Elite Dangerous News: Dramatic D2 Revelations, Kill the Orthrus!, Thargoid War Rebalance

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The Buur Pit

The Buur Pit

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@danielreplogle9352 Жыл бұрын
"The players keep focusing on the fun part of the war, not the part we want them to" credits are really easy to get, if they want us to hunt around for rare ortherus goids then maybe they should make it more fun
@aitoluxd Жыл бұрын
​@@MrCpfreitas I tried thargoid combat (in February) for about 2/3 days and gave up. I've been to Colonia, Sag A*, back again to Colonia (in an AspS), participated in some cz over there and back in the bubble now and I didn't miss it. It's probably my lest favourite activity in the game besides mining.
@andrewjackson7379 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing that happens if you type 'Nemesis' into the Galaxy Map. It points you to a system containing a world indeed named Nemesis in the bubble. The twist? It has a moon, named Pandora. Can't tell if this moon might be relevant, but given Salvation apparently used Project Nemesis after opening Pandora's box with the Proteus Wave, it's a nice touch by FDev.
@BrunoMoozika Жыл бұрын
I think you nailed it, if they want players to focus on Orthrus they need to make it rewarding or easier. Don't think I'll engage the war anytime soon. But the narrative is becoming more and more interesting to read about, wonder where it will lead next. Just wish it wasn't at such a snail pace...
@MrRancidity Жыл бұрын
Doesn't look like AXI is shifting focus to the Orthrus though. Current focus is 3 systems being invaded (one has been repelled already)
@TemalCageman Жыл бұрын
I agree... While the specific signal source might not be garanteed, once you find it and drop into it before the timer ends, it should 100% spawn an Orthrus... otherwise it is just wasting time for players. Regarding the story being slow, I think that is because the player base is so diverse when it comes to how much anyone plays. I know a lot of people in my age that have kids and lots of work etc, and might only be able to squeeze in 2-4/hours / week.
@BrunoMoozika Жыл бұрын
@@TemalCageman I think the pace is an obvious way to stretch the storyline and implement new stuff later rather than sooner. There's not alot of stuff in Odyssey that people actually enjoy, so I suspect they are leaving the best for last, at least I hope so, otherwise if this is what Odyssey has to offer I will probably never play it again.
@Hotdog6606 Жыл бұрын
Tracking down an orthrus is about as engaging as tracking down a pharmaceutical isolator high grade emission...
@potteryjoe Жыл бұрын
I'm sure it must be hugely disappointing to the game developers when the players don't get the clues they try to give us
@Runic-Raven Жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing it out Buur, I went searching for Orthrus vessels one evening for TWO hours and could not find one signal that had one, so i gave up on it and went back into AXCZ.
@Vanotter Жыл бұрын
Great post! It was always obvious to me that systems in alert state / Orthrus are key. If they can't expand then we can pick systems back one by one.
@ruthless4645 Жыл бұрын
I only have a couple of hours a day to play Elite because I have a job and family. When I arrive home after work I have to eat, shower and look after the kids for a bit. I only end up with a couple of hours to play Elite each day, this new "Kill the Orthrus" game loop wont be working for me, I don't want to be wasting what valuable time I have sitting in a system "hoping" that something shows up. The common thread here is that they are as rare as hens teeth, even when you find one they're hard to kill requiring specialized ships for the job, and often jump out of the system before you can accomplish it.
@mongrelmarcos5488 Жыл бұрын
My view as an Orthrus hunter, very handy tips included. Orthrus just don't show up as near as often as they should. I've been a dedicated Orthrus hunter for a week now, needing a break from AX CZs and hunting Orthrus is tedious and frustrating. They have increased the bond payout to 40mil even though when you kill 1 it still says 25mil but fear not, that's incorrect. Also after killing multiple in 1 system that still gets invaded I have no idea how my efforts were taken into account. It feels like a waste of time and effort as you will need a different ship build than your regular AX killing builds(like using no Guardian tech and using Sirius AX missile racks instead of shards/guass/chargers) There is 1 thing i'll mention about the Orthrus instance. When you kill it, you can log out to desktop, log back, supercruise out of the instance and there will be an "unidentified signal source" right next to you if there was enough time left on the source itself. This is the same method as the high-grade emission farming, but I don't know if this has any impact or if FDev feel this is not OK to do. This way you can kill a few Orthrus before you move on, looking for a new source to pop up. For me this is a waste of time, effort and losing out on much more credits we could have gained in AX CZs whilst seeing what impact you're havin alongside other commanders in that system. Not having an icon on the galaxy map for thargoid alert is very unfortunate/frustrating but for Aegis/FDev asking for us to kill Orthrus they 1st have to show up far more regular, I'd even be happy if they were spawning far more regular at the cost of less impact for killing them, but again, I'd very much like to see what impact I'm personally having for what feels like a waste of time otherwise. Waiting an hour/travelling back and forth through alert systems gets very boring, very quickly and it's simply not worth the effort even for a hunter like me. Lastly if you're gonna go hunting, pop a research limpet as soon as it's jumping in, you can scan it before it's actually jumped in also. as soon as it's jumped in the limpet will attach and you'll then know how long you have to kill it. The Orthrus will jump very shortly after the research limpet has completed its task. I leave it on around 5% health until the limpet is finished then I kill it before it jumps, that way i'll also get either Thargoid bio matter or Thargoid Orthrus tissue samples, then a collector limpet for the Thargoid sensor/probe off the corpse and store these on my carrier in case of future use. o7 Glory to Mankind.
@user-25352 Жыл бұрын
how much dps is enough to kill Orthrus? Can Krait with 3x multis, 2x missiles do?
@mongrelmarcos5488 Жыл бұрын
@@user-25352 Using basic ammo you will struggle killing it before it jumps. I've tried an AX multi-cannon and failed. However the Krait mk II can use 3x large sirius AX missile ranks and 2x medium sirius missile racks which is enough because that's what I'm using. As for an exact DPS needed I'm not sure. Try your 3x multis/2x missiles and see if you succeed. the problem is your AX multis would really need to be gimballed because you should be using the sirius missile racks which are slow velocity and only come in fixed. The "perfect" ship i'd say is anaconda, however I'm using a Corvette since I already have the engineering done, and I don't want to engineer an Anaconda when the Corvette is doing the job. About your Krait mk II, you dont need anything fast and agile unless you want to use something fast and agile because the Orthrus is very very slow. I'm currently making a guide/tips video on the Orthrus.
@10siWhiz Жыл бұрын
Makes you wonder if there's something none of us have noticed yet? Are we supposed to interact with the orthrus in a different way or is there something in alert systems we haven't figured out yet? Or do they just want us to adjust our tactics for their design imbalance?
@cristobalogalde348 Жыл бұрын
Some said that the corrupted message said "Energy surge detected"
@thelazygamer78 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video as always! I spent 6.5 hours jumping between two alert systems next to each other and only found 5 Orthrus in that time. I managed to solo kill two of them after testing different loadouts. I won't be going back to hunt them again. It's incredibly slow, frustrating and boring and didn't make for good gameplay for my twitch stream.
@TheBuurPit Жыл бұрын
Great example.... Especially when compared to a CZ where you're instantly going pew pew pew.
@eddouglass7000 Жыл бұрын
And I had to make some mods to my ship for fighting Orthrus ', when I finally got there we only found one Orthrus, and had instancing problems. I couldn't drop into his fight. He killed it, but didn't get credit. It makes it worse when you have to spend an hour finding one and you can't fight it. Too many of the few signals that DO appear have nothing there.
@jacksummers6464 Жыл бұрын
I think this could be a wonderful "case study" for students learning game design.
@Neo-vz8nh Жыл бұрын
The problem with Orthrus kill is well pointed out! I did kill quite a few Orthrus now, but it is annoying to hunt them down. The spawn rate of Threath lvl 4 NHSS are low, and if you are unlucky, you need to AFK for 15 min, which is everything but fun. If you manage to get spawn one, it is still annoying to reach it, and if you do succed, the fight takes like 1 minute. It is just annoying, and i do wanted to do it more times, but i just can't be bothered.
@theplague4u Жыл бұрын
But how much progress did you make on the completion bar? Did it move much or any?
@Neo-vz8nh Жыл бұрын
@@theplague4u Unnoticable, but doing something alone never really affacted the background sim, so its not that suprising, but could use some balance. However it would be better if it would have much better spawn rate and would be much more consistent.
@kyr_taap Жыл бұрын
Thanks for everything you guys do. I really have little to no time, to currently play the game. With you I don't feel left behind
@cmdrrheeney Жыл бұрын
Really pleased you find it helpful, thank you :)
@xo-Tobe Жыл бұрын
You guys [The Buur's] are phenomenal, what a narration, production and all around promotion...literally you're the reason I still follow this game, what a community FDEV has the chance to hold... keep up the good work Burr's we are fans! Still feel the the mindless grind is not being addressed or even recognized by FDEV (thought the whole Thargoid story has merit, good job there) and limits the play time dedicated to Odyssey which is a shame, truly believe that's the one single issue that prevent this title form soaring.
@phillp4421 Жыл бұрын
Derin's comment has been taken as read to mean Alert systems by people but this is only half the story. He was also talking about the Frontline systems, which are Thargoid Controlled systems that have AX CZs in them. He spent some time talking about these but it seems to have been ignored by people in their focus on Alerts. So we are told that if we staunchly defend Alert systems it will stop the Thargoids expanding in that direction due to the heavy resistance to it, but that will merely direct the expansion away from human occupied systems, not stop it. The Frontline systems need to be taken out as well, to stop the expansion itself.
@chjeremy6538 Жыл бұрын
yes, the problem is Orthrus don't spawn enough
@CMDRExorcist Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. I'm glad the Orthrus isn't just there as window dressing!
@ohseven4150 Жыл бұрын
If frontier just rebalances when things don’t go as planned, I’m not convinced the bubble is actually in any danger.
@andrewparkin4036 Жыл бұрын
Not sure about the Thargoid connection to D2...as the wreckage had no caustic marks on it from weapons fire and there was no hint of them even being there. I do think that possibly in her heightened state due to fleeing her pursuers she somehow drew the attention of something non human, I guess we'll have to wait and see, hopefully more clues will drop about her location as it surely can't end there....
@kawazu874 Жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter of Seo Jin-Ae's story. The too short "point and click adventure" was really interesting. It's a pity they don't have pushed it much more.
@jaeniemcboyle9109 Жыл бұрын
Two things I find about the last debris cloud in the narrative: The first is it doesn't have any identifiable ship parts, unlike any other debris cloud I've seen in-game before. The second is there's no green mist, no sign of any of the signature results of Thargoid weaponry. I think it might be far more likely that this WTF moment Seo's persuer had is Guardian in origin instead of Thargoid. And tat leads to another concept: That just like Salvation managed to rile the Thargoidsd with the Proteus Wave Device, he's now riled the Guardian AI with his Nemesis Device. I do not want to be sitting in the middle of that 😀
@TheBuurPit Жыл бұрын
Very valid points. Given part one of the breadcrumb trail could it be that they perhaps encountered Salvations guardian "ghost in the machine" themselves and he killed them?
@Edsel1134 Жыл бұрын
I've killed 4 since they came out. 😅 actively hunted them for the first 10 days and only got 4.... so yeahhhh
@AbsalomIndustries Жыл бұрын
I may try hunting the Orthrus again but the last time I did I flew to something like 2 dozen different Alert systems, got interdicted and hyperdicted at least that many times, and came away with nothing to show for it. It sounds real fun but half the time I couldn't even get an NHSS to spawn, the rest of the time they were either too far away or were debris or scouts. Anything remotely out of the ordinary was visited but it was all useless and although it was a mildly enjoyable hunt it was also a massive waste of time.
@TheBuurPit Жыл бұрын
We're hearing that over over from lots of people. In a FULL wing its apparently better but most people don't seem to play like that I think.
@MinistryOfMagic_DoM Жыл бұрын
Another absolute field goal home run out of the penalty kick goooooooooal by the Buurs. Excellent photography and videography as always.
@congruentcrib Жыл бұрын
So I must've been lucky or something. Within 15-20 minutes of flying around I found an Orthrus. Being said... be mindful and be prepared. What ever they do, it gives the same effect as if you fly into the Maelstroms or HIP 22460; in which guardian technology fails quickly. Along with that you get the same scrambles on your screen like you normally get with thargoids, but much more intense. Sadly my main weapons were all guardian, and 3 small beam lasers and a medium AX multicannon id not sufficient enough to do anything; so I did not get the kill. Being said, maybe my misfortune will be a good bit of advice for someone else. Don't bring guardian equipment.
@Shnyrik11 Жыл бұрын
As a representative of a BGS-oriented squadron I can add: fighting off the alert has no cooldown, you can have new alert in the same system the very next thursday, fighting off the invasion gives a few weeks cooldown for recovery, when the system is protecten from the new atack.
@GaveLJorgensson Жыл бұрын
I ran into an Orthrus but was unable to kill it. I wasn't prepared for it to disable all of my guardian tech when attacked. I will need to look up some guides and modify my build accordingly. Also about the spoiler . . I wonder if the Thargoid's disabling of Guardian tech has more to do with Salvation than just the past (?) war with the ancient race and the use of Guardian weaponry by us.
@shogun6705 Жыл бұрын
I've noticed lately when fighting thargoids that the first to go are always the guardian modules. I have removed all guardian modules from my ships and have done better.
@AdastraRecordings Жыл бұрын
Always love watching these vids, great production values.
@johnnywick1110 Жыл бұрын
i really hope they improve the pve side over time. it feels like everything is about thargoids, doing nothing else matters and that if u want to be good at thargoids or almost any pve, pvp content, you should use either a medium or small sized ship. usually there are 2-3 ones that are the best and everything else is less effective. so i hope that they make the land combat missions more interesting, make the planets more detailed, make big ships matter more. the game has nailed the overall space feeling, stars, neutron stars? just needs more variety, details, space anomalies. the game has a lot of potential but idk if the game designers or directors have any vision. i stopped playing because the cool ships that i wanted have no use in the game and i dont want to force myself to get a specific medium-sized ship to fight thargoids.
@MrAsgard64 Жыл бұрын
Great video, I have just completed the D2 mission. I am hoping it will continue. You mentioned it was fully voice acted, I only got text logs at the system you mentioned. Have I missed something?
@Cee64E Жыл бұрын
I jumped in on that damaged ship that was the "end" of the trail, and scanned that data point. Three NPC ships jumped in, and not being ready for a 3 on 1 fight, I jumped out. I think that _may_ have been a mistake. In game, I've seen others mention that those three ships were "unregistered", but I don't know more than that. What I really wish is that I had stayed for the maybe fight, and had a wake scanner to see where they would go to, if there was no fight, or I managed to survive it. Those three unregistered ships are likely the next breadcrumb, and I'm kicking myself that I didn't pick it up. Did anyone else get it??
@barabba9229 Жыл бұрын
Nothing happened to me at "end of trail". I stayed there 10 min or so looking around then went super cruise, nothing happened.
@KhainesKorner Жыл бұрын
I am pretty suire that the debris with the garbled message was NOT caused by Thargoids. 2 reasons. 1) The pilot was shocked at what they saw. We all know what Thargoids look like, so unless a mothership turned up (I doubt this), they'd know what they were fighting. The message seems to be "What in the f*** is that" 2) No corrosive residue on the debris. This COULD also be an oversight on FDev's part, but I doubt it. Unfortunately I'm kinda stumped myself. I thought the morse code in the message was pointing at Celaeno, but going there and investigating things just got me shot by 'goids. There's a LOT of Non-human signal sources there.
@KhainesKorner Жыл бұрын
@@quirkyMakes If you hang around the flght recorder where you get the message, there's morse code in the audio. That's roughly what I translated it to. But no go.
@aitoluxd Жыл бұрын
It was Salvation. He did it.
@neilwatson288 Жыл бұрын
Thargoid CZs in open, possibly meeting other players or grind USS's for a fleeting chance of a Ortheros encounter. 🤔
@derrommel8255 Жыл бұрын
Kill 1 or maybe 2 Orthrus, get frustrated with spawn rate and go on killing spree in axcz id say 😅
@Neo-vz8nh Жыл бұрын
@@derrommel8255 same, hunting for them is really annoying
@MadDogMikeyM Жыл бұрын
Excellent 👍👍👍👍👍👍 👍👍👍👍👍 o7
@cmdrgogen3203 Жыл бұрын
Which scenario gives the most Scouts? For us unable to tackle anything bigger. tnx
@PocketDrummer Жыл бұрын
I have a feeling D2 is going to end up being a Sarah Kerrigan
@FreemanicParacusia Жыл бұрын
“Captain Raynor, I’ve finished scouting out the area, and… you pig!”
@leeebbrell9 Жыл бұрын
😮 I'm loving this detour reliant fantastic
@sidrat2009 Жыл бұрын
It suffers from the same issue I personally had with EvE Online. It's a great story to be told, but to experience it requires patience and boredom in equal measure. Sure in both games there's always something to do but the end result isn't necessarily what you or your group would want to happen. A story driven narrative in an open world multiplayer game takes a lot of talent to get right. Warframe gets it right even though the progression is linear based each event is experienced by the player as they make progress through the star chart, while you can if you have friends experience content you may not have unlocked or even be ready for, but it's there for the group play. In EvE Online such content is usually repeatable in the form of missions or will never be touched on ever again and forgotten and dismissed by the player base that wasn't around at the time, and Elite Dangerous is trying to introduce FOMO to get players to play, even if they don't fully understand what the end goal is or why anyone in a galaxy of a billion solar systems would care. The videos about the story line being developed by FDEV are great but I still don't feel I need to be engaged in it myself as I know the experience will be another grind against the loot box fairy.
@TheRedCreations Жыл бұрын
i won't change my fight agains thargoids. I'm curious what will come. I've heard some rumours/spoilers that I'm not allowed to repeat. but I'm looking forward to it.
@DannyMancheno Жыл бұрын
I think every week after week people will care less and less and frontier is only asking more of the shrinking base that do. They have said, if we do not respond, the goids will destroy the whole bubble. So, destroy it. Just move on to other non thargoid war content already. Give exploration a boost, maybe give fleet carriers some new permanent base mechanics. If we can use our fleet carriers to create new bases in a different part of the galaxy, a new bubble, a small one with new powers, that’d be amazing. A new era of humanity!
@kwidmayer Жыл бұрын
Yellow systems considered for attack? What if you are color blind and can’t distinguish these systems???
@TheBuurPit Жыл бұрын
@quickc4626 Жыл бұрын
I fear that hunting Orthrus solo might be insufficient.
@ShawnNish Жыл бұрын
ghost in the shell
@raymobula Жыл бұрын
Alert systems- if you look at my posts in earlier videos, that was my point. Pro-actively preventing invasions vs reactively recovering systems. So yes, this is a Told you so! post. 😂 When doing actions in alert system, rescuing ppl, defending convoys, or destroying probes and scanners in Level 4 USS, I made progress pit the pilots federation.
@cmdrargos Жыл бұрын
Due to the nature of how instancing works for signal sources in super cruise. Has anyone tried f-flopping (exit to desktop, then back into supercruise) to trigger encounters with the Orthrus?
@CelticUchuu Жыл бұрын
Way too far from the bubble to have anything to do with the conflict there.
@kylecrane4376 Жыл бұрын
Alert systems are, in simplest terms, not fun at all.
@flow5tate346 Жыл бұрын
The Black Flight's still out there.
@OMentertainment Жыл бұрын
Which also means that the Guardians could have done the same
@leeebbrell9 Жыл бұрын
Development said we need to be thinking about where they're going not where they are that was the clue
@tuscanred Жыл бұрын
I tried killing Orthrus with various combinations of enhanced ax weapons 4 or 5 times (with the class 5 Azimuth Weapons Stabilizer) and they have escaped each time before I can finish them off, given the time it takes to find them I've switched back to CGs and exploring for the next week or two. May try Orthrus hunting again at some point but looks like they are above my level...
@trouvereyork Жыл бұрын
Enhanced missile racks are what you need for the Orthrus. As many as you can carry.
@Shenron666 Жыл бұрын
The last debris field contains fragments of at least 1 ou 2 Python, 1 or 2 Cobra, and i could also recognise at least one Taipan cockpit from the models but i really doubt this is valuable information
@madkaris7224 Жыл бұрын
Thargoid war made by people who don't know how a war work and visibly how a player spend his time inside their game...😅😂😂
@MaheerKibria Жыл бұрын
honestly. I thought what they put in the Aegis post for a while now. Like since the war started actually. Like if this is a wargame sim the common sense if you need to go for containment or cutting supply lines. And since we have no way as of yet to destroy a maelstrom the best way would be to first prevent them from expanding and contain the enemy. Which is you cut of their recon and stop them from expanding and the push back. I get for pilots this isn't exciting but from a war game perspective this is actually quite good. Unfortunately there is no real organized military in the game. Which is unfortunate. The elements are there. with the powerplay concept but it ends up being ferrying resources from one system to another for the most part which means we ended up with no organization and the organization that exists prioritizes fun. Now if there had been more wargaming in the game from before we would have been way more prepared for this but also the game would have been more fun. How dare the developers give us advice on how to win the war. What is wrong with them.
@mbrsart Жыл бұрын
For once I'm glad I avoided spoilers and followed the crumbs. Part of me thinks this is FDev spinning BS into gold by retconning their Nemesis fleet carrier name goof into the lore, but heck, I'm all for it. Lead me, game master-senpai.
@TheBuurPit Жыл бұрын
Yeah .. Whatever the reason. Totally here for it.
@1darkthought Жыл бұрын
D2 is going to become a Thargoid-centric Powerplay faction, and Salvation will return joined with Guardian AI. Humans and Thargoids will need to unite to fight off the Salvation AI forces.
@Windrake101 Жыл бұрын
PowerPlay needs fixing first in order for anyone to care.
@Malthaelx1 Жыл бұрын
@@Windrake101I have a strong feeling that PowerPlay is the feature overhaul, and Lords knows it needs a complete rebuild…
@LixRG Жыл бұрын
Oh, so D2 is the Kerrigan of ED.
@leeebbrell9 Жыл бұрын
I've been saying a football we're fighting this wrong we need to focus on me alert systems FF told us this on streams
@arobotarmy9878 Жыл бұрын
I’m not participating in the war. I go where the ship upgrade materials are. For a time, rescue missions were a great source of them and I helped by doing those. But they nerfed the materials rewards. So no more rescue missions for me.
@phillp4421 Жыл бұрын
Mat rewards for rescues have not been nerfed. Still picking up the same high level mats.
@leeebbrell9 Жыл бұрын
And when attacking what your guardian weapons break down
@LinasMockus Жыл бұрын
Hi any one get done D2 kode in last location?
@amadeusasimov1364 Жыл бұрын
I'm concerned that in the attempt to deter the Thargoids from winning, that FDev will simply turn the Thargoid War into the 'Thargoid nuisance' and make them innocuous. I get that no one wants the NPC menace to win, and someone has to win eventually, Goid or Human, but if the push for more and more handicaps of the Goids, and buffs for Humans, then the whole historic series of events of the war will dwindle down to basic Thargoid hunting and Goids will just be common pests in the bubble. The enigmatic nature of the Thargoids has already been diminished with the exposure of the war, and continuing down this path is endangering turning them into 'Generic space alien enemy' NPCs.
@quickc4626 Жыл бұрын
It bothers me slightly that it is a war that only the players can help with, the npcs of the background sim have no agency, no input of their own.
@superscott9780 Жыл бұрын
This could be interesting think about it subjected to might be able to control the bugs however salvation is in a guardian storage device which most likely means that he later on when you learn how to control it will be able to control Guardian structures such as ships structures and many other things this is pointing one-way a direct war between D2 and salvation Salvation controlling the Guardians and subject D2 controlling the thargoids This is going to be interesting I joined anything Guardian Guardians have always been my friend I want guardianships I want Guardian more stuff I will join the the Guardians
@BlatantUk Жыл бұрын
Dude got his guard up
@superscott9780 Жыл бұрын
@@BlatantUk I don't quite follow what do you mean
@darthhass9361 Жыл бұрын
salvation is palpatine
@Nites2k Жыл бұрын
Who's D2 again??
@jayfuller2323 Жыл бұрын
That is what the Guardians did.
@fil1586 Жыл бұрын
@coolingfan Жыл бұрын
Is Ms seo korean?
@pkidawmbt Жыл бұрын
FDev has bad game design? Color me surprised. smh
@GenericInternetter Жыл бұрын
i'm tempted to jump back into elite, but i keep remembering how utterly boring the space combat was has any of this improved over the past year or two? (i stopped playing around about when they added carriers) look at 3:20 onwards... just pointing at a target and holding the fire button. this kind of footage makes me want to click away
@ButtonPusher Жыл бұрын
Frontier, your designers have no idea what they are doing with this content.
@andyanon5451 Жыл бұрын
lol so once again, fdev made the gameplay a grind misery? they made the orthrus a misery to track down, an wonder why players dont want to waste play time grinding for it, a typical move lacking any self awareness
@trouvereyork Жыл бұрын
Don't grind - just play the game. I went tacking the signal sources in alert systems and it was quite fun. It wasn't clear how much good I was doing for the war effort. My preference would be that there was some indication that any action completed would benefit the war effort in that system. After recovering dozens of black boxes, escape pods, stealing or destroying thargoid probes, I got no notion that what I had done was useful. I get that it would need dozens of CMDRs to move the needle, but an acknowledgement of effort goes a long way for the player base.
@andyanon5451 Жыл бұрын
@@trouvereyork some of the war is fun, i wish they wouldnt undo good work with grind an time sinks, players find a night wasted, with nothing found, because they did what they were asked, such fun hey?
@trouvereyork Жыл бұрын
@@andyanon5451 My main worry early on was the progress wipe mechanism. So pleased they saw sense on that. No gamer community wants to meet the deletions of joint effort. I'll get back to the alert systems when I'm back in the bubble. For me, the best thing they could do is double (head quadruple!) the number of USS in those systems. The more options the better. My alert system ship can steal probes, attack orthrus, rescue lifepods, recover black boxes. Bit clumsy against scouts but you can't do everything. Usually leads to a fun hour or two of gaming.
@TheLotw Жыл бұрын
Again, I am one of the many players that DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE THARGOIDs at all... Fix the base game 1st as that is what keeps people from playing this game.
@Cythrawl102 Жыл бұрын
@@jackclements2163 and yet.... you are still here
@Windrake101 Жыл бұрын
As someone who DOES care about the Thargoids, to a degree, i agree with this sentence. Elite has sat on a long laundry list of problems for so long it hurts to be reminded.
@saleseng Жыл бұрын
What do you mean fix the base game? What’s wrong with it I have no issues to complain about🤷🏻‍♂️
@Maquinamqc Жыл бұрын
"keeps people..." Because your personal, partial and subjective opinion is the feeling of all the "people". If someone wants to give an opinion, perfect, it's always important and tremendously useful, but please, let's once and for all stop trying to show that the "real situation" is only what we want to imply. This is just your opinion, maybe others' too, but not necessarily "the people's", ok?
@netwarrior1000 Жыл бұрын
What, precisely, about the base game do you want fixed? Sure, there are some things that could be better or added, and there are bugs (always will be), but for the most part the game works pretty well at my end......
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