This ship had that dog in it... why wasn't it used?

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The Immobilizer Class Cruiser, often called the interdictor cruiser, was one of the most effective tools of the Empire... why didn't the Empire use it more? All that and more on today's Star Wars video!
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@Echomage1215 Жыл бұрын
I imagine the reason interdictors weren't fully adopted into the imperial navy was because of the expense of the technology as well as the fact that Officers would be scared to employ the existing interdictors out of fear that the rare, vulnerable and expensive ship would be lost.
@authermorgen3361 Жыл бұрын
Kinda like how dreadnought ships weren't used in ww1 because they took so long to make
@Cpt_Boony_Hat Жыл бұрын
Or just not knowing how to properly use it. See one of the US Admiral’s not using radar properly or at all during one of the naval battles during the Guadalcanal campaign
@Echomage1215 Жыл бұрын
@@authermorgen3361 I was actually going to use that example in my comment but I was worried no one would get it lol
@rightsideup6304 Жыл бұрын
And knowing how the empire works, losing one of those ships could mean your demotion from captaining an ISD to captaining a gonk droid in the hangar. The career risk associated with them is not worth the potential benefit in their eyes. Think of it this way; you have this new tool at work which does everything really well but it has a chance of spontaneously combusting. If it does you would be held responsible and need to replace what could have been a multi million dollar equipment. Compared to just getting by with your usual tools (which granted makes your job harder and longer) that you know for certain kinda works and if you damage it, you won't get backcharged.
@Echomage1215 Жыл бұрын
@@rightsideup6304 exactly
@focuscelt7610 Жыл бұрын
"If the Empire knew how to build smart - not just big - they would have made thousands more Interdictors. If they had, we might not have survived." - Leia, from the Imperial Handbook.
@Hello-bi1pm Жыл бұрын
More like if Rebels didn't have plot armor
@sayerglasgow115 Жыл бұрын
@@Hello-bi1pm The empire was an incompetent failed state run by sadists, egomaniacs, and morons, they needed plot armor to last as long as they did.
@Snowy-oq4ur Жыл бұрын
@@Hello-bi1pm 😂
@woodlanditguy2951 Жыл бұрын
Thrawn also got pulled away from the fight shortly before the Battle of Yaven. He was one of the few Imperials that knew how to build smart.
@ronniewestherly3435 Жыл бұрын
That's right plus they could have made the generators smaller an kept them inside the ship not out side.
@degozako Жыл бұрын
I'll be honest, I was expecting a dog to appear somewhere in this video lol
@Markel_A Жыл бұрын
Real. It was a cool video but that title is definitely clickbait lmao
@-AxisA- Жыл бұрын
@@Markel_A It wasn't clickbait. You just don't understand what the sentence means.
@JainaSoloB312 Жыл бұрын
​@@-AxisA- What does "that dog" mean in this context?
@-AxisA- Жыл бұрын
@@JainaSoloB312 When someone says "[X] Has/had that dawg in him/her/it" it means that the thing has a beast inside. It can mean someone is very powerful like a good example would be "Mike Tyson has that dawg in him", because he was an absolute beast in the ring. Sometimes it's said about someone who has sex with alot of women. In this context it just means this ship is very powerful.
@undraftedboomer5055 Жыл бұрын
Love that the interdictor is built on top of a vindicator. Vindicators are some of the coolest looking and best support ships the empire has. Vindicator, tartan, carrack, cr92a, gladiator, and raider are all great vessels to add to a fleet formation. Great video on the interdictor eck!
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
Funnily though the Vindicator was not seen till the late 2000s in a handheld Battlefront game. Before that it was just "Imagine an interdictor with no balls"
@ZackarySchejbalCODBO2RGM2 Жыл бұрын
There's one old Clone Wars ship that the Empire should've been updated, even changed ship class, and slotted in to be aggressive towards rebel fighters. The Empire should've taken the c70 Chargers and made them fit in as Imperial gunships in the similar nature to the D'ornean Gunship. I mean it's fast, got decent armor, was a blockade runner back in the Clone Wars, and only required 9 crew max! Why wouldn't the Empire take those, beef the armor up a tad more, swap all turbolasers for laser cannons, and assign it to a gunship role?! The speed alone is perfect!
@sayerglasgow115 Жыл бұрын
@@ZackarySchejbalCODBO2RGM2 Because imperial admirals cared more about being able to brag about how many star destroyers they had than about sensible fleet compositions.
@ZackarySchejbalCODBO2RGM2 Жыл бұрын
@@sayerglasgow115 And that's why they got clapped
@sayerglasgow115 Жыл бұрын
@@ZackarySchejbalCODBO2RGM2 "Hahah, all the other moffs will be so jealous when they see that I have *ten* star destroyers! They'll all... Hey, why are my star destroyers all on fire?"
@mariosbrother6845 Жыл бұрын
I've always thought a cool story concept with interdiction tech could be that the relativistic effects created by a malfunctioning Immobilizer's gravity well (yes i know spacetime isn't really a thing in star wars) could "freeze" it and anything nearby in time.
@kyle_mk17 Жыл бұрын
God, that would be cool, like an old republic interdictor cruiser stuck in time after it broke and they fix it after what feels like a few weeks to them but it's hundreds of not thousand soft years later. But I also like the thought of the immobilizer being a newer ship/testbed for interdiction, but I don't know if that's the canon anymore.
@Lighthammer072 Жыл бұрын
Isn't that the premise of the Andromeda series?
@littlekong7685 Жыл бұрын
@@Lighthammer072 Eh weaponized black hole, but yeah ship stuck in time for centuries but what only felt like seconds.
@princecharon Жыл бұрын
It's possible that Death Squadron didn't have one in Empire Strikes Back because of political games being played by the Imperial Admiralty, that Palpatine allowed because he valued keeping Vader angry over actually catching the Rebels at that point.
@robertbarrows6687 Жыл бұрын
Surprised you didn't cover the Interdictor-class Cruiser from KOTOR since it was the first ship-based gravity well technology used in the GFFA.
@hylandhistories4140 Жыл бұрын
If interdictors use the safeties of ships to stop them. I could easily see snub fighters implementing controllable safeties. You take a calculated risk, make a 3 second hyperspace jump out of the field, re-engage safety, and make a getaway.
@josesanchezrodriguez1783 Жыл бұрын
From what I understand, the safety is in place to pull you out before the gravity well does because if it's a star, for example, by the time it's gravity well pulls you out, you'll be so close to it you'll die instantly so the safety pulls you out a bit before that to prevent you from dying. Disabling that safety won't do anything against an Interdictor because it's projectors will still pull you out
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
@@josesanchezrodriguez1783 Or you hit the heart of the mass shadow without ever leaving hyperspace and cease to exist.
@shadowblade5656 Жыл бұрын
@@DIEGhostfish Or, depending on the size of your ship, spew near-lightspeed debris along your intended travel path, threatening everything else in the way.
@brianwhedon8442 Жыл бұрын
What you are suggesting sounds almost identical to the tech seen in the Corellian Trilogy. The New Republic has brand new tech that I think works like you describe. It causes ships to make "micro" jumps so a ship can pass in and out of realspace until it clears the interdiction field.
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
@@shadowblade5656 Not possible whatsoever in Legends. At all.
@singletona082 Жыл бұрын
See I had thought Interdiction was an outgrowth of the artificial gravity used on ships. take the gravity plating within a ship. and aim it at a point. As for this being a software based thing it only takes a clever cookie to program in 'ignore readings, calculate as if we were not within a mass shadow' panic button.
@somerandomidiot1333 Жыл бұрын
It was too strong against the plot armour so, they didn’t use it.
@TheSuperRatt Жыл бұрын
It'd be far too easy for the Rebel Alliance (or anyone, really) to just... put manual switches in their nav computers that override the hyperdrive failsafes. An interdictor ship pulling others out of hyperspace is their niche use, but they really should never have been able to keep a fleet pinned. Honestly, them having been useful to the extent that was stated, is a headscratcher.
@Frizzleman Жыл бұрын
They used it all the time it was in several episodes of rebels lol what do you mean?
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
@@TheSuperRatt 0:46 That's NOT entirely consistent. The HIMS Systems from The Corellian Trilogy and later brought back in I think one book of NJO would not be necessary if the Failsafes thing was a consistent rule. The whole HIMS System "Hyperspace Coasting" part is really hard to fit with every other example of interdiction. Now maybe if you retconned HIMS to be a series of sensors fine tuned enough to tell real mass shadows from fake but prone to burning out that could work to bridge the gap. Also yeah space in general just seems really crowded to make the failsafes THAT important.
@SephirothRyu Жыл бұрын
@@DIEGhostfish Well, they do have those remarkably dense asteroid fields all over the place.
@user-Jay178 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I always wonder why neither the empire or the first order used more of them.
@pocketmarcy6990 Жыл бұрын
Because the empire had to be incompetent in order for the good guys to win
@mattstorm360 Жыл бұрын
Interdictors in Eve online operate much like the way you describe it. A Warp Disruption Field, or bubble is created around a probe or deployable structure. It creates a disruption field which prevents warp bubbles from forming. It also has the effect of 'dragging' ships out of warp when they arrive. If a ship is heading to a stargate but there is a bubble on the other side then the ship lands in the bubble.
@RandomAcronyms Жыл бұрын
I feel like, if you convinced rebels to turn off the safety to get past the interdiction field, they'd just also put a big rock in the way for them to crash into at 50 times the speed of light 😆
@justinthompson6364 Жыл бұрын
That's basically the old method of interdiction he mentioned in the video, which was too time-consuming and expensive. What are you gonna do, block every hyperspace lanes the rebels might use in the whole galaxy?
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
0:46 The safties bit is NOT entirely consistent. The HIMS Systems from The Corellian Trilogy and later brought back in I think one book of NJO would not be necessary if the Failsafes thing was a consistent rule. The whole HIMS System "Hyperspace Coasting" part is really hard to fit with every other example of interdiction. Now maybe if you retconned HIMS to be a series of sensors fine tuned enough to tell real mass shadows from fake but prone to burning out that could work to bridge the gap.
@nekophht Жыл бұрын
@@DIEGhostfish Alternately, the system "jams" the gravity well/distortion "strength" to an extent, buying time to automatically shut down the hyperdrive in a controlled exit before the safeties trigger. It allows you to drive deeper into an interdictor area, or possibly clip a grav well area without stopping, but at the same time, it's always on and you have to worry about driving too close to a planet or star or black hole and having the sustainers drive you too deep into the well that you can't recover. Maybe imagine it as the ship 'skipping' along the grav distortion in hyperspace (the fight between the system and the safeties jolting the ship repeatedly) before the hyperdrive fully turns off safely and it drops out. That'd account for the rough ride. Stronger the grav distortion/well, the rougher the ride and more likely the safeties win and slam you out of hyperspace, potentially damaging the hyperdrive. And yeah, make the system more maintenance intensive so all the sensors are properly tuned/aligned, etc. After all, if the system is kinda fighting the safeties for long enough to safely turn off the hyperdrive, that bucking of the ship could mess with alignment/tuning. Plus the bouncing and shaking, etc from actual combat.
@cgi2002 Жыл бұрын
​@@nekophhtthat's kindof why it works how it does currently in lore. You hit the field and it throws you out instantly because of how quickly your travelling. The 1 second required (using the times and distances here as an example, not real figures) to slow down form hyperspace in a controlled manner is long enough to travel say 300000km, which if hitting a planets gravity well is the difference from been in the very high orbitals to been inside the planet (smeared across several thousand km of its surface). The 0.1 second "emergency" throw out however is a mere 30000km, your still in orbit likely with plenty of time to recover before been pulled into the atmosphere before your control returns. The emergency exit from hyperspace should be left alone as it works as intended, maybe however gove your ship backup control systems so been thrown out doesn't immediatly leave you drifitng. What needs to be changed is adding the ability to override the safetys to let you enter hyperspace and travel a set distance before they are re-engaged, this way should an interdictor be present/arrive you can still run away. Also it's worth noting in canon we've seen on several occasions ships enter and exit hyperspace in atmosphere, well inside a gravity well, so the system is inconsistent at best. Then there is the death star, eye of Palpatine and other large hyperspace capable battle stations, surely these have enough mass themselves they'd keep triggering their own failsafe.
@Lighthammer072 Жыл бұрын
I misread the title and thought, "cause they didn't want the dog to get hurt, duh." Turns out it was just about Interdictors. Yeah, they're pretty effective.
@roguerifter9724 Жыл бұрын
Turn the safeties off and the interdiction field becomes useless. Edit: And in canon the Empire had interdictors in the Tarkin novel.
@Chaotic_Jackal Жыл бұрын
I always assumed that you couldn’t do that without completely shutting down your nav computer first and thus rendering your vessel unable to jump to Hyperspace as a result.
@danhaas9730 Жыл бұрын
I’d be curious to know more about the Vindicator heavy cruiser the Interdictor was based on. Even without interdiction capabilities, a bunch of heavy cruisers would seem ideal for dealing with a bunch of light rebel forces.
@Rensune Жыл бұрын
The main reason they weren't used (often) is because the Rebels didn't have enough ships. Literally.
@schnebot Жыл бұрын
agreed on the interdition field - being pulled out of hyperspace makes so much more sense than having your computer basically sabotage you when it thinks youre near a gravity well
@benthomson1132 Жыл бұрын
I always loved the Interdictor! As a kid I always imagined getting my hands on decommissioned one that no longer had the gravity well generators, and filling those four globes with old droid fighters.
@inductivegrunt94 Жыл бұрын
The Interdictor Cruiser, how to say "LOL, you're staying put, LMAO" to cowardly Rebels who can't fight a straight up battle. Always had these whenever I played EAW as the Empire, constantly chasing fleets is super annoying when they happen, so forcing them to stay and die to my Victorys and Imperials is so satisfying.
@Hello-bi1pm Жыл бұрын
It was invented to make Thrawn more OP, same reason for why Ysalamiri isn't used more, everyone has negative IQ in Star Wars except for Thrawn when Zahn is writing, which is why his books are popular with nerds, it actually has characters with some IQ in them.
@aralornwolf3140 Жыл бұрын
The problem with Interdictors is... they mess with the lore. Specifically, they mess with how hyperdrives and hyperspace works. They are one of the technologies that George Lucas never really put thought into... as in "how does the science of Star Wars make this work" thought. He just needed them to get the heroes from point A to point B, to point C... that's almost the end of his thought process. HAN Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it? A supernova is dangerous and flying through a star kills a person... okay. Furthermore, based on the fact that ships don't enter hyperspace while in atmosphere... one can conclude that it's impossible to do that. So one needs to be a certain distance away from an object before entering hyperspace. However, this is where math comes in... at what distance is it possible to enter/exist hyperspace, and at what distance does it become "safe". Obviously it depends on the mass of the star... and that's where George Lucas' ignorance bites us in the butt. A 1 solar mass star that is a couple billion years old has a surface gravity of 28.02g. That same 1 solar mass star that's 7 or 8 billion years old will have a surface gravity of 0.002g and would have the radius extending to Earth's orbit. The more massive stars (6 to 8 solar masses) would _only_ have a surface gravity of maybe 0.02g while their surface extends past Mars' orbit. So... to avoid entering the corona ships need to exit hyperspace well before they enter the 0.02g of a star. This puts them in Mars' orbit, or in the asteroid belt... We also know ships can enter/exit hyperspace within close range of a ship which has an artificial gravity of 1g. -- Yes, artificial gravity is something no one has an explanation for which is important when discussing hyperspace travel, and especially, gravity well projectors. -- So clearly, artificial gravity doesn't have an effect on ships' ability to enter/exit hyperspace. So this leads to the problem with gravity well projectors... they don't work!
@sayerglasgow115 Жыл бұрын
@@aralornwolf3140 While you bring up some good points, you're making a lot of assumptions. First off that interdiction projectors are based on the same technology as artificial gravity plating, when there's no reason to assume that's the case. Secondly and perhaps more importantly, you're assuming a ships normal artificial gravity field projects any sort of distance away from the ship itself. Which we can pretty definitively say it does not. If it did, ships would be getting all sorts of debris stuck to their "top" side, while meanwhile their underside would repel objects. We see very clearly that this is not the case, we've seen objects like asteroids and debris even strike the upper hull surface of ships and simply bounce off. So it's clear that however Star Wars's artificial gravity works, they have precise control over where it can be felt. You could be floating inches from a star destroyer's upper hull and feel no gravity at all, and then enter through a hatch and immediately feel a standard 1G. So there's no reason who a ship in close proximity to another ship would feel any gravity besides that generated by the ship's own natural mass, which even for a SSD is pretty negligible.
@aralornwolf3140 Жыл бұрын
@@sayerglasgow115 , "Secondly and perhaps more importantly, you're assuming a ships normal artificial gravity field projects any sort of distance away from the ship itself. " I did no such thing.... I said _We also know ships can enter/exit hyperspace within close range of a ship which has an artificial gravity of 1g. . . . So clearly, artificial gravity doesn't have an effect on ships' ability to enter/exit hyperspace._ As for assuming how gravity well projectors work... _obviously_ they require the ability to project a detectable gravity signature of large size. As ships artificial gravity generators / gravity plates do the exact same thing as gravity well projectors (create artificial gravity) it's safe to assume they either use the same technology or similar technology... at least the same general principles of _function_ -- the creation of mass (source of gravity) without matter (the source of mass). This is why I said _Yes, artificial gravity is something no one has an explanation for which is important when discussing hyperspace travel, and especially, gravity well projectors._
@sayerglasgow115 Жыл бұрын
@@aralornwolf3140 But you did assume that.... It's innately implied in your statement that ships in close proximity to another ship with artificial gravity are in the effect of that gravity, and that the fact they are able to enter hyperspace despite this proves that artificial gravity doesn't inhibit hyperspace travel. But actual onscreen evidence proves that a ship's artificial gravity has no effect on objects outside the ship's hull.
@captain_hammer Жыл бұрын
In Rebels, it definitely looks more like the Interdictor is ripping ships out of hyperspace rather than just messing with their computers, and TBH I prefer this explanation as it is simpler and there is no "just override the computer" plot-hole
@Cornel101 Жыл бұрын
Interdictors prevent enemy ships from leaving, but what if there was something that forced enemy ships to randomly jump into hyperspace? Like some sort of frequency broadcast that messed with the navicomputer.
@thepurpleapple Жыл бұрын
Terrifying in the same way that disembowelment is terrifying when you consider the opposite- embowelment, the adding of more and more bowels.
@MrOiram46 6 ай бұрын
like what Anakin did to the Malevolence but on a remote way? That’s pretty OP lol
@Sol_Invictus1997 Жыл бұрын
These video titles are killing me 😂
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
You say that interdiction technology is unique to Star Wars but I beg to differ. Stargate Atlantis had the Aterro Device which, when activated, caused all Wraith ships to self destruct when they tried to enter hyperspace. Had a side effect of causing Stargates to self destruct as well when they activated and the device was later destroyed #askeck Do force sensitive beings have longer lives than those who aren’t? Lore ship Versus video request: Resurgent vs. Starhawk Tie Striker vs. New Republic V-Wing World Devastator vs. Vong Worldship Tie Silencer vs. X-83 Twintail Tie Silencer vs. Tie Defender (legends version) Keldabe vs. ISD II MC90 vs. Nebula class star destroyer Nebula class vs. Pellaeon class Majestic class vs. Bothan Assault Cruiser EAWX: FOTR’s Mandator II portrayal vs. Subjugator Praetor vs. Subjugator EAWX: TR’s Mediator portrayal vs. Resurgent Starhawk vs. Bulwark MK III
@TheWingland Жыл бұрын
You mentioned wanting to do some more faction compared videos so here’s my idea Which faction has to e best sniper Halo 2 Jackal sniper (covenant) Linda 058 (UNSC) Crosshair (Empire) Commando Droids (CIS)
@mikerabkin6395 Жыл бұрын
Without question, Linda. Here's why: "Linda is notorious for her unparalleled abilities with the sniper rifle; John-117 and Frederic-104 have noted on several occasions that she makes sniping seem like an art. She never requires a spotter, and her accuracy allows her to pull off remarkable shots: on one occasion, she was able to take out seven Covenant Banshees in mid-flight by shooting the pilots. In addition, she once eliminated two targets so quickly that even the Master Chief couldn't tell who she had targeted first. She is notably the quietest member of Blue Team, excluding John, and has been labeled as a "lone wolf". John once described her as the emotionally "strongest" Spartan, as she does not rely on other members of her squad for advocating support on or off the battlefield.[81] She is also a practitioner of Zen." The following took place after she was shot and declared dead and placed in a cryo tube to preserve her in stasis, then revived, had life saving surgery (kidney and liver transplant), and after only a few days of recuperation, did the following: "As John, Will, and Fred evacuated, Linda, with some of her best and potent shooting skills, managed to shoot 7 Elite pilots right out of their airborne Banshee fliers one-handed and hanging upside-down from a cable. She refused to give up her position to make sure her three comrades got out alive, even at the expense of her own life, until John ordered her to let him rescue her over the COM. She then sent the Spartan-derived Oly Oly Oxen Free over the COM and uploaded a NAV marker with her location to John's HUD. It turns out that she was actually hiding in broad daylight, but angled so that the sun would not reflect off of her suit, thus providing an undetectable cover from which she eliminated the Banshees."
@TheWingland Жыл бұрын
@@mikerabkin6395 all true but man have you played halo 2? Those snipers are pure evil and. I’m pretty sure can shoot around 90 degree angles. Also I think it was more than 2 banshees she took out. But it’s been awhile since I read first strike so I may be wrong.
@mikerabkin6395 Жыл бұрын
@@TheWingland I updated the post and went into more detail. It was 7 banshees. You're right the jackals are pretty bad but Linda can take them all out any day
@jackolantern147 Жыл бұрын
I have a few video suggestions. A ship breakdown on the Halberd from Kirby, and a rematch for the CSO vs Executor in depth.
@grisom5863 Жыл бұрын
The unfortunate thing about the Halberd is that there are absolutely no stats or useful information about it. Nearly every thing Eck does a breakdown on has some statistics on what it has, what it's weapons can do, and how strong its weapons are. The Halbert has none of that. It's only there for visuals and a level/overworld. Eggman's warships and death egg unfortunately have the same issues.
@jackolantern147 Жыл бұрын
@@grisom5863 He managed to do it for the great fox and the Arwings. I think he could pull it off if he wants to.
@shanenolan5625 Жыл бұрын
In return of the jedi , novel, and I believe in hier to the empire they mentioned. The death squadron had interdiction ships to contain the rebel fleet
@tarfeef101 Жыл бұрын
My headcanon interpretation of interdiction, not having read many of the more naval-centric novels which delve into it deeper, has been "interdiction fields are gravity wells, but ones that only exist in hyperspace, not realspace." A simple but effective solution to how they prevent and interrupt jumps without destroying realspace
@ben501st Жыл бұрын
The way the Corellian Corvette is dragged out of hyperspace in Rebels definitely does not look like a computer-based maneuver. It looks like a physical force spun the ship.
@piatpotatopeon8305 Жыл бұрын
I thought this video would be about doggies used as ship mascots or to repel boarders or something. Good video all the same, but now I've got some fanfics to write.
@TheWingland Жыл бұрын
Fleet battle between Grand admiral Thrawn vs. Ender Wiggin Each one has an equal sized fleet with equally capable subordinates, and since Ender is from a different universe each has equal understanding of the technology they’re using. They are in command of Star Wars vessels. Pick a famous fleet of your choosing I’d suggest death squadron
@sumukhvmrsat6347 Жыл бұрын
Bro how old is this question ur asking since We can easily count Ender Wiggins a great Battle strategist , but not comparable to Thrawn , Thrawn is GOD level , and Ender Being human , Thrawn can easily manipulate his every move ,, even if Thrawn has just a space suit and gun , he is capable of defeating his fleet , equal fleet size gives Thrawn victory 100%
@sumukhvmrsat6347 Жыл бұрын
And i have read Enders game , and the other book of Beany too, but then went on its sequel not that interested
@GM_LEONG Жыл бұрын
FractalSponge always coming through with the goods. Those models are just wow!
@greysonjones5429 Жыл бұрын
Knew pretty much all of this from some of your previous videos, but I watched because you're still one of my favorite youtubers and I will do what I can to support you. Cheers!
@Machina_EX_Machina Жыл бұрын
What if I told you the Interdictor Cruiser, had that dog in it?
@WolfeSaber9933 Жыл бұрын
Rebels did show off the idea that Interdictors did yank ships out of hyperspace.
@frankiethe16 Жыл бұрын
I figure part of the reason Interdictors weren't more widely used is in part because as a brand new invention which required brand new tactics they faced significant push back by the Imperial Navy. Time and again in history we have seen military officers push back against new weapons or technology preferring to rely on what they were trained to do until the new technology has enough proven use behind it that they are forced to adopt it, throw in the fact that the Imperial Navy was particularly hidebound about doctrine and yeah no surprise they weren't used more. For the Hyper-drive issue I always figured it was a safety mechanism physically built in the thing so you couldn't just flip a switch and bypass it, in order to disable it you needed to do the time consuming process of taking apart and altering what's probably the single most expensive and complicated part of a ship to remove a safety component which is more likely to end with you accidentally plowing straight into a rouge planetoid which wandered into a hyperspace lane then in you ending up in the incredibly niche situation where your enemy had a ship with the most cutting edge technology to use against you.
@QuintusAntonious Жыл бұрын
The idea of piercing an interdiction field by projecting a bubble around the ship to maintain hyperspace velocity sounds almost like they were generating a warp field. Warp travel projects a bubble of real space that is stationary and then bends space-time around that bubble to project the vessel faster than light. If you projected a warp bubble while in hyperspace, the "real space" part of the warp bubble would be the hyperspace dimension, so you might be able to fool your ship into thinking you were still in hyperspace despite being in an interdiction field since the computer would still be detecting otherwise normal hyperspace thanks to the bubble. It's Treknobabble applied to Star Wars.
@jimmysmith2249 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the adventure idea!
@johnj.spurgin7037 Жыл бұрын
We know the mass shadows interdictors project can be devastating on a WMD scale, see Malachor. The tech seems to be obscenely expensive though.
@nytecrow6452 Жыл бұрын
Honestly this is my favorite Capital Ship. I always felt pride in Thrawn for realizing the sheer tactical advantage that Interdictors provided. In Empires at War, I never have a fleet without a pair of them at the very least. And another side note, it was the Star Wars Tie Pilots Animation on KZbin showcasing the Interdictor that made me the most excited for the future of that project.
@GregCaughill Жыл бұрын
Nice video! I like that the Interdictor's were built on the frame of the Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser. Would be nice to get some more information and a dedicated video on the Vindicator.
@ManWithBeard1990 Жыл бұрын
I like to think that the 418 Immobilizer limits its own usefulness in larger battles by painting a huge target onto itself. You see, as soon as the situation for the enemy gets untenable, you are what stands between them and survival, and you'll draw all the fire they can give you. It's perhaps better suited for law enforcement than for the military, for that reason. By the way, it's a bit confusing to use the terms Immobilizer and Interdictor interchangeably because Interdictor can refer to one of three things in Star Wars. It can be the catch-all term for ships that prevent jumping to hyperspace, of which the 418 Immobilizer is one, but it could also refer to the larger Interdictor Star Destroyer (shown at 2:43), which was built on the hull of the much bigger Imperial Star Destroyer, as an attempt to create a vessel that is better able to defend itself, and there's also the Interdictor Star Destroyer from KOTOR. Not sure if any of these are canon, actually, but yeah. There you go.
@vtrbswarmachine Жыл бұрын
They were always a very Niche ship even in Armada and I had lots of them. I rolled a few Destroyers and Calamari Cruisers yet my EMP build took point. After like 400 $ ok in I had enough Ties, Destroyers and one Super Destroyer flagged by 4 Interdictor class Destroyers. I was unstoppable. It was a fleet to be wrecked and dealt with. Armada was short lived. The interdiction class is a special vessel that needs to be used well. If not it's space junk.
@marsar1775 Жыл бұрын
i always thought it used a smaller gravitational projection to trick the nav computers into thinking something bigger was there. never made sense to me a smallish cruiser could fake a planets signature by gravity alone
@garygcrook Жыл бұрын
If I remember the EU rules correctly the navigation computers dump ships out of Hyperspace when they hit an Interdictor's mass shadow generator field because if they didn't the Hyperdrive would possibly explode. That's why to penetrate the Mass Shadow generated by Centerpoint the ships had a series of Hyperdrive sustainers/engines, each burning out in turn and the field being sustained by the next, allowing their approach.
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
0:46 Eck, that's NOT entirely consistent. The HIMS Systems from The Corellian Trilogy and later brought back in I think one book of NJO would not be necessary if the Failsafes thing was a consistent rule. The whole HIMS System "Hyperspace Coasting" part is really hard to fit with every other example of interdiction. Now maybe if you retconned HIMS to be a series of sensors fine tuned enough to tell real mass shadows from fake but prone to burning out that could work to bridge the gap.
@hesthatguy Жыл бұрын
I really liked the limited use of cloaked interdictor mines in the new Thrawn books.
@Xavanux Жыл бұрын
you telling me it HAD DAT DAAWG IN EMMMM???!
@neves5083 Жыл бұрын
Very good video as always And I just watched the rebels episode about the interdictor cruiser, and in the episode at least it looks like it works creating some sort of gravity field 7:40 these Star destroyers doesn't have shield generators?
@UGNAvalon Жыл бұрын
To answer the question in the title, “This ship had that dog in it... why wasn't it used?” : My guess is that because the Rebels were so spread out, and that dog could only be in one place at a time, the Empire was forced to keep him stationed at only the most critical sectors for policing. Also, somehow, their breeding/cloning programs were not effective in replicating that dog’s capabilities. Why was that dog not around during the Battle of Hoth? Idk, maybe she had puppies of something. 🤷‍♂️
@tkc1129 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you about the way interdiction fields SHOULD work. It should be like this: some amount of gravity naturally "leaks" into hyperspace, where it has an oversized effect. Gravity well projectors are like the artificial gravity generators common in Star Wars, but they force 100% of the gravity they generate into hyperspace.
@Arcticgreen Жыл бұрын
I've never liked the idea of simple "mass shadows" with hyperdrive. Given the nature of gravity and space, it always made more sense to me that a fluctuation wave too intense could disrupt a hyperspace field and tear a ship, violently sometimes, out of hyperspace. Thus, a sharp gravity field or even a significant gravitational presence could genuinely threaten a ship in hyperspace and, with that threat present, trip a navi-computer into disengaging or canceling a hyperspace jump. This also ties in with my SW-rewrite wherein it is revealed that there are 4 major types of hyperdrive motivators: fast, heavy, cheap, fuel-efficient, and the Mellinium Falcon has a set of motivators ranging from fast to heavy, allowing it to "choose" which hyperspace lane it wants to take to get there the fastest. Hyperspace may be fast but there are speeds to consider, and for a ship that is too fast they may need to take a wider route, resulting in a longer trip, etc. This also would explain Han's "14" sorry... 12 parsec record for making the Kessel Run, which would involve lighter ships that would utilize fast motivators but require longer routes to get the job done. Having the Falcon means that it could swap between lanes as part of it's route. The trade-off being that the computer now has WAY more to calculate than it would normally, making the pre-jump wait all that much more tense.
@derrickstorm6976 Жыл бұрын
2:40 Man that painting was so beautiful until you see an ISD command tower on it lol
@Cowpiepizza4 Жыл бұрын
man i love these video titles
@robertagu5533 Жыл бұрын
Interdiction is clever an works however the big issue for its size the Interdictor doesn't tend to typically have the firepower to really protect itself well once found. Which really isn't that hard once something powerful enough to interfere with hyperspace travel is activated. An before narrated, exotic tech ISNT cheap, really anything serious enough to handle Star Destroyers an even launch attacks on one even if fighter sized isn't gonna worry much about interdiction weapon defenses when they're attacking the larger more dangerous an heavily armed sibling Battleships even the way stronger ones at times already An Endor... Yeah... Easy Imperial win.. till the Farm Boy Space Wizard Legacy pulled a hail Mary an his buddies were joined by a huge army of angry teddy bears with ALOT of sharp sticks an rocks
@The_CGA Жыл бұрын
I imagine the reason interdictors were used “improperly” or were “scarce” is that they were diverted by individual interests to do things like customs or meddling with rivals, economic engineering, and isolating exterminatus worlds during the deed. Hence, not so many left over for actual warfighting
@TheWarmachine375 Жыл бұрын
Interdictor Cruisers: *exists* Rebel Alliance Ships: "We're in danger."
@sumukhvmrsat6347 Жыл бұрын
U missed , chuckles
@wedgeantillies66 Жыл бұрын
That always seems to be a general problem of the imperial navy, that they fail to produce in adequate numbers of manufacture ; weapons and ships of war that could have helped them defeat the rebellion like Lancer class frigate, tie defender and interdictor class cruisers. Relying instead on tried and tested methods of bigger is better and terror tactics that imperial navy's star destroyers and others vessals seemed glued to.
@PorgChamp Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of interdiction but always thought the way it was explained made no sense. In a New Hope they have to program the navicomputer to plot a course around objects but that wouldn't be necessary if there was a countermeasure to stop you when you got too close to an object. Maybe it could just make a gravity well only in hyperspace that would slow done a ship pulling them into realspace. But that is just my idea but I would love to hear other people's suggestions.
@lazydroidproductions1087 Жыл бұрын
Actually, I believe that right near the end you hit the head on the nailed about why introduction technology wasn’t more widely used. You could create CodeBase work arounds. It was reliant on tricking the ship NaviCom, there was no actual mass to generate a shadow, and so over time workarounds WERE created, and Interdiction fell out of style, until better interdiction technology was invented because “hey, that’s an incredibly useful thing if we can get it to work again” and the cycle repeated whenever technology advanced enough for Interdiction to become viable enough, it was an arms-race to fool a computer rather than to just build more and bigger
@Lusa_Iceheart Жыл бұрын
Hyperdrive tech is based on reversed engineered Rakatan designs, the safety features are so baked into the technology and have been there there whole time. The simple fact is no one knows HOW to disable the safeties. A blind jump is made when you're in a place that's safe to jump (outside a gravity well) and might accidentally hit an unmarked gravity well in transit. To travel out of what the navicomputer THINKs is already a gravity well (thus not safe to jump from in the first place), there's no way to trick the computer to allow that. Otherwise you'd be able to trick the computer to jump while still in the atmosphere of a planet and well, I think that safety feature sorta makes a lot of sense. Gotta remember that the Rakatan hyperdrives could only lock onto Force nexus planets, so their options for travel were limited compared to the reverse engineered non-Force tech one. If jumping to hyperspace in the atmosphere of a planet could rip a chunck of the planet with you into Hyperspace and just wreck a habitable planet, it makes sense they'd be paranoid about not letting anyone be able to trick the navicomputers to do that. Overall tho, the reason why Interdictors work by tripping the safeties on the opposing ships navicomputer and why that works in the first place is b/c EVERYONE has the same feature and can't turn it off. For 25000 years, hyperdrives have had that quirk inbuilt and no one has ever made one that didn't b/c everyone ultimately uses a system inherited from the Rakatan. Now, whether the Rakatan put that safety limit in their hyperdrives themselves or it was the Celestials who forced it onto rakatan tech is up in the air. The whole point is everyone was using pre-republic tech that they didn't invent, it came with the feature and there was no getting rid of it.
@derpmanaveragegamer7791 Жыл бұрын
the problem with just disabling the safety features of the hyperdrive is that you will get pulled from hyperspace regardless once you cross a certain gravitational threshold. the whole point of the safety features is that you are pulled from hyperspace *BEFORE* you impact the object, allowing you to avoid it.
@timsimenc Жыл бұрын
The way Interdictors seem to work in Rebels looks similar to how you described your preferred method. Canon books may go back to the mass shadow concept, but the gravitational pull of the well is what destroys one in a pivotal battle
@Kansas_Gamer1998 Жыл бұрын
What about the CC-7700 frigate? I always thought the interdictors generated a gravity field around themselves that stopped ships from jumping into hyperspace.
@nekophht Жыл бұрын
IIRC, interdictors had two modes - one projects, as we saw in that image in the video, the other is grav well around themselves. I think the projection is more for stopping ships from jumping away, while the other is more for yoinking ships out. Could be misremembering though.
@jonnygami Жыл бұрын
I read the title too fast and thought there was a ship that had an actual dog in it with an unknown purpose
@carlosrubio959 Жыл бұрын
Starfleet vessels perfected the idea of having a navigation dish array to prevent such uses of gravity well devices/ships to be used and draw ships from their natural warp speed. The use of a navigational dish helps since it can make coarse adjustments necessary to prevent such accidents like flying yourself into a moon, asteroid belt or even a sun. The Star Wars universe heavily relied on hyperspace lanes to accurately move from system to system. their ships are incapable of doing a blind jump, maybe one day the Empire or rebellion could come up with a version of a navigation dish to prevent gravity well ships from pulling ships out of the hyperspace lane
@christophergillette7167 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, in all my writing and GMing, I treat interdiction tech as directly interfering with Hyperspace technology. It simply triggering a failsafe is silly. Every rebel ship would just instal an override button
@MandalorV7 Жыл бұрын
That would like spreading down the highway at night, during a thunderstorm, with your headlights and wipers off.
@christophergillette7167 Жыл бұрын
@@MandalorV7 More like you’re in that storm, and the cops are about to catch you, so you briefly switch your lights off to lose them
@rileymosman2808 Жыл бұрын
Yeah we have several examples of people turning off their nav computers or failsafes and making jumps both in legends and cannon.
@mikedoge5559 Жыл бұрын
To be fair...what you said at the end that it would make sense that the ships were pulled out of hyperspace. I feel like thats what they went for in Rebels? I just rewatched the episode in S2 where they introduced it back into canon and at the end of the episode, Chopper sabotages the cruiser so its gravity well starts pulling everything towards it....meaning it can probably use that gravity well to literally drag you out of hyperspace OR crate artificial space mass that tricks the navi computer to suddenly stop you from travelling through hyperspace as you go by
@reidhanson4755 Жыл бұрын
I'd really missed this kinda Ecks content and I've felt spoiled lately.
@semionion Жыл бұрын
I agree with Interdictors creating a gravity anomaly which causes ships to be pulled from hyper space, doubly so since we see in rebels, that a damaged Interdictor creates a gravity well that causes it and it's arqutiens escort to be pulled into the interdiction generator bulbs.
@darwinskeeper421 Жыл бұрын
I have trouble with the Legends explanation of how interdictors work. If the gravity well generator just creates a mass shadow that leads the navicomputer to shut down the hyperdrive, smugglers and rebel operatives could just equip their ships with an anti-failsafe switch that prevents the navicomputer from shutting down a hyperdrive jump when a mass shadow is observed. In this case, the relatively slight risk of jumping into a massive object would be much less dangerous of the probability of getting pulverized by superior Imperial firepower. This might have been a bit beyond the average outlaw tech, but there had to be some engineers in the Rebellion who could have pulled it off. If there is some crazy physics that makes it impossible for the ship to enter hyperspace when a mass shadow (real or synthetic) is created, then it would be much harder to escape an interdiction field.
@Nuetral768 Жыл бұрын
The problems are that hyperspace routes are not always stable enough for blind jumps, and even if they are many hyperspace routes involve many complex and time sensitive jumps to the point that only a computer would be able to successfully navigate said obstacles. For these reasons you also wouldn't want to disable such fail-safes. The interdictor basically creates an energy field that mimics the effects of having a large object in the area, since objects in real space impact hyper space as well the effect is triggered regardless of dimensions. You still have to be careful though, some space objects are less static than others so without the proper route coordinates you could end up having the failsafe triggered to protect you from direct impact only to be hit by an asteroid or supernova. But let's just say that without that failsafe hyperspace would likely almost never be used. Hope that helps.
@johne.4884 Жыл бұрын
I tend to think that the field is dark matter related. Much like the dark matter around the kathol rift: the fields seem to prevent hyperspace travel, but not display normal gravity.
@Ylimez501 Жыл бұрын
I love interdictors! I love how they have been used, especially thrawns use of them Also in EAW i love using them.
@wedgeantillies66 Жыл бұрын
Cannot see how having Interdictors at battle of hoth, would have aided the empire in securing a decisive victory there as they would have just been taken out by the ion cannon at beginning of the battle.
@SOS_JA Жыл бұрын
1:54 Admit it, you were thinking of something else
@mattheweaton9111 8 ай бұрын
This wasn’t the 418 model. This was the interdictor heavy cruiser. There is also a star destroyer version. Then theirs a smaller frigate cc-7700 and a smaller cruiser cc-2200. They also had interdictor mines.
@annawhite1591 Жыл бұрын
what you said "too slipperly till reenforcements showed up" rogue one is a perfect example
@teekayfourtwoone4686 Жыл бұрын
I always imagined that the hyperdrive computer shut down the hyperdrive, obviously to prevent destruction upon colliding with a planet/star/whatever, but that if it didn't, a few nanoseconds later your hyperdrive and possibly the rest of the ship would be shredded as it impacts the mass shadow (real or simulated) at high speed. It just shuts it down before the damage is done. Would explain everything, and why you can't just disable it. The "sustainers" at Centerpoint did burn out one after another if I recall correctly.
@marty2129 Жыл бұрын
Honestly? A am not so sure about the interdiction field working just by blocking failsafes because at least in Legends there were serious, mostly explosive consequences to trying to jump from a gravity well (including the artifical, localised conical ones that interdictors generated), leading me to believe that the field had much stronger blocking effect on the ability to pass into hyperspace... Why? Because we have a description of what happens. A vessel trying to jump too early could and would end up as a ball of plasma because it wouldn't be able to transition into hyperspace, its hyperdrive would burn out from sheer fatigue at the moment of attempted jump and laws of physics (especially the second Newton's law and the momentum conservation law) would kicking back in with vengeance due to ship's almost-instant decceleration from speeds which those laws don't support... for reference in NJO: Destiny's Way, there is a great description of what happened to a Yuuzhan Vong frigate trying to jump from a gravity well at Obroa-Skai. And this also perfectly matches with the bakuran tech, because those coils they use count on being burned away from the stress and thus protecting the hyperdrive for the few crucial moments, although it might be a an increasingly expensive, complicated and space-consuming solution... And the computer shutting off is more of the new Canon thing anyway with all the hyperdrive macguffin shenanigans trying to fix a sub-par writing...
@classicforreal Жыл бұрын
I clicked on this video just for the dog, considering it's from Justin Doge and all, and now I'm just confused
@zeebaa6 Жыл бұрын
It was used very well in the tie fighter fan animation. But Yeh, I don't really recall it in anything official. I haven't finished rebels yet, so I'm prbly missing out.
@jlokison Жыл бұрын
So the fact that 7th fleet had 2 at the battle of Attalon is unusual. As a result in cannon, replaceing the one lost because of a idiot seeking glory was probably a more of an annoyance to Thrawn than the idiot was.
@RevanX77 Жыл бұрын
Making a blind hyperspace jump is essentially suicide. We don't see it very much outside of interdictors because hyperspace navigation technology is so good, but with all the crap in space going any long distance for any period of time is basically making a perfect all-balls opening shot in pool while hitting the cueball from a table on another continent. The failsafes to pull you out of hyperspace are probably hardcoded into the operation of the system.
@brandonrooney5106 Жыл бұрын
I thought there was actually a dog in the ship
@chrishechtl8330 Жыл бұрын
I would say that another reason they were rare was because the alliance would see the dangers of the ship and specifically target them in order to reduce their numbers. Oh, just thought of something else, they might have been placed in specific locations near major core worlds with high traffic in order to catch smugglers. A mobile checkpoint that can't be avoided.
@rootsnootthnute8598 Жыл бұрын
Dog? Like Canis Familiaris? A dog? The animal? All I'm hearing is in depth spacecraft analysis, what about the dog?
@simpleviewer1334 Жыл бұрын
I just realized that in tales of the jedi episode 6 that the wrecked ship in the background is the same model as the mantis from fallen order
@woodlanditguy2951 Жыл бұрын
Admiral Ozzel was in charge of the battle of Hoth, probably why Vader force chocked him. He ran the battle very sloppy.
@blackc1479 Жыл бұрын
Gotta say, didn't know about the hyperwave inertia bla bla thing. It seems that SW has finally embraced actual technobabel hand waving, vs the more basic handwaving we all know. Not sure what I think about that.
@twistedyogert Жыл бұрын
So if you were crazy enough to disable the gravity well cut off feature then interdiction fields didn't effect you. Sure you could hit something but it would be an instant death as opposed to being tortured for information if you were caught.
@porakiyadraekojin3390 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why, but I always just envision gravity well generators being used as the propelling force for a mass driver gun. And this mostly because I just envision the generators creating an artificial micro singularity/blackhole that has its gravitational forces amplified/projected over a wide area. Whether or not it actually does do this, it probably would have made interdictor class cruisers far more useful. But that's just me
@madrabbit9007 Жыл бұрын
Its my understanding that in order to keep an Interdictor from yanking you out of hyperspace you would have to disable multiple hard wired safeties that might take days to bypass. Unless you KNEW you would be facing one this just wasn't something you did because those safeties were there for a reason.
@nickvinsable3798 Жыл бұрын
🤔 . . . Interdictors, more specifically the Artificial Gravity it generates, is probably no different than tractor beams & a starship’s artificial gravity apparatus. The primary problem is that it likely requires far more energy; so much that the mass shadow detector, likely just some conductive liquid or something (much like a gyroscope, but designed to detect gravity wells) suspended in a zero-G containment unit that counters existing ship Gs, as well as the artificially generated gravity. And because this detector unit is so fine tuned, locking a ship in a tractor beam is the most ergonomic strategy. However, if you seriously want to stop a ship, but don’t have the time to aim your tractor beam, or they’re too fast OR too many, Interdictors would probably be far more effective. As for Hoth, I have a question: which ships were lost because the Executor jumped too close? Were they Death Squadron’s Interdictors?
@annawhite1591 Жыл бұрын
well in rebels they say it straight up blocks,pulls ships out of hyperspeed and shows it
@mournziiLife303 Жыл бұрын
Bro been looking at Hoodville memes
@emilsinclair4190 Жыл бұрын
One problem I see with interdiction is that if the empire uses them to much the rebels would have just deactivated the security features in their hyperdrives.
@LENZ5369 Жыл бұрын
Yup, it doesn't make sense. SW already has artificial gravity, instead of some weird programing glitch -actually just massive amounts of energy and advanced AG tech to 'project' that artificial gravity out from the ship; just fits way better.
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