Things I'd forgotten about the US (Back from 9 years in Czech Republic)

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Dream Prague

Dream Prague

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@kolegaledvinka 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes we say that Charles University has a campus - It's actually whole Prague. :-)
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Quite a campus!
@annaroman8399 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Charles Uni clothes etc. can be buy in Celetná street near Staroměstské náměstí. Or on website - shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, pens and so on.
@vwlru 3 жыл бұрын
I could listen to you,Jen,for hours.You speak so interesting about life and you allways have this intelligent sense of humor in your videos.I can imagine how much time and energy you have to put in to produce these videos.I appreciate your time and energy to create the content.You are a such enrichment here on social media and I am allways looking forward to your new work.Thank you.(I appologise for my not perfect english)….many greetings from germany🇩🇪😀
@romankudlata4279 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know how Well you speak English but your writing is very good; I wish I could write in German as well as you do in English! Aus Köln🇩🇪🇺🇲🇨🇿
@vwlru 2 жыл бұрын
@@romankudlata4279 nice,so funny,a good english?…I see all the mistakes I make especially I’ve posted the stuff,but I don’t mind…thank you a lot for the compliment….ale nie som nemec,len tu zijem uz 15. rok…dekuji moc🇸🇰😀
@romankudlata4279 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you Well, Good Bless in Christ.
@blackhaulmike 3 жыл бұрын
Charles Uni merch can be bought through UKpoint - they have eshop and a store in Celetná street.
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Cool. I'll check it out!
@Vononko2011 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague You can actually buy special Law faculty merch in the faculty building (Coffee break café) ;)
@Krasnoye_Plamya 3 жыл бұрын
@@Vononko2011 You can also buy merch of the Faculty of Science.
@matejlieskovsky9625 3 жыл бұрын
Matfyz (a.k.a. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) has a merch store in Karlín. I am told we sell some very good wine and beer.
@connieodonnell6646 3 жыл бұрын
My son is living in Prague now. He’s been there for about four yrs. He came for the first time in two yrs this summer. Prague is beautiful.
@rumorum 3 жыл бұрын
Co se týče vlajky je to tady trochu komplikovanější. Jednak je zákonem dáno kdy a jak se má používat a navíc jsou tu pozůstatky z minulosti kdy se musela povinně vyvěšovat. U nás je vlajka mezi lidmi spíš symbolem státu než vlastenectví.
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Díky za tu perspektivu.🤓
@alesio1971 3 жыл бұрын
Mám českou vlajku u domu vyvěšenou po celý rok cca 6 let,pochopitelně jí měním každý rok za novou, čistou s klasickým rozměrem 150x100cm a nikdo nikdy s tím neměl problém. Pro mě je to symbol vlastenectví a jsem na to hrdý. Každý to bereme asi jinak.
@ToKro 3 жыл бұрын
Řekl bych, že jde spíš o ten druhý důvod a obecně menší vlastenectví, než je v USA. Ale že je dáno jak se má používat... to v USA taky, pokud se nepletu, tak se oficiálně například nemá používat jako oblečení. Ale děje se tak zcela běžně.
@breznik1197 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Je to tak, je to symbol státu. Když na těch stanech vidím ty americké vlajky, v první chvíli mě napadne: to tam má své polní stanoviště nějaký státní úřad? Asi jako u nás se věší vlajka na hasičskou zbrojnici, pokud se v ní zrovna konají volby. A vzbuzuje to ve mně pocit, že ti lidé v těch stanech mají se svou americkou identitou nějaký moc velký problém, když se v ní musejí takto křečovitě utvrzovat. Povinné vyvěšování nám neznechutilo tu "naši" vlajku. Když se povinně musela věšet československá spolu s rudou nebo sovětskou, vrcholem rebelství bylo vyvěsit místo toho vedle sebe jen dvě československé. V říjnu 1989 už to tak dělali skoro všichni krom skalních komunistů.
@rumorum 3 жыл бұрын
@@alesio1971 V mém okolí (což nemusí nic znamenat) je považován za symbol vlastenectví Český Lev ne vlajka. Je také velký rozdíl mezi praporem a vlajkou. Prapory jsou u nás častější než vlajky nebo oblíbené jsou městské znaky či prapory. Větší rozšířenost vlajek například v USA je dán i jinou legislativou a kulturou. Je otázka co vše je v USA vlajka a co prapor jestli mezi tím vůbec rozlišují.
@martinajurickova5750 3 жыл бұрын
Flags on homeless tents. That's a whole new level of patriotism when you honour the country that cannot help you in any way to get out of your state of homelesness
@mudmucks 3 жыл бұрын
They did some research on the psychology of this. Turns out, dogs at the bottom of the dog-eat-dog pile, still support the dog-eat-dog system. The poor are too poor to help their fellow human, the middle class have their manufactured fear of the poor, and the rich are just laughing.
@vizzwizz 3 жыл бұрын
can, won't. (at least in part) thanks to those republicans some halfbrain trumpist antivaxxer was fe**ating above
@jurakratec 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe I'm wrong but a flag on the house means there lives a person that was/is in army. How about @dreamprague?
@annar6294 3 жыл бұрын
my thoughts exactly
@kaziquefly Жыл бұрын
@@jurakratecthat’s probably even more depressing 😢
@zzhlavy 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding the Surfliner, try Posázavský Pacifik train that goes through the valley of river Sázava, it is a very pleasant sight-seeing train ride... Also the area between towns Choceň and Ústí nad Orlicí is often targeted by trainspotters, who take photos of trains in there as it is a very picturesque area. Also, train that goes up to Jeseník from Zábřeh na Moravě goes through a mountainous region of Jeseníky. Our landscape is not probably the same as the Surfliner but it is still a nice sightseeing ride!
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the recommendations! I'll put them on my list.
@tomashavel5123 3 жыл бұрын
@toruvalejo6152 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague If you want more tips on Czech country walks with beautiful views (like U did in Bohemian Switzerland) - let me know. I can give you a few pointers. ;)
@breznik1197 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague There is little time. The track in the Orlice valley is to be modernized. Tunnels and anti-noise walls will not be so nice.
@toruvalejo6152 7 ай бұрын
@@PupasAtPlay I'm glad to hear it. August is a great time to visit the Czech lands - summer is not so hot anymore, but the weather is still good. Where are you headed specifically and how long do you plan to travel? Do you prefer nature, mountains or do you want to see some picturesque towns or real medieval castles?
@janurban7030 3 жыл бұрын
Líbí se mi, jak mluví o Praze, jako o svém domovu (ano přímo se zmínila na konci), ale ještě předtím - u nás v Praze - je to úžasný... 😁👍 Skvělé video, člověk se i zasmál... 😁 Bylo by zase fajn nějaký video v češtině... 😊
@sirkritoun 3 жыл бұрын
Protože je slušná a chytrá. Jakákoliv výtka je zdejšími domorodci vnímána velmi podrážděně. Myslím, že Jen ovládá chůzi po rozžhaveném uhlí.
@tomasmalin 3 жыл бұрын
@@sirkritoun jo, to je tak trochu smutná pravda.
@janurban7030 3 жыл бұрын
@@sirkritoun S tím úplně nesouhlasím... Ano do určité míry je to slušnost, ale čistě jen to si nemyslím... Ono když někde žiješ tolik tak nějaký vztah si vytvoříš... A místí domorodci (jak jsi nazval) tak nejsme zase tak přecitlivělí na kritiku... 😊
@sfvb 3 жыл бұрын
Duševně nádherná žena. Češka, která se pouze narodila v USA.
@elmono3939 3 жыл бұрын
Pekne video, dobre porovnano a vysvetleno. PS: Zde vidis rozdil mezi pozitivni, inteligentni, logicky myslici, a pozitivne-prostredi-vnimajici americankou zijici v CR - versus - zarputilym a negativnim ceskym turistou v Americe, ktery se sousterdi pouze na vnimani a propagaci negativity Ameriky, jako treba Michal Šopor. Americane jsou zdaleka lepsi lide, nez si Cesi o nich mysli.
@vladimirsilhan6168 3 жыл бұрын
Strašně mě bavíte. Je opravdu zajímavé sledovat ty vaše pohledy z venku a zevnitř.
@SneakyBadAssOG 3 жыл бұрын
The thing with American patriotism is, it makes perfect sense when you put it into context. USA is a very young country, shy of 250 years old. It's a country of immigrants, people who left everything they had in their country and move somewhere else to start a new life, either willingly or out of necessities. Sure, they might end up being in the same situation or even worse, but no matter how they feel, the need to belong somewhere is almost primal (humans are social beings) and for immigrants to say "this is mine, I belong here, and I'm proud to be here" it means a lot, especially in such a young country that managed to get where it is right now.
@martinconnelly1473 3 жыл бұрын
Good point, never thought of it like that. Flags originated as a battleground signal showing who was who and where to rally, having them everywhere just seems odd. Seeing all the tents in the tent city adorned with the stars and stripes makes me wonder what they are signalling to passing traffic, maybe asking other patriots to help them?
@fantasy9917 3 жыл бұрын
@@martinconnelly1473 I thought they just make the tents with the flags already on them. They were all suspiciously placed on the same part of the tents.
@SneakyBadAssOG 3 жыл бұрын
@@martinconnelly1473 Well, there are three options. First, the company making the tents are cashing on patriotism, second, it's a political message "this is how America looks like people" or third, it's a sign of government help.
@martinconnelly1473 3 жыл бұрын
@@fantasy9917 If you look closely none of the tents away from the road seem to have flags on them and the ones against the roads have them added and they are not part of the tent. Since the ones in the background have no flags I believe they only have flags added on the side where passing traffic will see them.
@fantasy9917 3 жыл бұрын
@@martinconnelly1473 Yeah, I realised that on the rewatch, but couldn't find the comment to delete it. But Jen said it was a veterans' area or something, so it probably makes sense.
@msmichellewinchester 3 жыл бұрын
Charles University has an eshop. I saw a hoodie there 😂
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! I'll go get one!
@Last_Starfighter 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Jenn, don't forget to show off that hoodie in the next video! 🧘‍♀️😉😂👌👍
@martinklumpar1765 3 жыл бұрын
So glad to have you back in Prague Jen!
@hanaskruzna1006 Жыл бұрын
Zdravím, jezdím vlakem z Ústí nad Labem do Litoměřic. České středohoří je krásné, takže i ten výhled z vlaku na řeku Labe. Vaše videa jsou zajímavá, legrační i poučná. Ať se daří. 👍🍀
@martindrab4298 3 жыл бұрын
It is true that UK is quite spreaded all around Prague with some faculties owning buildings in multiple places (e.g. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (and computer science) has individual buildings focused on math, physics and compute science. If you are looking for something more like a campus, other universities may help (e.g. Czech University of Agricalture I think). And as others already pointed out, UK sells some stuff with their motives, including pillows, a very handy thing during some lectures :-).
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Pillows! that reminds me... We were totally surprised that we had to wear suits to our UK finals. At UCSD it is a point of pride to wear pajamas or some even more casual clothes than usual to our prove that we were exhausted from so much studying 🤓
@CyclingSasquatch 2 жыл бұрын
Very cool! I'm a Czech-born, San Diego-raised dual citizen in the process of moving back right now, and I've been absolutely binging your videos lately. I grew up speaking Czech at home and visited often enough so it's not entirely alien, but seeing a SoCal perspective on actually living and functioning here as an adult has been super helpful in navigating the (sometimes still very jarring) culture gap. And GO TRITONS! I teared up a little seeing Geisel. Lots of memories there... some of them good, lol. Also funny at 11:00 seeing as I'm wearing my UCSD Alumni sweatshirt as I type this in a little village in the Vysočina Region, and share your sentiments on it 100%.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
CZECH BORN UCSD ALUM????? Holy cow, what are the odds? I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I teared up a little being back on campus too.
@CyclingSasquatch 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a rare bird, haha. Now, I'm seriously working on making San Diego style burritos a thing out here... if it takes off, and you and Honza are ever short on content ideas... just sayin'!
@anetaadamova5877 Жыл бұрын
Charles University has beautiful sweatshirts, I’m kinda jealous, because I study in Brno at Masaryk University and we don’t have such a fancy logo. But that’s understandable, our university was found in 1919 not in 1348. But we have campus here! It’s also almost outside of the town and it has shopping centre, restaurants and it’s next to the hospital. But not every student lives there, because dorm rooms are limited.
@hanawashington9503 2 жыл бұрын
Video is well done, I am Czech born living on East Coast and I love your Czech language skills..... BRAVO
@AvesPasseri-Jinysvet 2 жыл бұрын
Well, after returning from the Amman University and their campus, I often thought of the the Old Town Square and the center of Prague as one huge Prague University campus! :-) Because I used to walk across it often from Celetna Building to the Faculty of Arts Building. And sometimes having lunch at the Faculty of Law building. Or anywhere else - there so many "cafeterias" and sports centers and cinemas in this Prague campus. :-)) And adults are at work - it was only us students and turists admiring our campus!!! :-)))))
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
I’d have to say…you had the most beautiful campus in the world!
@vanacraft 3 жыл бұрын
You could try contacting Sapa Trip, they have Vietnamese guides, some of them even have a degree from Vietnamese studies at CU. Their tours are very insightful!
@Pidalin 3 жыл бұрын
I think recording there won't be possible, many of those sellers are hidding something, they will attack you when you start recording them.
@vanacraft 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pidalin This could only apply to the clothes shops, which would hardly be the main focus of her video anyway. Also, your comment is quite telling in regard to your familiarity with the place.
@Pidalin 3 жыл бұрын
@@vanacraft I've never been there, but I remember times when Vietnamese malls were everywhere (they removed them cca 10-15 years ago) so I little know that atmosphere, I was there very often as a kid, only from Vietnamese people you could buy things which are 18+. :-D
@mikaela793 3 жыл бұрын
Just search sapa Prague and you will see that filming is possible 😉
@standajanko9119 3 жыл бұрын
Rád bych viděl nějaké video v češtině rád vás poslouchám když mluvíte česky
@yamirkaibarra5415 3 жыл бұрын
Well again my opinion haha 😛 I love Europe and Czech Republic it captive me that I just think every day in my life to live in there. What I can said.
@tomastezky89 3 жыл бұрын
It would be good to compare, how difficult is to study university in California and in Czechia ... ? 🤔🤔🤔
@mellocello4u 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jen for making my trip back from New York City to Indiana much more interesting because of your video. You’re spot on about American patriotism however contrary to some peoples beliefs in this country sticking a flag in your mailbox or the back of your pickup truck does it make you patriotic. Show me the patriotism by acceptance and kindness towards the people that inhabit this country and those who wish to come enjoy the freedoms we do have.
@houbarna1450 3 жыл бұрын
Už jsem dlouho neviděl nové video od Vás v češtině. Těším se, že brzy se nějaké objeví. 😊
@henningbartels6245 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the best on the train ride between Prague and Dresden is the passage after Usti, especially when the train passes the scenery of the Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland between Decin and Pirna.
@shoobadoobacz 3 жыл бұрын
A great video, Jen 👍👍👍. I feel kind of anxiety when seeing that amount of homeless in the USA. And that proud US flags on every tent felt like an absurd stamp on their actual poor life. Omg. Sad. 😞
@MateuszM.-sv9zj Жыл бұрын
Such an informative video, thank you! Finally someone explained so smart the great meaning of sports at American universities, so that the average European as myself could understand 😉
@Hawaiipaul 3 жыл бұрын
You can buy a Charles University sweatshirt at the university bookstore in Celetna street, next to Staromak. Or on their e-shop online. I'm wearing one right now
@jolanad6173 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice done video, I enjoyed it. Thank you for doing this for us.
@d1191962 3 жыл бұрын
Many years ago I lived in the Bay Area, then San Fernando Valley, and eventually anchored myself on the Central Coast in Monterey where I studied for 4 years. But that was a long time ago, Jen was probably a toddler then, if born at all. But I can attest pretty much to everything she says about CA is true. From all my travels crisscrossing the vast state, I probably liked best Redding and other small towns around Mt. Shasta in Siskiyou county. LA was an anthill with many Latinos, quite a few of which couldn't even speak English (or didn't want to), Bay area was seriously crowded, too. Monterey and Carmel were relatively OK, Clint Eastwood was the mayor of Carmel then (just over the hill from Monterey), one could bump into him when he was in town at his restaurant he owned there. Mimochodem, tehdy na vrcholu Presidia v Monterey fungoval DLI aka Defense Language Institute, jazyková škola US Army kde působilo i cca 10 českých lektorů. Byla studená válka, vojci a špióni se tam vzdělávali ve všemožných jazycích mezi které patřila i čeština :-). Panoval tam babylón jazyků a působili lektoři z všemožných zemí.
@AnickaSR 3 жыл бұрын
Charles University has merch as well (I bought a shirt in the info center of the university in Celetná Street), I believe they relocated somewhere else during the pandemic.
@tallll70 3 жыл бұрын
I like Sacramento more then LA, like the difference in between Austin and Houston, Sacramento has everything cheaper, it's much faster tho get around and it's only 2 hours to Tahoe :)... Which i guess translates to liking more places like Hradec Kralove where i'm from, or Pardubice vs Prague, to live in, but sure LA surroundings is fantastic, i just visited Big Bear, Thomas Mountain, drove on LA-2, HWY1, then little Redondo beach, before boarding plane and back to work... It's nice to see your angle, how you see it through your eyes
@barboravasickova926 3 жыл бұрын
my university VSB (Báňská) in Ostrava has own tshirt, jumpers, scarfs and caps with logo. We have this clothes for our hockey match derby with Ostravská Univerzita. And as you i love my university and tshirt that i will wear forever :D :D
@vojtechpribyl7386 3 жыл бұрын
There are cerainly older china towns in the world outside of China. Like Binondo in Manila, that dates back to 16th century.
@Geker3 3 жыл бұрын
Great video as always. Few comments on some parts: Charles Univesity is not just old, it's accually the 3rd oldest in Europe (afther Oxford and Bologna). If you want to have a long train ride with a lot of nice water wiew (sorry an ocean is really not possible in CZ) try "Posázavský Pacifik" from (my born town) Havlíčkův Brod to Čerčany and from Čerčany to Prague (may-be better for you to go in reverse direction). And the dry climate in and around LA was used many times to film alien planets for sci-fi movies/series. For example Vasquez Rocks where lots of Star Trek was filmed are only 70 km from downtown LA. So it not only looks like Mars it's also used to portrait such type of planet.
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip on Posázavský Pacifik! 😊 Yeah, you're totally right about the "sci-fi" look to LA. I guess that's part of the reason Hollywood developed there :)
@Geker3 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague You're welcome, btw on the way you can visit castle in Český Šternberk, brewery in Kácov (booking for at least 10 people needed), castle in Ledeč nad Sázavou. Between stations Smrčná and Stvořidla is good to walk trough the natural reservation with many places where you can dip your feet in to the river. You can also visit glass making factory in Světlá nad Sázavou. From there you can take a "rychlík" ("fast train" but don't expect it to be fast) across Havlíčkův Brod to Žďár nad Sázavou to visit Zelená Hora - UNESCO harritage site. Oh, and in Havlíčkův Brod we have full human skeleton placed on our townhall and obviously I can show you other things around there.
@paulselinger6658 3 жыл бұрын
Charles University is factually the 10th oldest European University. Still pretty good, just no need to exaggerate.
@karelloskot8284 Жыл бұрын
Každá země má svoje 😊
@tom83rodr37 3 жыл бұрын
Pěkný jako vždy... pobavilo "carpet Christmas" namísto "carp at Christmas" (ale to je zřejmě chyba strojového záznamu)
@scaramaxxx Жыл бұрын
Wow, really, those flags on tents:))) Murica go! 😂
@ladaminuetkittens5216 2 жыл бұрын
Jen, I thought that it is just me who say: “We in Chechia do this” And I also say: “We in America do that”. I NEVER use They… You do the same think. By the way - the best fish tacos here are Pedro’s tacos.
@martinsindler9371 3 жыл бұрын
Hezký den. Moc hezké video. Rád bych se ale zeptal. Co se stane s bezdomovci pokud potřebují lékařskou péči? Pomůže jim někdo pokud nemají zdravotní pojištění?
@libork8106 3 жыл бұрын
No tak ja to zaplatim .... proto jsem platil leta $1300 mesicne, nyni jsem na medicare pro duchodce a tak platim pouze $545 mesicne .... "welcome to America"
@tvjukon7235 3 жыл бұрын
Velice povedené video a pro mě jako Evropana je velmi zajímavé vidět Američanku, která se postupně "naturalizuje" v Evropanku, ale tento popis možná není přesný:). Spíše ze z člověka - ženy stává ještě zajímavější člověk (samozřejmě včetně jejího manžela Honzy:), a k tomu přerodu se možnost srovnání a porovnávání jednotlivých kultur, tak jak ji ve svých videích prezentuje, dobře hodí. Takže rád bych Jen vyseknul poklonu za to, že i nás české diváky možná děla poučenějšími, moudřejšími, chápavějšími a možná i tolerantnějšími ) Honza
@CZEPolice 3 жыл бұрын
I just now realize why I love your videos, because you are visually similar to my high school classmate (and because you are funny and so on)
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
I have a doppelganger out there???
@petrfila5371 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague watch out. He most likely had a crush on her 😉
@naverich4603 3 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention that not only every faculty has its own building, but there are also separate dorms scattered around the city...which creates even more separation between students BUT I feel like it helps you with becoming a part of the community in some strange ways. It forces you to travel more during the day, go out with your friends to different places and meet people outside your age group
@hillaryq1 3 жыл бұрын
Haha the thing about the flag is properties with it are typically priced higher and also sell quicker so it's a good look to put it on your house if you are trying to sell it
@janamarkova2292 3 жыл бұрын
Dobrý den, rozumněla jsem dobře ročníku vašeho narození? Vypadáte fantasticky.
@libork8106 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhhh yes, never mind LA or SF, but we want to know your birthday ... hehe (maybe even your weight???) Jana great tip ....
@janamarkova2292 3 жыл бұрын
@@libork8106 Nerozumím, co jste tím chtěl říct...
@libork8106 3 жыл бұрын
Draha Jano, delal jsem si legraci, Tady ve statech je hrich (nepsany zakon) to mluvit o veku zeny a nedej boze se zeptat na jeji vahu ... hehe Dve veci na ktery se zadny muz nesmi zeptat zeny ... vek a vaha .... hehe Ale mezi nama holkama, ja bych rekl ze vypada kolem 45 ?? Co vy rikate ?? Preji vam hezky weekend , Libor Krupica
@myratheflybird7259 3 жыл бұрын
amazing video i love ur videos
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much 😀
@david-vavra 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, Czech Tesla owner here. I just want to clarify that the Tesla you were driving has the public build of the Autopilot software. It's meant to be used mainly on highways, not in the cities. It works great on highways, even in Europe. It drove us on many long road trips. But on city streets it's not great and I fully understand your reaction. There is a limited beta of a new autopilot software in the US meant for city streets. It's very impressive, there are a lot of videos on YT from beta testers. But it's still not fully self-driving, the driver is responsible for all situations and has to take over in some situations (although much rarer than in the public build). If you are interested in learning more about Teslas in Czechia and related community, I'm happy to help.
@BeforeIKicktheBucket1 3 жыл бұрын
I can confirm...I live in the Bay Area, 15 miles from Fremont (Tesla factory).. and actually a couple idiots used the autopilot and completely ignored everything & everything... with serious consequences to their well being & and their Tesla was Totaled... IT does pay to read the manual ..even though no one likes to do it..including myself..guilty as charged.. 😜
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Hi David, thanks for the informed response! We asked our friend to show us the autopilot and he did mention its limitations, and I only showed that segment of the clip because my our hysterical reactions. To be honest, the Tesla was such a smooth ride and the pick-up (acceleration) was incredible. I felt like I was in an airplane cockpit!
@ultramarinus2478 3 жыл бұрын
Jen, we pay for universities too. It is called "Školné" It widely differs between state universities and private universities, but can get on hundrets of czech krowns a year, so it is not "for free", nor "payd by state" either. Regarding the "oldest chinatowns in the world" do not forget London :D. Regarding SAPA, there is at least one company with czech kids of vietnameese parents as management and employees, wich earns money by providing guided tours through SAPA. Im quite sure, they would love to make one private for yourself, because that would be free advertisement for them. Quite funny and interesting enterpise is the makers fair in Holešovické výstaviště in Prague - 11. and 12. of this month (this weekend).
@samyacoub4858 3 жыл бұрын
But it isn't so expensive like in the U.S. :D
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I heard about the Makers faire! I hope I can go to it. I'd heard there was a small amount that students pay in CZ for their tuition, but compare that to $14,500 per year for UCSD (public school). The private university nearby cost $51,000. I'd love to go on a SAPA tour with that group,. I'll look into it, thanks!
@ultramarinus2478 3 жыл бұрын
@@samyacoub4858 No, it is not. But one earn in average in US more than in Czech republic. And again, it depends on the specific school. There is "private schools of diplomacy" who ask one mil (crowns) for a year that is about 50k of USD, but that kind of money in Czech republic (120K Kč PLUS a month) do earn the captains of economy and the best of the best in their fields. Regular czech household can not afford such price. Average yearly pay of one person in CZ is under 360k (KČ) a year, and most of population does not reach that pay. Still, it is less than in US - by simple multiplying - 1USD is about 20Czech Krowns...
@ultramarinus2478 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Good luck and brake a leg, Jen. Do not forget to enjoy :D
@tomasmalin 3 жыл бұрын
Czech state universities are for free, usually.
@JanHurych 3 жыл бұрын
Lovely. Thanks, :-). BTW the Charles university situation is not the norm. I attended the University of Economics (VŠE) for many years (more than I should really) and 80 % of everything study related was in one campus (with the exception of 1st-year students and one faculty weirdly placed in southern Bohemia - Jindřichův Hradec). And some Universities like the ČZU have it all in one campus same as the San Diego one you described - study, pubs, dorms.... one campus.
@DanielJackson2010 3 жыл бұрын
The equivalent of ''see you next week'' would be something like: ''nashle/nashledanou/ahoj o tyden''. The aspect of ''see you'' is purely Anglo-Germanic, it is not used in Czech or other Slavic languages. Specifically, when a Czech person emphasizes ''uvidime se o tyden'' it is when they need to assure someone that they certainly meet again in a week time, but it's not to be taken as a greeting of any sort. :) Also, I frequently see English-speakers trying to learn a phrase in other languages, for instance ''how are you?'' so they could use it in brief tourist interactions abroad, but frankly, in Czech-Slovak social settings, this phrase is never used when you don't know the person a bit more. You're asking a friend, an acquaintance or family member 'how they are' to honestly find out about how they are, it's not a figure of speech for Czechs or Slovaks. There really is not much point asking a stranger how they are as one of the first things during the initial contact. Instead of how are you and not waiting for a long list of issues or complaints about everything or anything, is used rather something about weather, how beautiful day it is etc... ;)
@vladimirmazura1983 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen I am Vladimir, I am from the Czech Republic. I know a little English. Your KZbin videos are great and so is your Czech. I want to go to the US next year. I saw your video Reverse culture shock! I'm going to go the Pacific Crest trail. Where to stay in Los Angeles for 2 nights? Where can I buy a ticket to Surflin to San Diego? I'm interested in where and what Sim card to buy in the USA?You can find some offers on the Internet in the Czech Republic? Thank you Vladimir.
@smutnejklaun 3 жыл бұрын
To u nás v ČSSR jsme vynalezli self-driving car už v roce 1982-3, kdy se natáčel seriál Návštěvníci. Na ten byste se s Honzou určitě měli podívat, abyste viděli, jaká pohoda z tehdejšího běžnýho života, kterej ten seriál primárně zachycoval v tom "zlým komunismu", vyzařovala. To auto byla Lada Niva (ruskej, teda sovětskej, teréňák :D ) a byl to teda jakože výrobek z roku 2484 v tom seriálu :P
@richardkaba5306 3 жыл бұрын
Jen, mám jednu otázku. Obdivuji Tvoje videa. Dotaz: Litovala jsi někdy Ty, nebo Honza, že jste v ČR? Napadlo Vás za tu dobu co tady jste, že byste se raději měli vrátit domů?
@TheMishak855 2 жыл бұрын
Podle mě ne . Z jejich videí je jasné že to tady milují !
@olenabokan 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thank you for sharing
@pavelhledik3339 3 жыл бұрын
Ahoj Jen, video se mi líblo celkově. Nejvíc mě zaujala zelenina a ovoce - tuším, že se pěstuje víno, citrusy, zavlažované pole třeba se salátem... Nedovedu si představit, že vcelku suchá Kalifornie může zásobit tolik lidí. Typnul bych, že většina produktů bude z Mexika. Můj typ je , že v Česku bude 75% ovoce a zeleniny a třeba 95 % květin dováženo, a to i včetně cibule, brambor, jablek etc. Jak asi mají rádi zeleninu a ovoce Kaliforňané, radši koupí namíchaný salát v hypermarketu nebo připraví doma ? Jak je to s cenami, na tom trhu jsem neviděl ceny. Je tam laciněji než u nás ? Je v U.S. srovnatelný počet TIRáků, přepravců zboží, jako tady.? Připadá mi to naprosto šílené - a to českých kamionů je naprostá menšina. Ryby a potvůrky mořské trošinku závidím....
@katarina6217 3 жыл бұрын
Väčšinou sa všetko pestuje na severe Kalifornie.Tam nie je tak sucho. Kalifornia ja velmi sebestačna krajina. Vedia si vypestovať skoro všetko.
@czastolowitz 3 жыл бұрын
Charles University has three of its faculties outside of Prague - two (medicine & pharmacy) in Hradec Králové and one (medicine) in Plzeň...
@drecellthealive8912 3 жыл бұрын
I think you can ask for permission to film in Vietnamese markets, since they do have a central administration on top of each shop having owners. However, once inside, you also should ask each shop owner separately if you can film before entering the shop, and never film in clothes shops since those used to get raided by the police for fakes and drugs a lot (and therefore the owners are rightfully suspicious of people filming). A less complicated idea might be discreetly taking pictures, then using a map of Sapa to describe things with said pictures (and also doing a haul of food/interesting items you bought!).
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip!
@DEPHi3 3 жыл бұрын
Je strasne vtipne, kdyz se mluvi o cemkoli "historickem" v Americe a pak si clovek uvedomi, ze treba zminena Karlova Univerzita byla zalozena cca 150 let pred tim, nez Kolumbus vubec Ameriku objevil :)
@fantasy9917 3 жыл бұрын
Stejně tak by se nám mohli smát Italové nebo Řekové :) Nemluvě o zatracovaných Syřanech, kteří by se mohli smát zase jim :D
@BeforeIKicktheBucket1 3 жыл бұрын
@@fantasy9917 You are spot on....and there are others who could theoretically laugh at Syrians (sorry, Czech is my mother's language, I grew up in CR, but I write faster in English..and besides, I don't have hacky etc on my keyboard.. I don't mean to sound arrogant...
@breznik1197 3 жыл бұрын
In 1922, the landowner and benefactor Alois Svoboda donated - in a very patriotic spirit - the large estate of Troja to the Czechoslovak state with the wish that a huge educational and scientific campus would be established there. Pozemky byly věnovány "za účelem vybudování osvětových a sociálně humanitních zařízení ve prospěch mládeže původem i rasou československé v duchu a zásadách Jana Ámose Komenského." Z notářského zápisu: „Školy i ústavy vědecké, které budou tu zřízeny, mají nejen vyplniti mezery našeho školství všech stupňů, nýbrž mají býti přizpůsobeny novým methodám a směrům, podle nichž vyučování praktické má stejnou váhu jako theoretické. Zejména jest přihlížeti k potřebě škol pokračujících, neméně pak škol odborných, průmyslových, umělecko-průmyslových a obchodních, které napomáhají hospodářskému rozvoji národa. Doporučovalo by se, aby ústavy, které zde budou zřízeny, byly organizovány na stejných zásadách a v jednotném rámci a aby nescházely též školy vzorné a pokusné, v nichž lze ten který směr prakticky vyzkoušeti. Z oboru sociální péče, aby bylo mezi jinými pamatováno na kojence, sirotky a děti méně nadané. Tělesná výchova najde tu vhodné pole k všestrannému rozvinutí všech svých složek. Při stavbě budov mějž přednost systém pavilonový a celek budiž jedinou velkou obydlenou plochou.“ In the end, the plan somehow didn't work out. Ministries rejected the offer of land, the plans of various visionaries were rejected as unrealistic. Today, part of those plots is a zoological and botanical garden.
@Charlieczek 3 жыл бұрын
I love your sense of humor, that one with china towns in China was hilarious :D
@karelkral9706 3 жыл бұрын
It is nice that you said "here in Czech Republic" when you are in the US :-)
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
I filmed the narration when I was back in CZ :)
@paulselinger6658 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, a great vlog, thanks! I was curious if after the good and the bad we’d get your perception of the ugly, but this turned out quite well, especially for “America’s Finest City!” Laid back slackers in flip flops pretty much sums it up. It is interesting that to you the campus appeared smaller than you remembered. I made the same observation when returning to Czechia after a decade in exile. College sweatshirts were very popular in Prague in the late seventies, not sure why they lost their appeal. I guess they were hard to come by then. Student athletes in the US have recently achieved some changes in the law allowing them to profit from their achievements, images and endorsements. The universities fought it tooth in nail and lost. I used a small American flag as a cover for my “Obcansky prukaz” way back when. One (of many) demented member of the VB (the then-equivalent of the police or the Gestapo) expressed a phony concern that it could be in violation of the international flag code or similar b/s. He was ready to give me a ticket, but he gave up when I demanded he told me which law I was in violation of. They never missed a chance to harass us. You guys have no clue how good you have it compared to the dictatorship of the proletariat. Even Usti and Labem today would seem like San Diego by comparison!
@lenkalehmannova353 3 жыл бұрын
Ahoj pokud chceš tak univerzita Karlova má trička i mikiny s logem univerzity. Klidně mi napiš.
@treintaydiez 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the tips!
@quetzalogg 3 жыл бұрын
OK, dnes jsem si zazáviděl zeleninový trh, atmosféru v San Diegu a mexické jídlo. To ostatní bych si asi nechal ujít, hlavně to fangličkaření s hvězdami a pruhy. Na těch homeless stanech to působilo doslova chorobně.
@dudoklasovity2093 Жыл бұрын
Jo to tady v LA maji temer na kazdem stanu. Kamarad mi rikal, ze to delaji vetsinou army veterans. Mne to prijde taky totalne ujety, dava to dojem “Podivejte, ziji ve chcankach na ulici, stat se na mne vys*al, ale stejne je to nejlepsi zeme na svete.” It is sick. 😮
@amyv7901 3 жыл бұрын
You can buy Charles University merch in their shop in Celetná 13 or order it online 👍🏻
@alexanderkorolov8264 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video about California by a Californian. I have always overlooked this part of the world as being overly expensive and not much different from many other places that I've been to. I was wrong. Something to look forward to when the travel restrictions will be removed.
@Hopelek 3 жыл бұрын
Czech Technical University actually has a (sort of a) campus in Prague 6. Funnily enough though, one of her Faculties (the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering) is in Kladno :D
@frantiseknovotny2674 3 жыл бұрын
You mean Czech Agriculture University?
@michellemaine2719 3 жыл бұрын
Hmmm, kind of amused by the flags on the tents. How weird.
@abirwait5636 3 жыл бұрын
Jen, I love California from top to bottom, but I agree with you, if I HAD to live in the USA, San Diego would be the place.
@Specialista_Haski 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice talk, it listens well and reads (CZ), I'm not good at English, but... she was born in 1960? Nooo, Impossible! 😀 Maybe - ok 1969,1970 rather later, it is like that, right? 😊
@ingridlaskova1878 3 жыл бұрын
Na to natáčení v Sapě se budete muset zeptat nějakého mladého Vietnamce. 🤔
@vladimirskach 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, great video, again. Note: California is definitely a base for self-driving cars, but they can be seen from time to time in the Czech Republic as well (certainly not in the same numbers as in the US) But there are already roads where they are allowed.
@Alche_mist 3 жыл бұрын
Comparing Chanitown with SAPA was something I didn't even consider and it again shows how _old_ is Prague. My thoughts "what to compare with Chinatown" came immediately to Josefov (might also have something to do with the fact I worked just next to it till yesterday). Josefov is in Prague city centre and used the be Jewish Ghetto since medieval, renamed (and opened, so that Jews could live elsewhere and non-Jews there) to Josefov in 1850 and rebuilt in the late 19th century, keeping just the most important Jewish sights.
@jaroslavbenda9109 3 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to see Zichovec episode:)
@martinekml807 3 жыл бұрын
Ahoj, už jsi byla v Praze na ČZU je to docela podobné americkým školám a dokonce se tam natáčel a asi ještě bude točit seriál Pan profesor. Je to tam moc hezké. Můžete tam jít na procházku s pejskem
@ivobrabec1500 3 жыл бұрын
If you want to film Sapa as an Insider, let me know… Great video as always!
@trignich 3 жыл бұрын
Czech universities may not have a campus but Czech technical university has Strahov which kinda feels like campus only without the school being there
@xsc1000 3 жыл бұрын
Strahov, to je taková specialita :-)
@sonjastyblo8149 3 жыл бұрын
You're so spot on! I always think about the flag thing. I'm bummed, I'm a 1st generation American girl temporarily in Brno just now and was hoping to run into you lol
@FL34108 3 жыл бұрын
Situation in Ca re:homelessness is just hard to fathom, places like downtown LA, which were back on their feet, have gone back to a serious disaster. I barely recognise the place. Something is indeed broken, besides our hearts when talking about California, but there is something within the system that just fell apart... plenty of hard core californios are leaving to Nevada and Texas...
@BeforeIKicktheBucket1 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it's a mess.. but people leaving CA is hugely overstated. Look at the statistics... But you are right..something is broken here..And no one has a solution (Dems or Reps)..everyone just has a "big plan" when they want to get elected... But having said that, some politicians are worse than others...
@jasonhamilton8562 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoy your channel. Thank you for creating it. I have to take issue with your characterization of US patriotism. By framing it as a competition, I think you're discounting the possibility it's a genuinely sincere. I know a lot of people with flags in their yard who aren't trying to prove anything to anyone. They're just proud of their country and it makes them happy to show it. Spent time with an Australian a couple years ago. From TV and movies, he thought all the American patriotism stuff was a kind of joke. He said once he came here he was surprised to learn the Americans actually meant it. It wasn't an act.
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
No, you're right, people take it very seriously. I was just making light of it because it does seem so intense and over the top after living abroad for so long. Also, to be honest, some of the most patriotic people, who can't stop talking about how it's the best country on earth have never even left the country, except to go on a vacation in Mexico. I'm saying that from my own conversations with them.
@jasonhamilton8562 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Thanks for the reply! Good then. We sure can all use a little humor and the world's a better place with folks who can laugh at themselves. Count me in with America-is-best crowd, though. Just for fun, I'll channel Bill & Ted and quote you some lyrics. "Without going out of my door, I can know all things on Earth. Without looking out of my window, I could know the ways of Heaven. The farther one travels,The less one knows, The less one really knows." George is rolling over in his grave as I type.
@DanielRodriguez-kj4mj 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice vid, as always. 👍
@calebhouse5433 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, NorCal native living in Prague for several years now. Recently visited home (Chico) for the first time in 4 years. First of all, ALL of these reverse culture shock elements (good and bad) were true for me as well. I was in Chico during a 110+ heat wave, and the most interesting thing I noticed is how many people in Chico have replaced their front lawns with rockgardens. I would say it's over 50%, and that was almost unheard of last time I was there. Here's the catch, it's not because of the environment or worry about climate change (the central valley is still very conservative and a lot of people don't believe in climate change) but rather because it's becoming too expensive to water their lawns. I don't know if that's encouraging or depressing, but it's a cultural change that's happening very quickly!
@17143972290 3 жыл бұрын
California has little Saigon and koreatown/little Seoul. Biggest Vietnamese population outside of Vietnam
@MrSonofsonof 3 жыл бұрын
I think I could wear a Charles University sweatshirt because I did a language course there in the early 90s.
@stepik0dvo 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to live in LA, but in 60s. Definitely not today!
@jakubrysavka6112 3 жыл бұрын
the OCEAN .... and the homeless. thanks for the honesty, good vid
@offthemaps 3 жыл бұрын
As a fellow American expat living in Prague, I must say "well done." It's a tight rope walk to discuss cultural differences between CZ and US, but you've got it down. Highlighting the differences while being sensitive and respectful. But yeah...let's not talk about the Christmas carp 😬
@BeforeIKicktheBucket1 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, Jen is doing excellent job! Christmas carp? Even though I grew up sir, not for me....Fish'n'chips? No problem....
@starnet1340 3 жыл бұрын
"In San Francisco, we also went to the oldest chinatown in the world!... Outside of China... I guess in China they just call them--"towns"... " 🤣😂
@loskutak777 3 жыл бұрын
When I was young I have envied US their university campuses. All buildings are close together, mostly only students are around, it's easier to concentrate on studying.
@lightknowledge5297 3 жыл бұрын
So the sidewalk in California that was made for the pedestrians has been taken by the homeless tents . So the pedestrians have to share the asphalt with the cars and risk their lives .
@luboslier347 3 жыл бұрын
Czechia is one of the most egalitarian places and with the least people living below powerty line in the world...
@bidhankandel1113 3 жыл бұрын
Nice video to watch How is the situation (covid) in Prague? Is it getting easier in comparison to previous days? I am coming to CULS SEP 29 Love and support from Kathmandu Nepal ❤️🙏🇳🇵
@FL34108 3 жыл бұрын
When el torito's becomes a reference for you in California... clearly you have been missing the sunshine state!
@kaziquefly Жыл бұрын
This brings the best memories I have after visiting California in 2017… absolutely in love with San Diego and all California 😍 well, apart from the homelessness which is truly heartbreaking and it frustrates me to even think about. Could someone please explain in plain English… why on Earth such a great country as The USA have this problem on such a horribly large scale? I mean it, not being sarcastic, I’m truly interested to know. I cannot comprehend it 💔
@filmester 3 жыл бұрын
La Croix is the reason why I can never leave Los Angeles and go back to Czech again :)
@pjaro77 3 жыл бұрын
Stretla jste se s Michalem Šoporem, který v L.A. žije ? Ten, s kterým ste měla interview.
@DreamPrague 3 жыл бұрын
Myslím že teď on bydlí na Floridě?
@pjaro77 3 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Myslel jsem, že tam byl jenom na návštevě.
@raduna2106 3 жыл бұрын
I so love the American uni campus system...something I always envied to my American fellas 😁 UCLA stole my heart 💜
@abirwait5636 3 жыл бұрын
If you can afford it...
@ccmarcum Жыл бұрын
I think it bears mentioning that college is within the grasp of Czech good students who apply themselves in Prague for free. How sad that the California colleges' tuitions would be well beyond a Czech student and many American ones, as well. S. Cal. campuses look like luxury hotels. This must have been daunting to realize after watching this. What is an average yearly tuition, BTW?
@elpe2063 3 жыл бұрын
Who was the codriver JESUS or HONZA ?
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK! Back to America (from Czechia)
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