ENTJ Introversion (INTP)

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@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
My novelette is available. Picking it up and leaving a positive review would be a tremendous help to me. Thank you. Novelette: www.amazon.com/dp/B09XL1VWJW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2O9IAGTS3FCV2&keywords=skimmerlit+book&qid=1649553882&sprefix=skimmerlit+book%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-1
@ninawillow2429 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed it. It's very hard to type me because I've been "masking". I originally thought I was an INTJ because of my introversion. As I continue to study type, I actually keep coming back to the ENTJ.
@remi_newhouse Жыл бұрын
Lol I thought I was an entp for the longest time but I was also just "masking". I imagine its not as bad being typed as an intj being an entj. But believing I was an entp as an entj was very very destructive on my psyche and I'm reworking myself constantly because of this.
@tiffybl00bs99 Жыл бұрын
​@@remi_newhouse So weird, affer I tested as INTP for 2 months, I retested and got ENTP for the next 3. Now I've tested ENTJ for the 3rd time and each time i began to accept that this is what i am and that other part of me was my mask toward others lol
@calvin7385 Жыл бұрын
As an introverted ENTJ you won't show your teeth unless absolutely necessary. You will sometimes act aloof and manipulable to see how certain people will treat you or whether they will try to manipulate you. You will let people think they have the upper hand if it means being able to continue hiding your teeth. You can see they think they are who you know you are, and you are happy to play the long game to gain personal power (most of the time). You're not happy as long as others have power over you, because it's so hard to be yourself without having the strategic position to allow for it. It's hard because it seems strategically unsound to show your true self until you've emerged on top. In short, when you have allowed yourself to be yourself in the past, those with power over you have hurt and punished you. Now you seek power, not necessarily to dominate others, but to escape the grip others' have on your identity. Your quest for power stems from a quest for identity. How can you hope to find your identity while it is strangled in the hall of mirrors society creates? So you plan: First, transcend society. Second, find true identity. To my fellow introverted ENTJs, I think we may all be doomed :)
@nazvaa Жыл бұрын
Never read a comment able to sum up my inner world this accurately
@StevenLeMieux Жыл бұрын
Holy shit! You have successfully quoted my inner dialogue..
@ДаниелНасков-л2с Жыл бұрын
basically a summary of my life. be blessed.
@thoarnejones6805 11 ай бұрын
This is how I know MBTI is not just faux psychology. The fact you so accurately described in words what I feel and dream of FOR ALL MY LIFE is incredible. I always say it’s a money thing. I can’t really be myself because I’m broke. So in my mind I need to make a certain amount to become the man I’ve always seen myself as. It’s crazy, hopefully it’ll work out, all I can do is keep working.
@TheDarksai 5 ай бұрын
Join me, we will create a new society based on my totality theorem
@Whyareyoustalkingme123 2 жыл бұрын
My experience. - I mostly keep to myself . Because a lot of people don’t like me , and a lot of people I see as bad influences to where I want to go and who I want to be . - Yes Te is a place of susceptibility, I want to please but it’s just impossible . So when that happens I look to Fi and realize doing less is the answer ( and will calm me down). I generally regret the things I say or do more than the things I don’t do or say. - it’s lonely and I feel attacked and misunderstood a lot Please ask me any questions bc I love answering them too
@annaf9821 Жыл бұрын
I would learn from you! I am an entj female who have lost myself and desperately trying to listen to my Fi. Just realised that I have tried to people please and earning money all my life to “play the game”, now I just want a goal that feels relevant for me, but can’t find it.
@realSimoneCherie Жыл бұрын
All spot on. I’m very assertive and Im a verbal processor, but that’s the extent of my extroversion. I am often assumed to be introverted by others because I’m not jovial or warm. I’ve never felt conventionally feminine and I don’t really enjoy being a woman. I’m sexually submissive but emotionally dominant and otherwise aloof in relationships. We are big time compartmentalizers but it’s because my true nature isn’t appropriate tbh What I find people don’t often appreciate about ENTJ is our humor. We’re a pretty dry, acerbic, politically incorrect bunch and my actual personality - “real me” is not considered socially acceptable in corporate spaces . It’s a shame because people act like they hate small talk and want to connect “for real” with people, but if I let my guard down and make a poverty joke or racial joke they get all bent out of shape
@Skimmerlit Жыл бұрын
Do you not enjoy being a woman or do you not enjoy being an unconventional woman in your circumstances? Being an unconventional man feels sickening and puts you in strange, bad spots, but I value the experience. I’m interested to hear more about how you don’t fit and where/how you think you would fit.
@NathanLorenzana 10 ай бұрын
As a male ENTJ I have the same experience when making fun of mediocrity or certain religions haha.
@AnnaMidnightStar 8 ай бұрын
Female ENTJ here and your analysis is spot on! Thank you for making these videos. I wish they had been recommended to me on my newsfeed sooner
@haben9464 2 жыл бұрын
wtf ...every ENTJ vid you post is terrifyingly. You know shit about me that I don't know until I hear you fucking say it. You can't know how unsettling that feels. You've got some serious skill man. The part about female ENTJs is bang on. I've never heard anyone speak so clearly on us or our internal conflict as you do. You must have seen some ugly shit you have collected this much intel. Appreciate you passing on the knowledge! Keep 'em coming!!
@TarzanHedgepeth Жыл бұрын
This video has pegged me for ENTJ… that’s what ended up happening. I already suspected from Jung’s description of Extraverted Thinking type that this was the case… but I never seem to “test” that way. My wife had me pegged for INTJ without any knowledge of the stuff. WITH extensive knowledge of the stuff, I still struggled to understand why I would “test” as INFJ so long ago… immediately ARGUE that I felt more like an “ENTP”… ignored it for a while… Came back around. Simply never relate to INFJ types fully. But related to the “Ni + Ti” idea… cause I feel those kinda wheels going. But I am very obviously TE in my interactions, it’s so unquestionable; HONESTLY, it’s like missing the most obvious thing in the world because it is simply so automatic. So then, INTJ, right? But then I’m like… “k, I get Fi… I do. But I get Fe if Fe has anything to do with empathy, because I got that. That’s a fact. So… I need to separate out the cognitive functions from empathy then… because that doesn’t work…and also, the Fi thing… according to Jung, if I’m Ni dominant - then the next function is introverted.. if INTJ, that means Fi is the next one… Hmmm… But I’m certainly obviously Te. And I don’t subscribe to the idea of alternating attitudes because it’s just plain illogical.. and Jung states as much.. so.. Then, if I’m Te, then Se follows… But then, I’m so PAINED by unnecessary chaos. I mean… PAINED. It’s disorderly trash. I can think during a Metal show, but I CANNOT think when people are babbling nonsense at the same small table… forget about two conversations at once, my mind splits - UNLESS THEY’RE BOTH INTERESTING… which they’re not. Therefore… hmm. So, if I’m Te… and Se follows, but acts as an inferior, why am I obviously using Ni? My insights are a dime a dozen. The wisdom that just HAPPENS to me is, anecdotally, evidential. Granted, I’m Se seeking details, knowledge, etc… Granted, I’m really good with machines, physics, building, vehicles, etc… but also nerd stuff. And also heart stuff. And also really anything except for, clearly, understanding myself OR IDIOTS. So maybe I’m an idiot then if it’s idiots that are hard for me to understand? Hmmm… Yup. My type is DUMB. At least, everyone else would love to hear that… because, for some reason, everyone loves for me to fail. They love to make me fail. They love to put me down for failing while they’re piling up yet another stupid social obligation on me (and they wonder why I’m good at all these things and they’re not??? Their hobby is partying, it’s not the lottery to succeed unless your hobby is CHRISTMAS!!)” And that’s just family. Don’t even get me started with all of my ghosted friends who used up all my time and money with me trying to constantly keep them on their feet. But I’m an a*hole because I have a temper towards gaslighting and stupidity; and I get really, really pissed off if they are not USING THEIR SKILLS instead of working at a GROCERY STORE. What the Hell? You’re an Encyclopedia Baseballtannica. Go DO THAT. Or… you want to be a gypsy family? Okay. Then why did you buy a BRAND NEW HYUNDAI. You don’t BUY Hyundai brand new, you don’t get a $700 a month bill for a HYUNDAI. It’s pronounced HONDA, or, for that money, MERCEDEZ, or LAND ROVER. You crazy crack heads. And then you want to leave my business, rob me, touch my wife, start your own business, ask to borrow my supplies, FAIL at your business, then keep being my buddy and never address your shit? Really? And I give forgiveness left and right, but I’M THE CRAZY ONE. I teach my kids, make them work, make them learn, discipline, train all their senses, LET them have autonomy on the side… but YOU, the one who raised coddled princesses and murderous psychopaths, YOU WANT TO TELL ME I’m doing wrong by my children? I don’t do well enough for them? You GOT to BE out SIDE your DELUSIONAL li-ull MOINDS. Yeah… I’m going crazy now. Yup. Yes I AM. Absolutely friggin NUTTER. And to be told I’m a failure everyday? Wonderful. Just great. So encouraging. I literally learn more in a day than you do in like YOUR ENTIRE LIFE… but cool. I’m going to be wildly successful IF I Do not die of CRAZY first. Mark my words. And I’m still trying to figure out just how much forgiveness I’m going to give… I’ll probably be stupid and weak and give it all. But I’m so incredibly tempted to completely crush all those people with dismissiveness when I do. I won’t. But I want to.
@UnbiasedTruth.. 10 ай бұрын
No one's reading this rubbish
@bongo8740 9 ай бұрын
I feel you bro
@gogogolyra1340 2 жыл бұрын
Vulnerability is key to personal relationships, which is something I AM NOT WELL VERSED WITH. My relationships are so surface level almost cerebral
@delliv5451 2 жыл бұрын
As another commentator mentioned below, - you nailed it. A lot of the thought processes of myself (an introverted ENTJ) from your video I can relate to .For example, the resentment bubling just under the surface can sometimes come to the fore and boil over. This usually can happen in situations where we know what we want or what needs to be done but either we ourselves are not skilled enough to carry the task through to completion or we get annoyed at another person , whom we have a interest in to achieve our goals but they fail in the task. We also reay resent the conformity in society of most of the sfj / sfp types and the shallowness and underhandedness of dominant and secondary Fe users. We sometimes are brutally honest / blunt in our assessments of people or events and we resent not being able to describe the reality of situations to these types of people because they would dislike us with our brutal assessments. For example our assessments about competition and the success of one person / group ( the winner) and the failure of the other person / group (loser), financial matters, the fight for survival and resources and to not sugar coating these discussions with other people in society. We come off as being too direct and blunt to a lot of people who are more emotionally sensitive. We also really do not like betrayal, cowardice,lack of a backbone and lack of determination to achieve an individual or a common goal as the saying goes. We also dislike a lack of basic reasoning skills or knowledge. We also do not like in others that they are not able to see a bigger and a more long term benefits picture to our common goals with others in society whom we have a shared endeavor with.. We dislike shallowness of thought in some other people.
@neuwebstudio Жыл бұрын
Hi! I like your videos about ENTJ and you do have a deep understanding on what's going on inside our heads. Sometimes though what I noticed with INTPs is thay they tend to be a bit dramatic and black and white when describing people. I think it's due to the 4th EF function and I do see lots of that drama in your descriptions of ENTJ.
@josuem.t.5728 2 жыл бұрын
This is so cool. Love to have a drink with you and talk about ENTJs and my experiences (I'm an ENTJ).
@josuem.t.5728 2 жыл бұрын
Love your channel by the way
@Bubblereeds Жыл бұрын
Me too mate (I’m Entj too) If some of us can meet and unite we could you know, solve problems together with everyone’s experiences combined and help each other in the world, we’d achieve our goals quicker and together and still be able to understand eachother deeper and notice signs and stuff and be there for eachother. But world is so spread and our type - particularly female - and finding real ones who genuinely are Entj are rare. But it will happen someday definitely!!
@eminemstrash2021 Жыл бұрын
I agree with a part of this. I'm a fairly social ENTJ and I think integration is easier once you accept that other people aren't really capable of understanding our point of view. An INTP? Sure. You guys can relate to us because we have alot in common socially. Other personalities don't. Its been easier for me to simply study thr other personalities, which opens up certain streams of communication that wouldn't otherwise be there. At the end of the day, every personality has different difficulties in communication and being understood. It's important to accept them, in the same way we aren't accepted. Te is more capable of objectively understanding others, whereas their functions aren't necessarily able to understand Te.
@Anna-tp9tk 4 ай бұрын
Female entj speaking, why haven't i found you earlier?😂 Thanks for the enlightment!🤘🏻
@cultivarcultivar 2 жыл бұрын
I like this one. Compact - ENTJ style. I’m really interested to understand what Te approval-seeking is like. I definitely feel it exists. Sometimes when I talk to a Te user I get the sense that they are waiting for me to validate them at certain intervals, and I sense a feeling of expectation in the glint of their eyes, but I definitely dropped the ball a lot of the times.
@GetYossedLol 2 жыл бұрын
I recently had a debate with an ENTJ friend. It was a civil debate till another person stepped in to back up my points. They were being civil too and the both of us logically dismantled all of his arguments and got him to contradict himself multiple times as well which we pointed out. He was simply unwilling to accept that he was wrong and became mad and started throwing personal insults to have a sense of superiority because that is the approval they seek. They expect people to listen to them, agree to them and follow them. If you don't, or worse, if you prove to people around them that their logic isn't worth being followed, they will become toxic and do anything to maintain their self image of being right and superior. He had an INFP backing him up too, but he was more open minded and listened when he was logically beaten, which is respectable. The ENTJs response on the other hand was desperate and embarrassing
@cultivarcultivar Жыл бұрын
@@henrique.campos Very insightful! Thank you for sharing.
@wwizer 2 жыл бұрын
You studied the dormant beast inside me that’s chained up. Wow -male entj
@theloniusmonk1263 2 жыл бұрын
Another abstract INTP syllogistic, theoretical departure from existential reality. 😄
@cynthiasmith2459 Жыл бұрын
Just discovered your videos, and I must say you seem to be describing this ENTJ that I just started dating very well. Thank you!
@AdoptionLawSourceTrinity Жыл бұрын
There is good news for introverted female ENTJs. Once you get past child-bearing age, you choose to embrace your more extroverted self and stop giving a sh*t about societal pressures to be nice.
@zoningout03 Жыл бұрын
Ok. I'm shocked. And how dare you understand me so thoroughly??? I'm an ENTJ woman and I'm maturing myself to the healthy one so your theory about female entj is laughingly accurate.
@adlee5943 2 жыл бұрын
Im a 19 year old entj. And im at that point in life when I need this. Srsly thank you.
@adlee5943 2 жыл бұрын
And yes im insane.
@annaf9821 Жыл бұрын
Good that you start reflecting and do some inner work now in early age. I would like to have known this in your age …
@HeyYoSurveyTime 10 ай бұрын
I'm only 7 minutes in but it sincerely seems like you're speaking directly to me. I reached the end of the video. For the first 7 minutes in particular, you peered into my soul. Well done, man.
@hersheyxy6443 2 жыл бұрын
wow i feel so seen. great insight about people not taking me seriously when Im angry. I don't get it. Female ENTJ late 20s
@tiffybl00bs99 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this video brought back some hurtful memories 😅 i know you're just observing us but a lot of this is very true, especially for me an a female ENTJ
@Hello0o0o064 6 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh this is sooo true! I’m a female ENTJ, but I match the description of the male ENTj. However, probably because of my NFP sisters I think I’ve been battered time and time again for being ‘mean’ when I feel like I’m just telling the truth and not trying to hurt anyone at all, so I’ve become more quiet. Also I’m studying, so I don’t really spend as much time with many friends at once as I used to. All in all, probably the most accurate description of ENTJs I’ve ever seen- and trust me- I’ve seen many many many… !!! 👏👏👏 Thank you!!
@RedComet666 4 ай бұрын
I have seen many MBTI videos about ENTJ people but yours are like you almost know who I am without knowing who I am. You are very good at what you are doing and I am saying this almost like a fact more than a comment
@Hello0o0o064 6 ай бұрын
As an ENTJ- this is so true!
@tagedieb4274 2 жыл бұрын
For me the introversion as I experience it myself really fooled me tbh. When I was more insecure about what I am doing, feeling like I didnt achieve enough already to seem competent, I was really feeling more „introverted“. But thats kinda normal for every type i guess. How vocal you are when u actually know shit is way more telling about the actual type of oneself. Thought long time I was INTJ, which seems to be a classic for ENTJs. My friends basically said bullshit since ever, but I had to understand something to get there: I thought about an analogy I used to hear a lot, that ur social battery charges when alpne or when socializing - I was always telling myself like nah I need my time alone to get shit done and whatever, yet waste more time than with actual friends. I feel my „battery“ going down waaaay more when Im alone and feel an instant recharge especially when around more feely type people. Being too Te the entire day is way to exhausting man, but its really best utilized when around ppl you can actually share your thoughts with. Te types really need to slow down and think about how you sometimes actually just habg with people for the sake of it and not to get smth done or talk goals. This healthy aspect actually lets u get more done. (Especially ESTJs need to think about that 😂) Also I feel like the outside Identity of an ENTJ (at least for me) or how one comes across to other people is really a mystery to the internal entj world. I feel we are so Ni when we actually think about something on our own that we really lose awareness of the Se/Te side sometimes that we present people everyday.
@sevbu 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes, introversion for me is retreating to 5 from 8 according to enneagram. It is kinda depression mode tho. I don't like cluster of people around me all the time. People drain energy and for the most part it doesn't worth it. Also, I don't like chit chat. I can't do it. For me talking is mostly consists of either warning or giving some kind of information about something. If neither is the issue and noone asks about my opinion, I won't blab. I don't like it. My inner circle is important. I know as a fact that I have to be there when they need me to. I don't show consistent care for the others. Funny thing is almost everyone hates me at my work place yet I'm to be fired. Not because I don't give them any reason to. Well, I don't, but it is mainly because I do 4 people's job alone. I'm not perfect by all means. But they know that they can't hire a single person to do all the s*** I do.
@nikitran8935 Ай бұрын
1. we are busy af and need alot of time to work on our craft or recovering from our goals. 2. People are not responsible or lack integrity and thus hurt us inadvertently. So much of this before we get annoyed. Being around bad people triggers our vengence side and corner us to stopp low which then we hate ourselves so we rather avoid them altogether. 3. People have low standards and thus leave us for exploitation and or at a disadvantage most of the time. 4. Most people uninteresting or poor ROI. I know this sounds arrogant but instead of hanging with idiots i rather spend 4 hours learning an AI skill. We want to hagn with people and at times miss them but when we are teetering on the edge of laziness anyway, that decision is always easy to make. Stay home, save money. gain soemthing personal. 5. We can be too intense or abrasive and thus we are left walking on eggshells which we hate more than anything.
@FOXARUS 2 жыл бұрын
Holy fuck I have never ever ever been understood this well
@ملخصمانجاانمي 2 жыл бұрын
my intj friend is more extraverted smh more than me the difference i don't mind talking to new people but she doesn't feel comfortable about that
@muhammadedwards8425 2 жыл бұрын
This is true. Sad, but true. In truth, I'd like to be welcomed, but everyone wants what I'm not, even when I'm the solution to every problem
@리오나빠릿해 11 ай бұрын
As entj woman, this is so comforting to listen to..
@gabrielscarlat8592 2 жыл бұрын
So basically I'm something between INTJ and ENTJ...
@erevos5517 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting analysis, through i consider the main reason of introversion to be the desire to succeed and the constant fear that social interactions may waste your time
@NathanLorenzana 10 ай бұрын
Plus most interactions do feel boring or not stimulating enough for the mind or senses.
@Pazzystar Жыл бұрын
Once, I was in introversion mode for an entire year.
@Barabbas-q7l Ай бұрын
16:00 so true, especially as a 6’6 entj 😂
@luissannareyes8511 11 ай бұрын
I’m an ENTJ female and I think you are very right
@shaneaverystarr Жыл бұрын
💯 accurate. Thank you.
@evilarixhtt0516 10 ай бұрын
(female entj) introversion: when with friends i should give them attention, which mean compromising time to something we both enjoy, and i love it and its awsome. but if we end up doing something that only one of us enjoy, its better not to. If there is a variable to enjoyable time i might not take my bet on it, at risk of wasting my valuable time. This can get a bit difficult so taking chances with friends and new things can always end up being a nice thing. 1 people can be a waste of time. surface friends, not so fun. deep friends can be awsome and good for the social meter, so that loneliness dont come creeping in 2 people are not interested in my plans, and i would not be able to explain it well enough 3 one can say one thing but mean another thing but yeah i think its mostly that we can fall into a trap where people just become distractions and obsticles bc we don't let them in, and we villianize them for ourselves. "well yes ur friends wont care abt ur plans if they never get to hear them"
@Amanda_D 2 жыл бұрын
Wow... I feel both seen and like I've been punched in the gut a couple times...
@sash8099 2 жыл бұрын
I wish the videos were longer
@harh2063 2 жыл бұрын
Longer than this?
@sash8099 2 жыл бұрын
@@harh2063 yes
@WorldSocionics Жыл бұрын
A lot of INTJs are actually mistyped ENTJs.
@cosmok783 5 ай бұрын
I'm an intj but was mistaken for a entj
@haoding2706 9 ай бұрын
hey man that's some fascinating insight
@Jabukama 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos man, whats your enneagram? youre very insightful.
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
5w6. What about yours, and how does it affect you?
@Jabukama 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Skimmerlit INTP 9w8, more caring towards other people's feelings, want to make others feel comfortable, tend to be a lot laid back - until I experience repeated bad behaviour and then I explode. Although, thats usually really short. Theres been times where I explode emotionally on someone who has been bothering me, and typically 1 minute into the argument, logic catches up, and I realise that was argument is a waste of time. Usually then I lose all interest. Then A. I try to wrap it up (which usually annoys the hell out of the other guy who senses I've lost interest), or B. try to take a pragmatic approach and try to edge them to change their behaviour. The latter surprisingly can be quite effective. The other option I used to do was try to act "angry" and carry on the facade, but I'm a bad actor. My bad acting will usually confuse the hell of the other guy, BUT will tend to diffuse the argument, as the guy tries to read my facial expressions to gather what the hell is going on. When I was younger I used to think arguing and shouting at people was useless, because people can be so stuck in their ways that "what's the point?". You know? You might argue about a specific subject, but they won't change their viewpoint. I pride myself in the fact that my views can change when given new better information, but sometimes feel in the minority there. However, I've realised that arguing can be beneficial. Some people need to be shouted at in order for them to change their behaviour. Coddling and saying "please" and "thankyou" just don't work on some people. My ennegram is usually associated with ISTP's, but I'm still working on my sensing skills. God help me, talking to sensors can be so dull, "I did this last weekend", "WOW, I did that last week", "I watched this TV Show" "WOW I liked that one". Anyway, there's my life story man, a little too long I apologise. However, I want to say I love your videos. Your focus on human psychology and using your own personal examples of people you have met has been great fun to watch. That kind of personable format, underpinned by myers briggs concepts, is something thats not on KZbin right now.
@Jabukama 2 жыл бұрын
@_Hedura_ If you know more about the intp 9w8 do tell, not much info online. Anyintrovert has a good article that explains things well.
@MMMMMM-iz2if 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skimmerlit My results said I was 5 with 9, but I read online that’s not possible?, yet I am I answered the questions honestly and the results are even very close between the two with 9 being a close second
@Medicalno9001Ln Ай бұрын
‏‪18:08‬‏ ‏‪uh oh
@BigPapa64469 2 жыл бұрын
do more on infjs, you explain it perfectly 👍👍👍👍
@TarzanHedgepeth Жыл бұрын
Oh, so much indeed.
@EugenioFilippi 2 жыл бұрын
Had a great laugh, very accurate, thank you
@Starlightndust 2 жыл бұрын
Try experiencing being a female ENTJ and being an ethnic minority.
@ObaiduzzmanMourtaza-si4gk 7 ай бұрын
@RedComet666 4 ай бұрын
this was kinda too much you should call yourself an "ENTJ expert" lmao you deserve it
@Adam-bz3ts 2 жыл бұрын
As an ENTP, is it easier to mimic ENTJ behavior or INTP behavior?
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
If you have to back it up? INTP. If you don’t? ENTJ.
@Adam-bz3ts 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skimmerlit This makes complete sense! Backing up ENTJ behavior is absolutely difficult!
@Anonymous_Anon882 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully only the good bits. When they’re vexed and abusively-disparaging the people they hate (or claim to) you almost want to put a pillow over their mouths just to stop all of that poison coming out.
@JoseHernandez-zo3ec 2 жыл бұрын
Spanish subtitles, please
@denzilsegunto9918 2 жыл бұрын
Why did you removed the latest video?
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not happy with it. You can access it via the playlist, but I don’t want it “out there” out there.
@Mike_B. 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skimmerlit I just watched it. Damn, that was a good video...
@TarzanHedgepeth Жыл бұрын
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버블티로 부자 구별하는법4
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Meeting INFPs (INTP)
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ENTP And ENTJ - INTP And INTJ - Personality Types
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Developing Fe (INTP)
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Socionics - LIE (ENTJ)
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Psychopath and High-Level INFJs (INTP)
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Observations on ENTPs (INTP)
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INTP & ENTJ Relationship
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ENTJs Are Not "Machiavellian" (INTP)
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Inside the mind of the ENTJ
Love Who
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ENTJ And Introversion - Damon Grey
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小丑揭穿坏人的阴谋 #小丑 #天使 #shorts
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