in Remembrance of the Daleks, there is a BBC announcement being made about a new science fiction TV series called “Doc…” (abrupt cut to next scene).
@NileSWPhotography 9 ай бұрын
I love how the more likely points could all be possible because with RTD nearly everything is done or shown for a reason so her being cheery with Ruby could actually be because she’s her real mum. I can’t wait until all these little things pay off somewhere down the line
@AltimusPrimeG1 9 ай бұрын
Could be that in a future episode that the doctor travels to a time when she was younger, has some interactions with her possibly even traveling in the TARDIS for a short period of time thus she then knows what the TARDIS is.
@CynUnion-ji9uj 9 ай бұрын
For some reason in the show, to me, it's always felt like Elderly People on earth just sorta know about the doctor and his tardis. Like They've been living in london for the 60 years(plus or minus a decade) and so they just remember where the doctor was running around when they were young. Like Wilf gets a bunch of his old friends together to look for 10, and they do not bat an eye about anything about the doctor. Personally my theory about Mrs Flood(since RTD said it was a mystery, kinda disproving my above thought process) is that She's a doctor believer/conspiracy theorist like Clive from Rose or Elton Pope from Love & Monsters. Seen him a few times, knows the box and some stories about the Doctor.
@danielwilliamson6180 8 ай бұрын
I wish Mrs. Flood was more a new original character than one of the old ones we've before like Susan. The Rani. Romana. River Song etc. She could be this Zodin who was mentioned by the 2nd and the 6th Doctor.
@Brothamanblack77 9 ай бұрын
I love how mystery characters play on names. For example, River Song played with Amy Pond ... Wait ... Flood? Um.
@Adonk 9 ай бұрын
She's obviously the Face of Boe
@quantisedspace7047 9 ай бұрын
No, she's Cassandra
@CineScarborough 9 ай бұрын
Mrs Flood is definitely either the Rani or River Song. A flood can be caused either by rain (anagram of Rani) or a burst River bank. When she makes reference to having not seen a police box in years, she's just trying to pass as an ordinary neighbour like Agatha Harkness in WandaVision.
@charlie891 9 ай бұрын
watch her just be a literal random old lady and the mad theories were all wildly out of pocket lmao
@PaulJ2703 9 ай бұрын
I still think it's River, rivers flood and she did get married many, many times after all... *twirls moustache fiendishly*
@Lahey3 9 ай бұрын
Ms Flood is really Harbo Wholmes
@Legendary3Dgamer 9 ай бұрын
I personally don’t want her to appear in the first episodes of series 1/14 but near to the end and a lot in series 2/15
@JoeNayDoh 9 ай бұрын
I think you gave up on "The One Who Waits" theory a little too quickly. I mean what do we see Mrs Flood doing while sitting in her chair?? WAITING. I was right there in front of us the whole time.
@zarrg5611 9 ай бұрын
His dismissal was very literal minded, the fact that they toymaker would fear a seemingly harmless old lady seems like the kind of twist that RTD would do.
@Elliot-ou6lb 9 ай бұрын
Davis seems to be working hard to reconcile stuff. Gallifrey was saved in the 50th, then destroyed by the master. Perhaps some Gallifreyans escaped to live incognito across time and space? Maintaining the continuity of the destruction without rendering the 50th a moot rescue?
@mlight6275 5 ай бұрын
if there is a flood, then we need an ark / noah situation, with the tardis taking in pairs, 2 companions, 2 doctors, etc.
@owenwildish331 9 ай бұрын
Is it possible that ''Ms Flood' was maintaining her cover only pretending not to know who the Doctor was, and/or was simply to troll him, maybe..? While I don't think she's a returning villain (though I might be wrong), Outside this 'Ms Flood' mystery, I think it could be a fun idea if there was a returning villain hidden like this, but rather than coming back as a villain this time the character (perhaps if it is ever possible one day, the Rani) comes back reformed (though still with a slightly questionable morality), as an unexpected ally/friend, perhaps posing as a somewhat suspect and overly obsessive companion, until the big (and funny) reveal...
@Jayforeman3047 9 ай бұрын
I'm genuinely avoiding all these 'Who is Mrs Flood' videos like the plague because I just want to be surprised!
@BigGroovyFunker66 9 ай бұрын
have you ever considered doing some Primeval videos? you could start each one with S Club Hannah opening the front door.
@Ray-ray18.9 9 ай бұрын
I didnt even know there was a cutscene at the end of the episode so i was surprised why everyone was suddenly talking about the old lady, then i found out and everything made sense
@pac-eventskent 9 ай бұрын
Interviewed on the Alan Titchmarch weekend show on ITV. Anita Dobson said about the character that she is “very much earthbound”. I read this as not alien - she would know as she’s married to human badger Brian May! ❤
@realchoccibikki 9 ай бұрын
I personally think she is a UNIT plant who was tasked with keeping an eye on Ruby because of a future plot point that Ruby needs to fulfil
@shawnholbrook7278 9 ай бұрын
With the new fairytale angle, I'm rooting for a Fey, like a guardian for Ruby, nosy neighbor, helpful crone, fairy Godmother.
@alexrdz39xd15 8 ай бұрын
I feel that in the end of the season, somehow, ruby is gonna leave herself in the church, obviously not being her own mom, but maybe she meets her mom, the mom dies, and she decides to leave herself in the church
@ZioName 9 ай бұрын
They probably met her in the 60s episode and she knows of them because of that. If there is more to that... We'll see.
@aguila-wg3ug 9 ай бұрын
We know so little about Mrs Flood origin that really there isn't enough to make an actual concrete theory with evidence, almost any theory is going to be what makes for the most appealing narrative to each one, from a returning character to the answer to an already set up mystery. With that said, I actually like the idea that she is 'The One Who Waits'. This seemingly harmless old lady being in reality an all powerful entity stronger than god sounds so funny and I love it. She doesn't necessarily need to be evil, she can be neutral or even kind, she just happens to be the strongest being in all of creation who's biggest desire in life is to just have a normal urban life in London lol. Although I also think the most likely opportunity is that she is a new character. With the specials it really felt like Russel tried to set up as many mysteries as possible to keep viewers engaged for years to come.
@zarrg5611 9 ай бұрын
She could just be a mortal, but one that knows some detail about the toymaker that makes the toymaker fear her.
@BobPsomiadis 9 ай бұрын
She is probably a past protectorate friend of the doctor ,coming from the same planet as him .
@danielgertler5976 9 ай бұрын
I Honestly think Ms. Flood is just a previously unknown timelord since she recognized it was a TARDIS but not until she saw it in action, so she's not tamiliar with the Doctor's TARDIS looking like a Police Box.
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