EFAP TV: Reacting to Ahsoka S01E04 - Fallen Jedi

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Oh man, we sure do get a Star War this time, we have a fight between the bad lightsaberer's and the good lightsaber'er'er's but then we do that again after the bad flungus turns to green witch dust POGGERS.
Edited by Fringy

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@HSnake5 Жыл бұрын
What's double funny is that Ezra should be unbelievably pissed at Sabine if he ever finds out what she did
@lordofthepizzapie9319 Жыл бұрын
He won't though, whamen in Star Wars can do no wrong.
@purpledragon1945 Жыл бұрын
youre correct but female empowerment
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Spoiler: he never actually finds out.
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
@@lordofthepizzapie9319 They can girl boss too hard. That's what they can do wrong.
@Asiandiskool Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен he'll probably find out in the end. If he forgives her for basically making his sacrifice useless, I will be beyond pissed off
@electricbayonet2 Жыл бұрын
Dave Filoni has done the impossible: he wrote a character so figuratively and literally insubstantial that he was revealed as a fart in a spacesuit.
@zachrohler1047 Жыл бұрын
@Stowbu Жыл бұрын
@SangheiliSpecOp Жыл бұрын
@The_Primary_Axiom Жыл бұрын
Please explain
@Trisket Жыл бұрын
​@@The_Primary_Axiomthe guy with the helicopter lightsaber who leaked smog when his suit was cut.
@austrelien298 Жыл бұрын
I can only stomach this show through EFAP, thank you for your sacrifice massives
@TasselledWobbegong Жыл бұрын
In the Tales of the Jedi cartoon, Ahsoka kills an Inquisitor who turns out to be gas in a suit. That Inquisitor had a neat plague doctor aesthetic and it was easy enough to assume his 'true form' was a weird alien spin on miasma theory. Seeing it here applied to an entirely different Inquisitor feels like the Ahsoka writer just blindly copied the older show without understanding what he was seeing... which is really weird since Dave Filoni wrote both.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
What's miasma theory?
@citizen3000 Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен have you heard of search engines?
@An_Actual_Rat Жыл бұрын
​​@@СайтаменThe old belief that disease was spread by foul air. It's the reason why plague doctor masks were a thing, the beak stored pleasant smelling substances to keep bad smell out.
@TasselledWobbegong Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен It's the (outdated) idea that diseases were spread by the air itself. Plague doctors stuffed those bird masks of theirs with flowers and spices thinking as long as they can't smell a patient they can't catch their illness.
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
Im pretty sure they are supposed to be different things. According to the Ashoka Novel (which tales of the Jedi loosely adapted for her episodes) the Inquisitor in Tales of the Jedi was a Skakoan (like Wat Tambor, the funny Techno Union guy) who need atmospheric pressurized suits in most environments to breath, because i cant remember any green smoke coming out of him when he died, correct me if im wrong. And Marrok here was definetly supposed to be a zombie or puppet, reanimated with Nightsistermagic (hence the green Smoke) which we have seen before in CW and Morgan is a Nightsister so i guess that tracks somewhat? But you are definetly right, Dave seems to constantly forget Lore and character he himself wrote. Apparently its not enough for him anymore to retcon other peoples work, now he has to do it to his own stuff to, yey.
@HOV2131 Жыл бұрын
I think it's very funny that we all decided to call the Sith lady Alice because no one really gives a damn what her name is.
@johannesseyfried7933 Жыл бұрын
I like to call her Lana Beniko. Because she looks very much like the SWTOR Sith Spy master Lana Beniko.
@anthonysaylor8120 Жыл бұрын
I love their reactions to Theo recapping the Clone Wars/Rebels lore
@jcore0981 Жыл бұрын
He can be a litttttlllleee disingenuous, but most of what he says is pretty accurate .
@skullbucket819 Жыл бұрын
it's incredible that nearly every time they try to write villains they end up writing anti-heroes or regular heroes
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that the rebels are much more grey than white so the villains actually having something behind them humanizes them more than the heroes and when they have ethics surrounds death it becomes difficult to not turn into anything else
@bmardiney Жыл бұрын
That’s what happens when the writers have no sense of good and evil in their own lives. Not to get all Jordan Peterson, but modern (especially female) writers make every villain their dad that they never grew up enough to realize was right about everything all along. So they make this father-stand-in that they kind of hate as “the villain” not realizing that he was always the hero in her life. And really, she’s the villain.
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
And then they realize they have to make sure they're evil so they have to burn a kitten orphanage just to make sure. Baylan has the same fate before him, though in a perfect world he'd be this generation's Kreia...
@kossettereaditte7552 Жыл бұрын
Says alot about Disney's writer morals
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
@@kossettereaditte7552 I don't think it's about the writer's morals. I'm pretty sure the low level writers try their best to actually write interesting characters. But then the corporate part comes in an cuts off anything that might be mildly controversial or complex to make the product easier to digest. For example Disney would never have a good character be against the 2nd Amendment because they wouldn't want the shitstorm. Same for openly gay or otherwise queer characters. These characters only exist as tokens to be removed in contries that don't want to see them. Disney just wants to make money, art is irrelevant. And the writers can't change that either. Follow corporate lead or be replaced. And somehow we all need to eat and sleep.
@corruptangel6793 Жыл бұрын
Time travel in Star Wars used to be a really interesting thing. It was used twice in Legends. The first use was in the book Crosscurrent where a warship from the past goes into hyperspace at the exact instant the hyperdrive gets damaged, thereby creating a freak anomaly where they traveled trough time instead of through space. The ship ended up coming out of hyperspace over 5,000 years in the future. The second use was a force ability Jacen Solo (the Legends version of Kylo Ren) uses called flow-walking, which is basically astral projecting through time. Moreover, there were a lot of rules created to keep it from going insane like the World-Between-Worlds has already become. First, it required a vast amount of energy. The further forward or back you look, the more energy is needed. Second, your real body is left behind, and you can't defend yourself from force users in the past or future if they notice your presence. Meaning you are completely vulnerable in that state. Third, looking into the future becomes less and less reliable every second ahead you look because of how everyone's choices affect the future. Fourth, and most importantly, you cannot alter the past. It is already done. You are merely an observer. Even if you interact with what you see, the actual historical event doesn't change. Only your memories of the event (if you were there) change.
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
Still very abusable but that could work
@SpookyScarySkeletor Жыл бұрын
if I remember as well wasnt Jacen also fucked up after that? And he was very strong in the force and as a person.
@CrossBreedTacoHD Жыл бұрын
Is the Crosscurrent a warship fill with driods or something. I vaguely remember something about some dudes looking for an old abandoned fleet in some starwars related thing. Okay, more directly, what story is Crosscurrent from? It sounds familiar but I can't quite picture it in my head.
@corruptangel6793 Жыл бұрын
@@CrossBreedTacoHD Crosscurrent is its own self-contained story. That's the title of the book. The warship is full of Sith and a lone Jedi from the Great Hyperspace war. The abandoned fleet plot line is one that's used several times, but I think you're thinking of the one in the 2nd Thrawn book: Dark Force Rising.
@SolarDragon007 Жыл бұрын
Idk why they didn't just hire back some of the good EU creators to write any of this shit.
@firstlast9846 Жыл бұрын
*This series should’ve been from the POV* of Baylan and his apprentice 🤷🏾‍♂️ and just straight up kick off Dave Filoni for another writer - cos good GOD he can’t let the Skywalker saga go.
@somerandomrpgenthusiast8451 Жыл бұрын
I do find a series exploring the mentor/mentoree dynamic between a pair of sith/fallen jedi interesting. Closest it got I believe was the Force Unleashed and KOTOR
@SpFlash1523 Жыл бұрын
Someone like Terry Matalas would've come up with a plausible plot that is driven by the characters and their actions instead of vice-versa.
@AAhmou Жыл бұрын
​@@somerandomrpgenthusiast8451And then there is Stat Wars the Old Republic with both Sith storylines.
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
I would actually suggest a focus on Morgan and have him as a secondary character
@silverscorpio24 Жыл бұрын
"She's strayed out of thought and time. She's Ahsoka the White!" 🤣🤣
@samdurfee6093 Жыл бұрын
So the “World between Worlds” in Rebels that was called the “Mortis Engine” The Empire found a mural that a Sith Acolyte loyal to Palpatine deduced was a gateway to the Mortis Engine. Ezra and Sabine sabotaged the Empire and got Ezra inside and blocked the Empire from entering. Whilst inside Ezra saves Ashoka who while grateful also warns that Ezra is dealing with a force that neither of them understands and that saving her life might have been a mistake. Ezra even finds a door that leads to Kanan his master, and wants to save him. Only Kanan died saving everyone else and Ashoka warns that pulling him in might royally fuck things up. So Ezra relented and allows his master to die. So there was a bit of a trend with these doors that they lead to a moment of a persons death. Then they came upon the door with old Palps who fires the force fire at them and it made no fucking sense. But whilst they escape Ashoka makes a pint to leave out the door she was pulled from and Ezra escaped the way he came in. So Ezra meets back up with Sabine and they work together to destroy the Mural and the Mortis Engine is lost. So Filoni is lying when he said it wasn’t Time Travel, it absolutely was. He is also breaking the rules of the universe to put Ashoka here because the Mortis Engine was (Perhaps not destroyed) inaccessible. But she got here because she fell in some water. I fucking hate this show. Side Note: They killed Sabine’s Family off screen, Bullshit.
@SpookyScarySkeletor Жыл бұрын
They killed all of Mandolore off screen, the whole fucking thing. They just woke up one day and the empire decided to kill the planet without a single fight put up by the inhabitance of the whole planet. Not a single warship between them to stop the whole planet being bombed to death around the same time as RoTJ, destroyed by thousands of TIE Bombers I suppose. Considering that im not that surprised they would just say they died, its not like they care. This is an act on the page of Alderaan and it barely gets mentioned other then Mando Season 3.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
If Ahsoka left through the door she was pulled from, she didn't time travel...but Ezra undeniably changed the past.
@citizen3000 Жыл бұрын
What a load of nonsense.
@samdurfee6093 Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен she did The temple was thoroughly destroyed and Vader was nowhere to be found. So she didn’t jump very far ahead. But it was time travel.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
@@samdurfee6093 The same time also passed for her, so it's more like teleportation back and forth.
@scorchmmusic Жыл бұрын
I forgot that Arcane was only 9 episodes. Really shows how tight and effecient its writing is, especially compared to a lot of the mildy toasted garbage released in the past couple years...
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
I mean sure, it wa a shit show too though. It's just not THIS shit.
@petriew2018 Жыл бұрын
good writing is knowing what to leave out as much as it is what to include. Arcane never forgot what the actual point of it's story was and left everything that didn't relate to that for another season Disney has no fucking clue what the story was from the start, hence why you get 8 episode series in which 5 episodes at least are filler while they figure out how to end it.
@CrossBreedTacoHD Жыл бұрын
@@petriew2018 So wait, we don't need a 20 minute scene of Cait and Vi walking around a city and pointing at all the memberberries? And instead we could use those 20 minutes for character development or plot progression? Yeah okay fancy Hollywood writer, not all of us are so cleaver the we can see that wasting 20 minutes of doing fan services will negatively effect the pacing and immersion of a story.
@Asiandiskool Жыл бұрын
Holy shit you're right. Nah that's fucken crazy. If Arcane can pull that off, then a multi-billion dollar company like Disney should. They can literally hire the best writers, teams etc. but all they care about is their money. Fucken hacks.
@teezzyy141 Жыл бұрын
I Can’t Even Piss, Standin’ Up.
@joesmutz9287 Жыл бұрын
"Hera should not becoming back to the New Republic military" Episode 7: No consequences for anyone!
@SeekerOfTheMoon Жыл бұрын
It appeared that Ahsoka was using her other hand to force push her lightsaber in order to help block Baylan's lightsaber...sure!
@Kowkarot Жыл бұрын
Just a clarification, because I think this is the one scene I truly like in the entire show, at 26:03 Sabine doesn't use the Force. Shin thinks she does, so she prepares herself to take it, but nothing happens, and then Sabine closes her hand and uses her mandalorian tools to attack her instead. I think this is a genuinely cool scene for a character who is training to be Jedi, but is too weak, so she has to compensate for her lack of talent. She used her own weakness to trick her opponent. That's clever. Yes, Sabine absolutely sucks as a character in this show, but this one scene in isolation I really really liked.
@thebuzzkill967 Жыл бұрын
can you explain the sound effect used though? i think it was obvious with the sound effect, that some force was used, it just wasn't powerful enough to do anything other than move Shin's head a bit. That is why she replied she has no power - it was pissweak and ineffective. If this isn't the correct interpretation, why was the sound effect used? deliberate misdirection from the sound effects editor? we're just adding sound effects willy-nilly now?
@Kowkarot Жыл бұрын
@@thebuzzkill967 Yeah, it's probably a dumb sound effect added for misdirection, which does weaken the scene. What makes me interpret this as no Force being used, is that Shin's head doesn't look like it was pushed, but more like she moved her own head as a reflex because she thought she was gonna get hit. I interpret the sound effect as one of those things they do to over explain to the dumb audience, like when Baylan says "witchcraft" as if it wasn't painfully clear that we are indeed seeing witchcraft on the screen. I could be wrong though, maybe I'm giving them too much credit, and if I am, then ignore what I said, cause her using the Force totally ruins the scene lol
@aesiddoway Жыл бұрын
I really hate the inexplicable witch’s magic in Star Wars. No one ever explains that the witches are manipulating the force or anything, it’s just shoved in there and the viewers are left to figure it out themselves.
@SpookyScarySkeletor Жыл бұрын
I have no problem with the witches magic as it is a clear separation of material (mostly) from the force and what it is. We just need something that explains it more in depth that this wont do. Something this show and Jedi Survivor and shit dont really. Clone Wars leaves the door open, but no one follows through all the way.
@bilson7523 Жыл бұрын
Why is Alice scared of Sabine? Sabine has no force powers, yet Alice flinches when she holds up her hand and runs away? It's what I find so infuriating about Disney Star Wars: The selective competence of villains. I miss the OT, when Vader could clearly dominate Han and Leia, but didn't so Luke would be tempted to come to their rescue... Stuff like that is what made Vader intimidating, not the suit.
@alexhayden219 11 ай бұрын
19:45 No, but Ahsoka... look, I know this is hard to understand, but when he decides to put his blades behind him and do an extension kick, don't back away. You're in no danger. Even if he's going to make contact with the kick, so what? You have a lightsaber, too. You're holding it behind you to back away from the kick. That's the completely wrong thing to do that a very trained and skilled sword fighter would know. Go ahead and let his foot kick you. It's not returning to him after you use the very open opportunity to cut it off. Fight over, because he was an idiot that left himself completely open to energy sword attack so that he could do a wide kick. The most you ever want to do is a quick standing kick between quick saber swings. He's a fool! But, who's more the foolish? The fool or the fool that follows him in not defending with their sword?
@Jack-uy7ie Жыл бұрын
Apparently Sabine is purposefully written to illicit the same reaction people had to Ahsoka in Season 1 of the clone wars. Talk about raising the bar. Ahsoka in season 1, annoying brat who assumed their position and made childish nicknames. Sabine in season 1, throws entire galaxy into jeopardy to find and be awkward around her "friend".
@Zeddyboi86 Жыл бұрын
The Flash is my favorite DC hero, and Grant Gustin is my favorite portrayal of him. So that comparison between Clone Wars Anakin and CW's Flash hit WAY harder than I think Mauler expected it to. Man, f*ck Hollywood right now.
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
The sarcasm is so thick, you can practically feel it.
@fishjones4618 Жыл бұрын
Does it bother anyone else that the tentacle things on Hera and Ahsoka’s heads wobble weirdly when they move their heads. It’s as if it’s screaming out “THEY’RE WEARING HATS!!” instead of being a part of their bodies.
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
i mean, they are supposed to be floppy/elastic body parts, but it does look a little offputting in the show yeah.
@fishjones4618 Жыл бұрын
@@datzfatz2368 Oola’s from Return Of The Jedi looked and moved way more convincingly. And that was 40(!!!) years ago. Has latex technology regressed?
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
@@fishjones4618 i dunno man, good question
@fishjones4618 Жыл бұрын
@@datzfatz2368 I keep wanting to see if there’s a Sprit Halloween label with “Hera Syndulla Headpiece“ printed on it hanging off of Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s head.
@Atheismo9760 Жыл бұрын
Quite the time you guys picked to release this episode.
@DillsyYourDaddy67 Жыл бұрын
The big problem with Thrawn returning is that in the Sequels, they literally say there hasn't been a war for 30 years, which is the timespan between RotJ and Force Awakens. This either means that Ahsoka is going to de-canon the sequels (which I can't see Disney/KK doing) or that Thrawn is not going to return or he's going to die in a really underwhelming way. Will say though, only positives from the series are that Ray Stevenson (RIP) as Baylan is a pretty good character/performance and I do like seeing Hayden Christensen be generally accepted back by the star wars community after the prequel hate he got for years and years. And Huyang's character. The only three positives so far as of this episode.
@knifewieldingwomen Жыл бұрын
Still no Comments Showcase 😢
@The_Laughing_Cavalier Жыл бұрын
"Do you know why a whale floats and a stone cannot? Because the stone sees only downward. The darkness of space is vast and irresistible. The whale feels the darkness, as well, striving moment by moment to master her and pull her under. But the whale has a secret. For, unlike the stone, her gaze is not downward but up. Fixed upon the light that guides her, whispering of grander things than Thrawn ever knew." - Dexter Jettster, Rings of Star War
@Barwasser Жыл бұрын
Don't know whether I should laugh or cry at your comment. Ahsoka might actually say this, except she would make long *meaningful* pauses after each sentence... It would take a total of ~10 minutes to finish her speech and the audience would lose about 2-3 IQ-points per minute. This might actually help Disney sell their Ray-movies
@SolidReader Жыл бұрын
"At least the whales know what direction is UP!" - Booba Feet, looking at the camera.
@firstlast9846 Жыл бұрын
It fr feels like Filoni is trying to copy / revamp Lord of The Rings with this series.. Ahsoka “The White” the space whales being “The Eagles” Thrawn being the “dark lord” who’s return is a concern / cause for misbelief.. but not even a fraction of good writing
@StalkerQtya Жыл бұрын
*Ring of Star War
@mala6238 Жыл бұрын
The thing is, this would fit right into the level of dialog the show actually provides.
@OmegaChance27 Жыл бұрын
Sabine risked every life in the known galaxy for essentially a booty call.
@samwallaceart288 Жыл бұрын
"What good is a galaxy of people if there's no one to friend-zone?"
@zachrohler1047 Жыл бұрын
Well she did attempt to bomb a hospital in episode 2 so it's not surprising.
@vetrais7965 Жыл бұрын
For a guy whose last voice-mail literally said "you're like a sister to me"
@blackieblack Жыл бұрын
With a pajeet
@joshgamingvlogs5203 Жыл бұрын
@@zachrohler1047​​⁠ that was foreshadowing for Ezra being from the real life bomb tribe
@fondearth597 Жыл бұрын
I like how when generic sith guy dies, he just does the fucking Dark Souls 2 death animation with the green smoke. Just in case it didn't already feel like a videogame, they hit you with the particle effect upon death.
@nobody2996 Жыл бұрын
And Ahsoka doesn't question it at all because she's still stuck in the final pose of her finisher animation like it's a fighting game.
@crypussy Жыл бұрын
​@@nobody2996he tried to do the thing he did with Obi-Wan and Maul in Rebels, except it's shit on every level possible this time.
@requiemdermorgenrote4465 Жыл бұрын
he's literally John Darksouls
@Theendman42 Жыл бұрын
If someone wanted to kill me, they would find it really easy if they sent a gas creature after me that appeared human, and then had me kill it. I would be so royally confused I probably wouldn't even care that someone was coming to end me.
@CJ-kg7yq Жыл бұрын
@@requiemdermorgenrote4465 John SarkDouls.
@nobody2996 Жыл бұрын
Sabine helps Thrawn's return (which the show is expecting us to believe is a galactic threat), she leaves Ahsoka for dead and thinks she's just let Hera and a bunch of new republic guys get killed by the Eye of Sion. Spoiler for the latest episde: They reunite, shrug and laugh this shit off because fuck concequences or character drama. Also: "I know Ezra Bridger is the only family you have left." The rest of the survive Ghost Crew who were all with her far longer than Ezra would like a word.
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
The worst thing about the Sabine and Ezra reunion is that Sabine keeps basically everything about how she got to him, that Thrawn is about to leave to return to their Galaxy and Ahsoka fcking dying to herself and just says "ahhh it's too complicated for now" and Ezra just bites it. He doesn't even care a bit. He's just a funny little guy riding around with his shell-buddies laughing about the Galaxy burning again. They are goofing so hard in Ep 6/7 while Thrawn is about to load his ship, return to the Galaxy and reunite the Empire's splinters.
@nobody2996 Жыл бұрын
@@Bannschwert "We've wasted most of our resources dying to three people with no defences when we could have just easily bombed them, but at least we stalled them!" "Uh, Sir? They've just been fucking about for the past hour, I don't think we had to worry about them getting here on time."
@licktasty Жыл бұрын
@@nobody2996 The stalling also makes no sense. Cargo transfer? What the hell are you transferring and where, you are going to take the Chimera up to the big space ring and leave! If it's, like, food from the planet, make do with what's on the ship and leave *immediately*. Raid an outer rim planet for resources when you get back to the proper galaxy, or hit up the other Imperial remnants, which you will want to do anyway! This show is written like the only Star Wars media to come before it was Rebels, which itself was pretty much nonsense Saturday morning cartoon garbage (because that's what it was!). Zahn wrote 6 novels in this canon with a clear and unfinished arc for Thrawn that even the ending to Rebels did not necessarily disrupt and we could have gotten a proper continuation of that but instead any potential is wasted on hamfisted references/cameos, unnecessary new characters with zero backstory, and jangling keys.
@nobody2996 Жыл бұрын
@@licktasty The current theory is that the cargo is dead night sisters that they're gonna revive as an army since Thrawn specifies that the Three Fates- I mean mothers are the ones that are providing the cargo. Though I would totally buy that Filoni would have Thrawn risk his entire plan because he's loading up his stash of snickers bars. "I'm not making my glorious return to the Imperial Remnant in a foul mood. You know what the commercial says, I'm not me when I'm hungry."
@andrewmeyer3599 Жыл бұрын
@@nobody2996 More than likely the cargo is just more bodies for Thrawn which begs the question of why wasn't all of this shit prepped beforehand? Thrawn knew the plan, he knew what he needed in order to carry his war out, why not literally just be ready at all times for when the Eye gets there?
@aidanmattys7488 Жыл бұрын
What Theo failed to mention is that Ezra was directly pulling Ahsoka from his past in his timeline, not a different Ahsoka from some other timeline. It is literally time travel
@SwiftNimblefoot 11 ай бұрын
And this amazing concept... is used to basically make Ahsoka skip some 10 or so years. Instead of going back in time and killing Palpatine in his office before he became a Sith.
@alexhayden219 11 ай бұрын
It very literally absolutely is definitely time travel.
@StalkerQtya Жыл бұрын
Every time I hear Filoni explain "Whelpl, Achtualley, it's not time travel!" it always gives me this picture: when he presented the script to the crew on set and some random dude just told him: "Uh, so we are doing time-travel now?" and he still can't get his head around this.
@samwallaceart288 Жыл бұрын
Listen, a highway isn't a road; it's just place where cars join onto and leave when they've reached their exit.
@nobody2996 Жыл бұрын
It's not time travel, just ignore that someone is pulled from the past at the point they clearly would have died and into the future, and also ignore that the very same episode has a conflict where Ezra has to accept he can't save another person the same way because doing so would change that moment in history to Ezra and his friends being killed.
@corruptangel6793 Жыл бұрын
I could see his reasoning being: Well, TECHNICALLY, they aren't time traveling. They're going to a place outside of time to alter something at a certain point in time. However, even if you argued that Ezra never time traveled... Ahsoka 100% time traveled as she went from the past to the future. So yes, Dave, there is time travel now
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
​@@corruptangel6793 But didn't she went through the exact portal she was pulled out from, so she ended up hiding for 2 years on Malachor? If so, that may mean that you can walk only through one portal, but Sidious almost pulled Ezra through his...
@corruptangel6793 Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен So she went back to fighting Vader and then escaped into hiding? Then what was the point?
@xenophon5354 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, bring on Thrawn at this point. Sabine isn’t risking the fate of the Galaxy, she’s saving it from the incompetence of the New Republic.
@alexhayden219 11 ай бұрын
This might unironically be true. Sure, the Emperor was evil, and all the Sith minions, but the Empire seems like it actually had ideals and methods of order and taking care of its citizens. There's places in canon where even Palpatine had other more nuanced motives alongside the lust for power. The New Republic is just a bunch of tards that seem to be actively trying to die. And then TROS just leaves the galaxy in a state of chaos.
@RM-rr3bo Жыл бұрын
20:10 'Hey, I killed your long-haired identical twin back in episode 1.' 'No, that was me.' 'What? HOW?'
@trygveplaustrum4634 3 ай бұрын
“The dark side of the Force is a pathway to-“ “Yes, I know! I USE the dark side! STILL, HOW?!”
@annatardlordofderps9181 Жыл бұрын
Masochist challenge: Some mad lad should sequence all of the dead air together into one long supercut.
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
"Ahsoka but it's just the pauses between lines of dialog" aka "Ahsoka."
@Arko777777 Жыл бұрын
Didn't Mauler do that already for GoT finale?
@MisterFahrenheitDoctorJones Жыл бұрын
Lmfao can't wait for this Gem to be born, Whoever does this please link
@Beuwen_The_Dragon Жыл бұрын
The entire super cut would be five minutes shorter than the entire season…
@HerohammerStudios Жыл бұрын
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon that's optimistic
@SuperKillJoy15 Жыл бұрын
Ahsoka entering the World between Worlds GLaDOS: "These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face. It would also set your hair on fire, so don't actually do it."
@CharlesUrban Жыл бұрын
I thought they'd detoured into Tron, but Aperture Labs is just as good.
@nighthathfallen Жыл бұрын
Theo was right when he said it would be "poetic for Ahsoka to die at the hands of her former master". She should've died in the rebels fight with Vader. Would've been a great ending for her, but nope
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
And tragic for Luke too. He’d never get to hear about his father from her. I honestly wish they would have killed her. This show is 10% good ideas and 90% terrible execution. The pacing is terrible and the choreography is still weak.
@blue-vr8dd 9 ай бұрын
​@superjlk_9538 honestly choreography here was probably the best of all the live action shows. bars low but at least they're improving..? idk. I'm coping at this point. I'm tired of being disappointing.
@ThisHandleSystemCanGetNicked 4 ай бұрын
@@blue-vr8dd The choreography was not a problem in this show at all, except the Anakin "fight", that looked incredibly silly. Like, these guys sitting here going "durr remember when star wrs had good fights" and then show us Maul vs Kenobi, like they wouldn't be the first people to tear it to shreds for looking like a dance than a fight.
@blue-vr8dd 4 ай бұрын
@ThisHandleSystemCanGetNicked well as I say, at that point I was just coping. if the story and characters are gonna be shit, can the fights at least go hard? I would really rather the other but I love the shit outta John Wick for those fights and those movies can get really silly. I'll always argue that the prequels are the best of the fights. its sci-fi fantasy, you can have the suspension of disbelief that flashy dance choreography is valid. it's not entirely necessary, but the choreography since then has been fucking awful in live action. just boring and uninteresting and cut up into pieces until its not even tense to watch. and obviously the plot armour and nerfing and shit really fucks with things. scraping at the bottom of the barrel for compliments at this point.
@aqua96870 Жыл бұрын
The biggest plot hole in this episode is that Alice didn't use her trumpet to knock out Sabine
@johannesseyfried7933 Жыл бұрын
No, you see, the trumpet move only works on lesbian characters, specifically Batwoman. And I don't know about you, but so far Sabine has neither turned out to be lesbian nor to be a Bat.
@jroggs85 Жыл бұрын
I think Alice (Batwoman) uses Force powers more frequently than Alice (Ahsoka) does.
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
@@johannesseyfried7933 It's current year, she might be struck with the gay when you least expect it. Just look at most of the cast for Overwatch.
@johannesseyfried7933 Жыл бұрын
@@mrbigglezworth42 Reminds me of a funny headcanon I once read, where Zarya is the only straight person at Overwatch. 😄
@SwiftNimblefoot 11 ай бұрын
It'd be hilarious if Ahsoka ends up forgiving this Sith lady and she will go on to randomly kill innocents every time she appears to remind us how bad that decision was.
@alecstewart2612 Жыл бұрын
I can't stress enough how Theo saying this show is just Filoni's OC feels spot on. This feels like some cringe Tumblr Star Wars Fanfic. All we need to do is to figure out which character is Filoni's self-insert. I bet it's whoever the Twi'lek general lady had a kid with. She seems like a character Filoni would ship himself with.
@purpledragon1945 Жыл бұрын
the father is Kanan Jarrus
@assortmentofpillsbutneverb3756 Жыл бұрын
It's asohka... thats his baby OC project and has been his character to push in any storyline and flex any characters to fit with it he wants. I overall don't dislike the character, but she is his hook to bring in his ideas
@Luke101 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE how you all take this shit so personally lmao. Filoni did Clone Wars. That shit was fire. You take Star Wars too seriously
@crazycanadian5592 Жыл бұрын
​@Luke101 clone wars had some awful writing. It establishes that the Jedi actually knew the clones were created by Dooku and chose to do nothing, it establishes that a clone knew about order 66 and actually warned the jedi but it was ignored, it establishes Yoda predicted the fall of the jedi and chose to do nothing, it establishes anakin learned of the future and then it was erased, it establishes Palpatine being super obvious he's a sith lord all the time, it makes general grevious a pussy. There's a bunch of stuff like that in the clone wars. It had cool ideas like clones being individuals. Jedi not being the best leaders. Ultimately it had terrible writing. These people aren't taking it seriously. They're criticizing poor story telling. They actually care for Star Wars and want it to be good. People can like something and criticize it.
@crazycanadian5592 Жыл бұрын
​@@Luke101oh jeez. Just saw you have a bunch of comments here. You do realize EFAP actually praised Andor heavily right? People here don't hate everything. Which by the way is the most cliche basic bitch comeback at this point. The OT had far more quality than this. You trying to shit on the Originals doesn't make this stuff better. Try deciding if you like this stuff after you watch it. Instead of deciding you love it automatically.
@ashblossomandjoyoussprung.9917 Жыл бұрын
I love the Disparu comment about episode 7 when Sabine implies that she thinks that Palpatine is still alive. In-universe, she has absolutely no reason to believe that somehow Palpatine will return. She has no reason to question whether he's really dead or not. She should just say "Yes, he's dead." But, because they want to portray her as being so damn intelligent, she's like "Yeah, he's probably not dead." So, Sabine is the only person in the universe that genuinely thinks that Palpatine will return. That's absolutely ludicrous.
@lilbubz2803 Жыл бұрын
One thing that I find really disappointing about this show is they treat going to a different galaxy like it's nothing. Just another place they haven't been before. Leaving the Galaxy should be a huge deal. They have no idea what's out there and what they could accidently bring home with them. It doesn't have to be the yu zong vong. But going to another galaxy is completely unheard of in the films. There should be some completely alien and unique threat out there that has no concept of how the races in the star wars galaxy operate. There should be aliens that aren't technologically stagnant like the ones in the star wars galaxy. There should be something interesting, alien, and scary out there because there obviously would be. It wouldn't be a single planet with a bunch of scavengers on it. But no, it's another place we have already seen a million times.
@brandonchandlerMGnO Жыл бұрын
Yes, couldn't agree more with this sentiment. It felt like I cared more about how momentous this should be than the show did, and I'm not even sure I've watched the OT.
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
They're not ready to even begin thinking about those consequences. So it's just a nother solar system, consisting of exactly 1 planet that is relevant that is just harder to get to, because you need a map and a special ship. Or Space Whales. Sorry Star Whales. It's so disappointing... Also everybody speaks Basic and the 12 years that passed since Ezra disappeared feel more like a year at most. And well no access to a razor.
@hoppie8693 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's the same thinking that leads to "omg, the multiverse is in trouble, all of existence... like, milions of lives" No, it would be an infinite amount of lives in an infinite amount of realities. The writers have no concept of what many-worlds would actually mean, just like they have no concept of the size of galaxies. It is why we end up in the damn desert EVERY SINGLE TIME. They have an entire galaxy to play with and it is always the same thing in the same places. And if it is new places, they are the same places with a different colour.
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
It’s literally the most boring planet EVER. They couldn’t have done something cool and interesting?
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
@@BannschwertEzra should be like super desperate to get home. He’s been trapped there for over a decade
@Grrk_Jr Жыл бұрын
I love watching Metal and Theo be absolutely fucking done with the 20 years of silence
@KelShu Жыл бұрын
All of the hype and theory based around who Marrok might be, only to see that he was just literal hot air
@nmr7203 Жыл бұрын
None of the Inquisitors, barring Reva, have ever been characters. Ever. I don't know why people ever thought he could have been anything
@KelShu Жыл бұрын
@@nmr7203 But……. he looked cool
@Arko777777 Жыл бұрын
People hyped Marrok to be Erza, Cal Kestis or even Starkiller for some reason. He was just a force fart, that died in one hit, because Ahsoka hit both of his force stomaches at once or something...
@crimsonking440 Жыл бұрын
​@@Arko777777 My god Cal is the only hope i have for any disney character in this franchise i pray to god they keep him as far away from these trainwreck tv shows as possible.
@TheMaleRei Жыл бұрын
@@crimsonking440 I'm reminded of 40k. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
@radioactivefiretruck4635 Жыл бұрын
Rags:"I can't believe I'm begging a woman to talk" lmfao that went unnoticed
@jcantroot Жыл бұрын
That was the best line of this episode
@akashajones6079 Жыл бұрын
Haha, sexism.. hilarious.
@WAAAAAAGH Жыл бұрын
@@akashajones6079 Why yes, it is!
@XenoSpyro Жыл бұрын
@@akashajones6079 Sometimes it is. Deal with it.
@CJ-kg7yq Жыл бұрын
@@akashajones6079 You must be great at parties.
@smallmetalowl3209 Жыл бұрын
Somewhere along the way "doing what's right" went from "making the moral choice" to "magically knowing what the successful course of action is".
@predatorasap5040 Жыл бұрын
I miss it when fight scenes were good and influenced by the characters skill Like think about it why did Ahsoka lose ? It had nothing to do with either of their fighting capabilities, She lost because Felony wanted to have her in that f*cking dream world so he could jangle Vader for all the clowns so he just had her booped off a cliff
@davidmendez3899 Жыл бұрын
technically, she “lost” because her hand was messed up. not that I believe the writers put that much thought into it.
@willfanofmanyii3751 Жыл бұрын
@@davidmendez3899 Obviously they did considering she went from holding the saber with two hands to one and got immediately rekt.
@predatorasap5040 Жыл бұрын
@@davidmendez3899 Her grabbing that map was dumb in the first place and even before getting her hand hurt the fight scenes are just so terrible they are just waving shit around and doing flips, Ahsoka has a been fighting for a long time and she has fought plenty of other people with sabers and all of that experience translate into waving your sword around like a 6 year old with a stick
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
She lost because she was focusing on destroying the plot device. On a side note, the power-scaling is really off in this universe now.
@predatorasap5040 Жыл бұрын
@@superjlk_9538 She could have force pushed that thing But intelligent moves are not a thing in this show
@Arcturus2002 Жыл бұрын
They show a hologram of Anakin in episode 7 of this show and people are already pretending as if they didn't see him return two weeks ago, just like his return in the Obi Wan show
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
Somehow, Anakin returned.
@JohnDoe-yk3ji Жыл бұрын
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
I bet in episode 8 he will appear as a Force ghost, Luke and Zeb will have a cameo, also R2 and Rex and people will lose their shit every time.
@woketree21 Жыл бұрын
Red, that's red!
@SPTX. Жыл бұрын
Everyone forgot the obiwan show existed. This includes those who praised and "loved" it.
@KelShu Жыл бұрын
Don't you love that Sabine put the galaxy at risk twice, and still won't face real repercussions?
@thunderlighting2006 Жыл бұрын
She needs to get that booty call done doesn't matter how many people die cause of it
@mennymoto Жыл бұрын
She won't provide real face expression either
@deadman4110 Жыл бұрын
That random Sith guy just exploding into green fart gas might be one of the weirdest things to happen in modern star wars. Not the most damaging or anything, but definitely one of the most odd.
@Asiandiskool Жыл бұрын
I had to find out later it was Nightsister Magic because the lighting was so bad. I couldn't even tell. That being said, I accepted Marrok being used by the Nightsisters since we've seen their magic in TCW.
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
if youve seen Filonis other stuff or played Fallen Order its not as weird because weve seen simillar stuff before, but form an outside perspective i see what you mean^^
@blue-vr8dd 9 ай бұрын
​@Asiandiskool he had to be a vessel of witchy voodoo shit, otherwise they'd have to write another one of those character things. and those are really hard. :(
@narillio1928 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars Theory and other giving it a 10/10 despite being one of the most or the most stupid episode of this show yet, because the plot force the characters to do illogical and brain dead decisions so that the story advance. Just because there is key jangling in the form of Anakin at the end and almost non stop fighting scene during this whole episode, their child brains consider it good Reminder that Star Wars Theory is the one who said that Andor despite the good acting, the good cinematography and the good writting Andor is still a forgettable show and one of his problem with the show is that they were bricks and screws lmao
@matthewcollins4773 Жыл бұрын
Team Bad Guy lost a green fart in a gimp suit but gained Sabine. A fair trade off?
@Seomus Жыл бұрын
Well, she is an invicible girl-boss that can shrug off a lightsaber. Seems like a fair trade for a male cloud of farts.
@Theendman42 Жыл бұрын
"Jedi are very good at hiding, they've been practicing that for years, however, we are getting to know our adversary. And if she's anything like her master she will be unpredictable and quite dangerous. Which is why we must control all variables. Put her on a path of her own choosing so that no matter which direction she takes we'll always be one step ahead of her." Real dialogue from episode 7...this was the GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN that was built up for years...lmao.
@Beuwen_The_Dragon Жыл бұрын
‘She is unpredictable, therefore we must control all the variables… Somehow… and set her on a path of her own choosing… Somehow… So that no matter what direction she chooses we’ll be one step ahead of her…. Somehow.” Disney Thrawn is an incoherent idiot written by an incompetent idiot.
@crazycanadian5592 Жыл бұрын
The best part is his execution of this "plan." He sends small waves of incompetent weak soldiers to attack the trio. Once some of his men die they retreat. He wants to "keep them busy," by repeating this. Thrawn himself stated they have dwindling numbers and limited resources. So he's opting to kill as many of his own troops as possible keeping them busy with this stupid plan. But Thrawn knows their exact location. They're defenseless in a field. He could carpet bomb them immediately and be done. Or just fucking leave since he's only there to finish loading some cargo. Because I guess he can't resupply when they return to their galaxy. Every second he stays is a risk he'll be thwarted. So Thrawn is staying to load cargo, and choosing not to bomb them immediately because he thinks it's more efficient to just send small waves of useless ground troops to die. This is a master strategist.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Seems like a bunch of random words elevated by T9.
@SwiftNimblefoot 11 ай бұрын
@@Beuwen_The_Dragon He was like this in Rebels too. I gave up taking him seriously after he misses several chances to kill the rebels, thinking it would lead them to their base, then messes up that too.
@SwiftNimblefoot 11 ай бұрын
@@crazycanadian5592 Yeah, he has a star destroyer! Just shoot them from orbit. Only way to be sure. :P
@Strawberrymilkdrink Жыл бұрын
I desperately want to know what first popped into everyones mind when they first heard "palpatine breathed force fire".
@citizen3000 Жыл бұрын
I just thought god im tired of this shit
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
Dave Filoni pogged really hard and went like "Brooooooo it's like Smeg! From Lord of Ring! Bro I *LOVE* Lord of Ring! He breathes fire! Like in Lord of Ring and Dungon Dragin! I *LOVE* Dungon Dragin and Lord of Ring! I'll put Lord of Ring and Gungon Dragin in *MY* show! Somehow, Palpatine will return, and he'll breath fire like in Lord of Ring! Pog!"
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Basically Force lighting, but fire.
@Strawberrymilkdrink Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен I was thinking dragon style but by a raisin
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
"He's a wrinkly old Dragonborn? What won't be pilfered by these hacks?"
@megakillerx Жыл бұрын
@notthething9531 Жыл бұрын
@cameronpadley117 Жыл бұрын
Glup Shitto!!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!
@elderhickory0776 Жыл бұрын
Feed it to me Disney I need moreeee
@guyincognito1406 Жыл бұрын
I couldn’t help but hear it in the Npc girls voice…
@AliceBowie Жыл бұрын
"You big bilbo! Eat you frickin' slop! Ain't I make the best goddamn stew in whole wide world?" Ethel, fri.xiii5
@johnnycrown5097 Жыл бұрын
Ahsoka doesn't belong to filoni... That's the creepiest part... He fell in love with Lucas' character to the point that people actually thinks he created her... That's fucking creepy especially when you think of her age back then...
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Well, not exactly. His original idea was to have a bunch of mercenaries traveling the galaxy including a Jedi girl named Ashla. This concept eventually became Rebels. However, George wanted to expand the lore of the prequels, so he proposed to put Ahsla into Jedi order and include her to team of Anakin and Obi-Wan.
@johnnycrown5097 Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен no... George invited filoni... He wasn't with him from the start... Filoni was just one of the directors not the main one... Directors don't create the stories, that's the job of the producer, the writers and the editors... So no... George started the animation to continue from tartatovsky's shorts... He planned on doing this since ROS... Filoni and Lucas weren't partners in this... Filoni had nothing to do with the script, that's why he doesn't know the lore of the clone wars...
@SolarDragon007 Жыл бұрын
To be honest Ahsoka was always stupid in concept. The idea that the Anakin Skywalker we see in the Prequels would've ever been allowed to take an apprentice is beyond laughable. TCW had to basically retcon Anakin's personality from Attack of the Clones, (which TCW is supposed to begin very shortly after), just to make it at all believeable. Also, Ahsoka having apparently had such a profound impact on Anakin and Co. makes it even more difficult to accept that she was never mentioned or alluded to in any way during ROTS.
@johnnycrown5097 Жыл бұрын
@@SolarDragon007 why couldn't he have a padawan??? You do know that the Anakin you're talking about happened either when he was still a student and when he was already strong and experienced to join the council... He was fit to join the council but the Jedi didn't allow him... How can he be fit to join the council if he didn't train anyone??? Please stop using the word retcon anyhow... I'm tired of Americans butchering the English language... Retrospective continuity means contradicting a rule or lore given before... The prequels didn't say he never had a padawan so it's not a retcon... Please stop using words anyhow...
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
@@johnnycrown5097 If you are tired of people "butchering the english language", why do you use three fullstops after every sentence? Thats not how you punctuate in regular English^^ Also, your wordstructure and grammar isnt perfect either so maybe dont call out people for something you do yourself, huh?^^ Also also, i think you are misremembering ROTS here, buddy^^ Anakin was explicitly NOT fit to join the council in the opinion of the members of said council, they only tolerated him on there out of opportunism. And not to mention, the Jedi Council is supposed to be of unsound judgement in that timeperiod, but even still Anakin is a very emotional, unwise and mentally unstable person. He shouldnt be in any position of council and leadership, he should be in fcuking therapy lol^^
@FrankSancisco Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't know about the screenplay but one of the episodes I downloaded came without subtitles so I also downloaded a srt file for it, and I did notice that it was about half as big in size as the average for how long the episode was. So 50 minutes of Ahsoka has about the same kilobytes worth of text as a 20-30 minute episode from a sitcom.
@caz1014 Жыл бұрын
Or Clone Wars which were around 20 minute episodes. Mando, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka they all just feel like 20 minute episode plots completely stretched out to 40-50 minutes and they take no advantage of that huge length.
@Zzzlol94 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for Star Wars to go from "Hey, you like the OT right?" to "Hey, you like the prequels right?" to "Uh, yeah, hey, you... you like the sequels... right? please?"
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Already did. We got pretorian guards and Babu Frik in Mandalorian.
@Asiandiskool Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен Them trying to make the sequels relevant in any way through the mandolorian has to be the most cringe shit ever. Just stop, your movies suck, give up and recton them.
@predatorasap5040 Жыл бұрын
"It's like fan service spread over nothing" -General Bilbo Bag
@Te0L0ser Жыл бұрын
Too much fanservice spread over too thin a plot
@mickeymount7902 Жыл бұрын
I laughed way harder at this than I needed to 😂
@boogleooger9666 Жыл бұрын
What saddens me is that after Disney screws up thrawn, the only thing left they have to pilfer is Revan
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
Bro they already did that lmfao. You play The Old Republic? No? It aint good bro.
@1stmorgoth289 Жыл бұрын
i wouldn´t be too concerned about it. Do you realy think they will ever tell a story too far away from the ot to use vader or luke as there maskot? You kinda cannot do this with revan. Also as of me writing this im sure they will/would find a way.
@rumblered1850 Жыл бұрын
Kylo got a bootleg version of his costume I guess. TFA should've stolen the Star Forge too instead of making an even biggerer Death Star, at least that would've been something.
@SolarDragon007 Жыл бұрын
They have LOADS of other stuff they can pilfer from Legends beyond Thrawn and KOTOR. Hopefully they're too fucking clueless to ever decide to do that with any other good EU material like Tales of the Jedi comics, Darth Bane, Star Wars: Legacy etc.
@petriew2018 Жыл бұрын
so you haven't heard that KOTOR is not only being remade, but rewritten by Sam Maggs of all people? yes, rewritten yes, by the person who wrote 'call of duty : vanguard' sorry to ruin your day that way.
@The90sDoggo Жыл бұрын
The Edgy Sith Girl being nicknamed "Alice" is quite funny! XD
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
She does remind me so much of her, except that she doesn't talk. So maybe that's a plus.
@spartan1879 Жыл бұрын
"eLeVeN YeArS!!!!!"
@kkkelp7346 Жыл бұрын
"There's no room for error in any of the fight - you won't see it because they're so fast but if you slowed them down and freeze-framed them, they can only parry there they can only attack there but the moves are so natural also correct it's the only place they can be" "We shot a test fight to set the Jedi styles - I wrote it very much like a game of chess played at a thousand miles an hour and every single move is a check, there's only one way out of it" "Since they've chosen such a short range weapon, they would have to be so good if they're up against ray guns and lasers. So they would have studied every great sword fighting style and come up with a kind of mixture of Kendo and Samurai and every sword style there's every been" - Nick Gillard 'The Swordmaster' Stars Wars Prequels comments on Lightsaber fighting Why can't they just bring this guy back and give him free reign over the lightsaber fights? He clearly knows the rhythm, mastery and emotion of a good lightsaber fight. You can't make the argument that people don't fight that way anymore because it was the Jedi's in their prime since both Ahsoka and Baylan were trained by that era.
@citizen3000 Жыл бұрын
The fights still won’t mean anything without good writing.
@liamjm9278 Жыл бұрын
@@citizen3000 Prequel fights were still good.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
​@@liamjm9278 Because there was good writing. We knew at least something about the characters.
@liamjm9278 Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен The bar is so low that the prequel writing is now considered good.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
@@liamjm9278 It was good for the most part. Dialogue, while clunky, made sense for the characters to say.
@Coconut-219 Жыл бұрын
"[Lazy writing] is a pathway to many abilities, some that one might even call [contrived]" -Darth Mouse
@TheSharkIsWorking_23 Жыл бұрын
Vader’s theme playing at the end was only there as Filoni’s reminder to his target audience….”THIS GUY WAS DARTH VADER.”
@CharlesUrban Жыл бұрын
@thanostitan2746 Жыл бұрын
@@CharlesUrban oh god that cringe "he vadered"🤓
@citizen3000 Жыл бұрын
@@thanostitan2746 how do I find that video? Also the one where the guy in the cap pretends to cry?
@thanostitan2746 Жыл бұрын
@@citizen3000 oh that's star wars theory crying over mandalorian season 2 finale luke skywalker cutting Droid. I think there's youtube channel called grizzly and there all cringe videos of star wars simps reacting these shows.
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
As someone who does not care for this franchise at all, I did need the reminder
@theduxabides9274 Жыл бұрын
35:16 Playing the Vader music when Anakin shows up reminded me: The Dark Side ghost of Revan was supposed to show up in an episode of Clone Wars, and Dave was basically going to retcon Revan's return to the light and have him die a villain for the sake of KOTOR member berries. The 'saviour' of Star Wars, ladies and gents
@Asiandiskool Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing that featurette. Any Revan fan was going to be up in arms seeing that.
@ivanthehighman177 Жыл бұрын
Thank the lord he didn't, he already fucked Bane up.
@Te0L0ser Жыл бұрын
It'd be funny when they put the hand over the Robot Guy that he instantly blares out "Oh No! my mouth is blocked. I can no longer speak!"
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
"My organic lips are being held shut! The sucking wind organ producing my voice has a bloackage! If only I were a *DROID* with a *VOCABULATOR* oh nooooooo."
@johannesseyfried7933 Жыл бұрын
​@@nananamamana3591HK47, is that you? 😂
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
Actually that's how Han silenced C3PO in Empire strikes back.
@matthiuskoenig3378 Жыл бұрын
I think that was because he was a protocol droid (ie he chose not to talk because of the clear signal to stop) but even if it does physically stop droid speech, it should not stop him speaking through the ship.
@Draanor Жыл бұрын
This show is a video game, just a bunch of video game cutscenes where nothing progresses out of camera, enemies teleport in and out, there is no real time urgency (take your time getting dressed, the game won't progress until you go outside), etc. They've even gone further this episode, now we have Mortal Kombat quips before each battle. How much can you get juiced before you realize you're being squeezed for every member berry you have in your soul?
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
There’s been intros to every lightsaber duel. Every film has it aside from Phantom Menace because Maul doesn’t speak
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
​@@superjlk_9538 But the dialogue actually meant something...
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
there are dozens of videogames that do their storytelling much better than this Show. if this is a video game, its a bad one^^
@bailysawyer804 Жыл бұрын
“I can’t believe I’m begging a woman to talk” rags in the most based of the efap crew paws down
@ThumbShovem Жыл бұрын
Holy moly the smokey goblin fart knight man killed me. What the hell are we doing????
@MajorSmurf Жыл бұрын
Story telling truly is a dead art. Writers are supposed to show of humanity at the best and worst. They're supposed to make readers understand something new about anything. Maybe a new outlook on life? What great message do I take from Ahsoka? How not to lead a military?
@MakkenziKreiga Жыл бұрын
The Yuuzhan Vong weren't my favorite part of the EU, but between chasing a Chiss and another galaxy I'm getting worried there is more to ruin.
@SolarDragon007 Жыл бұрын
At this point, I'm rooting for the Vong to show up and rape the entire Star Wars galaxy.
@graye2799 Жыл бұрын
The vong were infinitely more creative and made far more sense than what disney has done. Better than imperial remnants number 503. And at least they were a actual threat and made characters grow and change in mostly good ways.
@kylesimmons9457 Жыл бұрын
My roommate told me they already did the Yuuzhan Vong in the new books. Except they don’t really use biotechnology, and none of their backstory is the same, and they aren’t even from another galaxy. So, they are already ruined.
@SolarDragon007 Жыл бұрын
@@graye2799 I even like what they do with the Vong in Star Wars: Legacy.
@ivanthehighman177 Жыл бұрын
@@graye2799 The vong legit took over the SW galaxy, it was only with the combined arms of the rest of the galaxy to take it down.
@Rastenn Жыл бұрын
I don't understand what they think they're doing with Baylan. The first time we see him, he slaughters a bunch of Republic troops to rescue evil Sith witch lady, so they can rescue Thrawn and restart a war that will kill billions of people. Ok fine, he's a bad guy. But now he acts like he has the moral high ground over Ahsoka because SHE is the one who "only knows death?" And he tries to convince her to betray everyone and everything she cares about to help him burn half the galaxy so they can create.... something he refuses to specify, then cops an attitude when she dares to resort to violence to stop him? What the actual fuck am I supposed to take from this?
@handles_are_a_bit_rubbish Жыл бұрын
Don't be silly mate; background extras aren't people, only named characters.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
In episode 6: Republic and Empire, Jedi and Sith replace each other all the time, I want to break this cycle. Why do you train Shin and help Thrawn restore the Empire then? And why are you upset that there are few Jedi left?
@Rastenn Жыл бұрын
@@Сайтамен Ohh, so he wants to break the wheel? That explains why he wants to kill everyone while also judging people who have killed far fewer than he has, he must have heard a bell ring somewhere. It all makes perfect sense now, Dave Filoni's a genius. 🤡
@Trisket Жыл бұрын
The runtime for these first 4 episodes is 170 minutes, which is the same runtime as Heat or Saving Private Ryan. It's genuinely incredible how little Ahsoka accomplishes with the time and budget it's been given.
@madtitanthanos7898 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for idiots with ADHD like you to watch masterpieces that utilize slower storytelling like Breaking Bad of Better call saul... you are gonna break your tv
@TheLukeMcknight Жыл бұрын
Yeah, nothing happens in the first four episodes: 1. Baylon and Shin break Morgan out of prison. Ahsoka and Huyang obtain a star map to the location of Thrawn (and maybe Bridger). Ahsoka meets with Syndulla, Huyang reveals that the star map is still locked. Syndulla asks Ahsoka to get Sabine Wren to help unlock the map. Ahsoka and Huyang travel to Lothal and meet with Wren, who takes the map. Just as Sabine unlocks the map, she is confronted by Shin, who steals the map and stabs Sabine during a lightsaber duel. 2. Skoll and Hati take the map to Seatos. Elsbeth reveals that Thrawn is trapped in another galaxy. Wren, who survived Hati's attack, tells Ahsoka of her findings, and traces the droids that attacked her to Elsbeth's factories on Corellia. Ahsoka and Syndulla travel to the Corellian shipyards, where they discover a massive hyperdrive being built by workers loyal to the Galactic Empire. Syndulla chases after the transport carrying the hyperdrive while Ahsoka duels Marrok, a former Inquisitor working for Elsbeth. Marrok and the transport escape. Syndulla's droid Chopper attaches a tracking device. After arresting the shipyard workers, Ahsoka is contacted by Wren, who is ready to become her Padawan again and find Bridger. Elsbeth is contacted by Skoll, Hati, and Marrok, who obtained the hyperdrive so they can finish building her ship, the Eye of Sion, and find Thrawn. Skoll senses that Ahsoka will come for them. 3. Wren restarts her training under Ahsoka and Huyang as she struggles with her inability to use the Force. Syndulla meets with Chancellor Mon Mothma and a group of influential senators in order to get permission to send Republic forces to Seatos. Despite Mothma's support, the senators refuse to believe that Thrawn and Bridger are alive and deny Syndulla's request. Ahsoka, Wren, and Huyang travel to Seatos, where they discover the Eye of Sion, but are intercepted by a squadron of fighters led by Hati and Marrok, as Elsbeth uses cannons on the Eye of Sion to fire on them. Just as Huyang finishes scanning the Eye of Sion, Ahsoka's shuttle takes a direct hit, forcing the group to make an emergency landing on the planet, passing through a pod of Purrgil along the way to evade the remaining enemy fighters. After taking refuge in a forest, Huyang gives his full analysis on the Eye of Sion which he says is a Hyperspace ring designed to travel to another galaxy. Hati soon becomes aware of their attempt to hide, prompting Skoll to dispatch his forces into the woods to hunt them down. 4. Ahsoka and Wren are attacked by Skoll's forces, but are able to dispatch them. Fearing that Elsbeth and Skoll will acquire the coordinates to Thrawn's location, they head to their base but are intercepted by Hati and Marrok. Ahsoka kills Marrok and continues on alone, while Wren stays behind to hold off Hati, who realizes that Wren cannot wield the Force. Ahsoka reaches Skoll, and the two fight. Ahsoka retrieves the map, but tosses it aside after it burns her hand. Skoll sends Ahsoka plummeting into the ocean. Wren holds the map at gunpoint, but Skoll manipulates her into handing it over by promising to take her to Bridger. After Thrawn's location is revealed, Skoll destroys the map, and he and Hati depart with Wren as their prisoner. A squadron of fighters, led by Syndulla, arrives at Seatos and tries, but fails, to stop the Eye of Sion from jumping into hyperspace. Ahsoka awakens in the World Between Worlds, where she is met by her former master, Anakin Skywalker.
@HerohammerStudios Жыл бұрын
​​@@TheLukeMcknight 98% of that is complete filler though. In terms of anything of actual substance, it's: Ahsoka finds a map to Thrawn Some evil sith guys steal it Sabine is being trained to be a jedi (We could probably just infer that like we already inferred her training beginning off-screen for some reason, so not sure it even counts) The bad guys hyperspace away with the map That's literally it. All of this could *easily* be in a single episode and you'd lose NOTHING.
@TheLukeMcknight Жыл бұрын
@@HerohammerStudios I thought Sabine had started her training in that animated series? I haven't watched it so I'm watching Ahsoka pretty cold. At least she's taken on as a padawan, unlike Rey who just magically learns force powers. Sabine is a mandalorian so she has high level weapon skills from the start. You could sum up alot of films/series in a very short way like that. Lotr is a midget and his mates walking to throw a ring into a volcano. The last of us is a mercenary escorting an immune girl to develop a cure. Jaws is a shark terrorising a community, ten the local sheriff takes a boat out with two guys to kill it. I feel like finding a map to a bad guy, the other bad guys steal the map and a good guy who can decript it, the good guys persue, is a fine structure for the opening half of a TV series.
@HolyApplebutter Жыл бұрын
This would be like the Japanese going on some huge adventure to prevent Douglas MacArthur from joining the Pacific.
@samwallaceart288 Жыл бұрын
I do like how Japan was actually doing D-Day times 100 on all of the Pacific and were like "oh yeah, America's here too; idk just bomb Pearl Harbor that'll scare them off, lol"
@CrossBreedTacoHD Жыл бұрын
They have to find a pirate treasure map from the 1700s based in the Caribbean and take that map to an ancient Chinese temple hidden in a jungle in order to discover a remote pacific island that is not on any modern map. Once they get to this pacific island they will find MacArthur relaxing on vacation, mentally preparing to go sicko mode on those -japs- Japanese.
@DecayedAndy Жыл бұрын
i keep having people i know online talk about how good this series is..........i feel like im taking crazy pills listening to them
@maulressurected4405 Жыл бұрын
I know the feeling, the bar is set so low and most of the people still watching Star Wars is the just consume product that they hope to milk as long as they can.
@purpledragon1945 Жыл бұрын
the path of cope is a cold and cruel one
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
OK but what are they actually saying
@crazycanadian5592 Жыл бұрын
Honestly man I'm here for support. I too know what you're feeling. I had someone send me like a 7 paragraph explanation on why the show is actually good. The main points were that I don't know enough lore from other series (I do, I just don't base this shows worth off supplementary material), that I simply don't understand the show, and that I'm dumb. Like this guy defended the New Republic ignoring all of the evidence of Imperial Remnant organization. He said that obviously the NR is filled with imperial loyalists. So the entire NR would somehow ignore this threat. Also that none of the proof was actual proof, just hear say. Like the shipyard making imperial parts was hear say. I was also told that it makes sense that Thrawn couldn't find Ezra. That it makes sense Sabine found him instantly. That it makes sense that Thrawn hasn't just carpet bombed them yet. Oh and that the troops chanting Thrawn was really cool. These people are so moronic it makes my eyes bleed. So I'm here if you need a sane person to talk to on this show.
@Myrios526 Жыл бұрын
It’s concerning but what should relieve you is the viewership for this show is the lowest of all of them. It’s depressing they’re so easily sated but at least it’s Only a small group of fanatic nutters.
@blackdragoncyrus Жыл бұрын
Fringy: "I'd watch a whole show about this guy. I just want to know about this fella."
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
Said Fringy, about some CGI critter who appeared on-screen for 8 seconds. _And he wouldnt be wrong..._
@petriew2018 Жыл бұрын
@@nananamamana3591 give me the option between that and what this show actually is....
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
Dammit Fringy, stop with yer good ideas. We gots sludge to pump.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
​@@nananamamana3591 You mean the droid?
@silastipton9982 Жыл бұрын
I love they decided to make a formation that fits inside the ring instead of forming a ring shape to block the eye of sauron
@oXRaptorzXo Жыл бұрын
Then wouldn’t they have gotten sliced?
@Devonx777 Жыл бұрын
Just have a droid hit it at hyperspeed
@LN997-i8x Жыл бұрын
​@@oXRaptorzXoI mean, yeah, but you figure if Thrawn is as big a problem as they make him out to be that it would be a worthy sacrifice.
@oXRaptorzXo Жыл бұрын
@@LN997-i8x 1. I don’t think Hera would sacrifice her son and all her pilots like that in that crazy maneuver. 2. It probably wouldn’t even work. Even if they did get perfectly around the ring to block it, I doubt a few X-Wings would stop on object moving at lightspeed
@iivin4233 Жыл бұрын
​@oXRaptorzXo I think you're right to point those things out. However, a big thing moving at lightspeed hitting a small stationary object is the same as a big stationary object being hit by a small thing moving at lightspeed.
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
Regarding Ahsoka only using one Lightsaber: Especially in this episode I feel like they really wanted to emphazise that "Lightsabers are basically katana and therefore SUPERCOOOL you guys!". Ahsoka's stances are all various forms of typical katana stances, she even shifts between them as a kendoka would do. But... her choreography can't keep up with that, so it's just the same old flailing and spinning we always get. I'm pretty sure she just uses one Lightsaber so people can coom over how it looks like just in a Akira Kurosawa movie. Also the slash she uses against Dust Boi is 1:1 a katana slash used in pretty much all japanies movies involving duels like this. No idea how it exactly works in RL, but I guess it does somehow.
@CrossBreedTacoHD Жыл бұрын
I know one thing about their "katanas" that is not intuitive, at least it wasn't for me, is that they draw them with the sharp side facing upwards which is why some of their more stylized "Drawing" moves you see in movies are a bit strange looking. At least I think they were going for a "samurai western" classic where the hero draws his blade so fast he is able to kill a foe with a weapon out already. So anyways, I think it works in real life because they draw their blades with the sharp side facing upwards.
@Bannschwert Жыл бұрын
@@CrossBreedTacoHD The reason they do that is because it's much easier and smoother because of the blade's form. A straight blade can be drawn in pretty much any angle (though you can do the same technique as with a katana with a longsword as well and it's actually pretty nice to draw like that). But with the katana you need to draw like that or you'd have to stretch your arm really weirdly. Basically the inner side of the katana has to face your body so you can move the weapon in a round motion around you and out of the sheath. But yes, there are several techniques focused around striking with the drawing motion as well as several of them focused on ending a fight with a single stroke (which is basically what Ahsoka did here)
@jmace2424 Жыл бұрын
I appreciated Rags saying “How is Zeus” to Hera soooo much! 🤗🤣
@lunaticred0 Жыл бұрын
It still fucking kills me that Filoni somehow made his OC, Ashoka, a fan favorite character, more boring and apathetic than fucking Rey Palpatine. Star Wars is dead, and the mouse killed it.
@heikira438 Жыл бұрын
Theo is hilarious. Mauler: "Theo, what is the world between worlds?" Theo: "OK, I don't really f*cking know" 😂 No one knows, Theo. NO ONE KNOWS!
@reignman30 Жыл бұрын
I know what it is, it's a deus ex machina ;)
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
I know what it is, but it's just too cringe and stupid to tell you without going insane.
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
@@PEYTONTHEPROTAGONIST A pocket outside of the universe, packed with the force, and dark matter. Which curves space into each other to provide time travel. And these curves lead to areas like the Vader fight with Ahsoka. Which can, at least until Filoni fucks that up, only be used by force users. I almost had a stroke trying to put into words the bullshit that this thing is.
@johannesseyfried7933 Жыл бұрын
​@@RhysCallinan-wc9fiDark Matter too? Shouldn't that disintegrate everyone who enters?
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
@@johannesseyfried7933 Apparently not for Star Wars, at least from Filoni in one of his interviews that he will never remember and probably retcon like he does everything including his own stupid lore.
@k.c.3425 Жыл бұрын
The droid is objectively the best thing about the show again. (Along side old Sith dude)
@CharlesUrban Жыл бұрын
I very much enjoy the droid. He's the only character allowed to have common sense.
@benderbendingrodriguez6375 Жыл бұрын
He should be with Luke though. Dude is hundreds of years old and has a library of information relating to Jedi yet he's traveling around with someone who in her own words "I am no Jedi". At the very least he should be kept out of dangerous situations.
@RhysCallinan-wc9fi Жыл бұрын
​@@CharlesUrbanWhich they ignore only to regret it later but never learn since they keep doing it.
@SpookyScarySkeletor Жыл бұрын
@@CharlesUrban He can have common sense but oh no no no, the characters wont let him implement it and instead mock and humiliates him for it. "How dare you approach this planet of hostile beings that we have no idea the capabilities of from safety? Why didnt we land in the planets front door" the best part about it the show makes it worse for him for having 6 plot fighters appear BEHIND them and attacks?? just let my droid boy win one please.
@L337N1NJ4L1NK Жыл бұрын
You know what is funny? To enter the World between Worlds, Ezra had to access an ancient mural of the literal personifications of the force; essentially an alter designed to worship them. And the only reason he was able to enter it was because Darth Sidious was using ancient Sith magic at the same time to try and break into the World between Worlds which caused the portal to open and draw Ezra in. This time, I guess Ashoka just fell into it?
@mrminecraftcubeable Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it be cool if Baylan was a jedi (not a sith) that believed in the empire That he thought the new Republic was as bloated and ineffective as the old one while the empire worked better and provided order Maybe he thought the only problem with the empire was the sith at the top and he genuinely believed someone as smart as thrawn becoming emperor would benefit the galaxy
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
That'd just make him Diet Dooku.
@superjlk_9538 Жыл бұрын
I think that’s similar to his philosophy, but WE STILL DO NOT KNOW. There’s one episode left and so much time is wasted by pauses between dialogue where people are just staring.
@petriew2018 Жыл бұрын
@@nananamamana3591 i'll take a diet dooku over regurgitated nonsense. Or, more accurately, plagerized nonsense.... there's not a single original idea in this show. To be honest, a show from a character with that perspective would give some wold building Star Wars desperately needs right now.
@graye2799 Жыл бұрын
​@@nananamamana3591but dooku was a sith.
@jroggs85 Жыл бұрын
But red lightsaber. RED.
@mryellow6918 Жыл бұрын
id like to point out Dave wanted her to be obi's padawan but George said she should be anakins.
@corruptangel6793 Жыл бұрын
Both of which were dumb. She should have been Plo Koon's Padawan with Anakin himself being a Padawan for the first 3 or so seasons to actually develop him as a character and show how he grew from AOTC to ROTS.
@benderbendingrodriguez6375 Жыл бұрын
George also wanted her to be killed off.
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
Dave probably forgot Obi-Wan had a padawan that one time. Can't remember that guy's name. Lanitan Skimwater? Hamipan Skillplocker? Anilam Shamrocker? I can't remember...
@mryellow6918 Жыл бұрын
@@benderbendingrodriguez6375she did, twice, no thrice. but hey modern story telling.
@nhagan001 Жыл бұрын
@@benderbendingrodriguez6375 that would be a very real thing to do, given how we casually let him slaughter children. What is a Twilek body to the pile?
@sivad1025 Жыл бұрын
The best part of this video is that you guys came up with all these cringe theories and they all made more sense than what actually happened
@samzilla567 Жыл бұрын
Ashoka has no excuse for not using dual sabers in every single fight. That's her signature style and she puts the same amount of powers in her swings in dual style as her single saber swings. Why did she intentionally handicap herself this episode?
@ZenoDovahkiin Жыл бұрын
The best headcanon explaination I have for the lack of second lightsaber is that Ahsoka recognised Balen's raw power based style from his stance and she can't block his strikes one handed, thus she sticks to one saber and after burning her hand she uses the force with the burned one. Obviously I'm doing the writers' job for them here.
@matthiuskoenig3378 Жыл бұрын
I think she used 2 lightsabers against him in a later episode tho
@teddyharvester Жыл бұрын
Faceless black armor dude was just a Dark Souls boss. You beat him, he turns into smoke and particles. She forgot to grab the shiny drop, though. There was definitely a shiny drop, and she just left it.
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
probably dropped his Bossoul which you can bring to Huyang to craft his Weapon out of. Thats how it usually goes^^
@TheEdgysaber Жыл бұрын
All the Filoni fans thought Morrok was Starkiller but he was just a Nightsister fart in the wind
@datzfatz2368 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, i would have been much more annoyed if he was "Starkiller". Leave that poor guy alone Disney, get your fulthy hands off him!
@Schwifter_ Жыл бұрын
Fulcrum was the code name for Ahsoka during the rebellion, the Empire was trying to find out who it was for a long time until it was revealed to be Ahsoka.
@Сайтамен Жыл бұрын
2018. Dave Filoni: I want to bring Ahsoka back. Fans: why? She had a perfect endi... Filoni: SHUT UP! SHE IS MY OC! And to bring her back I will introduce...time travel! Fans: Dave?! This ruines the stakes in all of Star Wars! Filoni: Calm down, it will be used only once to save her and then access to it will be destroyed forever. Fans: sure... 2023. Fans: Dave... Filoni: what? Look, it's young Anakin! Fans: Facepalm...
@luhrsen8105 Жыл бұрын
In the Mandalorian lightsabers just bounce of his armour. In this episode Sabine acts terrified of letting it touch her, and in the next we see Ahsoka's memories of killing armoured mandalorians with one slash. And apparently Huyang is only allowed to use his extra arms in training and not when in a fight for his life.
@davidmendez3899 Жыл бұрын
so this just proves that the bombs from the beginning were just put there because of hackneyed writers needed drama. “cool explosion to run away from”, “race against the clock”. the hospital one being the most egregious since it’s just there to make the information on the villains harder to get. this also stops the military from being used.
@xel1673 Жыл бұрын
I was told Sabine Wren is nearly, if not 30 years old in this series. So not only does she behave like a woman who refuses to grow up (or Filoni can't remember how old she is while writing her), it also means all these basic and cliche moral lessons are being told to a woman who is 10 years removed from her adolescent years. At least Luke was around 17, inexperienced and naive, when he left on his adventure in ANH. His world previously was limited to his farm and small town life. He'd never faced real hardship before. So the way Obi-wan and others spoke to him kind of fit with his huge need for guidance and reality checks. Sabine has been through numerous conflicts, trauma, and tough decisions since she was a kid. And yet this is how Ahsoka talks to her? Like Anakin might have to her when she was 14 and a Padawan? "Sometimes we have to do what's right, regardless of our personal feelings". Is the next line of wisdom from Ahsoka going to be “Life is a journey, not a destination”, which she got off a throw pillow at Target? The writing and dialogue is so bad... It's painful. Filoni's attempts at writing this Master & Padawan stuff is so childish and banal it either makes it that 30yo Sabine is a moron who hasn't figured out basic aspects of life. Or Ahsoka knows Sabine is so self-centered and morally stunted she needs to be confronted by such lessons like sacrificing something she wants for the greater good. Or Ahsoka is being condescending and Sabine should honestly be offended she's being talked to as if she were a naive child rather than someone who has experienced everything she's supposedly gone through according to Filoni's own backstory on her. Considering everything we've seen of Sabine so far in this Ahsoka series, though, the selfish and morally stunted seems the most likely. What with sacrificing the galaxy for Ezra (basically nullifying the near decade long sacrifice that Ezra made to remove Thrawn as a danger, making everything he's gone through pointless), probably to assuage her own guilt and satisfy her own wants. Or refusing to go to a memorial for her friends who died or sacrificed a lot. Even if she wants to deny Ezra's death, Kanan (a friend, leader, and the partner/lover of Hera, who is also suppose to be a good friend and would also, one would assume, appreciate some support) is actually dead and she refused to attend a memorial for even him. And she had no issues risking an entire hospital full of countless innocent people by messing around with a droid with a nuke in its robo-brain that could go off and seemingly nearly did thanks to her if HuYang hadn't intervened. Everything Sabine does is selfish. Even if it happens to help others (like rescuing Ezra) she still does it because it's what she wants and it makes her happy. That on top of stealing the map against Ahsoka's wishes and ultimately handing it over to the enemy through her recklessness and selfishness again. $10 says Sabine never has to do what's right at the cost of her own personal feelings and everything will all work out perfectly. She probably get everything she wants (outside of freeing Thrawn) and everyone will still love and trust her. She will never have to make a tough choice and lose something she wants. She'll certainly never face serious and/or lasting consequences, like from Ezra, who I heard conveniently doesn't seem to be asking many questions on why or especially how she is there in future episodes, or from Ahsoka or anyone else for leading the enemy to Thrawn. She can't even get stabbed in the chest with a lightsaber for stealing the map from Ahsoka without that being fixed with nothing lost (whether internal organs or trust from Ahsoka). No lessons will be learned. Ever.
@abastionofbricks7575 Жыл бұрын
Was not expecting an Atlantis the lost empire reference but I am not disappointed!
@nananamamana3591 Жыл бұрын
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
@UnendedGalaxy Жыл бұрын
Incredible that the writers constantly forget a tactic that the Covenant don’t forget about that can end a distant, painful target.
@thanatosdriver1938 Жыл бұрын
what is that tactic
@eidolon1426 Жыл бұрын
​@@thanatosdriver1938 Glassing the fucking site from orbit. All of the enemies are *"12 kilometers"* away? Then you have 11 spare kilometers to work with before you risk accidentally hitting your own team. Ahsoka and Sabine are SO far away from you that you are free and clear to just bombard their general position for hours. You can't possibly fail. They clearly have no cover in these woods, and their ship would obviously be the epicenter of the bombardment. EZ.
@dauren7328 Жыл бұрын
The bar for Star Wars content was so low t's practically a tripping hazard in hell... but here is Dave Filoni limbo dancing with the devil.
@Beuwen_The_Dragon Жыл бұрын
^.-.^ 🎵🎶Starwhals Starwhals livin’ in the Hypre-lane, swallow-ing Ashoka’s plane, causing blue-man a migraine… 🎶🎵
@LiteDnBFnatic Жыл бұрын
Hot take here: Starwars would be better written and the fights would play out better if the writers were capable of understanding and explaining the consequences of violence. Imagine if the writers capable of this had characters act and fight a certain way because they knew if they hesitated or failed to recognize their own threat level they would die. Imagine if Shin decided she would stop playing games and use everything in her arsenal to kill Sabine and instead of using her lightsaber Sabine used her pistols and stayed at range. Imagine if Filoni grabbed you or your viewers to rewrite this script...
@majomajo1835 Жыл бұрын
'Finn.. I mean Jacen, how can we drive the plot forward?' 'A feeling'...
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