What it takes is taking the individuals behind this to the supreme court of heaven where Jehovah God sits as righteous judge and ask for His righteous verdict. The persons involved to reap all they have sown and the curses to go back on their heads and onwards to all their generation. Infact we ask for the courts of heaven to be session and ask for Kenya's book of destiny to be availed. We further plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against any charge or accusation from the enemy. We repent for all the sins and iniquities we have committed as a country. We denounce all evil covenants and contracts and place them all under the Blood of Jesus Christ. We now request King Jesus Christ to represent us as the advocate and heaven and earth to be the witnesses as the altars and beings involved answer to the charge of bl00dshed and trading with the souls of Kenyans for selfish evil gains. We now give the Holy Spirit full power to proxy us in this proceedings as righteous verdict is rendered. Amen Amen Amen