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Dream Prague

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@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
I am about 185cm tall. Back in about the year 2000, I was in a road trip through the west of the USA, and while walking down a typical street with shops, etc. (typical for more rural towns), a tall woman stopped me to ask, where I had bought my long jeans. I responded that in the Czech Republic. She then asked if that was a store like the Banana Republic.
@mr.schloopka1124 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, do you think average Czech would know about Myanmar? That country is 5x as large as Czechia and most Czechs have never heard about it or know very little about it.
@morcatko02 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, she was quite smart. Who did know about Czech republic in the year 2000. :-)
@drakulkacz6489 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr.schloopka1124 I know but I don´t know if I am averadge. But it´s completely normal that USA citizen are not able to show Australia on a map.
@drakulkacz6489 2 жыл бұрын
@@morcatko02 A lot of. Because we made good guns and explosives. And Havel made a good deal.
@koksik8006 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr.schloopka1124 They would at least know it is a country. We had to learn about all the countries of the world, their capital, and where they are on the map in like the 7th or 8th grade.
@henri191 2 жыл бұрын
in movies it is said "let's save the world" and the world is "United States of america" ​​or when they say "superbowl is the biggest sporting event of all" when only in the USA it is the most popular
@adarshkeshri9888 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want to generalise but imo, Americans are kinda self-centered and arrogant at almost everything(atleast the americans that I've met). As pointed out in this video, it is somewhat the fault of the education system but they don't even bother to give it a try themselves.
@peterdisabella2156 2 жыл бұрын
@@adarshkeshri9888 "I don't want to generalize but I'm going to blatantly do it anyway" Seriously though, I think you are just seeing cultural differences. In America, being louder and more assertive is treated as more acceptable than some others particularly asia.
@tobyfitzpatrick3914 2 жыл бұрын
What about the World Series of Baseball..?
@Milesco 2 жыл бұрын
@@tobyfitzpatrick3914 Heh heh... you beat me to it! I was gonna bring that up. I remember a humorous TV commercial many years ago where somebody said "What country is the World Series going to be in this year?" 😁
@peterdisabella2156 2 жыл бұрын
@niko nikovic Why wouldn't you want to aspire to be something like that? It's perhaps not realistic but you must at least understand the appeal and there are certainly worse things to want to be.
@MiladaKaiser 2 жыл бұрын
My children were taking ESL English as a Second Language In USA. My daughter was 13 and she said to her teacher, that she comes from Czech Republic. - Where is that, ask the teacher. - Just next to Germany. - Oh, my son lives in Germany now, I know where it is, said the teacher. Than she was looking all over the Turkey, trying to find Germany. I asked my daughter what she did? Did she help her? She said no, first I thought she was joking and than I was too embarrassed.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Omg, Milada, that is so sad, but I don't think it's the exception!
@RoninTF2011 2 жыл бұрын
Was in a small town in Kentucky, having breakfast. The lady there was quiete nice. She asked us where we are from, my friend (a Welshman) told from Wales, UK....She said: For a foreigner you speak a pretty good english :-P
@Guillermo153 2 жыл бұрын
@sion8 2 жыл бұрын
I've a similar thing when it comes to Canadians while in very rural areas of the U.S., yes some Canadians are francophones, but most are anglophones but the people living in those area are still amazed. I've always wondered what language those people think Canada even speaks?
@vojtusbojtus3135 2 жыл бұрын
Šach mat! :D
@jamespyacek2691 Жыл бұрын
@lorenzop.6557 Жыл бұрын
@Grk149 2 жыл бұрын
I spent 10 years living in the US. I really don’t blame Americans for not knowing countries and capitals of Europe the same way I don’t blame any European for not knowing the capital of California or Montana. But I found the lack of curiosity even from educated individuals very weird indeed. I once planned a trip with three American friends to Greece my home country. Just before the trip I wondered at one of my friends, with degrees from USC and UCLA (so quite educated), if she could point on the map where we were going to. Not only could she not point to Greece, even roughly, but she couldn’t point to other significant countries, some of which she had visited! I just found it very weird. How do you book a trip without curiously checking for the location of your destination on the planet??
@iliaponomarev1624 2 жыл бұрын
> I don’t blame any European for not knowing the capital of California or Montana. Especially given the way US states choose cities for their capitals... It's as if Czech capital was in Usti nad Labem. Or French capital somewhere in Toulouse. Or German capital in Bielefeld. OK, the last one may be a stretch, but still.
@ChristineConway15 2 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with you about the curiosity factor. There is a lack of imagination around that which is not familiar which makes me sad for the average American. It's a big, interesting planet with tons to learn and lots to offer.
@Turtle1631991 2 жыл бұрын
@@iliaponomarev1624 "Czech capital was in Usti nad Labem" Oh god no 😲
@michalstehnij5073 2 жыл бұрын
Well, the capital of California is Sacramento. To large extent, knowledge is the question of being curious enough.
@TheAnonJohn 2 жыл бұрын
Ok but you have to admit that when you live and vote in the most powerful country in the world you have to know the country in middle east or wherever you are waging war against. I say US citizens have a bigger responsibility because their foreign police ifluences so much more and it is live and die, war and peace kind of situation
@irena4545 2 жыл бұрын
Dunno why so many non-Americans below are so fixated on "you can't name all the US states, either" - well, last time I checked, those weren't independent countries. Size does not matter here, they about as relevant as the Swiss cantons (no offence to the Swiss) or our own regions.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
True! I’m not saying you should know them, I’m just saying that size-wise and numerically they are the equivalent of leaning European Countries and capitals and so unfortunately, it’s all we have class time for.
@marekouda1036 2 жыл бұрын
The difference is, that if someone mentions Virginia, most of the Czechs know that it is a state in the US. And won’t be placing it to south east Asia.
@hal90001 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague not the same, honey...
@vlastimil-furst 2 жыл бұрын
I think most European people would at least know where to place the states of New York, Florida, California, Texas and probably a few more. I have no idea where Vermont is though - but is it more significant than Moravia region within the country of … was it Chechnya? Oh right, Czechoslovakia! 🤪
@esajpsasipes2822 2 жыл бұрын
@@vlastimil-furst the Moravia region is not that significant, but our kraj's are
@janslavik5284 2 жыл бұрын
What really amazes me is when an American can't find a country they've been to on the map. Like I understand that you can't pinpoint Senegal, but if you've been to Spain for 2 weeks at least know where it is 😆
@marekvasku5610 2 жыл бұрын
Virginia often leans in the discussion here, I don't know exactly why. But did you know that the first and very high quality map of Virginia and Maryland was created by the Czech Augustin Heřman in 1670? And has this map been used in the US for 200 years? In return, he received large plots of land in Maryland, which he named "Bohemia Manor". The map was said to be of such high quality that seventy years after its printing in 1673, it was considered the most accurate map of the area. Or he is also the author of one of the first depictions of New Amsterdam (New York) from 1650.
@ervinszklorz469 2 жыл бұрын
Just perfect english, very well orientated in that. Listen, what about to ask her, the pretty woman, from the name of Cheseapeak bay comes from?
@kexcz8276 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, to jsem nevěděl! 😮. Hustý a zajímavý kus historie, děkuji! 😁
@nonFireresist 2 жыл бұрын
Znáš projekt La Grace? To je loď, ve které se pirátský LARP povýšil na další level. Aneb plovoucí divadlo na kterém se naučíš základní práci na plachetnici a zároveň traávíš čas s partou podobně švihlých lidí výletem na moři... No, tak ta loď, La Grace, byla pojmenovaná po korzárské lodi Augustina Heřmana. Ten člověk žil naprosto neskutečný život. :-) cs.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin_He%C5%99man
@jaroslavskuhra62 2 жыл бұрын
@@nonFireresist Zajímavé, to jsem též nevěděl a to bydlím 2km ode Mšena...
@vs2573 2 жыл бұрын
Před lety jsem viděl nějaký pořad, ve kterém Američané neuměli najít různé země na slepé mapě světa (někteří teda nedokázali najít ani USA). To mě přimělo se zamyslet, jak jsem na tom se znalostmi zeměpisu já sám. A zjistil jsem, že jsem na tom sice o dost lépe, ale najít nějakou malou zemi třeba v Africe nebo v Oceánii, případně identifikovat na mapě všechny státy USA bych taky neuměl. Tak jsem tomu věnoval úsilí a teď už jsem schopen označit všech 196 nezávislých zemí, většinu závislých území, státy USA, kanadské provincie, spolkové země Německa, Rakouska, autonomní komunity ve Španělsku, regiony v Itálii, polská vojvodství. Když se někde mluví či píše o nějaké zemi, teď už aspoň přesně vím, kde to je a nepletu si Haiti a Dominikánskou republiku, Guyanu a Surinam, Burkinu Fasso a Guineu-Bissau, Tuvalu a Tonga, Kampánii a Kalábrii, Durynsko a Hessensko, Kansas a Nebrasku či Vermont a New Hampshire. Ale je fakt, že jinak je mi to ve skutečnosti vcelku k ničemu.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
To je opravdu působivé! Když jsem natáčela toto video, řekla jsem si, že bych se měla začít znovu učit zeměpis, který jsem zapomněla.
@talaniel 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Je to těžké - na světě je takových věcí, u kterých by šlo jít do hloubky, a pak ještě informace udržet v hlavě - to je taky problém. Prostě člověk musí prioritizovat, a pokud priorita není zeměpis, tak co, no? :-) Taky z hlavy neznám všechny státy v USA :-)
@kexcz8276 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague už jen tím že tu jste jste pro to něco udělala! 😉 Je málo Američanů, kteří se rozhodnou vydat zrovna sem, a co vám za to můžeme nabídnout? Respekt, dobré zdravotnictví zdarma a možná i kulturu pokud chcete 😄. Každopádně já si toho vážím, jen tak dál! 😁
@davidjersak9821 2 жыл бұрын
Dle mého názoru, jde o to mít alespoň rámcovou představu kde co je. Znát největší ekonomiky světa, vědět alespoň na jakém kontinentu se stát nachází. Znát nějakou tu základní historii světa, států. Nikdo není dokonalý, ale nevědět kde je Japonsko, Německo, Kalifornie, New York, Moskva, Praha, Berlín, to mi přijde na pováženou. Ano, Kongo asi budu hledat, ale vím, že je to v Africe...To, že nás mají amíci jako Čechoslováky mě netrápí, protože mluvíme téměř stejně, jsme přátelé a ležíme u sebe. Ale to, že si nás pletou s Čečnou už mi trošku vadí...
@PaulZyCZ 2 жыл бұрын
Pravda, zeptat se náhodného kolemjdoucího v ČR, aby ukázal na slepé mapě, kde je Dolní Falc, Eritrea, Dagestán, Daarjeeling nebo třeba Bílé oblačné hory, tak to bude vypadat podobně. ​ @David Jersák Horší je, že po jistém útoku terroristů z Čečny jsem nevěděl, jestli někteří z rozhořčených chtějí bombardovat nukleární mocnost nebo člena NATO (ČR). Pořád lepší, než když CNN zaměnila Německo za Irák.
@DanDjurdjevicplus 2 жыл бұрын
What’s sad is that “Geography” is not the mere study of political borders on maps. Not even close. Not having a basic idea of where you are on a map - or where other places are - is just basic, basic general knowledge: stuff I knew in primary school.
@maddoxglassner-u5d Жыл бұрын
As an American who loves to study my geography, I need to say I always get really annoyed when people say 'oh you're an American, you probably can't name any countries'. It's honestly just an annoying stereotype. However, I do appreciate, and agree with, what you are saying. I wish we learned the geography of the world in school! I, for one, would enjoy school much more that way!
@daisytwotoes 7 ай бұрын
As annoying a stereotype as all Canadians saying "oot", drinking maple syrup, living in perpetual winter, being die-hard hockey fanatics?
@sion8 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a Colombian who moved to the U.S. around 4th to 5th grade and was in the NYC education system until the very beginning of high school (I had about a month of 9th grade) before moving elsewhere and I got to say we were taught pretty well on all accounts, I was in a bilingual English-Spanish class and while geography in itself wasn't its own class it was a pretty well studied subject in, I guess, social studies as she mentions (can't remember it's been a long time since elementary). Although, it might have something to do with the fact that there were students from elsewhere in the Americas, as NYC offers English-Spanish bilingual curriculum because of them or rather because Puerto-Ricans won a lawsuit way back when that led NYC to create such a curriculum as the suit demand of it and Hispanic-Americans can take advantage of it. However, when I moved to New England I did notice a big difference as language courses were poor, because most schools in the U.S. end up teaching another language very late in one's schooling and not even that well most of the time. Anyways, if Europeans can at least say the capital of the United States of America is Washington, D.C. and that English is the main language of the place (not official language), I think that's more than good enough. But extra points for knowing that NYC isn't the capital of the States of New York. People outside one's country don't need to know the subdivisions of other countries, official name and capital of all UN members plus the main or official language of the countries should be the very minimum everywhere! Because any country teaches their people about their own country including subdivisions of it and their administrative settlements (town or city).
@Jacobulous 2 жыл бұрын
as an American, I can confirm I have never once learned about geography in school. They just don't teach it!
@jirkajr9584 2 жыл бұрын
then you have the advantage no teacher spoiled your love for geography.
@kexcz8276 2 жыл бұрын
But if you are curious, by watching channels like #GeographyNOW! And play some games like Geoguessr, you can learn at least the most relevant countries or continets ;) . I should for example try to learn all of your states because I know like half of them 😅. Anyway greetings, from, Czechia 😉🇨🇿
@rosik3930 2 жыл бұрын
This is actually very sad and nonsense from my point of view. I think that everyone from civilized society should have knowledge about geography. I think that this is caused because Americans are overall too much patriotic and they despise others. I admit that I am not able to name all 50 countries of USA but I could surely name over 25 of them and many towns. When I was watching videos from KamFIT or Michal Sopor channel where they were asking Americans questions about Czechia and they did not even know that it is in Europe I thought that it is fake because I though that they couldn´t be that silly but now I understand.
@Milesco 2 жыл бұрын
@@rosik3930 _"I think that this is caused because Americans are overall too patriotic and they despise others."_ We don't despise anybody. But we are too patriotic, I think. But a lot of that patriotism is whipped up by politicians for political purposes. (As happens in other countries too. Remember that huge flag-waving rally that Vladimir Putin held in a Moscow football stadium a few months ago?) (March 2022) But the United states definitely falls behind in geography education. That's something we need to improve.
@rosik3930 2 жыл бұрын
@@Milesco being a patriotic is good, but everything in moderation. When I found out that in some schools in the US you listen to the national anthem every day before the school starts, I rolled my eyes. On the other hand, Czechs are too less patriotic. You can hardly see the Czech flag unless there is a bank holidays going on. During the Russian invasion on the Ukraine, you could see more Ukrainian flags than Czechs flags, which actually drove me crazy.
@marestgondev 2 жыл бұрын
i love your czech sincerity when you speak!
@paradigmbuster 2 жыл бұрын
As an American I have been always interested in reading maps so when someone mentions a name of a country in most cases i know where it is in the world.
@daisytwotoes 2 жыл бұрын
You are in the vast minority.
@Jiri-Juno 2 жыл бұрын
@cameronmartin6528 Жыл бұрын
@Dude_Slick 7 ай бұрын
@@daisytwotoes Is he? Because I can name and locate every country in the world in my sleep. In fact, name a country and I'll tell you which other countries it shares a border with.
@beth12svist 2 жыл бұрын
What gets me the most about Americans being unaware of the rest of the world is... just that. Just that Americans enter a conversation online being led in English and automatically assume everyone in the conversation is American and has the same life experience as them. It's the small things that get on your nerves after a while. Just assuming you know the same brands, have access to the same shops, have your medicine led by the same organisations, all sorts of little things like that.
@vlastimil-furst 2 жыл бұрын
I think an important part of the life experience is culture. American multiculturalism makes it seems as all cultures are welcome, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Their version of multiculturalism only covers the partly assimilated cultures that are found in USA. Other cultures, especially those found in other countries, are largely disregarded. It would be OK for an American not to know anything about Czech culture. But if that American is a manager in a multinational company that has a branch in Czechia, then it would probably be good to be aware of other cultures before making decisions.
@beth12svist 2 жыл бұрын
@@vlastimil-furst There's that, but what I'm getting at is kind of more completely innocuous but also more annoying in a "hundred times nothing did the donkey in" manner... And I think it's also mostly specific to conversations online. Something you can never really get mad at anyone specific about, but it inevitably makes the conversation imbalanced in terms of which nationalities have to actively point out various things and actively think of what others do or don't know, and which nationality just blithely assumes and has to have things explained. Less "not knowing anything about other cultures" and more genuinely just... never even stopping to think that they might be present in this very conversation in this open online forum. I've been in online spaces using English probably for close to twenty years now, so over the years I've observed a lot of that. I think it might have something to do with what Jen describes in the video about going for hundreds of miles and finding the same brands, vs not even going that far and entering a whole different country speaking a completely different language. We don't even have to go that far to enter a country that doesn't even speak an Indo-European language, just inside Central Europe... I think even Canadians are a bit more used to that experience than the USians, since they have their Francophone provinces... and Nunavut, too, I guess? Where Americans just... normally don't have to think about all the implications of internationalism at all, and bring that sort of experience (or lack thereof) into online spaces that are implicitly international.
@alenavesela2213 2 жыл бұрын
That is so true. One moron thought only the United states have a constitution. :DDD
@beth12svist 2 жыл бұрын
@@alenavesela2213 Phew. I'm sure they'd be horrified to find out the Iroquois had a sort of constitution centuries before the US and there's a theory that the US constitution is partially based on that or at least inspired by it. :D
@beth12svist 2 жыл бұрын
@@alenavesela2213 But also: Still not what I meant. ETA: What I meant was rather, for example, this fairly recent situation where I shared a photo of my homebaked breadrolls in a Facebook group comprised of fans of an English KZbinr. English as in lives in Northern England, speaks with an English accent, did something for the Jubilee recently, the lot. So I proudly share my homemade breadrolls that turned out great and an oblivious Anerican lady in the comments says "to be eaten with /insert American brand of butter/?" Apparently thinking that was a perfect cutesy homey thing to comment at homemade breadrolls with. _That's_ the level of total ignorance about the _existence_ of the rest of the world I'm speaking of.
@CzMilkaNet 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's not about being able to locate all the countries of the world, know the capitals, etc., but know what continent the state is located on, where approximately (that the -stan states lie "together"), what is the standard of living or political history of the area. It is typically necessary to suspect that there have been some wars in Africa, to be aware of North / South Korea, etc. You will learn a lot about this naturally by reading and watching the news. In Tibet, we met a couple of Americans, I would say when someone travels like this, they have at least some general knowledge. So, of course, they never heard about the Czech Republic, according to them, Czechoslovakia was part of the Soviet Union, they were surprised that we didn't speak Russian... And comparing the knowledge of states in Europe or Africa to the knowledge of states in the United States is, in my view, irrelevant when the political order is completely different.
@rickhart6631 2 жыл бұрын
As an American, i can tell you our Education System is a joke. It's not designed to teach anything more then how to be a 40 hour a week, living paycheck to paycheck.
@durimuramon1620 2 жыл бұрын
Czech system is not much different. You are educated to work in factory. I'm jealous of home study, but in Czech conditions, I'am glad we have mandatory attendance since 6/7/8 age till 9th grade
@Crysta1986 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty much. 🇺🇸
@rickhart6631 2 жыл бұрын
@@durimuramon1620 having a public school system is overall a good thing. Unfortunately, here in the states it's not about learning anymore it's about how you feel. I'm lucky to have grown up in the 80's when my teachers were really interested in teaching us how to critically think and come to our own conclusions. Not what to think and feel like todays school system. The people in power seem to care less that as a whole the American population is getting dumber. That's good for them because it allows them to grab more power and these children have no clue. Because they were taught A is bad and B is good, regardless of any truth or facts.
@jesseleeward2359 8 ай бұрын
@@rickhart6631 I am half American and schooled in NZ. I spoke to Americans in Ohio and they said they went to school in their pajamas and took an hour class a day senior year. And they had 'mental health' days where they did not study. They thought that you could travel from USA to NZ on a highway bridge from New York to Europe. But then the Connecticut kids from prep school overflowing with facts on every topic. From the Russian Revolution to Friederich Nietzsche. And they certainly weren't making any mistakes about highways to Europe. Is this a class system?
@stevensgirl85 2 жыл бұрын
I am Canadian and LOVE Geography and my area is very diverse. Grateful to have met many of them because they became family friends..Funny you mentioned about spelling the Former CZCHELOSLOVAKIA LOL YEAH did in class! lol love your videos!
@bingonamo7520 2 жыл бұрын
Do people from the USA not watch the Olympics at least a little bit every 4 years and see all of those other countries and maybe look at a map to see where some of those places are? Do their kids not look at the Guinness Book of World Records for entertainment? There's no globe or world map anywhere in their house? They must know about google maps and google earth, right?
@susjf8644 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, there are lot of sources they can learn from!
@elanereknu1991 2 жыл бұрын
I was just talking to this girl from Texas the other day and when I said Im from Czech Rep. she asked me "Is that in England? Are you Bri-ish?" Im not even kidding! Took me like 4 minutes to explain its in Europe and she stiiilll didnt get it...
@cameronmartin6528 Жыл бұрын
I basically just taught myself about geography and have always loved learning about it. As an 8th Grade student I am amazed and saddened by how little other Americans who are older know significantly less than me
@wookie2222 2 жыл бұрын
It is somehow weird, how the U.S. seems to be on one side a country which values individual responsibility and initiative and on the other blames the school system for not teaching them basic knowledge, they could find on wikipedia.
@Milesco 2 жыл бұрын
Well, to be fair, it _IS_ the job of the school system to teach basic knowledge. Wikipedia is a good source of information, but it's not a substitute for an organized lesson plan.
@jamespyacek2691 Жыл бұрын
Wiki has been around for about 1/3 of my life. I knew where Czechia was a loooooong time ago. But then, see my name.
@spirocz 2 жыл бұрын
Smutné je, když jsem viděl zde na KZbin video, kde někteří Američané na slepé mapě nenalezli ani vlastní zemi ve které žijí. To už je podle mě na zamyšlenou.
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
Něco podobnýho jsem taky viděl reálně ani nevěděli kde je Írán nebo Afghanistán ve kterým 20 válčí🤣🤣🤣🤣
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
@Turecko76 Ja aspoň vim nebo aspoň tušim kde ty jednotlivý státy jsou.
@vselover 2 жыл бұрын
@@cemper0079 dáš na slepý mapě všechny státy Afriky? Všechny státy USA? Já ne, proto se ani nezlobím že nějaký Američan nenajde na slepý mapě ČR.
@spirocz 2 жыл бұрын
@@vselover Také nedám všechny, ale velkou část určitě a rozhodně třeba Etiopii nebudu hledat v Jižní Americe, ale pokud člověk nenajde na slepé mapě ani kde žije, to už je něco opravdu špatně. Nevyčítám jim, že se nezajímají o naší malou zem, ale že je nezajímá ani ta jejich vlastní a krom opravdu významných měst a států, tak neví mnohdy ani co kde najít u nich.
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
@@vselover Všechny státy asi ne ale aspoň ty velky bych dal.
@MrFyoda 2 жыл бұрын
Nevadí mi, když běžný američan neví, kde je Česko. Vadí mi, když v nových filmech a seriálech mají pořád Československo, tam už bych čekal trochu lepší informovanost.
@hanselvogis5142 2 жыл бұрын
Jako například?
@MrFyoda 2 жыл бұрын
@@hanselvogis5142 tak stoprocentně to bylo v seriálech Grimm a Kriminálka Miami, další si nejsem jistý, ale bylo jich víc. Tak mi vadí, když natáčí zahraniční filmy na několika místech v česku a pak je všechna označí za Prahu. Jasně, je to snazší, ale co kdyby Češi točili u Washingtonova monumentu a ve filmu řekli, že je to New York? Taky by to amíkům nevonělo.
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrFyoda no uplně nejdebilnější je když nás vydávaj za rusáky nebo naopak, jako třeba v jednom filmu s jamesem bondem co se odehrával jakože u nás, ale běhali tam rusáci s kalachama, což považuju fakt za urážku
@labakann 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrFyoda Nemyslím si že by koukali na český film. :-D
@pavelhledik3339 2 жыл бұрын
Je nás dohromady se Slovákama cca 16 mil., to jsou už stovky měst po světě. Když třeba Martina Navrátilová při jafékoli příležitosti se hlásila k Československu, byla v něm zrozena, stejně jako já. Ona je ale známá na celém světě. Můj syn už se narodil do ČR, ale zplozen byl jinde . I když tu. Nejsme CUZCO - pupek světa.
@incognitusmaximus2118 2 жыл бұрын
I have lived in Czechoslovakia, ČSSR, ČSFR, Czech Republic and Czechia, without having to set a foot abroad😁
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
K tomu už je třeba jistého stupně abstraktního myšlení, aby člověk dokázal rozlišovat různé státy od různých názvů jednoho státu a různé právní formy jednoho státu od různých států na stejném území. Někdy je to složitá otázka i pro právníky. Každopádně Česko bylo Českem už v době, kdy žádná Česká republika neexistovala, a Česká republika existovala už v době federace od roku 1969, i když zprvu byla členskou zemí federace, která pak zanikla. Do angličtiny to nejspíš moc přeložit nejde. Zkuste Američanovi vysvětlit, že Československo bylo unitárním státem zahrnujícím dvě, tři či čtyři země, a že dva hlavní národy tohoto státu ze z taktických důvodů na chvíli prohlásily za jeden národ, i když tomu ve skutečnosti nikdo nevěřil. Každopádně Česko jak ho známe dnes, tedy jako svazek, jehož jádro tvoří Čechy a Morava, sahá v podstatě až do doby tzv. Velké Moravy (což ovšem také není původní název).
@Turtle1631991 2 жыл бұрын
my 1991 birth certificate has word "socialist" crossed out on it
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
@@Turtle1631991 To na mé modré knížce z roku 1992 se zelené mozky ani nenamáhaly nic škrtat. Je tam starý socialistický státní znak, jméno státu není v celém dokumentu uvedené ani jednou, a dodneška ani nevím, proč mi najednou tu modrou dali, když o rok předtím mě odvedli bez mrknutí oka. Prostě štábní kultura jak víno.
@DavidJones-oc3up 2 жыл бұрын
Loved this video. As an American who has lived in the Czech Republic for twenty years, I get this question quite often myself. I really like your explanation about the US having such diversity as a country, many people don’t feel the need to travel elsewhere. I say something similar when I try to explain this with trying not to sound like I’m bragging, because I’m not. It’s a difficult subject to navigate, but you did a great job.👍
@zdenkamytnikova8303 2 жыл бұрын
No já taky nezcestuji celý svět, ale dokážu na mapě najít třeba Kiribati, Myanmar, Čad, Peru nebo Belize. A to jsem 45 že základní školy pryč. A upřímně i na území ČR jen v menším měřítku najdeme taky všechno co popisujete tedy kromě moře. To nám nahrazuje moře piva. Nemuseli bychom rovněž vytáhnout paty, ale Češi, Moravané, Slezané rádi cestují a máme i spoustu významných cestovatelů objevitelů.
@durimuramon1620 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't sound like bragging, but more like making excuses.
@DavidJones-oc3up 2 жыл бұрын
@@durimuramon1620 Maybe you’re right. It probably does sound like I’m making excuses when I’m just trying to explain why. And don’t get me wrong, it’s not something I’m proud of . I went back to the USA to visit a couple years ago. I met a lady who knew I lived in the Czech Republic, and I was almost speechless when she asked me if that was close to Prague because she wanted to visit the city.
@Milesco 2 жыл бұрын
@@DavidJones-oc3up Well, in all fairness, it _IS_ close to Prague, is it not? 😉
@DavidJones-oc3up 2 жыл бұрын
@@Milesco 😄
@jacobbiilmann 2 жыл бұрын
This is a conversation I once had with an american: American: "Where are you from?" Me: "I'm from Denmark" American: "So you speak Dutch?" Me: "No, I speak Danish" American: "Huh, but isn't Denmark the capital of Sweden?" Me: "What?!" EDIT: 3:29: Just realised that there even is a Dutch windmill on Denmark. What is it with people confusing Denmark with The Netherlands?
@Mart289 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm... Interesting video...
@peterjobovic3406 2 жыл бұрын
Pokiaľ si páni, ktorí majú na starosti raketový systém v USA ,nepomýlia Čechiu a Čečniu , tak je to všetko v pohode.
@eliskahamplova9936 2 жыл бұрын
Tak ten je dobrej 😂
@marekvasku5610 2 жыл бұрын
zatím si pletou jen tu verzi s republikou
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
no tak to budete mít aspoň na slovensku blíž k moři :-D
@tomastezky89 2 жыл бұрын
CIA expert si ty dva státy spletl v přímém přenosu CNN na maraton v Bostonu !!! Anglicky řekl: "Atentát na maraton spáchali dva Češi," ač to byli dva Čečenci ! Před celou planetou označil naši vlast za teroristický stát ! Během několika dní, jako pomsta, explodovala ČESKÁ továrna v Texasu a budova vedle Národního divadla v Praze ... ... kupodivu nikdo z politiků ČR po americké CNN nepožadoval omluvu a dementování zprávy !!! I přeřeknutí či neznalost zeměpisu může mít tragické následky ... !!! 🤔🙄😥
@jamaayaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pidalin a Zemanovi se posmrtně splní se o Labe Odra Dunaj kanálu 😀
@vladimirarnost8020 2 жыл бұрын
How many Americans can find the United States of America on a blind map (or globe)? (Just curious how many would choose Russia, China, Australia or even Africa)
@imoosiixx 8 ай бұрын
We’re not that dumb 💀
@kushin5212 2 жыл бұрын
I taught myself geography, because school didn't teach me anything. Just like languages. I had German and English at school, but I only speak English because that's what I wanted to learn. I mean, it's pointless to blame the school. If you want to learn something, learn it yourself and don't rely on the school system, which sucks in most cases. I agree with you on most things but I disagree with you on this topic. The citizens of the US have chosen to be bad at geography.. that's what I'm trying to say.
@Hispandinavian 7 ай бұрын
I partially grew up in Europe. In the late 80s, I finished 8th grade and left what was then West Germany. When I finally graduated highschool in 1993, I went back to a totally different post cold war Europe. It was a reunified Germany, the Iron Curtain was gone, and Czechoslovakia just became 2 countries.
@jozefkostelansky 2 жыл бұрын
No neviem, či sa zemepis dá naučiť v škole. Mne otec v prvej alebo druhej triede kúpil atlas sveta (za 75 Kčs 😀) a s obľubou som sa v ňom prehraboval. Nejde len o to, poznať Európu, ale aspoň približne vedieť, kde je Japonsko, Kórea, Keňa, Argentína, Venezuela, Nový Zéland atď. atď. A aspoň približne vedieť, aká tam je kultúra, aké je dominantné náboženstvo, či jem tam tropické počasie alebo chladnejšie, ako vyzerajú tam žijúci ľudia...Neviem si predstaviť, že by som pozeral správy zo sveta, a nevedel by som, kde aspoň približne sa nachádza štát, o ktorom moderátor hovorí. Nedávno v rádiu hovorila jedna poslucháčka vtipnú príhodu na seba, keď sa jej niekto pýtal, kam sa chystá na dovolenku. Odpovedala, že do Egypta. Pre potvrdenie sa jej ten známy ešte spýtal: Teda do Afriky, však? A ona: Nie, nie. Do Egypta... Bolo by zaujímavé vedieť, či by to prišlo smiešne aj poslucháčom v USA...
@MSGtJimator 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the graphic for the “Stans”😃
@toyena8290 2 жыл бұрын
Jen, promin, ale to nejde, valku na svem uzemi nemate, protoze za cilem zisku, ji vytvarite jide
@PK-by1br 2 жыл бұрын
no u nas to taky neni zadna hitparada... "brno lezi v cechach a opava na severni morave..." co k tomu dodat...?
@vladimirskach 2 жыл бұрын
George Friedman wrote about the need to memorize geography: "The crucial flip side to this phenomenon is that the Lebanese, Panamanians, Kuwaitis, Somalis, Haitians, Bosnians, and Kosovars all remember their tangles with American power for a long time. What was a passing event for the United States becomes a defining moment in the other countries’ histories. Here we discover the first and crucial asymmetry of the twenty-first century. The United States has global interests and involves itself in a large number of global skirmishes. No one involvement is crucial. For the countries that are the object of American interest, however, any intervention is a transformative event. Frequently the object nation is helpless in the face of the American actions, and that sense of helplessness breeds rage even under the best of circumstances. The rage grows all the more when the object of the rage, the United States, is generally both invulnerable and indifferent."
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
💯so true
@vevepriezviskova6909 2 жыл бұрын
100% true explanation, well said
@zdenkamytnikova8303 2 жыл бұрын
Je to stejné jako nynější konflikt RF vs UA. On je to vlastně stále konflikt RF vs USA jen to hned všem nedošlo a některým ani nedojde. Obě velmoci mají stále tendenci strkat čumák všude. Obzvlášť amíci si myslí, že jsou ztělesněním demokracie a pupkem světa, což není a nikdy nebyla pravda. Zaplať Bůh, za takové jako je Jenny a další, co vystrčili nos z téhle bubliny komfortu i sebestřednosti. Mám ji moc ráda.
@itshenry8977 2 жыл бұрын
I don't blame, learning 50 Stated compared to our 14 regions is hellish also states like Iowa, Idaho, Utah, maine, minnesota, Wyoming, Vermont could be not existing and i wouldn't notice
@felipedutra7172 2 жыл бұрын
Don't blame the country's size, geographic diversity, young age (in relation to European territories), language homogeneity and physical and emotional distance from the great wars. Brazil is an equivalent to the USA in these aspects, but we know about world because we have an educational system that values ​​the teaching of geography and history in all years of education 😉
@barbaraaraujo7700 7 күн бұрын
That's true.
@royceroller852700000 Жыл бұрын
I'm an American born and raised but I'm also half Czech speak fluently and have been travelling here since I was 18 months old and my first words were actually Czech when I Began to speak. I remember growing up in America and when telling other children I was of Czech heritage they would ask me if it was a country in Africa coral Latin America.. you see the American public education system is extremely dilapidated and kept so in order for American children to never truly understand how people actually live in other countries because it may give them the idea that America does not have the best way of life and in fact there could be much better out there, which is 100% true because I don't know about you but I have certainly noticed that most Americans who think America is the greatest country in the world also have never been anywhere else and this mindset is the mindset most encourage by the American government in public education system in America. I've been all over the world and I've seen much better and furthermore, the Education specifically pertaining to geography in Czech Republic education is 100 lb better than in America.
@rivareed1641 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an American and I know geography as do most of my friends, family and acquaintances. I don't know what Americans you've been meeting. I'm willing to be quizzed any time.
@alexzuma2024. 10 ай бұрын
i speak american english as a romanian and unlike a real american, i'm actually good at geography! i know some capitals: reykjavik of iceland, oslo of norway, copenhagen of denmark, stockholm of sweden, helsinki of finland, bucharest of romania (my country), berlin of germany, tokyo of japan, beijing of china, ulaanbaatar of mongolia, seoul of south korea, pyongyang of north korea, new delhi of india, washington dc of usa (usa's geography knowledge is bad), sofia of bulgaria, kiev of ukraine, budapest of hungary, zagreb of croatia, rome of italy, bangkok of thailand, and so many more!
@jima1135 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an American and one of my new high school history/geography teachers tried to tell me a country I had just travelled from, days before the start of the school year, was on a completely different CONTINENT! It was a LONG year in that class.
@marketcernikova7024 2 жыл бұрын
@ Jim A : tell us which one it was!
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
At Czech general high school (gymnasium) the students of the class above mine, gave the geography teacher a question - "where in the world can you find Langerhansovy ostrůvky"..... he did not know and he looked and looked and looked but could not find them on a map (in the mid 1990s). Langerhansovy ostrůvky are in the human body in the pancreas.
@goodstorylover 2 жыл бұрын
@@caleuxx9108 Now I do not know if this is funny or sad :o)
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
​@@goodstorylover - Hi. Its just reality - its human nature. No person is perfect. People in the spot light have their mistakes seen by many more other people, than people who are not in the spot light. Americans are in the spot light for everyone on this planet to see.
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
@gamla65 2 жыл бұрын
As a Dutchman, I am surprised to hear that the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour, twice, and the occupation at an island in the Aleutians is not considered fighting on home soil. 5:02 we did not have a war for 130 years.
@GH-oi2jf 2 жыл бұрын
Hawai’i and Alaska were not states at the time, but we certainly did consider them to be US territory. But that was a huge difference from an attack on the mainland. Actually, there were a couple of attacks on the west coast of the United States proper, but they were insignificant. The vast majority of Usanian civilians did not experience the war directly.
@Muf315 2 жыл бұрын
I think, that people's knowledge of geography is gradually improving. A first the internet and social networks have helped communicate people from different countries. And then youtubers also do their job as well. No one wants to be stopped on the street by youtuber with videocamera, to he will be looked like nitwit before all followers of the channel.
@barnacles62 2 жыл бұрын
The five most inportant things to Americans 1; how many likes they get on social media 2; which fast food has got the best deals 3; what the latest song is on the charts 3; which political argument to side with 4; the latest fashion and vehicle craze so they feel they are keeping up with the Jones 5; where to get weed legal
@imoosiixx 8 ай бұрын
That is beyond dense and very stereotypical thinking lmaoo
@barnacles62 8 ай бұрын
@@imoosiixx I know your trolling, but I'm bored. People that say you think stereo type have what's called addict mentality. Thats when you think way out of reality, but convince yourself its real for you, then find others that think similar, but when actual reality smacks you in the forehead, you get hostile and aggressive and try to defend those delusional thoughts. Liberals run the lead in this, but it's a little of everybody, because since the 1960s and the hippies started the drug culture, addiction has ruled society. So, the average joe, will deny problems, rationalize them, then attack them with gibberish until they sound like they have won. It was funny watching the hippies make fools of themselves, and I won bets they would come back to reality, which they did as some of the biggest capitalists there was. Trying to run a society on ideas from a bunch of kids that haven't even finished cognitive skill maturity is like getting a bind man to run a China shop for you. As far as stereo type, I really don't give a big rats ass who likes it, i don't live for your approval and never will.....
@branscombeR 2 жыл бұрын
Well done! Entertaining and informative ... good use of statistics to back your argument and, trickiest ingredient of all ... humour! (Australian spelling) R (Australia)
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@polinamysiura3013 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, I get that you don't learn that in school. But have you ever wondered? I can just read about a random country on wikipedia because it's interesting.
@bingonamo7520 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm not buying any of this. It turns out many countries, including mine, do almost zero geography at school, yet most people in Western countries outside of the USA know where most countries are (apart from the more obscure ones, like Burkina Faso or somewhere like that). And so many countries are on the news every night. I think the reason is that the USA is just too insular and doesn't care what's going on elsewhere.
@captainpalegg2860 2 жыл бұрын
as an american who's also a geography nerd, i gotta say i was pleasantly surprised with this video. i can't stand how we're always getting dunked on for (supposedly) not being able to point out france or spain on a map, but i have to commend you for addressing the issue in a mature and understanding manner.
@ladaminuetkittens5216 2 жыл бұрын
On my Citisenship certificate they wrote Country of origin : Czechoslovakia. I told them - the country of this name does not exist any more. They said: It really does not matter . Countries change their names all the time .
@hell3285 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's maybe a strategy from the govement, because if americans were more educated about the world, they would be pretty angry. The healthcare costs, extreme students loans, school shooting etc. they would probably want a change or leave the country. Also american people don't have language barrier filter. Someone who is not from english speaking country has to make a lot of affort to study a learn english, so that person will probably be educated in other stuff like the geography. I know people in Czech republic who doesn't know basic geografy, but they usually stay behind the language barrier also.
@Dreadnought_1 2 жыл бұрын
In British primary schools they don’t even teach you anything about geography it’s up to high school and history they don’t really teach you that much until high school
@bingonamo7520 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think the theory in this video is nonsense. Here in NZ, I only learned about Japan and the Sami of Lapland at Primary School (plus there was a map of the world in many classrooms) and at High School there was no geography. Yet I get 99% in timed online quizzes (on Jetpunk) where you have to name every country in the world in 15 minutes. Most NZers know where most places are. I think it's that the USA is too insular and people just aren't interested. Also you learn about other countries on the news every night, so how can you not know anything exists? Plus all the migrants around you. Don't they wonder where they are from?
@susjf8644 2 жыл бұрын
In México we have Geography in every grade of elementary school (6) also a whole year of Middle school (of 3 years)and one year in High School (of 3 years),this is before college. It is never an option. That helps a lot. Greetings!
@era3477 8 күн бұрын
I think it's an Anglo saxon thing. Bcs continental Europe has those since elementary school
@AlesMicik 2 жыл бұрын
I mean not knowing what is the Czech Republic called now, or where it is, is OK because most people wouldn't know where is Utah or Illinois or whatever on a blind map. But what boggles me is they seem to have no general knowledge of like the other continets... Like you could atleast know that Africa and Europe is not a country but a contitent
@RAkers-tu1ey 2 жыл бұрын
Americans who are interested in world history, and art history know geography pretty well. True, most Americans aren't interested in those subjects. It is tough enough to get a kid through basic public school, without giving them too much relatively unnecessary stuff to memorize. BTW, I purchased a really nice globe in 1988 to teach my kids geography. Boy , was I pissed off when it became obsolete in 1990. Of course, to be fair, if one wishes to keep up with African Geography, one's globe needs movable parts. Question, how many Czech citizens can place Chad, or Niger without reading the map?
@PetrKavan 2 жыл бұрын
"leví na zeměpis" - that's a serious Czech idiom! Well done!
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
V tomto případě ne příliš trefně použitý. "Být na něco levý" se používá spíše pro manuální či fyzickou (ne)šikovnost. Pokud jde o znalosti či mentální schopnosti, spíše se říká např. "jsem hloupej na matematiku". Ovšem v dnešní politicko-korektní době se taky dá říct, že Američané trpí dysgeografií.
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
Mimochodem, není ten titulek videa jen strojovým překladem? Tady na KZbin to tak bývá a občas jsou ty překlady velmi legrační.
@PetrKavan 2 жыл бұрын
@@breznik1197 No já bych řekl že není, většinou je to snadno k poznání.
@abirwait5636 2 жыл бұрын
@@breznik1197 Není dysgeography právě to samo jako levej na zeměpis? Tupej na zeměpis? Nebo v dnešní době politické korektnosti: intelektuálně nesmělý na zeměpis?
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
@@abirwait5636 Spíš bych řekl, že to jsou lidé s alternativními zeměpisnými znalostmi...
@fredthefish7835 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching this somewhere A: can you name 3 any country? B: asia? A: that's a continent B : Canada? A: correct B : Africa? A: that's a continent
@EeveeTinna 2 жыл бұрын
probably from Lingualizer's channel :)
@kpusa1981uk 2 жыл бұрын
A: Czechia,Chile,Japan B: Myanmar A: A price of land land surrounded be Ice or water. Australia,the Americas,Europe B: Cape Verde A: Asia I am an American
@jirifabian1890 2 жыл бұрын
I certainly don't think all Americans don't know geography. When I visited Texas in 1993, I had the opportunity to speak to many people of Czech origin. They were descendants of Moravian immigrants (mainly from poor Wallachia) whose ancestors left this country around 100 to 120 years ago. Many of these people knew the location of the Czech Republic and they were also able to show the exact location on the map where her grandparents came from. I was also "shocked" when they were able to speak to me in Czech, even though they were born in Texas and they had never been to Europe. Otherwise, there are approximately half a million people who have Czech roots there in Texas.
@goodstorylover 2 жыл бұрын
I had the same experience when visiting places like Praha, West etc. and saw all the Czech names and "kolaches" etc. The people were super friendly and even made my husband to record some Czech reading for their class :o)
@mardyjane7664 2 жыл бұрын
Well, obviously. The fact that there are people with Czech origin in Texas or Illinois, for example, is not that surprising. They know some words or they have their version of Czech traditions.
@ZemplinTemplar 2 жыл бұрын
There's a fair number of Czech-descended people in Pennsylvania and Texas alone. Even a few small town in Texas with distinctly Czech names and a sizable population of people with Czech ancestry.
@paisano-mf2yx 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't count locating your ancestors origins as a plus but as mere basics. On the other hand still speaking the language is a plus but, from my talks to older folks at the Czech Heritage Museum in West, it is becoming a less popular skill and expected to be lost. The kolaches are good...
@proton2033 2 жыл бұрын
And how do Czechs navigate the geography of the USA, or Central America? A jak se Češi orientují v zeměpise USA, nebo střední Ameriky?
@jerrybuldra 2 жыл бұрын
Osobně docela dobře. Netvrdím, že bych dokázal ukázat přesně všech 50 států USA, ale aspoň bych nehledal Ohio v Africe :D
@VítězslavZet 2 жыл бұрын
Špatně. Pořád hledám, kde sídlí jednotlivé indiánské kmeny a za živého boha je nedokážu nalézt...😐
@martinfranc1288 2 жыл бұрын
After some discussions on the same topic at work, I´ve decided to test my colleagues and so I brought a few blank maps. Taken form the game Bully: Scholarship Edition, where they were used as geography minigames. Central America, East Asia, Middle East and US, 15 countries/states on each map to place. Well, the results were not spectacular. All my colleagues are college educated, and still a lot of them had surprising troubles. One of them weren´t able to find Japan. That was really a WTF moment, showing even born Czechs have problems with geography :-D
@james8884 Жыл бұрын
As a geography teacher in the us, I’m always surprised by the amount of kids who just simply have no interest in where things are. Like, how do you not get why this stuff is important? It’s so irritating. And teach in a state where it’s required at the high school level.
@adelaberan5428 2 жыл бұрын
Američané nevím, ale Francouzi mě teď opět dostali. A odkud jste? Czech republic...Cože? Czech republic...nerozuměl jsem vůbec. Czech republic...to nevim. Czechoslovakia...aha odtamtud. Jako už je to fakt dávno, co jsme se rozdělili a pouze přes Německo do Francie.
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
A co teprve když by se dozvěděli, že Češi a jejich země existovali už nějakých tisíc let před vznikem Československa. :-) Možná by mohli rozumět, že Čechy jsou ta země, kterou roku 1741 Francouzi spolu s Bavory víc než rok okupovali, Morava je ta země, kde Napoleon roku 1805 vyhrál v bitvě tří císařů a Praha je město, které v roce 1689 francouzští teroristé (kteří v té době měli v Evropě pověst největších barbarů) zpoloviny vypálili. Pokud teda tuší, že existuje něco jako dějiny. Ale je pravda, že Francie byla prvním státem, který v roce 1918 uznal separatistické Československo (a to dokonce ještě dva dny předtím, než do něj Martinskou deklarací oficiálně vstoupilo Slovensko). Takže Československo bylo takové jejich dítě. Ostatně spoluzakladatel Československa Milan Rastislav Štefánik byl francouzským generálem, proto taky nosil tu čapku jako Louis de Funès.
@adelaberan5428 2 жыл бұрын
@@breznik1197 Ale to je strašně zajímavý vhled. Děkuji!
@evakopecka4773 2 жыл бұрын
Tak tohle jsem zažila v Anglii. Málem mě kleplo.🙈
@hugzar9797 Жыл бұрын
appart from the geography thing, i still dont understand how they can complain about language class, when they only study the easyest language to learn ever, i have to learn 2 obligatory native level languages and english as an obligatory plus, and most people take a lot of more languages like french for more cualification, they are not allowed to complain
@abirwait5636 2 жыл бұрын
“War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.” - Ambrose Bierce
@xiaoxaxo 2 жыл бұрын
geography is extremely important
@ladajana 2 жыл бұрын
I have personal experience with the public school system in states from K to college, district 204 (one of the best) and I am 100% convinced that the biggest downfall of US education is semesters! What does that mean? They don't have schedules, everyday classes are the same, and subjects are chosen on semester bases (otherwise you wouldn't fit all the classes in). In reality, this means you have geography in elementary school as a part of social studies - realistically 4-6 weeks a year, middle school 1 to 2 semesters, and high school 1-2 semesters and that is if you choose to take it or your parents make you. Guess what? The kid's brain is developing and if you introduce any particular subject for 1 to 2 semesters, they will cram for it and forget anything they learn immediately afterward. In Czech you have some sort of geography 1st grade till you graduate, true 1 to 2x a week, so even if you are not a scholar you will remember something. I never liked this aspect of US education. My other pet peeve is loose papers - dear God, they did invent notebooks, they could use them.
@diremiralis1998 Жыл бұрын
I remember them teaching geography in school about 5 times, all about the 50 states, luckily I have a somewhat decent knowledge on geography due to my interests.
@Geker3 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj Jen, výborný video. Mám taky jednu otázku: proč je tolik Američanů udivených, že cizí země fungují v některých ohledech lépe, poté co začnou žít v cizí zemi? Poslední dobou sleduju videa od Američanů, kteří po pár měsících v zahraničí (většinou v Evropě), zjišťují, že lidé v jejich nové domovině se nebojí zavolat rychlou, nevědí, že musíš kličkovat, když utíkáš od místa, kde se střílí, nemusí používat auto, nenosí střelné zbraně atd. Někteří pak mluví o tom, že vyrůstali v "propagandě" tvrdící, že U.S.A. je nejlepší země na světě úplně ve všem a oni tomu vážně věřili. Vnímala jsi někdy nějakou takovouhle "propagandu" ve Státech?
@KMarik 2 жыл бұрын
Od dětství se do Američanů vtlouká, že žijí v nejlepší zemi na světě, že občané USA jsou nejsvobodnější ze všech. Američané se o dění ve světě ani politickou situací u nich doma moc nezabírají. Buď se mají co ohánět aby udrželi hlavu nad vodou nebo se mají dost dobře na to, aby věřili tomu, že jsou skutečně mezi těmi vyvolenými kteří žijí v nejlepší zemi.
@radka9516 2 жыл бұрын
Mohu poprosit o pár tipů na takové kanály? Ráda si u takových videí naposlouchávám angličtinu. :)
@morcatko02 2 жыл бұрын
Máš na mysli například tohoto pána: kzbin.info/www/bejne/aKKVi2Oki5l6gZY ? :-) Jednoduše obyvatelé USA jsou od samého narození utvrzováni v dojmu, že jejich země je střed světa, nejlepší společnost vůbec a všichni k nim vzhlíží. Republikáni rádi poukáží na ty davy Mexičanů, co se k nim přes hranici hrnou (omyl, oni pouze procházejí do Kanady :-) . Spolu s faktem, že pouze 20 % Američanů má pas a projevují asi takový zájem o okolní svět jako průměrný Čech, jsou potom nutně v šoku, když uvidí realitu. Mají to tak zašité pod kůží, že se to stává i osvícenějším Američanům. Nejen republikán z venkova, ale i volič demokratů z NY může být šokován, že na Slovensku existuje nějaké zdravotnictví. :-)
@kolomaznik333 2 жыл бұрын
@@KMarik Ona to dávno není země svobody, ale spíš paradoxů a zjednodušování. V "zemi svobody" museli všichni slušní zodpovědní lidé odevzdat pracně získaný majetek, krokrétně zlato, protože federální vláda potřebovala tisknout peníze na dluh, který udělala (protože: "přeci ten kdo nic zlého nedělá se nemá čeho bát a nemá co skrývat..."). To jak tam (nejen) levicová politika zničila to co na dobu vzniku bylo fakt unikátní se už ale moc neříká (např. Rooseveltova válečná ekonomika, která mj. přivodila američanům ten otřesný hybrid státně-soukromé zdr. péče). O neustálých cílených lží o tom jak je to se zbraněmi v USA asi netřeba mluvit (např. stereotyp "seženeš snadněji než chleba" vs. realita).
@kolomaznik333 2 жыл бұрын
Moc jste tomu bohužel nepomohl, jen jste přiživil stereotypy. Ikdyž spíš v tom vidím mýty, polopravdy a lži které asi souvisí s bublinou ve které žijete. Btw. vy v průběhu života vnímáte sebe-propagandu systému ve kterém žijeme? Ona obecně většina lidí totiž moc ne.
@somerandomcommenter7228 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen a map of how many languages people know in countries... America was 0,8. How did that happen?!
@1dbbs 2 жыл бұрын
What are you learning in History, please? You have a history of 250 years, which can be discussed in one lesson. And secondly, high school in the US is actually only 2 grade elementary school in our country, does that mean that there are so many people in the US who only go out of "elementary" school?
@lukeeckstein3498 2 жыл бұрын
It depends on the class. Elementary and High school together will cover your State's history, some Native American history (especially what Native American tribe's were located where in your state and the major ones), many of the explorers of the U.S. or Americas in general, pre-U.S. colonial America (early settlements and settles and why they immigrated), Revolutionary War, a lot of political stuff/drafting of the constitution, why, and how it happened, The Second Awakening, Louis and Clark/Louisiana Purchase, War of 1812, the Era of Good Feelings, more political stuff/party formation, westward expansion/Manifest Destiny (Stuff like the trail of tears, Cumberland Gap California Gold Rush, Oregon Trail, etc.), Civil War, Emancipation and Reconstruction, Indian Wars, the Gilded Age, Growth in manufacturing (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, etc) and the Unions and backlash that followed (Progressive Era, Exp: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair), American Imperialism, Spanish-American War, WWI, Roaring 20s, The Depression, WWII, Beginning of the Cold War, Korean War, Vietnam, Civil Rights Movement, more cold war stuff (especially under Kennedy), Persian War, Gulf War, 9/11, etc. Some of these topics are obviously covered for longer periods of time then they need to.
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
I was always confused in american movies when kids in like 17 years old were studying universites or something, that's just high school for us and it's mandatory for everyone, but on other hand, americans have more time in their best age while we are in high school to 19 years old and then many people go to university, so as a European, you start normal life in like 25 years old and that's age when our ancestors already had 3 kids :-D
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say that grade 2 in your country is high school in America, but I get your point 😂. And to answer your question, perhaps we go more in detail about our 250 years in our history classes than you might in your 1000 year history? Like more details about specific battles, political movements, etc. I'm not really sure. To be honest with you, I much preferred European history (and majored in it in University) so I couldn't even tell you much about US history. To je škoda.
@michalvrana2442 2 жыл бұрын
So that's why every possible catastrofic movie takes place mainly in the U.S. ... because they think there is no world out there :D
@sarkapatkova3156 2 жыл бұрын
Jen, kolik z nás by vyjmenovalo staty z USA ? 🙈🤐😇
@VladimirLukele 2 жыл бұрын
Takže je vlastně v pořádku nic nevědět.
@sarkapatkova3156 2 жыл бұрын
@@VladimirLukele Nemyslím si
@mortisCZ 2 жыл бұрын
Máte pravdu, dal jsem si 5 minut, žádné googlení a států jsem dal dohromady jen 30. Trochu se stydím a mám pocit, že si s trochou nadsázky vybavuji severní kraj a jižní kraj USA a pak mi chybí těch 20 států uprostřed. 😀 Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico Nevada, Nebraska, Masachusetts Wisconsin Washington Missoury Louisiana, Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Maine, Florida, Texas, California, Washington, Virginia, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina North Carolina Neuznané jako státy:: Puerto Rico Hawaii, A pak podivné zařazení Washington DC
@sarkapatkova3156 2 жыл бұрын
@@mortisCZ To je skvělá práce!
@VladimirLukele 2 жыл бұрын
@@mortisCZ A pak jsou tu tací, kteří řadí svého úhlavního nepřítele S. Koreu do střední Afriky nebo do Evropy. To přece není o tom znát všechno. Jako vyjmenovat všechny státy Afriky, taky nebude zrovna sranda :D
@Stepanvanek966 2 жыл бұрын
Please make some video about teaching history of Native americans in US.
@katerinakoflakova9727 2 жыл бұрын
Great sense of humor. America = Starbuck´s+McDonald´s+KFC I nearly died ...
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
It's actually pretty accurate! 😂
@katarinask139 2 жыл бұрын
No worries. In Slovakia, we still say Yugoslavia rather than reffering to certain states. It's easier to say somewhere in Yugoslavia because for some reason, we don't use the term Balkan. And that goes with many other things as well😄
@hevy_metal 2 жыл бұрын
Ale my ich pozname, a vieme o nich. Oni v amerike nevedia ze take daco existuje 😂
@katarinask139 2 жыл бұрын
@@hevy_metal 😂😂😂😂
@wbcx4491 2 жыл бұрын
Always and whenever an American doesn't confuse you for Slovenia
@katarinask139 2 жыл бұрын
@@wbcx4491 i don't care I have nothing against Slovenia. I also don't mind the term eastern Europe because politically we are
@prasoprdelohlav1 2 жыл бұрын
Český zeměpis neučí kdo je náš soused a jakým jazykem se tam mluví, jaké mají hlavní město a kdo se tam narodil. To je omyl. Český zeměpis učí že planeta Země se skládá z kontinentů (počet, jména, poloha) a oceánů (počet, jména, poloha), významných mořích a pohořích. Velké a významné řeky. Že existují světové strany a kompas. Jak používat mapu atd. Že existují pásma podnebí a mořské proudy. To samé se opakuje v měřítku státu. Politická mapa je jen doplněk. Jako samozřejmost se bere znalost alespoň 10 největších států světa. Ještě ty předměty máme odstupňované a jak děti stárnou tak se dělí. Prvouka, vlastivěda, přírodověda, dějepis, zeměpis, přírodopis, nakonec na vysoké geografie.
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
No my jsme teda učili i ty státy akorát hlavní města jsem nedával.
@lucielalova121 2 жыл бұрын
Tohle, co jste napsal, je učivo 6. třídy- jmenuje se to fyzická geografie (zeměpis), pak následuje Regionální geografie - to je právě hospodářství jednotlivých regionů, co se těží, co se pěstuje, co se chová atd., Na střední škole se k tomu všemu přidává ještě Politická mapa světa - kdo kde vládne, spojuje se to s dějepisem, ekonomická mapa světa, z čeho státy bohatnou, demografie... to vše se v zeměpise u nás učí - vím to, protože mám učitelství zeměpisu vystudované :-)
@hanselvogis5142 2 жыл бұрын
To je omyl. To je jenom jedna část učiva zeměpisu.
@prasoprdelohlav1 2 жыл бұрын
@@lucielalova121 Promiňte. Předmět Prvouka, kde se děti učí kde bydlí, co je v okolí, jaký je rozdíl mezi ostrovem a poloostrovem, úžinou a zálivem. Modrá barva značí vodu apod. se v ČR učí od 2 nebo 3 třídy. Na střední škole si zeměpisem už nejsem jistý (jen geodézii). Možná gymnázia. Nerostné bohatství a na něj navázanou strukturu hospodářství jsme probírali jen v rámci Československa. Kdo kde vládne ale ani slovo🤨 Možná v rámci přírodopisu o živočiších 😀
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
Zeměpis vždy zahrnoval nejen přírodní geografii, ale i politickou a hospodářskou. Jinak obecná informace o tom, že existují pásma podnebí a mořské proudy, patří spíš do přírodopisu, stejně jako obecná teorie státu nepatří do zeměpisu a obecná ekonomie nepatří do hospodářské geografie.
@jardatridentone1859 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't rush too much. Try to ask the Czechs in which state the US capital is located ... How many of us will say "Washington" without thinking and how many will point on the place between Maryland and Virginia? How many of us know what "D.C." really does mean? Já bych se moc neunáhloval. Zkuste se zeptat Čechů, ve kterém státě leží hlavní město USA... Kolik z nás řekne bez přemýšlení "Washington" a kolik z nás ukáže na rozhraní Marylandu a Virginie? Kolik z nás ví, co znamená to "D.C."?
@velkymaly1786 2 жыл бұрын
Washington ani D.C. ani Maryland ani Virginie nejsou subjekty mezinárodního práva. Česká republika ano.
@maearcher4721 2 жыл бұрын
Washington state is on western coast, D.C. on eastern, stands for District of Columbia. We were taught this in English lessons, alongside geography of USA, Canada, UK and Australia. So maybe don't rush into thinking that all of us don't know it.
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
DC = detective comics, to ví přece každej
@lisderoa 2 жыл бұрын
If you like so much geography you should stop calling the people of USA "american". I'm from Argentina and I'm as american as them. If they have chosen a country name without meaning (What is the united states of America when they are not all America?), it's their problem. Call them statians, or US citizens. Many other countries have a name of united states, but they use their region. Mexico is also Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Brasil is Estados Unidos Brasileros and one of the three official names of Argentina is Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata. In Argentina we have seven year primary school where you see general geography and mainly Argentine geograpy (provinces, geographical areas, capitals). In my times in the five years of secondary school (and then you have terciary for technical and low level grads and university for professional carreers). we had each year one continent, studyng rivers, countries, mountains, economical production, population, capitals of each country). The same with history, first year of secondary school was old ages (egypt, greeks, phoenician, rome), second year was Middle Ages, third year Reinnasance. Fourth year Argentine History from Colony to mid XX.
@jirkajr9584 2 жыл бұрын
for me people from US will be always americans and people from Argentina will be always argentinians .... i hope Argentina will not declare war to Czech Republic because of this :-D .... at least there is a chance that our jet fighters can not reach Argentina and your jet fighters can not reach Czech Republic :-D
@GH-oi2jf 2 жыл бұрын
People all around the world call people from the United States “American.” It isn’t our fault. I prefer the term “Usanian.” Help me get the word out.
@lisderoa 2 жыл бұрын
@@GH-oi2jf I can assure you that in Argentina we call you "estadounidenses" or "norteamericanos" and we correct the people who say "americanos".
@GH-oi2jf 2 жыл бұрын
@@lisderoa - “Norteamericanos” would include Canadians and Mexicans, I suppose.
@susjf8644 2 жыл бұрын
In Mexico schools also teach a lot of Geography!👍
@pavelhledik3339 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj Jen, Honziku, Tobiku. Poznámka, že naše hříchy zaplatí naši vnuci ... moc smutné, už taky 1 mám. Miluju zeměpis, přiznám bez mučení, že neznám hodně hlavních měst US států, je jich dost, které bych do slepé mapy umisťoval velmi těžko, o průmyslu, zemědělství víme moc málo. Jak třeba vypadají Dakota Virginia Carolina a asi ještě 20 dalších nemám žádnou představu. Jsme tedy na tom asi tak stejně - blbě. Evropa je nádherná, rozmanitá, ale vím, že US, CND a ME též. Chtěl bych něco poznat. A to miluju zeměpis !!
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Miluju zeměpis taky! Někdy se učíme jen to, co vědět potřebujeme. Například, v poslední době jsem se toho o ukrajinské geografii naučila tolik. Doufám, že se tam někdy podívám.
@pavelhledik3339 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Já bych toho chtěl vidět a poznat moc a moc, ale ne války. Byl jsem v Bělorusku, Rusku a Estonsku a všude je krásně, když se tam neválčí. US je sen mého syna. Taky bych rád něco viděl. Ve svém věku rozhodně stihnu jen moc málo, co bych chtěl....
@vladimiramatejova1796 2 жыл бұрын
vy by ste aspon podla nazvu vedeli, ze S/J Dakota je na kontinente Amerika a v krajine s nazvom USA. Co bohuzial niektori Americania nevedia je, ze Europa je kontinent, nie krajina, a ze napriklad Irak nie je v Australii. To je uz trochu iny level. nie je to casto ich chyba, ako vysvetluje Jen, ale asi by sa s tym nieco malo urobit. Staty US nie je to iste ako krajiny Europy alebo Azie, aj ked sa to casto prirovnava. predpokladam, ze neviete ani vsetky spolkove staty nemecka alebo kantony vo svajciarsku.
@pavelhledik3339 2 жыл бұрын
@@vladimiramatejova1796 Díky za komentář, já už jsem 60- letý děda, který měl vždy rád zeměpis a cestování . dal bych dohromady z větší části Německo, Rakousko, u Švýcarska možná rozeznám, kde kterým ze 4 jazyků se mluví Netuším, jaké jsou župy v Maďarssku, vojvodství v Polsku a z Čínských měst si pamatuju 3 !!! z 30 ??? Takže řádná sláva Holt umřu blbej, ale rád ještě něco poznám na vlastní oči, budu-li moci. Myslím, že my starší jsme měli výhodu, kdy jsme nemohli cestovat, snít, nastudovat a pak po 89 začít si plnit své, vesměs finančně nenáročné, sny. Nejsme si náhodou trochu podobmí ? Ani bych se nedivil. Ahoj Pavel
@vladimiramatejova1796 2 жыл бұрын
@@pavelhledik3339 to je super. mna tiez vzdy bavil zemepis a niekedy ma udivuje, co vsetko si ludia nepamataju zo skoly, ale ked to clovek nepouziva, tak zabudne. ja si bohuzial tiez uz vela veci nepamatam. ale nejaku zakladnu znalost by mal mat kazdy. nevediet zupy v Madarsku neznamena byt blby. nikto nevie vsetko. len som tym chcela povedat, ze staty USA su stale jedna krajina, aj ked su dost velke. urcite cestujte, pokial sa vam bude dat. ja som celkom dost pocestovala po Europe, ale mojim snom bola vzdy JV Azia- Cina, Vietnam a tak. Corona mi trochu prekazila plany a v najblizsej dobe sa tam zrejme nedostanem, kedze sa teraz zaoberam uplne inymi vecami. Ale raz urcite!
@toruvalejo6152 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, the Old Quibbler at your service again! ;) I must say that as a high-school student in knowledge of geography I had felt quite selfconfident and even superior to Americans - only to the moment I have been asked by American university student (who wandered into our town and - word of her stay spread quickly around the town of course - did her public inquiry about how much locals know of USA) - what is the capital of California(?). After naming San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego I learnt for a first time in my life of Sacramento (which of course now I will remember till I die) - and my consolation prize was that no one before me was able to name so many Californian cities - which did not heal my disillusion at all. Few years later my "geography self-confidence" was hit even harder when I was asked to name all states of USA (I managed only about 30 I guess) - by AUSTRALIAN FLORIST (she could name all) who was living in Los Angeles and one day she made her trip around Europe... After this experience I have quit judging people by their knowledge on subjects I felt confident about and gueess what?! I can live with it... ;)
@NetAndyCz 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, California is almost as bad as South Africa when it cames to naming the capital, I always know it is not the city I think of the first. I struggle with Canada and Australia too, always think of the wrong cities first:)
@goodstorylover 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yes, after spending much of my twenties travelling and learning, how much I did not know about other countries, I am trying not to be judgemental, too :o) we tried the game of "name the state, name the capital" with my husband (who is impossibly good at all the history and geogpraphy things) on the plane on our way to the USA, I managed most of them (apart from two), but was totally lost about capitals. So there is alway a room for learning for all I guess :o)
@toruvalejo6152 2 жыл бұрын
@@goodstorylover I met people who answer this question (with a slight sign of disgust) like this: "For such purposes paper was invented."... :)
@goodstorylover 2 жыл бұрын
@@toruvalejo6152 I know, I had discussions like that with my own kids ("I will find it all on the internet..."), but what if electricity is gone ? :o)
@toruvalejo6152 2 жыл бұрын
@@goodstorylover And here comes a paper... ;)
@ecl1ps.s 2 жыл бұрын
2:45 - Actually this part of choosing a language or Art class is really similar to when you can choose between learning German or Czech / Art classes in 6th grade in Czech schools. Just a little funfact… And If you’re wondering as someone from America - from what grade we’re taking English classes = it’s from 1th grade surprisingly. But most of my classmates doesn’t even know how to say certain things…
@jamesmoriarty3593 2 жыл бұрын
Great work; and sense of humour, by the way.
@josefjerabek9158 2 жыл бұрын
Zdravím. Máte pravdu v tom, že člověk se má učit jen to co potřebuje. Co nepotřebuje si může potom najít. U nás se učilo co bylo 1000 let nazpět -jména králu a různých panovníku -ale to člověk pro život nepotřebuje. Přeji další Pěkné komentáře. Jeřábek
@Pyrochemik007 2 жыл бұрын
Nevědět kde leží Peru tak jste za blba.
@josefjerabek9158 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj- ědet kde je peru je pro obyčejného člověka k ničemu. To spíš tu Mendělejevovu tabulku aby se člověk neotrávil nebo nevybouchl když jseš pyrochemik. Přeji hezký den.@@Pyrochemik007
@druhyprogram 2 жыл бұрын
That is actually a very wise observation - that it's the geography's fault. There is a huge connection between how a certain nation's geography looks like and how they perceive the world, behave, lead wars, become or not become superpowers or great civilizations etc. The geography of, let's say, France, is almost ideal, while geography of, let's say, Russia, is disadvantageous. The geography of the USA hits the jackpot, it's probably got the best layout AND positioning of all countries in the world. If this got your attention, read the 2016 book "The Prisoners of Geography" by Tim Marshall :) costs about 250-300 crowns.
@tomastezky89 2 жыл бұрын
... but a lot of Czechs and Moravians is not able to name all 50 states of the USA and locate them or name neighbours of a given state ... ... so our knowledge is also limited in a way ... ? 🤔
@vladimiramatejova1796 2 жыл бұрын
i dont mind if foreigners ( especially older ones) still call us Czechoslovakia. I went to school before Sudan was devided or before Macedonia changed to Northern Macedonia. That is understandable. if you dont have a particular interest in world geography and in news they do not even dedicate a minute to this info why should you know. But ppl should at least know what continents are there and where they are on the map. they should be able to show on map bigger countries such as Germany, Australia, China or their own country and neighbours. They should know Africa is not a country but a continent. Then they should at least guess the continent of a country if they are not able to show it on a map ( not to look for North Korea in Mexico). And yes, I have seen Americans fail in all of these. I hope not all of them are like that but yes that is a failure of the education system in the US
@vladimiramatejova1796 2 жыл бұрын
but on the other hand I heard stories about Austrians not knowing they border both Slovakia and Slovenia and trying to convince Slovak citizens they are wrong and there is only Slovenia and no such country as Slovakia exists. I have seen ppl in France being surprised to learn we have running tap water and electricity here ( while already having Euro and be a part of the union) 🤷🤦 so i guess americans are not alone in this.
@durimuramon1620 2 жыл бұрын
@@vladimiramatejova1796 Jako Čech si občas pletu Slovinsko a Slovensko / Slovenia & Sovakia... Anglicky mi Slovenia sedí víc pro slováky... ale slováci ze Slovenska žijí ve Slovakii... Proč se jmenujete Slovensko a né Slovácko? btw. Slovácko je už oblast v Česku. Asi si pletou Slovensko a Slovinsko...
@sfonder9053 2 жыл бұрын
In Czech, when we are learning geography in elementary school, we have to remember everything, from states to countries, how's the weather there, why tourists go there, and what plants and animals are there.
@robinsebelova7103 2 жыл бұрын
And it used to be even worse, we had to remember important industries too.
@sfonder9053 2 жыл бұрын
@@robinsebelova7103 we must remember that too (even now)
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
The weather! Plants and Animals!? That's great. I can't really remember that in my geography courses. Perhaps we learned about "regions" and what plants and animals there were. Actually that was probably in Science class. Also why tourists go somewhere is so interesting and relevant. I never thought about it!
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
That's actually super important,. I wish I had learned that. I had no idea until this year just how important Ukrainian wheat is, for example, or just how dependent Europe is on Russian oil.
@tomasalbrecht7680 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamPrague Knowledge of history and knowledge of geography allows you to understand what's going on in the world around you, I think they're quite essential (and I say this as a professional biologist). The other thing is that not every Czech (European) student is able to connect these two disciplines. Moreover, Geography is closely linked to Biogeography, environmental protection etc. It's a pity that little attention is paid to it in America, but many things that are taught in geography in our country are probably taught in America in sciences (Geology, Biology, Ecology)
@rieneeh 2 жыл бұрын
I have question for new episode. Why is USA beer so bad? :D
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Good one!
@martintuma9974 2 жыл бұрын
Don't know, but I know that they try to steal OUR brand of berr.
@frantadavid8919 2 жыл бұрын
There are many excellent beers in the US. And there are some pretty lousy beers in Czechia. It all comes down to "proti gustu zadny disputat".
@GH-oi2jf 2 жыл бұрын
Beer culture in the United States is much more complex today than it was fifty years ago. There are countless beers being made in the USA now. There must be a few you would like.
@rieneeh 2 жыл бұрын
@@GH-oi2jf Probably not i already tried a lot of beers from many countries :) but i heard there is one good american beer from Chicago called Goose Island
@martinnovak8104 2 жыл бұрын
Já si myslím ,že americká neznalost zeměpisu je způsobena velikostí USA.A že se stejně jako jiné velké země (Rusko ,Čína)považují za pupek světa. Přece se nebudou učit o malých zemičkách. Rád cestuji a i když jedu někam jen na týden ,vždy se naučím aspoň pár slov v řeči hostitelské země. Vůbec si nedovedu představit, že by mi americký či ruský turista poděkoval za radu česky. Jen nepočítám ,to není turistka. Jinak opět zajímavé téma.
@prasoprdelohlav1 2 жыл бұрын
Hlavně zeměpis není o barevné politické mapě a městech. Stejně jako hudební výchova není o zpívání.
@martinnovak8104 2 жыл бұрын
@@prasoprdelohlav1 Souhlasím
@Pavel_M_Mihalik 2 жыл бұрын
Na velikosti nezáleží. My se učíme o naší zemi a všech ostatních kontinentech (státy, hl. města, řeky, hory, podnebné pásy...). V Americe se učí skoro jenom o Americe a to ještě ne moc dobře (spousta lidí považuje státy Nové Mexiko a Vermont za cizí země). Zásadní rozdíl mezi Evropany a Američany je asi ten, že mi aspoň dokážeme říct, na jekém kontinentě se nějaký stát nachází, když slyšíme jeho název. Někteří Američané ani neví, že Afrika není stát ale kontinent.
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
@Turecko76 Nemají znalosti, protože se místo toho učí prodávání svých znalostí. Neprotiřečí si to malinko? :-) O podnikání a ekonomice se jak u nás, tak v USA učí hlavně lidé z podnikatelských vrstev - běžný dělník, úředník či vůbec zaměstnanec o tom asi moc vědět nebude. A ještě je otázka, jestli "znalostmi o ekonomice a podnikání" se nemyslí nějaké módní, ale prázdné fráze z populárních "motivačních příruček". To už je spíš druh esoteriky.
@JJHudek 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@digiminecraft 2 жыл бұрын
Your defence of Americans not knowing geography because the USA is large, doesn't have many neighbours, close wars etc. doesn't really hold up. A well-educated European will know the geography of Asia, Africa, South America, the states of the US and Canadian territories.
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
@@tafdiz zkus se zeptat čecha kolik zná měst na slovensku, vyjmenuje tak maximálně Bratislavu a Košice :-D
@kentuckymood4486 Жыл бұрын
I’m an American and was never this..- I mean, uneducated when it came to Geography. I just got into geography and history early and blowed through middle school social studies. I even corrected my teachers every once in awhile.
@klara8620 2 жыл бұрын
I think Czech people love to made fun of Americans that they dont know Geography. But I would give us blank map of Africa and most of us would probably know only few countries. I used to know these things in high school but now I dont remember anything. And we learned like 10-20 states in the USA...
@macilowiecki9158 2 жыл бұрын
The discussion revolves around geography, but it should not be limited to capitals, seas, mountains, and so on. Much more important is diversity of cultures of the world. Without understanding enormous variety of cultures, it is not possible to understand the world. People are different because they are deeply seated in their cultural roots. That seems to be a much more important than knowing all the capitals of all the countries. Why Chinese are different than Americans? What are the values of French, or Germans? How they differ? Ask yourself.
@karink2248 2 жыл бұрын
Our family emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 89 and arrived in Canada in 1990. In my 7th grade geography class, during my first year in Canada, we were taught that the division between Europe and Asia was the border of the then still existing USSR. When I mentioned this to my parents, they were horrified and insisted that I speak to my teacher. (This was difficult for a shy 12 year old who avoided speaking at that point.) But I did mention it after our next class and the teacher replied: It’s just easier to teach that way. And yes, I had to help spell Czechoslovakia for the history teacher.
@josselenovese3639 2 жыл бұрын
Ta sluhaj, bars dobre videjka robiš. Este by som mal otazku, neregistrujem ze to z videa vyplynulo. Vedia americania zemepis usa? Alebo cestu do Miami by bez googla vzali cez Anchorage?
@slavekfoltyn9678 2 жыл бұрын
I guess it also night be caused by the maps US schools use. When we look at the our worldmaps, we see both amerikas on the left, and the rest on the right side of the map. American students see American continents perfectly centered in the middle of the map and the rest of the world is located at the corners of the map, pretty squeezed in unnatural shapes due to the false projection of the globe on 2D map :)
@marion.saturn 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting that you mentioned it! I read that every country centralises it's own location on maps. I grew up in Germany and I can say that it was also right in the centre of the map, so I don't think that that's the big reason but it could definitely be one more :)
@jammmy30 2 жыл бұрын
@@marion.saturn in Scandinavia we also have Germany more or less in the center of our map. Also same goes for mind maps. Like on the continent there is Germany and most of Eastern Europe like Czech Poland etc and Benelux countries sort of hanging loose from Germanys body. And than ofcourse there is UK, more or less same size for us mentally… Than there is big “lump” - Russia hanging in the East, but it’s like… I donno.. North Pole islands or something - no one thinks of it unless you actually going there.
@vermull19 2 жыл бұрын
I don't mean to be a cynic, but I have this weird idea. Maybe America is in the middle for Americans for the same reason that Europe is for Europeans, and maybe Germany is in the middle of Europe because it's part of this weird federation that's called Central Europe, which makes absolutely no sense, because of course nothing has a middle and therefore Europe can't have one either, and it's perfectly clear to me that everything can only be divided in half. 😉
@slavekfoltyn9678 2 жыл бұрын
@@vermull19 Honestly I always through that our version of the map was based on central position of 0 meridian. As Europe is so small compare to all other continents, it seems that these little countries are in the middle. The other reason was that the false protection at sides/corners of 2D maps is mostly concerning the Pacific ocean, so no big deal when the blue part. When using our version, you can display all continents in one piece, US maps needed always to cut Asia in two pieces. I never have though that would Czech maps want to "promote" our region in the middle. May be its just my "small" country interpretation :)
@vermull19 2 жыл бұрын
@@slavekfoltyn9678 You should fix that, remember that Czech is a galactic language. ;) And thus the Czechlands are the centre of the universe. ;D
@adelaidewendel1021 2 жыл бұрын
Just flew back to the states from Prague. A nice Nebraskan lady who was flying out of Brussels asked where I was coming from. When I said Prague, her friend asked where that was. “Germany,” she told him. I corrected her to Czech Republic, and she said “Oh, Czechoslovakia!” American ignorance about the rest of the world is all too real if you go outside your normal social circles 😅
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen. I'm a Czech-American with dual citizenship (speak both languages as a native): grew up in both countries, lived as an integrated child and adult in both countries. I think that its all about perpective and whom you know. - I think that Americans get a bad rap for many things because there are 350 million Americans, who speak a language that most people who learn a foreign language learn; English is easier to speak and less intelligent people are able to voice their opinions thanks to the simple language and American movies, films, etc. are everywhere. I cannot tell you how many times I have met a not so intelligent Czech person who was not able to state a simple opinion in words - the language is hard even for native speakers who are not really IQ smart. -- My experience is that the average person in Czechia and in the USA is about the same - intelligence, etc. Do you think that Czech people with an IQ of 90 judge americans for not knowing where Bangldesh is? I dont think so. I bet you most Czechs could not find Bangladesh on a globe. During my 4th year of gymnasium in 1996 we spent the whole school year learing only about World War 2. Sure, Czechia is a small country, so part of learning a foreign language (English) is also learning about the countries that use the language (UK, USA, etc.), learning German (Germany, Austria). BUT many Americans learn Spanish and hispanic culture is in most places in the US. Most of the world does not understand most European languages, so why on Earth should we expect Americans to understand them...? I grew up in SoCal. In 1988 my Czech grandmother came to visit us in SoCal, her american cousin took her to the California national parks, she swam in the ocean, etc. In 1999 this grandmother of mine did not know that she had swum in the Pacific Ocean (she never bothered to look at her atlas to see where she had been - she was mentally healthy, no dementia). My uncle in about 2005 asked me if our family was safe, when there was a natural distaster caused by weather on the east coast.... (we only ever lived in California on the west coast - never in another state),.... But when there were huge fires in SoCal no one ever asked me, if we were safe. These people never bothered to look at a map or atlas to see, where their relatives live. I think it is about personality and curiosity. The United States spans a whole continent yet many Czech people act as if it was a small country. Many Czechs expect all people from the entire world to have the same cultural behaviors, expressions, etc. Very narrow minded. We as people tend to expect from others what we ourselves experience, learn, find interesting, like, etc.... BUT reality is that Czech people who make comments about American intelligence are usually higher education, above average IQ, speak English, etc. and yet they have learned nothing about mankind during their lives ( ?EQ?). These Czech people dont meet those kinds of people (average and below average intelligent, non travelled, not curious, etc.) in Czechia (in their home country because of the way society is situated); they mostly find themselves among different social circles often only when they leave their home country. Czechs are great at shaming others, its like a national sport. --- Oh, and media, I think that lack of general geography knowledge can be blamed on media in many respects. BBC World often has video reports that show maps and zoom in on maps as part of the report BUT many many media do not do this. Shame on them. As the world changes we need media to show us what is where. Czech TV (Česká Televize) in its footage is often good at this, but not always) but what percentage of Czechs watch Ceská Televize? What is sad it that after hurricane Katrina it became known that many americans dont know where Louisiana or New Orealans are on a map. But really do all Czech people know where San Marino or Montenegro or Kosovo are on a map?
@toruvalejo6152 2 жыл бұрын
This "narrowmindness" has a name - provincialism (česky: "zaprděnost")... Dispite the fact i can answer your final question right and without hesitation it is only because I want to know and I care - while many people outside of my social bubble do not. But they might know many other thing that I do not so why to scorn them?
@kachnolos 2 жыл бұрын
Řekl bych to tak: Vím, kde je San Marino, Černá Hora (ten stát, ta hora v Krkonoších i ta ves na Moravě), i kde je Kosovo. Vím, kde je Luisiana a že v ní je New Orleans. Rozhodně si nemyslím, že New Orleans je stát nebo Luisiana město nebo že Mississippi teče z jihu na sever. Vím taky, že Mississippi má hlavní přítok Missuri. Ale o to nejde. Jde o to, že se nebudu vyjadřovat k životu lidí v různých -stánech, o kterých toho moc nevím, nebo že lidem tam nebudu říkat, jak oni mají žít, nebo že jsou blbí, když žijí jinak, než jak já považuji za normální. Rozdíl mezi Američany a Čechy vidím v tom, že Američané v klidu posílají své vojáky do zemí, o kterých ti vojáci do té doby ani nic neslyšeli. Pardon, abych opustil politiku, tak: Když jedu někam jako Čech, turista, vždy si o daném místě aspoň naprosto základní věci zjistím. Vím, čím se tam platí, jak se tam mluví, naučím se pozdravit v jejich jazyce (vždyť jsou to většinou jen dvě slova!), zjistí si, kolik tam asi tak co stojí, jak se tam mám obléct, abych neumrznul nebo se neupekl atd. Přijde mi, že Američané ani tyto základní informace mnohdy nezjišťují a pak se diví. Pak není divu, že je zde podvodníci oklamou například i prošlými běloruskými bankovkami s tím, že se jedná o české platidlo, nebo že si zde musí v lednu kupovat kulichy. Přitom jsou ty bankovky dokonce jasně popsané azbukou, která se v ČR ani nepoužívá, a zima je tu přece každý rok.
@caleuxx9108 2 жыл бұрын
@@kachnolos - Your statments are what Jen is discussing in her video and what I am commenting. I say that they are incorrect based on my experience on 2 continents, working with many many people and based on knowledge of basic psychology. None of your statements discuss general human behavior, average Czechs who never leave Europe. You talk about yourself, you, your own experience, your expectations, not about human nature, the spectrum of people, how people differ in general.
@ziklo8958 2 жыл бұрын
Tadžikistán, Uzbekistán, Kirkistán je aj pre mňa problém priradiť správne na slepej mape :)
@karelbroda8877 2 жыл бұрын
Where is the “fascist Slovak Štát”?
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
Než jsem se začal smát, radši jsem se přece jen podíval, jestli se Kyrgyzstán skutečně nepíše slovensky Kirkistán. Nepíše. Ale pokud člověk nějaké výrazy zná jen z mluvené řeči a v životě je neviděl napsané, občas z toho vznikají zajímavé výsledky. My sečtělější to máme někdy naopak - píšeme slova, která neumíme správně vyslovit. :-)
@marekvasku5610 2 жыл бұрын
A co teprve Turkestán, Tatarstán a Kurdistán...
@V68-l5y 2 жыл бұрын
úprimne povedané nemáte sa prečo ospravedlňovať, ja poznám z 50 štátov USA spoľahlivo polohu 6 z nich. Kalifornia, Texas, Florida, Washington, Aljaška, Hawai.
@AB8511 2 жыл бұрын
Presne tak. Keby sme sa v Čechách opýtali, že ktoré je hlavné mesto Severnej Karolíny a nech ju nájdu na mape, tak by tiež mnohí boli pekne prekvapený. To je mimochodom štát s približne rovnakým počtom obyvateľov ako ČR, s rovnako veľkou ekonomikou a cca. 1,5 krát väčším územím a nie neviem to z hlavy, len som si to našiel na wiki.
@prasoprdelohlav1 2 жыл бұрын
@@AB8511 tady dochází k zjednodušení a omylu že zeměpis je politické mapě, hlavním městu a průmyslu. Ne není.
@AB8511 2 жыл бұрын
@@prasoprdelohlav1 Súhlas v tom, že predmet geografie je omnoho zaujímavejší. Chcel som týmto len reagovať na pokrytecky pobúrený postoj, s ktorým som sa možno stretnúť v Čechách aj na Slovensku v tom zmysle, že američania o nás ako štáte ani netušia, že existujeme. No tak uvádzam príklad porovnateľnej jednotky v USA, o ktorej zase mi nič netušíme. Ale áno máte pravdu, že geografia je omnoho viac.
@Pavel_M_Mihalik 2 жыл бұрын
@@AB8511 Ale mi se učíme, z jakých krajů se naše země skládá a jaká jsou jejich hlavní města. K tomu se ještě učíme o státech a hlavních městech v Evropě a ostatních kontinentech, takže Američané se nemají na co vymlouvat. Učíme se toho více než oni.
@breznik1197 2 жыл бұрын
Těch 6 vyjmenovaných jsou taky asi jediné, které vznikly nějakou normální cestou a nebyly jen direktivně namalované pravítkem od stolu. :-) U nás taky známe spíš vesnice nežli statistické obvody. :-)
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