感谢烤肉!这场没追到,原来他说了那么多以前的事啊TT 这里补充一下: 1:15 there have been days where it was like more worse 2:51 that kinda deal 2:55 oh golden cookie 3:05 has this happened to you before? 3:07 you know 3:10 like this isn't even the worst case i've ever had actually shu 的情况现在已经不严重了!插管之类的都是以前的事哦!大家别太担心了>< 4:51 seat the tubing 4:56 and i went back after a couple of days 5:00 seated correctly 5:12 this isn't me right now 5:21 it didn't hurt the first time 5:30 the numbing stuff 5:41 when they reseated it 5:43 pushed it a little more 这一整段是说他第一次插管时医生用了麻醉药所以不痛,可是插的位置不够深,所以去第二次的时候医生把插管的位置调得更深一些,可是没用麻醉药所以会痛 6:57 chest hole 7:54 what the heck is a chesticle, it doesn't make sense to me 8:14 the person who actually experience the injury 所以这里是说他自己的反应 8:22 'cause you've already experienced the pain