Does Hebrews 6 say that if you lose your salvation you can never get it back?

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Pastor Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark Driscoll

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Today’s question comes from Hebrews 6:4-6:
“For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.”
At first read, it is easy to come to the concern that if you lose your salvation, you can never get it back.
Take a deep dive with Pastor Mark into the Bible, learn the importance of context, and the difference between an immature Christian and a non-Christian.
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@Goldtaker23 8 ай бұрын
Im always living in feat because there is so many out there who say you can lose it by sinning to much or not being obedient and all sorts of things they say Jesus said it was hard and the broad way is easy so im always living in feat what if they are right but I ask God to help me and show me the truth often and usually I get lead to these types of videos reassuring me we cant be lost so I hope this is another answered prayer from God
@TroyHix-s6w 2 сағат бұрын
Im going to make a video about my salvation experience at 17 and then walking away and coming back with true repentance and walking away still. Now I'm 52 and completely live in in wickedness. It should break my heart
@wakingrose1956 2 жыл бұрын
This scripture troubled me for years until today!! Praise God! This scripture says absolutely the opposite!! There isnt the word if found in the greek text. The scriptures before and after explains those who received Christ can no more lose their salvation than Christ could be crucified again and put to open shame. It's impossible because once you have received Christ you are his...period. Consider Abraham's one act believing God it was credited to him for rightousness, HOW MUCH MORE ONE ACT OF FAITH IN HIS ONE ACT UPON THE CROSS saved us to the uttermost!!
@georgehunter1133 8 ай бұрын
Don't worry... someone who believes in conditional security will trouble you again. You'll get it your whole life. Just ignore them.
@kimwestwood8840 Жыл бұрын
Hi brother Mark. Came across and wanted to say thank you for this. God has us and cannot lose us.
@GodChangeMeBetter4HisKingdom 2 ай бұрын
I dont think we can lose our salvation but also that doesnt mean that we should take that for granted too. But then again I also think about freewill cause we do have freewill to choose.
@RichardM1366 9 ай бұрын
Whoever said you can lose your salvation does not know Jesus or the Gospel. We are saved by Grace. There is no way anyone could lose salvation who knows Jesus as their saviour.
@GBUTR Жыл бұрын
Brother, thank you! I believe what you do but this extra long sentence confused me lol. Clear now- thanks!!!
@downbythesea1071 3 күн бұрын
So in order for salvation to be lost than eternal life cannot be eternal when one is saved otherwise they make God a liar. Why is it the simple truth screws up the self righteousness so much? Answer is their own pride blinds them from truth……😢
@ITISFINISHED777 Жыл бұрын
Repentance = greek word for metanoia which means to change your mind, in the context of true salvific biblical repentance what it is saying is change your MIND from UNBELIEF in Christ alone as your savior (aka trusting in yourself, trusting in your law keeping, trusting in your "turning from sins") and BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christs finished redemptive work on the cross for remission of your sins. The gospel is the same today as it was 2000 years ago and it will never change, we are justified by GRACE alone through FAITH alone in CHRIST alone.
@dawnalaia9984 10 ай бұрын
So do you think this passage means if you fell away into unbelief that you can come back to God and repent and be forgiven? I did fall away into unbelief when I was 19 and eventually fell into all false doctrines. I realized 5 months ago that i needs God and went back to church and gave my life back to the Lord only to discover these passages so idk exactly what it means. Is it referring to Apostasy ? If so so many people will say an Apostate would not want to return to God, which may be true but what happens if someone does ? Please offer an help you can thank you 🙏
@ITISFINISHED777 10 ай бұрын
@@dawnalaia9984 if you have believed the gospel of Jesus Christ, you cannot lose your salvation, even if you chose to believe falsehoods after that and make your bed in hell you will find that Christ is still with you and will never leave you nor forsake you.
@CAsnowman 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@ITISFINISHED777I would like to believe that, but there’s verses about being cut off and thrown into the fire to be burned if we don’t abide in him in John, or parables like the one of the talents where the wicked servant was cast into outer darkness. The parable of the seed being choked out by the cares of the world. Or about those who perserveres until the end shall be saved? It definetely feels like we need to cooperate and have ongoing obedience (not perfect obedience necessarily, but a genuine desire for purity and righteousness, with actions to follow) because James also says faith without works is dead, and cannot save anyone. I think there’s a balance to this whole idea, I don’t think salvation is a one time thing and then you’re just set for life, it’s an ongoing process where Gods grace covers your shortcomings on the way through sanctification.
@ITISFINISHED777 9 ай бұрын
@@CAsnowman okay
@qguhnics 5 ай бұрын
@@CAsnowmanI agree 😢
@rosemarietolentino3218 10 ай бұрын
John 6:28-29. Tells you the Works of God is. John 6:40. Tells you the Will of God.
@jamesmcallister9645 7 ай бұрын
I became born again 28 years ago, i am only using an internet phone about 5 years , i would say most of the online preachers who say you can lose your salvation have been exposed or some cases have exposed themselves by what they said as false teachers masquerading as preachers of righteousness. All praise and Glory to God for the discernment through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
@kimharper7027 Ай бұрын
NO!!! The reason being you can't lose your salvation to begin with. If you truly been saved then you can't lose it so how can you gain your salvation back if you can't lose it.
@pauljovick9449 Ай бұрын
@cliffdenis144 3 ай бұрын
No what it says is that it is difficulty to get back someone who already experienced the walk with with holy spirit and decide to leave cos almost like there is nothing to impress him or her anymore cos he tested the beauty of salvation and see it of no value then nothing remain
@shvideo1 Ай бұрын
A great explanation pastor. Thank you for your wisdom and for sharing it.
@alanhales6369 11 ай бұрын
Mark Driscoll, Heb 6 and Heb 10 as well as other scriptures teach people can lose their salvation, Stop deceiving people.
@dawnalaia9984 10 ай бұрын
Hello I’m trying to figure out if I’m saved or not. If what you say is true then I must not be saved because I fell away after being born again at 19. I came back to the lord 5 months ago which is many years later only to discover these verses. I fell into new age beliefs so I didn’t even realize I was without God 🥺 I love the Lord but when I pray I don’t feel his presence or hear his voice to maybe I am not saved …..I’m not sure if repentance and forgiveness are the same thing. I appreciate any spiritual truth you can tell me. Thank you and blessings
@alanhales6369 10 ай бұрын
@@dawnalaia9984 there's a difference between backsliding and not believing God, Jesus and the saving blood of Jesus. There's two ways of looking at your situation (1)If you are saved, you would know it. (2)If you lost your salvation, you wouldn't be concerned about it. So if you knew you were saved, then you still are saved.
@NazSBG 8 ай бұрын
First, the term Christian must be defined. A “Christian” is not a person who has said a prayer or walked down an aisle or been raised in a Christian family. While each of these things can be a part of the Christian experience, they are not what makes a Christian. A Christian is a person who has fully trusted in Jesus Christ as the only Savior and therefore possesses the Holy Spirit (John 3:16; Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8-9). So, with this definition in mind, can a Christian lose salvation? It’s a crucially important question. Perhaps the best way to answer it is to examine what the Bible says occurs at salvation and to study what losing salvation would entail: A Christian is a new creation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). A Christian is not simply an “improved” version of a person; a Christian is an entirely new creature. He is “in Christ.” For a Christian to lose salvation, the new creation would have to be destroyed. A Christian is redeemed. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:18-19). The word redeemed refers to a purchase being made, a price being paid. We were purchased at the cost of Christ’s death. For a Christian to lose salvation, God Himself would have to revoke His purchase of the individual for whom He paid with the precious blood of Christ. A Christian is justified. “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). To justify is to declare righteous. All those who receive Jesus as Savior are “declared righteous” by God. For a Christian to lose salvation, God would have to go back on His Word and “un-declare” what He had previously declared. Those absolved of guilt would have to be tried again and found guilty. God would have to reverse the sentence handed down from the divine bench. A Christian is promised eternal life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Eternal life is the promise of spending forever in heaven with God. God promises that if you believe, you will have eternal life. For a Christian to lose salvation, eternal life would have to be redefined. The Christian is promised to live forever. Does eternal not mean “eternal”? A Christian is marked by God and sealed by the Spirit. “You also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession-to the praise of his glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14). At the moment of faith, the new Christian is marked and sealed with the Spirit, who was promised to act as a deposit to guarantee the heavenly inheritance. The end result is that God’s glory is praised. For a Christian to lose salvation, God would have to erase the mark, withdraw the Spirit, cancel the deposit, break His promise, revoke the guarantee, keep the inheritance, forego the praise, and lessen His glory.
@TheNationOfTexas 3 ай бұрын
@@dawnalaia9984 Forgiveness and repentance are not the same thing. Repentance means to turn around; literally stop the way you’re going and do an about face in the opposite direction. Repentance is something that you do. Forgiveness is something that God does. Hope that clarifies part of your concern at least.
@budcurtis4512 11 ай бұрын
No, I think the question is whether I can jump out of Christ's hand. You read the plain scripture then try to prove it wrong by misunderstanding other scriptures.
@matthewadamson4687 Жыл бұрын
Thank you pastor Mark.
@thundershadow Жыл бұрын
Bottom line... do you believe that Jesus went to the cross to taste of death for every man (language specifically used in the bible)? Also bottom line... do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Yet again, bottom line... Do you believe that Jesus is able to raise you up in the last day and that he can Justify you by his word? If you said yes to those three things then you can repent. It is this belief in Jesus which is used to call us to repentance. Romans 4:26 He was made a sacrifice for our sins and he was raised for our justification.
@earlwhite3760 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. It is most very important to read all scripture in full context not cut & paste verses then memorize & use for one's own benefit or construct doctrine. Hebrews 6 & 10 are to who, why, what were they considering? Obviously anyone considering going back or adopting things from their old religion does not & can not equal "born again". If anyone can't see "willful sin" in 10:26 & understand that "every" man sins & it is willful then you can't help them. Some say using personal relationship experiences with God are wrong to consider. I backslid hard after a few decades, it was God that brought me back. When you're one of His he can either chastise you or take you home. He chastised me & took me down hard physically & I'm paying for that. Brought me to complete repentance and even close to Him than before. Did I ever recant my faith, no! Did I ever not know that God was the Father, Jesus the Son who was the Lamb, who's blood covers me? No. Was I sealed? Apparently. I believe & it is obvious to me that there are some who are not convinced but claim to be Christians & never born again and are used as "Christians who fall away". Anyone who has backslid & has great stress & anxiety over Hebrews 6 needs to study who Hebrews was written to & why & read Hebrews in complete context. Just the fact that you read Hebrews 6 out of context & are now worried is your sign of a repentant heart. Same thing happened to David. If anyone gets it & now thinks it isn't a big deal to backslide because they can repent better really think about that. God's chastisement is something to fear, going against what the Father has done for us is shameful, cowardly & embarrassing. It is a lack of love for what He has done. Jesus said, many are called but few are chosen. If you are called do all you can to make your election sure, stay on course & run the race. If you know you're saved then continue in good works not for salvation sake of which you have but for your rewards. Live holy forvwhat He created us for. Be Christ like as a Christian so that nobody can deny you are a Christian, no need to be undercover
@dawnalaia9984 10 ай бұрын
Based on your response, I wonder if I’m saved because I was born again at 19 and fell away into false doctrines for many many years but now realized what a horrific misktakrni made walking away from the faith and gave my life back to the Lord 5 months ago however after learning about Hebrews 6 & 10 I think I may not be saved ….Hebrews 6 says cannot be brought back to repentance but is that the same as forgiveness and is it because the person won’t repent or because the Lord won’t let them ? Please help if you can I’m so worried 😦
@thundershadow 10 ай бұрын
@@dawnalaia9984 * Please help if you can I’m so worried * Tell me what you believe about salvation.
@thundershadow 10 ай бұрын
@@dawnalaia9984 To be renewed unto repentance is euphemistic language referring to Baptism by faith. The act of baptism by faith motivates God to adopt us and raise us from the dead state we were in the way he raised Jesus from the dead. Why would God re-crucify his son? You can only be baptized by faith once. I talk about Baptism quite often and most of the time it is because there are tens of millions of people who were not baptized by faith. That's why I asked you what you believe about salvation. But who am I to judge if your initial conversion was valid or not? I was not there. But I can say this... that passage about it being impossible to renew unto repentance is talking about preaching the Gospel repetitively to people who have already heard it and responded to it by faith. Basically, he's saying you guys have heard this before let's move on to something you have not heard.
@dawnalaia9984 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your reply ! I believe you are saved once you believe that Jesus died for all our sins on the cross SO many people including pastors tell me you can return to the Lord if you repent which I have but verses like Hebrews 6 seem to contradict what these people and pastors say to me. Pastors if 40 years have told me that the fact I want to come back to the Lord means I’m not an Apostate because I want to repent. All I know is I love the Lord I’m pressing in but to be honest I do t feel the presence of God or hear his voice so idk what to believe
@freakylocz14 6 ай бұрын
Yes, it does. And this affirms that Once Saved, Always Saved is true.
@Burger-h1j 10 ай бұрын
I will say how I understand the verse. It sounds like if you've gone to church and truly started believing in Christ and had some kind of religious experience. But still never truly showed some permanent change in behaviour and followed your flesh. You won't get another chance. Scary
@downbythesea1071 24 күн бұрын
Nothing scary when you understand no flesh ever inherits eternal life anyway….regardless of how you live. The wages of sin is death for the flesh, but the one born of God (spirit) cannot sin. Salvation is unto us in the spirit for which we are granted eternal life. No one is ever holy enough to earn eternal life except Jesus he paid it all unless you want to trust in yourself. Good luck with that!
@johnmatthew7630 6 ай бұрын
You can't lose your salvation. It's the gift of eternal life. If you've trusted in Christ alone for your salvation (and you're not trusting your own works, which many are) then you have eternal life. The fact that this pastor doesn’t know that, is a red flag.
@yevtar3882 5 ай бұрын
He never said you need works? He said that you can’t lose your salvation. That was the whole point of the video
@johnmatthew7630 5 ай бұрын
​@@yevtar38820:50 to minute 1:26, he essentially says you can fall away and lose your salvation. He said "Those who have lost their salvation tend not to care". If you listen carefully, the video's message is that Hebrews 6 is not talking about losing your salvation, but about a believer being a babe in Christ. Notice he doesn't say it's not possible for a believer to lose his salvation, but that Hebrews 6 is not talking about losing your salvation. Big distinguishment there. Hypothetically speaking, if you can fall away and lose your salvation, then the only logical way that could happen is if you don’t live up to some standard of righteousness, which is works based.
@TrentonJackson-pl3le 4 ай бұрын
I feel like I’m one of these. I’m feeling numb towards sin 😭. It seems like I’m in unrepentant sin without going to God. I honestly have seen Christ through Isaiah 53 to look to him and my heart feels numb. It’s like I don’t see him and I don’t feel conviction.
@melindaestrada516 2 ай бұрын
Has your feelings changed since this?
@LwaziButhelezi-w3g 10 күн бұрын
That is exactly what I feel bro how are you doing now
@freespiritpearl89 4 ай бұрын
No one is saved.
@pastorhillbilly 2 жыл бұрын
I know absolutely nothing about anything, but Revelation 3:5 says (in part), "I will never blot out his name from the book of life..." I thought that having your name written in the book of life was the same as saying "saved" and so why would blotting it out even be mentioned if it wasn't a possibility in the first place? Romans 8:38-39 lists all the things that can't separate you from the love of God, but they are all external to you. Besides, if you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior through free will, can't you reject Him through free will at any point, even after accepting Him? It's like saying that once you are saved, you're locked in whether you want to be or not. I guess the biggest problem I have is that there are far too many people in this world that would think "once saved, always saved" is just a free license to do whatever you want since there's absolutely no danger of being separated from God (assuming you truly accepted Him at some point in the first place). I don't know about anyone else, but I think I'd likely go back to my old life (and likely 1000 times worse) if I knew beyond any doubt that I couldn't lose my salvation. Anyway, I'm not a Biblical scholar, but I try to study both sides and then draw my own conclusions (as I guess most people do). I did find a free book on entitled "Once Saved, Always Saved?" that presents both sides and comes to the conclusion that you most certainly can lose your salvation. The author makes a pretty compelling case. I would strongly recommend taking a look at it, even if it is just to see things a different way. It changed the way I see it. But regardless, I guess the long and short of it is simple, as Christians, we should tell ourselves that we can lose our salvation (even if we don't really believe it) and then maybe we’d act the way God wants us to act because isn't the whole point of it all that we look different than the world? By the way, if my comment here doesn't convince you that I am a complete and total moron, I'm begging you to give me another chance. Please. Check out some of my videos (you can click my name or picture at the top of this comment) and, if you aren't quickly convinced that I am just two steps away from being declared mentally unfit, I will gladly refund your purchase price.
@therealmorganofficial Жыл бұрын
We shouldn’t tell ourselves we’ll lose salvation in order to motivate ourselves to do what God wants. That completely is NOT the heart of Christianity. We are motivated to do good BECAUSE he saved us and seals us! I’m thankful, so I work! We work and start from the finish line! We can’t lose salvation or else that means that Jesus fails to save us. The Holy Spirit seals us. Overwhelming amounts of the Bible say we’re always saved since we’re saved by faith and grace. Look into it more!
@saphiriphiri8834 Жыл бұрын
This makes sense ,Pastor Billy your reasoning is sound to me …
@carlottaforJesus Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I think you can walk away from God after you get saved. No one even God makes you stay saved. You can go back to sin if you choose.
@kimwestwood8840 Жыл бұрын
I believe the verses that seem to contradict other verses should be our concern if we are not theologians. If we agree that there are no contradictions in the bible, why do people run to the verses that seem to completely refute the promises of Jesus in order to justify their position? I have been saved over 30 years, believe in eternal life as permanent, not temporary or conditional. My relationship with the Father is amazing, and as you argued I don't run around like a heathen giving into the immorality of my flesh knowing all the while dishonoring God , the very One who shed His blood for me. In fact I dont know anyone saved who does what non believers in eternal life claim they will do . Your argument for conditional salvation has more problems than I have time to type rebuttals . But you suggest Jesus is incapable of finishing what He started, is a liar and is powerless, and that our eternal destination depends upon our performance ...Man I am glad that I do not have that problem but rest in my blessed assurance ....
@thomasmarchese2808 Жыл бұрын
I believe from my studying the word and talking to older more experienced and educated people that it seems to be if you truly believe in Jesus and his sacrifice than you will never become an atheist or Scientologist or Muslim or anything else and that if you do you never truly believed to begin with. And that would reconcile once saved always saved. Because it’s a matter of your heart not your actions. Therefore if someone is saved but lives a very sinful life than they’re spiritually immature and the fore produce no fruit.
@wakingrose1956 2 жыл бұрын
@marcusmuse4787 2 жыл бұрын
what about Hebrews 10 though which seems to condemn people that are so-called backsliders??
@platinum1781 2 жыл бұрын
Listen to A.W Tozer’s explanation on Hebrews 10:26 it was very helpful to me. Scripture never contradicts itself just look at the first three chapters of Revelation, Jesus telling the churches to repent and return.. think about the story if the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 scripture is FULL of God pleading with his backslidden children to return to him (a lot in the old testament)
@gabbygabra 7 ай бұрын
Salvation is a gift from God.. but I believe that Salvation is there if you want to receive it and keep it. If you serve two masters you don't repent of your sins or you repent but then continue sinning. You don't keep his commandments. You're not obedient to his word and have a righteous life, then obviously, you will lose your salvation. You're refusing the free gift of what Jesus did in the cross for you for me for all humanity.
@Ezekio3160 6 ай бұрын
No one Christian that’s saved can walk in perfect obedience to maintain or keep salvation. Are we to abuse the Grace of God? Of course not. God bless
@gabbygabra 6 ай бұрын
@Ezekio3160 We can walk in obedience.. it's hard but not impossible. Salvation is there, but if you walk away from God and go back and sin and die without repentance, then you know where your soul will be going.
@Ezekio3160 6 ай бұрын
@@gabbygabra sounds like salvation works if we need to keep salvation by repenting.
@gabbygabra 6 ай бұрын
@Ezekio3160 No, repenting does not save. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, believing that he died on the cross and was resurrected. Getting baptized, repenting from our sins, keeping God's commandments, reflecting Christ in our daily life. Many pastors say that once you have done this, you are saved by the grace of God. That's something that he has given us. But what happens when you go back to sinning again? Are you still saved? So what does one have to do? Repent If we went back to sinning and you had a deadly accident, God forbid, and you had no chance to ask God for forgiveness, where does your soul go? Because many think that just because you did all the above and go back to where God got you out from, you are still saved.
@Ezekio3160 6 ай бұрын
@@gabbygabra so only step for salvation is Faith in Christ alone plus nothing minus nothing. Just like the thief on the cross who acknowledged his faith in Christ. No baptism required. “Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬ ‭CSB‬. What happens when you keep sinning? Chastisement like King David, Moses, Jonah. Salvation is a gift from God through faith alone in Christ Alone. In the words of Christ Jesus our God, ““Truly I tell you, anyone who believes has eternal life.” ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭47‬ ‭CSB‬‬ Eternal by definition is Continuing without interruption. Once saved always saved because we are forgiven by the blood of Christ past, present and future sins.
@rackadactal4466 Жыл бұрын
If you are dead then you are separated from the love of God
@brohuggie2978 Жыл бұрын
No your flesh is seperated not your soul
@allenwilson8940 3 ай бұрын
A person cant lose salvation, but that doesn't mean a person is once saved always saved. There are plenty of scripture to suggest that a person can fall away from the faith and still not lose salvation but also not be saved. God forgives sins repented of past and present. There's no need to forgive sin of the future those sins are not committed yet. Salvation is God sending His Son, salvation is Jesus dieing on the cross, salvation is Jesus defeating death hell and the grave and rising from His death. Salvation is Jesus ascending to the Father and sitting at the rightous right hand of the Father. Everyone has salvation even the lost l. The revelation of Jesus Christ just hasn't been revealed to them yet. There is nothing we can do to undo what Jesus did on the Cross we will always have happened. Being saved is the relationship so your not once saved always saved. because of scripture we can understand if a person is gonna be saved they have to have a relationship with Jesus. When people walk a way from the faith it's because they have walked a way from the relationship with Jesus. Or something else took the place of the relationship with Jesus. So we always have salvation but we arnt once saved always saved.
@downbythesea1071 24 күн бұрын
And this is what it looks like when someone accepts contradiction in how they interpret scriptures, they end up contradicting themselves. No scripture can be interpreted in a higher authority than the literal words of Jesus Christ. He cannot lie by omission since he was the perfect sacrifice…therefore his words John 3:16-18 is perfectly sufficient for gospel doctrine. Salvation has been and always will be because we believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ. If you add anything it is an accursed false gospel period……..
@allenwilson8940 22 күн бұрын
@downbythesea1071 Apologies dude. But you are mistakened.
@downbythesea1071 3 күн бұрын
@@allenwilson8940 sorry bud you need to go back to the drawing board…. It is you who are mistaken. Christ words are Non negotiable, you follow a different Jesus if you disagree with his own words or interpret his own words in a way that contradicts himself or his words anywhere else in the scriptures!
@allenwilson8940 2 күн бұрын
@downbythesea1071 dude there is plenty of scripture that prove once saved always saved isn't biblically correct doctrine. Again you are misinformed and leaning upon your own understand and pride.
@downbythesea1071 Күн бұрын
@@allenwilson8940 wrong there is however an incredible amount of scripture proving salvation has nothing to do with self reformation and the just shall live by faith not self righteousness…..get a clue and start studying the Bible without contradiction…..the first 10 books of the New Testament go out of its way to tell us what salvation is and what it is not, make no mistake here you are leaning on your own understanding and need revelation from the Holy Spirit. What does Romans 8:1 mean? Romans 8 is one of the most powerful and popular chapters in all the Bible. In it, Paul describes with great detail what it means to live as Christian, both now and for eternity. The chapter begins, as well, with one of the most comforting statements in all the Bible. The previous chapter ended with Paul crying out in frustration about his wretchedness and asking who would deliver him from his "body of death." He answered by giving thanks "to God through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 7:25). Now he states absolutely why the gospel is such good news for all who believe. The Greek words translated as "there is therefore now no," as in the ESV, are very emphatic. The literal phrasing is Ouden ara nyn katakrima, which accomplishes two things. First, it ties this statement to the claim made in Romans 7:25, according to the word "therefore." Second, it definitively states a permanent, present, and complete lack of "condemnation," from a Greek word meaning "a sentence" or "penalty." In crystal-clear language, the Bible indicates there is absolutely no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus. None. Zero. Paul's statement leaves no room for even a tiny bit of condemnation to sneak in. In short, if you are "in Christ Jesus," God will never, ever condemn you for any sin whatsoever. The condition of this statement, however, is crucial: salvation is for those who place their faith in Christ (Romans 3:23-26). There is no other way (Acts 4:12), and those who reject this salvation will not be rescued from condemnation (John 3:18). How can this be? Paul has already built the case in chapters 3-5 of this letter to the Romans. When we place our faith in Christ, God so closely identifies us with His Son that He gives us credit for Jesus' sinless, righteous life, and He accepts Jesus' death as payment for our death-deserving sin. Paul put it this way in 2 Corinthians 5:21: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." So if God is judging us on the basis of Jesus' righteousness, how could we ever be condemned? God would never condemn Jesus, so He will never condemn those who are seen by God as being in Christ. And how do we come to be "in Christ"? Only by faith (Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:8-9).
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