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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc

Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc

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@JamesMostowski Жыл бұрын
I’ve been following Dr. B for over 6 years; I’ve lost 80 lbs. and use 86% less insulin than before. I tried intermittent fasting (OMAD) for about a year, but decided that it didn’t provide enough benefits for me. I now now eat 3 pasture raised eggs cooked in Irish butter mornings & my main protein 10 hours later (usually grass fed ribeye). I’m now satiated the entire day and much easier to control my blood sugar.
@alimccoy9132 3 ай бұрын
Glad to see your discovery for your body only. Being open to work it out makes our "health care" dynamic! HI!
@GrooveisKing Жыл бұрын
You're the doctor EVERYONE wants my friend. You care, you ACTUALLY genuinely want to help. You're hyper intelligent. And to wrap it up, you have a THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE. You're ok with being wrong simply because you understand that you're only able to go off what you have at the time. You're brilliant AND YOU'RE SAVING COUNTLESS LIVES WITH THESE VIDEOS ALONE. Thank you for what you do, doctor.
@markburnham7512 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for that. We don't need special products. We only need whole food. Full stop.
@kurtbecker3827 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree... Just speculating, what would happen if suddenly 8B people on this planet started eating whole food.... the chaos??? It will be magnitudes worse than, climate change or WW3. Good for us, but 99% of the world's population does NOT eat whole foods, not even in developing countries.
@esther.f.g Жыл бұрын
Is a pleasure to listen to someone with common sense who is posting videos not only for views but also to share his knowledge and help others
@Exydna Жыл бұрын
Long post incoming about my experience in roughly 5 years of fasting/keto/ketovore. Keep in mind that English isn't my native language but I'll try my best. As always, everything I say is personal opinion: 1. Ketovore seems to work best as long as you're getting your food from quality sources. 2. Blood sugar is a symptom of dysfunctional insulin. Treating blood sugar is like taking medicine for a runny nose without treating the problem that's causing a runny nose. 3. I'm so extremely glad that Dr. Rob Cywes talking about 'the shits' after a long fast (>24-36 hours). He is right, nothing you do will prevent it as you simply don't have necessary enzymes to digest and extract the nutrients, vitamins and fluids from your meal which ends up in a runny mess after your stomach juices. 4. The most important point of a fast is when you're breaking as that can influence your health by a degree so large that you can end up in a life-threatening situation due to something called 're-feeding syndrome'. I break 3-5 day fasts with a half of a hard-boiled egg. I once did a 10 day fast which I broke with a quarter of a hardboiled egg and then my next meal was around 20 to 24 hours later with a another half an egg. Followed by another 20-24 hour for a whole egg or maybe two. Some say it might be a bit extreme but honestly by body is responding very well to this way of breaking a fast. As he said simple cards are the worst things you can do to break a fast and create a high insulin spike out of nowhere. 5. Your body is naturally fatphobic because simply breathing air and existing burns calories. As Dr. Rob Cywes says and me as well "I hate the term 'calories' because it doesn't mean anything.' Our bodies don't understand calories. The body understand macronutrients and the signals they're giving off. Everybody and their mother knows that 100 calories of cake will make you more fat and 100 calories of meat but nobody seems to why. Macronutrients that's why and not calories. 6. I'm not saying that you should be burying your head and reading about health, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and whatnot but try to consciously make the decision to eat 'real' food. You know what real food is. Food that was around for thousands of years and not something made somewhere in a lab/factory or with a machine the size of a house. 7. Fasting is an extremely powerful tool. However just like uncle Ben said "with great power comes great responsibility', if you're misusing the power of fasting by being ignorant then it's most likely going to hurt you in today's world. 8. As Dr. Rob Cywes said, don't fast if you're in your healthy BMI. But then again, just because you're in your healthy BMI doesn't mean you're healthy, rather it means you're not fat, you don't have the fat reserves for a prolonged fast and will quickly enter starvation mode. 9. Some people store fat around their organs as opposed to under their skin. They look healthy but their organs are suffocating. Asian people's bodies tend to work like this more often than the rest of the world. 10. If you want, you can get tested for you ancestry and see where your ancestors lived generally. If you're in the Mediterranean your diet will be different than someone living in Norway or Canada. Check what are native foods for your ancestors and try them out, maybe your body will respond better when eating them. 11. Food is the most impactful form of medicine because you're literally doing it your entire life. You're using whatever you're eating to rebuild yourself. If you build your house with low quality materials, you're going to have a bad house. 12. There are plenty of cheap foods which are healthy and natural. 13. The biggest con I can think of for eating healthy is that you're pretty limited to what you can eat as food groups. Yes you can have different kinds of meat every day but at the end of the day, you're still eating meat. 14. One of my biggest things that helped me is that I actually began to think that most of the food manufactured today is poison and not real food. The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage, someone once said and I couldn't agree more. Because most of the things which are manufactured and sold are so out of proportion to what our bodies are used to encountering for literally thousands of years. 15. Once again, the most important part of a fast is at end. Disciplining and controlling yourself to eat a tiny amount so that your body can make the necessary enzymes for food intake and stay at home for the moment when golden flood comes running out, because you will have about 5 to 10 seconds to react. 16. Exercise, movement and the gym can be very beneficial and healthy but they're nowhere near important enough than diet. You can ruin your health with a bad dies much, much more than you can increase it with a good fitness routine. Go the gym, walks, hikes or whatever form of sport you want for either health or entertainment, it has a million benefits and certainly helps keep your body 'invigorated' but it will never ever make you lose weight if your eating choices are terrible. You can never out-train a bad diet. 17. Get your insulin under control and leave the rest to your body. It will naturally settled in its preferred weight for your height and health condition. And with this I conclude my rant. Stay healthy people so that we can all live a bit longer, healthier and suffer together, mwahahaha! Cheers!
@brianwalker1933 Жыл бұрын
An interesting read, thanks for sharing.
@susanshaver912 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Good comments, and if English is not your first language you have an amazing grasp of it, I would have never known!
@richardmathews8250 Жыл бұрын
I've done many extended fasts over the last 5-1/2 years, never had bowel troubles when I broke my fast. Typically would be a couple of eggs fried in butter followed by a small keto or carnivore meal a few hours later. I also encourage checking blood sugar whenever a new food or beverage is introduced. Thanks for the video.
@kathrin9674 Жыл бұрын
so us both seem to be the lucky ones regarding bowel issues;) Heard that a lot, that people run for the bushes after breaking a fast and never experienced it by myself, although I'd never break my fast in such a bold way you do - you seem to have a very healthy gut, congrats:)
@saren6538 Жыл бұрын
Could listen to him all day he has an edge to him
@stevewatkins8076 Жыл бұрын
I love your honesty Dr. 59 YO male, previous experience fasting, Leto, low carb. Fell off wagon hard during Covid, but Carnivore last 3 months. Down 40 pounds! I keep it simple and eat once a day after work except weekends when I’ll eat breakfast with my wife. That’s it. Love your insights and channel. Thanks
@CynCopeland-TheAnswerIsMeat Жыл бұрын
It's amazing how liberating NOT being addicted to the thought/concept of eating 3 meals a day (plus snacks) can be! I practice TRE with an eating window of noon - 6pm. Hubby has a cup of tea in the morning (he's English, it's a thing!) but nothing solid until around 10am. I cook all our meals from scratch so I know what is going in (LCHF/P), no UPF. Our 'main meal' is around 2-3pm, with a grazing plate of cheese, meats, homemade pate's around 5:30. I'm 60, he's 59. Lean, no chronic conditions, feel great, sleep great. It's possible to be this way at this age - it should be the norm!!
@markujcich4245 Жыл бұрын
Hilarious. I appreciate your humor. You described my three day fasting experience perfectly. Luckily, I recovered and did not need to burn a sick day. My BMI is low but I wanted a winter challenge. Thank You!
@willscarlet9823 Жыл бұрын
Yep nice hearing this, validates a lot for me, I tried keto with lots of salad and nuts etc for a year it helped trying to combat long covid, but something never felt quite right? Been carnivor since January gradually removing the last carbs from my diet, now just meat eggs and a little dairy. Omad works great and just done a 60 hr fast, broken with bacon n eggs, I now cannot even think about carbs, don't need them anymore, I don't know if it will cure my long covid but it gives me respite and seems to keep autoimmune issues right down, happy with that, oh I can now wear my 16 year old sons clothes!!!😅keep it up Dr
@sholao.1344 Жыл бұрын
Your review appreciated. You were very fair, honest and direct. The numbers in black and white was most valuable. Thanks!
@RedRoyce Жыл бұрын
It's so good to hear a Doctor that says he's learning and not God. I've been fighting Crohn's for over 20 years. I've tried all kinds of things and diets to get better and nothing has done more then maybe help a very small amount. I found out about the carnivore plan and was like what the heck I've tried everything else. I'm on week 14 now and can really feel some improvement and see some also. I wasn't really over weight so I didn't care about the weight lose part of it but I've been able to only lose about 20lb. I'm saying that as a good thing because that's was all I wanted to lose or the max I wanted to lose. I may give Doctor a call and have blood work done to hear what changes he recommends for me to do. I've seen a few doctors over the years and I like this man.
@sherryvollmar8262 8 ай бұрын
❤ loved testing the product & showing the blood sugar results. Thank you!
@alimccoy9132 3 ай бұрын
Carb addicted, I could not stop after the first bite! The concept of OMAD will help, along with sequential eating. This is worth a mint to one who was in carb prison. Thank You for TRUTH!
@tombelieves Жыл бұрын
I just came off a 72 hr fast. ALTHOUGH, my fasts always include my fat enhanced coffee a couple of times a day. So technically not a fast, but it does get my blood sugar back down to less than 100. I ate about 1/2 lb of hamburger with butter. Literally a half hour ago. I’m type 2, 71 years old and carnivore. Thanks for your videos!
@burrsniffen9688 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Cywes! Your advice on no fasting if BMI is 23 or lower is pure gold! I have been feeling guilty for not fasting at least once a month for 3 or 4 days. However, my BMI, is 19. So that really does put it in perspective. I do have an appointment scheduled with you later in this month and am very much looking forward to it! Finding local practitioners here is seemingly impossible. Thanks again, and I will see you (set up for zoom meeting) later this month.
@NanGrimm Ай бұрын
Love watching you, very educational.
@SkeeterMcBeater Жыл бұрын
Breaking a short 23h fast with a boiled egg or a can of sardines works for me.
@mikel9741 10 ай бұрын
Love your videos, thank you. I'm a 62 yo male on Carnivore for 98 days, I've lost 54 lbs. I generally eat OMAD, occasionally a small something an hour or two before my main meal. I've never fasted beyond 27 hours. But oddly enough, I'm affected just as you describe. Not long after I eat it's a Code 3 run to the toilet. I've often thanked the good Lord that I wasn't at the grocery store. LOL. That would be ugly. Anyway, thanks again for the good humored videos loaded with lots of great information!
@johnmenard9476 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for speaking the truth and being in the trenches with us. I tell everyone I meet about your channel.please keep up the great work .
@Gail-gf7km Жыл бұрын
I have never had bowel issues after a fast. Perhaps this is an individual issue.
@GG-ho4lr 6 ай бұрын
Awesome education, your contents are like food to the soul, so interesting.
@Straightdeal Жыл бұрын
Very informative video.
@jackbenimble4067 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if I want to do a 36 or 72 hour fast now...I don't want to crap myself. Thanks for the info Doc.
@inthekitchenwithangelalee Жыл бұрын
IM laughing so hard because you go through the whole thing saying bs bs bs and then think it over decide its ok and like it in the end. This literally is my process for everything new i try.🤣
@monmichele1325 Жыл бұрын
I am so happy to have found your channel. Thank You for all the straight forward information. I have been doing a 36-40 hr fast for a week now and am succeeding.
@richardshueydc1529 Жыл бұрын
I am so jealous of your low cgm number! Did you ever have an issue of it remaining high even on a carnivore/keto diet? I had an AIC of 6 and skyrocketing blood pressure and my kidney function dropped to 59. It scared the hell out of me! I fasted for 5 days and went directly into carnivore. Your information has been a major blessing. I have made many errors, eating too much meat over the first 3 months, then saw your video on just how little, (with your fingers barely apart you said “ just this much”, LOL)we really need to eat to replenish our bodies and that has really changed my life. I now eat 1 to 2 meals, and treat myself as a carb addicted person. I have done really well! But I am worried that I might be very close to a type one diabetic now because my cgm never really drops into those low numbers unless I fast for 36 hrs or so. I am regularly in the 90’s and after small meals of meat only, I can rise as high as 114! I spend full days in the 90’s. I guess I really broke myself. I have heard it can take more than a year or two to recover from this, if at all. I am happy with this way of living. Its getting much, Much easier and I make mistakes with eating a bit too much meat and a few veggies far less often than I did in those first 3 months. I think I am a carb addicted person, but also use good food of any sort to assuage my stress. So I watch that carefully as I can. I am losing weight this way. I started at 250 on the nose and am now down to 218 lbs now. 32 pounds total! And I am excited to break 200 and hopefully reach an ideal healthy weight of 175-180 over the next year! Thanks for all that you do. I have watched many of the well known carnivores and like them, But I LOVE you and your thoughts!
@kathrin9674 Жыл бұрын
keep the good work up!
@karenv1316 Жыл бұрын
I like your honesty and you say it like it is..
@e.r.m8986 Жыл бұрын
That was brilliant 👏
@brianwalker1933 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to your channel and this is the third video of yours that l have watched and l have learned a great deal from them already. You, sir, are truly a "breath of fresh air" when it comes to informing your viewers of much needed truths on what we need to feed our bodies for a healthy and happy life. Thank you for all that you are doing.
@JYAN2852 Жыл бұрын
Avid prolong faster here. I find what helps to minimize and at times prevent diarrhea when breaking an extended fast is to take 3000-4000mg Potassium the day of breaking it. Anecdotal since the digestive system is highly dependent on adequate intake of both sodium and potassium for proper balance and hydration
@teriortiz5360 Жыл бұрын
You, Dr Cywes, crack me up; informative and hilarious 😀
@johnl3680 Жыл бұрын
It’s ironic in this day and age to have a concept of not eating. Dr. C is so correct through his videos of carb addiction and consuming calories for your head and not for nutrition. #properhumandiet
@ianstuart5660 Жыл бұрын
So very true!
@desktopcommando4438 9 ай бұрын
Im glad I found this guide - I did my first 5 days water fast from Carnivore ..and it went a little wrong, getting the refeeding syndrome, because I didnt have the correct electrolyte balance to begin with.
@barbaraduplooy9191 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Love the experiment. Regards fro. S A
@RiteOn Жыл бұрын
A few years ago, I was in my front yard weeding when a woman walking chanced by and she had poop running down her everything. She'd tried to cover it with a jacket but failed miserably. I felt bad for her. But all this week I've had the RUNS. I blamed it on licorice root tea which I'd just tried because I get draggy tired and listened to the drive and Attia suggested licorice root for benefits. But then I listened to YOU and when you said, "stay home . . . you will have an accident", I put two and two together and realized that my attempt at shrinking my eating window and stretching my fasting window for the past two weeks is more likely the cause. I resorted to Imodium which solved the accidents issue because I had multiple accidents in one day . . . just couldn't get their fast enough. I've heard so many recommendations regarding IF but this is the FIRST I've heard of IF causing diarrhea. THANX
@gwenrambo2934 Жыл бұрын
I’m a 73 year old woman who has been fully carnivore since July 12th. Constipation has been a life long problem and in the beginning I did have lose stools, however, I’ve since gone back to hard little pebbles every few days, and yes, I eat plenty of fat. I’ve decided to do a fast, hoping it will start my body moving again.
@CynCopeland-TheAnswerIsMeat Жыл бұрын
19:24 'Don't be a dick' - words to live by. Love your work! x
@thomasyounker4421 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wonderful messages . I have learned so much from your videos and your podcasts.
@mary-leslieholland7983 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! So much useful info, good to hear that fasting over 36 hours in not proper for those with BMI under 23.
@jennysiepka9900 Жыл бұрын
Love you reviewing products. Could you review a decent protein powder please?
@sookigordy3936 6 ай бұрын
It is the SWEET TASTE that bumped you up.
@SkeeterMcBeater Жыл бұрын
The walfart brand beef broth has 0 carbs. Ingredients are a little sketchy. But it's great if you live in a semi.
@markiangooley Жыл бұрын
In traditional Chinese medicine, if memory serves, ginseng from the usual Asian species is held to have very different medicinal properties from ginseng from the usual American species. I can’t even tell them apart by flavor or smell and my gut instinct is that they’re about the same and quite possibly useless as medicine though interesting in flavor.
@joequibuyen6933 Жыл бұрын
Your absolutely right! Net carb is BS. My BG still go up with 0 net carbs.
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
As far as David's gushing issue goes, I think that just happens less the more that you fast. If it's a longer fast I take some magnesium or other laxative to get everything out as I go and that also helps when you do break the fast. Home made probiotic l reuteri yogurt also seems to help here but it's probably going to happen at least a bit.
@madelinejones9745 Жыл бұрын
thank you Dr. Cywes
@user-pq3v2yw3v Жыл бұрын
The rise in your blood sugar could have been your liver saying, "you could use a bit more glucose". Maybe your body had a cephalic response to the sweetness? 67 is still a VERY low glucose level. From the ingredient list you read to us, it seems like a product I'd be willing to try.
@SkeeterMcBeater Жыл бұрын
Yea, I made the mistake starting OMAD carnivore the day after eating like a typical fat trucker. Shit through all my under ware & half my pants the first 4 days. Thank God I was running a route with plenty of truck stops & rest areas.
@robertcywes2966 Жыл бұрын
@richardhaynes5793 Жыл бұрын
Ok, after a 14 day fast, I broke my fast on route to Bristol UK 256 miles, with nuts, and a very meaty sausage roll from my local butcher. I was a bit worried but I had no ill effects and didn't need the toilet till the next day. So I don't think bigD is a problem for everyone. Also, I'm ex T2D with still a lot of weight to lose. Thanks, btw, I find a lot of what you say very interesting. Keep up the good work.
@jackiefox7326 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 so funny- love your videos 😊
@sanjavukovic169 Жыл бұрын
We don't have total carbs on labels here, we have only carbs. That's what you call "net" carbs. I certainly don't have intention to start calculating "total" carbs that is artificial number. I'll continue to read labels for carbs amount without any calculating.
@Heatherleianne Жыл бұрын
My mom died of type 1 diabetes (hyperosmotic coma)on a medically recommended high carb diet. My BMI 19, a1C 5.6 on very low carb diet for 15 years. Keto/intermittent fasting 2mad for the last few months, but a little worried about my weight loss in ketosis(7lbs). I didn’t realize 5.6 was too high until I listened to you. I’m in solid ketosis, mod protein and only very low carb veg. I’m working on adding fat to stop the weight loss. 😅
@kimberlyvalmera 10 ай бұрын
My go to fasting break meal is egg drop soup, a cup of organic chicken bone broth (the one I use has 1g protein), 1 egg mixed and slowly mixed in the broth and a tbsp of butter to add some fat. It usually doesn't affect me too much. I am currently sitting at 74 hours, will break it most likely when I get off work this afternoon. Thankfully I work from home :)
@modernenergy682 Жыл бұрын
What is the cheapest way to get CGM online? I am not diabetic and my PCP won't prescribe it
@rjahn3000 Жыл бұрын
Yes I ignore anything that says "Net Carbs". total BS. Thanks!
@brookstorm9789 Жыл бұрын
In the last weeks I've had proof of the power of carnivore and time restricted eating. I've been on the usual heart meds cocktail for metabolic syndrome for years. I was told, I'd likely be on them for life. I also knew that they aren't without side effects, it was a conundrum. Recently my BP was spiking so high, 190/ 110. I was taking extra lisinipril and extra beta blocker when my heart sped up. I felt lousy. I decided to eliminate the 'extra' from my carnivore diet, salsa etc and my BP started dropping. I was able to reduce my meds by half and last night when I checked, my BP was 116/65, pulse 77. There was really no reason to take the meds but my dose was now tiny and you don't just stop beta blockers. I'm an RN a less reticent to adjust things as needed .I'm finally committed to pure carnivore. It can be life saving. Fasting is a natural on a meat diet as predates often don't have food. These two are a 'medical miracle"Thank you Dr. Cywes, for the powerful teaching. You make a real difference.
@DebraNewland-p3h 8 күн бұрын
Except for the carbs
@mclifer Жыл бұрын
I was planning on fasting today because I'm having balloon sinuplasty tomorrow. Now will eat something so I don't have the sluice gate effect. Good video doc.
@tracythompson1692 Жыл бұрын
My problem is breaking a 48 hr fast with a Huge meal. I need to stop that. Im going to try the broth method.
@Siahboy92 Жыл бұрын
Hello! See you in the morning!!
@littlejoan7473 Жыл бұрын
@gonefishing7813 Жыл бұрын
If your blood glucose was at 55 and you stated your liver was about to give you a shot of glucose… how do you know if the drink is responsible for your 12 point increase or the glucose from your liver is responsible?
@mattdragonrider7888 Жыл бұрын
its only been one month for me on the low carb diet , no sugar and low carbs ,im seeing numbers on my glucometer that vary from 72 to 150 , its still trial and error trying to figure out what spikes my blood glucose , i am learning by observation and on 2 mad , i did one mad a couple of days ago and had a but clenching experience whilst out walking , your vlogs are the beat IMHO on you tube
@RB_0.77 Жыл бұрын
Could it be that the glucagon release raised the blood glucose and not the drink? How much does glucagon typically raise blood glucose?
@senhorbrasil5921 Жыл бұрын
in the past month i have been eating once a day or not eating for around 18-20 or so hours. it hasnt been strictly carnivore but i have lost around 35 pounds. i am currently now on hour 69 of a fast and i really needed part 1 and this video today so thank you so much for that. i will break my fast with some fatty ribeye eventually and stick to carnivore after that!
@KismetWLS Жыл бұрын
Doctor, every brand of sea salt that's been tested has been found to come with a share of ocean-going plastic.
@wilmafoster6754 Жыл бұрын
I would like to know why my BG bumps up drinking plain black coffee. I can start my morning with a BG of 89 or so and the minute I drink a sip of black coffee, it starts to go up. By the time I have had a whole cup, my sugar can go up 20 points! Why????
@jeffrey4577 Жыл бұрын
10:30 refeeding syndrome re carbs
@MelzCarnivoreJourney Жыл бұрын
Fasting jacked up my sleep for months and breaking fasts with vegetables and taking a multivitamin containing a bunch of vitamin C during the fast gave me a massive oxilate dump and started it cycling.... Now I'm totally carnivore. No long fasts and trying to recover.
@sidneyeaston6927 Жыл бұрын
The drink may not contain any sugars, your body ( liver ) rips the fat apart to make glucose dependant on the combination of nutrients that you put into the system. There is no rocket science involved, the blood glucose probably went up to utilise one of the ingredients in the drink. What is important is how long the effect lasts. Would be nice to see a follow up on this.
@victoriawallace9065 Жыл бұрын
I usually break my 5-7 days fast with bone broth that I make from beef bones and tendons at low temperature for 48 hours. I collect fat from the broth and throw it out because it gets oxidized during these 48 hours However , I add fresh fat to the broth before consuming. It's usually butter or lard. I break my fast before bed time, otherwise it's too hard to start just eat. Next day I keep with broth but add two- three raw yolks for dinner . I stay with broth, butter, yolks for a few days and my ketosis does not go down . Homemade sour cream also works on the third days of breaking. Basically, I gome to autophagy on third day of not eating and syay there for around 5 days even when my fast was broken- ratio glucose to ketone is lower then 1 usually with broth, butter, yolks, sour cream. 😮
@JohnSmith-qz1zp Жыл бұрын
They put something that acts like sugar and didn't list it.
@dawson0610 Жыл бұрын
Sorry I'm not Gandi so I dont fast. I feel my best when I eat on a regular basis.
@m0nkm0de Жыл бұрын
I found going close to zero sodium and reduced liquid on the refeed can ameliorate some of the loose stool from breaking the fast. Erythritol and other sugar alcohols I read have about half the effect on BG as sucrose?
@gerard6720 Жыл бұрын
I came off a 7 day water fast by drinking gelatin dissolved in water for a day, then small amounts of cheese and waiting an hour then meat and I didn't have any problems.
@JuliaShevua Жыл бұрын
Some years ago I had a 24-hour fast, I was about 55 kg in weight/160 cm in height, probably below 21 BMI. I had scheduled work (24 hours at work) and thought it convenient to fast there. I breakfasted with an apple and felt very bad instantly (noise in the head, cold sweat, nausea), I guess I lost consciousness for a few minutes. Since then I'm very cautious with fasting and still don't know what was the reason for that sickness. I have thyroiditis, so maybe it was it. Or it was a really bad apple))
@janemiddleton9509 Жыл бұрын
No kidding on the shits! I'm happy to at least be normal in that!
@MayDayPoker929 6 ай бұрын
Should I be taking supplements while fasting?
@TomPrescott-f8d Жыл бұрын
What are natural flavors?
@jennig8824 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure anything sweet tasting will still trigger a insulin response, be it artificial sweetner or not 🤔 ❤🇦🇺
@GaetanoCaimano Жыл бұрын
Fasting is only with or without water. The rest is business
@enidcronin9704 Жыл бұрын
I can relate to the diarrhoea effect I get it every time I fast over 24 hours and it has a big effect on my blood sugars before it starts my blood sugar goes up from a normal for me 95 up to 130 which is an indication to be within easy reach of the toilet. I am a diet controlled diabetic so it doesn't take a lot to spike my blood sugars but invariably if I have inflammation anywhere my blood sugars are the first indication that something is going awry well before I get any symptoms.
@cynthiaknox8978 Жыл бұрын
But what if ur type 2 AND BMI of 20
@search4answers849 Жыл бұрын
No need to drink that or anything like it during a fast. Maybe in preparation for a fast but not during a fast. If you are new to fasting ...okay but if you are not new ...it is not necessary. Why, because you can hold off ingesting anything that will spike insulin for 18-24hrs or 36-72hrs or you can build up to that level. It's not the end of the world if you need it once or twice as you are building up to a healthy fast. Your body will appreciate the break.
@jumboon Жыл бұрын
Question: bridge is anything without calories. So calories count, at the end?🤔 The confusion is mounting (at least in me).
@cute_pet_videos Жыл бұрын
Dear Dr Cywes, I like what you're publishing It's consistent and makes sense for me. I have a question though related to breaking your fast.. mulims in Ramadan break their fasting with one or several dates, very sugar rich. which is not exactly what you're recommending. It is recommended to eat small amount of food before taking the maim course though. It take roughly 20 mnutes between breaking the fast and starting the main meal. Other difference : since muslim fasting includes not drinking water, muslims start also with some liquid to break the fasting (water or milk). can you share your opinion on that please, or do you have hard data to share please.
@laurelmartone73 Жыл бұрын
Okay, so you have convinced me not to fast as a woman with a current BMI of 19.6. Two questions: 1) Is it okay for me to still do 16-18 hours of not eating per day? ; 2) is it okay for me to consume a ketogenic/ketovore diet?
@RocknRonni Жыл бұрын
Hello doc really love your videos I have a question I can go for a walk for a mile and come home and not be out of breath and feel great but if I bend over to empty the trash I don't feel good after and a little light-headed any suggestions as to the test my doctor can do to find out what's going on or is this normal I'm 68 years old on no medication
@felipearbustopotd Жыл бұрын
Transcript shows the wrong spelling for borborygmi.
@geopol1952 Жыл бұрын
How many times a day or every three can one poop on OMAD ? How many times is normal per a given day ? Thank you.
@suef9647 Жыл бұрын
Isn't it true you can be insulin resistant with an a1c under 5.2? I know someone obese, a triglycerides/HDL ratio over 6, a1c 4.6....and while there has not been a fasting insulin done, I would highly suspect insulin resistance. Any comments on that?
@francisgreenler5334 Жыл бұрын
Dihydrogen monoxide the best maybe a bit nacl but you can't beat just plain water
@koranmiladinovic 6 ай бұрын
What I don't get is how I didn't stumble upon this guy earlier... I've been researching nutrition for 10y now. Read sooo many papers and... well non-scientific sources... and I have come to MUCH of the same things Cywes is saying. Hearing someone say it out loud just makes me smile like an idiot (btw. I was hoping there's a method to avoid the post-fast runs... no, huh?). I'm actually angry we have to dig over the internet and spend sooo muuuch time getting to the bottom of actual simple biological facts... but noooo, across vegans and the food lobby, the information is hidden beneath a pile of rubble and we're "fed" a bunch of nonsense. Then someone like me might think... I must be missing something... but I'm not... I'm not crazy... we're just being lied to... and medicine is covering for them instead of saying: STOP THAT NONSENSE.... we're just stuck in a bad place we brought ourselves to.
@tammyguerin6470 Жыл бұрын
Could it be coincidence that your BS raised because your liver dumped some glucose in to your bloodstream because right before you drank the drink your CGM beeped because your BS was only 55? Might be worth a second experiment when your BS is a little higher, but still in good range. Just a thought 🧐
@johneubank8543 Жыл бұрын
Not everyone who criticizes is a troll. Some of us are fans - we just want to help you. I just shared the vit C video you posted on fbook, for example. You were right. It was amazing. This one, honestly, would have been better if you'd edited it down (a lot). You repeat yourself too much. Sometimes this is effective. But when you repeat over and over, it's like abusing an exclamation point. Which part is actually so important to you that you felt you needed to repeat it? Which parts are only a wee bit important but you just got carried away? We can't tell. You rant too much about unimportant things. Some of your rants are entertaining or brilliant (or very useful) - in editing, these should stay. But unhelpful ranting doesn't help you or us. By taking an overly literal definition of fasting (at the beginning), you're confusing us. Are you giving us medical information? Er, no. I think you were trying to convey something, but I don't know what it was. The word fasting actually has multiple definitions or generally accepted uses. Breakfast. You literally break a largely involuntary, short fast you just had while sleeping. You're not "right" here: you're conflating multiple definitions of the word (words do have multiple definitions). You're only "right" if only a highly restrictive definition of "fasting" is acceptable: that's simply not the case. Maybe you were trying to convey your definition of a fast and to assure us you don't mean more casual definitions. Okay, then edit your presentation, please, so this is clear. It wasn't clear to everyone. When we don't understand you - when you go way off in the "weeds" for not good reason that we can tell - we have to stop and remind ourselves "but yeah, he does know a lot about medicine, and he is on our side - so let's cut him some slack." You'd have a dramatically more effective video if you didn't put us through that. Otherwise, this is a very helpful video. I'm going to give it a thumbs up, like I usually do. Thanks, I learned something. But honestly, you need to edit your videos. It's easy. Surf the crests of the waves, so to speak. Be yourself when you record, but then ask yourself the tough questions as you edit. "Did I really need to repeat this statement four times?" "Did I need to repeat this one at all?" "Which one or two statements do I really want to emphasize: okay this one - I'll leave the repetition here and cut the rest." "Oh dear, is this ranting? Well, I like it, but I'll cut it shorter." You'll expand your reach. You'll get more fans. And I am a fan. But I'm not helping you by remaining silent on this. I actually do want to help you. I want you to reach more people. Suffering people need your help. Good luck! And if you just can't do this, I'll back off. I'll work on accepting your current presentation style and not letting the "speed bumps" get to me.
@denisecurtis872 9 ай бұрын
Full of yourself much?
@eddieadams4770 Жыл бұрын
Doc, I think you do yourself a disservice calling yourself the carb addiction Doc. The carbohydrate diet is recommended by 99% of physicians and nutritionists. How is that an addiction? Carnivore Docs are the 1%. And disclosure, I started on Carnivore 45 days ago and really like it. I had no addiction to carbs, in fact, eating all those vegetables and fruits and grains--I never liked it--I just did it because I thought it was healthy. It was a lot of work--and stomach issues. Eating rib-eye and eggs and bacon? Easiest thing I've ever done. And it's bizarre to me that no matter how many rib-eyes I eat, the one that night is still absolutely delicious to me. And can you imagine if everyone went on Carnivore? It would destroy the food industry. Grocery stores would be reduced to one aisle, restaurant menus to one page. We'd have to increase the number of feed cattle 10,000 fold. It'd probably be impossible.
@sandrasatterfield4432 8 ай бұрын
If you could clean up your bad language you'd be interesting to listen to.....
@YeshuaKingMessiah Жыл бұрын
I agree - fasts after 5 days are decreasing benefits Once a month even tho, sure. Go for a 4-5 day fast! Do rolling 48s the rest of the month If ur obese or quite overfat, get.that.insulin.down. And get lots of autophagy!
@thomashughes4859 Жыл бұрын
16:23 - "Natural flavours" will spike your blood sugar every time! NOT a good tool in your box for fasting, is it? 🤔
Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Ep:285 LIES AND MALPRACTICE: SALT - by Robert Cywes
Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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Dr. Robert Cywes M.D. Ph.D. #CarbAddictionDoc
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