Driving Risks & ADHD

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Russell Barkley, PhD - Dedicated to ADHD Science+

Russell Barkley, PhD - Dedicated to ADHD Science+

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In this video, I discuss my many years of doing research on driving and our findings and those of other researchers. Sadly, I also briefly note the loss of my fraternal twin brother, Ron, in 2006, from a car crash related to his lifelong ADHD - a tragic irony in my life for sure. The research shows that the risks to driving posed by ADHD are numerous and serious. I then describe numerous recommendations that may help reduce the driving risks linked to ADHD.
You can find more information on this topic in my books, Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete Authoritative Guide for Parents, and Taking Charge of Adult ADHD.

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@Handle8844 Жыл бұрын
Dr. B., You honour your brother's memory in helping so many of us understand and better manage our ADHD.
@Grimmona Жыл бұрын
When I'm in a car driving i'm always afraid of making mistakes so I'm really really concentrating on the road. Because I'm aware of the risk i'm taking with my life and the life of others i'm a really careful driver
@ondrasheq21 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. It is often forgotten that an ADHD person may not be driven by hyperactivity and impulsivity, but rather by anxiety and fears that have developed as a result.
@paarma1752 5 ай бұрын
This also sounds a lot like SCT, which tends to be motivated by the fear of consequences, instead of ADHD, which tends to be motivated by impulsivity. Dr Barkley has an excellent set of lectures regarding SCT on his yt channel.
@zainmushtaq4347 4 ай бұрын
Dr. Barkley has also stated that ADHD with Anxiety makes the person less impulsive, less willing to take risks, and less likely to develop reactive aggresson. So it needn't be SCT (or CDS as it's now called), but could be ADHD co-morbid with Anxiety :)
@RebeccaInNorway Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, and so sorry for your loss. My dad died at a very young age in an (vehicle related) accident and I have often wondered if it could be related to ADHD/impulsivity. Without any doubt driving is where I notice the effects of medication the most. I started medication at 41, and up until then I avoided driving as much as possible - it caused me so much stress and anxiety. I didn't connect it to ADHD until I started medication and then suddenly it was so much easier to hold focus and just feel like I was more in control of driving. Also very interesting point about manual vs automatic - I have personally found it to be the same. I don't even use cruise control in my manual car because I then become too 'disconnected' from the act of driving and my response time is noticeably impaired.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much.
@unnotabelle Ай бұрын
I once drove a short distance on a day I had forgotten to take my medication. Even before the first turning, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't focus on the road, I was overwhelmed with information when changing lanes, and I actually felt my reaction speeds were significantly worse in real-time. After our first stop, I insisted we detour back home because I could not trust myself to drive safely without my medication. That short experience instilled two things in me - an increased awareness of the ways ADHD affects my life in non-obvious ways, yes, but also absolute terror. Because my family is 99% sure I inherited my ADHD from my dad, who is undiagnosed and treatment-resistant, and who is my family's usual driver. Just a snippet of what it might be like in his brain while he drives put the last two decades of insurance claims in a lot of perspective. I've been rather adamant about driving the family whenever I can since then, because I might still be susceptible to the risks ADHD poses, but at least I'm aware of, and conscientiously trying to mitigate, them.
@robertmurphy7768 4 ай бұрын
I Respect your research and am sorry about your brother. I have been Driving since i was 16 and a professional Truck Driver for well over 20yrs. Having over 3 million safe miles in a semi truck. I think you need to state that this isnt a rule for ever person with ADHD. When i am driving my brain goes into complete focus. My eyes in constant movement indentifies all risks around me. When i am driving it is the only time the world becomes quiet.
@ave_rie Жыл бұрын
Medication definitely helped, I encourage this very much. Another thing that helped me (adult) drive more safely is to prepare for it. enough sleep, scheduling enough time to go to my destination, planning activities and rest around driving. Also practicing slowly & regularly in different weather conditions for short distances.
@RebeccaInNorway Жыл бұрын
I find the same with planning, if I don't know my route, or if there are roadworks and I cant take the planned route my driving is impacted quite a lot. I have to pull over to re-plan otherwise my brain is just somewhere else trying to figure things out instead of on the road.
@Najain 10 ай бұрын
@Brancononordeste Жыл бұрын
May your brother Rest in Peace and his story be a source of knowledge and caution to others that will literally save lives.
@NinjaCoderInTraining 11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately driving slow also feels unbearably unstimulating. I'm actually more scared of hitting something because my mind starts to wander and/or shut down when I'm forced to slow down by traffic. 🙈 Also, sorry for your loss..
@Alex-js5lg Жыл бұрын
One thing to consider as well is finding a healthy outlet for people who want to do risky things in vehicles: track days, go-karts, simulators, ATVs, off-roading, etc. The police where I live partner with a local drag strip and encourage kids to do their racing on the track.
@Zenkat Жыл бұрын
What sucks here (in Phoenix) is there used to be a drag strip super close to me that i went to. It closed in 2013 and the land is still unused. That left a single drag strip in the greater Phoenix area, which is like an hour drive from me. That track, on Reservation land mind you, is also being set to close next year and replaced with a strip mall. This leaves Tucson as the only strip anywhere close, at a 3 hour+ drive. While tracks being around don't entirely remove the adrenaline fueled fun of street racing, they definitely reduce it. No idea why people in positions of power are allowing the only remaining strip to shut down in a city of 5-7 million people. It's gonna become mad max on the weekends here.
@Alex-js5lg Жыл бұрын
@@Zenkat stay safe, and buy a lifted truck I guess.
@Zach.3246 11 ай бұрын
@@Alex-js5lgWhy buy a lifted truck?
@DanS8204 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Barkley, you are a living legend, and your work is always so greatly appreciated.
@zanaalexandramoss3475 11 ай бұрын
Dr Barkley, I'm so very sorry to learn that you lost your brother this way. Given the nature of your research, this seems like one of life's many cruel ironies. I am terribly sorry. I thank you for your work to help and advocate for the ADHD community. There are no words that could adequately express the debt of gratitude owed to you.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 11 ай бұрын
Thank you. I deeply appreciate your condolences and that of all others here. Be well.
@cseperkepapp4358 9 ай бұрын
I am 50, still undiagnosed (only started to learn about ADHD in the recent years), but at the age of 20 when I started to learn driving, I was self aware of being different, makind stupid mistakes. Within a few months it hit me that my scattered brain might be a problem and I regretfully decided that driving was not for me. Never got the licence, even. This has been quite a disadvantage in my life, but lives are more important than being comfortable. Thank you for your work and your video.
@ADHD_LifeSimplified Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry for your brother’s loss. I appreciate you for sharing your story. As a personal injury lawyer who handles car crashes, your statistics and insights are valuable in our legal field. As a mom with ADHD and with a neurodiverse family, I am personally invested in ensuring my family’s safety while driving. Your research will undoubtedly help us tremendously. 🙏
@nuskokuc6339 7 ай бұрын
I am learning to drive rn and my biggest fear is reaction time and forgetting. Forgetting to check my mirrors, change gear ect. I'm driving and i have noticed that i concentrate on one thing and forget about the others. I have self diagnosed adhd and i tried to get a professional diagnosis but it didn't work out. Rn i hope that practice will make perfect,
@jophillipsillustration Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing you tragic story about your twin. So very sad. 😢 I was late diagnosed ADHD about 3 months ago at 47. Interesting though, I was always aware that I can’t cope with phone calls, eating, having people in the car talk to me, or even music sometimes whilst driving… it makes more sense now. I think being Autistic too has potentially helped with that because I am extremely rule based eg. No alcohol if I’m going to drive, no speeding, always wear a seatbelt, keep to the rules of the road etc… I have been overly emotional sometimes and get easily frustrated with other drivers breaking rules. Now medicated, I’m less anxious when driving and more calm 👍🏼 but still won’t touch my phone, eat or have people talk to me in the car. I wonder if you ever assessed for ASD in your ADHD driving studies and what the differences are? I think the mix can produce a spiky profile that may be different for everyone. Super interesting, thanks for sharing
@jophillipsillustration Жыл бұрын
@@SpoonfedPig it depends where you are in the world. I’m England, UK so it was a visit to doctor on NHS, they gave me a screening survey to fill out and I handed it back to doctor with a Right to Choose option to have my ADHD assessment where I chose in England. I then went on a waiting list. Then about 9 months later I had an assessment online. There are private psychiatrists who also provide assessments.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Do be safe and thank you for your kindness.
@Najahfreeman Жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss. Very brave of you to share this with us. I failed driving test 5 times so far. That was before knowing I had ADHD. Now that I know and am medicated, I might pick it up again in the future. The amount of money I lost in that thing really bummed me out.
@ForestContent Жыл бұрын
Same here buddy! Im medicated now, ill have the exam on monday. Madication improved my driving exponentially.
@Najahfreeman Жыл бұрын
@@ForestContent glad to read that! I'm still figuring out my optimal dose so far but can't wait! Good luck on the test man
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Our family did not want his loss to be in vain so I speak of him occasionally in this sort of teaching context in that maybe his example might save others. Thank you.
@puppypoet Жыл бұрын
I'm 41, got my license at 25. I loved to drive safe fast all the time but when my son was born I forced myself to slow down to set the right example for him. I never had realized my ADHD could be causing my love for fast driving.
@Guidus125 Жыл бұрын
can you describe your definition of safe fast
@nicbarth3838 Жыл бұрын
​@@Guidus125I think acelorating quickly to the speed limit while not exceeding it?
@100frogbucket Жыл бұрын
When I first got my license, I would speed so much and drive like a maniac. I used to get up over 100mph on residential roads sometimes. Got pulled over a few times but got out of tickets usually. No one ever got hurt, but suddenly one day i realized the potential damage I could do and never sped like that again. I could’ve killed someone if I kept driving like that. Now I live in a city and don’t have a car at all. Public transport is lovely and I save so much money. Safer for everyone too
@TheTimtam112 Жыл бұрын
It's odd, in many ways I would say that I struggle with executive functions, but I am probably the safest driver I know. Poor emotional control, extremely easy to distract, constantly daydreaming and often "in my little world" No fines, no traffic accidents and both my driving instructor and testers were very impressed by my awareness while driving. OH. Then I get to the part where you talk about how a manual transmission might help with distractions. Funny you should mention that. The background you provide to why a manual transmission helps is the exact reason i give friends and family when they ask me why I hate automatics and love my manual
@danwilhite Жыл бұрын
Good video! One thing helps me is using my GPS, even if I know where I'm going! I'm a decent driver, but it helps not miss important turns...and realize it three miles later! lol Also, I absolutely love music but I'm much better off to just leave the radio turned off. If I do play it while driving, it's not very loud.
@Varenyam86 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, as I use music to concentrate.. I'm singing along. If not, my mind immediately wonders
@middleraretomato4114 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for helping me release the possible risks that I can have while driving.
@mariagraziadistante3512 Жыл бұрын
It totally makes sense Prof. Barkley when you say that it's important to take your ADHD medication while driving. Unfortunately in my country, Italy, often people have to lie when they get (o renewal) their driving license because "stimulants" are considered a high risk factors for car accidents to occur.
@Brancononordeste Жыл бұрын
It is literally a miracle I didn’t kill my self or someone else when I was driving as a teenager. I used to drive so completely wreck-less and I never understood why I was doing it. A teenage boy with a license is a very dangerous thing to begin with.
@jake3028 Жыл бұрын
Thank god for my automatic breaks on my car.
@shawnmendrek3544 4 ай бұрын
I read a post on reddit, a guy was so severe adhd his gf started to drive him to work. At least they make it work. In these times, people seperate for all kinds of reasons. Pretty sad, when I run into women who have obvious mental issues, I never judge them. But women seem to judge men harshly. What a world. I know a guy who talks to himself, nicest guy in the world, about to get married, NEVER treated us bad. I would go to his wedding. World can be harsh to some, some others, harsh to others. Speaking for others here.
@jedickey Жыл бұрын
I've said for a long time driving manual makes me (ADHD) a safer driver. I think it's counter-intuitive for some people until I explain. Fifteen years of daily driving with manuals, only medicated for a few years recently, and I have a good record. I have to admit I'm not the most cautious, but the element of distraction or zoning out is lessened when I have to engage more with the actual driving.
@jedickey Жыл бұрын
A little less on-the-record: fast acceleration on on-ramps and the ability to have higher revs in manual makes driving more exciting when that's what I need without excessive speeding or risky maneuvering. I always knew I was a safer driver in a manual and the past few years the link with ADHD became clear. I recommend learning for everyone, but especially if you find yourself zoning out at stop lights or eating in the car.
@JaySun333 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother Doc.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. We do miss him even now.
@JaySun333 Жыл бұрын
@@russellbarkleyphd2023 Of course. Being remembered fondly and missed, no loved one one could ask for better. I'm sure your brother would be very proud of the work you've done through out your life.
@abderrahimkoch9293 3 ай бұрын
So sorry you lost your brother in this way.
@octopiinthesky44 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting, I’m currently in the process of getting my driver’s license, but I am extremely risk-adverse with driving. Wouldn’t even think about driving without a seatbelt or with alcohol in my system (or better said no alcohol ever, because I have no braincells to sacrifice, I need them all 😂). But I do know that I drive better with meds, I miss less details and am just more focused on the situation at hand.
@Alidrivingschool 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much
@HyperFocusMarshmallow Жыл бұрын
My experience of parking tickets isn't that I park in places that's not allowed. Rather it's that in certain situations when I'm stressed I sometimes forget to pay. Or maybe I've forgotten to charge my phone so that I can't use the parking app, but I still have to get to an important appointment so I have to take a chance because I don't have any mental energy to reroute the plan for the day. Other things I notice is that I tend to miss off ramps. Often when I feel myself struggling to keep my mind on the plan of the route I usually end up talking a lot about it with the passengers in the car. I have had a tendency to feel more calm at slightly higher speeds or I just end up there if I don't think about it. I wouldn't say I'm actively seeking risk. I think it's mostly related to not paying attention to that particular aspect for a bit. I've reflected about that tendency and I think I have been able to reign it in to a large extent. No crashes yet though +10 years. No drinking and driving. No cellphone while driving. I really don't need the extra risk. But I do worry generally about inattentiveness. It really creeps up on you and can end up being really dangerous. I know, one time I completely missed a red light. Luckily nothing happened, no cars around. But in a case where the traffic situation is different, something like that could turn out badly.
@Varenyam86 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling, especially a twin, is so painful :( About meds and driving: it most definitely helps! I speed a little less (most of the time I'm watching how fast I'm going). It is as if my field of view is extended: the exterior mirrors suddenly are included as opposed to having 'tunnel vision' without medication. I'm way more calmer and don't frantically check the mirror without even registering what I see 😅 also way less sleepy! Speeding though.. will likely always be a problem as it "feels" good (sensory wise). Luckily I'm aware and use navigation and my car has manual transition so I'm engaged most of the time.
@irisviel_Einzbern Жыл бұрын
Is it possible for an ADHD adult to be a good driver? Specially when they have been driving for hours everyday for 20+ years without medication, with little to no crash record for two decades? Or everyone with adhd have some problems with driving
@irisviel_Einzbern Жыл бұрын
@@hyperadapted what you mean
@alysonhenrique2924 Жыл бұрын
​@@hyperadaptedeach person is different. You might find that the vast majority of people that are good at playing basketball are tall people. That doesn't mean you can't find good short players here and there, it just means that they are way rarer than the other group. So, you can generalize,to a certain extent, and say that tall people are better at playing basketball than short ones, even if exceptions exist.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Yes, remember these are group studies that average across many people, some of who, are not unsafe in their driving but many more are so, hence the differences in group averages from the typical.
@user-zt4zr7eg6z 11 ай бұрын
Sorry for your tragic loss.
@giovannifontanetto9604 Жыл бұрын
One of the reasons i think i have disengagemente and adhd, is because i always found myself a very risk averse person. The slow thinking would be a problem thought
@100frogbucket Жыл бұрын
Dr. Barkley I have enjoyed watching your videos and listening to your lectures regarding ADHD. I was wondering if you had thoughts about Gabor Maté’s recent comments about the disorder. If you made a response video similar to the one you did about Jordan Peterson I would love to watch. Also i thank you for what you’ve done for the adhd community
@publius9350 Жыл бұрын
He has addressed it previously, there's a comment on every video, but I forget the name of the video where he talks about it.
@Handle8844 Жыл бұрын
Here's Dr. B's first video response to Gabor Mate's ludicrous assertions. kzbin.info/www/bejne/o5Lbc5yCjb2Irrs
@flyingfox707b 10 ай бұрын
I'm looking at literature dealing with adhd and everything is fed through the ADHD bad, needs to be managed and medicated, everything else good, job well done... We need more literature writen by pople that are neuo-divergent so we can have a biassed free conversation. I am an adult with adhd, I am learning how to drive and i struggle with how my instructors feed information and set out the information. I don't have a problem with overabundence of information, I have a problem with instructors that think that you need to be able to write the next american novel before you can read the effing adds section of the local newsletter!
@paulharris4780 9 ай бұрын
Watching this Video while I'm driving 😮
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
If a Mountain is Envolved and there's no trees or Baracades; I'm going below the speed limit. I remember visiting Arkansas for the first time with My Mom, Brother, and My Brother's Friend. My Mom's Driving Scared the Hell Out of My Brother and His Friend and I. We were going on a mountain road on our way to the campgrounds with my Mom Going the Speed Limit on a Winedy Mountain Road with No Trees or Baracades to Stop Us from Rolling Over. Long Story Short We all Made it Home Alive.
@Crawleyman Жыл бұрын
I have a fraternal twin brother as well and I don't want him to have to go through what you did. I need to become a better safer driver for him and his kids.
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
I hope so. Do take care.
@petrahoggarth1437 Жыл бұрын
My PhD research was about driving in older adults with and without cognitive impairment. Now I primarily work with adults with ADHD and I do talk with people about driving risk and the importance of taking medication. I also hope that when my ADHD son is old enough to want to drive that we'll have a self-driving car that's much safer than he would be :)
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
Going Over the Speed Limit can be Done Safely. I Go 10 Over in My Personal Vehicle All the Time. I have Only Spun Out Once and Fishtailed Twice in My SUV. As For Wearing a Seat belt; I Wear one Everytime I Drive.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
In My State It's Illegal for Cops to Give Tickets on Private Property (Parking Lots are considered Private Property). I've only had 4 tickets. My First Ticket was for Running a Stop Sign Even though I was Clear to Go and I Stopped for 1 Second. My other 3 were for speeding. My first speeding ticket was after the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Lockdowns were Lifted, My second Speeding ticket was a Month Later, and My third Speeding ticket was February of this year (2024). During the UNCONSTITUTIONAL lockdowns, the Cops weren't Enforcing Traffic Laws, So You Were able to Go 200 (If your vehicle was Able) in a 65. My first Speeding ticket I was going 95 in a 55 But the Sheriff was Nice Enough to Only give Me a Ticket for Going 10 Over (Most Cops were I live Don't Pull You Over Unless You're Going 11 or More Over the Speed Limit). My second speeding ticket was for going 15 over (regular speed limit was 30) because I was trying to get Pass Some Slow Drivers. My third speeding ticket was for going 14 over in a 60.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
I've only been in 2 car crashes. The First Car Crash I was in the Passenger Seat and Couldn't Reach The Pedals (I was 10 or 11 at the Time). The Second Car Crash I was driving a rental because one of the Company Vehicles was in the shop. The first One a Guy in an Orange Chevy Truck was Speeding a Went Head on into the Sedan that I was in and The Sedan got Totaled; I was not wearing a Seatbelt and Broke My Collar Bone). The second one I was Going Straight Ahead but the Other Driver in a Silver Chevy Truck for Some Reason thought I was Turning Right even Though I was not in the Right Turning Lane and I Did Not have a Signal On. The Only 2 Times I Wear a Seat belt are When I'm Driving and When The Operator of the Vehicle that I'm in Request Me to Wear One. As For Signaling; If I'm in a Parking Lot I Rarely Signal, But If I'm On the Road or Highway I Signal Everytime I Change Lanes and Turn. As for alcohol, I refuse to drive even if I have had only a sip of Alcohol.
@imonseii Жыл бұрын
In the study you conducted, were the subjects on or off medication?
@octopiinthesky44 Жыл бұрын
That would be a really interesting information. I personally drive a lot better with meds
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Off medication. But then we tested the effects of medication which did markedly improve their driving.
@imonseii Жыл бұрын
thank you :) @@russellbarkleyphd2023
@publius9350 Жыл бұрын
I'm assuming if someone is in a serious car wreck, but survives, than the TBI in the accident could worsen the ADHD? Because that essentially describes myself - distracted on a long drive because of an emotional matter, fishtailed, and hit a tree, and because I had to be helivaced, and there were some induced comas, there was certainly brain trauma. I really don't understand how ADHD and TBI are that different, if both are a question of frontal lobe difficulties / impairment and executive function.
@carawhiting1579 10 ай бұрын
MY mom has server Adhd among other things and has been a city bus drive for 10+ years. This is concerning thou and now I must warn the authorities before she crashes. Whoever gave her a license to drive a bus must also have adhd .
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
I can drive a Manual, but most people in My Age Group (30s) cannot drive a Manual. I had to be the Designated Driver for My Brother and His Friend On Multiple Occasions. My Brother's Friend had Me Drive His Vehicle.
@leilap2495 Жыл бұрын
I drive better alone, with entertainment, and manual or otherwise involved. My plug-in hybrid has a fun efficiency view that I adjust my driving to save battery. Since being on my medication, I realized how scary my driving previously was. I have never injured anyone, but I was hit when I was too impatient to wait to cross the street or take another route with my bike.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
I Bluetooth My Phone to My Vehicle So I Don't have to Grab it If Someone Calls. I Also Use My Phone for Music While Driving and use a vent Mount so I can change songs without Taking My Eyes Off the road. If I get a text, I wait until I get to My Destination to Look at My Text and Other Notifications.
@nagendrakumarcr Жыл бұрын
First is to remove the feeling of shame, shame creates impulsive thoughts of proving others wrong, real learning comes from patience practicing slowly and steadily. First thought one should strongly tell him/herself “I am not going to win any race, I have to reach the destination safely”
@daniellec2172 8 ай бұрын
I am a speed demon, I cannot stand other drivers' ineptness, slowness, distraction, and inconsiderateness on the HWY. I am also a safe driver, speed and safety are not mutually exclusive, you have to know when it is ok and when it is not. Context is everything. Slow drivers and anxious drivers who rate speeders as categorically dangerous do not realize how dangerous their own style of driving is. I am also a very skilled driver, literally one of the only things I consider myself to be very skilled at, and so much of this video I do not relate to at all. Driving for decades without incident, aside from speeding and parking tickets. And forgetting to renew my plate. I think it is because driving is one of my hyperfixations, I concentrate while I drive and put all my focus into it. Lewis Hamilton, one of the world's greatest drivers with ridiculous reflexes, has ADHD. Wonder if SCT is maybe skewing the stats.
@Grimmvolvo Ай бұрын
This would explain why my wife complains about the way I steer. (I make her car sick always. Also had 9 car accidents before the age of 25.
@BULLDOGG Жыл бұрын
If I ever go on a trip and do a lot of driving. Always about an hour in, I start dozing off. I used to fight through it. Now I eat sunflower seeds. Something with cracking the seeds keeps my mind awake.
@sonyaparkin7841 Ай бұрын
@acoisiglis 11 ай бұрын
Dr. Barkley, do you know if ADHD has a higher risk of accident with certain vehicles over others, like motorcycles vs. cars? Also, have any studies been done with ADHD and riding horses or other riding beasts?
@russellbarkleyphd2023 11 ай бұрын
So far, all vehicles have been documented including motorcycles and off road vehicles. Have not seen anything about horses, etc.
@xyphor317 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dr. I was seen by my neuropsychologist and he diagnosed me with Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome. I have an intense anxiety while driving and will avoid it if I can.
@kelliestephens9882 Жыл бұрын
This is really interesting to me. I was a school bus driver for about 10 years, then a transit bus driver for 11 years. I was not medicated for most of that time. I know that there were several other diagnosed ADHD coworkers, many of them also not medicated. Is it the level of activity that helped us to succeed in this work? Or was it the regimented timing, strict safety rules, and established routes? The busier my bus was, the more focused I felt.
@miaomiaochan Жыл бұрын
Yep...I have a dangerous habit of checking my phone while driving and a fairly bad case of road rage. One of these days, my poor driving habits are going to get me in serious trouble. I fact, I'm surprised my driving record is as clean as it is given how many bad habits I practice. (Don't worry, I typed this while safely parked.)
@Crawleyman Жыл бұрын
Diagnosed at 39 with ADD. Killing myself or someone else while I'm driving is my biggest fear. I'm not a safe driver. I've had a suspended license, more vehicles then I can count, pay large amounts in car insurance and other negative car and driving items. Looks like I'm putting my phone and other items in the trunk. Best way to save myself and others.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
There's Cameras in the Company Vehicles of the Company that I Work for.
@krstnenepoviem8250 2 ай бұрын
Maaan I have just done an illegal action and I feel so guilty 🫣
@ALADDIN22091978 Жыл бұрын
If one has dyspraxia and ADHD, it might be harder to get a driving licence. I only drive on local roads or simple roads close to local roads.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 2 ай бұрын
Cops should Ticket People for Parking over the Line. Cops should also Ticket People for Going Below the Speed Limit Even if It's One Mile Under Regardless of Age or Disability. People 60 and Older Should be Required to take and Pass a Driving Test Every 6 Months before they're Legally Allowed to Drive.
@profoundlyfaded9333 Жыл бұрын
Just a query - was there a difference in female and male ADHD groups you studied?
@russellbarkleyphd2023 Жыл бұрын
Studies showed more speeding and risk taking in males compared to ADHD females, which is true in typical, but both were riskier and had more driving problems in other aspects than controls.
@puppypoet Жыл бұрын
When I'm exhausted while driving, I actually drive a lot slower because I feel like I am driving too fast and reckless. Is it normal to be like that, or am I just very afraid of accidents?
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Female Hormones and ADHD
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