Dr Drew & Dr Das Talk About the Heard vs Depp Trial & Borderline Personality Disorders

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Dr Sohom Das

Dr Sohom Das

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@petracellars3095 2 жыл бұрын
As far as diagnosing AH for the purpose of a defamation trial, I believe she had to be examined, (therefore a diagnosis was reached), due to her reporting that she was suffering from PTSD due to the "abuse"? Her continual lies are going to keep getting her in hot water, she really needs to stop, and probably needs help to do so.
@matfax 2 жыл бұрын
I believe that she has in fact PTSD. Because I have it and I know the thought processes, the patterns, and her testimony was consistent with it. Either AH is a perfect actor, which I doubt due to her performance in her movies, or some of the allegations are true, even if exaggerated due to her presumed histrionic disorder. I believe that Depp is in fact how he is depicted by Heard, but Depp is also a good actor, so what do you expect to see in court? If Amber's whole thing was just an act, why couldn't she make a good impression outside of the stand? Because no one in her team warned her about the obvious signs of her alleged disorders and how to avoid them?
@lc4011 2 жыл бұрын
You folks need to talk about false allegations in this messy context.
@louiseplatiel5431 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the balanced view here, on the matter that diagnosis happening around and being used in court is a situation to be mindful of. Excellent point. Enjoyed this conversation tremendously.
@melstiller8561 2 жыл бұрын
What a fascinating psychiatric duo!
@scrantonstrangler8301 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely could see that she really believes every thing she is saying. She truely feels that Johnny walking away from her was abusive to her in her mind. I don't know anything about HPD but, I could see that she really believes her testimony. Its very scary for those around her.
@ryanwalker8843 2 жыл бұрын
Really even when she would cry with no tears and suddenly give stone faced the second a lawyer spoke and the go back to pretending to cry? No in this occasion she was clearly acting and it was the poor quality of the acting that tipped us off. So if she has to act then she dosent really believe. I agree that she probably distorts alot of stuff like johnny leaving as abusive. But if you have to pretend to cry and then forget to keep the performance up the second a lawyer or judge spoke. No she knows the violence stories are made up. It's not debatable if you believe it you dont need to fake it. She would even do acting tricks like looking down and getting into character forgetting that part normally gets cut out by the editors in movies so the Audience dosent see it. Her she would literally look down 'okay find my motivation get into character and start' then look up and start talking. Bad acting that's what sank her she cant act and we all saw that.
@scrantonstrangler8301 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryanwalker8843 hey don't be me wrong. She's crazy. And JD was definitely innocent. But just as this video is suggesting, yes she did ACT that's the illness. Is it real? Of course not. She did OVER PLAY AND I'VE EXAGGERATE the situations. Did she do it well?? Heck no. She's terrible actress. Idk how she's got the roles she has. Did you listen to this video? This is exactly what these experts were saying. Histrionic Personally Disorder will cause the person to imagine stuff happened when they didn't. These Drs have to take another person into the exam room for proof that the things the patients will come out and say are false. They believe things happened that didn't.
@lc4011 2 жыл бұрын
@@scrantonstrangler8301 I think it would be helpful in the context of AH personality disorder diagnoses to talk about secondary gain and the motivations for same. Obviously for AH, money and fame appear to be primary motivators. But, what about sympathy, adoration, martyrdom, and attention? This woman stole someone's rape story and recounted it as her own, long before she posed as a DV victim. Then, her manipulation if the media has been a case study in itself. Manipulation if the insurance companies. Manipulation of her peer group enablers and useful idiots. My gawd, the list goes on and on.
@Jackal_El_Lobo34 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll give you some perspective of how Histrionic people are since I’ve met at least one in high school who fit the profile: • They act very similar to Narcissist’s in terms of grandiosity, attention seeking and a lack of empathy. The key difference though is that Narcissists like to be the ones in charge and Histrionics would rather have someone else lead them. • Histrionic tend to not have a single original thought in their skulls. They will often change opinions based on who they are with and when it’s convenient for them. (Ex: My former friend with HPD unfortunately had the habit of being influenced by her bullies to turn on me and other people. She was easily manipulated) • Also Histrionic people have the habit of dissing friendships to fit with other people but when their tribe doesn’t work out or are rejected, they’ll eventually come crawling back to former friends (or at-least try to). The reason why is because their self image is entirely dependent on fitting in with the popular crowed and they’re willing to risk disregarding good relationships to do it regardless if the people they’re trying to appease are not looking out for their best interest. (Ex: I know my former friend told me to “get lost” because I was apparently ruining her chances to be initiated with a another group that was bullying her). • They can also be very sleazy. (Ex: The person I knew in high school who had this problem, was often jumping from one unstable relationship to another before the previous had even concluded). • Another trait from them is that they can believe that relationships are much closure then what they really are. (Ex: When I first met this Histrionic person in high school, I defended her because she was getting bullied. Afterwards we started talking as friends through zoom and she was quick to call me her “brother” even though we had just met. She did the same with other strangers she met). • They can also be moody and emotionally manipulative. (Ex: I know my former friend would often cry when I’d call her out on her disloyalty and say “Stop your scaring me”). • Lastly, they can engage in reckless sensation seeking behaviors. (Ex: My aforementioned former friend would do this all the time. From licking a dirty stall to get initiated into group, to choking a girl due to jealousy over a guy who liked her, to slitting her own wrists to relieve stress (had to call the school staff to talk to her on that one), and finally to doing drugs with random people). That should give you an idea how histrionic people are like.
@ryanwalker8843 2 жыл бұрын
@@scrantonstrangler8301 did you not listen to what they are saying. They are saying she belives it. You dont need to act if you believe it you just say what you felt happend. How did you miss that. If she is ACTING the she knows damn well it's not true. What Drew was saying is no they dont know that it's a lie because that's how they experienced it. If it's a delusion you dont need to perform you belive it. Listen when people are talking you might understand more. Hes saying its NOT acting its distortion and she actually believes that's what happend. Before you say did you listen to what they said... why dont you try listening to what's actually being said. Acting is not required if you belive. LISTEN when people talk.
@kellywark5149 2 жыл бұрын
I must say I almost dropping My phone seeing Two of the most highly Respected Clinicians doing a Podcast together across the Pond. I have Mad Respect for these two and would love to see them on another Podcast. Thanks Dr. Das and Dr. Drew 🇱🇷🇬🇧
@illumindonnaughty 2 жыл бұрын
Me too! x
@zenamen5221 2 жыл бұрын
Johnny is an innately GOOD person who made bad choices with drugs and choosing Amber! His track record with women is stable, loving and non-violent. ~ Amber is innately extremely unstable and violent person.
@katee8147 2 жыл бұрын
Hard to be around - can anyone ever navigate relationships with BPD + Histrionic? I have found I get manipulated by them & broken financially & emotionally. Helps to hear about the disorder to understand what to avoid.
@Samiam5656 2 жыл бұрын
Obviously neither one of you have been in a situation where you have to live with somebody who has this disorder. The damage it does to ones psyche takes years to recover from. I do believe that they know what they’re doing. They just cannot understand how much damage it does. Disorder or not, no one has the right to treat anybody this way. Period!
@marilynnschroeder4436 Жыл бұрын
Excellent interview Dr. Das!
@TAWR88 2 жыл бұрын
With the new information that has been unsealed in court documents will there be an updated video of this?
@MSeliskaZ 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry… I have BPD(and I am repeating myself) but I am nothing like Amber. I know that experts know that people with BPD don’t have to be violent, etc… but I am always disappointed&fed up when someone talks about people with BPD as we all are basically the same. Someone told me that I have a “quiet BPD”- 99% of my anger is directed to me, it usually doesn’t matter who pissed me off. When I was a late teen I fought (not physically) with my mum, I didn’t understand why- because everywhere was “childhood trauma” and my doctors were trying to get something off from my childhood. They are amazing, one of them is one of the best CBT professors … maybe in the whole Europe ? But it was six weeks in hospital with CBT. I was quite lucky when it came to my psychiatrists(and therapists)… I felt prejudice but not because of BPD- mostly because of my panic(or anxiety…?) attacks. I still don’t understand why I couldn’t speak for 3 days and had such a terrible back cramps… but I was called an “actress”, “addict”…. But usually by people who didn’t know much about psychology(or psychiatry). But I am trying my best to be better… and I am honestly tired of defending BPD. I am not doing it so much because of me but because I know that there are many people who are deeply ashamed and tried to commit a suicide(or different substance use). I know that it’s not just BPD that has stigma around but… I read that it’s almost as people who were severely burned(that we are over sensitive with everything… which fair enough, I have no problem to say that I feel many things way … worse than people who also struggle(but do not have BPD). But I know many people who were rejected because of their BPD dg… I want people with BPD to know that it can get better. We just need time&right therapy. Btw Dr.Drew’s opinion are one of the reasons why people with BPD don’t seek help. We can be psychotic but what he said about patienets with BPD making up about the doctor almost made me click out of your video. There are people like that… but gosh, it’s minority of us
@ryanwalker8843 2 жыл бұрын
Every single time there is someone saying this, no one is saying you are like amber heard she is just an example of a very bad case of bpd that is completely unregulated. Jesus. I dont feel the need to remind everyone that not everyone with my condition is exactly the same I give people a little credit. Also that was drew experience in treating border lines he said clearly 'just in my experience' you dont get to tell a doctor their clinical experiences arent true. Sorry it's not really how things work and what makes you think you know how other bpd people act with their doctors in private?
@MSeliskaZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryanwalker8843 I am not speaking up for each person with BPD dg. But most people I know are violent towards themselves, not other people. I wouldn’t care but this is really a high-profile case. I know my own BPD and that I am not like her. But I know so many people who are afraid to see therapist/psychiatrist… they don’t even need to have BPD. I am just tired of stereotypes. Idk, maybe I am too much like my dad who was a lawyer, since I was not even 10, I stood up for other people. People around me know what’s going on with me and no one ever compared me to Amber(or Jodi Arias…and other infamous women who were diagnosed with BPD). But I was super lucky to have supporting family(or my mum at least..), so I had many chances to understand what’s actually going on with me. Many people never felt even like 10% of the support I got in my life. I just feel so sorry for people(not just with BPD but I don’t have OCD or some other mental illness that is really misunderstood). Honestly, I’ve been pretty lucky in my life. But I’ve met so many people who weren’t and they didn’t even have psych.dgs. that have so much stigma around that dg. I am not commenting just because I personally don’t think that I am like Amber. I just know so many people who don’t try to seek help because they don’t have any support system around and are worried that people would judge them. Trust me, it’s not my hobby to write that”: I AM NOT LIKE AMBER” … But so many people are afraid to speak up, find help and it often ends up very tragically. I know that I am not a famous person and my comment probably won’t make a difference even for a 1 person who needs help. But I don’t care… there are people who need to know that they are not alone. And just say something like: “ I have BPD, I am not like Amber..bye” isn’t enough for me. I probably won’t help anyone but if there is even a small chance that someone will read my comment(or from someone else who has similar problems) … and maybe realize that they are not bad.. idk. I want to become a peer in a future. I have zero confidence … but I am not going to delete my comments. I am not defending just myself… but everyone with BPD(well not just that, many people who have mental issues are afraid to speak up deserve a chance in their life). My comments aren’t just about me… well I am writing what’s my life been like… but I am not doing it because I am bored and I want people to feel sorry for me. You know, I am glad that you’re ok with your dg. and that you don’t feel like you have to defend yourself. Honestly, I am not being cynical…good for you. But I’ve been in hospital and met people during CBT … my life was really super easy compared to many others. My mum loves me and supports me…Not everyone is that lucky. I know I probably won’t make a difference… but it was my choice to speak up. Thank you for your comment, I am glad that you feel this way. But sadly I’ve met many people who had no one in their life… many relatives&friends don’t even believe in mental health problems. I wish you the best, I am happy that you don’t feel like you have to say that you’re not like Amber. * I am not that much delusional - I don’t think that my comment is going to save the world😂🤦🏻‍♀️
@BrodyBaddis 2 жыл бұрын
@@MSeliskaZ You read like you're an Amber Heard, but an online version. You jump from one point to another, avoiding the simple crit that Ryan Walker brought up. This video is not about YOU. It's about Amber Heard and her traits that are common with BPD cases. Work on yourself first before "I am not defending just myself… but everyone with BPD," because your BPD is legible in your comments. BPD is partly getting too emotional about things. Work on yourself first. You matter! #strongmind
@nannettefreeman7331 2 жыл бұрын
@@MSeliskaZ I hear you, & as someone who also suffers from BPD, I appreciate the points your trying to make. I recently read somewhere that there are 256 possible combinations of BPD symptoms, & that doesn't even factor in the severity of each symptom in individual sufferers. The result is that any two individuals with BPD can present quite differently, to the extent that they don't even appear to be suffering from the same disorder! Then you have a case as high profile as this, & well-known experts like Dr Drew providing commentary, & it has a substantial effect on the public perception of the disorder. I wish that those providing commentary would be more mindful about making general characterizations about the behavior of those with the disorder & either stress a little more the diversity of presentations, or refrain from expressing general characterizations.
@MSeliskaZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrodyBaddis I am not saying that I am not emotional😂 I am extremely emotional. “Thanks” for calling me online AH… I respect your opinion. You read my two comments and if that’s enough for you to call me that… ok. And I’ve started seeing psychiatrist when I was 13(I had anorexia&was super anxious). It’s been around 15 years… people see some kind of progress but I know that I am still not ok and I still need therapy. And I jump from one thing to another a lot… my doctor explained to me that it’s probably my anxiety and that my head would love to just say everything … for a while they thought I might have ADHD but no. If you talked to me about something complefely different- I’d be the same. Trust me or not(you are probably not gonna) but I usually delete lot of things that I do. Things that aren’t even related to mental health. But even some music that I listen to… couple hours later I have some of my another extreme mood swing and I am able to get mad at myself for posting it&delete it asap. I just commented what I like&don’t like about this video… I know many people who had partners with BPD and see us all as the most evil people on Earth😂 I am trying to be respectful…But to survive and get better.. I am need to get rid that part of me that is constantly sorry. If I have problem with someone’s opinion… then it’s only my problem. People don’t have to agree with everyone - each one of us is allowed to have his/her own opinion. Other people might be right&I might be wrong. You matter as well and I hope you’re doing ok.
@ericaknesek3266 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for having Dr Drew. He is great !
@deritfosiht862 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Drew is totally remiss in continuing to perpetuate the false narrative that JD was an abuser in this relationship. He clearly went down a very dark hole in trying to cope with being in a relationship with an abuser. It'll take him years to recover from his time with AH; and she clearly still isn't ready to let him go. Hopefully her local social services/child protection agency is able to monitor the care of her little daughter; Whitney Heard has proved that she is so frightened of her sister that even with good intentions, she won't be capable of protecting the little one. Wishing all of them peace, and recovery.
@PureSparkles22 2 жыл бұрын
It’s disgusting how people victim shame male survivors
@boilermaker1337 2 жыл бұрын
Agree. There was no credible evidence that JH was abusive at all.
@betina6885 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think he believes JD was an abuser...but that AH was believing what she was saying even if it never happened...because of her desorder... Well maybe the desorder can explain some of the actions...but there were many premeditated lies, a hoax so...
@Claudia-se3mp 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr. Das, 27.7 K subscribers congrats. Great interview with Dr. Drew it was very well done. I thought your observations on Heard's and Dep's behavior were reasonable and unbiased. You did good!! Dr. Drew's observations came off as bitter, hard and biased toward Heard. His nasty little aside about Dep's alcoholism gave his feelings away. Keep give'm Hell. Best wishes!!
@nikki.londonuk6881 2 жыл бұрын
Currently bingeing on your vids!Subbed after watching you on DeadBugs Channel🤗…I suffer with BPD and Depression and have been self harming since I was 13 I’m 38 now,It’s informative watching your videos on the subject☺️
@francoisetabor7632 2 жыл бұрын
My 31 year old son is BPD and I totally agree with what you're both saying.
@KC-lz9qg 2 жыл бұрын
Duuuude!!! Just found your channel - I'm binging and really loving it. Seriously though, your channel is so insightful and revealing and I appreciate the time you take to impart your knowledge and experience. I've just bought your book 'In Two Minds' online and can't wait to read it. I find your area of expertise fascinating and your empathetic approach is really humbling, I'm sure your patients have benefitted endlessly from your compassionate approach. Anyway, cheers from a very soogy Sydney in Australia. Take care 👊😊
@babygrandma8654 2 жыл бұрын
I just recently found this channel and have been watching as many videos as I can. I'm in love with this channel 😂🤣. I've learned more from watching these videos than I ever thought possible. Now keep in mind I said I'm in love with the channel not in love with the good doctor but he is a very handsome man imho but he seems far to young for me🤣😂. I'm in my late 50's and he doesn't seem like he's out of his 30's possible early 40's but I don't think so 🤣🙃. The good doctor has a very soothing and calming voice. His speech pattern is relaxing to me. Whenever I feel stressed by something I've been putting on 1 of his videos. For me it doesn't matter what he's talking about, I can feel the weight of the days stress ease off significantly. Thanks Doc for being a beacon of hope and peace for me without even knowing it. God bless you in all you do.🙏🙏💛
@APsychForSoreMinds 2 жыл бұрын
Oh shucks. Thank you so much x
@catherinepositano8544 2 жыл бұрын
That's such a beautiful comment....at least he's helping someone..😂😂😂🇦🇺
@samr2494 2 жыл бұрын
Watching this is so interesting to me.I really think I have BPD. Before I was prescribed Citalopram, I was absolutely awful. I still have my moments and apparently when I’m angry I pretty much scream. In my mind, it’s just normal arguing though, not shouting or anything. Once when I was 16, with my partner (still together 17 years later, poor him 🤦🏻‍♀️) we were playing a board game and he was on my team. He got the answer wrong (it was which film has wendsleydale cheese, and he didn’t know it was Wallace and Gromit?!) and I apparently stood up, kicked him and said “you’re as thick as sh**”!!! I have no recollection of it! I’ve apologised so many times, and I haven’t done it since, but I genuinely don’t remember it happening. I vaguely remember the question and him not knowing, but that’s it. My mom and stepdad was there too, and for a while I questioned whether they were winding me up and lying about it but they swear it happened. I’ve been on antidepressants since I was 16, and I’m now 34. It took me a while to find the right one, but it still doesn’t feel 100% right. I’m currently fighting to try and see a psychiatrist again, I was discharged by one I didn’t get on with. The previous psychiatrist I didn’t have a problem with, and I’d spoken to other patients when I was once an inpatient and they all had a dislike of him too, so I know it definitely wasn’t me with the problem. He seemed to have short man complex and he disagreed with me that my antidepressants made me tired, but I had seen the difference as I had been on and off different ones and I knew how I felt whilst off the medication. So I took the leaflet and showed him the side effects and that drowsiness was listed on there. He sort of laughed and said it still wasn’t true. That was when we both had a mutual dislike. Anyway, I’m rambling. Thank you for sharing great content as always x
@judem1359 2 жыл бұрын
She knew she was lying when she lied she had donated money to the children’s hospital.
@kumkumjain9864 2 жыл бұрын
always good to hear 2experts...xcellent case to talk abt
@william3750 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not disagreeing about the negative stuff you're saying about borderlines but we do need to be honest and say that they are also some of the most loving and dedicated people you will ever meet. The stigma around the disorder is a bit tiring and it's not 100% accurate. We are human beings too.
@liaxavios9476 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think that you can comment on Johnny having blackouts if you’re not going to comment that Amber blackouts. They both have issues with alcohol and drugs. They both were verbally and mentally abusive to each other. The difference is the trial showed that Johnny did not sexually abuse Amber. The trial did show that Amber physically abused Johnny. I hope they both get the help they need. I am thinking he might but I doubt if she will
@betina6885 2 жыл бұрын
And the trial/recordings also showed JD did a lot to help her and make things work...So yes he ended by also using offensive words... by reacting .Who wouldn't have reacted ? It would have been worrying if he took it again and again without reacting.. At least he didn't hit her....
@melisentiapheiffer3034 2 жыл бұрын
@@betina6885 exactly !
@matfax 2 жыл бұрын
Could you elaborate how the trial showed this? As far as I'm concerned, the trial was about your right to speak about the abuse you've endured even if you don't have convincing evidence. The trial didn't really convincingly support either sides' story from an objective standpoint. I personally also believe that both abused each other. But this implies that Heard was abused. So if you're an abuser, do you lose your right to free speech about the abuse you've endured yourself? I think this ruling is a black milestone for free speech. Depp couldn't prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Heard hasn't been abused. Just because Heard is histrionic, you can't assume that everything she said must have been a lie without any ground truth to it. They would have to prove this as well, in addition to the disorder. They failed to do so. Sure, Heard also failed to show that Depp was like this with anyone else. But she didn't need to prove this. The burden of proof was on Johnny's shoulders.
@annicecooper8105 3 ай бұрын
​@@matfax free speech just means that you cannot be muffled by the government - it does not mean you can spout lies and not be held accountable. The essence of the case was defamation - she said in the op-ed that she had been abused - including sexually but provided no proof of that. Maybe she did mean someone else ? - I can sadly well imagine it may have happened at some point. But the implicit indication in the article was that it was JD that had done that - it's impossible to look at the article in isolation as it came following her accusations in the TRO and ensuing divorce. Had she gone into court and said she was slapped and shouted at and she felt that was abusive then I think she would have easily won. There was evidence on the tapes that could be spun as ' abusive ' But that isn't what she said - she told escalating stories of truely horrendous physical, sexual and psychological abuse but simply provided no credible evidence to support much of this other than her own self- reporting. In fact if anything those tapes prove that she was just as verbally and psychologically abusive to him and admitted to physical abuse too. The jury saw her testimony and decided that she was not credible - for whatever reason. The burden of proof was indeed on JD's shoulders but does not need to be beyond reasonable doubt as this was not a criminal trial and the standard is different. I have real sympathy with Amber, it sounds truly dreadful and sad being her, very unstable and unsettling and no real sense of self or security. But it's not fair that someone else should be harmed by the outcomes of an individual's personality disorder. A therapeutic relationship is very different to being in an arena where accusations have very real consequences for someone other than the individual with he personality disorder. I do have sympathy with Amber and I hope she seeks professional help but it's not fair her personality disorder impacts someone else's career, finances, reputation, psyche and relationships.
@MissMentats 2 жыл бұрын
I really Like Ominous Shohominous now. I’m glad I gave a second chance to him. I now have got my notifications on so that makes him one of my favourite people on earth
@judybertagna4527 2 жыл бұрын
BDP is so toxic and damaging on a spouse. Don’t make them out to be nice and kind. If you cross them, you are dead.
@dirk4926 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure that Johnny's drug and alcohol abuse made him very hard to live with and I have some sympathy fir Amber. However, Amber seems to have her own issues with drugs and booze. They were a match made is hell
@stompthedragon4010 2 жыл бұрын
I have no sumpathy gor Amber. Yes, she had plenty of drug and alcohol issues but she is a horrible person.
@catherinepositano8544 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe Johnny's simply a better actor?...
@arielagrant5636 2 жыл бұрын
wheres the dr drew podcast where he talks about this topic GARY!?!?
@nimmesisbp2395 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm.. grew up watching Dr. Drew late nights on MTV. I usta think a bit highly of him.. not so much after watching this.
@ayrshirelettingsales7126 2 жыл бұрын
How often do you get to spend 29 hours doing an assessment with a client in a clinical assessment? That’s a massive amount of time and a lot of tests were run. I found the lack of insight and ability to tell the truth fascinating to watch on the stand. Normally they would never be on the stand. Lawyers would say burden of proof is up to the state so you just don’t get offenders on the stand. AH came across as extreme borderline in my opinion and she just keeps going even now. Watch this space the next thing will be going after the judge. If she isn’t BPD then it’s NPD however the prisons are full of people with no ability to see a boundary.
@Bellatrys 2 жыл бұрын
How come she hasn't written articles about Elon or Franco or all the men she has been sleepingy with. Why did she set out to destroy Johnny and not all the other men she has been with.
@Nikkers8 2 жыл бұрын
Being married to Johnny gave her a lot more 'authority' to publish her lies. And a lot more attention since they were openly together for several years. She wasn't with the other two long enough for anyone to really buy into what she says.
@BrodyBaddis 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Drew! - drop in on the Tigerbelly podcast, please. Your sharing in Trash Tuesday was also informative Thank you, and Dr Das for this breakdown #nosotrospapaya
@BuntingClipClop 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I came for you, but couldn't hack your interviewer. Did he actually watch the trial?
@bridgetbeckert8655 2 жыл бұрын
@laidman2007 2 жыл бұрын
Mental illness as a cultural 'trait'? That's a topic I'd like to hear discussed.
@funnycrazy2734 2 жыл бұрын
Just because JD Drinks 🍸 and does Drugs .Doesn't make him bad. She did the same things. She was Abusive one people believe her. World is getting close to end.
@Jkjoannaki 2 жыл бұрын
From my experience as a med student who's been I psych rotation voluntarily for 2 years and someone who's made social relations with people diagnosed with bpd, a lot of mental health professionals tend to also believe a lot of the lies to the point they end up diminishing some very key similarities all cluster b disorders have in their high severity patients (by icd11 to diagnose with a pd you have to first diagnose severity and then list traits, which is far better than lame ass dsm) when it comes to abuse and manipulation. Cluster b disorders are all very manipulative in a similar rate but somehow bpd social media groups and some mental health professionals lie that bpd is different and aren't that manipulative. That's untrue simply. The guilt which is what many people refer to to distinguish bpd from other cluster b disorders is something that I've seen debunked in my experience. They feel guilty when caught. Or when they're about to face penalty or abandonment most times that they feel guilt. They don't feel until they get caught. They'll cheat and be fine with it but months later be guilty when their partner found out and abandoned them. But the guilt wasn't there when they weren't caught. This is very usual in bpd. I've met hundreds of patients like this. Just like other cluster b, there's lack of empathy. But, they will feel empathetic because they will project and split. But this isn't true empathy, it's projection and self reassurance.
@Jkjoannaki 2 жыл бұрын
What I mean at the end is that they lack actual empathy but feel empathetic from others perspective and to themselves because A) others will be idolized be people with bpd and will believe their (often) self reporting abuse towards them, and they'll feel empathy due to the idiolization they get B) people with bpd will project and idolize others and themselves first and feel like they're empathetic but if they split and demonize they don't mind seeking revenge which isn't true empathy, or they might feel guilty but it's not guilty for their actions that caused separation, but the fact that it's caused them to be abandoned and demonize themselves at that moment.
@nannettefreeman7331 2 жыл бұрын
I have struggled with BPD all my life, & I think there is some confusion between the term "guilt" & the term "shame." And I also think that our hypersensitivity to the opinion of others causes us to try to minimize our onus in the situation rather than own up to what we've done & express real remorse.
@Jkjoannaki 2 жыл бұрын
@@nannettefreeman7331 which is again about the view of self and others that's splitting. Each cluster b trait has difficulty showing remorse because of a false separation of self and others that happens in early stages of life normally. We should talk about it without demonizing it but without pretending it doesn't happen to those with bpd. This is actual awareness, not misinformation. It also helps a lot with misdiagnosis, like "quiet bpd" which was never a thing, it was 18-24 year old girls with adhd or depression being misdiagnosed with "quiet" bpd until later on when they matured as human beings they were diagnosed correctly with adhd/depression or sometimes even nothing because it was circumstantial to young adult life and instability. If we didn't try to stretch so much the label of the diagnosis and stuck to how the personality is formed, why and what to do to help create healthy coping mechanisms instead of splitting and projections and form a stable sense of self, we would actually help those with bpd, not start a war with the bpd community about the "good" quiet ones (which was mostly misdiagnosis) and the "bad" "narc bpd" ones. Because people with bpd felt like comparing themselves to people who didn't even have actually the same diagnosis. Which made them feel shame. Not guilt, but shame, which never helps, feeling shame doesn't help anyone, feeling guilt when being guilty does. But also end the war between bpd and other cluster b pds because it's not mental health awareness and acceptance, it's mental health discrimination and splitting on mental health disorders
@PureSparkles22 2 жыл бұрын
7:09 there’s no excuse for being abusive
@janinemccartha1811 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr. Das. You & Dr. Drew have good content about JD & AH on this video. I didn't follow their trial because it didn't really make my favorites list. Still I always enjoy your videos from your channel. Peace & spectacular times to you, love, Janine Smiley🙂😀🤩🤗😎☕🍪☕🎂🍩☕🍰🍫🍨🍧❣🖤
@louisejeffries7155 2 жыл бұрын
This case is not so interesting to me but I wonder Dr Das if you’d look at another American case Lori Vallow Daybell and Cad Daybell The case is still pre trial with possibility of death penalty Many people are dead most importantly two young children Anyway point being she has spent 10 months in hospital for restoration There’s arguments on the Internet as to whether she’s malingering or does have disorder A number of channels have been covering the case some with very good professional people I would be really interested in your opinion I look forward to seeing whether you picked the case up to have a look at it or not and in the meantime great content thanks
@team-is1nf 2 жыл бұрын
You guys keep talking about this diagnosis like she agreed with it. Heard and her lawyers rejected this diagnosis. How can we be empathetic Dr Drew if they aren’t even owning up to this diagnosis.
@pyewacketpeggy8329 2 жыл бұрын
Ok. Here is the thing. I know people from Amber. Not so much Johnny, even though he d my age. Johnny is nuts
@nicoleperron3315 2 жыл бұрын
@donrayjay 2 жыл бұрын
Borderline, remorseful? Really? Not my experience at all!
@babs3652 2 жыл бұрын
You didn't have a mark and swollen nose on your face in the picture, did you? Yes, there is obviously a mark and swelling but I covered it with make up and put ice to the swelling. She sees herself as truthful?
@PureSparkles22 2 жыл бұрын
Ambers not a talented actor tho
@sassysmurfette9606 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest problem with this whole fiasco is everyone saying how JD is such a great guy…he has never been a great guy. You don’t have to have a long memory to remember his lack of compassion and lies when it came to people overdosing and dying at a club he part owned (viper club), and then when his business partner in that same club was days away from testifying against him for fraud he disappeared. He was also in the position of power in his relationship with Amber both in age and his career. Im not saying Amber has done the right thing or behaved well, but JD having the whole trial on camera for his adoring fans and playing the victim, I would find it more interesting to see someone actually be able to honestly look at him without star shaped glasses on.
@Selllaur19 2 жыл бұрын
Wow you are delusional. He was a mess after what happened to his friend River!! How dare you?! And Anthony Foxes own wife found him he ran off look it up. Don’t come in here with crazy ass conspiracies you know nothing about. She had the power she was young, feisty, beautiful and SUPER manipulative. He gave her whatever she wanted! Do some more research and stop following lies from the MSM.
@Selllaur19 2 жыл бұрын
Christi Mack who is an actual survivor or SA and DV had NO problem testifying on tv to what happened to her! However she had proof and truth on her side. Not lies.
@Bellatrys 2 жыл бұрын
Objection, speculation on the above.
@debshaw680 2 жыл бұрын
Any excuse to bash Amber when we all saw what he is like. Pathetic and sickening.
@kahetiger 2 жыл бұрын
JD has his issues. Bashing Amber? Excuse me, Amber bashed Johnny in so many ways it’s a miracle he appears to be on his way to recovery. Yes, recovery, hopefully for his drug and alcohol abuse, but MAINLY for his recovery for what she put him through for years. I am a survivor of DV and SV and I saw and a lot of what I went through in Johnny’s mannerisms. In NO WAY did I see any of that in Amber. Those of ‘like’ stick together. I as a survivor I can smell the stench of an abuser! It took 2 very long years to stop blaming myself for my abuser’s actions and to stop thinking about the abuse every single day. Thank goodness I have a wonderful family that helped me work through all that my abuser put me through. That was 10 years ago. Actually, somewhere in that time frame that abuse popped into my head and for some thankful reason I could not even remember my abuser’s name. So I pray that Johnny can heal quickly from what Amber did to him. So take your “bashing Amber” comment and really think about all she did and accused him of and ask yourself, TRULY, ask yourself where’s the proof. She had no proof of any of it. I can’t believe someone who loves another taking pictures of their loved one, passed out or nodding off, then sharing them with others. That’s cruel, and the things she did regarding TMZ. Sorry I don’t think bashing Amber passes in my playbook and the many thousands+ survivors who disagree with all of her BS.
How I Turned a Lolipop Into A New One 🤯🍭
Рет қаралды 10 МЛН
Миллионер | 2 серия
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Amber Heard Has a DISTURBING Past
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Borderline Woman as Dissociative Secondary Psychopath
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