Elden Ring: Gloam Eyed Queen | Placidusax | Metyr

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The Nameless Simone

The Nameless Simone

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@thenamelesssimone278 21 күн бұрын
Hi all, I am very happy of the success of this video, thanks to all :D At the moment I am in China and I am finding it difficult to use KZbin, will try to answer to all comments as soon as I come back. I think that many of your corrections are valid points, and I want to explore them further. See you soon!
@lucashampton6269 27 күн бұрын
I just was thinking the other day that the symbol of the Godskin spells looked an awful lot like a finger print. This is AWESOME. Keep up the good work!
@thenamelesssimone278 27 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot :D
@cardgameenjoyer7446 26 күн бұрын
Its ALWAYS the small channels I mean these lore bombs
@vasilecusarmale7322 26 күн бұрын
miazaki said in a interview that tabletop games were a big inspiration for elden ring
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
As for all his games
@steamedhamlet 26 күн бұрын
The finger ruins on the map also look like the seal of the gloam eyed queen or the godslayer flame. And the pattern on the godslayer sword is the same as you find on the alters of dark and the sword of dark (when you offer that stone scabbard sword to the alter of dark, these vortices of dark appear on it) as well as the patterns on the tree in shaman village and bonny village. Those gnarled trees that look like humans. However the fact that there are 3 finger ruins and 3 crypt chairs (nokstella, nokron and sellia) makes me think maybe there were 3 potential candidates for godhood. We see the same corpses at the feet of those giant skeleton ladies in nokron as we do at the gate of divinity, and we know they attempted to create their own god/lord and that they fashioned a finger slayer blade. Great connection to the wolves in church district. Another connection between GEQ and wolves is that the Beast eye quivers in the vicinity of Death root. The beast eye that looks exactly like Melina's eye in the frenzy flame ending. And the beast eye has claw marks on it and as per the description of the clawmark seal the claws are the mark of Maliketh's wrath. Anyways! Not sure where I'm going with all this but should also mention a great vid by kite tails that posits that messmer and melina are children of the GEQ and Radagon. And if you look at messmer's snakes, they have orange skin and green eyes just like Raya's serpent form. The snake skin in bonny village and the one in the temple of Eiglay is the common thread between them. As well we see spiral columns in volcano manor in that big room where a ritual seems to be taking place.
@steamedhamlet 26 күн бұрын
Haha just realized I got distracted by my own line of thinking! But what I was gonna say is one thing that got a little bit expanded upon in the DLC was concepts of light and dark. And there are parallels between Ranni and Miquella. Ranni's dark moon for instance and her colder tendency and her wanting to remove emotion contrasting with Miquella's compassion and too much emotion. They're the light and dark and what I think the lesson here is that you need light and dark in balance. In a spiral, you can't just have all light no dark like Miquella wants, nor all dark like Ranni. Like it can't be night all the time, there is a alance between night and day and light and dark and happinness and sadness. Like you can't be happy all the time it's a sign of lack of balance. Similarly, Marika wanted all Life all the time no death... life and death like light and dark are meant to be balanced. This lack of balance brought about the rise of those who live in death. That is the flaw in the golden order. The laws of regression and laws of causality exist in tandem and interact like a spiral. Remove one and everything is thrown off balance. You can see bothe the erdtree and scadutree are bent and not standing straight for this reason. They're meant to spiral together not one cast aside and abandoned and the other recieving all the attention (and dead bodies fed to its roots). That is my ultimate take. Liek I think the people who think Ranni's ending is the best and true ending have had their "hearts rather artfully stolen" as Ansbach would say. It's about the balance and muddle path not stagnating in one state or the other. Oscillating between faith and intelligence. Can't rely on clinical and cold detached observation to know the world and can't rely on pure blind faith. They have to go hand in hand.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
That was indeed a lot of stuff xD Each probably deserving its own video. Will check Kite Tails video as soon as I find it, for now I subscribed.
@grownupjizz 26 күн бұрын
The two fingers being against Metyr would fit well with the pattern of offspring usurping their parent.
@agopessimist1335 26 күн бұрын
Just saw this video for the first time, and I enjoyed it a lot! I just have a feeling corrections/additions and a few thoughts of my own: 1. Placudusax wasn’t defeated or driven away by a new set of Demigods, nor was he the Storm Lord defeated by Godfrey. The Ashes of Oleg and Engvall in Japanese refer to them as the “Storm King’s Twin Wings” and Placidusax not only has more than two wings, but also has no direct connection to Stormveil or even Limgrave. It’s much more likely that the Stormlord was actually the Stormhawk King. Plus, the DLC states that Bayle was the one who crippled Placidusax. 2. Only Lansseax was said to have taken a human form, and Fortissax doesn’t seem to have this ability even though they are siblings, and Placidusax’s only ability given in-game is his ability to channel Red Lightning as well as how his scales can twist time. Furthermore, based on Marika and Miquella, we see that a God needs a consort aka Elden Lord, so Placidusax cannot be both Elden Lord and the GEQ at the same time. Equating Placidusax to the GEQ seems a really huge stretch. You are very much correct in that there is heavy symbolism of Death in Farum Azula with the Twinbird imagery, the Godskin Duo, Maliketh’s appearance, and not to mention how Deathroot is also present there even though it isn’t connected to the Erdtree’s roots. 3. Excellent catch with the Wolves! While I don’t think Metyr was the one who chose the GEQ personally (as Metyr is referred to in a singular form), I can easily see the argument for it, or at the very least, Metyr was very much active during this time. Also cool catch with the thumbprint on the Black Flame seals! However, I have issue with Metyr being the fled god. For one, the imagery of the spiral is associated with the Crucible, and is seen not just in the Godslayer Greatsword and Placidusax’s current configuration, but all across Hornsent society. Furthermore, Placidusax used to have 5 heads, and you can’t make a spiral with 5 strands (or maybe you could)? Not to mention that we don’t receive the message ‘God Slain’ when we defeat Metyr, only ‘Legend Fallen’. And Metyr being Placidusax’s God doesn’t explain the presence of the Fingerslayer Blade. Where would it have come from then? Given that the Sacred Relic Sword, which is fashioned from Radagon who is also a God, is gold in color, and the Fingerslayer Blade is black in color AND shares a similar shape, I can see the Fingerslayer Blade being born from the GEQ’s corpse instead. A black blade to match her affinity to Black Flames, like Radagon becoming a Golden Sword to match his representation of the Golden Order. And there’s also the issue of the Godskin attire, and them stating how they were the flayed skin of Demigods. Whose skin did they wear? Another precursor race of Demigods we don’t know about? Or Marika’s unwanted children mentioned to be entombed in the Wandering Mausoleums? Also, the sealing of Destined Death had to have occurred after the War against the Fire Giants, given how several Fire Monks defected to the Black Flame, which makes the timeline of when the GEQ was defeated even more confusing. Fun fact, in earlier patches, the Black Flame Monks were referred to as Godskin Monks, so that adds even more confusion to the timeline, lol. Still, excellent video, and I can’t wait to see more!
@mladenspasic4233 26 күн бұрын
Seeing as we still dont completely understand marika/radagon I dont see why GEQ/placi or any other two characters for that matter being one person/entity is not possible
@jarroddt 26 күн бұрын
Florisax also had the ability to take human form
@john-paul3271 22 күн бұрын
Nanaya. I keep thinking about this lady. She has connections to fingers and the Hornsent, but she looks more like a Shaman. Likes to carry a spine. Sure, you could call her Shabriri and call it a day and you’d be right, but it all seems too cut and dry. That would have to be the cleanest connection in the lore. In other words, something’s wrong.
@SuperMrSkully 15 күн бұрын
​​@@john-paul3271I wouldn't try to read anything from the DLC. It's literally written by a completely different team from the base game/first DLC trailer.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
1) There I put Godfrey image because I knew that for some reason Placidusax was believed to have been defeated by him. I didn't expect the reason was that some recognise it in the Storm King. I agree with you he is not, but it is implied that he, as we know for the GEQ was usurped of his leader role. 2) I agree with what you say, in the video indeed I mention that they two could be Elden Lord and Queen. 3) Thanks! I don't read Japanese, but I think Finger or Fingers doesn't make a difference in the kanji. 4) I don't Expect Placidusax to take that position every day xD Just he might have considered it appropriate in that circumstances to have contact with Metyr. 5) Good point about the "God Slain" still that doesn't appear for Melenia, so sometimes the title of God can be misleading. I think that the Fingerslayer can still be the GEQ within this theory, or not? 6) That is a fine question, could be the very children of the GEQ for what i know! 7) That is interesting, thanks 8) Thank you! There will surely be more!
@ravendelacour1917 27 күн бұрын
I think the GEQ was the god who fled and Placidusax was her lord, and Metyr or a earlier prototype Fingers was their chooser. Malekith is said to have defeated but not killed, the GEQ and seized the Rune of Death which would disemplwer the GEQ and the Godskins. Thus she fled and is awaiting the unsealing of the Rune to return and try to regain her power. Which means the Tranished Elden Lord and Marika/Ranni have some potential issues in the future...
@thenamelesssimone278 26 күн бұрын
Yes that makes lot of sense, still the strong relationship of GEQ with Metyr, plus the insight brought by the Garrulous Goldmask (especially the spiral tail and the way Metyr run after the fight) make me think otherwise. Narratively speaking I like the idea of GEQ being the fled god, but somehow Metyr works best for me. Might expand on this in a follow up video.
@ravendelacour1917 26 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 The biggest flaw in Metyr as the GEQ is the Godslayer Greatsword as Metyr doesn't have the right limbs to weild one much less craft one. My guess is that the GEQ was a dragon who could take human form and thus craft and wield the sword. Going further I think it's likely the GEQ was the god of the Crucible era during which the Hornsent ruled. Thus Marika's betrayal and Malekith's attack on the GEQ happened at the same time and once the GEQ was stripped of the Rune of Death, Marika seized her power and replaced the GEQ as a god. This also likely means Bayle's attack on Placidusax happened at the same time. Whether that was a coincidence that gave Marika the opening she needed or it was planned is unknown. We do know that the wounded Bayle was abandoned by Marika after the fight to linger in the Lands of Shadow. It also explains why the dragons later attacked the Golden Order later, to avenge the GEQ and Placidusax.
@Zythryl 26 күн бұрын
@@ravendelacour1917not wrong but don’t forget Metyr does indeed have hands
@ravendelacour1917 25 күн бұрын
@@Zythryl Hands, yes. Hands that can forge and hold a blade meant for human hands, no. Plus what would an entity that summons and weaponizes black holes needs a flaming pointy stick for?
@paolofraone2668 8 күн бұрын
Thank you too Simo! I’m glad i could help you in your fantastic work!
@EnginesofNurgle-ku9ug 26 күн бұрын
I like this theory, but I also endorse the theory that Melina & Messmer are the children of Radagon & the Gloam eyed queen, whom were basically adopted by Marika as tools for her will. So I definitely think the gloam eyed queen, her wolves being the first shadows, & the involvement of Mytir are spot on. But I refuse to believe Placidusax is the Gloam eyed queen because that means Radagon has children with Placidusax’s human form which makes Marika’s family tree even worse So I’m not gonna buy into that part
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
"But I refuse to believe Placidusax is the Gloam eyed queen because that means Radagon has children with Placidusax’s human form which makes Marika’s family tree even worse " This made me laugh hard xD I think your theory would make more sense if you were to recognise Marika and the GEQ as the same person. Than you get the GWQ making children with Radagon in the canon lore.
@nigeltownley7472 26 күн бұрын
I wholly subscribe to this gloam eyed queen and Placidusax theory. The godskins being reptilian or serpentine seems to make them out to be part dragon, perhaps. If not at least a serpent aspect of the crucible.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Never though them to be literally the GEQ's sons, but yes, it could be an interpretation :)
@FaeQueenCory 24 күн бұрын
Very close! But a small correction that makes things fit with more: Empyreans don't become Lords, they become Gods. The Godskin sigil being Metyr proves that the Gloameyed Queen was the first God of the Lands Between, aka the wife of Placidusax, first Elden Lord. His missing God is his Queen, as those words are nigh synonyms in Elden Ring. Furthermore, she is the one who made the Gates of Ascension. Her being a death fangirl, she is likely the Theodora looking statues in the crypts in Rauh... As the identical architecture between Enir Elim and Farum Azula indicates that the Hornsent were ruled by Placidusax and his Queen. She needed to die in order for Marika to ascend to godhood... Because she originally had the Elden Ring. Her being a death fangirl also reinforces why the Hornsent culture is so death focused with their shokushinbutsus everywhere.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Distinction between Lord and Queen: Yes I read some comments mentioning this and I guess you are right, that between Queen and Lord seem to be a consistent distinction along the game lore. Still not sure about who fled who. She is the one who made the Gates of Ascention: I can merely guess how you reach this conclusion, even though I don't think this is generally accepted. Her being a death fangirl, she is likely the Theodora looking statues in the crypts in Rauh...: Can you share an image of this statue? where was it compared with Theodora? identical architecture between Enir Elim and Farum Azula: I don't think they are much similar, but will give it a further look
@timelineenjoyer 26 күн бұрын
i’m starting to think the gloam eyed queen IS the formless mother. it’s the only way to reconcile the god of the crucible (where all life coalesces into something that is ‘formless’) with the gloam eyed queen and placidusax and the hornsent culture while also also explaining the presence of the blood fiends, the godskin apostles, the beast men. since marika’s order has many different types of magic that are included in it’s fundamentalism, the gloam eyed queen would also have magic, and status effects that are signature to her nature
@sebastianestrada3697 26 күн бұрын
I like to think she at least was the goddess of the crucible era of the hornsent. Such an era was dominated by spirituality, and how the hornsent essentially revered them because of their horns (since the game implies crucible aspects can house spirituality). It also lines up with their earlier culture in Rauh which used rauh burrows for containing and manipulating sprites. I’m kinda rambling but my point is that spirituality can only exist if death also exists, and they burned their dead in ghostflame during these times; consuming the body, but sparing the spirit. Death was revered because it also allowed life to flourish.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Too much information all together, got confused xD Still have to delve deeper about the formless mother and the crucible, so I will give myself some time to better understand this.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
@sebastianestrada3697 I interpret death in the same way, after all it has been stated in more instances how death is the origin of life
@pbtenchi 26 күн бұрын
It doesn’t feel like it quite adds up. The Gloam Eyed Queen was an emperyean candidate for godhood, whilst Placidusax was an Elden Lord who’s god fled. And wouldn’t this make the Godskins dragons? Can one person be both Lord and God? I guess that’s exactly what Marika is doing, so it’s possible.
@richardrussel4567 26 күн бұрын
Marika is literally a lord and a god lol
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
As others have told me in the comments, it is possible that the GEQ was the Queen and Placidusax her Elden Lord, and I think this is indeed what you mean at the end of your comment. I don't consider the Godskin to be literary the children of the GEQ, rather her apostles.
@michaeljohnston8891 26 күн бұрын
An interesting addition to this theory is the code of the game actually seems to hint that Placidusax is androgynous. One of his heads is tagged as the “male” head while the other is considered “female”. It’s also curious that of the two dragons we know took human forms, that both assumed a female body, both with Lanseax and Florissax
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Dose Florissax have a human form? I totally missed that!
@michaeljohnston8891 9 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 human-ish. I don’t think you missed anything tho
@mirrormonkey2 26 күн бұрын
I really like the connections and I‘m sold on the idea that the gloam-eyed queen was appointed by Metyr and that she was connected to the age of dragons. But it doesn‘t makse sense that she is the human form on Plasidusax: As an empyrean, she was destined to become a GOD, not a LORD. Plasidusax isn‘t a dragon god, but a dragon lord. It makes more sense that he was the gloam eyed queens consort and that she was the god who fled him.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
You are probably right, still not sure about which is the god who fled, i like the interpretation by the Garrulous Goldmask
@lordtrinen2249 26 күн бұрын
Not sure if I buy into this theory. With the evidence that we have that Melina is the Gloam-Eyed Queen and the new hints that she really is a daughter of Marika, I have trouble picturing her as the Queen of Placidusax's age. I'm more inclined to believe that the GEQ and her Godskin rebellion happened somewhere in the middle of the Erdtree timeline. We don't know exactly how long the age of the Erdtree has lasted so for all we know it took thousands of years for things to elapse. Marika defeated Melina/GEQ and sealed away her spirit. Rannni doesn't include Melina in her list of Empyreans probably because she assumes Melina is out of the picture so doesn't bother to include her in the list.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Her being called both an empyrean and a Queen seem to allude to the natural evolution of an Empyrean to Queen. According to your supposition than the Erdtree was created before removing death from the Elden Ring by creating the Golden Order. Though I don't believe that, I still think it is possible. Still have to finish organising my view on the complete Elden Ring timeline
@jorgeteles8191 25 күн бұрын
Damn we killed the guy left behind and his girl? gentleman I don't think we are the good guys
@Ronnie.rocket.333 22 күн бұрын
I think you just have to fit one point: snakes. The godskins manifests serpetine attributes, one also can be found on Eaglay church. And they have the sadomasochist torture to peel the skin, maybe to make like snakes throwing off their own. Anyway, nice video, your voice and narration fits well the video style
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
I never though of the apostles as biological children of the GEQ, so I got caught of guard when confronted with this interpretation. I merely considered them "apostles", which suggest they are followers which got reborn in a new form. Godskin Swaddling Cloth's description leaves a lot to the imagination about the method these creatures are birthed. Thank you for the compliment. I was very upset about my voice and recording tools, but I didn't have much time :)
@sabioyan 26 күн бұрын
It is FANTASTIC how you and many others lore scholars gather the little we have and bring to this beautiful storytelling! Thanks for the documentary!! 😎✊
@buckyhurdle4776 25 күн бұрын
Just the thumbnail hit me like a punch in the face
@travman1987 25 күн бұрын
The statue with the three wolves is actually Miquella
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
I get why you think that. well now you know that Miquella was involved in some sort of hunt, as in the Japanese description of the Lone Wolf Ashes :)
@vishnurodondo4200 25 күн бұрын
Possibly my favorite interpretation of lore ever
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@bionitelke 26 күн бұрын
This is really good.
@EmperorMist 25 күн бұрын
Holy the connections are crazy
@LongClawzHidden 25 күн бұрын
I never saw the resemblance between Placidusax's initial pose and the curling fingers of Metyr. Perhaps Placidusax was something akin to a messenger as well as Elden Lord. I wonder why Bayle attacked Placidusax then? At their peak, they were both forces of nature, but why would the drakes go so far as to start a war with their dragon cousins?
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Greed? Don't know, need to dig further :)
@Xonod 23 күн бұрын
Why is one finger ruins gold and the other finger ruins blue?
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Have no idea, however my first question would be about their origins.
@alyseleem2692 Ай бұрын
Me: (Sees notification) Alas; I am returned... To be granted audience once more! Edit: OK..... So, an Empyrean is meant to become a god, and an Elden Lord is their consort. So, Placidusax and the Queen had a similar situation to Radagon and Marika? Also, I don't think Metyr can be a god, honestly, but only because she chooses those who can become gods; Empyreans. Her being a god would imply she could be succeeded, which she can't. She and the Fingers are constant to all cycles, presumably.
@thenamelesssimone278 Ай бұрын
Thank you for coming back :D 1) Well they have that kind of relation or they are just the same entity, as i mentioned in the video I don't feel to exclude either of the two for now. 2) In Elden Ring the definition of god is quite fluid and the Fingers could be well referred as an outer god, as it reaches the Lands Between through a celestial body. After all Metyr is not only a type of fingers, it is the their mother, as the formless mother if we want to see it that way.
@alyseleem2692 Ай бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 Thank YOU for coming back! Yes, but there is a distinction between outer gods and vassal gods, I believe. A god hiding the Elden Ring is obviously not the Formless Mother. That said, if you mean to say that Metyr might be Placidusax' equivalent to a patron Outer God... I can see it.
@thenamelesssimone278 Ай бұрын
@@alyseleem2692 yes didn’t mean god in that sense, Placidusax always gave me the idea of awaiting something much bigger than him 🤔 I have some more material about this but had no time to make an in-depth research, might integrate it in a full video, I mean the relationship Placidusax-Metyr
@alyseleem2692 Ай бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 Will be waiting!
@stanisrafu5819 25 күн бұрын
Nah, Placidusax has golden eyes, his fled god is an outer god Greater Will or some other outer god, or Empyrean. Making paralels till root with DnD or any mythology and lore would be very naive and superficial for FromSofts. It seems Melina is still the best fit for Gloam Eyed Queen - Burned and bodiless (defeated by Maliketh), her eye is in Maliketh's pocket and recongizes Root of Death, she is a kindling maiden and originaly Erdtree must have been burning in Black Flames, which would make things more clear, she is the Eldest daughter of Marika and sister of demigods. Without doubt Melina is Gloam Eyed Queen. BTW Face of Metyr and Godskins symbol are very alike for no reason.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Making paralels till root with DnD or any mythology and lore would be very naive and superficial for FromSofts: I am afraid to tell you that this (connections with other IPs) is what my whole channel has been about for several years now. It seems Melina is still the best fit for Gloam Eyed Queen - Burned and bodiless (defeated by Maliketh): Why burned and bodyless should hint she was defeated by Maliketh? her eye is in Maliketh's pocket and recongizes Root of Death: How do we know that is her eye? I believe her eye is shut and sealed under her eyelids. she is a kindling maiden and originaly Erdtree must have been burning in Black Flames: Fortunately I am aware about what you are talking about. BTW Face of Metyr and Godskins symbol are very alike for no reason: Ok! I believe the GEQ belong to the age preceding the Erdtree, and Melina was born at the Erdtree foot. This and some other hints, makes me think Melina should not be the Gloam Eyed Queen. But of course I could be wrong.
@stanisrafu5819 7 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278, about eyes only their color conects theme, Melina's blue, and Gurranq's given is blue, can't realy make other alternatives there. Black flame of Apostles is weaker version of Black Flame after GEQ was deafeated, the usual version - Black-Red is used by Maliketh, Black Blade Kindred and Black Knife Assasins, Maliketh's Blade is burning with unsealed Black Flame, so if he killed Melina with this blade it's logical she got burned, it seems her soul survived.
@MonkeMaen 26 күн бұрын
wow. just like how marika is radagon, the gloam eyed queen is placidusax
@John-xs9ru 26 күн бұрын
Placidusax is stated to have been a 5 headed dragon and we know from placidusax battle with bayle that she lost 2 heads in bayle body, which with placidusax last 2 remaining heads makes 4; but what about placi 5th head? We know with the dragonlord rememberance that placi is depicted with 4 heads thus we can rule out placi losing a third unseen head in the battle with bayle. And we can deduce that if the rememberance is meant to depict placidusax at the height of her glory than that placi was always known for her 4 heads. Now what if we take the fact that we know that dragons are capable of grafting the same as godrick did via bayle fusing with the heads of placidusax and compare that to the shamans melding of flesh found in Marika and her descendants. If we can compare the fusing of the shamens to that of the dragons then very reasonably we can apply the same to the partitioning of dragons to that of the shamens, specifically the emperyan versions of both races(as we see done in the case of marika/radagon, miquella/st trina, and to a lesser extent that of miquella/melania from marika/radagon). Now if we operate off the axiom that GEQ is placi's god and that GEQ IS placidusax as Marika IS Radagon, then we may apply the partitioning principle of the shamen's to the dragons; and presume that not only is GEQ placidusax, but GEQ is specifically the 5th missing head of placidusax endowed with her own form and, will as radagon is from marika, that became the vessel to godhood.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
This is a cool idea, than we could also explain why Placidusax is only left with two wings instead of four, we would just have to guess the GEQ had a pair of white wings as the maidens in the description of the Winged Scythe. It seems like I am kidding, but I am not.
@goldie1573 26 күн бұрын
Great observation about "Fingers" vs "Two Fingers"! My thoughts are this- Metyr, Elden Beast, and the long lost ...figure of Manus Celes (likely Celes) are all of a kind, and perhaps are represented in the three wolves encircling the lady statue.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
figure of Manus Celes: not sure to what you refer. Still didn't read many objects so could be something I had overseen
@goldie1573 9 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 no worries! it's a theory of mine that, since manus metyr lies over metyr, manus celes was once connected to a similar celestial being 😊
@obansari 26 күн бұрын
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Not sure if sealed is the right word, but it toke me like 0.1 seconds to recognise him and the storm as a reference to the IoE in Berserk.
@Jadizi 3 күн бұрын
The parallels are there. Of course it's not LITERALLY stuck in Hell. I need you to do better with that brain of yours.
@R_o_o_k_i_n_g_t_o_n 26 күн бұрын
There's one issue I saw this video and it's when you said that the Gloam eyed Queen was an emperyan and thus was trying to become Elden lord, that's completely wrong. Yes she was an empyrean but empyreans don't try to become Elden Lord but instead the god of a new age meaning the glow my queen was the god of the very first age with Placidusax as her Elden Lord. To be honest I would also like to add that I actually believe that the glow my queen probably was a dragon who had taken human form and more importantly that she actually had a child either with a human or her two children simply just took on human form permanently with her children being rennala and rellana with this also actually explaining the close relation between the carion family end all the dragons we see connected to them from adula to all of the Glinstone dragons on the moonlit altar the most interestingly of all, the spirit dragon that renalla summons in her boss fight perhaps showing the connection to the glome eyed Queens true nature as an actual ancient dragon and that also will explain why there is the girls surrounded by the three wolves statue underneath the last depiction of the elden ring
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for the correction about Queen and Elden Lord, I got a lot of that in the comments, and I think you guys are right. About the rest of your theory, I like where you guess the GEQ could be a dragon who can transform in human form. That is actually a cool idea which would fit with Placidusax 5th head being the Gloam Eyed Queen.
@hydrochad6794 26 күн бұрын
no f way that actually make sense, idk if what i am about to say might be right but isnt the color red from the ancient lightning looks similiar to the color of the destined death, and also it is said that the dragon smithing stone and lightning is what can slay the outer beings. idk i might be just yapping.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
This is actually something which helps me to better understand the red lightning :D
@hydrochad6794 9 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 glad i said something useful atleast :-)
@TheRealJohnux 16 күн бұрын
Intriguing theory, I heard a lot of talk recently proclaiming Marika to be the Gloam-Eyed Queen or have been. All theory talk, but they raised some good points. As for the Lone wolfs ashes, how did they find their way into Rannis Hands? For all I know she got them from Torrents Former master, who I believe to be Miquella and the Community is also relatively unified in that belief, though how did he get them then? The only Person that could have given Miquella these Ashes would be "related" to the GEQ in some way or not?
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Marika-Gloam - Eyed Queen: I also see the compelling evidences. About the Lone wolf I don't know for sure at the moment. I may try to address it by proving an alternative identity for Torrent's former master, or by proving how the wolves ended in Miquella's hands. Thank you for the comment :)
@DustDemonTwilight 26 күн бұрын
while i do agree with most of this and also finnaly seeing someone talk about the PRETTY MUCH obvious look that Metyr shares with godslayer incantations insignia but also godslayer seal makes me happy. HOWEVER i believe that the GEQ is someone that we never met in game i dont think its melina or placi, most likely it is someone or something that has not made an appearance in game.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
My though process is "would it be cool that she was someone we saw in the game?" as my answer is "Yes", than I want to believe Miyazaki did the right choice. HOWEVER I don't think she is the same with Placidusax, but she could have been at a certain point of the story.
@level1dodo896 25 күн бұрын
Placidusax is also missing a pair of wings since ancient dragons have four normally Also: would this mean that placidusax is a woman? Or is it akin to marika/Radagon situation?
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Interesting observation, must be somehow meaningful. Considering that Placidusax is called Elden Lord, and that the GEQ is called Queen I assume this would make them respectively male and female. Though in the game files the two remaining heads of Placidusax are labeled as one male and the other female.
@cpt_micky 26 күн бұрын
Wonderful thought process, but remember: Metyr is a star. Gods are ascended through the gate of divinity like marika, Outer gods are eldritch concepts, Stars are celestial beings like the elden beast, astel and Metyr, formed by the big bang, and the Greater Will is an entity beyond even that, implied to essentially be the sentience of the big bang. Metyr cannot be a god, but, placidusax does have a male and a female head in the files, similar to marika/radagon and Miquella/trina.
@stevenwayne3701 26 күн бұрын
Malenia becomes a god and she was nowhere near the gate of divinity
@cpt_micky 25 күн бұрын
@@stevenwayne3701 she was an empyrean and daughter of Marika, although she was explicitly called a Goddess of Rot, unlike Marika. She was not a vessel for the Elden ring, so the title of capital G no suffix God didn't apply.
@stevenwayne3701 25 күн бұрын
@@cpt_micky gowry disagrees with you
@cpt_micky 25 күн бұрын
@@stevenwayne3701 gowry is a cultist Rot kindred who desires an age of rot, which Malenia likely would've pursued as the goddess of rot, which would entail becoming the vessel for the Elden Ring. The game is very explicit about Godhood. Miquella, placidusax's God and Marika. Malenia is only ever referred to directly as a Goddess in any other scenario. Also, it doesn't say God Slain when we kill anyone but Radagon and Miquella.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
It must be said that the definition of God in Elden Ring is not always consistent. I wish to keep an open mind about who the fled god might have been, especially after i Have read many comments similar to yours. Still the fact that Slain God appears in these two instances is something to keep in consideration.
@komputerkaput1757 26 күн бұрын
Hi! That's a very valuable perspective. Thanks for the video. (btw. I don't know if it's only me, but the link to your book doesn't seem to work. Any idea what might be the issue?)
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for mentioning that, I just fixed it after two weeks xD
@normanbates7373 26 күн бұрын
I like most of the geq-plax-couple idea, but I don't get, why the statue with the 3 wolves should belong to geq, too? It looks to obvious with the 3 wolves belonging to ranni... Maliketh was always hidden and shut in this place with the rune of death, and once ranni robbed the rune of death from him... If there was a direct connection to the statue representing geq then I guess her symbol should be there nearby, too... But the only sign there is the elden ring in a pre-order state (crucible most likely). And the connection of wolves around the cathedral near metyr... That is very typical for carian domain areas with much moon influence (where ranni and ymir once belonged to)
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
By seeing a child with 3 wolves we get that we are probably talking of an empyrean, and by connecting those three wolves to those in the spirit ashes, we get that they joined somebody in his/her hunt, which recalls the god hunt of the GEQ. Ranni seem to have had a low profile in most of the story so that there would be no need to represent her in a statue, also the Carians do not have any obvious symbol in Farum Azula. This doesn't make my theory automatically true of course.
@normanbates7373 10 күн бұрын
@@thenamelesssimone278 in this theory geq and rannis snow witch mentor could be the same persona... Ranni got the spirit wolfs from her former master she told indirectly. Edit: and if so, very likely a formchanger (dragon- or snake-like to human form...) or maybe just a split of placidusax like radagon of Marika... The hold area farum azula is a too big foggy mystery... But the child statue with 3 wolves is the the only intuitive reference to seen before by the player on 1st sight... Why a statue of geq as a child.. Married to a very very old dragon lord... The deathbringer... It seems a bit too much and too off. The only plausible connections are the rune of death there hold by maliketh after defeating geq, and okay te 2 godskin... And while in cut content of dlc putressence knight was titled "knight of the gloam eyed queen" it's very likely devs had plans in the past to reveal more about geq in the shadowlands but cut. That's why I prefer the theory that the remains of geq corpse is what u see in the intro of the dlc when Marika ascends by ripping of the complete rune(s of death) reforming the elden ring
@shiftybat7318 26 күн бұрын
Just like fantasy series such as Wheel of Time plundering endlessly from Lord of the Rings, Miyazaki, like old school Magic the Gathering, steals all his cues from historical art and legend and architecture, and even Gygax (Lovecraft in the case of Bloodborne) to make one big, sweeping fantasy ride all of us NERDS can relate to on some level. No complaints; I just See what you did there.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
What Miyazaki did to be correct x) That's the main focus of my channel. Many don't want to believe that important information could lie out of the main game in form of reference.
@cash_burner 26 күн бұрын
How does this explain Melina’s gloam eye?
@MonsterJuiced 26 күн бұрын
I don't know if you've noticed but all the gods have one eye missing (or milky like Melina's) or suffer blindness.
@John-xs9ru 26 күн бұрын
Melina and messmer are the children of marika and GEQ union
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
As Mesmer had a golden eye given by marika, Marika could have sealed the eye of the GEQ in his sister Melina.
@MrHammerofdoom 26 күн бұрын
i honestly think it's a reach but interesting nonetheless
@gedoplanet 26 күн бұрын
Interesting perspective. Add some background music to your video next time ✅
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
The thing is I don't want you people to think that I even tried xD I don't have much time, so unless it is a complete and clean theory, I tend to do the minimum editing necessary, waiting for a future in which I can make something more polished :)
@muramasa870 26 күн бұрын
You telling me gloam eyed queen is not some petite pretty looking babe like melina with purple eyes????? Nah trash theory. P.S. This is a joke. Insane theory actually.
@thenamelesssimone278 10 күн бұрын
Thanks! I am so sorry, don't tell this to the artists out there!
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