Episodju 025 ma' Matthew Caruana Galizia | Jon Mallia Podcast

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Jon Mallia Podcast

Jon Mallia Podcast

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@mellyissa79 3 жыл бұрын
It's amazing how calm Matthew is. The way he lost his mother is atrocious, let alone being meters away. We're lucky it's fuelling his fight for a better Malta and a better Europe!
@jordanbonello 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite episodes so far. Extremely interesting that Matthew is proposing that we use "data" to improve our policies & procedures - a 2021 solution to fix problems that have been around since the 70s / 80s. Prosit tassew Jon & co. Keep it up!
@Spriggan83 3 жыл бұрын
*spoiler alert*
@kyleboqli6581 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Matthew ta kollox, U well done Jon
@aelag1 3 жыл бұрын
This is a MUST SEE episode prior to the election. The clarity of mind which Matthew displays, and the simplicity by which such complex issues are explained to the public, are eye openers indeed!
@natmal201261 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent podcast. Very clear answers from someone who suffered and is still suffering from corrupt people who keep escaping the hand of justice under a corrupt regime. Truth will prevail. Well done Matthew and all the family for keeping up the fight for truth and justice.
@iamnonametral Жыл бұрын
Honestament, ma kontx nisma lil Matthew jitkellem ghax ghandu accent vera jdejjaqni u qatt ma fhimt ezatt ghal xiex beda jiggieled, imma vera kien episode interessanti u wholeheartedly I agree with everything Matthew said and I feel his pain too. There are many other people who want justice not just for murder but for other very valid points which are tainted with corruption and need to be addressed. We are all fighting in our small ways. Jon well done, asking excellent questions as usual and letting people speak as well. Incredible production.
@patrickking7504 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, very impressed with his fortitude and understanding and also his acceptable tolerance of opposing opinions. Pity rest of his nation does not understand this. He is an absolute credit to his mother
@SuperJozan 2 жыл бұрын
Very good interaction. I loved to listen for this long time! Thank you both
@neilfarrugiaa 3 жыл бұрын
Episodju interessanti bhas soltu. Proset, pero ghalija l-buzz ta’ dan il-poddata huwa li titkellmu bil-malti. Xorta proset bhal dejjem
@LukeBajada 3 жыл бұрын
The feeling I get is that is was purposefully done in English so that international audience could understand.
@jedioverlord 3 жыл бұрын
Aw just to make it clear -- yes Malta is currently paying favourable prices for LNG compared to EU due to the Socar agreement, as mentioned at 58'' but this will never come close to covering the money lost in previous period, especially because revision of the price is due in April. No matter how you skin it, we have *vastly* overpaid for energy over the last decade.
@izzytrue8630 2 жыл бұрын
OMG, I'm listening to this about Malta - and it's what is happening in the UK now!
@ozzyozwana 3 жыл бұрын
Grazzi Matthew mhux grazzi ministru ❤️😓 skuzana ta' l-injoranza. Pero, every cloud has a silver lining. Malta trid tkun biex tohloq nies b'par bajd bhal dawn, dak il-George Cross mhux qieghed hemm ghal xejn.
@TheEscic 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite episode.
@laurencedamato4401 3 жыл бұрын
Really interesting. Thankyou jon
@alexattardg4s975 3 жыл бұрын
Best podcast. Qatt ma smajt lil Matthew jitkellem. Hadt pjacir hafna nisimghu. Ċar u straight to the point. Prosit Jon, il-mistoqsijiet kienu qosra u diretti u l'bqija f'idejn il-mistieden. PS: Il-hsieb tieghi matul il-podcast EZATT bhal tal-Bone kien; l-ewwel darba li l-mistieden tkellem aktar minnek!
@ivaissaxitrid 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew you are 99% right on everything biss ma qbiltx meta insinwejt li ommok kitbet fuq il-marda ta' Keith Schembri biex qisha ggiblu simpatija. Kitbitha ghaliex, apparti li kienet gurnalista brillanti, kellha mumenti fejn kienet purament gossiper. U ma tiggosippjax fuq mard ta haddiehor. U kieku stess, jekk ried xi forma ta simpatija setgha jaghmilha minn jheddu. Mill-bqija s-soltu eccellenza ta podcast. Proset John u team kollhu.
@jeangove01 3 жыл бұрын
Ma qalx hekk ta. Qal li ĦASEB li ħabba li kitbet fuq il-marda ta' Schembri kienet se ġġibblu simpatija. Ma semmiex intenzjoni.
Episodju interessanti ħafna :)
@alanebejer8481 3 жыл бұрын
57mins or so it was discussed that gas prices have increased significantly over the past few weeks. That does not exclude the fact that we have been overpaying hand over fist over the past few years. We may be making savings at the moment but long term, we are definitely being robbed.
@gingerbreadmalta 3 жыл бұрын
Ħasra li Matthew ma jitkellimx bil-lingwa Maltija - naħseb jilħaq iktar imħuħ kieku!
@jeangove01 3 жыл бұрын
Il-maġġoranza tal-Maltin, u anzi terġa' l-maġġoranza fosthom li jimpurtahom onestament minn das-suġġett oltre l-partiġġjaniżmu, jifhmu bl-Ingliż. Inutli dal-punt ġaladarba ma tistax tibdlu.
@williamborg5347 3 жыл бұрын
Well done
@pippaportelli88 3 жыл бұрын
Jon when will this be available on Spotify? Thanks and well done!
@josephfenech8638 3 жыл бұрын
Se jkun fuq Spotify?
@mariagalea3512 Жыл бұрын
nammirak ghal li taghmel habba ommok. ma kienx jixirqilha dak li grala zgur imma jekk joghgbok man tkellem bil malti...imbilli l ingliz sar lingwa ufficjali ta malta ma jfissirx li hija haga tajba li saret!
@spdfrdm 3 жыл бұрын
Ha nitkellem u ha naghmel l-affarijiet cari. U verita 100%. Punt 1) Jiena LABURIST, u MALTI. Li wara 27 sena fl-Opposizzjoni, jghajjar lill-Partit Nazzjonalista li kien fil-Gvern b'korruzzjoni u jibda mill-bidu nett hu stess, sfaccatament b'korruzzjoni fuq skala esponenzjalment akbar.... #NOTINMYLABOURITENAME #MHUXACCETTABBLI. Punt 2) Nemmen Biex il-PL ikun fil-Gvern, u jaghmel il-gid, minghajr pjaciri u favuri, u perkacci u tangenti mil-BIG BUSINESS mhux xi rocket science u l-ebda cittadin ma kellu qatt ihallas qatt b'hajtu. Fl-Ahhar mill-ahhar Joseph Muscat stess qalilna illi l-Korruzzjoni Taxxa. Dawk kollha involuti ghandhom jigu barred milli jergaw qatt jippartecipaw fil-Politika ghal ghomorhom u jpattu qares ta'ghemilhom (HABS EFFETTIV.) u mnezza minn kull titolu u kull gieh ir-repubblikajiet! Per Carita! Punt 3) Ma naccetta qatt li l-ebda partit, l-ebda Gvern ma jwassal ghal ebda qtil ta' ulied in-nazzjon, huma min huma, hi x'inhi l-opinjoni taghhom, u hi x'inhi l-fehma taghhom semplicement ghax qed jesprimu l-opinjoni taghhom.. dan attakk lampanti fuq i-freedom of speech. Punt 4) Nissimpatizza ma Matthew u l-familja tieghu 100%, jien nifhimhom, ghax ukoll tlift lil ommi b'mod prematur, pero' please ahna l-Maltin u l-Laburisti, l-assassini ta' ommkom la lilna il-LAburist u tant anqas bhala Maltin ma jirraprezentawna xejn affattu.. ieqfu ghajjruna, ieqfu thammgu isem pajjizna barra minn xtutna. Din problema li bdiet ghax hemm nies eccessivament greedy go pajjizna u jaslu u din tal-Mafia State ghandha tispicca inkella ser titilfu l-appogg u l-kredibilita tan-nies hardworking u tal-affari taghhom Maltin! il-Mixja ghall-Gustizzja u l-Verita ghadna tkun bhala Poplu/Nazzjon wiehed maqghud. Ghandi holma jien, li bis-sahha ta' din it-tragedja forsi ninfdew minn din il-klassi tal-marmalja li trid issir miljunarja malajr u a skapitu ta' neis innocenti u li jkollna s-Saltna ta' Dritt, Gustizzja u l-Verita u s-Sliem bhala l-Pilastri komuni li jghaqqduna u jmexxuna!
@DamienFalzon 3 жыл бұрын
Stajtu ma nehhejtuh xejn issa hekk jew bhekk hafna rawh issa
@robdawg1973 3 жыл бұрын
Kuragg Matthew!
@charlespace7847 Жыл бұрын
Dan jaf jitkel we m bil malti Jew xi dizunor ghalija hlief ksuhat ma johrog min halqu ahjar tejdilna fejn hbejt IL laptop ha nkunu naffu bil giddeb tahha u kif int hallejt IL karrozza Barra forsi kellek xi inttezjoni ahna smajna li ommok kienet tgarra IL platti lil missierek IL hdura li kienet titkellem insejtu phal ma ommok xorbot ix xampanja meta MIT Mintoff hadd iehor xorob ix xampanja meta spiccat ommok but like mother like son IL familja kolla imhawda ghal lalla tahha
@TheChampionofthepeople 3 жыл бұрын
Ma niflahx narah. Xi hmieg. Ara kem ilom jisirquna politikanti.. mhux ta bxejn iz zghir dejjem jibqa zghir.. imanipulawh pajiz
@markfenech3904 3 жыл бұрын
2:13:19 Favorite movie: The Big Short it's all happening all over again with a lot of naked shorted stocks! 😉 $GME $AMC
@fravas61 3 жыл бұрын
The vast majority of Maltese will not get it.
@thepanamahat 3 жыл бұрын
Those with a handful of braincells will. There aren't many though.
@Cellsolid Жыл бұрын
kalb qas jonboh. why no bark. why.
@ixXupla 3 жыл бұрын
Uncovering the truth while forgetting our own language 👍🏻 Better change it to Jon's Podcast . I'm not against of what your guest is saying... everyone has his ideas & freedom of speech but please... tkellmu bil Malti 🇲🇹 mhux biex nikkuntentaw persuna nghabbandunaw il lingwa ta pajjizna stess 📉 !!
@AngelaVellaZarb 3 жыл бұрын
English is also an official language in Malta. And Jon seems to have an excellent command of both languages, which is a great tool to broaden the scope of who he can comfortably interview.
@Wolfenion 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking in english does have the added benefit of more than just the Maltese nationals understanding. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@thepanamahat 3 жыл бұрын
International/Broader audience.
@lucamontebello9776 3 жыл бұрын
It's not anyone's problem that one doesn't realise / admit / know that both Maltese and English are the country's official languages. Ignorance is no excuse either.
@natmal201261 3 жыл бұрын
Ahjar titghallem tikteb bil-malti int qabel tikritika lil haddiehor fuq il- lingwa.
@Cellsolid Жыл бұрын
fenu leptopp. bast piminister viva josep musca,
@DEEBEE011 9 ай бұрын
Għaliex kull fan ta’ Joseph Muscat ma jafx jikteb tgħid hux? x'fenomenu :)
@Tania-ho2se 7 ай бұрын
@@DEEBEE011 You sound even more brainwashed than him because only a BRAINWASHED PN supporter would write your comment while his comment could be written by us floating voters - most certainly not me though in this case. And by the way a 'fan' in Maltese in this case is 'partitarju' (!) I thought you said you know how to write ...
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