don't go to a coding bootcamp in 2024..

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Colby Jax

Colby Jax

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So much has changed in the industry in the past two years. With all these changes I think a lot of us are second-guessing whether or not to attend a coding BootCamp in the first place. In this video I talk about why it might not be the best idea for everyone and what to do if you decide to go to one yourself.

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@simone8481 Жыл бұрын
for me tho: I had 0 self discipline and I couldn't study by myself with the resources you find online. I would just procrastinate. Right now I'm at halfway of a coding bootcamp, I'm one of the 2 best students in the class. Having someone that follows you has helped me so much. I couldn't have done it by myself
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Agreed. It's much better to actually get it done if there's not that push.
@davidsousley1502 Жыл бұрын
which bootcamp are you enrolled? And would you recommend it?
@evolvingshan7970 Жыл бұрын
Hi what boot camp did you go to?
@simone8481 11 ай бұрын
@@evolvingshan7970 I’m italian, and it’s called aulab :) there’s Aulab Spain too
@ConernicusRex 9 ай бұрын
There's literally no one to look over your shoulder at a tech job. You do the work on your own or you're fired. That's it. You need to change your whole temperament.
@Charlie_8rown Жыл бұрын
I completely feel where you are coming from. I just finished bootcamp and my school has over 600 students that have graduated and that have been applying to jobs non stop. Mind you not everyone finished at the same time. Some of the students finished roughly 8 months ago and are still on the hunt. And every month that goes by that is an additional 100 people from just this bootcamp.
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Stick in there man! It's tough but we can make this happen. I'm interested in connecting with more bootcamp grads. Hit me up on LinkedIn if you every want to chat.
@kevincannon2269 9 ай бұрын
Really cool to hear your motivation - best of luck!
@brittanycallen7974 Жыл бұрын
I really resonate with this! Thanks for the video.
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
@traezeeofor Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, I just subscribed. Loved your realness. I'm learning just like you though completely self taught. Slighlty ahead or at par with you in learning, and I love your takes. I also resonate with not wanting to do "blue collar jobs at 50". Want to build valuable skills and live out rest of my life easier. I'm 40 now. Like you said wish I had started couple year sback, but i'm dead determined to make it work now anyway. Regards man.
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, second best time is today! Good luck. Got an interview with a self taught engineer coming out soon!
@thecasualpkm8534 Жыл бұрын
Great video. I'm also a blue coller worker. Have been my whole live. I joined a bootcamp of sorts to teach myself frontend web development. Right now the market is tough because of the lay off. But you have to remember most of those are higher end coders. The position I'm trying to get into is low level. Pay isn't great but it gets me in the door. Neworking is everything in the industry
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
That’s what I’ve found as well. Networking so far has been key. Just chipping away at things.
@viewsbyblur 9 ай бұрын
Yo I work in the oil and gas field myself, I finished my Bootcamp in August 2022, and still haven’t had a lot of luck. Granted my projects on my portfolio aren’t too good but I’m finding time each day to work on code. I’m currently learning DSA’s and working on a MERN social media app.
@thomaswhyte5107 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to finish my bootcamp and learn by myself, i just feel like the pressure of submitting work and assignments each week, finding the time to study on top of a 40hr a week job and trying to be a parent has been brutal!! Been so many weeks i wanted to quit but i kept at it. 20 days to go to hopefully get my certificate. its all been hybrid so learning through zoom calls was hard for me, any problem you have, you need to book a 30min slot with your TA and that was only 2 days a week they were available. Don't get me wrong its paved a way for me to learn lots of different things. The thing with my bootcamp is each week your onto something new so barely enough time to practice, which is why i cant wait for it to be over.
@florinambulanta8711 Жыл бұрын
are u in the uk? which bootcamp are u?
@netzarim1277 11 ай бұрын
I completely understand you 100% as I feel exactly the same. Im completing mine on early Sept and can’t hardly wait to complete it so I can go back and relearn at a pace that I can absorb well the material. We haven’t been given any literature of any of the topics…all we have is the exercises and the zoom recordings which are useless when a teacher doesn’t know how to teach. I understand the purpose of the challenges, but I do not feel they are the best source of learning as each week rather than study I spend the majority of the time in solving it thru trial and error…to which I feel is not efficient. Once I finish I think I’ll try codeacademy or coding dojo or something like that. Also, the are free sites that have practically the whole curriculum.
@ronbackal 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the perspective! I am not sure right now- I know I'd love data science, but 17,000 dollar now, that's heavy. U.S. education prices are ridiculous across the board
@QuirkyAvik 3 ай бұрын
0:35 yep that's true. Back in the day I was getting accepted to places without a degree or experience and now they don't even look at you if they see just three things. Now you need real live projects that have done well and many other things. I regret leaving my tech job back in the day, I thought I would get another when the time comes and I need more money.
@MapleJokerRofl Жыл бұрын
Convinced me to attend one in 2023!! thank you
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Get after it.
@ron101346 2 ай бұрын
Excellent advice. I can't add anything of value to what you have already said!
@karl4813 Жыл бұрын
Here in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark) you need both degree and personal side projects to get hired, especially right now. Without degree the biggest firms with the best pay (100k +/yr) simply wont hire you no matter what experience you have and the rest of the mid-size and start up companies only hire people without degree if they are extremely talented doing open source contribution (to even do this requires skill from many years experience), have created their own live webapp app and scaled it with thousands of users, or if they are lucky and know someone from within the company who takes them in. It's basically harder than just getting the degree itself. Now IF you have the degree, you only need a couple side projects to show some surface lvl knowledge of the relevant technology(React for front-end etc.) and it's much simpler than trying to become some wizard at it without the degree
@ModrnDayMonk 9 ай бұрын
Solid advice! 👍😏
@L.A.--- 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for helpful video.
@linknewborn88 Жыл бұрын
I graduated from the General Assembly 3 month immersive program this past April and I couldn’t agree more with what you are saying. The job search is more difficult it has ever been so it is even more important to be passionate about coding since you have to do a lot more to stand out in the market.
@jceast2000 Жыл бұрын
How did you feel about that program ? I looking into general assembly as well
@harambetidepod1451 9 ай бұрын
The future is bright for anyone willing to put in the work. Right now machine learning and AI are the latest gold rushes.
@zaetonyreyes 8 ай бұрын
What do you mean by machine learning exactly?
@ddmozz 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I totally agree. I think most people approach this in the wrong way. Programming/coding shouldn't be your career. Business should be your "career," and coding is just a tool to create products, automate things, etc.
@no3lcodes Жыл бұрын
I'm self-taught. Did an online course on web dev, then one on advanced react. My first job was through Microsoft, they have a program called LEAP. And I now have been in the industry for over a year. I recently got laid off tho XD so I'm in the hunt as well. Response to your take: Completely agree. If you are doing it just for the money, if you think it's easy to break into tech you're crazy. Especially if you are paying for it (bootcamp or college). When I was looking into my options: College, Bootcamp, self-taught, one required 4 years, the other one around $16k, the other one discipline and so I picked the self-taught route and made myself study every day for hours and hours. Was I happy? sometimes, did I have to force myself? Absolutely. I always try to show people that is not just bootcamps and or college, self-taught is another route but a very special one I would say, not for everyone.
@Meiaixin 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this response. I am self taught learning on Google coursera, freecodecamp and Odin project. I have been studying everyday but I kept getting imposter syndrome. I feel like I'm not good enough and need a college degree or boot camp in order to get a job. But I feel like reading your comment has made me realize that I can do it without a boot camp or going back to college.
@TCBarogba 5 ай бұрын
hey @@Meiaixin, Seems like it has been 5 months since u typed here hehe so how have u been doing so far? Anything new in your studying or career? Cheers :)
@namelastname8393 4 ай бұрын
Do you have any update you're willing to share? How are you doing now?
@no3lcodes 4 ай бұрын
@@namelastname8393 Hey there, yeah October 2023 I got hired at JPMC. This is my third job in the industry and I'm doing amazing :)
@ealvinoq 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for creating this video. One Im checking is very costly, it is in person, what about to take it on live but remotely, do you recommend?
@alexbalayants8490 Ай бұрын
Currently doing due diligence on Fullstack Academy and Codesmith. CS charges a lot more and has no scholarships. FA has a smaller cost and scholrships. I have been learning Python by myself, and getting a job with just Python is a pipe dream unless you’re a math wiz and know AI. So I’m leaning towards full stack. Once I get the first gig I can continue learning Python, and maybe scoop up another language.
@dzllz Жыл бұрын
Great video.
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot. Glad to see you back!
@Anthonycast970 5 ай бұрын
Do you believe a coding bootcamp is worth adding onto if I have a college degree in information systems? Unfortunately two years post grad I haven’t been able to find anything.
@tiffanydavis1028 6 ай бұрын
If not learning to code, then what is the new way to make $200,000 in 2 years?
@richardly1543 Жыл бұрын
Im self taught html css JS react and python. Im starting the BrainStation bootcamp in a couple weeks to hopefully leverage their network. I have been applying to hundreds of jobs the past month and havent gotten any responses. Im hoping the bootcamp could be the thing that helps me stand out and get my foot in the door for interviews
@MoreNizar Жыл бұрын
hey man how is the bootcamp?
@pratik2777 11 ай бұрын
How's your interviews going?
@undertaker343 4 ай бұрын
ADVICE PLEASE >>>> I got a cool office job (medium income) no stress or extra work hours but it has 0 future career progress or $$ progress and if smth happens (god I hope not *wood knocks*) and i get fired it will be shity since i don't got experience on something unique . I am about to do my 3rd Deloitte interview and thinking of going there as a junior is it worth i t in 2024? I'm 30years old i don't like stress but I'm ok with it for a year or so but is it worth in the long run ? :(
@Childofyahuwah12 3 ай бұрын
I’m trying to learn how to code and I don’t know how to do it at all so what’s the best options for me because I want to learn this to help the young guys in my neighborhood and teach them this and show them another way and lead them down the right path please let me know what’s a good option for a beginner.
@CMXCIX-AD 4 ай бұрын
What are the best free resources you would suggest?
@sixstanger00 Жыл бұрын
TBH, these libraries and frameworks are starting to get a bit out of hand. They're becoming as numbersome as streaming services, and there's simply no need for that. Most custom projects are going to require CSS & JS to be tailored specifically to that's project's needs. It's starting to feel like every week someone is coming out with a new library or framework. Expecting developers to know them all is preposterous. That's is asinine; the Angular library might work in certain situations, but not MOST. Neither are Bootstrap or Vue. The thing is, implementing these libraries might save _some_ time, but the time saved will be lost trying to interface them with the project's demands. Plus, any time saved during the coding phase by using these libraries is lost ten fold when the dev has to track down a bug originating from one of those libraries. They've now got to spend endless hours poring over code they didn't write. Personally, I'm a strong believer in Vanilla JS. All of my projects I do in Vanilla, because no two projects are the same. In fact, they are often so fundamentally different in what their functions are that it would be a complete waste of time to try and modify Vue or React to work within my desired specs. Writing the code from scratch ensures the JS is tailor-made for this specific application. I don't have to worry about trying to make a general-purpose tool fit into a hole designed for a specialty tool. Last September, I started working on an interactive t-shirt design lab application for my business website. It took me 2 days yelling at my computer with Bootstrap to realize that the library was simply not compatible with this project. Not enough control over how elements are styled. So I ditched 2-3 days worth of work and started over with a clean slate, this time writing my own custom CSS & JS for the project. Within a couple of weeks, I had the HTML & CSS framework set up and was ready to start implementing JS functionality. I've worked on it off and on over the past 8 months, and it's about 90% complete. What's left now primarily is monotonous busy work -- filling out the product database and assembling the clipart libraries. Bootstrap, Vue, Angular, etc are fine if you just want to pump out flashy websites for businesses that just need a web presence, but they're useless the minute the project requires any kind of customization beyond basic styling or functionality. No one is building an original interactive design lab from scratch using Bootstrap.
@ColbyJaxCodes Жыл бұрын
Fundamentals never betray like sexy new frameworks do.
@vixxnmusicofficial 4 ай бұрын
I think it’s so important to have an idea of what you want to build before you enter a bootcamp. Not having a plan means you’ll not be able to ask the right questions.
@MajorCoinzYB 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been putting off going to a bootcamp for two years now. I’ve spoken to three graduates of flatiron for their data science bootcamp and all 3 recommend and said they had a great experience. I was still on the fence because of how many ppl online shun getting into DS without a bachelors (I have an associate in business) but today I decided f it I’m gonna do it because it’s really pushing and busting butt on the side also..
@Beny123 6 ай бұрын
How is it going for you ? If you haven’t started at Flatiron yet I strongly suggest getting really comfortable with Python and other coding tools . It will make your life a lot easier once you start the program .
@MajorCoinzYB 6 ай бұрын
@@Beny123I actually took an 8 week course in Python and love it. I’m going to start the prework for the course this week and do some extra studying on the side. I’m pretty excited tho!
@Tech_Publica 6 ай бұрын
Golden advice... if you go into programming just for the money or "to get a job" you will only accumulate frustration. Programming is not only a complex activity but a very "intellectually niche" one. It requires and effort and a way of thinking that is not what you are used to in everyday life. You have to have a strong interest in it , by itself. Then WHY you have an interest can vary wildly.. from wanting to build things, to wanting to solve problems, to wanting to develop videogames, to a pleasure in seeing your computer do what you want... but there has to be a reason there has to be a genuine passion. Most bootcamps executives DO NOT understand this, or pretend not to understand this when they promise that "everybody can become a programmer" Absolutely false, only a minority of people can master coding at the level required to work as a professional software developer.
@BussinandDiscussin Жыл бұрын
I wonder if its worth it to do Data Analysis doing Python+Tableau or if all tech is bad right now? I can definitely see web design or Java being saturated sadly.
@0x007A 11 ай бұрын
If you have an interest in data analysis, learn SQL (DDL and DML components of SQL) and either Salesforce Tableau or Microsoft Power BI. Next learn basic Python - enough to automate data retrieval including merely downloading a data file as well as web scraping and data cleaning. Afterwards, you can learn Microsoft Excel and/or Python's data science libraries.
@ChadAV69 10 ай бұрын
The tech industry is batshit insane right now. Companies don't just want a person that knows Html, CSS, JS, React and SQL. They also want you to either have a degree, years of experience, projects or all three. They don't want to hire a person, they want to hire a whole god dang startup. It's ridiculous.
@kgal1298 9 ай бұрын
It’s been wild. I’m not surprised people are still trying to hit the salaries we had during Covid 😅not sure we will see those numbers again anytime soon
@jaylazar 10 ай бұрын
The answer is making your portfolio websites very attractive
@F.Castle Жыл бұрын
If your wondering what to learn next after bootcamp, look at the job postings in your area. Look for what's in demand mixed with what you already learn at your bootcamp. The best bet is doing full-stack application project app using a MVC framework solving actual business problem. Practice basic technical interview questions also.
@KodeWarrior 2 ай бұрын
Learners need to shift their paradigm. Getting started and employed within a year is not gonna happen anymore. Better have a job while you are moving to your new career, and build projects like mad. Freelancing is a great way to build the portfolio. In the last 5 years, the tech market has virtually turned upside down! Companies are moving away from taking on self-taught juniors, they have a much better pool after the layoffs. Just gonna take a serious grind now.
@stephennelson4536 9 ай бұрын
nice runescape reference
@romeop2345 8 ай бұрын
I love God and I love women, hot ones especially :) I hate bootcamps, I hate wasting money on it. I love private coding tutor. I love own pace. I love simple solutions. I simple guy.
@codingprograms2078 7 ай бұрын
Bruh, is the mf truth 💯 👏
@EagleArrow 2 ай бұрын
There is a book for High Schoolers called My Big Fat Notebook Coding. Start there to see if you are interested in the field. $15
@mike-jg5vf Жыл бұрын
any recommendations for bootcamps to enroll in?
@chompiraz849 4 ай бұрын
Bro im at tripleten and its really top notch
@YuTv1408 9 ай бұрын
There are people like the creator of Python, Guido.
@FellTheSky 9 ай бұрын
you know you're getting desperate when you are thinking about learning java after learning python
@jwoods9659 8 ай бұрын
If your not a creative buisness minded person dont even get into it.
@DavidLarew 3 ай бұрын
Nucamp aka Nuscam, Beware 50% Cancellation fee
@irustv7674 Жыл бұрын
@manuel.camelo 10 ай бұрын
They ARE a sca... € 3000 for NOTHING. What a waste.
@squid7713 9 ай бұрын
Did you go to college?
@ColbyJaxCodes 9 ай бұрын
@YuTv1408 9 ай бұрын
Coding camps are a scam... you don't need math for computer science they say????? Wtfhell??
@shaolin6150 8 ай бұрын
you don't need math for computer science. You need math for computer engineering.
@marquisdesade3025 2 ай бұрын
AKA desperate for content
@ConernicusRex 9 ай бұрын
The time for a coding bootcamp was 2018-2020. You missed the window and will now not be able to leverage that as a job. Period. It will hurt your chances, not help them. If you think i'm wrong and "just hating" do it, by all means. Go spend the thousands of dollars and come back here in a year when you're still not employed and let me laugh at you.
@ColbyJaxCodes 9 ай бұрын
Can't say myself. My bootcamp fell apart and I got an entry level job without finishing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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