Eric Metaxas Interviews Stephen Meyer on Science and Faith

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Discovery Science

Discovery Science

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@littlemommydude 5 жыл бұрын
Science and Faith are happily married, each upholding and celebrating the other. Like a good marriage, God is glorified in them.
@peterjongsma2754 5 жыл бұрын
Christianity makes me love Science. Rational Wonderment. Forget the mediocrity principles of the atheists. Boring and unconvincing.
@hermanbradley4007 5 жыл бұрын
Scripture has told us that knowledge would increase during the last days....fools will no longer have an excuse. We were also told God can be proved by looking at the creation...
@williamwhalen7764 5 жыл бұрын
Dr. Meyer used Darwin's own methodology to refute his theory...Genius!
@5tonyvvvv 5 жыл бұрын
The Multiverse doesn't get the atheist out of the first cause problem
@deniseireland6154 2 жыл бұрын
Fabulously mind blowing; amazing Truth for the evidence of our Mighty God! God bless Stephen! God bless Eric! I will share this wonderful information!
@normbabbitt4325 5 жыл бұрын
This is a terrific, intelligent and surprising thoughtful dialogue! I really learned from this!
@cyrilthomas551 4 жыл бұрын
This is where the interviewer, the interviewee, the audience and us watching KZbin never want this to end. Probably the best episode of SitC
@michaelogrady232 5 жыл бұрын
There is a conflict between faith and science. Not for those who have faith in an Uncreated Creator, but for those who have faith in philosophical materialism.
@kenfarlow1844 5 жыл бұрын
The committed materialistic atheist is like a dog chasing it's tail so hard it is danger of disappearing up its own backside. a.k.a. Pretzel at 55:30.
@yodapadawan1825 5 жыл бұрын
Must use Science and Faith in Order to answer the how and why. Brilliant.
@craigyates5899 5 жыл бұрын
I recommend "Cold Case Christianity by J Warner Wallace. He is a cold case detective and uses his detective skills to evaluate Dr Meyers 4 evidences plus evidence for 4 others philosophical subjects (Morality, Consciousness, Free Will etc) which adds weight to the inference of an intelligent agent
@diycraftq8658 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love you guys this work should be front page globally im shocked its not this really proved secular political racism
@dougoverhoff7568 4 жыл бұрын
It always seems funny to me, that once the hypothesis of a theoretical genius becomes widely accepted, and is part of the norm, it then becomes declared by its detractors as having been just common sense logic, all along.
@seamus9305 5 жыл бұрын
Mathematically, if monkeys were all the atoms of the universe typing on a keyboard for all of known time (13.7 billion years) at a rate of 1 quadrillion a second, there would not be enough time to come up with the first sentence of Shakespeare's work. Can show you the math.
@jonniesueallen2219 5 жыл бұрын
Exciting news we won't hear on world's media...thank you so much : )
@angelescresthwy 5 жыл бұрын
I love these guys!
@Possibleep 3 жыл бұрын
Meyer gets it backwards again and again, I had a good laugh. Big Bang theory explains the expansion of the universe, not the beginning of the universe. The "beginning" is now, and the theory explains the last 13 billion years, the "end" is 13 billion years ago. What happened before the Big Bang? Unknown. The "beginning of time"? No, the beginning of the model.
@joshualiorbarchaim1271 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant man… just finished the book. thank you Dr. Meyer
@seamus9305 5 жыл бұрын
I've heard it explained that the cosmological constant is so fine tuned that if there was a sliding switch the width of our universe, and you slid the switch like a dimmer switch one foot one way or the other the universe would not exist as we know it. It would expand away or collapse.
@jakehccc1 2 жыл бұрын
I never watch Metaxas because it is so clear that he is a comedian wannbe and that makes interviews laughable. He is too over the top in his comedy which makes the subject matter shallow. I decided to watch for the moment to write so that he will hopefully change his attitude.
@ForeverBleedinGreen 3 жыл бұрын
There's only one thing that bothers me about these 2 guys, especially Steven Meyer, and that's how they refer to evos as practicing "materialism" when most are in fact practicing "naturalism." Neo-Darwinianism today is a faith-based, fully-fledged RELIGION, based solely on NATURALISM. Although similar, naturalism excludes any and all experimentation, hypothesis, and/or reasoning if it so much as hints at a supernatural causation - no matter how stupid their experimentation, hypothesis and/or reasoning might look or sound. Consider the statement below made by Michael Ruse, the leading evolutionary philosopher in the United States today ... Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion-a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint-and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it-the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.“ ...Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.” National Post, pp. B1,B3,B7 May 13, 2000." Now, here's the leading evolutionary philosopher in America, freely and without question, admitting that EVOLUTION IS INDEED A RELIGION, yet it's not only taught from preschool to grad school, it's also profusely funded by our government, when BOTH of these actions are BOTH llegal and unconstitutional! THIS NEEDS TO STOP!! OUR KIDS SHOULD BE TAUGHT BOTH CREATION AND EVOLUTION, OR NEITHER. In my not-so-humble of an opinion I feel that we should teach them neither of these world views since BOTH ARE RELIGIOUS IN NATURE. The kids should only be taught EMPIRICAL SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that is known to be 100% TRUE and ABSOLUTELY NO hypothetical conjecture on EITHER side of the debate. Then, and only then, will America even have a chance to be "great" again. As it stands now, our deMOCKracy is warping into an even sicker form of NAZISM. Don't believe me? Then stop what you're doing right now and tell your kids and/or grandkids how you condone the same sick ideologies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao used last century to murder 100s of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Because ALL 3 WERE DEVOUT EVOLUTIONISTS and used Darwin's evil and racist fairy tale as an excuse to murder their own people ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE. Go ahead, tell them how their great-grandfathers fought and died fighting Hitler, and explain why you want tthem to stand beside you while you piss on the graves of our fallen heroes.
@dr4391 2 жыл бұрын
@ Arguing With Impunity. (3:27) How Do You Get an lce Age? Dr. Larry Vardiman Is Genesis History? (19:56) How Did Noah's Flood Cause the lce Age? Dr. Larry Vardiman Matty John 14:6 357 (20:27) What Really Caused the lce Age and Climate Change? - Dr Larry Vardiman (Milankovich Theory) Matty John 14:6 (2:29) Were WWIl planes really found under the ice in Greenland? Dr. Larry Vardiman Is Genesis History?12K
@jacekstacher6347 3 жыл бұрын
26:44 i am not from England and i understand what he said so is with this guy he is speaking with ?
@androo6473 5 жыл бұрын
*Incoming pissed off Atheists with no open mind* 😂
@dannymathis7275 5 жыл бұрын
This is very informative & enjoyable! Thank you for this upload!
@crazywazydoublehazy 4 жыл бұрын
There is no conflict between science and faith; they are two sides of the same coin. However, there is conflict between truth and falsehood; they are different coins.
@nautilusmd 5 жыл бұрын
Humans have features that are not needed from Darwinian natural selection point of view. Like compassion, unconditional love ...things that make us different from animals and make to search for the one who put this world into fine tuned and perfectly balanced order. The one who designed us in His own fashion!
@nmaync 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful presentation. Yes, this is exciting and one can only wish scientists throw their dusty cloaks off and get with it.
@johncollins8304 5 жыл бұрын
If you believe in multiverses you believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden. Obviously.
@jacob.tudragens 3 ай бұрын
If there is a multi-verse, there would have to be one universe in it that does not have multi-verses, and this one IS that one!
@gigiontube 5 жыл бұрын
Does anyone knows if Dr. Meyer has any discussion on global warming subject ? I would like to know what is his opinion on us being able to save the planet by being charged more taxes and not using plastic straws.
@queziavazquez228 5 жыл бұрын
The bit where he talks about the Jim Carrey movie surprised me as well! Great interview!
@jacob.tudragens 3 ай бұрын
Brain and Mind are connected but separate. Subconscious is a part of Mind and part of Brain, but mostly Mind. Consciousness, self-awareness, awareness of others is mostly Mind, while instincts like self-preservation are mostly Brain. Conscience, on the other hand, was not something Adam and Eve were created with. Conscience means 'with knowledge' and was the consequence of eating the forbidden fruit.🎓 Mind = Soul😇
@awhite55grands 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes in Stephen’s lectures, he gets so over my head, I get the ‘deer in the headlights’. So, buffered and coaxed out with Eric’s help, I didn’t get lost! 😅 Thank both of you. I see you as humble servants of God! He’s worked through you both for such a time as this!
@rochellecaffee1417 Жыл бұрын
If we knew all the answers to our questions, we would not need God. We would be PROUD. If we were proud we would not be accepted in God’s presence. Pride is sin. He therefore, does not allow us to know everything, and says we must live by faith. Faith is a protection by God’s mercy to keep us also from creating another situation that might destroy us. The Tower of Babel demonstrates what happens when we do not fear God, and do everything our flesh wants to do, influenced by an Enemy who would direct us toward annihilation. We, who have His Spirit are aware of the Lord’s wisdom that is able to keep us alive, if we respect Him before our own reasoning. His Spirit in us desires to do things His way, to support life and all the things God puts us in charge of at the beginning of the human existence. But many people have not understood God and His goodness toward us. Obeying Him and cooperating with the principles and commands He gives, is what we are not appreciating or doing. There are few people who are willing to give God first place in their lives. When He is given first place, we are “worshipping” and God honors those who are obedient. True worship = obedience. Obedience is always “blessed” by God. One of the biggest problems in America, for example, is that most Christians THINK that God is 1st place in their lives, BUT there are so many distractions away from God that people are entrenched in worldly wisdom and worldly entertainment, to escape their “fear of death”. Fear of not being able to protect their bodies, keeps them running to other people, places, and things, so that they don’t live in the Truth. The only way to live according to the requirements of life is to live by the Truth. God has given us this TRUTH. The Enemy does not want us to live, and continually distracts us from Truth, and Jesus Christ who is Truth. Mathematics is the language of truth, God’s language. All physical laws that are measured by mathematics present the truth. Truth is stability. Jesus as the sustainer of the heavens and the earth is the stabilizer of everything. Jesus said, “i am the Way, that leads to TRUTH, that leads to Life”. When Jesus. Said to build your house upon the Rock, He was explaining how Truth is the Stability of life. He. Was very. Specific. WhenHe said,, you cannot worship. Mammon. At the same time as God.. this was also. Interesting that. He explained the. Proven psychology, you. Cannot even. Think of more. Than one. Thing at. A. Time.. to put mammon. And God. In. Your focus,, is not. Possible. These people are so Proud. And arrogant.. Psychology. Has laws as well. God. Has. Given me. A beautiful gift. Of. Opening my. Mind. To. So many Spiritual understandings that. Are amazing to ME.. i am glad to. Be able to share what i. Have learned. Even in the. Last all need to. Know these things,, because. Our time is not. Getting to. Be more. And. Unfortunately, many teachers have not. Dedicated their lives to follow. God..or. know. Him so. That they will be able to grow. In their maturity.. when we get to. Heaven, we should be ready. For responsibilities. That our godly. Training makes us ready to do. one. Of those things is to “”judge angels”, as Paul has is also good to. Know that Romans 12:2. Is. To prepare us to take our minds with us. When we leave this. World.. our minds should be ready to live in a. Perfect heavenly realm,, under the Truth. Of God. Heaven. Should be. A place. Where truth is always accepted,, loved and. Respected.. people there. Always agree, because. God. Will prepare. This place. For perfection..those who will be there are His Children.
@martinlee465 2 жыл бұрын
"You believe because you have seen. Happy are those who believe without having seen" Even without the wonderful insights, research and bravery of people like Stephen Meyer, James Tour, John Lennox and many more, I know I am and always have been more than just the sum of my parts. I am unique in a world of billions of unique people, not a product of a manufacturing conveyor belt of evolution. Uniqueness of individuality is impossible if evolution is the reason I exist. All science will inevitably lead to the real Holy Grail of the origins of life, the house of our Lord God, Creator of all things, seen and unseen. I am not an intellectual of any worth but at least have the wisdom to skip the queue and take the path provided by Our Lord Jesus. "Suffer not the little children to come unto me---, for unless you believe as a child------".
@andrewwatson9805 5 жыл бұрын
Intelligent design is not scientific! Uh, why? It can't be observed and recreated under controlled conditions, that's why! Uh, okay...and the multiverse theory is scientific? Yes, of course it is! Stephen Hawkins, one of the greatest scientific minds came up with it! Ah, and he actually observed it and recreated it under controlled conditions, right? ...
@tooskepticool7675 5 жыл бұрын
60% of the time it works every time. Also I just got Darwin's doubt and signature in the cell in the mail and I got to finish that before this new book comes out and I'm a very slow reader Pre ordered yesterday
@redeemedchannel5580 5 жыл бұрын
Life is so obviously designed. You have to be willfully blind not to see it.
@mikekalish6796 Жыл бұрын
I had to turn it off. Metaxas was competing with Dr. Meyer for audience attention. Someone needs to tell him to shut up and let his interviewee talk. I watched Ben Shapiro interview Dr Meyer and Ben did a great job of asking short questions and then getting out of the way.
@thedynamicsolo4232 2 жыл бұрын
What hubris modern man possesses. We still don't know even 50% of what our universe is and yet we hear "There is no God other than Science" and an almighty God is screaming at them under the scanning electron microscope.
@tehdreamer 5 жыл бұрын
Incredible talk as always! This needs to be heard by a wider public... Sadly the majority is not on the hunt for truth, but on the hunt to justify their owner destructive desires.
@robertdennis3892 5 жыл бұрын
GAATTC CTTAAG A simple restriction site, maybe a chance. A hemoglobin code? Not a chance!
@krishnabhakti8977 2 жыл бұрын
Hare Krishna. Sayimg that East is Pantheism. That is narrow minded, bias. God is One both for east and west. Theists are not east or west. Except for this the rest of discussion is good.
@chadkincham 3 жыл бұрын
So now they’re claiming that autocatalytic sets prove abiogenesis. Anything to ignore creation by God.
@drrepair 5 жыл бұрын
Black holes are still a theoretical proposal. The evidence for such a massive gravitational structure simply is not there yet if it ever will be. It rather seems to be a massive hole in the explanation of how gravity really affects observed galactic phenomena. And there are lots of them. Very different and extraordinary. I think Hawkins was only sincere as in his God-denial, as a scientist, he had to bend some equations to favor his presupposed conclusions. I would do that too if I wanted to disgrace God from creation.
@ikaeksen 3 жыл бұрын
1:09,,look at the hankersheef in his pocket as it looks to read ZOO lol On purpose for fun, or by chance?
@bumpsterw7625 Жыл бұрын
I used to be an atheist. The only way I could continue would be blind faith in materialism
@evanment88 5 ай бұрын
0:35 "clap please" a wild Jeb Bush appears
@Jose-gd8ji 3 жыл бұрын
This channel is underrated....
@bretlynn 5 жыл бұрын
you still have to presuppose the God of the Bible in order to do science
@angievol1833 4 жыл бұрын
Did Professor Dawkin's 'space alliens' travel thro the universe on his 'flying spaghetti monster'? Or has he lost his mind, oh that's right, he doesn't have one....
@chadtraywick2286 3 жыл бұрын
When one has been proven wrong, and refuses to admit it, one sometimes gets angry and defensive and out of frustration resorts to name calling as Dr. Hawking did.
@david-joeklotz9558 3 жыл бұрын
Einstein answered the question posed in the Principia by Newton. Always enjoy both Eric Metaxas and Stephen Meyer interviews and talks
@kvjqxzz5905 5 жыл бұрын
if monkeys typed out a line of Shakespeare it would be monkeyese not Shakespeare - and knowing that if asked them to do it again tney could not I would not care one jot
@jvt_redbaronspeaks4831 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent talk.
@acyutanandadas3966 5 жыл бұрын
He says only theology as presented in the Judeo-Christian view fits the evidence of theism, but I'd add the Vedic canon to that.
@thebluedoorstep647 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this amazing interview. It is so encouraging to see how God guided Dr. Meyer all those years ago and now he is ready to write this book when the new atheists are so vocal.
@donnaeturner 5 жыл бұрын
Materialists monkeying with the number of imaginary universes are apparently unaware of Occam's Razor. And, I want to add, my library system has not one book written by John Polkinghorne.
@The-Carpenter 3 жыл бұрын
Not a moment of boredom; and that says a lot about the content of this chat. I loved every moment of it.
@faiththatworkethbylove3505 5 жыл бұрын
Instead of gravity , density? And would the Oceans under current cause the tides to breath instead of the moon?
@krabelpaan 5 жыл бұрын
@rebekah7244 5 жыл бұрын
55:17 Word! 💪😂💖
@Greasy__Bear 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to see meyers become more well known.
@-MinhazulFerdous 4 жыл бұрын
9:26 sudden Flamingo in my head :/
@michaelogrady232 5 жыл бұрын
Methodological naturalism was surreptitiously superceded by philosophical naturalism. Time to take back the sciences.
@iain5615 5 жыл бұрын
Anything but design is possible, so if the impossible is the only option to deny design then it must be true. The height of logical empirically proven thought.
@chrisneeds6125 5 жыл бұрын
if that's the best you can do it's not even worth rebuffing
@pb5768 5 жыл бұрын
Would be amazing if you debated Bill Nye on stage !
@arkangelnorthman 5 жыл бұрын
@jacekstacher6347 3 жыл бұрын
i would love to have him as my proffesor !
@FudududuMr 5 жыл бұрын
Darwinism - it is an inappropriate term for modern evolutionary theory. Creationists use the term Darwinism, often pejoratively, to imply that the theory has been held as true only by Darwin and a core group of his followers, whom they cast as dogmatic and inflexible in their belief. In modern biology almost no one relies solely on Darwin's original ideas... Yet the choice of terminology isn't random They want you to stop thinking of evolution as an actual science supported by verifiable facts and logical arguments and to start thinking of it as a dogmatic, atheistic ideology akin to Marxism sad...
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