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Dream Prague

Dream Prague

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@jakubholic8769 2 жыл бұрын
Tedy, Jen, až se stanete občany, bude mi ctí. Víte toho už o téhle zemi víc, než mnozí rodilí Češi a dokonce bych i řekl, že máte k ČR lepší vztah, než spousta z nás "domorodců". Lepší rozšíření naší populace jsme si snad nemohli přát. Tvoje videa mi pomohly koukat na svou zem trochu cizí optikou a třeba i ocenit věci, které někdy beru jako samozřejmost. Díky a hodně štěstí při testech.
@kalic8469 2 жыл бұрын
Bez "Ahoj všichni!" to není ono. 😜
@strixcz 2 жыл бұрын
Souhlas, "ahoj všem" zní fakt divně - ten, kdo Jen tohle poradil, by se měl stydět, že jí kazí češtinu - tohle z rodilých mluvčích použije možná jeden ze sta...
@petrsilhanek3559 Жыл бұрын
Souhlas, ale mě ahoj všichni take znělo gramaticky špatně, ale bylo to "cute" jako "brand". Faktem je že se u nas běžně lidi neuvaději ani Ahoj všichni ani ahoj všem. A jeden tip pro Jen = nebylo by špatné to zkusit moravsky = napřiklad "Ahoj děcka!".
@LindaPalkova 2 жыл бұрын
I used to have an American flatmate and the first thing she did when she moved to Slovakia, was to go to the eastern part of the country, stay with a family, who had no English and take Slovak language courses. I always admired her for this crash course in Slovak (and also for making the effort to learn a language spoken just by a handful of people :)
@simonedaniek9878 2 жыл бұрын
As a Czech living in the States I admire what you have achieved and know what it is like. I moved back to the Czech Republic in the 90’s and then lived in Germany for years immersing myself in the culture and the language as well . Now I am back in the states and have been for 10 years. Eventually we will retire to Prague and live happily ever after LOL. The most important aspect to mastering the language is to have as many local friends as possible . This forces you to converse. When living in Germany I had mostly German friends so by my fourth year I was pretty much fluent. Keep at it you will get there!
@michalmarek8461 2 жыл бұрын
Miluji Tvoje videa :) děkuji za ně. Je v nich vidět Tvoje píle a odhodlání. Jsi skvělá! 🙂
@zuzka6799 2 жыл бұрын
Jen, go back to "Ahoj všichni", please. It is kind of your catch-phrase :-) I like your videos very much and watch them from the beginning and always look forward to the next wednesday. Thank you for them!
@vencik_krpo 2 жыл бұрын
"Why don't immigrants integrate? Because it's so much easier to keep to what you know..." Jen, that's absolutely brilliant observation; I wish _everybody_ listened to you explaining that and was constantly reminded of that. How much more understanding would people be if they spent a few years in the proverbial shoes of immigrants... I'm not joking; this should be carved to stone!
@cukrman1 2 жыл бұрын
tak ale tohle je snad jasné každému odjakživa, ne?
@vencik_krpo 2 жыл бұрын
@@cukrman1 Bohužel ne. Naopak, je spousta lidí, kteří se nikdy nedostali dál než za humna (zvlášť u nás; ale např. taky v Británii) a ti si to prostě neumí představit. To jsou ti, kteří vám řeknou “já nemám nic proti cizincům - pokud se začnou chovat jako _my_”.
@pavelfara9333 2 жыл бұрын
@@vencik_krpo V podstatě souhlasím, ale asi bychom si měli říct, že ono je integrovat a integrovat. Pokud je britskej vidlák špatnej z toho, že Poláci spolu mluví polsky a bašťej nějakej "šašlik", který nezná, tak je to samozřejmě kokot a ukazuje to na naprostou omezenost dotyčného. Osoby a obsazení lze libovolně měnit. Na druhou stranu, když se mi do města nastěhuje muslim z Jemenu, jsem v pohodě s jeho odlišností pokud se nestřetne se zákony. Ta hranice není zas tak složitá - pokud se někam stěhuji, stačí mi pár elementárních informací o té kultuře - pro začátek. Jsem ze země, kde se ženy zahalují, nejí se tam vepřové, vražda ze cti je Ok, alkohol je a nastěhuji se např. do v podstatě rovnostářského státu, jehož lidová kultura obsahuje ve svých základech pivo, vepřové a sexy holky a neúctu k autoritám. Co čekám? Buď se adaptuji, nebo je konflikt nevyhnutelný. Český knedlíkoví rasisti mě neskutečně ser0u, jezdí s pivem do Chorvatska a ani tam se neumí chovat, ale prostě ta věc není černobílá. Příměr s UK je dobrý - Angličany šokuje prakticky vše, co není "Britské".
@aleksandrafiser8527 2 жыл бұрын
@@vencik_krpo Myslím, že jsem se integrovala poměrně rychlé a dobře. Hned od začátku jsem doma tady. Všichni moje přátelé jsou Češi. Kolektiv v práci též. Takže stačí jen chtít a nedržet se komunity mluvící stejným mateřským jazykem jako posledního záchranného stébla, bez kterého nastane konec světa.
@Jenicek49 2 жыл бұрын
@@vencik_krpo When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
@NamelessGI 2 жыл бұрын
Love the flannel shirt.🦁 Náhoda? Nemyslím si... 😁
@mariamojdlova7637 10 ай бұрын
Děkuji vám za toto video Jen.❤Pomohlo mi v dané situaci kterou řeším.😊
@teraforman 2 жыл бұрын
úžasné video. Děkuji za tip, jak se učit vlastními silami cizí jazyk nap. angličtinu. Zkušenosti jsi krásně shrnula do krásného balíčku. Dotkla ses spousty sociálních fenoménů, ale ne víc, než o tom dokážeš mluvit. Pohled na ně je z tvých úst příjemně svěží. Dost možná jsi teď natočila, to nejlepší své video. A jedno z nej na českém Youtubu. Dekuji za neutichající obsah. PS tip na další video; Pověz prosím Jen tvému anglicky mluvící komunitě, kdo je to Jára Cimrman. :-) přeji zdar a sílu. PS: Právě nyní mě napadlo jim také říct o tělovýchovné jednotě Sokol.
2 жыл бұрын
Jen, díky za krásne video. Nie je to ľahké ísť "s kožou na trh". Človek si pri tom uvedomí, že sa nesmie vzdávať. Skúšať a učiť sa nové veci. Ja som sa v 50tke začala učiť programovať a teraz robím technickú podporu a testera v softvérovej firme.
@kyliewiser 6 ай бұрын
I love how you state that it's beneficial to learn expressions before grammar - it makes so much sense, as we even learn our native languages that way.
@romanavolny4347 Ай бұрын
I am watching some of your videos from 3 years ago, 1 year ago, how come you are not making any new ones anymore on your channel, there are no new ones from recent months, weeks.... I am curious to know. I really enjoy your videos. I was born and raised in Prague but immigrated to Canada when I was a teenager, now I am living in Ecuador for the last 15 years in retirement. I hope you will make new videos soon!
@stefanvavrik4048 Жыл бұрын
I can totally relate to this video. I left Czechoslovakia and moved to the United States, our experiences are identical except reverse. Sometimes you make me homesick after watching you passionately describing the beauty of the Czech Republic. Love your videos, keep them coming.
@1alcatraz5 Жыл бұрын
I admire you, Jen. Your intelligence and drive on the one hand and your humility and modesty on the other ... Good luck! Vladimír Černohorský
@erikziak1249 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen. About language. I have some personal experience (speaking three languages and no I do not consider Czech a foreign language, I am Slovak). One language teacher with whom I had English lessons told me his experience with Koreans. He said that they speak like a machine, they say a word or two, then process how to pronounce the next word, etc. While they speak grammatically correctly (and he assumed that they can write perfect text), they were not able to speak. He told me how exhausting it was for him to communicate with them and the prefer if people make mistakes, but they talk and not stop that often. It was a really interesting observation, at least I think. My personal experience is: Learn to think in the foreign language. Thinking is speaking to oneself in the mind. Once you master this, you can truly become fluent. This is my own personal experience and I really needed to learn to think in a foreign language to feel confident. At any job you can learn phrases that you need for your routine work pretty easy, but try to have a talk with coworkers during lunch break, when you want to tell them a story from a few years ago, when you want to join in on the discussion. If you think the story in your native language and try to translate it as you tell the story, you quickly run into big trouble. I know this from personal experience. I know it is hard to start to think in a foreign language. But once you master that, you really become fluent. Oddly for me, it is easier to have improvised "small talk" in English than in German, even though I use German at work every day. But most of what I read and watch is in English. So when I am thinking about a lot of stuff, I think in English. I am still working on thinking in German and it really improves my small talk abilities at work. Another thing is, I am not afraid to make errors while speaking. I encourage people to correct me if I say something wrong, or if I am not sure if what I am about to say is correct. All people that I spoke to were absolutely OK with that and corrected me when I asked them to. That is the best way to learn. Another language teacher I spoke to told me that she hates it when people speak the so called "Tarzan Deutsch" to foreigners. Like "Ich Tarzan, du Jane". She hated that some people treat others like if they were stupid, as if they were not able to learn some grammatical associations. She told me that even foreigners are perfectly capable of learning the (from my view very simple) rules of the German language if the native German speakers actually communicate clearly and correctly. But if the "native" people intentionally speak a butchered version of their own language, then the they make it impossible for the listeners to learn anything. I have a question for you, Jen. You mention that you do these videos mainly for other Americans and/or expats. Based on the comments section, I have a feeling that most of your viewers are from Czechia. And maybe you have more views from Slovakia than from the United States too. Another thing is that the community that you find in your comments section (or that you encountered in your English lessons) is certainly not a representative sample. So keep that in mind. 🙂 So, the question is: Where is the audience on your channel from? KZbin shows such statistics, but only to you, not everyone. I am a bit curious.
@gennevieve6969 2 жыл бұрын
For me it was books. If you read a whole book in the language it just helps immensely to switch to the other language mindset. And when you read enough you get used to it and you stop seeing it as other language. You just start seeing it as another way to say things.
@tsevca 10 ай бұрын
I think you can definitely feel good about what you did for your Czech. I have colleagues living here for years, some married to Czech wives, having Czech kids and they barely bother to know any basic sentences. Like one of the guy who has only learnt the names of dishes he likes to praise his mother-in-law's cooking.
@vojtechmiklas3149 2 жыл бұрын
Rip Ahoj všichni!😢
@mrkvomiltato871 2 жыл бұрын
Čau lidi.
@erikziak1249 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrkvomiltato871 To už našťastie skončilo. Či? 🙂
@moniqueriddle9339 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj všem zní divně. #bringbackahojvšichni
@pjaro77 2 жыл бұрын
@@moniqueriddle9339 Proč ? V jednom britskom seriáli v dabingu jistá postava říkala Dobré ráno všem.
@soniquecat4745 2 жыл бұрын
@@moniqueriddle9339 Zní. Řekneme "ahoj lidi" ne "Ahoj lidem". Doma zdravím své chlupáče "Ahoj kočky" nikoliv "Ahoj kočkám".
@janvjan 2 жыл бұрын
Rešpekt pred Tebou.💓👍
@jaroslavmencl9543 2 жыл бұрын
Teda to je paráda, ta pasáž před koncem je div ne dojemná :) Překvapuje mě při stěhování z "bohatší" země do "chudší" to množství obav, ale líbí se mi, že to je spíš určitá pokora. Naprosto rozumím tomu, že člověk je hrdý na to, že něco tak zásadního dobře zvládnul. S věkem se ta opatrnost trochu zvětšuje. Minulý týden jsem se cestou z Moravy stavil pro stinky cheese v Lošticích, kde je krásné muzeum tvarůžků. Doporučuji! A ještě chci říct, že to "nashledanou" a "děkuji" zní už opravdu dobře :)
@sylvieskultetyova4538 2 жыл бұрын
Velmi se těším na každé video od Jen. Má to vždy hlavu a patu, baví mě její postřehy, vždy se dovím něco nového a ještě potrénuji angličtinu. Není to plácání prázdné slámy, přidanou hodnotu to má i pro Čechy. Super jsou také diskuse pod videi. Těším se na 2 věci: až Jen zvládne zkoušku na české občanství a až bude celé video komplet česky.💙💙💙
@pavelhusar2857 8 ай бұрын
S tou čočkou jste to udělali moc dobře.👍 Čočka přináší peníze, obzvlášť čočková polévka u štědrovečerního stolu na Vánoce 😉
@vwlru Жыл бұрын
Jen,don‘t forget,you have big fan comunity in Slovakia…ahoj zo Slovenska🇸🇰😀tom
@marketacaskova4127 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, I have to say that I am really proud of you two !❤ It is never easy to start new life in different country!I know what I am talking about 😁 I experienced that in Australia 10 years ago and than in United Kingdom 5 years ago. All the best, both of you! Love your videos !👌❤
@michellemaine2719 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj Marketo, ja jsem se taky prestehovala do UK pred 4.5 letech (ale z Ameriky). Strasne to tady miluju, i kdyz hned ted to tu zas tak nejlepsi neni.
@marketacaskova4127 2 жыл бұрын
@@michellemaine2719 Užasny Michelle .Kde bydlíš v UK?Já v Horsham to je mezi London and Brighton.
@michellemaine2719 2 жыл бұрын
@@marketacaskova4127 blizko Newcastle upon Tyne, na severu.
@StarvingMarving 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It is very inspirational and helps me confirm we are doing the right thing. My wife and I are moving to Prague from Australia in July and can’t wait. We do have concerns about our family here in Australia, but at the same time, you only get to live once and I would regret not trying this. I hope it works out like it has for you guys and that we live the rest of our lives in the Czech Republic 😬
@radekzapletal9055 Жыл бұрын
To děkuji a na shledanou bylo perfektní. 👍👍
@jakubholic8769 2 жыл бұрын
One can live here his whole life and there will be always something new to see here.
@vranasm Жыл бұрын
when you were talking about moving in Prague was a mistake since it's capitol and citing other places like Olomouc or Liberec... completely skipping Brno is actually the most Prague thing I ever heard you say.... it's somewhat similar if I was living in New York City and going like it was a mistake and I should have moved into Dallas or Pittsburgh, completely skipping LA... as someone living near Brno it was kinda funny and mad at the same time
@Kyra_of_Kerkyra 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh. You totally rock. Kudos to you.
@kit4890 2 жыл бұрын
velmi moudré, vzít si vzor od fauny, kdy sameček ptáčka obstarává potravu a samička upravuje hnízdo (Honza sháněl živobytí v USA a ty jsi se tu zabydlovala) ... díky, že se ti tu líbí a utvrzuješ nás, že s Čechy "se dá vyjít" ... přeji vám, ať jste tu s Honzou šťastní a rád na tebe zase někdy "mrknu"... 8')
@jazzmynnordstrom728 2 жыл бұрын
Watching your videos helped me make the move from Washington State. We did something similar where I went first to earn my TEFL and get housing set up, and then my husband came after. 4 months in and we’re successful so far! I’ve got my visa and my husband will soon 😁😁
@jamespppyacek342 Жыл бұрын
Thinking hard about it. Girlfriend and I are doing well in CA, but... I'm hooked. Maybe Olomouc. Next visit, which will be soon I hope, or Ostrava.
@jankotolic6011 2 жыл бұрын
Great video sweetie😎
@petrnekolny881 2 жыл бұрын
So sweetly nice, intelligently down to earth, honest. Could simply watch DP forever. 👍🏻
@MrOrgtr 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome useful information. Already on it. I kind of experienced all of it before I even moved to Prague.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@TheYouTubeAlchemist Жыл бұрын
Me (American) , and my Moravian Czech spouse are moving back to the Czech Republic in May to be with our Czech family. We have our one way tickets and are selling off a lot of our stuff in Cali. Thiugh renting out our Cali house for passive income. Expats constantly living around all expats is not good- they will never integrate into society and culture. My got their US citizenship about a year ago, but we're coming back to the CZ. And yeah, learning Czech opens up a whole new world.
@jansuser6345 2 жыл бұрын
:)) Come to Liberec for another Czech experience!
@sada1504 2 жыл бұрын
I moved to Brno for school this last year and I am so grateful I've gotten to know the Czech students in my program. I've made great friends as well as learned a whole lot I'd never learn any other way!
@katerinalojikova 2 жыл бұрын
I am so proud of you, really you came a long way :-)
@tonickabolava 2 жыл бұрын
Again a great video, so well thought out and insightful! Thanks!
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for appreciating it!
Жыл бұрын
The "hanging out only with ", or even just other expats in general was the primary reason why I moved back to Czechia after 7 years in the UK. I wish someone told me that earlier. Sure, it's convenient, easy and perhaps even mutually beneficial in the beginning. But ultimately it doesn't pay off and ends up being a permanent Erasmus experience. People move away, relationships are shallow, integration into the local culture is slow or non-existent, language skills don't improve, etc.
@natalialeo555 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot Jen! I love your videos. I recommended them to my student teachers of English😄
@kristynabartosova6957 2 жыл бұрын
You are a really clever girl, as soon as i can tell . :-D
@pavelcoch1743 2 жыл бұрын
Jejda. Použít slova Liberec a Olomouc v jedné větě se slovem vesnice... nechtěl bych být ve vaší kůži. :-)
@monikaschermer6520 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video! Agreed to bring enough 💰so there is no financial stress and travel the CR. Only in the last 5+ years have I started traveling around the country more and I’ve been coming here my whole life.
@bluangels100 2 жыл бұрын
Mám vás oba moc ráda i když vás neznám osobně vaše videa jsou pro mě vždy něčím zajímavá .❤️
@SuperPasiaczek 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, as usual, and also a great observation about the immigrants sticking up together. It IS so much easier to talk to someone who has had a similar experience than to explain why you feel this particular way again to someone who has never done anything similar. Having said that, it is also much easier if your significant other is from the newly adopted country. Big thumbs up for making it by yourselves.
@jean-lucd3846 2 жыл бұрын
Well done - and we would love to live in Prague, but we can drive there as soon as we feel the need, only 1023 km...
@jansverma2758 2 жыл бұрын
Tak tady snad jediná věta - gratuluji k tomu skvělému nápadu se přestěhovat zrovna do Česka a i po jedenácti letech tohoto rozhodnutí nelitovat 👍
@mtsvec 2 жыл бұрын
I found that it is useful to stream Czech radio stations while trying to learn Czech from the US. It complemented the other efforts (I had taken an intensive Czech class in Dobruska which was great but once I returned home, I didn't hear the language). It is usually background "noise" but I found myself recognizing words and it did help with pronunciation.
@igorsalanci6778 2 жыл бұрын
Nechcem sa odstahovat do Ceskej republiky, ale tvoj kanal ma bavi , tvoje postrehy su zaujimave a inspirujuce a robis to dobre.
@steventhompson8189 2 күн бұрын
Awesome video
2 жыл бұрын
I love that sentence It's doable! It will be my motivational thought for the day and I hope I will remember that when realizing my next steps in life.
@ayauyqr 2 жыл бұрын
Myslím, že chtěla jsi "ahoj všichni", že??? Mimochodem, myslím, že naučit se český je taky užitečný jestli jen navštívit Česko. Jak jsi řekla, "I feel I got so much more out of my experience" když jsem jel do Česku loni poprvé a jsem nemusel mluvit jen v angličtině.
@siloton 2 жыл бұрын
Myslím, že minule se domluvily obě varianty?
@vaclavplachta6539 2 жыл бұрын
AHOJ 1.pád kdo-co (Vy) všichni, nebo 3.pád komu-čemu (Vám) všem!
@soniquecat4745 2 жыл бұрын
Mně zní líp "ahoj všichni". Ahoj lidi, ahoj kluci, holky, děti. Přece někam nepřijdu a neřeknu "Ahoj lidem", učitelka po vstupu do třídy neřekne "Ahoj dětem (klukům, holkám)"...
@monikaj2889 2 жыл бұрын
@@soniquecat4745 Asi neni potreba resit, vyresilo se minuly tyden .)
@jandolejsi8122 2 жыл бұрын
@@soniquecat4745 naprosto souhlasím. Ahoj všem zní totálně mimo a v tomhle kontextu a nikdy bych to nepoužil. Ten, kdo to navrhl je můj nemesis 😂
@jifle36 2 жыл бұрын
Zdravím Jenny. Super video. Vaše rady jsou určitě dobré a platné pro jakékoliv imigranty.
@dbkreling2 2 жыл бұрын
I really wish I could give multiple likes to this video.
@Stepan_H 2 жыл бұрын
8:37 - I recommend moving to Moravia, for example to Brno. There you will learn Hantec (A specific variant of Czech language that only Moravians or Brnoers understand.)... 😈
@TheYasmina121 10 ай бұрын
Hi, I like your videos, I learn some english, because you are talking about topics that I'm familiar with, I live in Prague 😊 Still can't understand how can Americans wear shoes at home😂
@IgnacDvorsky 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! You have been in the Czech Republic longer than me! My parents are Czech, but I was born in Netherlands. And I spent my entire childhood there, and in some other countries. And in October of this year, it will be only 10 since we've moved to Prague. But I had the advantage that my native language is Czech. Which you can probably tell from my English. 😅
@josefpilarpilar4265 2 жыл бұрын
Hradec Králové je krásné městečko kousek od Hor kousek do Prahy. 🙂Lesy atd.
@karelbroda8877 2 жыл бұрын
Jen, a great video, and no anti-US rhetoric! The best way to learn the language is to merry a citizen of this country, and bake off all contacts to the homies. Exchanging the LA hellhole for the culturally and ethnically uniform Prague was a no-brainer! Exchanging the dirty Ostrava for a green ranch in Oregon, and marrying a beautiful California girl from San Diego was equally easy. “Pursuit of happiness” is the American way!
@gabolinoart-alkossvelem2936 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for this video Jen (and actually for the rest as well of course)! The part of "taking the leap" is really a current dilemma for us. I have lived abroad in different countries, and I would enjoy the experience but now the thought of moving with 2 teenagers doesn't make our decision making process easier. But your experiences you shared and the thoughts you expressed in this video gave me a boost again that we shoud try. So thank you so much!!! :) Greetings and hugs from Hungary!
@liborblazheck905 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, Those experiences you shared brought vividly some recollection of times when my family and I erred and succeeded {and erred again!) working thru a new life in America over 30 years ago. Thank you!
@lukashaupt8936 2 жыл бұрын
Jako tolikrát, tohle bylo super ;)
@inigom5968 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Very nice video. Just a remark: between capital city/cities and villages there are towns! And those fit many of Czech places.
@Hajzzl 2 жыл бұрын
You look younger every new video😯🙉
@mariepolackova8497 2 жыл бұрын
Jen! Liberec and Olomouc are not villages! Loved your video and sharing your experience and how much you value it. You can still be an American living in Prague and have a super valuable time of your life for yourself and others. It is great and unique. There is no measure of being "integrated enough" or not. Good luck and keep your genuine "American" enthusiasm! We, Czech smartbutts,can learn a bit of it, for sure!
@martintuma9974 2 жыл бұрын
Říká se, že Brno (víc obyvatel než Liberec a Olomouc dohromady) je hlavní venicí Moravy... :D
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
@@martintuma9974 Brno může být jen hlavní vesnicí Moravy, protože hlavním městem Moravy je Olomouc. :-)
@mariepolackova8497 2 жыл бұрын
Kdyz uz nevis, co, hod tam (nevtipny) vtip o Brne. Ha ha ha.
@dantealigieri2268 2 жыл бұрын
@@martintuma9974 Hlavni vesnici moravy je preci ostrava ;)
@trumbela 2 жыл бұрын
@@dantealigieri2268 no to není, my Ostravaci nechame Štatl a Mouc ať se o to handrkují mezi sebou. Stejně jsme napůl ve Slezsku.
@carthtc3429 2 жыл бұрын
I totally admire you guys for taking that leap. Sure, there are lots of Americans in France (or UK, obviously), but this must have been really out of your comfort zone. And especially when your income must have dropped significantly, which must influence your ability to visit your families and friends in the States.
@kristynamalikova5399 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think Jen and Honza can't afford to visit US as much as they want to. With good job in the capital city it's completely doable.
@publicminx 25 күн бұрын
@carthtc3429: by far most US-Americans in Europe live in Germany. Apart from the usual things like Germany being the economic powerhouse in Europe, the real relevant center and heart, the most populated country of the EU and part of the biggest megapolis of Europe (blue banana - about 100 mio people, following relatively exactly the South-North Holy Roman Empire trade framework), most cities, most castles and so on, being the biggest transit hub in Europe, and you earn more than in France (which were always less wealthy than the more Western-Central and Northern wealth region of Europe) or UK etc. ... but also because the biggest migrant group in the past were from Germany and/or German speaking countries which means you have over 40 mio. US-Americans who claim to have German heritage. Apart from that, Germany is also the biggest US-Army hub in Europe and for people who want make career in the army Germany is also the #Nr 1 goal to reach in Europe.
@thefelper.7181 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice video, quite relatable! 🙂👍🏻
@gennevieve6969 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, I can really relate to the learning from common phrases. That’s exactly what I did when I was learning English. You learn the phrases and you somehow catch the rules from them. It’s kind of a backward style of learning but it works. When you learn the rules first then you spend too much time trying to construct the sentences right and you hardly say anything at all. I think this can be applied to any language.
@jaroslavbenes3963 2 жыл бұрын
Nice hair👍
@frantiseklaluch6605 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj VŠEM - LOL 😀
@johnsinger8503 2 жыл бұрын
Some language schools have failed to pay their teachers as promised , the best part of teaching is when you get private students and becoming friends through the experience , pay varies the most I charged was 500 czk/ $23 USD 50 minute lessons , good social opportunities can arise
@matotuHELL 2 жыл бұрын
What a nice wholesome video.
@carrietresoor3198 2 жыл бұрын
Great Jen! Thanks again 😃
@abbbee3765 2 жыл бұрын
Im glad you you feel good in czechia:)
@giuseppeboemi927 Жыл бұрын
Well, Christ, i'm 32 and due to garden variety italian unemployment issues, i'm still living in an unfurnished home in a village at the foot of the italian Alps (which doesn't even feel my own country, yet it is), after living abroad for a good third of my adult life But i can surely state, have your weekly lentils, beans or chickpeas soups , you'll never going to suffer malnutrition off them. Steal fruit and veggies at the local cornershop for a balance diet.
@freesoulborn6759 2 жыл бұрын
Jen !!! I love what you expressed in this particular video You reminded me over again and again my own experience at least twice ,first I moved to Czech as an international student , it felt I was on different planet and again moving to the US ,which was really harder only the first couple years then it get smoother easier and don’t know if I will ever move to settle somewhere else . I admire your courage Stay safe & healthy and take care of yourself Make sure you practice any kind of sports or join a club of any sports activities good way to interact and make really good friends Wish you the best
@yamirkaibarra5415 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video ❤
@michaelap8563 2 жыл бұрын
I've lived here for 20+ years (my whole life) and I'm still exploring the country :D
@lubosparksaty8624 2 жыл бұрын
LOL , stinking cheese in Olomouc - to mě pobavilo !
@ioannaioannina434 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj, Jen, šla jsem si na tvou počest koupit čočku a o víkendu uvařím čočkovou polívku.
@milanmasat8248 2 жыл бұрын
I was open to both versions, but now hearing it live, I definitely vote for "Ahoj všichni" over "Ahoj všem".
@jakubveber 2 жыл бұрын
The main downside of living and working in a village or smaller city is that you make much less money and it's usually dead after 5 or 6 PM. I lived since childhood in a small village in West Bohemia and had to move to Prague, because I felt like my other options were suicide or alcoholism.
@ingridlaskova1878 2 жыл бұрын
Jste vítáni ve Vysokém Mýtě. 😀
@okcuc999 2 жыл бұрын
dny hnede čočky 🤣🤣👌
@Eireaudios 2 жыл бұрын
PRVNÍ NEBO OPRAVDU BRZY,love ya jen,you’re great
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Eireaudios 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Bydlím v Teplicích, ale chci se přestěhovat do Prahy, takže vaše videa (i když nejsem expat) jsou opravdu užitečná, děkuji Jen.
@erikziak1249 2 жыл бұрын
@@Eireaudios Tak si to, čo v Bratislave nazývame "cépečkár" alebo "nápalava". CP = cezpoľný. "Náplava" nepotrebuje vysvetlenie. Zaujímali by ma Pražské výrazy. Viem, že Slováci sú "čoboláci" (čo bolo, to bolo), teda aspoň to často čítam. Prípadne "horné Uhry". :-D Teplice sú fajn, bol som tam. Vďaka trolejbusom ste naozaj mesto. Váš historický trolejbus Škoda 9TrHT v unikátnom nátere v najbližšom čase dostane kompletnú gnerálnu opravu, čo ma teší. Jedine mesto má dráhovú dopravu (trolejbus je dráhové vozidlo). Dedine stačí autobus.
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
Hi again. I am Czech American - lived in both countries as child and as an adult. People who become one's frienda are most likely people a person has something in common with, preferably more things in commmon. After moving it is most natural to become friends with other people from the same place or with a similar situation. As people, when we talk, we usually talk about our experiences. Among many Czechs there is a great aversion to things American - I ran into that a lot actually. Czech society (I find as do my friends) is in reality among many Czechs actually quite closed off to outsiders.... many many Czechs, especially from older generations are very intolerant of differences. They want things to be the way they always were and expect everyone to know this.... hence persident Zeman and almost president Babis. But then again the incumbent also has a greater chance in the US, right? Eg. many Czechs are not even willing to travel 1-2 hours to visit someone they consider a friend, relative. My experience. I know Czechs who are not like this, but they are a minority in a small country.
@martinmarek3381 2 жыл бұрын
Nice! Love it.
@peterkolesik 2 жыл бұрын
you are so impressive, Jen..
@pjaro77 2 жыл бұрын
It is usually hard to move into anothe country for someone who is not experienced. But i was surprised that only in Prage itself several thousands american expats live today.
@OliviaCoco-xu6oo 2 жыл бұрын
Přemýšlím nad tím, co když se cizinci - původně z bohatších zemí, budou chtít v seniorním věku přestěhovat zpět, do své rodné země. Jak potom zvládnou vše zaplatit. To je něco z čeho bych měla obavu a dost by mě zajímalo, jak to vidí samotní expati.
@conceptalfa 2 жыл бұрын
Very good question!!!👍👍👍
@dantealigieri2268 2 жыл бұрын
Tak musis si vyresit otazku kde chces zemrit no :) Ja jsem zjistil ze je mi to jedno... takze se motam kde se mi zachce
@conceptalfa 2 жыл бұрын
@@dantealigieri2268 Olivia se ale pta jak potom zvladnout vse platit atd, ne kde chce clovek zemrit...
@Tomas_F. Жыл бұрын
2:45 Because I work in this, I can ansure reassure everybody that you don't want to pay rent for you flat AND some office for your teaching class :D It would cost you almost everything you can earn by teaching (which is not much). Also, it's much harder to get students just on your own since there is big competition. So you better don't fall for this, it's naive 8:55 I can't imagine how would you survive in smaller city where you almost can't use English when you can't speak Czech🤔 Jen survived in Prague cause Prague speaks English. So just go for Prague or Brno. (Ostrava? No, the place is fakin' racist, lol) 13:50 I want Lentilky soup too =)
@jannetirkkonen4987 2 жыл бұрын
@VladimirLukele 2 жыл бұрын
Kapitolu "Jak na češtinu" bych jenom podepsal :D V Anglii jsem pracoval s domorodci skoro od začátku, takže jsem musel mluvit anglicky a hodněkrát jsem při konverzaci nacházel věci, které nedokážu vyjádřit. Tak jsem si je napsal, pokud to šlo, a vždycky v pátek jsem měl soukromou lekci, kde jsme všechno probrali. To mi pomohlo hodně. Anglicky jsem při příjezdu uměl jenom z filmů a her. V Anglii s jejich dialektem a nářečím to bylo skoro nepoužitelné.
@ondrejstindl4300 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen! Great video, as usual. However, I would suggest going back to "Ahoj všichni". Pay no attention to that stickler who told you it was wrong. It isn't. I, as a native speaker and a professional teacher of Czech, would never bring "Ahoj všem" over my lips. It just sounds so unnatural.
@WoodyZappa1 2 жыл бұрын
Love your stuff. Am a subscriber. Do you have advertisers, or show sponsors? How do I find out more?
@abirwait5636 2 жыл бұрын
7:10 Exactly! I used Italian phrases and then there were Italians thinking I speak Italian. The same in Spanish . 🙂
@toruvalejo6152 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, the Old Qibbler atř your service again! :) Only one comment today - I feel like I must talk U out of your (possible) plan to start new career as criminal - no matter how many security lessons U take - I really do not think U can figure it out with all these new tracking, recordin and security technologies (we do not live in 70-ies anymore)... It is far easier to move to another country as law abiding citizen, then criminal - believe me! ;D Anyway it is great that U think also about expats as well and U share your experience and advice with them - better than charity! ;) Have a nice day!
@PremyslLESZKO 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, I have noticed you have been wearing a flannel shirt on your last two videos. Would you like to express something by this? 😉 👍 Also I would like to ask you if you will pass the „Czech residency“ test, will you have a right to vote in a Czech elections? Thank you.
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