Does communion forgive my sins?

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Topical Bible Studies

Topical Bible Studies

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I feel refreshed and forgiven all over again after communion. Do I get to start each week with a clean slate because I ate of the bread and drank of the cup? We will explore the Bible’s answer from two perspectives in this video.
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Prepared and presented by Lance Mosher
© 2023 Topical Bible Studies
Give God the glory.
#pursuegodstruth #biblestudy #communion #holycommunion

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@dennishagans6339 Жыл бұрын
The partaking of communion is for this purpose 1 Corinthians 11:26 (KJV) For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. This is symbolic of His body and blood. But it is His shed blood that cleanses us from our sins.
@dennishagans6339 8 ай бұрын
@@cheryl0327 Where does it say anything about a priest waving his hands like some witch preforming a spell or incantation turning an ordinary wafer and ordinary wine into the literal body and blood of Christ, by the way is this so called transubstantiation the real litteral body and blood of Christ? Or a copy of His body and blood? If it is the literal body and blood then it is cannibalism and don't you think that biting and chewing on Jesus literal flesh would be painful especially when millions around the world do it when they partake of communion? If it is His litteral body and blood then it is cannibalism period. Anyway there is no scripture for a priest preforming some occult like ritual to supposedly magically transform ordinary bread and wine into the actual physical body and blood of Christ.
@david_adoptee Жыл бұрын
Amen!… Praise the Lord! I really enjoy your short - straight to the point lessons. Our heavenly Father truly has blessed you with such a gift of being able to teach the word. If there is any way I can offer a gift to your ministry, will you please let me know? 😊
@TopicalBibleStudies Жыл бұрын
Hey David. Thank you so very much! If you will, please send an email to, and we will chat. God bless you!
@GWConsultant 3 ай бұрын
@@TopicalBibleStudies Thank you for sharing the Scriptures to study doctrines (rather than just philosophy as some do)! Your answer whether partaking of body and blood of Christ during H.Supper cleanses from sins was No! It’s not some magical meal that wirjs Ex opere operato. However, it seems that from what you are saying, rightly connecting baptism with the Holy Supper, - assuming there us confession of sins, repentance and faith, - we can conclude that YES! - the Holy Supper cleanses from sins. And it is instituted by Jesus as an event where disciples “wash feet” to each other (confess to each other, and repent), despite as a whole they are already been washed (baptized). You also noticed that confession of sins and repentance is required, (hence IOW your faith in Gospel) for you to be cleansed from sins and all unrighteousness. The blood of Jesus does it by your faith, while you once have been on the cross with Jesus in His death and received His blood- it’s your baptism. You yourself connected the Holy Supper being sharing of the body of Christ and His blood with the baptism - immersion of the believer into Jesus’s death (through water) and immersion into/connection with the resurrected Jesus - through Spirit. It applies to me and you if we have been once covered by the blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross where Jesus died, and I died together with him, and I resurrected together with Him - the Rom 6:3-5 - that’s our baptism. This said - how Jesus make remission of your sins through His blood that was shed as He sacrificed Himself bearing our sins? On the cross He became a “propitiation”: Romans 3:25 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation THROUGH FAITH in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; Where “propitiation“ IMHO is a strange choice for 2435. ἱλαστήριος hilastḗrios which is the Mercy seat, The lid or covering of the ark of the covenant. Hebrews 9:5 5 And over it the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat [hilastḗrios]; of which we cannot now speak particularly. To unpack this we should look into the actions of the High Priest described in Yom Kipur day that was a shadow of the events that happened once on the cross. When I together-died with Him on the cross, Jesus became my sacrifice - He became my sin, and my curse, that remained in hell but death and hell could not hold Him being blameless, and I being cleansed from my sin am together-resurrected with Him. (Rom 6:3-5). This cleansing from sin and all unrighteousness happens “THROUGH FAITH in his blood” (Rom 3:25) that actually requires my faith into death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross, and faith into promise that during immersion happens Rom 6:1-14, and the faith is one like had Abraham being father of our saving faith (Rom 4). This said, the one who participates in sharing of the body and blood of Jesus by faith “remembers Him - remembers [his] salvation (Jesus = Yeshuah = salvation)” which is the moment of entering the “salvation”=Body of Jesus=Church, and became a member if His body. This does not happen without declaring Jesus as your Lord (Rom 10:9, see Gary Habermas) and “Jesys us Lord” can be confessed ONLY IN SPIRIT. This said, by remembering Him, the believer partaking bred/body and vine/blood of Christ again encounters experience of entering the “salvation”=Jesus, which is “baptism”. Therefore baptismal experience of being saved Peter compares with entering the Noah arc. By entering arc you are ALREADY (saved, entered the arc of “salvation”, Jesus) BUT NOT YET (you have not yet reached the mount of Ararat, have not yet become VICTORIOUS and received resurrection body). According to Acts 2:38 lit.translation tells this baptism immerses you into “forgiveness of sins”, which is another expression for being “covered by the blood of Jesus” while you “abide IN Him”. This said, Holy Supper reconnects you with the death of Christ and with your baptism where you have together-died with Christ being covered by His blood, and you have together-resurrected with Christ, and assuming you have examined yourself, asked the Holy Spirit to help identify your sins, confess them and repent, then being in Christ by faith you can throw them towards Jesus on the cross, disregarding whether you partake the body and blood of Christ or not. This us the reason why 1st-2nd century church before the communion were publicly confessing sins one to another! The commandment to do so can be derived from 1 Tim 5:19-22 where laying hands on an elder who sinned would mean a secret confession but the requirement is that even elders sincerely confess publicly in front if c]the congregation. The Holy Supper is instituted as a regular communion where we confess and repent TOGETHER with brothers in Christ (washing only feet while you as a whole have been washed already).
@GWConsultant 3 ай бұрын
⁠ Thank you for sharing the Scriptures to study doctrines (rather than just philosophy as some do)! Your answer whether partaking of body and blood of Christ during H.Supper cleanses from sins was No! It’s not some magical meal that wirjs Ex opere operato. However, it seems that from what you are saying, rightly connecting baptism with the Holy Supper, - assuming there us confession of sins, repentance and faith, - we can conclude that YES! - the Holy Supper cleanses from sins. And it is instituted by Jesus as an event where disciples “wash feet” to each other (confess to each other, and repent), despite as a whole they are already been washed (baptized). You also noticed that confession of sins and repentance is required, (hence IOW your faith in Gospel) for you to be cleansed from sins and all unrighteousness. The blood of Jesus does it by your faith, while you once have been on the cross with Jesus in His death and received His blood- it’s your baptism. You yourself connected the Holy Supper being sharing of the body of Christ and His blood with the baptism - immersion of the believer into Jesus’s death (through water) and immersion into/connection with the resurrected Jesus - through Spirit. It applies to me and you if we have been once covered by the blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross where Jesus died, and I died together with him, and I resurrected together with Him - the Rom 6:3-5 - that’s our baptism. This said - how Jesus make remission of your sins through His blood that was shed as He sacrificed Himself bearing our sins? On the cross He became a “propitiation”: Romans 3:25 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation THROUGH FAITH in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; Where “propitiation“ IMHO is a strange choice for 2435. ἱλαστήριος hilastḗrios which is the Mercy seat, The lid or covering of the ark of the covenant. Hebrews 9:5 5 And over it the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat [hilastḗrios]; of which we cannot now speak particularly. To unpack this we should look into the actions of the High Priest described in Yom Kipur day that was a shadow of the events that happened once on the cross. When I together-died with Him on the cross, Jesus became my sacrifice - He became my sin, and my curse, that remained in hell but death and hell could not hold Him being blameless, and I being cleansed from my sin am together-resurrected with Him. (Rom 6:3-5). This cleansing from sin and all unrighteousness happens “THROUGH FAITH in his blood” (Rom 3:25) that actually requires my faith into death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross, and faith into promise that during immersion happens Rom 6:1-14, and the faith is one like had Abraham being father of our saving faith (Rom 4). This said, the one who participates in sharing of the body and blood of Jesus by faith “remembers Him - remembers [his] salvation (Jesus = Yeshuah = salvation)” which is the moment of entering the “salvation”=Body of Jesus=Church, and became a member if His body. This does not happen without declaring Jesus as your Lord (Rom 10:9, see Gary Habermas) and “Jesys us Lord” can be confessed ONLY IN SPIRIT. This said, by remembering Him, the believer partaking bred/body and vine/blood of Christ again encounters experience of entering the “salvation”=Jesus, which is “baptism”. Therefore baptismal experience of being saved Peter compares with entering the Noah arc. By entering arc you are ALREADY (saved, entered the arc of “salvation”, Jesus) BUT NOT YET (you have not yet reached the mount of Ararat, have not yet become VICTORIOUS and received resurrection body). According to Acts 2:38 lit.translation tells this baptism immerses you into “forgiveness of sins”, which is another expression for being “covered by the blood of Jesus” while you “abide IN Him”. This said, Holy Supper reconnects you with the death of Christ and with your baptism where you have together-died with Christ being covered by His blood, and you have together-resurrected with Christ, and assuming you have examined yourself, asked the Holy Spirit to help identify your sins, confess them and repent, then being in Christ by faith you can throw them towards Jesus on the cross, disregarding whether you partake the body and blood of Christ or not. This us the reason why 1st-2nd century church before the communion were publicly confessing sins one to another! The commandment to do so can be derived from 1 Tim 5:19-22 where laying hands on an elder who sinned would mean a secret confession but the requirement is that even elders sincerely confess publicly in front if c]the congregation. The Holy Supper is instituted as a regular communion where we confess and repent TOGETHER with brothers in Christ (washing only feet while you as a whole have been washed already).
@cheryl0327 8 ай бұрын
Partaking in the Body and Blood of Christ saves you. John 6:48 - I am the bread of life. 49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. 50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” 52 Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.
@GWConsultant 3 ай бұрын
Consider that all the blessings, justification, remission of sins, cleansing of the sin and all unrighteousness in the blood, sanctification is IN JESUS CHRIST. Jesus steams from heb. Yeshuah that lit. means SALVATION. It soes NOT mean “Savior”. Note that Jehoshuah means “Jehovah delivers [from bondage]”. Peter compares baptism as entering into arc of Noah. Note that “to be saved” is understood in various ways - the regular OT way - delivered from some disaster or even death; the NT are two more ways “being saved” as receiving the life eternal, and just being saved without further explanation. The last therefore means the baptism - entering into the body of Jesus Christ/Church (entering the arc). The reception of the eternal\l salvation is manifested when you receive the resurrection body, or it is also called the victory, in Rev - become]ing an overcomer. The reception of the salvation as eternal life is an ALREADY BUT NOT YET event, like Noah was not yet on the Ararat when he entered the arc. But God ensures that the arc fir shure shall reach the mount of Ararat. From God’s point if you entering Jesus/salvation is ALREADY but from the believers point if view that’s NIT YET, there fore remaining in faith is a clue - your victory us your faith, faithfulness as the bride is faithful to the bridegroom as she is waiting for his return. Thus said being in Body and Blood IOW abiding in Christ potentially saves you. That’s a precondition! To be saved, we have to understand sanctification, and what is the life eternal - the Gid Father dwelling in you and loving through you while you do Rom 12:1. See Jn 17:3, 1 Jn 4:8 - what means to know God, 1 Cir 13 - without Father you are nothing, and Jn 14:21,23 Son and Father manifests and dwells in you. To become VICTORIOUS one should learn to love unselfishly, as Jesus loved us.
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