Elite Dangerous: The Future To Be Unveiled Amid Company Changes

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Frontier have announced they will be discussing the future of Elite Dangerous next week during their new livestreams. However the company restructuring and financial issues raise many questions as the to the nature of that future.
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@PocketDrummer 8 ай бұрын
The only game I remotely care about from Frontier is Elite, and it's the game I feel like they care the least about.
@nothanks3236 8 ай бұрын
I wish Frontier would sell it to someone who loves it.
@shambhangal438 8 ай бұрын
You mean Ian Bell? 😊
@henryvaneyk3769 7 ай бұрын
The whole game engine would have to be re-written. I doubt any new company would invest that much money into ED.
@Andrei5656 7 ай бұрын
Oh they DO love it. The shareholders don't. But this is Braben's child since the early 80s. And I'm sure a lot of the original people working on E:D were there to work on E:D, not just because it put bread on the table.
@Andrei5656 7 ай бұрын
@@henryvaneyk3769 why do you yhink the engine would need a rewrite?
@realnaste 7 ай бұрын
@@Andrei5656 Because of the pain the game goes through any time they try to add anything new.
@alexbenis4726 8 ай бұрын
There would have been no Frontier without Elite, a space simulator launched the company. I think Frontier needs to remember this.
@aexetan2769 8 ай бұрын
Even the company was named after their upcoming first game, Frontier: First Encounters (Elite 3).
@magscorch7706 7 ай бұрын
They think people care about their lame tycoon games but the only game people care about from them is Elite
@Muckytuja 7 ай бұрын
@@magscorch7706 Numbers doesn't lie. More people are into tycoon games, sadly for us.
@johnwicks4936 7 ай бұрын
Other than the original Elite games, Frontier has been a kiddie game company for most of it's history.
@CarlWicker 7 ай бұрын
They have a licence with F1 now, they don't care.
@alexmads6363 8 ай бұрын
Elite Dangerous has so much potential it's crazy. It's a pity that this medium is abandoned
@NgryMosquito 8 ай бұрын
@noxwarlord4909 8 ай бұрын
@davidbreen4830 8 ай бұрын
It had the foundation of what could have been one of the great games of our time. It takes a Kathleen Kennedy level talent to squander what they had.
@benni1015 8 ай бұрын
The foundation of this game is IMO still unmatched to this day. Especially exploration has always been my favorite activity as the universe is just beautifully rendered. It's just a shame that they abandoned exploration content, as well as every other activity besides combat just like that. I can just imagine what the game could be if they expanded what they already had instead of adding features nobody asked for.
@NotThatBob 8 ай бұрын
I own both, E.D. and the X Foundation games. I love X4 Foundations. Both games have a steep learning curve. But X4 seems to present end game goals better. I have to admit it's been well over a year sense I played E.D. But I just don't get the game. I'm not sure what the point is. I personally believe people would love the game, if we knew what the point was and if it was fun achieving the end game goals. Cheers all.
@jdo1842 8 ай бұрын
The biggest problem I always felt was, from Odyssey on ...... They did not listen to the community base , almost dismissing them in a way , and people were not happy about that . In turn , they walked away .
@FortressArena 8 ай бұрын
FDEV walked away from console players as well.
@aeringothyk5445 8 ай бұрын
It's not even Odyssey, it's the fact that they take 6 months to release minor updates that barely add anything to the game. Odyssey is the best thing to happen to the game recently but it just sucks that their development Speeds slowed to an absolute crawl, and a lot of the potential was never realized and core systems were never overhauled. So the whole thing stagnated
@CelticKnot463 8 ай бұрын
Yes! Exactly this! But they were not listening to the community long before Odyssey. That mess of an update was just the last straw for a lot of people, myself included.
@VitorHugoOliveiraSousa 8 ай бұрын
I think they kind listed to the community before Horizon only. After they started to dismiss the community more and more.
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
@@FortressArenaeven as a PC player that pisses me off. Why? Because look at Odyssey: does it look like it justifies the much higher system requirements? Like if its visuals took a major step up in Odyssey, I could understand, but by-and-large it doesn't look much better (if at all) than Horizons, yet still has anomalously large system requirements.
@MrZentrierer 8 ай бұрын
It's so sad, Elite, nowadays, is just a sad mix between an old love and a slow-mo car accident that you don't want to see but can't look away from either. Thanks for keeping us in the loop Ant.
@TheAngrySaxon1 8 ай бұрын
What Elite needs more than anything else is a passionate dev team.
@henryvaneyk3769 7 ай бұрын
FDev cannot afford a passionate dev team.
@BRUXXUS 7 ай бұрын
They need to sell their IP to a company with leadership that cares.
@NFawc 7 ай бұрын
...With some talent... We've had six+ years of poorly designed, disjoined, unbalanced, frangmented bolt ons. And the huge development effort pi$$ed away on Odyssey instead of gameplay of worth just underlines this and was the final nail in Elite's coffin TBH.
@Cramblit 7 ай бұрын
Not just a passionate team, but one that isn't incompetent.
@davidmertes6308 7 ай бұрын
They need to open up the Game to the Community and allow Mods / Offline Singleplayer etc.
@ImAltair1 8 ай бұрын
I hope they give more new content for people that don't care about the whole xeno stuff.
@stone4524 8 ай бұрын
It blew my mind when I heard the news about that universe split years ago. That was when I stopped playing 😓
@jobt1999 8 ай бұрын
@cameronmilligan 8 ай бұрын
Yeah me too. I'm not interested in the AX engineering / money grind either. I just wanna put on my VR headset and fly my Cobra MkIII doing a bit of everything. VR performance in live / odyssey is so bad that I'm stuck with Legacy which is pretty low on activity.
@CelticKnot463 8 ай бұрын
Don't hold your breath, there's a reason a large chunk of the player base left. We got tired of waiting too. Frontier is the problem.
@raffish1880 8 ай бұрын
New content? Hahaha...dream on. The plug is being pulled.
@RhondaFizzleflint 8 ай бұрын
Ah yes, an announcement for an announcement... Frontier doing Frontier things.
@wyattbottorff2473 7 ай бұрын
That's not even a Frontier thing, it's just how pedantic gaming culture itself has become
@steveschmit7529 8 ай бұрын
Key feature update: Engineering now only takes 2 months to upgrade one damn suit.
@HempKnight2112 8 ай бұрын
I have 2000+ hrs on elite. I haven't played since odyssey came out. I miss it, the game just puts me to sleep. 3 jumps and I'm out like a light bulb.
@agentmith 8 ай бұрын
It’s weird how some companies show open contempt for customers of their best performing products. No idea why they wouldn’t refocus their talent on Elite and ditch the other failing IPs in their portfolio, it seems so obvious. It’s like they’ve tried so hard to move away from Elite and it’s been the one thing that’s consistently kept them going, despite their mismanagement over the last few years.
@benjaminburns4412 8 ай бұрын
Companies want growth. Not to just keep on going. There is no such thing as stagnation your either growing or dying. Sadly, Elite is not where they are gonna find growth.
@ferdeboergd256 8 ай бұрын
I think they took us for granted. They thought we would always be there no matter how little they did for us and could undertake another adventures because we would be always there...
@shadow7037932 7 ай бұрын
They've written off ED because it's a subpar IP with the current execution.
@BRUXXUS 7 ай бұрын
They certainly can't afford to keep licensing expensive IPs for games that instantly fail.
@bilowik123 7 ай бұрын
I think the answer is simple, they don’t want to push additional monetization onto Elite (which I think we can all appreciate they haven’t stooped to this). Elite does very little to generate consistent, long term income so they want other, much more heavily monetized franchises, to essentially cover for it. Paid cosmetics can only go so far. Truthfully, I’d pay a subscription to access Elite if it meant consistent content releases and updates. I know many people would immediately balk and shoot that down, but it’s the only model that works for this game that doesn’t include over-monetization.
@Solomon-ci8dk 8 ай бұрын
I remember at the start of Elite's life, the KZbinrs making cool videos about ships, and how they ventured 30 light years away from the bubble. It made me so excited and happy to be a part of such a cool universe. It's so sad that every choice they make seems to be the wrong one. I remember working and daydreaming about Elite, and flying the ships. It really brought me so much joy to spend time fantasizing about space and exploration. So many years later, they have added many cool features to the game. Carriers and the ability to walk on planets and look at your ship are awesome. Still no interiors, and no new ships. They had a golden opportunity to create a truly amazing universe, but they failed, and it's no longer relevant. No other game scratches my space itch like Elite did so many years ago.
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
As a premium beta backer, I feel ya. I remember when Merope was considered a long way away from the bubble, and how the Sothis run took hours to complete. The universe felt bigger and more mysterious, where we didn't know what we'd find when we'd venture out of the bubble. Now it's all grade-5 long-range FSDs, meme builds, and signposted content everywhere.
@BRUXXUS 7 ай бұрын
As another beta backer... yep. It's heartbreaking. I did love the game for a long time.
@maybedrinkin3241 7 ай бұрын
I too spent a lot of time reminding myself at work to think about what I was doing instead of thinking about what else I could learn about my ship. How to become a better pilot. That part of it kept me going for a long, long while. When I thought I was becoming a pretty good pilot, I realized I could turn Flight Assist off. What!? Then I spent many, many hours just hanging around outside my station, practicing flying without Flight Assist. And daydreaming at work about it. I've been thinking about Elite a lot lately because I've been playing Starfield. I love being able to design and build my own ship, and walk around inside. But I keep thinking how much more amazing it would be if similar features were in Elite. Starfield just doesn't scratch the same itch.
@Solomon-ci8dk 7 ай бұрын
​@@maybedrinkin3241i was day dreaming about what was coming to elite. I expected more pvp and ability to play with my mates. But instancing with them is many times imoossible. Slowly i got more and more dissapointed in elite. Slowly i lost my love for it and all i had was irrotation and dissapointment. Now every elite video i see i expect it to say that serveres are shutting down. That is going to make me Sad Even tho i expect it. To happen.
@StephenSmith304 5 ай бұрын
I agree, there was so much potential to create a vibrant universe full of life. I feel like the correct direction to go would have been to prioritize adding as much varied procedural and random content as possible, because that's a force multiplier to creating a vibrant universe full of life and content without needing to hand craft everything. Procedural atmospheric planets with underwater environments, more than just settlements but everything between outposts and entire metropolises with skyscrapers all over planets instead of just like 3 or 5 on an entire planet, a wider selection of aesthetics for planetary buildings (dirt abode on sand planets for example, metal, glass, stone, different styles instead of literally every settlement in the universe being the same metal buildings) as well as varied plants and animals, a wider range of randomly generated quests (more complex than just fetch X but perhaps multi stage quests), and a focus on tightening the gameplay loop by cutting out the drudgery. They should have put most of their effort into creating varied reusable content that could have been peppered around the galaxy. So many options to make the game better but it feels like all we ever got was more galnet posts serving up cheap lore and grindfest community events.
@x_Paine_x 8 ай бұрын
you reap what you sow, ED should be thriving right now, but they hired a fortnight FPS guy to do legs and went on to ruin the the cobra engine hence no consoles.
@suaec9059 8 ай бұрын
i wish odyssey was even half as fun as fortnite
@scuzzymuzzlefug5710 8 ай бұрын
Right..and they literally let the rest of the game loops rot. PP never got a second look, trading was OK for its first iteration but could have been more in depth, not to mention all the secondary game loops like exploring expeditions and racing could have kept player retention a lot higher had they even acknowledged what the player base even wanted. They even stopped making new ships.. in a space ship game??? All just to bring us a shitty version of "FPS" that was so bare bones, everyone just dropped it and didn't engage with it after a few weeks. space legs as implemented so poorly, you could tell they didn't even want to give you a reason to use the feature outside of "FPS gameplay". Like, MF I want to see the rest of the inside of my ship, I've been flying for years!! They killed the rest of their game for fortnite in space fans, WTF. wasnt even PVP
@Saved-by-Grace 7 ай бұрын
Fortnite isn't fun so that counts for something. ​@suaec9059
@Osean_Kitty 7 ай бұрын
Honestly wish oddesy was instead an expansion of the carrier gameplay and introduced fleet management like No Man's Sky but more in depth. Hell for to top of the top, let players with alot of credits or squadrons with the credits ro spend build and operate bases outside of the bubble.
@cmdrriotz5283 7 ай бұрын
how did they ruin the cobra? I wasn't here for that.
@Libertas_P77 8 ай бұрын
Frontier finally realising their total incompetence and focus on other games is slowly killing them as a company. The amount of goodwill lost from the mismanagement of Elite Dangerous is quite something to behold. It’s not too late to plan for a new Elite game, but it would need some major direction changes.
@urazz7739 8 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say it's too late for a new Elite Game, but Frontier would also have to put in a lot of effort into Elite Dangerous itself to fix and improve upon it while this new Elite Game is being developed.
@CelticKnot463 8 ай бұрын
A new game is not needed, new developers however, would be amazing. Frontier is the problem, the game can be fixed by competent people and Frontier just doesn't appear to have any.
@whylekat 7 ай бұрын
​@urazz7739 all they would have to do is up all the rewards so it doesn't take you 60-100 hours to achieve 0.02% of the ships and outfitting items/upgrades.
@BRUXXUS 7 ай бұрын
I do think it's too late for Frontier. They're bleeding money, and have no income. They had all their eggs in the Warhammer basket, and that basket got dropped and all the eggs broke. The only hope FDEV could have had was to fire all the executives and board right after Odyssey failed, then bring on people that knew what they were doing. Now they're out of money, firing most their employees, and have nothing left to save them. They failed hard at being a publisher, after barely trying... I honestly have no idea how they can possibly recover from this. Which sucks for all the employees losing their jobs, but from what I understand, they always paid way under industry standard for developers.
@NFawc 7 ай бұрын
Problem is there's so much dead flesh and $hitty mechanics in ED now, any attempt to move it forwards means dragging all that crap forwards too.
@sidrat2009 8 ай бұрын
We can expect nothing until it arrives. No matter what they say or show it's going to have to be experienced to see if it's any good or not.
@StreetSoulLover 8 ай бұрын
Its funny, I haven't played this game since 2017, yet I still like to catch up on the latest, I have no idea why...
@Anonymous-zw8ql 8 ай бұрын
It has a place deep in our hearts
@MR.MACH1NE 8 ай бұрын
Me too, I listen to lave radio every week as well. It's all in the hope they make some great announcement about future content etc
@AngelaTheSephira 7 ай бұрын
@@Anonymous-zw8ql It's also a trainwreck one can't look away from. It's much like the hatred for SC from it's own players - they don't hate it because it's a bad game, but because of the ruined potential.
@ph8077 7 ай бұрын
It just shows how Frontier slaughtered their very own cash cow!
@ph8077 7 ай бұрын
Btw me too! Original inception player here...I haven't played since the 2020 lockdowns but still interested to see if Factabulous has woken up to reality yet. 🤣
@paulgrant7221 8 ай бұрын
It's the execs at Frontier that needed to be chopped, not the devs. 3 blind mice and half a sheep's head can see that gamers are *clamouring* for an immersive space game that involves seamless transitions from on-foot FPS to interstellar flight (and everything in-between). I mean ... they must have seen how much money gamers have put into SC? They must have seen the hype and anticipation for Starfield? They're the makers of Elite FFS! Invest in it and *ramp up* development, don't decimate your dev team! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@rudlzavedno7279 8 ай бұрын
It's crazy how Egosoft can hit X4's gaming community with awesome DLCs and expansions and FDEV team goes from one dissapointment to another. I mean just compare 10 payed DLCs + many free addons for X4 since 2018 Vs Horizons and Odyssey on ED side. Sad, just sad :(
@MrAyybee2cold 8 ай бұрын
Egosoft has its own issues namely not optimizing enough. The economy dies because they know the game can’t really handle a late game.
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
No Man's Sky is the same: despite its rough launch, it has gone from strength to strength.
@NewsFreak42 8 ай бұрын
Elite needs a relaunch with a reworked galaxy including AI-procedural generated planets full of life and more focus on exploring. Putting a FPS into Elite was a wrong decision and against Elite's core potential.
@vladcrow4225 8 ай бұрын
Elite needs to be finally left to rot. Aling with FDev.
@ForestRaptor 8 ай бұрын
the FPF wasn't a wrong decision, the wrong decision was not making it a solid element on its own and have it being maintained properly with better integration with the rest of the game. It's failed management of a good potential IP
@ScarykidReal 8 ай бұрын
They need AI NPCs powered by Nvidea
@Neo-vz8nh 8 ай бұрын
It was the thing that the community cried for, just like you see "ship interiors" comments under EVERY video, that time there was "space legs" comments under EVERY video.
@sergiosala640 8 ай бұрын
They have the memory span of a jellyfish@@Neo-vz8nh
@DavidWeistx 7 ай бұрын
Atmosphere landings. That's the only thing that will bring me back.
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
Even if they have no life. At least something like the planets from Mass Effect 1, for example
@theroach2204 8 ай бұрын
Love to see frontier are still continuing to do what they do best. Staying quiet
@thecursingexplorer138 7 ай бұрын
They could bring back so many players if they put something in space to interact with outside of the bubble. Let players make bases and ports, allow us to actually play in the sandbox how we want.
@Mal_3D 8 ай бұрын
I know it won't ever happen but if they do have to shut down they should try and find a way to get rid of the need for the game to require connection to their servers to be played so that those of us who have played for years can continue to play the game.
@ferdeboergd256 8 ай бұрын
If I'm not mistaken, in the original plans there was exactly this, freeing it as offline game once it reached end of life... but I doubt it now because modders could make it a tough competitor to an hypothetical "Elite 2"
@AngelaTheSephira 7 ай бұрын
@@ferdeboergd256 It was. But it was a promise from Braben. Who's not here anymore.
@digitalbarrito3555 7 ай бұрын
@@AngelaTheSephira If i had a dollar for every feature Braben promised and then never materialized, I'd probably have enough to not be salty about buying the lifetime pass and then getting shafted.
@AngelaTheSephira 7 ай бұрын
@@digitalbarrito3555 Well, to be fair, I don't think Braben expected to be ousted
@elixwhitetail 7 ай бұрын
@@AngelaTheSephiraBraben wasn't ousted, he went from being the boss of the company to the chairman of the board overseeing the company. He is Frontier's largest single shareholder. He didn't get fired, he basically retired without actually leaving.
@karroq 8 ай бұрын
They took a space sim and made it an FPS, then focused hard on that for way too long. It's been nearly six years since they released a new ship in their spaceship game, and they wonder why the population struggles. They need to just dump it and move on, make a new game that doesn't have any of the problems they've created, but I doubt they will. Used to be my favorite game; 3300 hours played over many years, starting at the gamepass launch in 2015. I just don't have any drive for it anymore.
@Anonymous-zw8ql 8 ай бұрын
Same for me. I bought Elite during the kickstarter and now, years later, I have about 2000 hours in it, have everything maxed out and about 13 billion in credits. It's my favorite game of all time. However I haven't really played it more than 20 hours for the last 2 years due to a lack of content. I recently got a Quest 3 and Elite in VR blew me absolutely away, and I was hoping that after 2 years there would be more content to experience in VR. However it appeared that they kinda abandoned VR and the game altogether. I really hope Odyssey would've turned things around, I mean they could've become the new Star Citizen, but really the opposite was true. Such a shame. Also, ITS BEEN SIX YEARS???
@robertthomas-ball9416 8 ай бұрын
It's not so much the addition of FPS, but how it was introduced. As well as how they handled the issues that came with it. There have been many other games that have been released in a poor state over the past few years. Yet, we all know the ones who worked to correct the situation and deliver what they promised. Frontier went in the exact opposite direction. That's why Elite is dying and will be put in maintenance mode for the remainder of its life.
@x_Paine_x 8 ай бұрын
The problem was the legs weren't "in" the spaceships...
@Vevvev8 8 ай бұрын
And the actual spaceship content that did exist was bugged. Multicrew was so much fun, but now it's a graveyard. Heck, Odyssey was supposed to make multicrew more fun, but it just highlighted the issues even more. Then on the PvP side of things fighters had a network issue that would break instances. They supposedly fixed it, but the problem resurfaced again making them outright banned in tournaments. Also hurt casual PvE if you were doing things with a friend and launched an NPC fighter.
@robertthomas-ball9416 8 ай бұрын
@@Vevvev8 The core issues with Elite existed before Odyssey. How they handled the release was "the straw". For a long time, I was able to overlook the issues, but it became impossible once I was no longer able to play.
@vagabondquerier9375 8 ай бұрын
A very British approach to running company with a great product
@zKaltern 7 ай бұрын
What a ridiculous comment.
@kayobee604 8 ай бұрын
Everyone wanted ship interiors since day one, they are doing everything BUT that.
@CoffeeFiend1 8 ай бұрын
Everyone wanted it. But it didn't matter. We got it in Star Citizen and other games and they saw how much we did really want it... You know... Like we said we did. Yet still they.... I just can't. Fucking. Fathom. Frontier is literally Clown World.
@kayobee604 8 ай бұрын
@@CoffeeFiend1 Its like they hired people who are active contrarians to their own player base, they kept releasing features nobody asked for. I'm convinced it's an ego thing.
@adriantcullysover4640 8 ай бұрын
And atmospheric/ water worlds.
@danilooliveira6580 7 ай бұрын
not really, the people wanted space legs, but they were very much split into focusing on ship interiors or out of ship activities. hell, even people asking for space legs was just a part of the community.
@WeeganTV 7 ай бұрын
Problem is that at game has not a microcosmos at all...All planets are: empty, no citys, no life whole milkyway? All that space are so empty...
@Tanvaras 7 ай бұрын
Elite, many of my friends and I bought in at Kickstarter, and now days feel like Frontier have forgotten about the player base who made them the company they are today (Though fallen from grace quite a lot lately). Elite is a game that has had so many missed opportunities to be something extremely special. Can Frontier still get it together and be something of a company they used to be, only time will tell. Wouldnt hold your breath though.
@SpaceHero-Elite 8 ай бұрын
Detailed roadmap for 2024. You must be dreaming. Basically a zombie game at this stage
@danieljones8706 8 ай бұрын
Given recent changes, my guess is that Frontier is going put Elite into maintenance mode and start working on something new whether that be a new Elite game or a new franchise entirely. IMO, a new Elite game makes the most sense. Updating the current one clearly requires more time and resources than is reasonable.
@CelticKnot463 8 ай бұрын
I don't want Frontier ANYwhere near a new Elite game. Those tea swillers have done enough already. Sorry I just don't have kind words for Frontier anymore.
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
At this point that would make the most sense.
@aznp33nRocket 7 ай бұрын
They will NOT make a new elite dangerous game. Their half attempt at odyssey, slow and weak updates, all show that their interests are elsewhere. They focused more on popular titles like Jurassic World stuff and their tycoonish games. Out of all their games, the elite community has a lot of ‘ride or die’ players that have hung in there hoping. It would make sense to dedicate something meaningful to elite or make another elite game, but they’re too dependent on their shareholders :( Nothing would bring me more joy to see them revive elite. I’ve started my journey with frontier back in the late 90’s, went from a teen to adult playing their games. When elite dangerous came out, I was a father, and over the last few years, I’ve used elite to explore space with my kids. Learning about the solar system can be cool, but to hope in VR, and let my kids drive around in an SRV, or fly by the bodies in the Sol system, sparked pure joy from my kids. Heck, we even visited the voyager probes! A part of me literally aches to see elite slowly decay into obscurity, and the final kid in the bits, will be when they eventually stop hosting elite all together. Maybe someone will pick up the torch in the future, but a part of me fears that the future generation of gamers have already missed out on such a wonderful game. Frontier Development, I love you guys, but I also hate you for giving up so poorly. :/
@henryvaneyk3769 7 ай бұрын
They can barely afford a dev team large enough to maintain it.
@Havemercy1987 8 ай бұрын
Elite Dangerous has so much potential. If they would put some more life into it I'd come back today. I do miss it. Thanks for the video OA!
@gimme88 7 ай бұрын
elite dangerous is a special game, it may be years old, but even older games such as 20 year old Eve online has 28 thousand daily players. That is because there is something about it. Likewise elite with 3000 daily players has something about it. Even if there is superior games to it, Elite will always "have something about it" and will draw players. What frontier should do is invest heavily into elite because the magic devoted players can feel for this game can be felt by many gamers out there. o7 cmdrs
@Runic-Raven 8 ай бұрын
We did not get any new ships for YEARS, patches at the moment are dedicated towards a small part of the player base (AX stuff only) Innumerable bugs affecting the game and microtransactions (paint jobs) still did not get fixed. Even their latest DLC did not get anything new since it is out. Man it would be like a christmas and birthday present at the same time if they announce and then actually implemented something Big. Sadly i fear Frontier themselves do not realize the potential of the Game or simply do not care about it. There is millions of dissapointed Starfield players out there Frontier could fish up but their management is completely blind to this fact.
@CoffeeFiend1 8 ай бұрын
The only people that actually want new ships is everyone though. So who would even buy them other than everyone? 🤔
@urazz7739 8 ай бұрын
It would've been fine if there were no new ships if the old crappier ships, like the Asp Scout, Mamba, etc. were buffed/reworked to be better or different in some fashion so they don't overlap with other ships. I.E. Why get the Mamba when the FDL is better?
@aenstreams1998 8 ай бұрын
Are new ships going to remove the hundreds of hours of grinding required to upgrade them to useable?
@Ebalosus 7 ай бұрын
@@urazz7739not only that, but ships like the Styrofoamaconda have been in desperate need of a rework since RNGineering became engineering. The fact that a Python can mass-lock it is bonkers, and that's just one example of ships that either serve no purpose, or are wildly out of whack with the current gameplay paradigms.
@RuLeZ1988 7 ай бұрын
@@urazz7739 For me buying ships was not always because of the better performance. The visual design and overall feeling of just flying the ship also played a role to me personally. On the other hand the amount of variations we already have, do not allow for much more different variations, that would stick out and make sense. So I am not super surprised, that there are ships out there, which overlap in its purpose and are different in performance.
@Slavic_Sky 8 ай бұрын
future of Elite? new cosmetics, that is all.
@urazz7739 8 ай бұрын
That and probably other kinds of microtransactions as well.
@TwoLeftThumbs 8 ай бұрын
Plenty of people have been crying out for ship interiors. They’re basically just cosmetics.
@BearanormalPodcast 8 ай бұрын
@@TwoLeftThumbs Yes, cosmetics that at least bring something to do, follow star citizens trail and integrate on-the-move engineering/repair. The fun aspect of multicrewing a ship in star cititzen is being able to chill etc until an issue comes up where you physically have to run to the guns, turn them on, wait for power up, and then start blasting. What elite has right now is "oh wait, let me just push a button, and magically Im in the turret" ITS BORING NON-ENGAGING GAMEPLAY
@cmdrls212 7 ай бұрын
​@@BearanormalPodcastelite is so damn old the engine can't really handle anything beyond what they got. Look at odyssey. Basically killed the game and the company to add space legs 😂
@TheCloudhopper 7 ай бұрын
At this stage I wish for two things really: 1) a patch to make the single player mode playable offline. 2) a patch to introduce community multiplayer in some fashion, via LAN, dedicated server or whatver. Lets be real here, the writing is on the wall. This is a live service game and the company running the service is cutting it back more and more every month. This is a dying game if its not already a ded game from a business perspective. I would like to play ED in 5 or 10 years time, because i think its still the best SPACE game out there and it probably still will be. I just don't think that's possible if no effort to transition it out of live service status is made now.
@Yxxilis 7 ай бұрын
Make the Space-Legs Shooter part more tactical instead of Arena-Shooter, give us Ship Interiors, Atmospheric planets and procedural generated planetary content and Space-Leg combat in ships (breaching and entering ships) and space stations. Then i am the happiest person alive.
@adamhorner3950 8 ай бұрын
"Alright guys, time for one of the coolest things we've EVER done in Elite!" /Power Play gets added grind\ "W-Wait, where are you all going..?"
@RaydeusMX 8 ай бұрын
At this point unless the announcement was that they were finally allowing the game to run locally (because mods) there's nothing that could make me go back. (I guess at least I should be thankful I bought the game heavily discounted (Horizons), because I'd be pretty mad if I had supported the crowdfunding campaign back when the game was supposed to be offline. Still very disappointed about the wasted potential though, but that's the all too common developer incompetence we have these days for you.)
@netshaman9918 8 ай бұрын
Since they abandoned VR when releasing odyssey, i abandoned the game too. And i was in a way to buy myself a simulator, what a pity !
@michaelwoffindin 8 ай бұрын
If this "best feature ever" isn't atmospheric landings or ship interiors I don't care.
@harleyjordan1903 8 ай бұрын
Why would I want to watch a stream covering Elite, but also a whole bunch of other random management games? I would kind of get lumping management games into a single stream, but content about elite getting it's own, since it's so different. And for age of siegmar they can just call each player once a month and tell them what's coming up. Probably won't even go past the free minutes on a 20 quid a month phone plan.
@oneloveal 8 ай бұрын
Blue skins and lasers, thats the next update.... most likely. For 50000 arcs
@marsaeternum4820 8 ай бұрын
at this point we can for sure start migrating to SC
@Elwaves2925 8 ай бұрын
@Neo-vz8nh 8 ай бұрын
Going from a remotly broken game to a completely broken game. Seems like a bargain.
@hawkzulu5671 8 ай бұрын
3.1 thousand people watching SC gameplay live streams right now / 281 watching Elite. As buggy and broken as SC is - its on a completely different tier than ED@@Neo-vz8nh
@marsaeternum4820 7 ай бұрын
@@Neo-vz8nh going from a HUD simulation game to a space sim, seems like barbain
@Neo-vz8nh 7 ай бұрын
@@marsaeternum4820 More likely: going from a flawed space sim to a pay2win bugged lagfest. But of course it is a matter of perspective, and that is fine. It is just always make me smile when I hear people go to SC, and say how better it is. Like when an abused woman leaves his husband who beats her, to an other abusive woman-beating man, and then she says how much better than man is. Sorry man, it is just ridiclous.
@ChessArmyCommander 7 ай бұрын
Elite is so damn good fundamentally! I can't stop coming back to it.
@thatgregguy 7 ай бұрын
This game imo is a sleeping Grant in the space game genre. If they had a brilliant Dev team that worked hard on the game it coukd reclaim the title as the number one space game.
@Ayashxvj Ай бұрын
In my opinion. Frontier just need to build Elite Dangerous 2 with following features: 1. Customizable Ship interiors where players can walk inside and feel home 2. Landing on Atmospheric planets with realistic terrains and biology 3. Less grind, more co-op events 4. Sophisticated Base Building 5. In game trading mechanism where players can figure out systems with High/Low Demand/Supply of various commodities, so they do not have to rely on third party tools. 6. Quality of life improvements. Most people do not have all day to play 7. Make ways where players can explore most if not all of the systems in galaxy. 95.95% unexplored is a wasted space. And interact often with your community. (Most important)
@robertthomas-ball9416 8 ай бұрын
I disagree with your comment about Elite not dying. If there are not going to be any new content, or major updates it's dying. Live service games need these to keep going.
@ObsidianAnt 8 ай бұрын
Depends on the definition. By dying I mean "turning the servers off". No major updates = maintenance mode, but I wouldn't disagree with anyone who says maintenance mode is as good as "dead" when it comes to live service games.
@peteuplink 7 ай бұрын
Sorry... this is kind of long... I was an original '84, and I think Frontier messed up Elite Dangerous, because they didn't seem to know what it was they wanted it to be. I was a member of the Frontier forums back in 2008, way before ED was ever announced, and most of the conversation was about when we'd possibly see another game in the Elite franchise. A few devs dropped in from time to time to talk about the old games, but we never really got any real info on if anything was happening. The forum members just assumed that David Braben and Co. were quietly working on it behind the scenes. We all sort of thought that the game would be very similar to Frontier Elite 2, but with better graphics. That's pretty much what most of us wanted. We'd gotten a bit bored with X from Egosoft and we wanted a space trading simulation that was grounded more in a realistic galaxy. Jump forward to the release of Elite Dangerous, and we were stoked! We played it, we thought it was great, but lacking some features like atmospheric worlds and so on, but it looked promising... Then we got Horizons, and about half way through that it became apparent that ED was going in a direction that the original forum group didn't ask for... Fighters? Multi-crew? Just PvP pew-pew-pew stuff? What happened to the deep space trading and exploration simulation? Why were FDev turning Elite into some sort of MMO games as a service MOBA? Where's the comets, and other things to discover on planets? Atmospheric landings, weather, cities? What's going on? Even the more interesting Galnet and politcal intrigue aspects got dropped... the Thargoids (whcih should have been handled more like the older games) turned out to be a bit of an anticlimax, too... What was going wrong? See, some of the original 2008 fans and I, who were on the forum every night asking for an Elite sequel (it really was just a bunch of mates hanging out), were never all that interested in carriers, multicrew, fighters and space legs. I enjoyed ED more when it was the base game and the primary objective was flying to and from space stations trading, exploring, and completing missions... I backed it on PC because I basically just wanted Frontier Elite 2 with better graphics... In fact, I play ED now, but I only play the base game (before horizons) as a space trading simulation. Because that to me is the closest that ED has ever been to the old games. I personally think Frontier Dev bit off a bit more than they could chew when developing this game, and ended up having to make too many compromises. I think if they'd just concentrated on making a good, solid space trading/combat/exploration game, and maybe sprinkled in some RPG elements and story missions (something like what Everspace 2 is like now) it might not have become so messy. I think they had grand ideas for ED, but they lacked the skill and funds to actually pull it off... I also think they made the mistake of thinking that the average gamers has a low attention span, so they needed to add lots ot pew-pew and PvP to keep people coming back. Maybe if David Braben had had more of a role in the development, and had actually had some sort of goal or plan (or even the desire) to make something truer to the spirit of the originals, it would have been better. I admit, I'm old... I turned 50 last week... I'm not really all that fussed about FPS modes and PVP. I just wanted a game that was similar to what Frontier made in the 90s, but I think they tried to turn ED into something else and kinda borked it... I was kind of disappointed when it became apparent that ED was catering more to the PvP multiplayer crowd with it's fighters and multi-crew and the FPS-like planetary missions. That's not the game I really wanted to play. I'm still holding out hope that Elite Dangerous was just a spin-off game and we're still going to get the proper Elite 5 in the future. Frontier are kinda of strapped for cash, right? So why not sell the rights to Elite to rais some funds and let another developer have a crack at it. Anyway... Off my soap box now.
@the_omg3242 7 ай бұрын
What strikes me as weird is that they don't do a PSVR2 patch for Elite Dangerous on the PS5. They don't support Odyssey on consoles so it's pretty much just a port of the PCVR version that's been available for years and they could charge an upgrade fee or even sell it as an entirely separate game. They don't support hand tracking on the PC either so it's pretty much just a patch to add head tracking and stereo vision to the current game. Isn't low effort money grabs what Frontier is known for with Elite? And even with that minimal effort it would still be the best VR game on the PS5.
@richardneville4255 8 ай бұрын
I always say it but as a beta backer I was disappointed when they made us VR players play in pancake mode for odyssey. Taking that away just ruined the immersive experience that we had gotten used to.
@Euclid_explorer 7 ай бұрын
The potential of elite dangerous is unparalleled
@The101Shadow 7 ай бұрын
hope for ship interiors or at least thicker atmo landings
@danilooliveira6580 7 ай бұрын
for me they should just give up on trying to keep the game alive and make Elite Dangerous 2. overhaul the stellar forge, improve exploration, focus more on the singleplayer aspect instead of making a pseldo-mmo, and improve player agency (though maybe asking for something on the same level of X4 is probably asking too much). they can even reuse all the models, they are amazing and still look amazing to this day, its everything around it that is the problem. humans losing the war against the targoids would be a great cue to announce ED2, humanity is starting from scratch, and you are one of the prospectors ready to explore and exploit what is out there.
@ultilus 8 ай бұрын
Well, it's only Frontier's fault if they lose millions of potential customers because they no longer support the console version. The Game IS dying. Its a shame
@OzzyInSpace 7 ай бұрын
This game will always hold a special place in my heart; All those thousands of hours... you can't help it. It's been a handful of years since I've taken it serious anymore. The game could be absolutely epic right now, and thriving like never before...if they wanted it to.
@101Osprey101 7 ай бұрын
Ship interiors and user created missions. Open the game up for public additions, both good and bad.
@Kaivalaginiviti 8 ай бұрын
As a lifetime expansion pass holder I feel hard done by. Maybe they've decided to make good on things with this news but I doubt it...
@RoninTheBlackFox 8 ай бұрын
I want them to sell ED to another developer. That would be the best thing.
@antonioterra5436 7 ай бұрын
My theory is that update 18 will kickstart a series of events where Thargoids overwhelm human space until all inhabited planets and stations will be devoid of human life. The only remaining human planet will be Planet Zoo and landing there will take you straight to the game's Steam page.
@zmaster19852000 8 ай бұрын
I dont even have ED installed anymore tbh
@vlncents 7 ай бұрын
I find it bewildering that the penny hasn’t dropped with companies such as frontier or any of the other companies that make space adventure, exploration games. The only reason I bought Star Citizen and to date spent over £1000.00 is because I could fly from planet to planet with no cut screens. Additionally I could see a point and go to it land and get out of my ship and explore without restriction or cut screens. I bought Elite but rarely play it. The only thing missing from SC is VR, If frontier got rid of cut screens and could land on planets and explore without restriction in VR I would have spent the additional £900 pounds on elite instead of SC
@RyanMTube 8 ай бұрын
More ships. More of a story that can be run and actually take part in. Not a random bit of text to say the Thargoids are battling us 🤔. Potentially a third person view for combat as you spend all that time getting a ship and never get to experience it. Make missions have a good reward and not just spam able nonsense day after day. Increase jump distance mechanics so you can go further into the galaxy in bigger ships and not be tied into financiallly running a fleet carrier. I liked the idea of the fleet carrier but the money to maintain is the worst decision ever made. Add more enemies or races. There’s one extinct race that you spend forever getting their tech which gets rendered useless by the thargoids. They just seem to make the dumbest decisions yet have one of the best potentials for a game I have ever seen.
@simondaniel4028 7 ай бұрын
Some of us just wanted gas giants and extreme weather. Instead, the community screamed for space legs, and we got Odyssey. The community screams for ship interiors, plz god no. Elite, let loose the extreme gas, that's all that should have been. unrelated - I've been getting into Everspace 2 lately thanks a lot to this channel, so thanks for your work, o7.
@ExtraterrestrialsareReall 8 ай бұрын
I actually installed ED on my PS5 few days ago. It looks and feels lot better than it was on PS4 as good as it was back then. I hope Ed gets a new lease of life..
@channel-7848 7 ай бұрын
They literally have an entire galaxy to work with. They need to do something. ANYTHING!
@Winters1981 8 ай бұрын
They need to start updating it on the Series X and ps5
@archonswill9733 8 ай бұрын
Agreed the people that still play the horizons version on console(myself included) love that version of course I can’t speak for all but I hate that we were left behind.
@jafonsocpacheco 8 ай бұрын
yeah, ps5 and xbox series can run odyssey but they really don't care
@gimme88 7 ай бұрын
what if we all raised the money and bought Elite and then develop it ourselves? I am sure there is lots of coders in the community who can easily make graphical models for new ships and weapons and such things. modders are as good as game devs at this stage of gaming
@KitHavok 8 ай бұрын
If they only added an 'on-foot' 3dof helmet view to VR which the engine is perfectly capable of.... i'd reinstall and probably start buying Arx again.
@bigbangerz5856 7 ай бұрын
Frontier needs a new board that understands the importance of customers (not just a handful of prolific forum posters) in their profit and loss figures.
@tombeareatscake 7 ай бұрын
The simple reality is the engine which elite is based on has huge technical debt. It is not flexible enough to deliver new features.
@davelloyd- 7 ай бұрын
Elite remains one of the best $/hr games I ever bought, even with the cost of LEP. Yet there hasn't been any real excitement since the reveal of horizons imho. I remember being amazed at the reveal of the SRV and the possibilities it would enable. But it all fell in a heap after that, with delay after delay and broken half-finished features eventually culminating in turning the game from 'play your way' to 'play your way so long as it's combat' and the seeming abandonment of lore. Odyssey broke the UI as well as planet rendering, whilst offering not much in return; I liked the biologic additions but we seemed to go all in on thargoids after the worst off the bugs were addressed to make it beta quality, and the 'goids are mostly combat related. Consequently, I rarely get the energy to plug in the hotas to load up elite anymore. An expansion of life and planet-type landables would make things interesting again, but I don't see that happening sadly.
@nikelsad 7 ай бұрын
For others like me who didn't know what "LEP" stands for -- it's Lifetime Expansion Pass.
@4tech69 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to say it was good run and it was for a while. I'm glad I was part of it.
@ahmarasherman9647 7 ай бұрын
What would be a significant save for Elite Dangerous and Frontier as a whole? I feel if they would (don't know why the decision not to was made)convert the Odyssey version to console, I think they would 100% see revenue increase.
@pkf4124 7 ай бұрын
Why do I get the feeling this new Frontier monthly video/ pod cast whatever, will feature two possibly three sentences about Elite and 20 plus mins talking about F1, dinosaurs and Orks. Those three sentences will be to announce new paint jobs we can purchase.
@cmdrriotz5283 7 ай бұрын
I really hope they don't take it off line at least. I may not play all the time now, but I still go back often.
@sheld0n 7 ай бұрын
I was hating on Elite's inconsitency with VR and console support until I played Starfield, which is a husk of a game. I'm back now and enjoying it a lot more since I got that point of reference.
@cyberpc1333 8 ай бұрын
500+ hours on Elite, need more ships and Terrain vehicles, atmosferic planets and climate dangerous, etc... Elite It's a rough jewel that needs to be polished!
@scootinlootinnshootin683 8 ай бұрын
Announcement of an announcement.
@selbie 7 ай бұрын
All I hope for is that FDev makes some common sense improvements to the game. No need for grand epic changes, just keep reinforcing what makes the game fun and keep adding tools for players to get the most out of the game.
@dhyde2025 8 ай бұрын
Maintenance mode enabled.
@cmdr_kytrite4556 7 ай бұрын
i've easily got well over a thousand hours on elite, but now i've reached about a year since i last played. being a console player it was a real punch to the gut to hear odyssey was for pc players only, i did do the steps to migrate my account and all that but i dont have a pc powerful enough for elite. i dont think elite will "die" in terms of player base for a while but the game is dead to frontier, that much is undeniable. They've had a decade to steer this game into a modern phenomena, elite: dangerous was genuinly a billion dollar idea. its just painful forgetting about the game that was my escape for years.
@zimms87 7 ай бұрын
Pretty much every update since Odyssey a dev has said the next one will contain one of the coolest things ever for Elite...
@iscariotpaladin5363 7 ай бұрын
remember when frontier and elite where true to the fans and love by them and we couldn't wait to hear what's happening next or wait for the story arcs.... Pepperidge Farm Remembers
@BlazerJake 7 ай бұрын
I've had many years worth of good times in Elite, but as I played, I always knew I couldn't keep going as-is forever. I kept playing because there was always a promise of more. Now all this time later, i'm not even sure what it is i'd even want from this game.
@moviesandvisualfx5663 7 ай бұрын
Why dont they realise adding SHIP interiors .would pull back MILLIONS of Players like me from the Bug Fest that is SC
@swenquin 7 ай бұрын
It wouldve been nice to have ship interiors better planet generation etc but nah prob gonna be something thargoid related.
@nickmudd 7 ай бұрын
Next update: They reveal where Raxxla is. 1st player gets there and its a big button that says "off". They push the button and Elite Dangerous servers shut down.
@bsavage5128 7 ай бұрын
The games biggest issue for me was trying to make it both a single player and an MMO at the same time. The single player experience suffers from the MMO design like classic MMO grind. I would have much preferred a fully fleshed out single player game like the previous games in the series. The X series games are great because they are a single player experience and wouldn't be half as good they were multiplayer. Keeping it single player allows the player to have greater effect on the background galaxy simulation and have more meaningful interactions. In an MMO a player can never be the "Main Character".
@starspire703 7 ай бұрын
One thing to keep in mind. 'Operating losses' is compared to previous years. They seem to think they will always make more money than the year before, but in reality, you're only as good as the service you provide.
@kreadapelu8813 8 ай бұрын
The coolest thing they could do would be… aside from returning to console… a story mode type of thing in which you play through the winning side of big game moments/community events with all the old GalNet stories and messages available as you play through. In the mode, available tech would be limited to what was available at the time… and maybe add in additional flavor missions to include horizons, odyssey, and other expansions….
@carlmccluskey1306 8 ай бұрын
I personally believe there is enormous potential for a game like this or starfield, implementing fps elements was not an error the problem was in the execution and excluding console players. I would love a new Elite which did what Starfield couldn't, the ship to ship combat and scale is unmatched, they just need a reboot and to try and get an exclusive deal with microsoft and xbox. Xbox needs more exclusives and a wider portfolio of games. I have to say though, I have spent thousands of hours in this game,as has my son, for probably £30 so Frontiers did a lot right and I thank them for it. Make a new game, a cross between ED, FPS, Starfield and Forza and it would be the perfect, best game ever.
@herzog3108 8 ай бұрын
Don't mind the game being dead, Fdev stock used to be 3300 worth now its 150 the company lost 80% of they're value since 2021😂
@JustAllinOneResource 7 ай бұрын
What elite needs is not to continue down the same road which has been draining their bank accounts. In past videos you have done I've posted what I think is the correct route they could take to save their behinds but even I don't listen to myself (haa) so why should I think anyone else will. Thanks for the upload Obsidian.
@wolfjack14 7 ай бұрын
Frontier: The most destructive communication policy ever. 3500 hours, but havn't played for almost a year. I left it installed all the time. Gaming wise it was truly a home to me. Last week I uninstalled it the first time ever. I just cannot anymore. Frontier killed it :/
@crunchylettuce2928 7 ай бұрын
It's going to take something pretty substantial to bring people back...
@RaniSalminen 7 ай бұрын
how about a story mode? single player, start with no ship, doing means to end and getting money for a car to do taxi services. And then perhaps a sidewinder. Start small, go galaxy ;-)
@CelticKnot463 8 ай бұрын
Me and I imagine a great many others are done with Frontier, we all love the game and would return in a heartbeat. If Frontier would somehow get out of the picture and turn the game over to some nerds that actually care about their player base. Instead we have a bunch of tea swilling Brits who don't know what their golden asset is, and have abused their player base until they finally left. Frontier is the problem! They care more about their precious narrative story line, than their players enjoyment overall!
@braveheart1985 8 ай бұрын
Adding npc companions to take with you into the black would be cool
@cirelancaster 7 ай бұрын
Honestly i think the best chance for them is just do a new game. A fresh start could bring in new players, give old players new content, and most importantly bring in sales money.
@nixxon 7 ай бұрын
What Elite needed more than anything is a grateful client generation. Less entitlement, more appreciation of what Elite has become in comparison to the original game.
@roupiozclement3501 7 ай бұрын
The real problem of Elite: It's not a sandbox. We're only ghost on Braben theater.
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