Englishman Reacts to... Why Poland Is Quietly Becoming Europe's Next Superpower!

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Rob Reacts

Rob Reacts

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Will Poland overtake the UK?
Original: • Why Poland Is Quietly ...
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#polish #poland

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@ezumaru 4 күн бұрын
Hi Rob, i'm polish. Answering your question form 13:18. From our perspective, safety of your independence and self-determination does not have a price. History has thought us that. Most of Europe doesn't need a big active military, so it's stupid to pump money in it. We do, we have Russia for a neigbour. Most of the west can't understand what that means, and just look at Ukraine. When or if Russia starts something in the future, we want to be ready. Sure, we're in NATO but if shit hits the fan we will have to rely on our selfs until any help will come from our allies. And that is another issue. We were left behind at the start of WW2, and sold for peace at the end of it. Those who do not lern form history, are bound to repeat it.
@marekrondo9701 4 күн бұрын
Ukraina oddała atom za gwarancję nienaruszalności granic. Kilka państw się pod tym podpisało... i co? Co te państwa robią? Jedno napadło, kilka zaczęło pomagać, ale mniej niż Polska, która się pod niczym nie podpisała. A może NATO pomoże nam jakąś małą ilością broni i amunicji po utracie Białegostoku, Lublina, Zamościa, Rzeszowa? Z WB i Francją już kiedyś byliśmy dogadani. A może nie byliśmy? Może teraz też nie jesteśmy? Może lepiej nie dać wejść Moskalom do naszych miast, zamiast po 5 latach wojny te miasta w ruinie odbijać przy stratach 5 do 1?
@monikat2327 3 күн бұрын
Besides, business prefer calmness. Polish people return back from immigration, because they feel that Poland is safe with our army now.
@Piotr-bh5yx 3 күн бұрын
Rob, jako człowiek z zachodu a nawet wyspiarz, nie rozumie co znaczy przetrwać we wrogim sąsiedztwie!
@marekrondo9701 3 күн бұрын
@@Piotr-bh5yx , Robowi polecam pamiętniki powstańcze. Przeczyta tam np takie błahostki, jak notatkę dziewczyny lat 12, która opisuje, jak pierwszy raz w życiu usłyszała przez okno, że ludzie wieczorem mówią na ulicy po polsku - tej nocy już nie zasnęła z radości. Nie wspominając o poważniejszych opisach.
@gregwochlik9233 3 күн бұрын
Agree with you there 100%. As a pole living in poland, I do support the military spend. During the cold war, the USA pumped billions of dollars into military as to scare the Soviet union from attacking. Poland is building up both a system to scare the other side from attacking, as well as if they do attack, we can defend ourselves.
@cathyharris-cz5tu 4 күн бұрын
Poland deserves to be booming. And also deserve peace and safety, after all this shit what this country went through. I was born in Poland in the 50s . And to ducking bad I will never see Poland again. Wish the young generations all the best
@arkadiuszarczi1559 4 күн бұрын
these are old recordings from Warsaw, now there are a few more skyscrapers and more are under construction or planned :)
@CMDRSloma 4 күн бұрын
The video doesn't touch on one subject the geopolitical position of Poland which lies in the centre of Europe, this can create wealth in times of peace and countless of problems in times of war.
@MonikaMazgola 4 күн бұрын
Thank you, Rob. You became our spokesman.
@jacekgalda6929 3 күн бұрын
I agree with that
@kamilstenzel3929 4 күн бұрын
Regarding 13:18, there are certain things that are a necessity when you border Russia. We've been optimistic before, we had allies before, and we all know how this turned out.
@MrDamian1530 4 күн бұрын
Poland is getting better place to live, but the way I see the innovations are leaving abroad, politicians are slowing key investments, EU is leading us into madness. It's not like we progress much. We just don't fall as fast as others... edit: 14:22 actually we have few really top of the line military products. Check BWP Borsuk, SPH Krab, maybe Grot rifle. It's true we buy military equipment from South Korea and US, but some things are hard to develop when you have long history of being under soviet boot
@korneliuszlewandowski9886 4 күн бұрын
Add there short range anti-air missels " Piorun".
@whitewidmo4606 4 күн бұрын
And also, I read tons of comments under videos like this one, and a lot of poles living in UK said that they are moving not because of Brexit, but because of financial stability. A lot of them said that Brexit wasnt the main reason. Almost all of them said its all about money and safety.
@Malinowy2024 3 күн бұрын
That's true. Imagine earning 1600 pounds and spend 600 for just a poor room. That's madness.
@paweszawowski9337 3 сағат бұрын
Most Poles that return from the UK do it because they feel pretty comfortable while living in Poland on British pension.
@kalkol21 4 күн бұрын
Military spending and good preparing for hard times could be cheaper then rebuilding a country.
@rafalkamiski7373 4 күн бұрын
Koreans are hard working ppl too as we poles. After Russia attacked Ukraine we went offshore to nation capable to deliver in short notice, cos NATO couldn't
@marekrondo9701 4 күн бұрын
Dokładnie. Trzeba się samemu zbroić, bo NATO nam pomoże, ale nie wiadomo jak i nie wiadomo kiedy. Są nawet śmiałkowie na wszystkich poziomach społecznych, którzy twierdzą, że NATO, a w zasadzie politycy poszczególnych państw, mogą odroczyć pomoc, zmniejszyć, blokować, przekładać, szukać wyimaginowanej winy Polski - "nie będziemy umierać za jakiś tam Gdańsk".
@Malinowy2024 3 күн бұрын
@@marekrondo9701 jeśli NATO nie pomoże Polsce czy innemu sojusznikowi w razie konfliktu, to przestanie mieć sens i się rozpadnie.
@marekrondo9701 3 күн бұрын
@@Malinowy2024 , Pomoże, pomoże. Jednak czy już kiedykolwiek pomogło jakiemuś napadniętemu członkowi? W zasadzie nigdy. USA stwierdziło, że zostało napadnięte, ale nie z tego właściwego artykułu. I co? Pomogła Polska i jeszcze dwa kraje? Pomoże, ale kiedy, jak pomoże, na czym ta pomoc konkretnie będzie polegała? Czy Węgry też pomogą, czy Trump pomoże, czy społeczeństwa nie zaczną zmieniać polityków w głosowaniach? Gdzie masz konkretnie odpowiedzi na te pytania? Wojna na Ukrainie pokazuje, że każdy kraj powinien się zbroić aby samodzielnie, od pierwszej minuty agresji mieć żołnierzy, sprzęt i amunicję, a sojusz powinien dawać gwarancje długoterminowe i brać id każdego kraju rzeczywiste gwarancje dla innych państw. Jak wyglądał stan armii niemieckiej, ich magazynów, zapasów, prawa, układu państwo-prywatny producent, czy państwo pomagało zgodnie z wolą społeczeństwa, jak społeczeństwo zmieniało polityków? Przecież widać, że przy układzie prawa w państwach NATO, finansowaniu, stanie zapasów i produkcji, przy strategii NATO "wpuszczamy wroga na nasz teren i następnie się bronimy" itd., hipotetycznie w 2022 r. byśmy stracili wschód i część północy, nasi cywile by byli niewolnikami na Syberii, lub by leżeli martwii w gruzach. Lata wojny i upadłe państwo, a zwycięstwo bardzo niepewne, iluzoryczne i w dalekiej przyszłości.
@grzegorzm2166 4 күн бұрын
It is cheaper to protect the borders with army and navy than to let the enemies in. The losses during the so-called Swedish Deluge in the XVII century or during the Second World War were much higher than the possible expenditures for army and navy. I agree that buying military equipment abroad is a cost, not an investment. But it is like expensive insurance.
@CMDRSloma 4 күн бұрын
Rob, the military build-up is also helping the economy, it's tech acquisition to build some of the equipment in the country, this generates job, revenue and might allow developing better tech because you have home-grown industry. And defence sector jobs are well paid jobs too. There is an equilibrium and as long as don't spend too much on the defence at a cost of other sectors this isn't too bad. Having said that Poland does not have a choice, we know very well our history and the eastern neighbour is still having genocidal, imperialistic ambitions. Living in the UK I agree Brexit was the most stupid decision that was made. EU maybe is not ideal or perfect, but definitely it helps to be together because we can help each other.
@Igorexing 3 күн бұрын
Rob, you can also check PGZ - the biggest military company in Poland, they produce a lot of military equipment domestically, so a lot of polish workers and engineers are nedded.
@kasparex Күн бұрын
Hi Rob, thank you for the video! You are right, Brexit was a breaking point, many Poles came back to Poland. Not only that, many corporations moved to Warsaw from UK too as they had many contracts with EU institutions and conrtactors.
@fargotua13 4 күн бұрын
Don't come, we have brown bears, mooses and bisons on the streets, also clams in charge of clean water.
@elag912 4 күн бұрын
Say "warszAwa" ("it's LeviOHsa, not levioSAH 😂😂). Sorry, it's not important (and you're the best for actually saying the Polish version) but your "Wrocław" is just SO perfect, I want you to do more perfection like this 😂😂😂
@marcinerdmann476 4 күн бұрын
I must agree. You say "Warszawa" with the Czech/Kashubian stress without knowing it. 😂 In Polish, the second a musst be stressed, not the first one. Greetings from Toruń!
@KiszMiBejbi 4 күн бұрын
You should watch more polish comedies from 70's and 80's :)
@kowalskimateusz 4 күн бұрын
Kabaret ,,Tey"
@macabrescafresca 4 күн бұрын
I remember those unfinished buildings. Sometimes building materials (wiring, huge concrete plates, etc...) were left on site, degrading over time. Underground corridors formed by huge concrete slabs half-buried in the ground, a pile of bricks several meters high, a three-story abandoned building in a raw state without walls, where in the basement you could find condoms, needles and bags of glue... all this served as a playground for us (children). The change wasn't easy but we're getting there. A good movie showing those changes and post communist Poland is "Pieniądze to nie wszystko" ("Money isn't everything"). Funny comedy, I highly recommend it.
@jacekchmielewski6372 4 күн бұрын
Military spending indeed could be taxing on the budget, but if you structure it correctly with offsets, as well as boost to our ND, then could actually be a positive thing. With Polish history, it’s certainly the right thing to do. Nobody attacks somebody who is stronger than them.
@ga21351 4 күн бұрын
Army spends is only cost for economy. But we do not have choice.
@humandisorder3962 4 күн бұрын
Thank You Mr Rob for a pleasant thoughts about Poland. Fun fact: Grandparents of wife PM Mr Starmer came from Poland 😮
@tomaszkarol4574 4 күн бұрын
Hi Rob it’ll be nice to see your real reaction to recommendations without watching them first
@marcinerdmann476 3 күн бұрын
Poland is Western Europe in terms of culture. It used to be Eastern Europe in the geopolitical sense. Geographically it is Central Europe. It is even Northern Europe when it comes to climate.
@mts5217 3 күн бұрын
No difference when it comes to climate between Stockholm and Gdansk
@marcinerdmann476 3 күн бұрын
@@mts5217 Absolutely.
@marcinerdmann476 3 күн бұрын
Dear Rob, you say "Warszawa" with the Czech/Kashubian stress without knowing it. 😂 In Polish, the second a musst be stressed, not the first one. Greetings from Toruń!
@janhusar9105 Күн бұрын
Skończ pitolić.
@forexscalping_pl 3 күн бұрын
you took my heart with this Polish words at the beginning :)
@PoisNERDS Күн бұрын
The question was about the impact army development had on economic growth... It does, in at least 3 aspects: 1. In addition to purchases from South Korea, there will also be a transfer of technology, and factories will be built in Poland. 2. Polish companies also have better conditions for development. We produce equipment that is purchased by other countries, such as Warmate drones. 3. In terms of politics - it is no secret that the size of the army affects the position in the international arena (it is not about embarrassment, but rather about the role of a protector; on whose help do the Baltic countries count first in the event of a war?). It is easier, for example, to push forward ideas that are beneficial to us economically and in relations with other countries.
@RizzTV 3 күн бұрын
Lake Malta in Poznań was started by Germans and finished by Poles Rob, not the Soviets :)
@RobReacts1 3 күн бұрын
Lake Malta was created in 1952. So it was made by the soviet state
@RizzTV 2 күн бұрын
@@RobReacts1 In that sense yea, but started by germans ;) anyway great video as always.
@zimek 2 күн бұрын
in some deals you have for example technology transfer. K2 panther tanks will have its polish version. There will be factories or maitaining facilities for that, so it will increase employment. Orders are also going to polish army. Krab and Rak + Rosomaks were bought.
@scoff7032 4 күн бұрын
We might be still poor compared to western countries but we made a huge progress. Our GDP since 2008 raised 57%. Italy, France, Spain after 15 years are poorer. Greece is 15% poorer than 15 years ago.
@metanoian965 3 күн бұрын
money from EU Reich is the compensation from Germs that were never paid to Poland.
@yvettechodek8501 Күн бұрын
Graniczac z panstwami, ktore mają imperialne zapędy trzeba byc gotowym na wszystko. "Chcesz pokoju? Szykuj sie do wojny" tego nauczyla nas historia i kochani sąsiedzi, ktorym jak dasz palec utna ci głowę na 123 lata😊
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
O tak! Na szczęście Austria już dawno przestałą być potęgą i nawet z nami nie graniczy, Czechy i Słowacja są za małe i biedne by nas zaatakować (poza tym jesteśmy przyjaciółmi), Szwecja dawno już porzuciła imperialne zapędy i ograniczyła się do budowania w Polsce sklepów z meblami, natomiast Litwa, Niemcy i Ukraina też są sojusznikami. Pozostaje więc Rosja i Białoruś, czyli de facto jej satelita. Oni faktycznie mogą nam zagrozić, ale dopóki jesteśmy w NATO i mamy silną armię, to nie ma się zbytnio czego bać. Tym bardziej, że Ruscy już się wykrwawiają na Ukrainie.
@ReginaGalica 3 күн бұрын
Rob thank you 🙏🏻 great job on Poland and Poznan and I am searching for more ( I know I will find them ) Your Polish is cute ❤
@RobReacts1 3 күн бұрын
I hope you are watching the videos on our vlog channel
@marekzabystrzan2239 4 күн бұрын
Hello, you don't understand the situation of our Poles, our families were murdered and our properties were stolen, our free generation won with the blood of our ancestors, see the statistics of the hours we work and additional work. and we want to live with dignity
@hdmibullshell5390 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your optimism. Poland is a country that has already proven a lot. Now we are moving to a new level. From January 2025, the minimum wage will be higher than the federal minimum wage in the United States. There will certainly be questions as, is this really possible in Poland?
@DLCaRo_ 4 күн бұрын
We are buying 1k tanks from South Korea but most of those tanks will be build in Poland as part of the contract.
@PiotrJaser 4 күн бұрын
To nie jest pewne, że większość i na pewno nie w całości, a tylko niektóre komponenty.
@supreme3376 4 күн бұрын
Rob If your country is under another regime the mother of fact you re a serwant of that country
@HEN-Huzar 2 күн бұрын
2:48 "WARA" In Polish 🇵🇱 means "Get out!!!"
@pawelpl2546 3 күн бұрын
Rob but from the other side Poland staying in eu may be finally forced to take more immigrants and that’s gon be the end for Poland. As we see what’s happening all around the Europe.
@kml8732 2 күн бұрын
13:48 Of course spedning on the army is a big cost. But there is a saying in Poland based on historic facts. If you do not support and maintain your own army, sooner or later you will support a foreign one.
@backslay 4 күн бұрын
one thing that constantly ticked me off in that video is that they kept calling poland "eastern europe" in reality, poland is central european, alongside the rest of v4, germany, austria and switzerland (some people also count slovenia)
@RobReacts1 4 күн бұрын
But Poland culturally has been eastern part of the eastern block.
@supreme3376 4 күн бұрын
@@RobReacts1 Not by choice
@marcinerdmann476 4 күн бұрын
​@@RobReacts1Poland is at the same time Central, Eastern, Northern and Western Europe. It depends on what you refer to. The only thing Poland is not is Southern Europe.
@Paolo-gj7ip 3 күн бұрын
??? What do you mean???
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
@@RobReacts1 Not willingly, only for 50 years (that's a blink of an eye compared to like 900 years in the Western culture), and that period is over for good. Calling current Poland Eastern European is like calling Britain or France today a colonial empie. Not relevant anymore.
@Janusz_Bankowski Күн бұрын
Rob, you know we all like you a lot but we also realize that your point of view was built in a completely different country. You have already discovered and learned a lot about Poland - and all of us here respect you a lot for that. However, there are many things you won't understand - that's natural. You would have to be born here. You see things as they are presented in your country. We see them differently. You say that we have regrets about our history. We probably do. But it's history. It's a closed topic. We focus on today and the future. So our history is one thing - and current life in the EU another. You say Brexit was bad because things are currently going badly in the UK. I would disagree with that. Britain's problems started decades before Brexit. After leaving the EU, they are simply visible now. Again - you see things as Western countries see them. What do you see as bad for the UK? That many white workers, professionals returned to their countries. You say that English farmers have problems. Are they? And do you remember the protests of EU farmers in France, Germany? And tons of manure on the streets? Does the UK now have to adapt its laws and economy to the requirements of the EU “Green Deal”? Can the UK still employ white workers? Yes. And the fact that it instead pulls in illegal immigrants is your government's decisions. No one is forcing you to do so. For that Poland had to adopt the immigration pact. Because we have no way out. We are in the EU. You say we should be happy that the EU is spending money to develop the country. OK. But we also pay contributions. So after 20 years the balance is €160 billion. It's as if every Pole spent €200 every year on his own, for the development of the country. Suddenly it's not such a huge amount anymore, is it? For that we have to spend money on EU restrictions and requirements. Which costs us ... surprise - exactly as much as we got from the EU :). Going forward - by 2050 we are supposed to meet the requirements of the Green Deal. The costs for Poland were counted by the French. 10 trillion PLN. That's 15x more than Poland got money from the EU for 20 years! In the video you saw the increase in military power. Wow... The West praises and praises. Why? After all, it's wasted money - as you yourself pointed out. So why is the West praising it? Because if Putin goes crazy, the Poles will be the East's cannon meat. Simple. It's all business, Rob. To you it seems so cool - nations helping each other, etc. Nothing of the sort. Over national corporations and business cooperate with governments. So governments are - business. Poland joining the EU was not an act of goodwill and kindness. It was business. It was about aging populations and lack of workers. And what is the most valuable thing a country can acquire? A white worker. Not a worker from Africa or Asia. It's already known. And where were the white workers and white consumers? In Central Europe. How many workers migrated to the UK during that time? You yourself said it's bad that they are leaving now. You were raised in a Western value system - it's not your fault. It's great that you are starting to see things as they really are. Perhaps your interest in Poland helps you a bit in this. In any case, the EU is moving towards socialism and a federal state. Like the Russian Federation. Any Russian will tell you that Moscow and St. Petersburg are not Russia. And the same thing is happening in the EU. The federal state is supposed to serve the strongest and richest - and the rest are supposed to do their jobs. Poland is supposed to be a reservoir of cheap labor, is supposed to buy products from France, Germany and not have its own, and is supposed to militarily guard the eastern border. You say - free economic movement. Yes. But only one way. Why are there no Polish companies in Germany or France? Because they won't break through. The quiet nationalism of these countries will not allow it. Why are Poles coming back? Because they don't advance higher than they are allowed to. Rob, I have dozens of friends who have worked or are working in the EU. They all have the same problem. They are bouncing off the “glass ceiling.” So don't regret Brexit. Perhaps the UK will be better off than you think. And don't fall into the trap of freedom, democracy, mutual aid. It's all business controlled by governments and corporations.
@adriandrost6542 3 күн бұрын
It is better to be a capitalist and stay in the pockets of another country than to be a communist and a slave. Capitalist = also be a slave, but in politics, not in personal matters. One thing that capitalism brings us is to be a slave in the bank :) But we have a better life than working for free (communist work). In short, capitalism grows and takes what it can take, while communism provides us all with a job, and takes away everything we get...(Got)
@whitewidmo4606 4 күн бұрын
About military build up - others provided great points, but one is very important and actually answers your question. If you have strong military in todays world, big companies will feel safer investing more, bc their money will be protected. So for us, being as a front state of NATO, investing in military can be economically efficient. Why would Microsoft, Google etc. invest in a country, that could be invaded by Russia in 10 years? Well, knowing that the country is serious about defending, it is more logical to invest long term. Thats also the reason why we must develop the strongest ground forces in EU.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
Yes. Spending money on military is more like investment into the future rather than unecessary expense.
@johnymalckovitz5023 3 күн бұрын
Military buildup has additionally cons in terms of political negotiation laverage. It's easier to reach more beneficial outcoms of negotiation on National level. If we have strong army we are viewed as someone who can defend you especialy in middle and Estern Europe.
@thebuggerdev 2 күн бұрын
Spending money on military is not helping an economy. Some people say that, but it is a misunderstanding of how economy works. Spending money on military is a price you pay for a safety. An exception is when you want to use military to get cotrol over another country and drain it (like for example former collonial empires)
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
Those expenses on military are pennies compared with what would be lost or destroyed if Russia invaded Poland. Rermember what happened during ww2 and technology has progressed so much since then.
@paulinama8517 4 күн бұрын
You know what else we have in common with China? The approach to work. We work hard. We do impossible things immediately for miracles we need three days. Apparently the approach we have in implementing projects from the EU. I work on such ones myself. We often get partners from other countries. Already at the beginning of the journey, our foreign partners point out problems instead of focusing on solving them. How many such ‘invented’ problems have we passed over in silence or solved beyond the partners' knowledge? :> The project is completed, the documentation is in order, the project is settled, everyone has benefited and everyone is happy :D
@ladycatherine1381 2 күн бұрын
Rob, mój kraj po raz pierwszy od paru dobrych wieków przeżywa renesans. Tak dobrze jak jest teraz w moim kraju nie było. Ludzie wiadomo jak zawsze narzekają, ale my naprawdę mamy się dobrze.
@stw4006 3 күн бұрын
Toruń - it's great city to visit!
@pani_oko6122 4 күн бұрын
Hej, Rob byłeś na Warmii i Mazurach? gdzie mieszkał mikołaj Kopernik, gdzie jest pełno pięknej przyrody, jak nie zapraszam do Olsztyna. Pozdrawiam
@marcinerdmann476 4 күн бұрын
He has Masuria in Scotland.
@heylo6791 3 күн бұрын
Published a day ago and if you still think that Poland is booming, then you must have been away for a year. It is as blooming as Britain under Starmer, especially when he joined the Opressive Terrorist Governments Club. Tusk has a similar task in Poland, which he has been assigned by Someone not Polish. During his campaign he claimed in unison with the Terrorist EU that the Conservative government, which was a Blessing for Poland and made it boom, was violating certain rules. Now that Tusk is in power he is BULLDOZING POLAND and its Constitution. He's locking up opposition, rufusing media to attend press conferences, and taking institutions BY FORCE. That's what his gang are like and such is the EU.
@szogunet 2 күн бұрын
1. Spending money on the army, and remember that our neighbor Ukraine is fighting, is not a waste of money. Poland allocated a lot of military equipment to Ukraine. If Ukrainians like this equipment, they buy equipment from Polish companies with funding from the US. Polish companies have funds to improve equipment. Improved military equipment is becoming a competitor in the global military market. This year. a country that has the most modern weapons in the world - USA. It ordered a Polish manufacturer of Lightning missiles PIORUN. the military industry is nothing else than highly technically advanced electronics: computer science: chemistry and mechanics. sold for a lot of money. 2. Poland will not leave the EU. even if it were to lose and not receive funds allocated for Polish development, it needs access to the European market. it's like we receive PLN 2 million a day in EU funding and we lose PLN 1 million a day for Bełchatów and - PLN 1 million a day for law and order. But what do we have? access to the European market.
@drohiczyn 3 күн бұрын
Nice Polish pronunciation , awesome
@thebuggerdev 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn't say that a big problem is that poland is divided, but rather, that our politicians do everything to divide people. They realized, that dividing people and using tribal emotions is better way to get votes that discussing about programs, real problems etc.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
"Divide et Impera" - good old strategy used even by the Romans :)
@Nikodemis 2 күн бұрын
Poland is flourishing because it is a Christian nation which did not turn its back on God and family values.
@RobReacts1 2 күн бұрын
Is this a joke comment?
@Nikodemis 2 күн бұрын
Why would you think that?
@przemyslawtomkiewicz2914 4 күн бұрын
@RobReacts1 Күн бұрын
Thank you!!
@Majgrant Күн бұрын
Thanks for the video, you are doing a great job for both our countries. Although there has been a lot of negativity between Poland and the UK in recent years, and now the British government is starting its games again, this time making people worry that even a country like Poland will overtake us, which I think is stupid to make comments like this because it is in our best interest for Poland and the UK to be strong and become allies. There is no need for some idiotic competition between the UK and Poland. I love your country, but unfortunately, the politicians are something else.
@martalukaszjastrzab760 3 күн бұрын
As much as I'd like to blame Brexit for Poles leaving UK, it's more complicated. For unskilled labour's perspective- it makes no economical sense to work in Britain in low paid jobs comparing to Poland. As you know, Poland is much safer, cleaner and public transportation is way better than in most of UK. Most people left during Covid, not just after Brexit. If UK continues to decline, and Poland keeps its growth, top jobs may move as well. People will chose less momey, but quality of life over UK cities. Greetings from Scotland.
@HEN-Huzar 2 күн бұрын
5:19 Before WWII what was there? Feudalism?😂😂😂 There was normal capitalism.🤦People without a clue.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
Yeah. Sometimes people creating these videos pretend that Polish interwar hisory starts in 1939.
@HEN-Huzar 2 күн бұрын
14:21 A militarily strong country has a better position in business talks and politically. Which connects globally with business.Besides, there is the so-called "offset". Weapons production at home. "THEY WILL NOT LOOK AT AND TALK TO YOU AS A WEAKNESS." THEY WILL RESPECT YOU😁 The world is a discussion of the militarily and economically strong. MAINLY MILITARY. "THE WORLD IS NOT A FAIRY TALE"."ŚWIAT TO NIE BAJKA"Changing the saying.
@arturniedzielski7358 4 күн бұрын
Rob. We are spending money on the military, because we have enemies close to our borders. We have even many proverbs for that state. F.e. "Mądry Polak po szkodzie" - a wise Pole after the damage, "Nie skleisz rozbitego jajka" - you can't glue a broken egg together. In history, we have already been Europe's buffer twice. Likely, a large part of Europe could already have found itself under the thumb of communism in 1920. We do not want a repeat, so we must have a strong army even if it does not favor the state budget. But in this topic you are slightly wrong because currently we have our own arms industry at a high level and we also sell our weapons. Even to South Korea. That's a fact. F.e. and that's not all - During the KADEX 2024 trade fair (Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition), the Polish company Grupa WB signed an agreement with the South Korean Defense Procurement Program Administration (DAPA) for the delivery of approximately 200 Warmate-3 drones in combat and training versions.
@MCaural 4 күн бұрын
Rob, ogarnij się, pojęcia nie masz na temat polityki stary... Rob, get a grip, you have no idea about politics, man...
@mahu5766 10 сағат бұрын
English should get a grip and remove rubbish from their streets, but when I look at Rob I began understand why UK is fallen, and cannot be helped.
@piotrnotecki6196 4 күн бұрын
Someone here has already told you that we don't need weapons to conquer other countries. We don't want to fall under Russian rule again. At the beginning of the 18th century, we were dependent on Russia in various ways. Small exceptions are 1918-1939 and the years after 1989. We not only value our independence, we actually love it. Whenever we were free from Russian influence, we developed, and when they ruled here, they used all our potential to create their power. To end the political thread, I will tell you about Putin's serious mistake. By attacking Ukraine, he accelerated the completion of the creation of the modern Ukrainian nation. And the second one is that it accelerated the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation. It is true that this process has been going on for 30 years, but I think it would take another generation and this process may be over. Polish-Ukrainian history is complicated and there were many disputes and wars between us, but both sides were aware that we were doomed to cooperate. This process is ending in my lifetime, which makes me happy, but for Imperial Russia it is not good news. For the imperial and democratic Russia (if such a Russia is ever created), this has no negative significance. And finally, I will tell you what is worth seeing in Poland, apart from the places you mentioned, next to Toruń, Bydgoszcz, in the west of Poland, Szczecin, a city that has an unusual urban layout compared to other Polish cities, but thanks to this it is a very green city. Szczecin has always been out of the way, but now it benefits from its proximity to Germany and is developing thanks to its location. In the east of Poland, I recommend Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Krosno and the Bieszczady Mountains. When you are in Lublin, there are many interesting towns there. Beautiful Renaissance Zamość, picturesque little Kazimierz Dolny, Nałęczów and many others. Białystok, in the north-east, is interesting because there are not many cities, but there is beautiful nature. There are four National Parks in the vicinity of Białystok, including the most important and oldest one, the Białowieża National Park. The last natural forest in Europe. And the north of Poland, Warmia and Mazury, the land of lakes. I wish you successful trips to Poland. I promise that now I will listen to you more carefully and I will not make such mistakes as I did when commenting on your trip to Poznań.
@PiotrJaser 4 күн бұрын
Traciliśmy suwerenność na rzecz Rosji w wieku XVIII a nie XVII. Na początku XVII wieku to Rosja o mało nie dostała się pod naszą kontrolę.
@piotrnotecki6196 4 күн бұрын
@@PiotrJaser Masz rację już poprawiłem. Nie sprawdziłem tekstu przed wysłanie. Dziękuje za czujność.
@bibliakolbrinpl1420 3 күн бұрын
Trojmasto.. gdansk sopot gdynia Rob, visit Baltic sea.. houses builded upside down on kaszuby..
@RobReacts1 3 күн бұрын
You need to watch my vlog channel kzbin.info/www/bejne/apK9gYSoZqmJd7ssi=TyavBCQnmQWNFqhK
@humandisorder3962 4 күн бұрын
Remember kids. America's first but Poland's firster.
@MCaural 4 күн бұрын
Rob, get a grip, you have no idea about politics, man... Rob, ogarnij się, pojęcia nie masz na temat polityki stary...
@jaguscikm 2 күн бұрын
I hate simplyfying history. It is not so simple to take late historyPoland and talk about story of success. Don't get me wrong, we achieved much, I am proud of it, but... we wouldn't achieve it without our experience, sometimes hurtful, things that made us more resistance for any influence. There is a saying: Poles will help each other like no one in hard times, but will destroy each other when there's peace. We conquered our neighbours in the past, than they conquered us, and now we are a bit paranoid about our neighbours espaciely Russia. Yeah they threat for all of us, not only Poles, for all Europeans.
@bartoszjasinski 3 күн бұрын
Hi Rob, please... it's not Warsza-wa, it's War-szawa ;) you'll thank me later :D
@letsseeif 20 сағат бұрын
Rob. I know that this is a silly question, but can you tell me about your POLISH connection?
@RobReacts1 6 сағат бұрын
I don't have a polish connection. Just love coming to Poland and since doing KZbin it's given me more reason and opportunity
@jakubg7749 4 күн бұрын
I kindly advise you not to talk polish politics
@kotisded 4 күн бұрын
1990 - GDP ~$60 bilion, 2024 - ~$900 bilion. And, it`s possible that we`ll catch up with Germany in 2035+, and possibly join G20 ~2028-2032 Its like - wow for me, impressive. Hehehhe- Albania ; ) Yeah... word biggest comunism. Mhm we called ourselves - blacks of Europe in 2000`s, murzyni europy. Don't overestimate the EU funding, it's only 100 billion euros and it's basically a loan. The EU has accelerated growth of PL by 20%, that's all.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
Z takimi politykami to prędzej czeka nas kolejny rozbiór niż dogonienie kogokolwiek.
@kotisded 23 сағат бұрын
@@smerfdzikus2334 Przynajmniej są lepsi niż byli więc na plus.
@robertdziedzic8083 4 күн бұрын
@mrek92kalipso 3 күн бұрын
when last time tusk rule 3 milion people leave country to UK , Germany, Netherlands etc, soo i again worried about our beloved Poland
@mahu5766 10 сағат бұрын
That's fact
@jacekgalda6929 3 күн бұрын
@wadysawkostrzewski8557 3 күн бұрын
ohh grew up Rob big funds are in play here mixed with politics - this is same as everywhere. EU is not democratic entity. It is governed by bureaucrats and EP is only facade having limited power over EC. The whole story of Poland being undemocratic is EU pressing Poland to change government to more western friendly. KLD (first Tusk party) was established by German funds to "enrich" Polish politic scene like SLD was established from Russian funds at the begging of 90's.
@jankowalski3220 4 күн бұрын
Do they still think this way about Poland? And I thought that the entire British proletariat had already held a stagg party in Krakow... So we need to prepare for the next wave? Sad.
@toirto1836 4 күн бұрын
You really don't know who Donald Tusk is
@dana-mi1po 3 күн бұрын
Jest świetnym premierem.
@toirto1836 3 күн бұрын
@@dana-mi1po no, tak tak tylko poczekaj najpierw
@franiuxx 2 күн бұрын
Tusk is the best PM in modern history. Pinokio was worst of them. Pinokio is expected to go to jail for his crimes
@tbobrus1 Күн бұрын
​@@dana-mi1potak, dla Niemiec
@mahu5766 11 сағат бұрын
​@@dana-mi1po Takiego niedorajdy jeszcze Polska nie widziała. Rozumiem że Tobie akurat nie zmyło w powodzi całego majątku?
@abcxyz-bq2cc 4 күн бұрын
I left this comment under the wrong video I'm sorry
@krisdi300 3 күн бұрын
I live in UK 20 years, brexit was a worst choice for that country, main reasons were...no more people coming from europe to still british jobs, brexit done, borders closed for europeans, now africans coming 😆😆🤣🤣
@rafalnowak9382 4 күн бұрын
It will never happen with current government. We are going down again.
@dorotabarbowska2184 3 күн бұрын
@grzegorzdziedzic9592 4 күн бұрын
sure, but we still we closed shops on sundays, which is infuriating to anyone who works 6 days a week
@arturbonikowski2362 Күн бұрын
What a bullshit and propaganda. Paland is much better off than 20 years ago and economy is booming but we are still earning average 1000 pounds net a month! Poland take over UK economy by 2030😅. Polish gdp is 3.5 smaller than British. How this could happen 😂.
@rafalkamiski7373 4 күн бұрын
Long time no see you online bro... Since i started useing opera no ads yt browser i never seen you onec.
@RobReacts1 4 күн бұрын
Get on chrome :D
@rafalkamiski7373 4 күн бұрын
@@RobReacts1 naahh... It's Google owned..
@rafalkamiski7373 4 күн бұрын
@@RobReacts1 no thx
@PiotrJaser 4 күн бұрын
This film did not mention that in 1989 the Polish economy was in a much worse situation than the Hungarian, Czechoslovak and East German economies. We were a little poorer than Ukrainians and Belarusians then. And then everything took off and Poland started to develop incredibly quickly. We are not the only ones who need the EU and NATO. If Ukraine were in the EU and NATO, there would be no war there now. When it comes to online hate against Tusk, it resembles Russian trolling. Tusk makes mistakes, like every politician, Tusk is not perfect, like every person, but the change of power brought benefits to Poland. We have returned to Europe politically, mentally and culturally. And we can also give something to Europe, because we have our own perception of some issues and slightly different experiences. Investments in the army are rational, taking into account what Russia is doing and the direction the world is heading. To sum up: the Third Polish Republic (Commonwealth of Poland) is the best Polish state that has ever existed.
@Paolo-gj7ip 3 күн бұрын
Under Tusk junta no more.
@rafalkamiski7373 4 күн бұрын
I mean no alerts from your yt channel about new post.... Freaky isn't?
@exostell5653 3 күн бұрын
Hey Rob . In response to your doubts regarding Poland's large expenditure on armaments, I answer: Poles realize that no one will defend them. Before World War II we had a pact with the UK and France. Have you seen the columns rushing to help Poland being torn apart from the east and west? Do you know what Germany offered to Ukraine as aid in the first days of the war? Helmets. Can you imagine that young boys from Manchester, Lutton and other cities would get on barges and sail to die for Poland? Will the German Chancellor send boys from Munich to sit in trenches on the Vistula line, at risk of a nuclear attack? You have to count on yourself because, unfortunately, the western Europe always fight until the last Polish soldier, my friend.
@nuuskamuikkunen407 2 күн бұрын
Poland is dying not booming. Only blind people doesn't seen that
@Piotr-bh5yx 3 күн бұрын
That's tru. Poland was booming, but Poland is collapsing now.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
Your Russia is collapsing, bro.
@jacekchmielewski6372 4 күн бұрын
Poland is firmly in central Europe and not part of eastern Europe. Neither geographically or mentally.
@marcinerdmann476 3 күн бұрын
Poland is Western Europe in terms of culture. It used to be Eastern Europe in the geopolitical sense. Geographically it is Central Europe. It is even Northern Europe when it comes to climate.
@meechneek 4 күн бұрын
Germans will never let that happen, no chance. They are doing everything in their power to make Poland their colony yet again. They had tried countless times in the past (ever since Poland came into being in X century). They slightly changed the tactic last 30-40 yrs or so but overall goal remains exactly the same. We actually already are a german colony 🤷🏻‍♂️
@PiotrJaser 4 күн бұрын
Przestań trollować.
@rafalnowak9382 4 күн бұрын
​@@PiotrJaserPrzecież to prawda, tylko ślepiec tego nie widzi.
@smerfdzikus2334 Күн бұрын
@@PiotrJaser Gość mówi prawdę. Jeżeli nie widzisz, na rzecz jakiego państwa tak naprawdę działa Tusk i jego rząd, to jesteś albo ślepy, albo mało inteligentny.
@humandisorder3962 4 күн бұрын
I don't understand why they still didn't paint Pałac Kultury... Looks awful.
@PiotrJaser 4 күн бұрын
Dobry pomysł z tym pomalowaniem, najlepiej na różne kolory, jak kamienice na starówkach. Zagraniczni turyści lubią tę wielobarwność starych miast.
@humandisorder3962 4 күн бұрын
@@PiotrJaser To się nazywa rewitalizacja. Po angielsku revitalisation 😉
@stw4006 3 күн бұрын
This is monument of communism, it should look grey 😜
@Roxson_ 4 күн бұрын
Btw Polska górą
@jacekszymanski4423 4 күн бұрын
You're right, the money spent on arms benefit American corporations only. Poland could use those funds in much better way.
@marcinszrajber 4 күн бұрын
@barbac3742 4 күн бұрын
Not only, to Korean, German or even Turkey as well but factories in Poland also received contracts for building equipment for the land army
@urszulapuzniak787 4 күн бұрын
To byłby właściwy wniosek, gdybyśmy za sąsiadów nie mieli Rosji
@mohitoautomaciek801 4 күн бұрын
@noodleppoodle 4 күн бұрын
Chodź się całować
@cetus4449 2 күн бұрын
14:08 You are right. The economic situation in Poland is not as good as it seems, and military spending is heavy burden. Communist Poland had the second largest military potential in the Warsaw Pact after the USSR.This generated a huge burden, but ensured the development of local industry. This potential has been largely eliminated, as has all of Poland's heavy industry. Currently, most military purchases are made in the United States to fuel its arms industry. The fact is that today Poland is a vassal state of the US, dependent on its whims.
@mahu5766 10 сағат бұрын
Have You ever heard of Tusk's political prisoners?
@krisdi300 3 күн бұрын
The point is, that Poland is creaiting biggest military in Europe, but there is no game changer, example atomic weapon. 🫣
@Panjuchas1 4 күн бұрын
Most of people who came to UK was low educated so there won't be much benefit when they come back.
@mrozio3321 3 күн бұрын
Thas bullshit. Im highly educated and was living in London from 2002 up until 2012. I was working in management sector in UK as well as many of my Polsih friends that also left UK. I left UK in 2012 when I starter realizing that Uk is going down and I started hating all this multculti bulshit. I just couldnt imagine to have children and family in London. It started to become so unsafe place to live.
@Panjuchas1 3 күн бұрын
@@mrozio3321 You say that you are highly educated but you have a problem with reading. I said most of people.
@mrozio3321 3 күн бұрын
@@Panjuchas1 Most of Polish people that were living around me had higher education. I know what you wrote.
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