Love the approval sound when you slam the gavel. I need to make a clip and use that for my incoming text sound. 👍
@Bodyknock8 жыл бұрын
Focus is a great addition. Just a quick clarification but Focus was actually introduced in the big box Mountains of Madness expansion (Tom mentions in the video he hasn't played that expansion yet so he might not have realized Focus was included there too.) And just a semantic thing, Syzygy isn't a creature, it's actually a cosmic natural disaster with a weird name. It's the only "boss" that isn't a monster, it's just an unfortunate event that will destroy the planet if it's not averted.
@mrbrianparker8 жыл бұрын
This was my first EH expansion, excellent value for money but it tends to lead towards an expansion habit. I don't mind really since it's my favourite game but I found I quickly picked up speed in the expansion department. I've now got both of the first small boxes and the Mountains of Madness large box and I was the bloke that doesn't do expansions. I've even got bling dice, dice bags and resin gate and stuff holders to complete the whole shebang - so much for no expansions. Well done Fantasy Flight, what a great game you have there.
@hanng12428 жыл бұрын
Just FYI, the Focus mechanic and Prologues were first introduced in the first big box expansion (Mountains of Madness), so if one wants these mechanics, one could get either this expansion or the Mountains of Madness expansion. Ah, who am I kidding? If you like Eldritch Horror, you probably already have both at this point.
@kommodore66918 жыл бұрын
Han Ng If you want the focus mechanic all you need is some coins or other markers. There is nothing stopping anyone adding it as an action to the base game.
@mikejonesnoreally8 жыл бұрын
Actually no, I was watching this to determine which expansions (if any) would take a bit of heat off our intrepid (yet apparently not terribly bright as they keep coming back.) investigators. Now I'm off to watch the Mountains of Madness review, thanks muchly for the tip!
@dorpth7 жыл бұрын
None of them do! The hardcore crowd who plays Arkham/Eldritch Horror (or at least the ones who post on Fantasy Flight's forum) keep clamoring for harder and harder material because they min/max everything and memorize everything so they can card count during games. FFG keeps catering to them so every expansion tends to get more and more difficult. Oddly, a lot of the new ancient ones are fairly easy. It's the Mystery and Mythos (and prologue) cards that get harder and harder. Just take a look at this mystery: "When an investigator would gain an Artifact, he may gain the Serpent Crown Artifact instead. At the end of the Mythos Phase, an investigator that has the Serpent Crown Artifact may attempt to break the crown's hold on the minds of those it has dominated (Will - 1). If he passes, he may spend Clues equal to (the number of investigators) and discard 2 ALLY Assets to solve this mystery." Holy CRAP! Something that ridiculously hard should literally be the entire game! It is objectively the hardest mystery in the entire game (out of ALL the expansions!), yet you still have the hardcore forum crowd claiming it's easy!
@Snappyseth7 жыл бұрын
Han Ng is there a downside to focus? If not, is there any balancing issues with it that these expansions bring ? If not, should i house rule it in on my own with the default expansion? I have tokens i could use
@beamoflaser6 жыл бұрын
Seth Burke you can definitely house-rule focus tokens in. It can make it easier because you're not wasting actions and/or clue tokens to re-roll, but itdoesn't break the balance of the base game by that much. It helps with the flow of the game. The only thing you miss from housing it in instead of buying an expansion are cards that specifically mention the focus mechanic.
@Hedgehobbit8 жыл бұрын
I like the Syzygy GOO. Since it is an event instead of a monster it's a different feel. It's a race to stop something from happening instead of just a fight against a weird version of Godzilla.
@DuraheLL2 жыл бұрын
Focus tokens. "There are no limits to how many you can spend to reroll dice!!!" can only have 2 of them xD
@ryancook18734 жыл бұрын
You don’t need the expansion to use the focus action. Just use eldritch tokens or some other chit/cube. As an action, gain a focus. Investigators are allowed a Maximum of two at any one time. Then during any test, spend focus tokens to re-roll one dice per token spent. That’s it.
@ginger16129318 жыл бұрын
you can only gain a max of 2 focus but can spend them both on one dice/roll. nice review tom.
@mikejonesnoreally8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Tom I've been wondering what expansions to add next and thanks to focus (Feed the Mind being an awesome spell from Mansions of Madness) I think this is it. The end made me bust *up*! When Rob says "Shut the door", you shut the door....*sharpish!*
@loicovis4265 жыл бұрын
Great! thank you a lot for the video and explaination!
@SirEllington8 жыл бұрын
Do you have any comments on the new spell "markings of isis" giving the wielder +1 in all skills. That seems very op, am i understanding wrong?
@davedogge22808 жыл бұрын
Great ! now someone on the internet please do the Runebond 3rd edition expansions .. all four of them !
@dorpth7 жыл бұрын
The new ancient one is kind of interesting. That's about the only good thing I can say about this expansion. It adds a completely redundant "mystic encounter" deck which is just the exact same thing as expeditions (the EXACT same thing). I really, really wish they would stop the trend of expanding unique assets. The beauty of Eldritch was that it took the half dozen item/skill/ally decks and condensed them into a single one (with artifacts being super rare super powerful exceptions). Unique assets revert everything back to the bloated Arkham Horror system. If you want stuff with random effects when you use them, that's what spells are for.