Wow, FA on and no pip management, and you stuck to all those ships like glue- even other Vultures. Great flying. I am mulling over a Pacifier-equipped Vulture, and would not mind a peek at your build if you are willing to share. Thanks for the vid either way, helped me see how to best use the build.
@cmdr-aurus-rex10 ай бұрын
Thank you 😉The link to the build (edsy) is in the description, YT did not allow me to make a proper link, but it works if you just C&P it. I am flying it always with FA on, but mostly with 4 pips to ENG, which makes it extremely maneuvarable. Meanwhile, after making this video already, I have figured out a method exploiting cargo hatch that allows making turns even a lot tighter. When you deploy cargo hatch while boosting, it prevents you from gaining speed from boost, while still applying faster turn rate. This way you can use boost to speed up only the turning speed, but not the speed, which usually would shoot you out too far and allow the enemy facing you. But boosting with cargo hatch deployed you almost instantly turn around like on a dish. In the game options I have set cargo hatch to deploy on HOLD instead of TOGGLE and disabled audio notification about cargo hatch deployment. I have also modified the build posted here a little bit. This build is short on power therefore cargo hatch needs to be disabled whith deployed weapons. For the ability using cargo hatch I have changed experimental effect on one of the shield boosters to "flow control", that doesn't hurt the shield much but allows using cargo hatch. Maybe I make another video showcasing this technique. Its amazing, it should also make something like a krait (3 pacifiers!) as nimble as vulture.