I have passed through many prophetical revelation last many times and I recognize each types as you described three types as l slept as l being deep consent ration as l being deep praying for all it has been stored in my heart l told not to people but it happened worldewide Misterrieslly great events if I had told to people would have passed aflliction I think
Your humble approach is undeniable. Imagine if we were taught in a school about all these we wouldn't have to dream to leave our country for modern slevery. Knowing is power. Keep on learning my Ethiopian family.
Dr, You are the hope of our country. God bless us with life and health. Our country needs such people at this time. God has comforted you in His house.
It is my first time I see people delving in dream analysis(in Ethiopia); The trinity is thriving to get through the unconscious of Irma for the first time in Ethiopia....we look forward the result, and I think this historical scientific investigation would continue impress us ....nice beginning