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Dr. Steven Hassan talks about JK Rowling and "cancel culture"

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Dr. Steven Hassan - Cult Expert

Dr. Steven Hassan - Cult Expert

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@YourJoyJunkie 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this very mature, healthy, rational and nuanced video!
@jewelgazer 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. Hassan for sharing your opinions about cancel culture. I agree with you - let people decide for themselves instead of cancel culture deciding for us. Otherwise there is a loss of freedom of speech and thought.
@user-jv9cr9jn1t 5 ай бұрын
I do not support JK Rowling, however I appreciate your insight and expertise on such a subject and I always learn so much from you! Thank you.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
You’re in a cult.
@allisonandrews4719 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant. But I’m a mental health clinician and an attorney and a student of 20th century fascism so hmm maybe we’ve read some of the same books. Brave video. Thanks a bunch for sharing your POV.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
What kind of “mental health clinician”, and what kind of attorney?
@penthehuman 5 ай бұрын
great points Dr Hassan
@jacobbrown760 5 ай бұрын
Can anyone explain to me exactly what JK Rowling said that was transphobic?
@ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 5 ай бұрын
If you look on her website I'm pretty sure it's still there. She wrote an essay talking about her support for the people in her life who ID as trans, but also why she doesn't support things like trans IDed males being in women's shelters or women's prisons and the like. People come out with other claims about her sometimes, but that essays the thing that started it. Btw, I've never even read her books, so I'm not, like, a fan defending her no matter what !! or whatever. I just think more people should read that essay for themselves before deciding how to feel about her
@jacobbrown760 5 ай бұрын
@@ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks! Yeah I’m just trying to understand what exactly is transphobic about her comments. So far as I can see she wants to make it clear that sex is biological, and even though there should be a distinction between biological women and trans women - she still supports gender identity. She supports trans persons rights to live their life in a way that feels comfortable to them … so I don’t see how that’s trans phobic and why she’s “cancelled”… I think some people have just read a headline where she says “trans women aren’t real women” and oversimplify her argument without trying to understand
@WebeloZappBrannigan 5 ай бұрын
​@@jacobbrown760I'd highly recommend checking out the videos on JK Rowling, by a youtuber called Shaun. I think his videos clearly show that Rowling's idea of trans people being able to live their lives, is starkly different to most trans people's ideas of what living their lives means. I think the videos, via the use of direct quotes and screenshots, do a pretty good job of showing that Rowling is not motivated by concern for trans people but rather by disgust and hatred. I'd also recommend Shaun's video titled "JK Rowling's New Friends". It shows how she will give voice to (by replying to, name dropping, or supporting them on twitter) some people who have positively bigoted views... As in calling for mass extermination, palling around with white supremacists, turning a blind eye to rapists bigoted.... As long as they also hate trans people. Not to mention the links these people have to organisations that are pushing for a total ban on abortions... Which I believe goes against Rowling's own views. When people have pointed this kind of thing out to JK, she's got a track record of ignoring them and leaving her tweets up.
@flowerpink724 4 ай бұрын
She said nothing against trans people. She just said please before allowing trans women (previously men) in women's spaces as she has been abused in the past. Take care of girls and woman first before laws are past. Women have been raped in prisons by trans women. Women have been abused. She is basically standing up for women but certain people in the teans community don't like that
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely nothing. Nothing at all.
@bryanando5492 5 ай бұрын
It's very Milue Control to take black and white, splitting, demand for purity, polarizing way of thinking and reframe it (usually in the form of a straw man or some other critical thinking, sidestepping fallacy) to people with something as simplistic as a Just World Hypothesis of the "what", while completely neglecting the "how". I think it results in an all or nothing mindset which, over the course of time, might insidiously habituate people into "us versus them" and a dispensing of existence mob mentality, more easily hijacked, manipulated, and triangulated by bad actors. The "how" we go about things is really what's important, lest we fall into a the "ends justify the means" way of doing things. (The authoritarian personality/ideology way of doing things versus having things like checks and balances, protocols, and procedures which we too often take for granted such as the having certain inalienable and immutable rights, and having manners, ethics, morals and other standards, and recognizing red flags 🚩🚩. By ignoring standards in "how" we do things and "how" we reason about those things, I think it leaves us vulnerable to doing things that we otherwise would not do and coming to conclusions that we otherwise would not come to.... Much like manipulative power grabbing losers would want so that they can make winners into losers and losers into winners by changing the rules of the game of life, instead of winning in the normal way which we are all used to and have come to expect (in all but the last 15 or 20 years or so.) "That's not whether you win or lose, son. It's how you play the game."😊
@pmbeerspottery2563 5 ай бұрын
Are you asking people to support transhobic hate? I'm confused because there are social consequences for behaving badly and I don't think it's mind control or culty to give people social consequences for antisocial behavior.
@kimswartz9107 5 ай бұрын
I feel like Dr. Hassan is mistakenly treating JKR as some kind of authority on the subject and simply hasn't been exposed to enough better information. (I hope this is the case.) If transphobes were actually not themselves culty, they would be open to emerging discussion of gender identity instead of fearmongering. But they are not, they are just clutching their pearls and asking everyone to "think of the children" while meanwhile encouraging the indoctrination of children into a societally created gender binary that all kids simply do not want or need to fit into.
@hajo2024 5 ай бұрын
JK Rowling is not transphobic. That is fake news.
@HomeFromFarAway 4 ай бұрын
social consequences are already happening. Criticism is normal and fine. What I've seen is the genuinely cultic cry to purge or remove her from public sight. that's a dark, dark path
@babs_babs 5 ай бұрын
her most recent controversy involves h0locaust denial. at that point i think she should lose her status as a public figure.
@hajo2024 5 ай бұрын
People have said that, but when you look at the facts, you can easily see that they are lying. Please don't drink the Kool Aid.
@babs_babs 5 ай бұрын
@@hajo2024 no she denied the fact that not sees targeted trans people and gender clinics. she lied about the hol0caust
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
No it absolutely doesn’t. Stop lying on that woman. 🙄
@babs_babs 2 ай бұрын
@@dewilew2137 would you prefer it if i called her a h0locaust revisionist?
@rezakarampour6286 2 ай бұрын
' Israel and Assassination of Kennedy Brothers '
@SleepySuperhero 5 ай бұрын
It's not cancellation. She's free to live her life and be a public figure. I can't do anything to change that. I, as an individual, do not want to give her money for fear that she would spend it on crushing causes I champion, thus working against myself with a multiplier in the form of her fame and wealth. My choice is purely logical.
@sketchyemailer101 5 ай бұрын
What do you think "the dispensing of existence" means? To me it means when the notion is put forth that someone is untouchable and if you interact with them you can get their "badness" attached to you too.
@HomeFromFarAway 4 ай бұрын
This is the difference between rational criticism and cancel culture. Some of the comments on this thread talk about "removing her" as a public figure. If we could do that to Trump and Putin, how many of us would be willing to take that dark path though? It's not a sane thought to "remove" people who speak out of line
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
@@HomeFromFarAway there’s literally nothing to criticize her for.
@alanmurphy3402 5 ай бұрын
It’s not cancel culture it’s consequence culture you can say whatever you want but if you step over the line expect what’s coming from decent people and thankful we still have a lot in the world.
@benjamingrullo 5 ай бұрын
Maybe some "consequences" from "decent" people are scary, violent and indecent. Hitler thought himself a good person.
@DMU555 5 ай бұрын
I think it's worth distinguishing between being in favor of consequences for harmful behavior and particular kinds of consequences. The problem with "cancel culture" is that it's difficult for consequences to be proportionate to the harm done. Dr. Hassan's opposition to cancel culture is not an opposition to consequences for actions but an opposition to a certain mentality that has been associated with it, which tends to involve very black and white to decide who ought to be totally ostracized and villainized. I don't agree with everything he says in this video, but I think his critique of cancel culture is pretty well founded.
@issigonis975 5 ай бұрын
But this is a subject the majority side with or understand where she is coming from do we all get cancelled? It is also Americans interfering in the views of another culture in this case the Brits. I have three ethnic and religious cultures in my family and they all hold different views on this subject and would be 'cancelled' but I don't give a F** I actually value the difference and these fools on both sides who demand from everyone only their world view are the same just have different groups to label and hate, demonise and feel superior to and are small minded and parochial. We spent all this time since the sixties celebrating and accepting diversity but now we are going backwards into some dystopian world where conformity to a value is demanded.
@jacobbrown760 5 ай бұрын
Can you help to explain how JK Rowling went over the line?
@hajo2024 5 ай бұрын
JK Rowling didn't go over the line, though. I didn't understand her point at first either. Then, her predictions about male predators posing as trans women to harm others started coming true. Also, we started to hear medical horror stories from the large number of people who have complications from these surgeries.
@pluribus_unum 5 ай бұрын
Nobody has cancelled JK Rowling. I'm against making anyone a _persona non grata_ , but holding people accountable isn't cancellation.
@pluribus_unum 5 ай бұрын
_J.K. Rowling Will Oversee a New Streaming Harry Potter Series - The show will play out over the course of a decade and will feature an entirely new cast._ by Anthony Breznican on April 12, 2023 in Vanity Fair
@MJ-bn9hz 5 ай бұрын
“Nobody has cancelled JK Rowling”? If you say so??? Many tried to have her cancelled but she stood up for the truth and came out on top.
@pluribus_unum 5 ай бұрын
@@MJ-bn9hz - She is launching a podcast and has a new series on _max_ , so I reiterate that she's not been _cancelled_ . Some consumers choosing not to buy her products as they exercise their personal consumer choice is capitalism at work, not cancellation.
@babs_babs 5 ай бұрын
@@MJ-bn9hz she’s a billionaire with millions of followers and a career that’s still kicking. if that’s the definition of being canceled then pls sign me the fuk up
@sketchyemailer101 5 ай бұрын
It's not holding someone accountable when the masses come away with the notion that JK rowling is "bad", but have no idea what she did that was bad. When people get are seen as untouchable by almost everyone yet almost everyone doesn't know what or if she did anything wrong, that's a toxic dynamic.
@sketchyemailer101 5 ай бұрын
I think the trans issue is really misunderstood. Because older people think that the only reason people would ever transition is if they had serious problems that were unsolvable any other way. But how people are actually identifying as trans today is much more complicated. There are many people who are just very suggestible who hear people say that you can become another gender, and if they have certain negative internalized ideas about their own gender and/or just fantasize about what life as the other gender would be like they can get swept up in the trans movement too. It's not about people with an actual underlying need to transition. Lots of people are being mutilated simply because they are suggestible. You should listen to what young people say about what it means to be trans. There are a lot of crazy ideas going around like "if you like the idea of being another gender that means you are that gender". If people believe that that literally means that anyone with internalized misogyny could be trans. The trans movement today is mostly people who have self-identified as trans based on things they've heard from their friends and things they've read online. Most have not even consulted a therapist to see if there's anything else going on, and many therapists wouldn't even feel comfortable challenging these notions that could have just come from being a teenager doom scrolling google for why they feel weird. If a teenager doom scrolls and gets the idea they have cancer from google we can challenge that. If they do the same search and come up with the idea they are trans then that can't be challenged and they need to be altered with hormones and surgery. There aren't enough adults at the wheel. We understand how people who think they have cancer from a google search could manifest symptoms based on those beliefs, but we won't acknowledge the same thing can happen for people who have diagnosed themselves as trans based on a google search.
@HomeFromFarAway 4 ай бұрын
" There aren't enough adults at the wheel." Perfectly stated.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
I think the trans issue is massively misunderstood by people who claim to be progressive, and don’t even see that they’re supporting a racist, homophobic, misogynistic ideology.
@SleepySuperhero 5 ай бұрын
Bad people do good things. Good people do bad things. And it is our duty to understand when a person has crossed that threshold, and if they are wielding their good deeds as a cudgel against reasonable criticism of their bad deeds. The person that hurt me may or may not have meant to, and I bear no taint of being like them. 2: I do not dispense JKR's existence. I have to own her existence in order to challenge it. She has positive qualities and neutral connection points that I empathize with. We are both women, we have lived in poverty, we are pagans, we are generous with money and time donated. But this one thing, her anti-trans stance, is a subtle venom. I do not know her so I am in no position to influence, advise, empathize, or inform her stance. And she is famous for her words and thoughts, therefore those words and thoughts carry more importance to society. Therefore, all I can do is defend against her position, including her incorrect understanding of biology and science, her disrespect of pagan and wiccan traditions that include gender diversity and fluidity. When she spends money, I cannot trust her to spend it on values we share or on neutral causes, therefore I must assume the worst and protect against it, because her money also comes with an impossible weight of clout and prestige that my meager voice cannot withstand alone. Dr Hasan has addressed the issue at large of "cancel culture" while ignoring those members of her community who are unable to commune with her. And SHE has shut herself off from those criticisms as well. Communication is reciprocal, otherwise it is dictatorial.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
You’re in a cult. Men can’t be women. It is not bigotry to say so. There is no virtue in placing men’s feelings above the rights, safety, and dignity of women and girls.
@matthewtymczyszyn8948 5 ай бұрын
I don't think he's complaining about accountability. I think he's saying you paint yourself into a corner if you only read contemporary bourgeois, liberal authors. Ursula K. LaGuin famously hates Harry Potter, but I don't think Homer and Virgil liked trans people either and anyone well-read has read them.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
He’s literally telling you that you’re in a cult, and you’re choosing not to hear it.
@awaken-your-highest-self 3 ай бұрын
Loved Reading your combatting mind control book , very insightful and much of the techniques detailed are very active in mainstream now as common place. I do wonder if your views are conditioned to only see what the parameters of program offers? In these times of attempted order through chaos , surely the author you speak of can be seen as behaving like a member of a cult? - Do you not see her extreme positioning as that of a actor in a planned psy-op drama? are you aware of the hegelian dialect of problem,reaction ,solution? I see that there are many examples of this strategy ATM and in recent years
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
She doesn’t have any any extreme positions, that’s the point. “Men can’t be women” isn’t extreme, it’s a fact. A fact that no one had a problem with until about 8 years ago. You’re in a cult.
@YourLovelyMan 4 ай бұрын
Generally I agree with most of this. But JK Rowling's socials are now almost exclusively anti-trans content, and she has amplified posts by people like Matt Walsh, who are clearly just looking to spread hate. If people take away that that's who she has become, I think she bears that.
@dewilew2137 2 ай бұрын
Gender identity ideology is a cult. Absolutely and unequivocally.
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