20k Rounds Without Cleaning?

  Рет қаралды 16,238

Ben Stoeger

Ben Stoeger

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 135
@ToddDavey 7 ай бұрын
You provide the most unvarnished truth about shooting, training and related equipment on the internet. Thanks
@thestevenator 7 ай бұрын
My experience is the same. There is absolutely an inverse relationship between how much someone shoots and how much they clean
@rodiculous9464 7 ай бұрын
My opinion new gun owners are excited with their new shiny gun and cleaning it feels interesting and exciting but once you start shooting a lot it feels like a chore
@armorers_wrench 7 ай бұрын
I live in a place that gets really cold in the winter. A few years back I switched from regular CLP type oil to grease that is good between -75 and +510(according to the label). I don't have to apply it as frequently and it also seems to function better in sub zero temps. I've taken my guns out on days that were -15 to -20 and days with extreme windchill(well, what I'd call extreme wind chill) and haven't had any issue with grease. I think grease is better for cold weather--also its nice that you don't have to apply it as frequently. I've also heard Automatic transmission fluid works really well as gun lube in all temps.
@tacoscheap 7 ай бұрын
I wipe my gun clean with a CLP wipe every 500-1000 rounds. I do a deeper dive every 5000. After 20K I replace perishables. I’m more concerned with my magazines. Those get cleaned monthly and refurbished annually. For my carry gun I have two mags that are essentially brand new. Function tested then only shot when it’s time to rotate ammo. I have 4 more that are for training. They get the same treatment as the competition magazines. I also have a singlestack Rimfire racegun. It needs a little more love because RF runs dirty AF. Malfunctions in Steel challenge are match killers. The cushion for mistakes is nil. So self induced issues are something I avoid. I’ve never felt like I was getting even close to inducing issues with that schedule. It’s not hard and fast… If I’ve shot a lot more than normal, I don’t fret. Still, I see no advantage to pushing things
@Thelingerer 7 ай бұрын
I have never been able to more than 5k rounds on my old 75b before replacing the trigger return spring. My CZ was more maintenance intensive than I liked, one of the reasons I shoot a glock now.
@GanttCarterservant 7 ай бұрын
I hear ya
@UrbanDefenseSystems 7 ай бұрын
Go with a Beretta. They tend to be almost as maintenance free as a Glock, in my own personal opinion they're more reliable, AND, they shoot better than a Glock simply due to trigger and recoil.
@BeauBrewer5.56 7 ай бұрын
For practice guns do whatever, match guns probably more careful, duty and carry gun gets cleaned and maintained for reliable function. The match gun you need to work to win the competition. The duty and carry gun you need to work to save your life or someone else’s. Take care of you stuff if you need it to take care of you. Every other range session I clean my carry gun because it is the same gun I practice with and do everything else gun related with. It doesn’t have to be detailed spotless clean but clean enough and oiled enough that if the gun doesn’t work it’s not because of that.
@charlesreeves3426 7 ай бұрын
I live by the principle; one is none and two is one. If you shoot a lot and if it is in your budget, it makes sense to have a carbon copy of your match or duty gun to train with. Its the same with mags. I have training mags. match mags and carry mags.
@americanball_2841 6 ай бұрын
@@charlesreeves3426Itd be more cost effective to carry spare parts as theyre cheap except for slides and barrels. Glock parts have very long service lifes. IF and Only If you leave them mostly stock.
@mackies9151 7 ай бұрын
The only gun I clean prior to every match is my built 10/22 for steel challenge. Those 22's are nasty beeotches.
@gamebred5x 7 ай бұрын
Just the action and not the barrel, right??
@zen-Tii 7 ай бұрын
My gunsmith years ago cautioned against wearing a gun out cleaning it too much. Our USPSA group took his advice and routinely shot our .45 ( very old-school ) comp guns ‘till the slide started to noticeably slow down.
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
How does cleaning a gun “wear it out”?
@rurouniad 7 ай бұрын
@@jason91notch Let's rephrase this by asking...what is cleaning a gun? Oil cloth wipe down. Or getting the metal wire scrub brush out every 50 round visit. Full disassembly cleaning every time. Throwing it in a dish washer. This also depends largely on the gun. But yes, excessive cleaning overtime could lead to part failure or damage. The jokster in me would say we take the car every 3-6 months to get an oil change. Not an engine deep clean. Guns similarly.
@thebronzetoo 7 ай бұрын
Your gunsmith was an idiot.
@thebronzetoo 7 ай бұрын
Your gunsmith is an idiot.
@leftyo9589 6 ай бұрын
if you wear a gun out by cleaning it, you need to put down the grinder, and sandpaper! even on rifles, yes you can damage the bore if youre a hack with a cleaning rod, but if you arent, its impossible to cause damage by cleaning a gun.
@earl240sx 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reminder - I have a 5" M&P9 that was my first carry optics gun, and it has close to 5k rounds through it, so I guess it's time to clean it. I do put a few drops of oil on the rails and barrel from time to time, but it has never had what you would call a thorough cleaning. 1 malfunction (light strike - could easily have been the ammo) in almost 5k rounds... that's okay performance I guess. :)
@CHOPPASLUGBM 7 ай бұрын
"Some men just want to watch the world burn I guess" 😂 Me too Ben. Me too
@vettepilot427 7 ай бұрын
I don't understand this. I've never seen someone start a race with a dirty race car and I don't understand why you would compete with a gun that wasn't clean and in a known good condition. As a gunsmith myself, the majority of repairs that I deal with on ALL guns are related to improper maintenance or lubrication. I don't buy the "I shoot a lot" excuse. Do you need to clean your gun every 100 rounds? No. But about every 1k-2k rounds, I disassemble, drop it in the ultrasonic tank, apply fresh lube, and take 10 minutes to inspect for slide/frame cracks, spring function, etc. I'll do this before a match also. The middle of the match is not the time to find out that the recoil spring needs to be replaced or your mag suddenly won't drop. I get that guns are tools and you don't need to baby them or be overly concerned that they get dirty. However, they are also investments, sometimes costing several thousands of dollars. It's common sense to care for and maintain that investment and to ensure performance on demand.
@rodiculous9464 7 ай бұрын
Most people don't have an ultrasonic tank, yes this sounds exactly like something a gunsmith would say but the average normie is buying knockoff PSA crap bc they can't afford a 500 dollar glock. Also most people don't shoot matches to win they do it to train with their guns and training malfs is perfectly valid and seeing how far you can push the gun is perfectly valid. People that need to win matches for a paycheck are an outlier.
@vettepilot427 7 ай бұрын
@@rodiculous9464An ultrasonic tank is $139 from Harbor Freight. If you're running the round counts and the kind of guns Ben has here, you can afford one. I understand that matches are realistic training and skill building (I shoot PRS myself) but I don't understand dealing with self-induced and preventable malfunctions. I have no idea how the round count until it gets so dirty that it ceases to function somehow became an indicator of quality or reliability. It's like judging how reliable a car is by how many miles you get before it starts knocking from not changing the oil.
@bentastic27 7 ай бұрын
Most folks I've talked to that religiously clean guns are exmilitary. I feel that context is really important on the difference between how mil treats guns vs everyone else. Carbon just from shooting really doesn't hurt much if at all so we can get away with just adding oil from time to time. If you're rolling around in the sand and dirt with them then that becomes a totally different issue.
@HWG-wm8ld 7 ай бұрын
It’s our therapy
@seanwhite304 7 ай бұрын
I'm a fan of quick cleans . Should take well under 2mins to do quick clean . Most of the time i just wipe off then apply more lube . I do the exact same with carbine . Only caveat with carbine is when i run suppressed. Ill take an 30 seconds to break down the bolt so i can wipe off . That sounds about right every 3k to 5k ill break down the pistol or carbine and take couple extra minutes to clean . I really dont do white glove cleaning and never plan too . Unless that firearm is getting retried and or storage . If you are using good gun care products . Excessive amounts of cleaning are not necessary IMO .
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
This. You don’t need to completely break down and return a gun to new condition. But at least wipe off excess buildup and lubricate every once in a while. This trend of not even doing the basics like that is silly.
@DavidLLambertmobile 6 ай бұрын
I clean & check my guns every few weeks. I store them in factory foam cases. I use Clenzoil.
@madisonberg627 7 ай бұрын
Giving me a lot of piece of mind. I haven’t cleaned my Shadow yet I think I have a little over 10k through it 😅 thank you 🙏
@kenwickes2497 7 ай бұрын
I've had to scrape out the gunk behind the extractor once or twice a year with a mini q-tip. Other than a little slide lube here and there, you will not need to do anything else. Once a year (20k + rounds) I replace springs and the slide stop and give it a full clean. Shoot on! (above doesn't count dry fire, so trigger spring gets a lot more reps.)
@pissingeverywhere 7 ай бұрын
worringly good video quality this time. What's up Ben
@leaningfree 7 ай бұрын
Love this. I shoot 2gun (and now USPSA) and I am allergic to cleaning. About once every 500 rounds or so, I'll wipe down my BCG with a CLP soaked paper towel. My Glocks (I carry a g19.5 and a g45, while I compete with Carry Optics G17.5) I just lube once in a while. Maybe every 5k rounds I'll put a bore snake through 'em or something. They work great! I compare that with all my military buddies who had to over clean EVERYTHING and it just wore out their weapons way to quickly. Good guns are just reliable. Despite me carrying Glocks and competing with one, I don't actually like Glocks very much. But if I am going to have a loaded weapon pointed at my twig and berries, I'm going to need to trust it. I trust Glocks, M&Ps, Walthers, etc. I've come to the conclusion that as long as the gun is reasonably accurate and very reliable, it doesn't matter AT ALL. How else can you see so many shooters shooting so many different types of guns and succeeding all the time. It is the shooter, not the gun. Just find something that goes bang every time you pull the trigger, and doesn't go bang when you don't!
@TexasBarnRats 6 ай бұрын
So glad to hear this from someone other than myself. I've lost count of the number of times I've been called nuts.
@shaunt892 3 ай бұрын
Ove grown to love my sonic cleaner. I just hold my slide by the optic just enough to get in the striker chanel and behind the extractor. Be careful to not get steam in your optics housing. Then toss the body in and bam. Clean enough.
@UltimateEnd0 6 ай бұрын
Would love to see you do this to the PDP SF and report back
@JR15A2 7 ай бұрын
I treat my firearms like my vehicles. I use high-quality lubricants, extended change intervals, and add more if needed in between. Obsessive/compulsive cleaning of firearms wastes valuable time that could be spent on more productive endeavors, and ain't nobody got time for that.
@W3stW0lverine 7 ай бұрын
I clean semi regularly because takes all of 3 minutes to brush, wipe, and oil it. I’m not doing inspection ready deep cleans because that’s not necessary. But, taking 3 minutes to clean here and there will prevent that what-if scenario in a match. The juice is worth the squeeze to me. I also don’t have training guns, just one gun for matches and practice.
@rurouniad 7 ай бұрын
It depends just as you say. There is a "wrong answer" here per say. I find the truth more nuanced. If you can only afford 1 gun. Then 3 minutes of maintenance at an interval you set has a juice worth the squeeze. If all someone does is go to the range and shoot a box of 50 and go home 1-2x a year. Modern guns only, an average person may never need to clean their firearm. But they will likely induce a failure due to lack of lubrication at some point.
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
This trend of people bragging about how long they go without cleaning their guns is bizarre to me. Bragging about not taking care of your stuff. It’s dumb. Take care of your shit, it’ll take care of you.
@rurouniad 7 ай бұрын
@@jason91notch I think you found the wrong chat sir. I don't read any of this as bragging. Nobody here near as I can tell is telling someone "if you only own one gun, abuse it." I would wager, the majority of people here own more then 1 tool.
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
@@rurouniad bragging might be the wrong word, at least for what Ben is doing in this video. I don’t think he is bragging. I definitely have seen some “bragging” though. That’s beside the point though. Why won’t people just clean their damn guns?? It’s a part of gun ownership. It’s taking care of your asset. You don’t need to clean them every time you hit the range, but every 1-2k rounds is completely reasonable, and should be encouraged. I’m not seeing any encouragement to clean/maintain your weapons by really anyone. It’s silly.
@rurouniad 7 ай бұрын
@@jason91notch I am fairly confident to Ben a CZS2 is like buying toilet paper. That's the point I am trying to get across. Once you pass a threshold of how much you shoot. The gun becomes a disposable purchase and the ammo is where the real expense is. IE : Both are disposable. Now if you want a firearm to occasionally shoot, and be an inheritance piece as if that was the plan the entire time. I think that isn't wrong too. I need to stress briefly that I do not think you are wrong having a planned maintenance interval. The gun I carry regularly has more maintenance on it then my competition gun that spends most of its time being dry fired / at a competition / in the safe.
@robertwatson818 3 ай бұрын
My 2nd Gen Glock 17 has over (conservatively) 200,000 rounds through it. Almost no cleaning and zero malfunctions.
@rodiculous9464 7 ай бұрын
Why is Ben trying to mug me in the thumbnail, inflation must be hitting hard 😂
@2ATranA 7 ай бұрын
Ammo ain't cheap 😂
@Fin.mint. 4 ай бұрын
On my competition 92XI RDO I usually just wipe the rails after the range with Q tips and make sure they're oiled. Usually thats around 500 rnd intervals.
@tmgjurassic3738 6 ай бұрын
Mac at the military arms channel is at something like 8k rounds through a 16" BCM with no failures and zero maintenance. No oil, no lube, no anything. My striker fired pistols are rarely cleaned, my 2011s every 12 to 1500 rounds.
@m4tol 4 ай бұрын
A lot depends on the ammo you are shooting. There are vast differences across the market in the amount of crap it leaves in your gun. I prefer my own loads that burn so good, I really only clean my guns when I am utterly bored.
@TheGoatMumbler 7 ай бұрын
Uh... ok. "I don't clean. I don't carry tools. I just wait for it to fail and then do something". Everybody has their own routine.
@GanttCarterservant 7 ай бұрын
@ecalzo 6 ай бұрын
i've said the same you're telling us to a friend that's cleans the extractor trigger housing ejector and firing pin channel liner of the Glock every single time He goes at the range ... He told me i'm crazy!!
@DanWright-ue8gh 7 ай бұрын
Anyone here had experiences with Glock strikers and mag catch springs breaking? I’ve had two of each break with in the last few years.
@Sometimes_Always 7 ай бұрын
I had a mag spring break.. But that's because I heated it up to soften the mag release.. I've been shooting USPSA since 2005 w/ 100k+ rounds through my G34 and I've never, ever had anything else break other than the mag catch. If the striker broke that sounds like you fked with it or something. Glock would fix that for you under their warranty but it would take 3 seconds to look at it and know whether you bubba'ed it or not.
@GanttCarterservant 7 ай бұрын
I broke a mag catch spring, and it was during a period of extreme reload practice…so maybe I literally wore it out. I also had a stroke break on the same G34 a month later. Lol Only parts breakage I’ve yet to experience with any Glock in thousands of rounds and hundred of hours of dry fire. 😎
@690sm 7 ай бұрын
I have not deep cleaned my Tanfo since 2014.. 😂..
@juanvaldez6321 7 ай бұрын
My 34 could run until the end of time with no cleaning. But i still take it apart every 1 to 2k rounds to clean but mainly to throw some Loctite antisieze on the trigger bar. I started doing that once the old trigger bar got marred up and felt gritty as a result. Could have been the frame itself idk but seems to be working fine this way. Now my g26 gets gunked up pretty quick, 2k rounds no cleaning and it wont fire without a ton of oil. When i took it apart there was a ton of carbon build up behind the trigger shoe and on the trigger bar. My comped guns i clean every other range session to prevent build up, because one that stuff cakes up you'll picking it out forever. I also switched from WWB to SB and it's a lot cleaner. Now i don't put down nearly as many rounds as a pro competition shooter so what the hell do i know, this is just my experience
@jinks6410 7 ай бұрын
Cleaned weapons doesn't mean "seasoned gun guy", it usually means fudd non shooter. Oiling blued steel every now and then is needed so it doesn't rust. Military is on a maintenance plan, probably needs to be changed. For civies, I guess clean your princess competition race guns. All others I say don't clean until it starts failing. If your AR/striker fired pistol needs constant cleaning, it needs to go to a gunsmith.
@mdmace8690 7 ай бұрын
I go for months without brushing my teeth. It can done, but it’s not healthy according to my dentist.
@tokyosan7906 7 ай бұрын
I usually clean my stuff once at some point during summer after I’ve been running them a bit. Then when winter comes and I shoot much less I vowed to give em a good cleaning but always lazy out til the next summer haha😂
@seengh 7 ай бұрын
What about other maintenance across 20k rounds on the CZ? Worn our recoil/hammer/trigger/firing pin spring replacements? etc
@neptunestrident4364 6 ай бұрын
I beat myself for not cleaning more often. I don’t have a schedule of rounds or time, only when the guilt gets too much.
@JoshsGameClub 7 ай бұрын
I shoot all the time and used to compete frequently. Most guys I know who do the same rarely clean their guns and if they do, they only wipe them down and re-oil. They also have almost no problems, because they buy quality guns. I'm a habitual gun cleaner and they thought I was weird lol. I also had no problems.
@kirksmith347 6 ай бұрын
I just clean my guns after each range trip, open a beer and go at it, its therapeutic
@ZizinRacing 7 ай бұрын
How often do you replace the slide stop on your CZ/tanfos?
@Sometimes_Always 7 ай бұрын
Buy a spare and carry it in your range back. I've seen 2 breaks in the last 5 months. They'll snap at random times.. For major matches, put the new one in. Then when you're done, swap it back out for the old one. When the old one eventually breaks, buy a new and relegate your working one to "old" status. This way you get the most out of your slide stop. They're only $35-40 bucks so it's easy to carry an extra one. Why throw away a perfectly good part that could have 5, 10, 15000 rounds of life left on it. Doing this is better than asking when to swap it out as nobody knows exactly when it'll break. Isn't this common sense?
@ZizinRacing 7 ай бұрын
@@Sometimes_Always Good advice
@xxdizannyxx 6 ай бұрын
Its a cz 75, of course its reliable
@thegruntmaster117 7 ай бұрын
Hey Ben huge car guy here, do you own a Mach one or did you just do the track attack course for fun? I have a supercharged 12 GT that I road race. Thank you for the great content you have helped improve my shooting a lot.
@BenStoeger187 7 ай бұрын
I have one. It was the owners course.
@Matt-wt9ep 6 ай бұрын
Ben, I enjoy your videos. What optic is that on your rifle?
@philreynolds7216 6 ай бұрын
Most of the guns students bring to your classes are name-brand products, and I’m sure that each of those product lines, at some point, has been tested by some government or military agency to 10,000 rounds with 3 failures of any type, or something like that. The vast majority of people can buy a Glock, Smith & Wesson, FN, Sig, or any other big brand and *never* clean it for the rest of their life and never have a problem.
@jessemays9427 6 ай бұрын
I hear the Cz 75 barrels last over 90,000 rounds
@robolson7669 7 ай бұрын
I have multiple Beretta guns that are getting to 20,000 I’ve been letting them go to find the limit. My friends think I’m nuts. I just take off the slide, toothbrush off the gunk, oil , and a bore snake then they go back together. I reload, and I don’t have time to completely tear down a gun between matches.
@expert244 6 ай бұрын
Of course we want to maintain our gear to keep it in good shape and functioning properly, but the white glove excessive cleaning people are ridiculous. It is important to understand that a lot of that culture came from the military, where cleaning firearms is more of a tool used for discipline than it is in the interest of keeping the firearm functioning properly. Excessive cleaning is not only a waste of time but can also cause damage to the firearm.
@hopewilliams6705 7 ай бұрын
When I started shooting i would clean my guns every time I shot... Now I keep them from getting any rust down here in Humid Southern Mississippi witch is challenging but outside of that... Now it's not the same routine every few k rounds if running properly let it rip tater chip
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
There’s a weird trend of people bragging on the internet about not cleaning their guns. Why is it trendy to not take care of your stuff? It’s bizarre. Clean/take care your shit.
@jediknight1294 7 ай бұрын
Couple of things to remember. 1. Overcleaning damages guns. The military style obsessive cleaning, scraping carbon off the bolt with a metal tool damages guns and increases the failure rate. 2. Cleaning a barrel once it's shit in/sooted makes guns less accurate. There's a reason nobody takes a fresh gun without a leaded barrel to a F class or High Power competition. 3. When you are shooting on the kind of schedule and roundcout that instructors do, that comp shooters do, that Mil guys do in Combat. Cleaning a gun every 1000 rounds, every 5k rounds either isn't possible because you don't have the time or you don't have the place to do it. If I need to clean a pistol every 500 rounds, that's cleaning it 3 to 4 times in a 3 day class, if I have to clean a rifle every 500, that's after every 8 hour patrol at certain points in Afgan. 4. Most modern guns, lubrication matters far more than being clean. The AR 'filthy14' in classes with that instructor, got to 30 or 40k without actually cleaning it just lubing it heavily and checking and inspecting parts every 5k. 5. Plus there's a thing with custom fit triggers or certain. Designs (the M14 Is a biggie) where once it's setup EVERY TIME you take it apart, that gun will shoot less well, that yiu get closer to the bedding needing to be redone or your trigger isn't guaranteed to be anywhere near as nice when your reassemble it and every time you do that trigger gets closer and closer to parts needing to be replaced. It's also the guns as tools vs guns as collectable or talismans debate, I clean guns based on round count and need and the point they start to misfire. For some of my guns that's every use because corrosive ammo or because they've been carried in shit conditions, for others 15 to 20k and just live the thing every time I go to a comp.
@notme3184 7 ай бұрын
It's not bragging. It's a message. Cleaning modern auto-loading guns is not required. So many people have it in their minds that they need to be cleaned after every trip to the range. I have never cleaned any of my guns, because all you need to do is keep them lubricated. I've never met anyone that rebuilds the motor in their vehicle after every time driving it. I have 16k rounds through my glock 45 mos and have never cleaned it. Every 500 or so I just lube the rails and barrel. My rifle has around 20k rounds and it's never been clean. My brother has 25k through his staccatto p and has never cleaned. All you have to do is keep them wet.
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
@@notme3184 my question is why. Cleaning a gun takes 5 minutes and costs nearly nothing. Just like a car engine, continuous build up isn’t good. But unlike a car engine, cleaning a weapon is extremely easy and extremely cheap. I’m not advocating cleaning every single time you shoot, but every 1500-2k rounds is completely reasonable.
@jason91notch 7 ай бұрын
@@jediknight1294 I’m not advocating taking a metal scraper to your bcg. I’ve never heard of anyone even doing that. I’m also not advocating cleaning to the point where your firearm is in like-new condition. But wiping off excess build up and blasting trigger sets with some cleaner/compressed air every once in a while is nearly free, takes 3 minutes and will ensure your firearm will be reliable and last decades. *especially* with a weapon you are trusting your life with. I’ve seen people post pictures/bragging about how filthy their carry guns are. You really going to trust your life to that??? Come on. It’s just dumb.
@jediknight1294 7 ай бұрын
@@jason91notchif yiu haven't heard people advocating metal scraper on the bcg you haven't seen the military cleaning of an m16. The white glove standard. As for spraying with air, yeah that's great when I'm home, when I'm not carrying the thing in the middle. Of a shitty sandy horrible environment or in the rain and the mud for a week at a time. Those guns hose off when I get back, lube it, test fire it, good to go then when I go on rotation off patrol and it's had 12k through it it gets cleaned, the springs get checked and replaced if needed while Iv got 24 hours off. I don't do that job anymore, too old and broken but my hunting guns and my training/reenactment guns still get that standard tbh. Other than the 22s and anything I'm shooting corrosive ammo or blanks through. Carry guns, for me, when I'm in the US, they get an oil inoregnated cloth wipedown nightly when I got to bed, every 3 weeks they get 2 mags through at the range. Il pop the slide off and lube it then when I'm doing that and every 2 months they get the 3 mags of carry ammo run through it and when unloading it I dump that round into a box and rotate it back into the mag so I'm not doing bullet setback. The revolver that lives under the wheelchair seat gets cleaned every month because that gets grim because of grime and shit. Same with the winter snubby I have thrown in a jacket pocket when I take the dog for a walk because that gets pocket lint and all sorts of smutz on it and again the cylinder of carry ammo shot every 3 months, that's a rarely shot gun because I hate shooting the fucking thing (scandium 357 loaded with hot 38+p+ hollow points so IT SUCKS to shoot) In terms of an actual strip down and clean every 5k rounds or so for my carry guns. The rifles, the M14 when I had it got Rarely cleaned because every time yiu disturb the bedding they get less accurate and it's EXPENSIVE to setup an M14 for accuracy. The ar every 15k it gets cleaned, for the rest it just gets run wet. Because honestly it doesn't need it and I run a suppressor on it so it's constantly filthy but reliable. What matters to me is reliability and accuracy, I know what yiu mean with carry guns though, I was opfor and an assistant instructor for a class of cops once and one woman... The revolver she carried for a backup didn't fire at the range... When I inspected it.. The brass had oxidised so badly in the holster that the cylinder didn't rotate.... They don't need to be cleaned every 500 rounds. Mostly, there's a balance to it. Occasionally il get a cocktail or open a bottle of wine, put a guilty pleasure film on and sit and clean the whole safe worth of guns.
@Thisthat1234 7 ай бұрын
I don’t change the oil in my car and it’s still running. Where are my likes?
@GanttCarterservant 7 ай бұрын
@OntarioBearHunter 7 ай бұрын
Funniest are guys using lead solvent when they shoot FMJ...
@user-zk4oe7mc8n 7 ай бұрын
Run your car without oil. Please test it sir
@Bane_Diesel 6 ай бұрын
Idk what it is but I need to clean my grips and stippling at least once a month otherwise it gets slippery and the pours get filled with dead skin... kinda gross. I mean it would run fine but it just feels greasy and slick instead of gripping my hand.
@rurouniad 7 ай бұрын
I find proper oil is more important then cleaning. Speaking just of my G34. I didn't know to oil the performance trigger in over a year. I had 2 failures to feed of blazer brass 115gr in that time period. My solution. Drop of oil on the rails and barrel and spread it out. To this day, I couldn't tell you if it was that box, or dry gun. I forgot where I am at in the count. Maybe 5000-6000 rounds? Maybe less, maybe more? Please note : My self defense gun has also NEVER been cleaned because I just bough it last year. Other then oiling it because I live in a very hot climate I haven't done a thing other then shoot it and wipe it down occasionally. I should in all probability re-oil all my competition guns, it is past due. Why, because it has been more then 3 months for most of them.
@seanwhite304 7 ай бұрын
Using good care products helps way more than people realize. I'm partial to G96 or Slip 2000 . There are quite a few good gun care products out there that for sure
@diyarharbi2304 7 ай бұрын
have you ever shot an open gun .. if you have whats the gun and all parts on it ?
@cmbsarcbs2653 7 ай бұрын
How often do you clean the barrels ? how many rounds ? thank you
@BenStoeger187 7 ай бұрын
I don’t clean barrels
@bentastic27 7 ай бұрын
You really don't need to. I haven't cleaned a barrel in 4 years. No issues. I get a little lead fouling from coated bullets but it doesn't get bad enough to warrant cleaning it. At which point if I wanted to just shoot a couple jacketed rounds through it to shoot it out lol.
@seanwhite304 7 ай бұрын
SOLGW did podcast on barrels . Highly recommend listening to it . They break down why you shouldn't clean your barrel . They recommend if you do decide to clean it to do it dry .
@DavidLLambertmobile 6 ай бұрын
I use Otis Ripcords, since 2018 or so. I also use RamRodz bamboo swabs. Works well. I often use 725 solvent or Clenzoil CLP or Slip 2000 EWL. I used to use Ballistol spray 🇩🇪. That's fine but Clenzoil is better, gun care-CLP.
@magickaldood 7 ай бұрын
Just started having FTE issues in my 92x, not quite 20k rounds more like 6k but it's filthy.
@BenStoeger187 7 ай бұрын
92x isn’t as good as the older stuff
@joeyassyrian 7 ай бұрын
wilson combat extractor extra power spring is a small, cheap but nice upgrade
@rodiculous9464 7 ай бұрын
It depends on the ammo too, some like usaforged is DIRTY. I try to avoid that stuff now
@gamebred5x 7 ай бұрын
Ben, would this still apply to a suppressed 10.5 SBR??
@danielcisco 6 ай бұрын
Clean my Glock 19 only every 1000+ rounds.
@onpsxmember 7 ай бұрын
When do you change springs on the S2?
@slowslowslowrobot 7 ай бұрын
My CZs will start having extraction failures unless the extractor and extractor channel is cleaned way before 20k. More like 3k.
@shiftd_1114 7 ай бұрын
Any gunsmith knows this is just stupid and lazy , the chamber pressure gets higher and higher 🤦‍♂, until it eventually breaks or blows apart like the sig 320's you always show are doing ..
@marcialpatton2380 7 ай бұрын
If the gun won't run dirty, it's not worth having.
@cain2655 Ай бұрын
It cracks me up seeing all the comments on here guys are spazzing out that Ben is bragging about not cleaning his gun obviously the man is a world champion shooter why doubt his insight? when I was competing I would have put you about 800 rounds a week I never cleaned my guns some oiling here and there and that was it if I ran into issues yes then I would break it down clean it and go for it again it's kind of like the barrel Breakin bullshit on rifles that's another crock of shit some of the greatest barrel makers in the world laugh when they hear about barrel Breakin ha ha but yet bozos keep on doing it too funny oh I can't forget steel case Russian ammo will ruin your gun ha ha ha
@soggycracker5934 7 ай бұрын
No believes this? Right?!
@_Jashawuh 7 ай бұрын
You are supposed to clean a gun to prevent rust and malfunctions, some people seem to do it for fun. Once my gun has been cleaned, rails have been greased, and oil is in the correct spots I wait a certain amount of time rather than round count. I know I will not shoot my guns into malfunction levels of dirty If I clean them every 4 months, so I just clean them on a time interval as I am just trying to prevent rust. I also shoot less in a year than some of you do in a month or two I am guessing.
@Shadow__133 6 ай бұрын
Guilty. I enjoy cleaning my guns more than shooting them. Sometimes, I go to the range only to put some rounds as an excuse to clean them. 😂
@rockstril 7 ай бұрын
@mcninjatoes 7 ай бұрын
Bill gates just dumped his entire equity position, crash incoming.
@GanttCarterservant 7 ай бұрын
Umm…because he didn’t clean his guns?
@Range_Development_Services 6 ай бұрын
"You could get a better gun if you wanted" ....Problem solved!
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