Developing Fe (INTP)

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@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
My novelette is available. Picking it up and leaving a positive review would be a tremendous help to me. Thank you. Novelette:
@shannonthejeepgirl 3 жыл бұрын
I’m probably going to listen to this at least 2 more times. Some of the things you said I related to so much that my brain went off by itself completely to process it and the rest of me heard what you said but I wasn’t really listening. Ive worked from home for over 3 years and I have to force myself out to feel like a human but people are so emotional these days. I believe we are all someone else’s science project.
@heioca9556 3 жыл бұрын
Naw gir, you crazy 🤫
@oceanah7317 3 жыл бұрын
It's funny as an infj seeing lower function Fe in types. I really want to help, but I struggle to know how. It seems like a personal journey that people have to go through, especially that inferior function. I wish intps would take a chance and open up/reach out to others a little more and know that there are people out there that have good, healthy Fe which I feel they can learn from. For myself, developing my Se has been a journey and continues to be a work in progress but I feel more confident in it as time goes on. Years ago I befriended an esfp who through interacting with them showed me the value and beauty of Se in a healthy way. I learned so much from him. I hope intps can find someone as well along their own self-development journey. Leaving that comfort zone is never comfortable but like you said, it does payoff :)
@avon3957 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to make these. Ive always kind of felt like a physcopath bc of my mentalities. ive had to learn how to be apart of society when its just natural for others. Its nice to know we arent alone i dont have thoughts of violence of others not that kind of physcopath but the ideas that come to mind very few people in history have probably conceived 😭asw as how i feel emotions and portray them. Knowing and understanding how to better myself makes me feel a lot better and your helping so again thank you.
@eventhorizon88 2 жыл бұрын
There was a time in my life where I gave everything trying to develop Fe, 3 years ago. My demon Fi still haunts me from that experience.. I'm in college and trying to integrate again
@jusba94 3 жыл бұрын
You are pleasant to listen to. I've been on my Fe development journey for roughly 4 years. It requires courage to drop the volume of Ti to low when that is the right call, but really that is what we have to do. Recognize that Ti has ego that can hold you back.
@Skimmerlit 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I’m glad I’m not alone in this. When keeping my cool or using Fe assertively becomes difficult, I think about others I’ve met on here working on the same.
@amalgamated333 Жыл бұрын
I relate to both your puzzle analogy and your plant analogy. I’ve said many times to others that life is like a puzzle to me and I’m trying to find the pieces that fit together, helping myself and others in my life in the best way on the journey. This will always usually produce more questions than results. Also, in terms of where you started with your view of others. I think it is not as detached as you might think to look at someone as an organism. That was your realization that this a living being through Fe. As your Fe develops you have begun to see that perspective you have go from a Petrie dish to more of a garden. Less sterile and studying from a safe distance to getting your hands dirty and getting down into the earth to understand fully, other people with a soul, a purpose, and a life. The goal being to cultivate, plant seeds in others, have them thrive and grow. Life comes from that, giving time to something beyond yourself, just like it says in the Bible. There’s a reason and a purpose for everyone. Thanks for the video! -ENTP
@heitorkovalescki6613 3 жыл бұрын
I have a deep fascination with the way you try to make sense of life and everything around you, the philosophical system that you are creating for yourself is unique. In my experience, almost nobody has this strong need to understand reality and to create a reason to live. And knowing that even in this horrible world that we are in, that you even describe as hell, the purpose that you created for yourself is self-improvement, makes me admire you even more, I really hope your words inspire others to do the same. keep up the good work my boy
@Skimmerlit 3 жыл бұрын
My boah
@creeperkingdom3190 3 жыл бұрын
As a 16 year old intp I think I actually have a pretty well developed fe because my dad forced me to join this hyper social paramilitary organization that he was in an enjoyed as a kid. which constantly forced me into highly stressful social situations on a weekly basis. and don't even get me started on those two week hell camps.
@creeperkingdom3190 3 жыл бұрын
though even though I think I pretty good at socializing excpecially in small groups I still think I would find it really difficult to actively make social plans and go to gathers if I didn't have parents and schools forcing me to
@nutellafrogs4269 3 жыл бұрын
Ahahah same! I never thought I was good at socializing but hearing this made me feel a bit better about my skills.
@creeperkingdom3190 3 жыл бұрын
@Solo Seraph Leah trust me I didn't either I was made to do it and I hated most of it
@elgoldenresena_arts1478 2 жыл бұрын
As an 17 yesr Old INTP 5w4 FF (C/P/S/B) i really LOVE the idea of a paramilitar Brotherhood with trad and Nationalist values. And yes It is much far to me
@creeperkingdom3190 2 жыл бұрын
@@elgoldenresena_arts1478 what Does FF and (C/P/S/B) stand for
@chelle249 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Fe is terrible to develop sometimes. I was the kid that was "removed from the system" from preschool until the last year of highschool. It didn't really help that I'm on the autistic spectrum. People still freak me out, but my Ti helps me out immensely when I connect it with Jungian typology. Now my fledgling Fe has a chance.
@AFoxForThought 3 жыл бұрын
Western schools are made for xSxJs, unconsciously or not. INTPs are rare folks and also stick out easily. So yeah of course they would put us in the "autism spectra" but I think that is irresponsible and ignorant. If I can prove that its just a personality trait, then its not a mental health disorder. Granted, only you know yourself best.
@chelle249 3 жыл бұрын
@@AFoxForThought I do genuinely have Asperger's, but I understand how damaging it could be to an INTP who doesn't. Having all neurotic traits from stress and anxiety, and a lack of properly developed social skills be boiled down to "oh, you're on the spectrum, there's not much you can do about that" could probably destroy children and young adults.
@jaycred8726 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps this stems from my upbringing, but as an INTP I'm somewhat able to rationalize people in an attempt to understand their behavior. It would seem to me that all humans have at least one thing in common, which is that they invest themselves in something, have something they care about. It's not always something apparent, not always something they like to admit, but everyone has something that they value, something that truly brings them contentment when they're in a healthy state of mind. And I believe that this something (or at least one of these somethings if the person has multiple) is always at the very least not malevolent to others. Motivation might be a more concise explanation now that I think of it; everyone is motivated by something. Without an inkling of motivation, nobody would bother doing anything beyond acting on instinct. I guess what I'm getting at is that everyone behaves the way they do usually because, consciously or subconsciously, they care about something related to that behavior, and their behavior is often a means to an end related to that something they care about, however small that end goal is. Motivators are what I turn to and start thinking about about when I don't understand someone's actions. This perspective for me paints other people as more than, as a certain video game character puts it, "just shapes", and it's how I cope with our irrationality as a species. It doesn't help with understanding how to act in social situations or explain away humanity's atrocities, but it's a framework that makes people a little more analyzable instead of incomprehensible.
@prdiludi4432 3 жыл бұрын
Would trade my Fe for any other inferior function in heartbeat. Its torturing me my whole life. Well.. mostly people that i cared about but yeah it would translate on to me felling like a shit at some point.
@flow6094 2 жыл бұрын
@cultivarcultivar 3 жыл бұрын
I used to also experience the type of people you mentioned as demon-like or alien-like. Studying the inner psychology of people who have personality disorders was a very useful puzzle piece for me, and after slotting it into place, a lot of things start to line up. Now I see them as human (I still don’t like them).
@staticfpv881 3 жыл бұрын
I feel for the INTPs that have to go through this . I still see other humans like another species time to time . I’m an intp -a. I cannot completely connect w/ this . But I feel it’s a possibility to fall into this .
@wera5957 2 жыл бұрын
-a doesn't exist on typology
@fluxtheory3136 Жыл бұрын
Hi Skimmer, the part about the demons oddly resonated with me. Throughout my late teens/early twentys I have consistently and instinctively refused to work at any job that requires me to interact with the general public - i.e. bartender, sales work, cashiers, shelf-stocking etc. Part of it I have chalked to Inferior Fe, the fear people might feel like stopping and chatting and I would be obliged to chat back and pretend to be interested in what they are saying, but partly because I wanted to reduce the possibility of encountering these demons to zero. What are these organisms? I have read briefly about narcissists and sociopaths but I have never managed to meet these creatures in the flesh, thanks due to my self-imposed security measures. I dont want to dox you, but can you share what sort of environment/milieu you hang around that you believe you NEED to develop your Fe? im very curious why you believe it is an existential need.
@AFoxForThought 3 жыл бұрын
INTP's vice is apathy, so I use that when people or animals (like dogs, because I work at a pet salon) are showing frustration towards me and then I turn that ability on unless I felt endangered around them.
@pacha777 3 жыл бұрын
Nice I will try this. Apathy is indeed something easy to feel as an INTP. I prefer this emotion over the other negatives ones…
@self_education6077 3 жыл бұрын
This is pretty accurate. In things such as developing Fe, it is hard not to fake relationships and emotions, because at some point you will forget what is was your own lie all along. Even if interactions are good, you know what any human contact is worthless, because the only way to make it work is to lie to someone and to yourself. The fun thing is, if you are doing it for very long time, you yourself can became this so called "demon". You became irrationally frightening to others, just to make yourself save. You can ruin relationships before they break, just because you don't want to be hurt. And it's terrible, because you always find a rational reason behind your doing. Jeez, I hope it make sense and some fellow INTP can relate to that. Anyway, English is not my first language.
@freshmintbubblegum3831 Жыл бұрын
Somehow your point about "not faking" emotions resonates with me quite well. I believe this is the first thing INTP's do - fake it until you make it)) At some point you end up questioning if you're actually feeling the thing or certain response, or acting just because you have read or have seen this will be an appropriate response so not to offend anyone or meet everyone's social expectation.
@samuelunias673 Жыл бұрын
I'm just an ISTJ but I think I can tell something about Fe looking at it as an extraverted judging function. The mindset of fitting in is good, but it brings the attention to yourself. The ideal would be to put your attention exclusively on other people. Just like when you are using Ne and don't want your surroundings to make you biased, You wouldn't want your idea of who you are or where you might fit in to interfere with your judgement. Wandering what people need and what might me pleasurable (instead of what the expect from you) may be a better solution. This is the sort of mentality my ESFJ friend has, and it may be helpfull for IxTP's.
@kostaslappas1669 2 жыл бұрын
Your evaluation is kind of true. Developing your Fe feels pretty counter-intuitive and it alienates you from your typical process of thinking. It also creates a lot of sand traps where you really need to think outside of the box in order to not lose yourself in a perpetual situation. It gets easier but it also gets more difficult. After a while you're realizing that it changes your whole world point. Even worse, you learn to accept the things that don't make any sense. In fact, your long practice of Fe development teaches you how to implement those same tactics to yourself. But that's ok. Your friction with other people really leads you to a whole new perspective, one less biased. You kind of understand that everyone is broken and you as well. It becomes pretty liberating although self-core damaging, that the same things that made you different back then , now become the things that connect you. The more you connect, the more you crave it because these organisms become a focal point of your study and research. And you gain feedback from the people you otherwise would not even comprehend. It becomes second nature. And the other people/organisms that connect with you learn something also. They kind of understand that you cant take their emotional bullshit but you can reason with them in a more rational way. They also get a new perspective and they respect you for that. And their new perspective lead to even more ideas. After some time, this process becomes so effective that it self regulates. You learn from the first sentence they speak, what kind of people they are going to be to you. Plus, it feeds your Ne which also change. All these connections now have potential, good or bad. It gets you to understand the world in a whole other way which is interesting on its own.
@obviousobviously2666 Жыл бұрын
As long as you realise the importance of Fe and comrodary with other people then the "demons" of the world will not recognize you as an "antogen" to be removed. Fe takes a lot of cognizant effort to use and this is coming from an INFJ. The act of using Fe in a social situation is incredibly exhausting but worth every second.
@lpcas 2 жыл бұрын
Im an enfj and im here to hear the tips and do the exact opposite lmao
@tala8035 Жыл бұрын
this is so funny for some reason lol may I ask why you want to do that?
@gooddaygene8355 Жыл бұрын
@@tala8035 Because whatever a Ti lead such as INTP would do to work their inferior Fe, it could stand to reason that Fe lead such as ENFJ could do the opposite to work on their inferior Ti.
@elgoldenresena_arts1478 Жыл бұрын
Interesting and based hopefull view of life. More or less.
@zlatanibrahimovicisbettert7980 3 жыл бұрын
@elgoldenresena_arts1478 Жыл бұрын
17:04 I am really sure that he IS not Play Doom por aux. Unless Play Fe-Ne/Se. Because sees all things logical, It renember me from past. But i am actually to logical but not at 90%.
@elgoldenresena_arts1478 2 ай бұрын
@@ShadowZx22 objetive personality system not just normal mbti.
@elgoldenresena_arts1478 2 жыл бұрын
Chainsaw good man. Good not God.
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