One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - August - Of fighting tomatoes and building doors

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Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia

Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia

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@donjojohannes 7 ай бұрын
There is a famous story of the great thinker and theologian Augustin of Hippo who was trying to comprehend the mystery of the one God. Christianity, coming from Judaism and understanding itself as extending the call to the covenant from this limited group in the Middle East to encompass all of humanity, believes in the one God. But in the particular revelation at its center, Christ, also appears divine, as does the Spirit of God through his works and agency. How is this to be understood? Augustine now wondered that if man was made in the image of God whether the image could not be helpful in understanding its source. Now, what makes man to be made in the image of God is probably not his physical body. We share much with other creatures in that way. What makes man special is his rational nature - his capacity for thought and free will with which he can perceive the true and incline to the good. Augustin looked at scripture. The gospels themselves speak of Christ as the Word of God made flesh and of the Holy Spirit as the love of God poured into our Hearts. Those were no passing remarks and inspired by this revelation Augustine formulated what is called the psychological analogy. When we look at the human soul and in particular its higher and rational part - we find an interesting interplay between the intellect and the will. When I perceive an object through my senses, then my intellect forms a mental image of the object, a concept. If I see an mountain for instance, then I will have a mental image, likeness and concept of the mountain in my mind. If that concept is something good and desirable, then the will inclines me towards that mountain. This more or less is how the interaction between the intellect and the will works: the intellect forms an image or concept, and if the thing is desirable, the will inclines us to love that object. Let’s leave the mountains and go a step further. What if we don't reflect on some landscape but on ourselves? Well, the intellect forms an image of ourselves, and if what is perceived is good, the will inclines us to love ourselves. Augustine, now, took this mental process and related it to the one God. God knows himself, thereby forming a perfect image of Himself, a concept that wholly expresses Himself. Hence that perfect image is called the Son while its source is called the Father. The Son, being the perfect self-knowledge of God, is also referred to as the logos, the eternal word, in which God, as it were, self-expresses Himself to Himself. What is the difference between the Father and the Son? The only difference is that the one generates, while the other is generated. The only difference is their relation. So the Father knows himself in the Son, and the Son in the Father. Because both are Goodness and Truth itself, they incline towards each other in love…and this is the coming forth of the Holy Spirit, who is indeed the very Love between the Father and the Son. This is how St. Augustine explains the Trinitarian life of the one God who knows and loves himself. He understood of course that we are severely limited using such attempts at understanding God. We cannot but think in a temporal way and by way of parts added onto each other. Neither is true in God. What Augustin is describing here did not happen a long time ago. God the Father did not rest alone at some point in the past before generating the Son. This Trinitarian dynamic of God knowing and loving himself is eternal. Nor do any of the things we speak of here in God imply parts. We as humans cannot but divide things up - it is how our minds work. But in God it is all one. God has no parts. The three are one. The one is three. That sounds good. But how to understand it, really? This brings us to the famous story mentioned in the beginning. It is said that one day Augustine stood on the beach contemplating this mystery of God. That is not a bad location to contemplate God, but that is besides the point. Augustine then noticed a little child. It dug a hole and ran back and forth between it and the ocean, trying to fill the hole with water. After a while, Augustine asked the child what it was trying to do. The child responded "I'm emptying the sea into this hole" When the saint pointed out the impossibility of this venture, the child replied: "I will sooner empty the sea into this hole than you will manage to get the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity into your head!” This story touches on an important aspect. When we speak of the infinite we can do so only in negative terms. We as finite beings, cannot positively comprehend infinitude. That is why we even call it the Infinite - the “not finite”. Finite things we can understand. Of the Infinite we can only speak in terms of what it is not. It is not finite. Something of this applies to God. If we say we comprehend God this would mean that God, the infinite, can fit into our minds - making our minds even greater than God. That is not the case however. Si comprehendis non est Deus - is a line by the very same Augustine: If it fits into your mind, it is certainly not God. All of this is already indicated in Jewish history. Among the 10 commandments we find: Thou shalt not make yourself a graven image. It is a commandment against idolatry. But it is also a commandment that should caution us in a more general way: God goes beyond our understanding. Images - even mental ones - we have of God, may illustrate an aspect of God, but the image never exhausts the reality. God reveals himself to man and so we can know something, but even then it is according to the mode of our understanding and capacity, not because we grasp the essence of the divine. We are not blind, but we need to be aware that there is more than meets the eye. In my mind that makes theology fascinating. It would be a puny God, if He could fit into my limited understanding. I think we better preserve the sense of wonder, much like that of a child that steps into a garden marveling at butterflies or of a man gazing up to the myriad of stars.
@imagesbykatog2638 7 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this text format of your reflection. It has been my habit to read the texts while listening the audio of your reflections ever since you started the series. So I’m just glad you posted this even it took awhile. May the Lord God bless your works, Rev.Father Johannes!
@joannecanetti7481 7 ай бұрын
Wow Johannes on Saturday and Martijn on Sunday. I’ve watched Martijn from the beginning and I just admire him and his work ethic so much. He was the one that introduced a lot of us to you. I can’t think of a more enjoyable way to spend the weekend. Thank you Johannes for sharing your talents for so many things.😊
@astikessymvaseis8858 7 ай бұрын
In fact its the opposite around.Johannes introduced the other first.I like Johannes better.He is a spiritual yet constructive person.Everything has a purpose and meaning.Not just a building episode.
@EveLyon 7 ай бұрын
You, Johannes, introduced me to Martijn. I continue to contemplate “love” as it’s manifested on earth and look forward to hearing your continued “thoughtful” thoughts.
@teresaiche4722 7 ай бұрын
I second those sentiments…soothing to the soul 💜
@gracielacobo5412 7 ай бұрын
Someone nailed it…… Johannes is more meaningful & spiritual in his blogs than Martijn. Of course it truly depends on what you are seeking, that is to see a builder week after week or to experience the meaning of nature & spirituality! Martijn is more shallow in this respect. Of course, I will get a lot of criticism from his admirers, but everyone is entitled to his opinion, I stopped watching Martijn a long time ago. He comes across as a person who is very intelligent & passionate about his work, but that’s it! He seems to be totally lacking in people/ social skills … comes across as very distant & cold! He seems to be a loner in all aspects. I hope Fr. Johannes continues being his counselor or his mentor to help him realize that his cold personality, especially when he brings others to assist him with manual labor that he cannot do alone & who knows what else that are not apparent in his videos. Martijn doesn’t seem or doesn’t appear to have one close, personal friend… not even Fr Johannes. His only friends are his KZbin admirers, but I venture to say, not close or relatable friends. I hope I’m wrong but that is why I stopped watching Doolard’s videos!
@Oldmane-420 7 ай бұрын
Oh yeah! I was hoping you were going to continue your series, now Martijn is back( you did say you were inspired to try fill the gap left by his break). You have not only helped in his absence, but have become a new favourite! I especially like your reflections at the end, even though I don’t fully agree on occasion, but that is the truth of life, some things are sweet, some are not, but both can nurture our souls if we allow. Thank you for your time spent recording and sharing your journey and truly hope you continue into the future to allow us the pleasure of your company and wisdom. Greetings from Alberta Rockies🇨🇦
@lynnmacleod1879 7 ай бұрын
I too also follow, subscribing to both channels. I also have a son in the seminary to become a priest here in Ontario, Canada. 🙏🏻
@jacquelineslavich591 7 ай бұрын
And greetings from New Zealand
@TGTree 7 ай бұрын
Oldmane. Isn't it such as the universe gives us many blessings. First i saw Johannes, the father and part-time hermit. Then 6 months later, i saw bike-hiker Marijn. These 2 guys connect... And they both connect with so many of us. Different Books, Same pages. Let's celebrate the presence of their beings! Way cool... a ratio if 1:400,000,000,000 trillion. Amazing for all of us to be ALIVE in this whole wide world! I hooe others think about hiw special THEY are , While watchint this inspirational videos. I rest now.😊
@Oldmane-420 7 ай бұрын
@@TGTree I discovered Johanne first on Kirsten Deorkson’s channel, she was interviewing him about his home in the mountains, he mentioned that she should interview his new neighbour Martijn, whom had just purchased the property next door to renovate. I of course immediately subscribed to him, all the while hoping to hear any news of Johanna’s progress, as he had mentioned his ongoing reclamation and restoration when interviewed by Kirsten. You can’t imagine my joy to find his channel and discover more of his calm, centred approach to life and living! Yes I do agree, these two men truly are “brothers from different mothers”, it is so like coming home to sit and enjoy the company and skills of these two craftsmen as they work and live life in a manner which would make any Parent proud to know they had raised such Men as these! Thank you for taking the time to read my words and for your kind reply.
@dyer2cycle 7 ай бұрын
I think Johannes has found a new way of ministry, in addition to all he already does...I hope he can find the time to keep it up. It is a blessing to me, as well as I'm sure tens of thousands of others internationally.
@lindabrooks8242 7 ай бұрын
Thank You, Johannes, for another magnificent video. Your contemplations are always exceptional. Your artistry in carpentry, filming, and farming is beautiful. ❤
@judithslawter372 7 ай бұрын
I so enjoy the depth of your thoughts! Nothing is better then contemplating our glorious God, who though He reveals himself in the wonders of nature has graciously given us His word! Thank you!
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
Yes, God gave us His Word--the Second Person of the Trinity. The Word Incarnate.
@elisabethbenders-hyde5286 7 ай бұрын
Although I have to listen to your reflections again and again, this is the first time I've come close to grasping the concept of the Trinity. Each week I learn more, you are a fabulous teacher.
@caronadams4486 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful door! I enjoy listening to your contemplations at the end...they always get me thinking. I'm so grateful for the mystery of God and the joy it brings.
@yoursacredquest 7 ай бұрын
"if it fits into your mind it is not God." Your discourse is eloquent and profound. I love how you transition from engaging with youth and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, to appreciating nature and nurturing plants, to design and carpentry skills, and closing with "man gazing up at the stars." Namaste
@teresaoftheandes6279 7 ай бұрын
Fr. Johannes that door is beautiful!
@jornspirit 7 ай бұрын
...this was very beautiful, Johannes - the first part (after your valuable outside service with young people) reminded me a lot of Martijn - the hermital life, creating and fixing everything around the housing, growing and harvesting fruits and veggies - a sustainable life, surrounded by the paradise-like nature - so much peace and contentment lies within this alone... then at the end of this part, you filmed the thunderstorm - a spectacle of light and sound, arranged by the natural forces - Ioved that so much (it felt like a prelude to the following part)... will certainly re-watch it... and after that you share your thoughts and contemplation on God... this is a crucial aspect of my life too, and I have a daily practice around it... a perfect ending to this video, thanks so much! 🌞🙏💖
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
To think you established the pond and then the perfection of that water lily. Co-operation with Creation. Beautiful job tackling the Trinity, thank you for this whole video which so beautifully sanctifies my Sunday, Donjo!
@cpollner 7 ай бұрын
Johannes, your story of Augustine and the boy on the beach meant so much to me. I remember two young Muslim girls asking me to explain the Trinity. I can’t. I can only believe. This story was so comforting to me.
@theresaniemann3899 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Fr. Johannes. I love watching you work and really enjoy your homily. The Blessed Trinity is always hard to explain. God bless you
@AJGatto-nj7yd 7 ай бұрын
A wonderful feeling of rejuvenation. Thank you for that! Wishing you every kindness.
@chelsealeonard-v1z 7 ай бұрын
I have enjoyed your series. I hope you are able to continue, even if they are shorter episodes. I thank you for your time, and your company.
@cristyalfaro4288 7 ай бұрын
Johannes I look forward to your monologs towards the end, I feel like your message helps to debug different aspects of the belief of God, I don’t follow any religion but I appreciate your contemporary way of explaining it which is almost like a storytelling! 👍👏🙏
@jeanadamsick9854 7 ай бұрын
@letsparadise 7 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this beautiful video. Your words, skills, the beauty of nature. Thanks for being here.
@gailbutler483 7 ай бұрын
Your life seems a harmony and balance of the old mystical concept of "Work and Worship".
@imikalfunangongo 7 ай бұрын
Johannes, your sense of humor is terrific.... tomatoes "completely out of control" (not the young girls)!!
@sebastian46808 7 ай бұрын
Another wonderful video and inspiring reflection, thank you.
@andrewnoden9117 7 ай бұрын
Dear Father, once again another great video and talk. Thank you and may God continue to bless and protect you. Deo Gratias, from Andrew in Ottawa Canada 🇨🇦
@sovereigns1grace 7 ай бұрын
I hope very much that you will continue to post more like these after this series is complete. I enjoy you in your home doing your projects. I enjoy your reflections at the end. I look forward to your videos.
@MOSSFEEN 7 ай бұрын
WOW I could sit and watch lightning all nite long I think its facinating
@DanielSkinnerDETTPKS 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Back in the 1990's , I lived near Dallas, Texas, USA. I once went to a Jewish meeting, where several aspects of G-D were presented; I and a few others went to the "None of the Above" table, even back then, I knew the truth of the limitless G-D. Peace, Long Life, & Health to All.
@hilarydrinkwater5392 7 ай бұрын
My dad explained "WHY" to me one day when he was really needed. He said of the Creation that Our Creator created us in his "image", meaning that our eye perceives the physical manifestation of God's mind. Having taken the image inwards and examined it, our spiritual link to Divinity shares, through our perception His Majesty, and, when we feel our heart leap at the sight, he shares our joy in the moment and sees with us as if for the very first time through the eyes of his child. I love the way my dad sat beside me and carefully explained ~ that's what proper dads do Johannes.
@caronadams4486 7 ай бұрын
Beautifully said.
@paul-ks3jt 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful.. the mass you celebrate in your alter is breathtakingly inspiring.. commentary is wonderful
@Coopsterish 7 ай бұрын
Wow! Your photography is exquisite. Loved the lightning show and your hard work in your beautiful work in your garden. Thank you for sharing.
@fiberbeads 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. Good to see you again! That fancy table is coming in really handy--and I cannot believe how fast you work. Oh, and thanks for sharing the summer storm. Beautiful!
@jkeilman7556 7 ай бұрын
This was a very inspirational video for me. I have a couple projects that I'd like to do but have been intimidated by the process. Watching you methodically tackle your drainage problems, and plan out and build your walipini, doors, and shave horse has been so reassuring. I am going to attempt them, patiently. This gets me thinking about your statement from your past video that "you don't need me". I challenge that. I would suggest instead that we all need each other. Please keep going with your series and please keep doing your reflections (in your copious free of course). Thank you so much for what you have shared!
@mrs.h.1577 7 ай бұрын
Father, your greenhouse is definitely a success! LOL Stay humble, remain simple, embrace the quiet. Blessings.
@bettybryson9637 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful door Johannes! You guys that know how to build make it look so easy, partly because it’s a shortened version of all the steps, I suppose. ! Isn’t our God wonderous!
@Marco_Dubbleyou 7 ай бұрын
I was leaving my Catholic Church 20 years ago. I think even though I have had a good time with the catholic scouts and the stay we had in Taizé when I was about 15 or so. But at a certain point when things went south for my family and myself, I couldn’t think really and couldn’t see really how I would fit to the belief system and vise versa. Now, that I am 41 I find myself contemplating about god and also Buddhism and find many parallels that I wish I had know so much sooner. One of these is to stay in the present moment and work it from there. Another is the openness to other thinking while remaining the spirit one is. I write so much here cause I feel I wouldn’t have left if there was some guide like you, Johannes. I highly appreciate what we get here since it makes a little difference for all of us, for me at least.
@karenhantsche9270 7 ай бұрын
Wow, Johannes ---- complexity and simplicity all at once. I have to listen many times.
@helenskene2849 7 ай бұрын
You a like a breath of fresh air
@barbkeil-burton6894 7 ай бұрын
Hi Johannes, 😊 Blessed Sunday!! August 2023 Speaking at the Girl Scout Camps & the Men Hiking... both Great!! In your Walipini Your Tomatoes Mayhem & getting so Many, last year our Big Tomatoes they did terrible here, & Our Cherry Tomatoes weren`t good either, except the Plant the birds brought us a Plant...That One Did Great!! Haha! I really Love All Your Garden, from Tomatoes, Potatoes under leaf mulch, & Lettuce... with Mulch too!! I Love All Your Berries, Fruits & Flowers!! Building a New Door- 2022 It is Beautiful..the Craftsman Work is Excellent!! Building a Shaving Horse Awesome!! Wow the Storms was So Intense, My Mom taught me when little, not to be scared..that Grandma was Bowling in Heaven, Thunder was the Bowling Ball, going Down the Alley of the Bowling Place & Lightning was a Strike, when Ball Hit Pins!! Closing Reflection: I Truly Love Your Thoughts & Words!! 💖 Take Care & have a Wonderful Evening & All Next Week!! ❤ Love Barb from Central Illinois USA❣
@wmas296 7 ай бұрын
As an atheist, with experience in zen meditation, this explanation of the holy trinity made sense to me. Not in a literal sense but as an exercise of not knowing, being comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. Thank you for your contemplations 🙏
@rolandtb3 7 ай бұрын
The hike, repairs, storm.
@peggyannenicholl7318 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Johannes, you make such nice videos, love your humor with the tomatoes,seems I have a similiar problem
@Juan-Pedro6612 7 ай бұрын
Beyond of the horizon, the new world will start for everyone. Thank you Johannes for your mental reflections, please go on. By the way, handcrafted furnitures make much more pleasure and even though your tomatoes had been out of control, your garden is still lovely 😊.
@Zen-Mit-Chips 7 ай бұрын
The perfect Sunday (Monday this week, was on a flight) evenings now, Martjin and yourself. Thank you once again.
@igiigiint 7 ай бұрын
what a wonder is a human mind and the way it thinks...
@healthyTalksWpastorSteve 7 ай бұрын
YOU SAID: "We are not BLIND - but we need to be aware that there is MORE than meets the eye" I LOVE THAT ... ... ... Mario Puzo (famous Fictional author) wrote in one of his books - the eyes are passive, it's the mind that sees... thought of that while watching your insights about Augustin (read him last summer) .. really enjoying your video's - thanks again
@markham6000 7 ай бұрын
Father Johannes. Thank you for the offered "balance" for living that you regularly share with us! I appreciate "it" as seen through your vocation and avocations. Your wonder, reflections, insights and wisdom for life are just one of the many "invitations" that are divine. Thanks again.
@rslocomotive 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful tranquility
@fingerlakesWatcher 7 ай бұрын
The table is looking good - even as a work surface!
@arielphf 7 ай бұрын
🙂 Onion tops braid easier if you leave them to dry for a few days somewhere out of the sun. You'll be successful next time.
@corir207 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for an other beautiful video and good thoughts to contemplate!
@CynthiaEvans-i2f 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful light show in the sky.
@nativetexson 7 ай бұрын
Father Johannes, your reflection at the end of this video is exceptional. Thank you. The thunderstorm sequence is beautiful and reminded me a lot of the thunderstorms in west Texas where I grew up; not because of the mountains, but the spectacular light show and sounds.
@danielking4416 7 ай бұрын
Johannes, after watching this several times, all I can say is that the Scouts you have touched have surely been blessed by your presence. From what we can determine from here in the US, is that Martijn is in the same valley my wife’s parents originated from (but from way up the valley). I also have no doubt that you are quite aware of the Waldensian history of those valleys as well. It would do my soul good to meet you the next time we are able to get there, but that probably won’t happen. I will cherish your videos in the meantime and include you in my prayers. 🙏🙏
@daviddjerassi 7 ай бұрын
What you tell us about the older Girls 17Y looking and mothering the younger Girls 12Y is heartening seldom seen in young men of this age maybe in the Boy scouts under senior Scout supervision you might see this ,just an aside you don't need to fill in for anyone your platform can more than stand alone Sir in fact i think others may learn a lot from you That's one hell of a door you built you have amazing wood working skills from where did they come ?Keep safe be Blessed." I AM THAT AM ".
@deirdreanderson7620 7 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you and the effort you put into your channel. Thank you!
@levimumps 7 ай бұрын
Complimenti è veramente ingegnoso e bravo, Dio la benedica e gli dia sostegno in questa esperienza.
@cats831 7 ай бұрын
Mallorca is actually world famous also for deep water soloing! It's climbing the sea cliffs with no rope and just dropping into the ocean if you mess up the climb! Scary stuff but also really unique.
@teresesorbergs548 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, I hope too that you going to continue with this.
@robbin4720 7 ай бұрын
Amen to that. "It would be a puny God, if He could fit in to my finite intellect and understanding."
@MTDucas 7 ай бұрын
as always i love the a few months i will embark myself in the journey of self-sustaining , living within a small community up in the mountains
@simonthompson1973 7 ай бұрын
Your right about English binge drinking Johannes. I was one of them in the 90s. Thankfully I'm 51 and appreciate a more quieter life...and your and Martijn's uploads.
@hmhmoinsdk 7 ай бұрын
I used to be a catholic - now I am an atheist. I do enjoy your closing remarks, even tho I can no longer share the sentiment. I have in my life in the church never heard anyone describe the concepts in such a good way. Really enjoy the philosophy and the beauty of what you do and show.
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
I am sorry nobody spoke this way to you before. It is all there, however, ready for you to discover now. God is there. Our worship of Him is a need of our nature--we are for Him.
@hmhmoinsdk 7 ай бұрын
@@pmlm1571oh please dont be condescending - neither do i want nor do i wish for any kind of pitty - to assume that i by nature need to worship is just plain wrong, cause else i would still believe would i not? - it is not that i did deny myself god or did not want to worship him. i was never unwilling to believe - I just stopped.
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
@@hmhmoinsdk Without the emotion, try reading the words.
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
why be so busy taking offense when you could instead take the thought?@@hmhmoinsdk
@mikepallister3037 7 ай бұрын
A blessing and a prayer, what gifts we are grateful to receive
@rogerkho 6 ай бұрын
What makes man special is God has becomes man as in Jesus. Through him we see God by the work of Holy Spirit.
@andrewharris1837 7 ай бұрын
Just a tip for your out of control tomatoes next year Johannes from my father,a UK West country Gold award grower is that tomatoes need 2-3 minutes each day of fine water spray from above when growing even during flowering and ripening which can be simply rigged up from above.A little spring job 2025 for you which will result in larger plumper juicy red tomatoes 😅
@CynthiaEvans-i2f 7 ай бұрын
Watching from Indiana, USA.
@noelineleary4298 7 ай бұрын
I heard about your videos through Martijn Doolaard.s videos & am so happy I found you on Utube.. cheers from Australia. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺Noeline Leary.
@Zaza1668 7 ай бұрын
Moin Johannes, vielen Dank von dein heutiges wunderschönes Video, ich genieße jeder von, der macht meine Leben schöner, deine Rede und Erklärung von das Leben mit Gott, vielen von uns das es vergessen das diese enge Beziehung mit Vater und Gott, diese enge Beziehung mit Vater und leben. Vielen Dank und ganz liebe Grüße aus Twist, Niedersachen. Uns Mexicana Viviendo en Alemannia, Feliz y santificado Domingo 🙋🏼‍♀️
@lenoxlenox9447 7 ай бұрын
The only reason I go to Mallorca is for yoga/hiking retreats- where I can bike into town and sea- great hiking away from drinking tourists
@maryannagabriel2788 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, Joannes 🙏💫
@DBurgg 7 ай бұрын
What a fantastic new door...all from upcycled materials. You are very talented. I hope your superiors allow you to stay there and recognize what an inspiration you are to your viewers. A small cabin could be a great retreat for other clergy.
@rogerp6903 7 ай бұрын
I can almost smell the scent of your tomatoe plants as you brush through and offer some training advise to them.Every episode is anticipated and thanks for sharing your thoughts and woodworking skills. Your hermtiage is a work to behold.Great stormwatching segment
@soilang9383 7 ай бұрын
@muddyfeethiking 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts on God and us humans trying to understand. We think that we are so smart, but really, we are not.
@diaconoob4997 7 ай бұрын
P.Johannes gracias por compartir el día a día en el año 2023. Muy inspirador y motivador. Una pregunta… ¿cómo es capaz de hacer tantos proyectos? ¿Cómo tiene tantos conocimientos de construcción, jardinería, carpintería, etc? Gracias
@carljeffrey82 7 ай бұрын
God is great and beside him , there is none other.
@alfvanderkwaak5751 7 ай бұрын
Thank. You for another inspirational episode!
@yorkshirenome 7 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree that standing on a beach is a great place to contemplate God. When you said that it reminded me of a story I heard of a lady from Zimbabwe who had never seen the sea, and when she was brought to a shore for the first time she said how it made her think of the mercy of God - it was stretched out as far as her eye could see, but yet it was always coming towards her. I often think of that when I'm at the sea. Thought you might like the little illustration! I've been a silent watcher of your videos but have appreciated them very much and hope, like many others, that you'll continue with them. Thank you
@jankehaga8735 7 ай бұрын
Thunderstorms must be impressing in the mountains..
@DBKING04020 7 ай бұрын
We were just talking about you-lol I was discussing your invasion of the killer tomatoes 😂
@gracielegraci6860 7 ай бұрын
Amo assistir seus vídeos!Gostaria de ter tradução em português ou espanhol 👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@aldas3831 7 ай бұрын
Tomatoes fully out of control! 😂
@margretearellano4052 7 ай бұрын
You are blessed with common sense, an eye for surrounding beauty by first designing it, then skillfully creating it. I appreciate your thoughts on God.
@midway241 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for Father for the beautiful video and lovely lesson. God Bless from TX
@fionavanwyk6441 7 ай бұрын
Another beautiful programme, Johannes. Thank you. Spiritual, and practical. Your woodwork skills are amazing. :-)
@sylvester2294 7 ай бұрын
In these days of impermanence, nice to see that the mountain at Cavour is still there..:-)
@georgiaturner8210 7 ай бұрын
I look forward to these slice of life videos and especially your reflections
@kathrynmoll86 7 ай бұрын
You certainly use your time well and wisely during your days on the mountain. Beautiful carpentry! The door is amazing! Well done on all your building and garden work! Thank you for sharing your life’s journey with us. 🙏🏼
@andrewharris1837 7 ай бұрын
Also recommend buy slug 'pellets' and a spray nozzle for watering can which stops washing away of soil from plants 🙏
@alanstopfinish4289 7 ай бұрын
Indiscriminately poisoning the wildlife we all enjoy there.
@pmlm1571 7 ай бұрын
Fr. Johannes says in the video he does not have slugs.
@Del213 7 ай бұрын
Hermit? This bloke gets out more than I do 😮
@antw3114 7 ай бұрын
Haha - to be fair, it does say part time hermit in the title
@EighteenandCloudy 7 ай бұрын
The footage you captured of the storm is magnificent, thank you for editing long and slow to include so much of it!
@Derilyn 7 ай бұрын
Always such a joy watching your videos Fr. Johannes! Your property is so pretty and God has blessed you with many talents to expand it and continue to improve it.
@kellyschroer2114 7 ай бұрын
Wow Fr. Johannes, I loved your reflection at the end today! What a beautiful way to describe God and the Trinity which is truly a mystery and cannot adequately be described. I love your series and hope you consider continuing it beyond the 12 weeks! God Bless.
@disee1490 7 ай бұрын
Johannes, I very much look forward to your reflections and devotions, and find myself reflecting on them for days after watching. The explanation of God and the Holy Trinity finally answered my unanswered questions and beliefs of God as a whole - from a 66 year old Catholic that has been quite confused about the 'whole', I now feelI understand, thank you. Love your videos and observations of the world around you. Please keep up the wonderful work. Sending love and blessings from Sydney Australia
@terrymolloy6997 7 ай бұрын
So nice to make things yourself, and so peaceful and the surroundings. I you videos and simple life inspire me try a little harder in life
@WhitedewValley 7 ай бұрын
You sir are true role model. I am just embarking on a new journey as I bought a homestead. After a long time working hard to attain it I can finally take a year off and reconnect with nature, myself and realign to newfound path. Even thought my main focus is building food systems and improving the homestead and just in general reconnect more with nature in the area, I still value your perspectives. Greetings from Croatian hills.
@mysteriousMatchStick 7 ай бұрын
Such deep thoughts. Respect.
@margaretheschmidt7062 7 ай бұрын
Wer behauptet zu wissen was Gott will/denkt, denkt wohl von sich selbst er sei Gott. Mir ist es wichtig zu wissen, dass ER alles weiss, in seiner Hand hält und mich bedingungslos liebt. Mehr brauche ich nicht. Danke, Johannes, für die guten Ausführungen über die heilige Dreieinigkeit. LG aus Salzburg, Maggy
@markschiltz8954 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, Fr Johannes, for another great video. Always so inspiring in so many ways!
@notesfromafar 7 ай бұрын
Drunk tourists is the last thing I would think of about Mallorca. Maybe the mountains, the coast, cyclists, Palma Cathedral, the food, the wine, the people...
@thatmntishman 7 ай бұрын
a divine meditation that left me with faith in the infinite.
@paul-ks3jt 7 ай бұрын
Great series.. praise your catholic priesthood!! 🇬🇧🇮🇩🇮🇪
One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - September - Of floors, bracken and thunderstorms
Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia
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One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - October - Of destroying my floor and making a new one
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One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - November - Of trading rusted metal for wood shingles
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Living Off Grid on a Small Farm. Winter Work on our 1.5 Acres of Land.
One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - June - Of a first harvest and a table to enjoy it on
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One Year in the Life of a Part Time Hermit - December - Of winding down and picking up old habits
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