In bpmckee’s situation I’ve received information that suggests bpmckee didn’t help himself very much with his own actions towards the aggressors. With that being said, I don’t condone anything that happened to him whatsoever.
@BicBoi1984 Жыл бұрын
What did he do towards the aggressors? Did he doxx them back?
@bpmckee Жыл бұрын
@@BicBoi1984 Would love to clear the air on this as this is not the first time this accusation has been brought up. While I've made mistakes along the way and should have kept my mouth shut a few times, I want to address the claim that I doxxed someone. Here are the facts: 1. Doxxing, by definition, involves publishing private or identifying information about an individual on the internet with malicious intent. The key term here is 'private.' Social media information is public, and just because the Battlefield community found one of my aggressor's FB pages doesn't qualify as doxxing. 2. I wasn't the person who originally discovered my main aggressor’s Facebook profile, nor was I the one who messaged his family about all the terrible things this person had been doing online. I've acknowledged my fair share of mistakes in learning how to deal with these situations online. However, I've never doxxed anyone. I'm an open book regarding the mistakes I've made, but this isn't one of them. Regardless, I've owned up to my shortcomings. I'm an open book, admitting that I was new to streaming and figuring out the best way to handle situations with people like this on the internet. Along the way, my emotions got the better of me, and some not-so-nice things slipped from my mouth regarding these individuals.
@RQDogato Жыл бұрын
@@BicBoi1984 Naw, he insulted them, from what I remember. Then the streamsnipers went wild and lost all sanity.
@@RQDogatothat’s the same as what ashbf did but he went overboard with it
@sterlingw3611 Жыл бұрын
well, EA doesnt care about the game so why would they care about the streamers/players?
@bpmckee Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas, Enders! Appreciate your support in addressing the harassment. Thanks (from everyone in the community) for speaking out against it. Have a great time with your family today!
@jackrabbit8255 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas bpmckee. Stay warm. Stay strong.
@thickwhiteboy Жыл бұрын
@laysheohh Жыл бұрын
@@nsagoogle9581 seems like you deserve it
@justintoleos Жыл бұрын
You deserve kindness, happiness, and so much peace. I hope that you see changes soon!
@bpmckee Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas!@@justintoleos
@helium5912 Жыл бұрын
Whoever did that shit to the 6 month old child needs to be arrested and given a long prison sentence for Pedophilia.
@hjk3351 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that’s really fucked up
@djtrac3r935 Жыл бұрын
Fax man
@AlexT0210 Жыл бұрын
Wtf am I about to watch
@AkiyamaKatsuko Жыл бұрын
Yup and get permanently banned from the internet for the rest of their miserable life.
@ColdFear6666 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, like wtf is wrong with those people? Fucking sick in their fucking head. At least 10-15 years of being a woman in jail would make them think about their lifes, I'm sure.
@rocketval9288 Жыл бұрын
As a community admin of bf1 (pc), we banned 7500 cheaters in less than 4 years. A number way higher than the avg playerbase. Do you think anyone cares?
@jackrabbit8255 Жыл бұрын
Wow. I’m a console player. That is ridiculous.
@rocketval9288 Жыл бұрын
@@jackrabbit8255 and that's just the tip of the iceberg probably, I mean, 7500 are the most obvious ones.
@TheKamRei Жыл бұрын
Lol, did not expect you here :D And the most annoying thing is a limit of slots for bans on servers.
@helium5912 Жыл бұрын
What servers? Ive been looking for a good BF1 server.
@nort6300 Жыл бұрын
@@helium5912 infantry paradise vg vanguard alliance multi gaming are the best ones
@spectralsoldier1239 Жыл бұрын
Could EA have legal action raised against them as they are not acting on their own Terms of Service?
@Deductivenightmare Жыл бұрын
I’m in law school. Not only would such a case prove difficult, good luck finding anyone willing to trouble themselves with litigation focused on attacking a corporate giant like EA. The most difficult issue is resources.
@octapusxft Жыл бұрын
Only if you manage to convince the European Union itself to bother doing it.
@TampaJohnny Жыл бұрын
Dumb question. Nothing can be done. Not even the local authorities do anything. I mean the pictures with a baby and and his wife with "dick" pics actually went too far could be taken down if reported and actually considered cyber stalking but that's a lot of work and they probably don't even live in the same state or even county for all we know or even true. EA has nothing to do with streamers unless they're cheating or doing something to lesson sales of product sales. Money is all that matters to corporations, not personal vendetta between streamers.
@zach4535 Жыл бұрын
@@TampaJohnnyyou should read the comment again lol
@quicksand7107 Жыл бұрын
Depends on the state, if articulated correctly actions to suppress future harassment towards his family could be put in place. Aka Orders of Protection that would allow contact between parties to be suppressed on social media and or public. Again, depends on the state, but they could be laws that would allow defamation to as well be grounds to get those orders of protection issued in which would limit contact between the parties involved. @@TampaJohnny But I would agree attempting to take on EA would be a dumb idea as no attorney is ballsy enough to take on the mega corporation that EA has on retainer.
@nyuuuuuuui Жыл бұрын
"If I didn't make a video about this, I don't know who would" We're living in sad times, EA is such an embarrassment of a company
@FocusOnBattlefield Жыл бұрын
It's sad that almost every single creator over even like 20 viewers has experienced stream sniping and even the larger creators like ourselves, Ashe, Prolosco etc. have no way of personally contacting a Community Manager to help resolve it even with more than enough evidence, I have only once ever been personally contacted by a CM (only because i ratiod him on twitter) after 3 years+ of being a top streamer & he ended up not responding and continues to ignore me. Battlefields downfall will be the Developers that fail to do their job more than the bare minimum & the community that rots this game from the inside out.
@ProLosco Жыл бұрын
The best support I received from them was a direct report line with 2 devs that I was friend with. I was sending them clips or telling them to come by the stream for a sec, and manually ban the cheaters that were streamsniping me at that moment. They did what they could, but they couldn’t go further than that. For example the ddos/crash situation was impossible to handle for them. I’m grateful to these 2 friends that helped me when they could, but no one above them did anything to try and get to the root problem. Also, I’ve talked about this whole harassment issue multiple times LIVE IN PERSON IN THEIR STUDIOS IN STOCKHOLM. Even then nothing happened.
@JDW0LF Жыл бұрын
I'm a nobody streamer with like 1-5 viewers, and even I had a 2-4 person squad stream sniping me (probably cheating on top of that, but not confirmed) and just hunting me and my squad down in every kind of vehicle for hours on end. It's ridiculous how bad the community has become even for no viewer streamers like me to be harassed.
@cyborgofdeath Жыл бұрын
what i heard about the reason they started sniping ashe was the way he reacted to being beaten in a 1v1 vs silk, apparently trashed talked silk and made excuses or something like that and then these guys started harassing ashe and sniping him, as for BP ill honestly admit this is the first time ive heard his name in BF same with Prolosco so i cant comment on shit about them as ive never heard of them before or that they were being sniped by the same individuals but im guessing its more than likely being liaisoning with ashe in game, which still is no excuse for the shit enders has just said, i hope you got the police involved with the other shit BP.
@vouched Жыл бұрын
wait isn't this also you stream sniping greedgodx
@griffin1366 Жыл бұрын
The same guys that sniped Ashe also done it to a bunch of other OCE streamers who quit eventually. ChikenAU was one of them. Silk was also involved in the harassment.
@griffin1366 Жыл бұрын
One of the "reasons" they say they snipe Ashe is that they are "saving the community" from his onslaught of farming in the heli. The irony is they did the same on BF4 for 5+ years in the heli.
@griffin1366 Жыл бұрын
Also a post on r*ddit yesterday about another streamer being harassed was celebrated because he is good... (pls stop r*moving my comment yt*)
@namesii1880 Жыл бұрын
@@griffin1366 It is insane that people are genuinely defending these people.
@yesman6918 Жыл бұрын
Wait till you find out Silk is friends with 80%+ of the stream snipers harassing Ashe & BP
@griffin1366 Жыл бұрын
@@namesii1880 That subr*ddit is the worst place on the internet.
@Axurias Жыл бұрын
Just listening to this video makes me wanna quit multiplayer games in general. Why do people have to act so immature and toxic, it is beyond me. I hope these streamers get justice and those criminals get what they deserve. Criminals like these stream snipers who share personal information online shouldn't be allowed using the internet.
@jhonatanjhs Жыл бұрын
I think it's only gonna get worse if nothing is done, people are growing up to this new "normal", if there's no consequences it'll never change.
@Matsen76 Жыл бұрын
@@DamageJackyl It's not boredom. Nobody goes this far because they're bored. This is anti-social behaviour. Maybe caused by personality disorders for example.
@BasicLawnChair Жыл бұрын
stay out of the kitchen cry baby, go be protected and candled somewhere else.
@mrwickpt Жыл бұрын
Yeah, me too. Why do people have to be so Toxic?! I never see something like that on BFBC2 times or even in COD on 2006 2009 years, today this kids are just stupid.
@spuglife Жыл бұрын
I just wonder how sad and pathetic their lives are that they dedicate that much time to harassing someone in a video game.
@venumus0471 Жыл бұрын
@daltonfreak Жыл бұрын
The story from Losco went further than just him. Pretty much every bf4 streamer endured the server crashing for over a year. The only streamer that was 'spared' was RussianPaladin, he decided to team up with the cheaters and crashers. Leading to him getting caught cheating as well.
@NeonPWA Жыл бұрын
The dedication people would do just to ruin your day...
@bpmckee Жыл бұрын
It’s crazy to think that a smile in today’s world can make someone jealous. It’s really sad.
@ripmax333 Жыл бұрын
So not only they hack/cheat to ruin your gameplay but they also hack your life, what sad times are we living in.
@GuddaFPS Жыл бұрын
I knew earlier on this year that this one guy was being harassed and stream sniped fighting off these guys while he was in a helicopter and like 20 guys on his own team will follow him around and get him killed and teabag him, i thought this situation was rectified already but i didn't know it would of gotten out of hand like this. Why people go all out to ruin someone's life, why don't they use that same energy and time to better their own worthless life smh, thanks for bringing awareness to the situation enders
@djtrac3r935 Жыл бұрын
At this point, with some of the stuff you shared, this stuff is both very illegal and disgusting. From sexualizing A BABY to harassing people’s family’s, spouses, ex’s, workplaces, and doxxing the place you rest your head at night for god knows who to see, this isn’t even a battlefield issue anymore at this point, this is 100% an EA issue, an issue that needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY. I am surprised that none of these streamers have started to sue EA for their inaction to punish criminal players and to report said individuals to the authorities. This is disgusting and justice needs to be served.
@reconax Жыл бұрын
This video made me wonder if you guys can file a lawsuit against EA/DICE at this point?
@matthias3655 Жыл бұрын
Probably not, because such a case costs a LOT of money.
@matthias3655 Жыл бұрын
@@partoftheworlD There are still the terms of service and it is EA's fault for not taking action. They have to work by their own Terms of service but don't care.
@wolfgineer9340 Жыл бұрын
@@matthias3655 there is a simple problem with any lawsuit idea, you still have to follow their tos. To sue around that tos would have to be the legality of the tos, a very very difficult task, very expensive for little gain. As EA states in their TOS "All disputes, claims or controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement"..."including the validity, enforceability, and scope.." "..shall be determined exclusively by binding arbitration." "This includes claims that accrued before you entered into this agreement" meaning you cant even sue for blatant false advertising of a product. EA forces you to work thtough an arbitration process. That means you are on your own, no class action groups. It means its all done hush hush. It means EA can rely far heavier on early negotiation to get you to shut up before you risk money fighting in arb. If you still have an issue, you can attempt to take EAs legal team to court over the arbitrator's decision, but again, limited to only your personal dispute. Tldr: you cant sue EA because of their TOS whether you agreed to it or not.
@AlikenBG Жыл бұрын
Yep, you can harass other players, but you can't "harass" DEV's. This is how EA Support works.
@Tattlebot Жыл бұрын
Nobody is going to care about a bunch of nerds complaining about video games. You'll still eat that cactus no matter how many times you get pricked anyway.
@dox1048 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact. One of the worst companies once made my alltime favorite games i play to this day. Like : SSX3, Burnout 3, NFS: Underground, MoH: Pacific Assault. So sad for nowadays kids never expierence the really good times of gaming
@peeepeeepooopooo Жыл бұрын
EA is a publisher, they buy a studio, that studio makes 1-2 decent games and then the studio bleeds to death
@valyrian5026 Жыл бұрын
It makes me sick to my stomach hearing the first case but this shit happening to so many streamers and no action being taken is just outright incompetent, EA should be ashamed. I'm honestly glad i didn't start streaming Battlefield 4 back when i upgraded to a good pc because holy shit they wouldn't even deserve exposure to a single viewer. Anyway Merry Christmas!
@Jabullz Жыл бұрын
If it got to that point why didn't he contact the authorities? Most depts have cyber task forces now that can go after stuff like this.
@EndersFPS Жыл бұрын
That’s separate to EA. EA doesn’t do anything, and neither would most cyber people either
@Tattlebot Жыл бұрын
The mice pricked themselves, cried, but still ate the cactus.
@HzrdHaze Жыл бұрын
COAL for Christmas, EA! COAL! No presents!
@K_LeShaeya Жыл бұрын
I was in a match with someone around October 2023, and I was having an okay time with BF2042, still don't really like the game but everyone was on it then so there was no where else to go. Person in chat that I was on/off smack talking typed my full legal name into the ALL Chat box for the entire server to see. I immediately killed the game, uninstalled it from EA App, and cancelled my EA Play. Hell I even uninstalled the EA App for a week or so. Have no touched BF2042 since. Only recently did I return to BF1 because there's a server there with actual friends Pardon my language, this shit is stupid af
@jonboymk1bridgemaryfront889 Жыл бұрын
Gaming industry says"give me all your money & some more "greed has destroyed our video games
@TYR_EMT Жыл бұрын
I admin for a set of RUST servers. Luckily, when people try to do any of that, they are not only banned on the servers that I admin for, but are Blacklisted permanently on a great deal of other reputable servers no matter what they do, how many accounts they buy, EVERYTHING. They have a record that will follow them forever, no matter what they do, regardless of new account/hardware/internet.
@deeecim2044 Жыл бұрын
people harassing someone over videogame truly deranged individuals
@TyroneBF Жыл бұрын
Dont worry people in battlefield reddit and discord will find some reason to say this is justified.
@deeecim2044 Жыл бұрын
already seen on reddit
@justintoleos Жыл бұрын
This deserves so much more attention. I hope we all find a place to share this.
@Funkertruppen Жыл бұрын
we remember the prolosco issue playing in EU servers in bf4 some years ago, he sometimes play on our server and good players are always welcomed, (prolosco, smurfmize, numbcall,etc...) we are active admins and usually cheaters get fastly banned, but if they arent playing and we cant spectate them things are just bad, but thanks god a lot of times our auto cheater ban bot detects and ban them procon was the program used to run servers... if they get access to procon server page of the server, the own private server is under cheaters admin
@NojsGraphics Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if it's fully related, but also in Battlefield 1, which is infested with cheaters, at some point you start to recognize cheaters by name because reporting to EA account doesn't work at all. We all are aware of it, and it's getting tiring that no matter how many times someone gets reported, we in fact can't do anything about them. We just see the same cheaters for months until they get bored. They don't even hide it anymore. Yesterday, I saw a cheater who had a damage boost, and he set up something wrong. Throughout the whole match, he kept spamming in chat "Put your text here." They don't try to be subtle about it because what can we do? Report them with a placebo?
@TampaJohnny Жыл бұрын
They cyber stalked him and his family. That's actually illegal and against the law. A restraining order should have been made and it's nothing to with EA legally. The only thing that matters is the law not the company's problem since these men arent on a w2 (WORK FOR) with EA. YOU WORK FOR YOURSELF and the platforms you are contracted to. Money is real. People kill over it in person and kill your money income on-line by any means necessary. $$$$$$ is life
@octapusxft Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile in the official forums the moderation is so strict that even including a harmless meme in a reply post ("trolling"), criticizing EA's practices in a reply post ("nonconstructive posting") or making an analogy to the battlepasses and addiction ("too mature a themed for the forums cause some kid might read the posts"). All of them gave forum posters temp bans. Also near the launch of 2042, a player in my platoon did a bit too much (harmless) farming of bots in Co-Op for reaching 40 mastery on guns got perma banned... (we are not 100% sure this was the reason cause EA would not say, but nothing else he did was abnormal) But I guess blatant harassment is not bad enough for EA...
@favic27 Жыл бұрын
This video reminds me of that old aka art video about cheaters ruining streaming for battlefield streamers, the fact EA has done nothing since then shows how little they care
@storms_thereaper Жыл бұрын
It’s unfortunate and unfair that the only thing we can do is stand by hope that things get better as we all yell into what might as well be a void. Things like this have gone on too long and all we can do is keep blowing are lungs out screaming for help.
@-_Jelly Жыл бұрын
I can't believe enders is like the only one that got that 7day ban when there's all this going on in the backround
@memesforbreakfast3447 Жыл бұрын
About 1 year and a half ago i reported to EA with video evidence of the notorious cheater on BFV called bfv_prohacker, to this day his disgusting existence still plagues BFV and quite literally kills the entire server by endlessly redeploying them until everyone leaves
@pglove9554 Жыл бұрын
EA/Dice do not care. Been reporting for years, asking them on their forums. Copy pasta responses for 8yrs.
@PythonFPS Жыл бұрын
It’s honestly disappointing that a studio with the resources such as EA don’t have the care nor regard for the community that built them to their position to begin with
@crazycop7774 Жыл бұрын
It is very unfortunate as to what, EA as a company has become and how they have handled 2042. They suspended my account for 7 days stating that I insulted some Chinese guy by calling out his name for cheating. I called the blatant cheater a "twat". So cheating is allowed but calling out a cheater is not. I wish some other publisher take over battlefield. EA is absolutely incompetent to the core. Dice has lost touch. Its a very sad day for BF players.
@Pointi78 Жыл бұрын
The way EA deals with such problems is sometimes... strange. As we all know, the situation with hackers in BF1 and BFV is very annoying, they literally can shut down any game server as they please. Yet a discussion about those problems is not allowed on the official BF Forums. I can understand this to some point. What I cant understand is: Some people where asking in the forums, what they should do about this, how they can get help, as ingame reporting seems to do nothing and you are not allowed to talk about it anywhere. I told this person - not being 100% serious - to google for the E-Mail Adress of A. Wilson, the CEO of EA and write him an E-Mail. I have since then been banned from all Battlefield Forums for "making personal Information of an EA Employee public". I have been unable to lift my ban for over a year now.
@onemorescout Жыл бұрын
Crazy how they removed the server browser only for people to streamsnipe anyway
@ad2enaline Жыл бұрын
That’s horrible man. Attacking at a personal level unacceptable. Tell trash in game but to attack personally is criminal.
@MattiAceGaming Жыл бұрын
Kudos for sharing and Merry Christmas! Nice gameplay. I'm sad to see this happening to so many other youtubers and I will admit, I thought my situation was more unique than appearently it is! I get streamsniped/ harassed every stream in BF1 and I have been harassed consistantly since I reached about 500 subs playing planetside 2, I stopped playing planetside 2 in 2012. I will make a response video regarding this sharing my POV
@v3nz Жыл бұрын
These situations are crazy... this would have restraining orders and stalking charges if this happened in almost any other scenario... dice do something
@Maximum_Swag_Engaged Жыл бұрын
wow bro, i had no idea this was going on. sick shit. This also doubles as a reminder to keep a low profile online and make sure all your socials/docs are well guarded. People are straight up evil these days. Trolls are not new, but this is on a new level.
@jhonatanjhs Жыл бұрын
I never understood the fun of cheating on multiplayer games (I remember using cheat codes when playing GTA vice city and AOE2 single player though haha), but how can you find fun winning on multiplayer while cheating I'll never understand, what's the point? Now, to those people who go beyond that, and even take it outside of the game, they absolutely have mental problems, which I don't think it's an excuse and it should be punished regardless.
@Chris.Thanopoulos Жыл бұрын
"Attention whores"
@Rao6505 Жыл бұрын
Sounds exactly like how EA would handle a situation like this. Fuck EA.
@Albus_Rex Жыл бұрын
I get the feeling EA/DICE doesn't want their game streamed. Perhaps they are embarrassed by what they've made?
@Multi1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. You're right, these were very needed to be addressed. I don't think people should care about trying to make the executives have a change of heart. Instead I recommend blackballing them.
@EhEhEhEINSTEIN Жыл бұрын
My ps+ expired on Friday. I was considering not renewing as a "fuck you" to Sony for all their bullshit lately and go back to pc. But this video reminded me why the walled garden can sometimes be a good thing.. Sadly, people are terrible and EA is the worst. I'd still like to to see them get rid of Andrew Wilson. Every time that guy opens his mouth about anything, it enrages me. I'd like to think that a competent leadership could find the time/$ to help a 20+ year old franchise to succeed.
@marzattackz6736 Жыл бұрын
Happens to me constantly too, they even have the gall to join your squad just to easily spot you and harrass and fk up your shots... it's infuriating and one of the reasons I hate modern gamers.
@JustGavYT Жыл бұрын
The fact that they wont even help the creators that are still playing and making content on the game is crazy and for it to be going on as long as it has is makes it feel intentional almost. Someone or a group of people at dice/EA are basically endorsing this kind of behavior by not doing ANYTHING about it. Sad times.
@SirKenbo Жыл бұрын
This is actually insane, i just got back into bf and debated getting back into streaming. Crazy
@Extirpo Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas Enders. 🙌
@ismailkeyvan4556 Жыл бұрын
Dice should make his employees watch this video to punish them
@one_eyed_odin Жыл бұрын
I've shared this to my own discord community. I think I'm more impressed people want to stream this garbage game tbh. And what's crazy is you and ghostgaming got suspended for practically nothing. I've said multiple times before , there's too many red flags for the next bf game and currently with my small bf playing community not one will pre order the next bf game , that's 60 people not pre ordering a €$£ 70 odd game resulting in a loss of 4200 approx before the next game is even spoken about. If everyone did that, THEN maybe just MAYBE EA would do something. 🤷♂️ Ps. I guarantee you not one of the 60 players will pre-order it. Most of us are playing various games right now.
@Sir_Baddington Жыл бұрын
I have been accused of stream sniping when i have killed certain streamers i did not even know at that time.
@TruthfullyBogus Жыл бұрын
Not for nothin- glad you asked him questions....but where are the receipts at? I need names (in game names), times, articles, whole 9 yards my guy.
@m3rcygarb0nz05 Жыл бұрын
Anddddd, I will now be permanently uninstalling all 4 bf games on my pc, and promptly never playing them again. Will never support a dev who allows IRL Doxxers to stay in their game.
@TheTBW1 Жыл бұрын
EA fucked this up. If you could launch your own server outside portal and admin your own server you could ban them from there forever.
@flyingiceman Жыл бұрын
absolutely shameful behaviour from EA/Dice... but I'm not surprised about it... shame on you
@nastytechniquez9685 Жыл бұрын
If they won’t protect the streamers then I have ZERO hope for the common players to get any support or protection.
@Funkertruppen Жыл бұрын
they suspend your account for a bit trolling in chat... they do nothing for harassment, doxing, or even personal info reveal... EA is just a big container full of shit in flames... and new DICE, another bunch of incompetent devs proud of being themselves and say they do a battlefield game (the worst in history)
@shawng4886 Жыл бұрын
It’s sad what people are willing to do from behind a computer screen when they think/know they’ll get away with it…. That’s absolutely disgusting behavior and each one of them should receive prison time. That’s straight up mental illness level behavior…
@bkcoolherc7065 Жыл бұрын
Wow just wow. It's so sad . Those that do this have no life what so ever. This is so serious that the top BF content creators shouldn't play,make a single video,buy another single BF game till Dice address this issue. Merry Christmas Enders Thanks for this info I try to spread the word while playing wit friends
@Nitroh- Жыл бұрын
Having infant and porn be in the same sentence is sickening, not even the Cod trickshotting community I come from would go that far these days, we used to do some heinous shit back in the day but never that shit. EA is useless as always, I don't watch streamers, I don't really care about streamers but it sucks seeing people suffer like this just cause they wanna stream and play Battlefield, seems like EA DICE is doing everything but making their games and community feel safe and welcoming, feels like they want their franchise to die.
@_comrade9163 Жыл бұрын
In this case, banning them doesn't seem like it would solve the issue.
@Kastigatr Жыл бұрын
It wouldn't, as it is easy to acquire accounts.
@FocusOnBattlefield Жыл бұрын
Account ban? No. Hardware ID/IP Ban? Yes.
@Kodak115 Жыл бұрын
Hardware ID/IP bans are easy to spoof too. @@FocusOnBattlefield
@kardistruttore Жыл бұрын
@@FocusOnBattlefielduseless, because some of them use payment services that goes around that.
@luremus70 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this sounds like actual criminal gangs who do this online istead of harras and rob people on the streets. Its sounds more like a police case than something EA can effectively stop.
@plumbussmith Жыл бұрын
Was not expecting this content. Sad to see what people are going through. I considered streaming bf but glad i didn't after this.
@ElthrosXL Жыл бұрын
Dont let this discourage you, that's exactly want those trolling haters want
@mtm159 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas Enders. Sorry you have had to deal with this. It’s very sad
@FourzeroBF Жыл бұрын
I do remember the cheaters chasing you in BFV. This franchise is ran by a bunch of clowns at this point.
@barbatos7233 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea Silk is friends with these people
@kassian_fps Жыл бұрын
Santa Enders has delivered the coal
@KurdishSoldier Жыл бұрын
thank you for doing something that no other youtuber are dare to do.. you will be remembered @Enders
@arcanusluvalus1388 Жыл бұрын
Battlefield seems like a daycare center for disabled vets who didn’t wanna leave when the war ended. It’s over fellas.
@stevenzwiesler8085 Жыл бұрын
Correct me if i'm wrong but I feel like all of this can be considered cyber crime (with the exception of cheating, stream sniping, and in game harassment) and should somehow be taken up with the police. On top of cyber crime, putting a picture of a dick on a 6 month old is nothing short of pedophilia and im wondering if you can trace the twitter account that posted that to the person and get them arrested.
@kelownatechkid Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas Enders!
@tetra9173 Жыл бұрын
There is toxic players then there is mentally ill people, It blows my mind what extent these people go to, to try and destroy someone over a game....
@TheFuriousJ Жыл бұрын
DAMN I had to uninstall Battlefield after hearing that 😟
@jackrabbit8255 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile: I got a 1 week ban from bf1 a few months ago for an emblem I made 6 years back that somehow resembled a Nazi symbol. Good job EA.
@Drizzlestick1 Жыл бұрын
Haven’t watch the video yet but you get a like just from the title alone!
@kingzooksf Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, I dont think there ever will be any actions taken agaisnt stream snipers and the horrid way they harass players.
@DethNade Жыл бұрын
This suck. I used to play with bpmckee and I heard all the crap that been going on. After they go after bpmckee they come on my stream and try to stream snipe me Aswell. when I report of have video proof, EA did nothing. After watching this I think am going to play COD or other games since EA will not do anything. This is insane.
@TheRealAssix Жыл бұрын
These kind of people should get banned from internet in general.
@misterkaiser2922 Жыл бұрын
Battlefield is simply not a game worth streaming, nor a community worth investing into.
@thelonehussar6101 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas bro
@Jim_RavenClaw13 Жыл бұрын
First off happy holidays i hope you enders and everyone had a great times with families. Secondly the only way dice will do anything if we go on a strike and stop playing there shitty games, but this will only work if all communities actually call for it and do it. This is disgusting act from dice, the people that are in charge of this stuff are horrible people for not doing anything
@eyebelieve3 Жыл бұрын
It might even be a dev at DICE or EA, it would not surprise me.
@patrickprior8024 Жыл бұрын
We are only two friends left,.. All the others will not play Battlefield anymore,.. Also had to make a 1 star review on xbox store last weekend about how bad matchmaking is,.. an all the other problem this game still have,.. It’s fun to play,.. sometimes,.. all the other times,.. It’s only pain,..
@toshi386 Жыл бұрын
The lack of action is easy explainable, its the developers that do the doxing... xD
@tjr96 Жыл бұрын
@Enders it needs to come to light that Silk orchestrated and was actively part of the stream sniping against AsheBf. This fact has been swept under the rug by EA and the battlefield community
@bikrboy128 Жыл бұрын
Shocking a community manager is being asked to manage the community. EA is truly worthless
@SilencioMaxUA Жыл бұрын
thanks for youre job!
@oOImpulseOo Жыл бұрын
Hey Enders, Merry Christmas bud!
@tw19801113 Жыл бұрын
EA app requires firewall permissions and I choose NO (but I can still play the game, which is a bit strange)
@BicBoi1984 Жыл бұрын
I know you've said this before but I still cant wait for when this level of harassment happens to a big streamer and EA will truly understand the seriousness of the issue.
@netronin504 Жыл бұрын
FACTS , Bring back BF2 era BF
@EyePatchGuy88 Жыл бұрын
Enders and his forehead giving us an EA Rant for Christmas is the only good thing to come out of EA.
@루르-e7r Жыл бұрын
As a enders korean fan. Dont touch enders im on enders side forever
@sparklestonebro Жыл бұрын
People who continued to prop up battlefield deserve everything EA gives them
@BobbiFPS Жыл бұрын
After listening to this, I am just disgusted. Yuck EA/DICE do better!!