If you are enjoying my reactions to all things Poland, make sure you go and watch out trips to Poland on our vlog channel and subscribe! We have vlogs from Gdansk, Kraków and Wrocław. kzbin.info/aero/PLw4JaWCFm7FeHG7Ad5PtaZzoYd1Vq5EXW
@user-fj3en5pm4q9 ай бұрын
The eastern part was not occupied by Soviets but Russian Empire. Soviets controlled whole Poland (both east and west) so they could not cause those differences in other way than forced deportations.
@PiotrJaser9 ай бұрын
In the times of the Piast dynasty, Wrocław and Szczecin belonged to Poland. Szczecin belonged to Poland for a short time, but Wrocław was one of the most important cities. In the Middle Ages, Poland extended even further west than today. The borders were strangely similar to the current ones, but we did not have Warmia and Masuria. It can be said that we have almost returned to the borders of the first Poland. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was not only Poland. Lithuania was not part of Poland, it was an equal entity. It was the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
@magdabogart65929 ай бұрын
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
It is worth to note that Szczecin has clearly Polish name even in German. Szczecina is hard animal hair.
@CMDRSloma9 ай бұрын
You see the same division when you look at the architecture. BTW, you should visit Eastern Poland, Lublin, Zamość (beautiful renaissance city).
@RobReacts19 ай бұрын
I really want to see Lublin
@GraVity2k139 ай бұрын
You can see Zamość to ;) Zamość is called Pearl of Renesans or Padwa of North (Padwa renesans city on Italy )
@baryka20159 ай бұрын
@@RobReacts1This is bullshit.Stupid subject On the country side 50 years ago outside toilets were normal even ont he " civilized " West .I visited Easter Poland 10 months ago every home has bathroom and many two or three.You should visit Eastern Poland and suprise yourelf.This stupid stereotypes make me angry. Western "civilization" bring many crazy ideologies like fascism, communism, LGBT and illnesses like syphilis and many more ,because of colonialism. British Empire ,Portugal,Spain,France. Italy,Dutch were stiling allover the world and bring in many diseases to Europe.You try to speak like Tusk before election about Poles living on the Eastern part try to divide nation .
@Rubeus10009 ай бұрын
@@RobReacts1Just find cheap flight to Lublin :)
@CMDRSloma9 ай бұрын
@@Rubeus1000 For the city alone you would need a day or two, but I definitely recommend exploring the area, take a trip to Zamość or Kazimierz Dolny.
@malkontentniepoprawny68859 ай бұрын
I am explaining outdoor toilets, in Poland we call them "Sławojki" after the name of Prime Minister Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski, who in 1928 issued a law ordering their construction. It was about hygiene, not costs, outdoor toilets didn't and do not have any sewage system, just like rural houses and entire villages, many still missing.Before the prime minister's idea, villagers took care of their needs behind the house, barn, etc.
@PiotrJaser9 ай бұрын
Które wsie w Polsce nie mają obecnie kanalizacji?
@msCytrynka9 ай бұрын
@@PiotrJaserzdziwiłbyś się ale to nadal może być duża liczba
@PiotrJaser9 ай бұрын
@@msCytrynka Nie jest. I z roku na rok spada, co jest oczywiste. Zupełnie inaczej to wygląda w Rosji, która zaczyna przypominać tzw. trzeci świat i cywilizacyjnie coraz bardziej odstaje od państw wysokorozwiniętych, do których od jakiegoś czasu zaliczana jest także Polska. Nic nie wskazuje na to, by Rosja mogła się odbić od dna, wojna Putina i izolacja Rosji względem najlepiej rozwiniętych państw świata tę przepaść jeszcze pogłębi.
@msCytrynka9 ай бұрын
@@PiotrJaser czytałam kilka art przed skomentowaniem i oczywiście że liczba spada, rozwijamy się z każdym kolejnym rokiem co nie znaczy że nie ma takich wiosek gdzie nie ma kanalizacji np w mojej gminie jest taka jedna, nie pisaliśmy wcześniej nic o Rosji i nie będę komentować na ten temat
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
@@msCytrynka Jak ludzie wspomnieli na tamtym kanale, wdarła im się pomyłka przy tłumaczeniu. Chodziło o kanalizację a nie same toalety. Wiele domów w zaborze rosyjskim ma szambo zamiast centralnego podłączenia. Ale same domy zawsze mają wychodki.
@smerfdzikus23349 ай бұрын
The miniature is clickbait. It is really hard to find a Polish house without a toilet nowadays. You must go to a very poor village to maybe see some. We're not THAT backward :)
@doriansokoowski97779 ай бұрын
no title , just miniature
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
I know, right? It's nonsense.
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
The source was about central sewerage. Person from original material make translation error.
@miniak27089 ай бұрын
@Snowili8 ай бұрын
Polecam odpalić oryginalną mapę o której mowa w filmiku i przeczytać co na niej jest pokazane i procenty. Nie nazwał bym tego "clickbaitem" bo pokazuje zupełnie realne dane ze spisu powszedniego.
@Stanislaw939 ай бұрын
I used to live in a tenement in central-eastern Poland that was build in the Russian Empire times (around 1880-1890), where there was a shared toilet on each floor - originally there was no toilet/bathroom in any of those 12 flats within a tenement. However, by the late 80's everyone has had one made within their own flat and nobody ever used the "public"/shared one anymore. Is it still there? Does it still exist? Yes. Nobody's using it, but yes, there is one. This case could explain those famous toilet maps of Poland a bit.
@malkontentniepoprawny68859 ай бұрын
In Poland 2.6% of all apartments/houses do not have a toilet. The largest percentage, of course, where Russia ruled for the longest time, this is not a surprise to anyone. Russia did everything possible not to develop these lands, these maps show the clash of Western civilization with the so-called Russian Mir
@0plp09 ай бұрын
Russia did not even develop its own country. There, people still live in communal buildings where the toilet is shared or outdoors.
@blackout64179 ай бұрын
Its a percentage from 2020, released in 2021, now its probably like 1% or less
@PiotrJaser9 ай бұрын
W tej chwili jest nawet mniej niż 2.6%. A co do reszty, to nie chodziło o intencje Rosji wobec ziem polskich, a po prostu o poziom cywilizacyjny Rosji, który widać we współczesnych wsiach rosyjskich.
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
@@blackout6417 That's probably somewhere in the country side rather than in the cities.
@BeataBeata-v8i9 ай бұрын
Or abendoned houses
@malkontentniepoprawny68859 ай бұрын
There has never been collectivization of agriculture in Poland. Large-scale farms existed in Western lands before WWII, so a small error has crept in.
@SthNothingEverything9 ай бұрын
Ustęp pierwszy😉: Najładniejsze łazienki w Polsce to... Łazienki Królewskie! haha Polecam bardzo tą miejscówkę w stolicy (jedna z moich ulubionych w Wawie) Ustęp drugi😉😋: To jak ważna jest w domu toaleta można się przekonać chociażby podczas jej... remontu. Wtedy zaczyna się mały dramat. Dla mnie najważniejsze pomieszczenie w domu. Bez łazienki dramat. Nie wiem jak ludzie sobie radzili bez łazienek na chacie. Czy ja już pisałam, że bez lazienki w domu to jakiś dramat? haha 😉 Ustęp trzeci😉😋😁: Dla mnie Wschód Polski to jedne z najpiękniejszych terenów naszego kraju. Takie chociażby Roztocze, Podlasie, Hańcza, Puszcza Białowieska... (jak słyszę o wycince drzew w Puszczy Białowieskiej to mi na chwile serce zamiera, bo żadne nowe nasadzenia nie mogą się w żaden sposób równać z tym co tam już rośnie). Ustęp czwarty😉😋😁🙃: Wszelkie podziały Polski są raczej umowne, tworzą stereotypowe myślenie. Dla wschodnio-poludniowej Polski mogą być nieco krzywdzące i odbierane jako poniżające nawet. Ale to się też nie bierze znikąd. Nawet wczoraj słyszałam podobną retorykę w telewizji. Myślę, że Polskę B przede wszystkim tworzą ludzie ograniczeni w swoim myśleniu - niezależnie od ich geograficznej lokalizacji. Ci ludzie, którzy za toaletę biorą mylnie drugiego człowieka. Ustęp piąty😉😋😁🙃😄: Miłych imprez na Ostatki! A jutro Walentynki, więc dużo miłości zakochanym a wszystkich samotnych przytulam. Aż chciałoby się napisać za naszym narodowym wieszczem Mickiewiczem: 'Kochajmy się', ale żeby nie brzmiało zbyt naiwnie to wystarczy, że się będziemy tolerowali? Czasem uśmiechnijmy się może mijając się na ulicy - oczywiście nie za bardzo, bo wkońcu jesteśmy Polakami czyli dość smetnymi osobnikami haha😉. No i jutro Popielec, więc posypcie głowy popiołem Ustęp szósty 😉😋😁🙃😄🙋: Ustąpię miejsca też innym komentującym hahaha 😁😄🙋
@dorotabarbowska21849 ай бұрын
Rob, there is one point that seems to be ignored by everyone who wants to say that the western part of present-day Poland is still influenced by the "civilized" West, while the eastern part of the country is influenced by Russian culture. The point is that people who were forced to leave their homes in pre-war eastern Poland due to the Yalta conference had to settle in the west, i.e. in Gdańsk, Wrocław, Szczecin, Katowice. That is why so many families in Wrocław (or generally in Silesia) have their roots, traditions, cuisine and beliefs coming from Lviv (now Ukraine). In fact, the western part of modern Poland is mostly inhabited by descendants of Poles expelled from the Russian and Austrian partitions. In addition, there is a huge migration of young people from poor rural areas to large cities, which is why Warsaw is full of young people coming from the rural south-eastern part of modern Poland. Additionally, areas that were more severely damaged had to be rebuilt from scratch, so of course the plumbing is included in post-war buildings, but in areas that weren't bombed as badly, there are still some old, pre-war buildings without it (or there were over 30 years ago, I am sure that nowadays there are almost no buildings without proper plumbing…). To sum up, in my opinion, different conclusions can be drawn from the same data depending on the goal of the interpreter. I believe that there is a very strong tendency to present Germany as a source of "higher "civilization" in order to subjugate Poland again to Germany and leftism. Communist/leftist ideology originated in Germany and was exported to Russia and seeing where the EU is heading now, I have a bad feeling... Leftist ideas have never and nowhere ended in anything but suffering and dictatorship...
@barbarabryndziak23009 ай бұрын
A historia z przed tych map?... no tak zniszczono archiwa... dlaczego jeszcze teraz niemieckie miasta nie mają typowo nazw niemieckich? ( Lubeka, Lipsk itd) ...po kolejnym zbrojnym zajęciu naszych ziem miastom nadawano obce nazwy. Odbudowaliśmy te miasta po II w.ś. w obszarze teraźniejszych granic, turyści się zachwycają...my też jesteśmy dumni, że dzięki pracy powojennych pokoleń możemy pokazać piękno i rónorodność naszej ojczyzny... ale odnośnie naszej historii jest wiele zakłamań...dużo jest w archiwach dawnej Persji i innych, jeszcze przed 966r...ile wieków ma stary kontynent?... my tu dawno byliśmy... Francja, Niemcy, Belgia, Austria składają się z dawych księstw i też mają różne dialekty nawet języki...w Polsce też tak jest.
@baird56829 ай бұрын
W 5 wieku plemiona słowian osiedliły się na terench polski i czech po tym jak przywedrowaly ze wspolczenej Bialorusi. O słowianach poludniowych jak chorwaci czy bulgarzy można poczytać ze źródeł rzymskich.
@barbarabryndziak23009 ай бұрын
@@baird5682 Utrzymuję to co powyżej...ciekawe relacje wysłanników, podróżników ze wschodu...naprawdę nie siedzieliśmy na drzewach przed Chrztem tzn 966r.
@baird56829 ай бұрын
@@barbarabryndziak2300 A ja się z tobą zgadzam. I choć dowodów nie ma. Zakładam że ów proto zachodni słowianie ze wschodu uciekli przed "Rurykiem" i jego proto-ruskami, którzy najechali Nowogród i zaczeli tam rządzić. Ot taka fanowska teoria.
@barbarabryndziak23009 ай бұрын
@@baird5682 Mój wywód odnosi się tych map z filmiku...nasza historia jest dłuższa. Nasi przodkowie dzielili się na plemina, później księstwa tak jak i w innych krajach...i teraz tak jak w innych krajach i współczesnych granicach te regiony różnią się i chyba np w Niemczech czy Francji nie ma z tym problemu.
@rafalkaminski63899 ай бұрын
The border he refers to is after defeating Napoleon and the congress Vienna in 1815 up to IWW :P
@vesnell9 ай бұрын
No, these map have no sense as you want to see. Population of western Poland is basically more eastern than east Poland today. Read more about Operation Vistula
@yarzyn_56999 ай бұрын
Sure, lets ignore the actual Polans, not to mention Kashubians and Silesians.
@danielmarkiewicz84899 ай бұрын
4:00 you have sound for Ł so it is not hard sound for english speakers as in Whiskey
@TomaszRadlak-km5oy9 ай бұрын
I was born and raised in Silesian region- for folks using imperial measurements- roughly 60 miles to the West from Cracow Old town. 20 percent of local speak different dialect (accent is the same, but intonation is different, harder, higher, sounding louder like people from Glasgow compared to lets say Rob or the royal family). Cuisine has its influence of German, as music has (southern Germany typically). Architecture - I mean german style of construction is solid. I have lived both in England and Scotland. Currently I live in the capital of Scotland in a 19th century building. I was shocked that all the flooring was wooden. I did not expect that. I mean anything built from 70s of 20th century yes..quickest, cheapest way of building properties but 1882?? I do like victorian architecture though. British islands are definitely different to the continental Europe. When you go to Italy, Spain, France, Poland, or more eastern former USRR countries it looks pretty much the same. There are still some local, unique features for example in Germany, wood and concrete, Scandinavia, rural parts of Poland, southern Spain as influence from arabic culture..variety is nice. Rob I can teach you and your wife Silesian dialect. Some Silesian claim that it is not a dialect but a language with german influence.
@Delta_hater9 ай бұрын
The bigger fields in western Poland is caused by PGRs (national farms). It were made from old Germans farms for many farmers coming from parts excluded from Poland after WWII. They had shared fields and machines, but they had to give their croops to comunist government an they weren't productive. When communism ended democratic government they decided to liquidate all the PGRs (Balcerowicz plan - It increased unemployment and started crisis on the labor market) and sell fields in big parts to rich farmers. The other situation were in eastern Poland. Farmers from there kept their fields (they still had to give part of their croops to communist government) and they were dividing fields between children. Thats why fields are so small. This is good video about Balcerowicz plan. You can watch it wich generated EngSub: kzbin.info/www/bejne/q6Ktap-meJJrqJI
@makrusthebrute7359 ай бұрын
te toalety na zacjodzie Polski to nie zasługa Niemiec, po wojnie w niemieckich domach tez nie było toalet... w PRL nie budowano już mieszkań bez toalet...domy bez toalet zachowały sie tylko na wsiach i to tych naprawdę biednych.
@markusplu9 ай бұрын
The information about toilets is connected to the past.I don't think that you will find outside toilet just now.May as a second toilet after inside toilet as first
@rpse249 ай бұрын
I have lived in Poland for a 25 years. I have seen only one house without an indoor toilet and it was about 1994 in the mountains. Those maps can't be real.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl9 ай бұрын
That's true. The video (with these maps) is a manipulation. Because there's nothing about the source of these data - especially it's not enough pointed out that they are old, from many, many decades ago. And it suggests that nowadays in half of the Poland there are no toilets and bathrooms inside the houses - which is one big rubbish. And then jumping to some conclusions (accepted in advance).
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
I agree! I think that this other guy, not Rob😉, doesn't know what he is talking about!
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
@@MayaTheDecemberGirl Not manipulation. Mistake. It was about central sewage, not toilets. Also a lot of did change in last decades. While most homes have toilet, many in ex-Russian regions use septic tanks.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl9 ай бұрын
@@TheRezro That's true about public sewage system. In areas without such public system, people are obliged to have septic tanks. But it's completely sth different than not having toilets at home. And areas without public sewage system are located not mostly in the Eastern part of Poland, but as well in other parts, especially in rural areas. And also it's like this not only in Poland. But here, it's said that in half of the Polish houses there's no toilet indoor - which is just completely wrong.
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
@@MayaTheDecemberGirl I don't recall him saying anything about half?
@jackelder43449 ай бұрын
People in ihe east specially in Lubelskie and Podkarpacie have better houses than those in the west.
@Inktvis_7779 ай бұрын
Yep, because we are working abroad 🤣
@Jarocool789 ай бұрын
No toilet on east? Very funny.😮
@agnieszkazuk9 ай бұрын
Pozdrawiam z pięknego Południowego Podlasia, tzw Polska B.
@logolorin9 ай бұрын
Już się nie mówi "Polska B". To nie są lata 90te. Nasz region jest piękny, czysty i spokojny. Łódź powinna być w takim razie Polską C ;p Bądźmy dumni z bycia polskimi redneckami.
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
@@logolorin Polską B są regiony głosujące na PiS.
@kacpersokoowski52089 ай бұрын
@@TheRezro >Polską B są regiony głosujące na PiS.< Nie przypadkiem są to również najpiękniejsze regiony Polski. Po prostu tradycyjni Polacy, którzy tam żyją, wiedzą, na czym polega polskość.
@agnieszkazuk9 ай бұрын
@@logolorin Użyłam słowa "pięknego" , dalej to ironia...
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
I'm from Lublin, born and raised, now living in US, I remember I had always toilet and running water in my home, so it was all good! 😀 I think the division is more related to location/availability of natural resources in the south/west rather than to "being closer to Germany or not" but quite honestly, this "division" never mattered to me because it's simply BS. My family lived in Lublin and Podlasie area for centuries which means that under the Russian rule people didn't loose their identity because they had way more freedom in compare to Polish people who lived in the Prussian territories. In fact, Roman Dmowski, whom we actually owe the fact that we have a country now, wrote in one of his books that it's imperative that Polish people become a nation again by getting our territories back because he observed that Poles living under the Preussia's occupation for over100 years are on verge loosing their Polish identity due to systemic germanization of the population and this phenomenon was observed in the German territories only. Also, I have to say, I couldn't care less what others think about people from Eastern Poland. Calling us "conservative", it's laughable and being "liberal" means being more modern or what? 😃 It's nonsense! I live in US for 25 years now and I am still a conservative "redneck"😀 according to those "modern and liberal" Poles🤣. Give me a break! 😅
@magdabogart65929 ай бұрын
My nie uzyskaliśmy zachodnich ziem od niemców. To niemcy żyli tam na naszych piastowskich ziemiach nielegalnie. Jak to niemcy. Obecny kształt Polski najbardziej pokrywa się z początkiem naszego państwa.
@markusplu9 ай бұрын
It's stupid comparision sugesting that Poles from East are more stupid fron West side of Poland.Besides, you point the results of pools and share on West and East.Furthe more about such cities as Wroclaw, Szczecin you must stress that Germans defined these cities as defend bases cities and during the II WW were completly destroyed by Russians.These cities were rebuilt for Polish people.The factories and machines were get off to Soviet Union ans were nearly empty.
@katarzynakoataj10529 ай бұрын
Miasta zostały odbudowanie dla Polaków?. Kto nam je odbudował, kto?
@blackout64179 ай бұрын
@@katarzynakoataj1052proszę niedowiarku procent zniszczonych miast poniemieckich po 2wś: Wrocław - 60% Przemysł w Szczecinie - 88% Szczecin - 60-70% Przemysł w Szczecinie - 90% Gdańsk - 90% Przemysł w Gdańsku - był tak rozjebany że zaczął działać dopiero po 1949 Kto je odbudował? Polacy za kasę którą związek radziecki nam dał na kredyt
@baird56829 ай бұрын
Gdańsk zbudował Mieszko 1. Jak coś ktoś ukradnie, to już jego?
@blackout64179 ай бұрын
@@baird5682 kurwa człowieku przeczytaj co napisałeś, mówię o terenach na których rządzili niemcy przed 2wś, wiem przecież że Gdańsk zawsze był Polski i po traktacie wersalskim nam go odebrano i ustanowiono wolnym miastem tylko de facto niemcy mieli nad nim kontrole
@baird56829 ай бұрын
@@blackout6417 czy ja cię czarny chuju obrażam? Nie. Tylko zapytałem czy jak złodziej coś ukradnie to, to już jego. Moge jeszcze dopytać. Ile wody w czarnej wiśle musi upłynąć by było.
@agnieszkamalinska69669 ай бұрын
I would like to said, that I'm living in west Poland and like It, but I have visited east Poland and loved it. You should see Zamość, Lublin, Sandomierz and feel peace on the east country.
@AngelikaCiurej9 ай бұрын
Did you know that Christopher Columbus was Polish, not Italian? For 30 years, the Portuguese Dr. Manuel Rosa researched the origins of Columbus in 8 countries and his private maritime notes. He also discovered that the Spanish court covered up the truth, but thanks to several mistakes made in the 15th century he deciphered the truth. And he recently announced in New York that we had been lied to for 500 years that Columb was Italian. The sailor came from the Colonna family the same as the the ancestors of the Polish kings who were cousins of Pope Martin V - Otto Colonna. He discovered in a private Columb's chapel, an eagle placed above his coat of arms, which is the coat of arms of the kings of Poland. He also drew attention to a portrait of Columbus from 1542, wearing a ring with an eagle. Christopher Columb was the son of the Polish king Władysław III Warneńczyk, who fled the Battle of Varna against the Turks in 1444 and settled in Portugal, where he fathered a son - Christopher Columbus.
@EmosGambler9 ай бұрын
About the toilets thing, I believe on right hand side they just couldn't understand "how come a dirty toilet can be in our home?? It must be outside". My grsandfather who unfortunately passed away a month ago was ALWAYS using the outside toilet.
@Katarzyna-o4f9 ай бұрын
Oh yes, this is a deep and unique quality analysis, it was on my work in progress list of recommendations for you. One correction Rob, the east influence in XIXc. was under Russian empire, not soviets (communists) who emerged in early XXc. in Russia.
@agnieszka72319 ай бұрын
The Russian partition left its mark on the mentality. In fact, we are now starting to make up for the losses. Indeed, until now there are differences in Poland between the partitioned lands. We must remember that, like the rest of the world, Muscovites have never carried civilization behind them. During the partitions, the population of the eastern lands had the hardest time - 20-30 years of forced conscription, Russification, bribery, uprisings that ended with the confiscation of property and deportation to Siberia. Even at the religious level there was a fight - the Poles, who were mostly Catholic, and the Ruthenians, who were Orthodox. I don't like the term Poland B because the ancestors of these people survived 123 years of the tsarist regime. They survived by knowing who they were.
@aleksandrakaczynska30839 ай бұрын
Time to read God's Playground by Norman Davis
@TheFifthHorseman_8 ай бұрын
14:30: Outdoor latrines were a pretty common thing in rural regions.
@Filozof____9 ай бұрын
I live in post german city and I can agree the german spirit is still there
@elag9129 ай бұрын
I'm Polish and i'm learning stuff about Poland here 😂😂 my grand-grandpa and my grandma had outdoor toilets but they got the indoor ones later. I had to fight a crazy angry rooster on my way to the toilet when I was visiting. I almost forgot about this stuff😅 Anyway, the old houses was basically one big room called "izba" and a kitchen. Just no place for toilets 😂 Btw you say "wrocław" really well😊👍
@ronaldostrowski40149 ай бұрын
The narrator talks about the Soviet Government in Poland. It was the Polish People's Republic governed by a Polish Communist Government that had a degree of autonomy despite being a puppet state.
@baryka20159 ай бұрын
Some of former communists now joined Peopels Party in Brussels .This party have a majority at UE parlament😂😂😂
@Wojciech_Zielinski9 ай бұрын
Keep continue, you do a great job.
@RobReacts19 ай бұрын
Thank you, I will
@magdakwiatkowska79229 ай бұрын
You should visit Polska B east of Poland. Białystok, Lublin very nice and they have toilets ;)
@magdabogart65929 ай бұрын
Nie ma Polski B. Cała Polska jest the best.
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
I know that I had! 😉Lublin is beautiful!
@magdakwiatkowska79229 ай бұрын
Oczywiście, że cała Polska jest the best ❤ tu miałam na myśli Polske B w odniesieniu do filmu i pokazanych map.
@dawidsulejrudnicki50553 ай бұрын
Wrocław was founded as a Polish city and was called Wrocław from the beginning. The name Breslau appeared later, when these lands were taken over by the Germans.
@danikim2358 ай бұрын
Great pronunciation of Wrocław, Rob!
@danielmarkiewicz84899 ай бұрын
Poland did not exist for 123 years, keep in mind this mean 4 generations of people. Meaning there were times that no Pole remembered their country
@jacek33849 ай бұрын
To nie kwestia zaborów, bo ziemie zachodnie praktycznie nie były pod zaborami, bo nie były w większości częścią Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. To kwestia, że ludzie wykorzenieni ze swoich ziem, czyli ci których osadzono na "ziemiach odzyskanych" lub osiedleni w dużych miastach stają się bardziej liberalni przez odcięcie od swoich przodków.
@Craphithefan9 ай бұрын
Yes, especially in the Prussian territories because they were very systematic with their German indoctrination and brainwashing!
@noist308 ай бұрын
This is incredibly interesting Rob. There’s so much I’d love to say, but the video you watched, and your commentary backs up what I was thinking. And this is relative to what is happening in the UK now, more educated people have liberal leaning views.
@rathlive87959 ай бұрын
Very interesting analysis. A completely different look
@x4mm4x9 ай бұрын
@Th3Jac0b9 ай бұрын
@pawelglowacz52639 ай бұрын
this division is not so clear anymore
@TheRezro9 ай бұрын
Well, Poland is symbolized by Phoenix (Raróg) for a reason. We never die!
@jakubwieckowski56109 ай бұрын
2:50 Don't worry Rob, I laughed too, and I'm Polish
@vitoswat9 ай бұрын
The names of modified (diacritic) letters relates to unmodified counterpart so Ł as modified version of L /el/ is named /eł/. Similar to Ś which will be /eś/. Ź & Ż will be /ziet/ and /żet/ respectively. Here is some learning video for you kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z2inZouDlquDZs0feature=shared
@pawepiekarz46289 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/q4SxdKiNhrWWbqc Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy!!!
@danielchudini778 ай бұрын
Absurd - In Polish, a "kibel" is a bucket just like in German 🤣😂
@ZoeMuller807 ай бұрын
go and take number 2 in freezing temperature outside. toilet in house rules
@CezaryStachurski9 ай бұрын
Pozdrawiam 👍
@danielchudini778 ай бұрын
The Poles taught the French how to use cutlery. ❤😮 😅😅😅😅
@bobeczek019 ай бұрын
I'm just adding this here because other than bad pronunciation it really gets on my nerves when people simplify history like that . Some of the places were dominated by Germany prior to II WW , but it doesn't mean there was no Slavic settlements there. Yes The Commonwealth was significantly more to the East but places like Gdańsk didn't become Polish overnight : The name of the settlement was recorded after St. Adalbert's death in 997 CE as urbs Gyddanyzc and it was later written as Kdanzk in 1148, Gdanzc in 1188, Danceke[20] in 1228, Gdańsk in 1236,[a] Danzc in 1263, Danczk in 1311,[b] Danczik in 1399,[c] Danczig in 1414, and Gdąnsk in 1656.[21] In Polish documents, the form Gdańsk was always used. The German form Danzig developed later, simplifying the consonant clusters to something easier for German speakers to pronounce. I had to stop at that point in the video so my comment refers only to that of saying that Poles were pushed to previously German lands. There were German majorities there but Slaves , most significantly Kashubians were inhabitants of those lands for centuries, but they too have been subjected to Germanization during the partitions. So if you wanna make a simple graph it should state: Gdunsk - Gdansk - Danzig - Gdansk. Thank you.
@piotrkaczmarczyk29519 ай бұрын
Actually Gdańsk was Polish city pretty long, it was even one of the King's cities that was vested with the right to have part in king's elections. Of course it was also German for quite a bit, you can see it in architecture but some part of it's architecture comes with the fact that Gdańsk is a city that belonged to Hanseatic League. Wrocław or Szczecin are "more german" city than Gdańsk if i can say it in that way 😅 Btw sorry for my English, i wasn't using this language for a bit and i hope i didn't do much spelling mistakes hah
@HorridCharlie9 ай бұрын
That's why learning history is so important. You can't understand the future, if you don't know the past:P
@ewaszot12439 ай бұрын
Hey Rob, you react to many Polish things from food to customs, but you still haven't reacted to Polish cartoons and although we have many cartoon like Przygody Kota Filemona, Przygód Kilka Wróbla Ćwirka ,Koziołek Matołek and Porwanie Profesora Baltazar Gąbki Itp only one of them can be called the Polish Mickey Mouse and they are two canditats "Przygody Bolka i Lolka" I "Reksio" and although which of them is a better candidate for the title of the Polish Mickey Mouse, is debatable, for me it would always be Reksio, and I know you probably have a plan for what to watch or do nexs, but these are three of some of my favorite episodes of Reksio. Reksio I Jamnik, Reksio I UFO and Reksio I Wiosna and if you decide to watch them. they are all on KZbin
@lothariobazaroff33339 ай бұрын
3:13 This is actually wrong, because the Polish-USSR border was adjusted in 1951. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_Polish%E2%80%93Soviet_territorial_exchange
@misiek_xp48869 ай бұрын
I've seen that video a while ago. I think it's good overall, but in 6:42 Eastern spot is not a major city, but Belarusian minority 14:45 Polish architecture was traditionally wooden. When people became wealthier after ww2, they prefered to buid new houses and wooden architecture wasn't valued as it remided of the times of poverty. Eastern spot is again visible. I think that wooden architecture was preserved there. I have no papers to back up my statement, but it's what came to my mind. He also missed the Duchy of Warsaw which was the reason why Russia got more land than in 3rd partition. Fe city where I've spent most of my life was ceded from Autria to Kingodm of Poland (Congress Poland, in personal union with Russia) at Congress of Vienna 12:19 Those maps were badly merged, railroads are skewd. Leftism of current Poznań wasn't explained either. Before war it was houshold of National Democrats. Greater Poland was always of Polish majority. They were known for their pride. What have changed?
@publicminx9 ай бұрын
This division video based on the Polish nerd is quite interesting. One also can see in other countries still old structures and differences. Apart from that, one should not forget that Prussia/Germany was with the US at that time (and already for some time) the most developed country in the world (Germany even more) - and similar to today (with the exception that China is now Nr. 2 and Germany Nr. 3) the biggest economic powerhouses with the highest GDP. The German part of today Poland was not just 'Western', it was among the most developed structures on the planet. Russia on the other hand was always way behind Germany (already at the time of the Holy Roman Empire). Also today: Germany's economy is more than twice the size of Russia. If Russia went back then another way and had gone the way the US went (both had around 1900 a population of 70-77 mio, today the US has more than twice the population of Russia) of a 'United States of Russia' with a liberal approach then it was now similar powerful than the US - and without the WorldWars also the countries between Germany and Russia were now fully developed wealthy Western countries ...
@magdajaworska70709 ай бұрын
We have got this "horrible" saying in Poznan: na wschod od Konina Azja sie zaczyna. Which means east from Konin, there is Asia. Bit racist and snobist but shows clear division between two parts of Poland.
@smiechuwarte-qt8pn9 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the explanation is more banal and closer to the truth why the western lands of Poland are inhabited by people who are more open to other views. During World War II, the Home Army (Polish partisans) operated in eastern and southern Poland (east of the Vistula) and were commanded by the pre-war elite. There were many wise, educated people in the ranks. After World War II, these people began to be persecuted by the Soviet authorities. Those who could escaped across the green border to the western German occupation zone and from there to other western countries. Most of the former partisans obtained false documents and went to the western lands of Poland, where no one among the other displaced persons knew them or their past, thus avoiding persecution. Only a few and the rest remained the uneducated pre-war poor in the eastern lands. The poor are conservative by nature and do not like change. In politics, the poorest regions always vote for the conservatives. This is such a paradox because conservatives will never lift the poor out of poverty. To be clear, I don't like the left and I don't like conservatives because these are two extremes that have never done anything good for ordinary people.
@baird56829 ай бұрын
I dlatego dobry Polak środkiem drogi chodzi. Z lewej rów. Z prawej rów.
@smiechuwarte-qt8pn9 ай бұрын
@@baird5682 Nigdy kaczy ciemnogród mi nie odpowiadał a komunistów i tym podobnych mam po dziurki w nosie bo wyrosłem w tamtych czasach
@BeataBeata-v8i9 ай бұрын
I suggest to compare toilet/no toilet in Poland and Western Europe, you would be surprised... Don't say Poland is behind, we travel to UK 🤣
@Qzariuss9 ай бұрын
Poland farmers’ protest is nuts harming Ukraine
@alencja79 ай бұрын
@skibaskibi9 ай бұрын
What a bolox 😂😂😂😂😂 all thoes movies are made by foreign people
@publicminx9 ай бұрын
the core information was from Polish origin cartographer nerd actually ... apart from that you should rather look at the plausibility of videos, not 'who did them' (or worse, if you just dont like information)
@skibaskibi9 ай бұрын
@@publicminx shut up... Don't tell me what to say about video that apparently is about MY country... Is full of shit
@rafalkamiski73739 ай бұрын
Britain in bloom for example. Ppl celebrate those. Try that one in londond under muslim mayor.....
@rafalkamiski73739 ай бұрын
Why Wales is a haven for retired brits? Go for destination? British values...
@rafalkaminski63899 ай бұрын
Dont believe in it, its biased
@wojciechgrzybek41229 ай бұрын
Rob, you had to know-how other polisy word, IT is zajebiste
@Barti-up1vd8 ай бұрын
... therefore, just like Great Britain, where the south is richer and standards are higher and the north is poorer, it is the same in Poland - the east is poor and the west is richer. In Poland, of course, this is the result of Nenets-Russian influence. I wonder what it was like in England and where did it come from in the British Isles? Greetings from Gdansk.
@tommy21299 ай бұрын
Toilets outside the house it is caused because of communism system, they didn’t build drains at all, even today in russia they don’t build drains in their countryside also they don’t have sewage treatment plant and they all have toilets outside the house. Besides rich areas of the country. Another reason is that all the people natural drains have been used for farming and they grow vegetables on it (even today in some small farms) also from cow’s and other’s animals drains. Much cheaper and ecological, they didn’t use chemicals for farming and food is much much healthier.
@piotrzakrzewski20819 ай бұрын
East Poland always better than west
@rafalkamiski73739 ай бұрын
Koreans too...
@Picassoo859 ай бұрын
hmm one shit more : my dalej myslimy o naszym "przyjacielu" z dawnych czasow, chodzi o wschodnia czesc ze stolica we wsi moskwa, i raczej nie chcemy rozwijac wschodniej czesci, bo wiemy ze predzej czy pozniej znowu dojdzie do walk... ale to prawda ze niektore czesci byly bardziej rozwijane w zaborach pruskich.austriackich nizeli w zaboze rosyjskim... ale ogolnie byl wyzysk.... neo-niewolnicy itd... wyobraz sobie ze kiedys z zaborow walczyli miedzy soba ??? pod innymi flagami polak przeciw polakowi... hmmm tylko jezyk i nasza kultura pozwolila przetrwac to wszystko... och nasze kobiety.... ale znowu widzimy ze staniemy sie nowym poligonem europy..... to tylko kwestia czasu... mozesz sobie przetlumaczyc, ale nie uzywaj google bo to sciema jest, uzyj chatgpt... moge pisac w waszym jezyku ale, dlaczego ? skoro to wy musicie sie oswoic z naszym :) jestem dumny z naszego kraju, napewno nie z naszych politykow ;) greetings from Silesia...silesia was also one time in Polish hand, one time in Germany, one time in Moravia/Bochemia... and still nobody talk about our lands, today north germany... you need see map from 3-8 century, but nobody talk about... and like silesia was before free kingdom.. like pomerania etc... and history of prussia is also nice... polish big f$$$ problem later..."small" mistake of our king... in short history " how you can go from fighter to slave".... sorry for gramm i speek in dutch, and sometimes in engels XD...
@Antek1049 ай бұрын
This is BS, and im from Warsaw
@rafalkamiski73739 ай бұрын
Welsh did same as Poland..
@a.j.s.73129 ай бұрын
Russia made huge impact on Poland and its influence is up to this day, Poles know that and still remember how much Russia ruined our lands and made impossible for any development. This is a one of main reasons why Poles doesn’t like Russia and Putin up to this day.
@ante26089 ай бұрын
12:53 I think that village is Sułoszowa 😉
@RobReacts19 ай бұрын
Thats the one!
@miwoj9 ай бұрын
we call it Poland A (west) and Poland B (east)
@adamwest23349 ай бұрын
sam jesteś b
@dorotabarbowska21849 ай бұрын
You call it, I don't.
@miwoj9 ай бұрын
@@dorotabarbowska2184 i bet you're from Poland B :P
@dorotabarbowska21849 ай бұрын
@@miwoj All my ancestors come from areas now belonging to Ukraine and had higher education even before the war. They were relocated against their will. So maybe I am Poland C or D, my parents were born in pre-war Poland, but their IDs said they were born in the USSR... Maybe it's difficult to understand to young generations, like yourself, but when the borderss changed the previous divisions did no matter any more. Political divisions mattered though. And it's not good for Germans nor Russians to have strong Poland between them. Therefore they will do anyhing to keep Poles in inferiority complex, easy to subordinate themselves to thier ideas...
@miwoj9 ай бұрын
@@dorotabarbowska2184 so poland B. got it. nothing wrong about it. no need to feel insecure and write your entire family history trying to defend it :P
@paweszawowski93373 ай бұрын
You call them soviets, but actually they have been always Russians Soviet ideology was just an implement to reach the power and to guard it, The implement way more efficient than the tsarist selftenance (samodzierżawie). Both ideologies preserved medieval violence, the tradition consolidated by Mongol invasion, Russian and Austran part of Poland have been simply much poorer and that fact perpetuated their social handicap. It was also the cause of mass emigration of the poor mountainous region of Austran Galicia to the USA in the turn of the 19 century. They became there an object of disdainful " Polish jokes"
@ladycatherine13819 ай бұрын
Prussian kontra Russian okupation 😂
@hyperhumana9 ай бұрын
No... #widaćzabory
@Pankocik9 ай бұрын
Well Rob try to remember how the borders were after the partitions of Poland, and you will understand why one half of the country understands Western culture and is able to develop, while the other half is only entrenched in the mental Middle Ages and remembering how everyone around us was hurting us. East of Poland stuck in Soviet propaganda for decades and being indoctrinated all the time that the West is bad, Western progress is bad, etc. Rob, you must know one more important thing, at the end of the war, when the Soviets were pushing the Germans west, they were burning and destroying everything that the Germans managed to build/build, people from these areas say that the Germans, when retreating, simply left everything as it was, destroyed the documentation, including technical or infrastructure related water, electricity, gas, sewage. When the Russians entered these areas, they plundered and destroyed everything standing. they did the same thing now after the first months of fighting in Ukaina, they stole, plundered and destroyed so that there would be nothing to return to.
@baird56829 ай бұрын
This is how they do it. This is Ruski Mir in all it's glory. Shit and Rubble.
@dzodzo88619 ай бұрын
Where is Polish gold?
@baird56829 ай бұрын
It was used to pay for ammo and fuel used by polish pilots during the battle of britian. The most expensive defence of your ally in history, which is even funnier when you know that it was britian that was suppoused to help protect poland when the nazis attacked. But I gusss there's a lesson. 1. Do not put your money in british banks for safekeeping if you happen to defend their island from bad guys. 2. Do not defend their island from bad guys, unless brits sign a contract forcing them to pay for all expences. 3. Just don't. After all, they just gonna give you into slavery to russians, commies or all of above. Yes. Polish pilots helped defend UK from nazis and in return it cost them 46 millions in gold and 50 years under soviet occupation. No wonder we have trust issues. Western europe has no honour. Eastern europe has no mercy. Central europe has no peace.
@a.j.s.73129 ай бұрын
I wish Rob gives his answer to this. I’m afraid he might lose a lot of his subscribers after this or have a huge issues in his own country. Somehow brits don’t like talk about this.
@jolantajonczyk96158 ай бұрын
@CMDRSloma9 ай бұрын
It's Russian influence, these lands were part of Russian partition. Even today, if you look at Russia the countryside is similar, outhouses everywhere.
@DORA-ph7cv9 ай бұрын
@baird56829 ай бұрын
No, Ruski shit. Behind the house. I saw video last month.
@baryka20159 ай бұрын
Wrong.Poles farmers have their land for hundreds years.Even after WW II 95 % land in Eastern Poland were in private hands. Afted the war was resistance aganist communist regime.Thousents people dies faithing aganist collectivization of the farms. Only Polish farmers keept their land at whole communist block.Communists try to impose taxation and shortage of equipment to push to nationalization. Poles resists. Most this people keep tradition and know their ancestry .Tradition and catholic religion helped them to survive.Estern Poland is less populated and agriculture is on the higher level.Food is very healthy and tasty.. Farms pass from generation to generation. Most famous and patriotic Polish national heroes born at Eastern part of Poland hundreds thousents were deported to Siberia after many uprisings aganist Russian Empire.My family was deported to Siberia from 1940 to 1946.They are come back to devastaed farm and start all over. Dont forget Estern part was scene military devastation during wars and lost more then any part of Poland.Communist goverment punished this region for resistance and dont support equally this region from central budget.
@baryka20159 ай бұрын
Go and see Russian villages and see Polish .What kind influence Russian able to bring to Poland? Just see Google map. Russians were stiling and slowing Poland development.
@CMDRSloma9 ай бұрын
@@baryka2015 I don't remember anyone in from the neighbours of my aunt that didn't have a normal toilet in the house in the nineties, and that's the region of Poland near Siedlce. Poland was always striving to modernize, but russia held it back. You are right, of course. Meanwhile, a short Google trip shows piles of rubbish in Russia, lack of running water and no toilets. As if the time stopped there in the 1700s.
@yakeosicki89659 ай бұрын
This cultural backwardness of the eastern part is not related to the Soviet regime, but rather to Tsarist Russia. It was her influence that was more significant. Russia was a territorial colossus, very technologically backward. The communist regime, of course, was only an extension of the mentality of the Russian Empire. Poland had only 20 years of peace after regaining independence and 20 years to equalize cultural differences in the country. This difference was significantly greater than between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR. Populist and fascist sympathies in eastern Germany are clearly visible now. This is the result of the division of Germany. The eastern part of this country did not experience post-war catharsis. The Polish tragedy is the resolution of the dispute over the vision of the country's history. The Eastern school won, a romantic vision full of beautiful disasters, but the vision of a pragmatic approach to one's own history lost(this happened in the 1920s). The only uprising that needs to be discussed more widely in schools is the Greater Poland Uprising. This is rarely mentioned. This is an uprising that has been a complete success.