With all due respect, I would highly recommend that you refrain from performing this "test" procedure until the issue of "jet-injection" injury has been put on front and center stage.. This device should be tested in a guarded workholding device, and MUST NOT be held in a person's hand. There is no mention in the video of keeping the person's hand out of the line of fire. There seems to be little doubt that if the person performing the test inadvertently folds his/her fingers/hand around the injector, which is obscured with a plastic bag, or the device is rotated toward the person's hand/fingers, the device will deliver to the persons hand and/or fingers, a "liquid missile." A jet-injection injury is a surgical emergency. I suggest to the diesel industry, that if you are going to walk in the same shoes as the fluid power industry, at least tell the people that are going to perform these tests to watch the safety DVD "The Lethal Strike." The DVD does not solve the problem, it simply makes potential victims aware of what action to take post injection. Respectfully