Professor Yu reminded me of something I read a while ago in a history book. During the Middle Ages, in a time where one's religious affiliation is the most important part of one's identity, the Jews of Europe suffered terribly under the persecutions of the various lords and kings of the land. Yet, at the courts of those very same oppressors of Jews, you'd almost always find Jews who held important positions. Some were even ennobled, despite their religion. That is, despite the wretchedness of the lot of the average Jew, there seemed to be no obstacle to the prominence achieved by a few favored Jews. However - and this is perhaps a particularly pertinent lesson for Professor Yu to consider - even for those court Jews, they often found that the favor of their lord or king was fickle. Having no other patron and having no community to fall back on, they had no shortage of enemies, and they were easy scapegoats for anything that went wrong. Many, if not most, eventually had their favors and fortunes stripped from them. Because in the end, to the oppressors, the difference between a "good" Jew and a "bad" Jew was rather fluid. And for some oppressors, there were no good Jews.
川普说了吃屎有益健康了吗?你能不能拿实际的论据出来说?我也可以说哈里斯说吃屎有益健康,左媒也会找一套理论来解释支持你信不。这个论点不仅幼稚而且还非常情绪化。在我看来,所有因为这次大选结果有不好的情绪的人,都或多或少表现出自恋的情结和缺乏对普通民众的根本尊重,这是压倒性美国选民选出来的结果,无论这个选择是对还是错,大家都来一起承担结果,输了的那方就老老实实思考一下自己有什么问题会导致大选结果这么一边倒。我觉得这是basic human decency。而不是输了还在那里众人皆醉我独醒地觉得其他人是傻逼。