Eritrea's forgotten prisons exposed

  Рет қаралды 38,861

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

11 жыл бұрын

On 24 May 1993, Eritrea was formally recognised as an independent nation after a UN-supervised referendum that confirmed the country's separation from Ethiopia, against whom it had fought a 30-year war. Twenty years on from the euphoric celebrations and promise of independence, thousands of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners languish in Eritrea's prisons without charge or trial, for expressing their opinion, practising their religion or attempting to flee the repression in their country.
Throughout the 20 years of Eritrea's independence, the government of President Isaias Afewerki has systematically used arbitrary arrest and detention to crush all opposition, to silence all dissent, and to punish anyone who refuses to comply with the repressive system. Thousands of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners have disappeared into secret and incommunicado arbitrary detention -- without charge or trial, and with no contact with the outside world.

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@kahsaymikias 11 жыл бұрын
We have to pray for those who in prison to be alive and to tell us they r story and we have to pray to Jehovah to remove the dictatorship
@ramah123 4 жыл бұрын
Oh your so right ! Its hard for me to have my relative freedom and sustenance each day and not pray for those especialy the 52 of our brothers and sisters that languish in these conditions Yes we know that Jehovah God is caring for them in ways we cant know, But by no means is that any reason to forget them. When we say pray for them let us remember the power of our prayers when we are specific about our requests when I first learned about our three bros ( who as of Sept 2019 were in their 25 year ) I set out to learn to pronounce their names and mention them by name in my prayers,, this was no easy task fir me as I speak English and am 73 years old and my hearing is really poor, but I finally got them memorized to a pretty good degree . But back when you could still get the details on them such as their names age male or female and time of inprisonment I would pour over these details and try to visulized them as I had done with the other three. But now that chart has been taken down ( no doubt in the intrests of their welfare ) but I still try to know more about them for instance the time difference between Calif and Eritrea (11 hrs ) so I can visulize are they rising to face another day or are they about to sleep I think about the season is summer or winter and the temp they are enduring. And I can pray they can endure till the summer night cools them or the sun bring warmth when its winter, and I know out of the 52 that 11 are female and have different emotional needs and their are about 10 who are elderly and surly not all are able to face each day with the same strength and I pray they find the power beyond normal to pass the difficult hours. I know not what their fed and if their sick. Are they in groups able to encourage each other? These are certinly not like the prisons we are familiar with they have no libraries or time to read one can only imagine the conditions. How are they treated as far as beatings ? I once heard the might get some medical and food from family but that seems unlikely . I follow the news there from some web sights. Hopeful some changes will come So thats my meager contribution Just how our prayers make a diiffence is unclear but I know they do. I heard a man telling about his time in solitary confinement and he said time passes fast and that was encouraging to know its like our body's have a survival mode that kicks in during extreme times of duress. We also know that in Russia our brothers and sisters children and the elderly ( 89 years old ) are being hounded down like they were terrorist and they also need our support by our prayers . So please if you can make it part of your daily routine to pray for the
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
May God bless you brother. I have nothing against you and Eritrea. I am against injustice and wrong doing. I feel a lot of pain about my follow country man who has are still have to go through a lot of suffering. You are entitled to say whatever you want but that never changes what is happening in Eritrea. The suffering of Eritrean is immense that it can not be bashed by your claims. Justice and truth will prevail at the end. GBU again bro.
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
Ben Emil nobody is against Eritrea. I am against injustice. And please don't preach me more about what's going on in Eritrea. I don't need to hear about all evil deeds of the current regime from either you or Amnesty International. I was there and I know what I have been through. I feel sorry for my people back home. My message is, please stop injustice. That's all! Eritrean people deserve much more than this! Think about it!
@ramah123 4 жыл бұрын
Even Hitlers concentration camps and other horrors lasted about nine years, we have some young Jehovahs Witnesses that are in the 26th year of such conditions , in some ways this must be a record to survive that long under such conditions, this dictator has a way to avoid being over thrown . His system is to move his military and other personel every 6 months this way whey dont have the time to organize his over through os assassination the irony of all this is when ever people revolt aginst the abusive leaders when the succeed you end up with far worse abuse. But change is coming Daniel 2:44
@yonasgeta8167 6 жыл бұрын
ya true all the prison are full they put prisioners in shipping container dig under ground wholes. but peace is coming so all Eritreans should say free prisoners now is the best time
@cooliomcgee4592 8 жыл бұрын
I wish freedom for the brotherly nations of both Ethiopia and Eritrea. Ethiopia is not as bad but there is still to this day no freedom for the people. You will see similar instances of what happens in Eritrea happening in Ethiopia but on a smaller scale...I wish both countries would stop claiming freedom for its countries when it is the complete opposite...
@Joe-pm8bj Жыл бұрын
Thank you brother for exposing horrible act of brutal regime
@asmaratv8782 8 жыл бұрын
this is real
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
I recommend to anybody in the International(West) to visit ERITREA and see for yourself whether it is as "bad" as steenbrix (someone who has never been there ) tells you OR what the 250,000 People (ERITREANS majority) who visit EVERY YEAR who seem to KEEP GOING BACK EVERY YEAR!. THink LOGICALLY PEOPLE, if 250,000 PEOPLE keep GOING to a CERTAIN PLACE, APPARENTLY it isn't as bad as steenbrix, AI, wedihager and a few other propagandists say. Even the President of Eritrea said "Come SEE for URSELF"
@kidaneisaac5006 11 жыл бұрын
As an Erirean of this time,I feel very sad to see all this crap comments and how many stupid media recruits of the regime we have, actually the whole world is aware of your filthy tactics working hard to divert the truth, and I say this to people like you we are not any more silent, we will speak by all means with every international organization I need no papers in foreign lands I need my papers in my land, my fight is just to see get rid of the crazy Dictaror Isayas! and restore rule of law!
@gregorylangford5256 3 жыл бұрын
This is exact proof that you don't have to be a sinner (in the divine sense of the word) and die to go to hell. The oppressors of this land, law and cruel conditions of humanity are the TRUE sinners. They will die to see a REAL HELL !!!!!! Holy God, please provide your Divine love and protection for your oppressed and helpless children here in Eritrea and the world. Amen.
@tesfomtecle8626 11 жыл бұрын
so true
@IAMmyMOTHERandFATHER 9 жыл бұрын
Jesus, thank you for sending the miracle of Love to the continent of Africa; help it live free and easy.
@rickbvargas 4 жыл бұрын
No such a thing as mitacle. Still a lot of civil wars thorning the continent apart. Religion plays a huge role in it. Many ' good Samaritans ' trying to spread their religious faith in areas where they have a different belief must be held accountable for the massacre of many people. They just go, spread their virus, oh sorry, i mean 'love ' and run away creating more segregation and conflicts. Shame on you.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
People, you can also find Good News about ERitrea. Approximately 250,000 people (majority ERITREANS) go to ERITREA every YEAR since 1991 (INDEPENDENCE). MANY Eritreans have Villa Style Houses in ERITREA and they are visiting their country , investing in it and this is what is GRIPING people like steenbrix who doesn't want an AFRICAN country to succeed at becoming Industrialized, Stable, Crime Free, and Safe for its CItizens! Eritrea is ALL those GOOD things. Many White Westerners go to Eritrea
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
I think the way the human rights organizations work leaves alot of room for selective bias, data manipulation, and no accountability of their organization, funding, and methodologies of determining whether there is a human rights violation or not in Eritrea. In addition, AI, HRW being headquartered and funded by US/UK/France governments and seeing that US/UK/France have hostile foreign policy to Eritrea based on RealPolitik concerns, discredits the HRW, AI, etc in the opinion of Eritreans
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
Mind your manutd business. You know nothing about Eritrea. Nobody is against Eritrea. People are against injustice and atrocities inflicted the cruel regime upon every Eritrean.
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
fithi ena delina beloved Ben Emil. tium shimu. Niaka wn eko fithi yedlyeka eyu. You need justice and freedom as an individual. Thats my demand and demand of Eritrean people. abzi tekawmo is up to you brother...nobody will give you justice and freedom..but you have to demand it....dehar kea tigray gele what I don't feel insulted...bxerfi tikyro neger yelen..bfkri ehin mhin mbal eyu...haqn erqun eyu zedli ab mengo Eritreawyan kone gorebabtna ahwat................peace
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
People can just Search for ERITREA and if they are rationale and logical and fair will judge the "google" searches and what not. But I highly recommend actually visiting ERITREA which is very possible. Any Westerner or NON-Eritrean can visit Eritrea, just request an Entrance Visa through an Eritrean Embassy in your Nation if it is not available find a way to communicate to an Embassy that you are interested in Visiting in Eritrea. Ask what are the Processes for doing so and FOLLOW them.
@MEDEBERable 11 жыл бұрын
They don't care about such issues because they don't benefit them & their sponsors!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
"Growth in the mobile and internet sector is now accelerating as Eritrea’s national telco, the Eritrean Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel) is rolling out a third generation (3G) mobile network, but more investment into telecom infrastructure is needed. Foreign investment and the introduction of more competition would transform this virtually untapped market Thats from your Africa - Tracking Internet Progress" Weak infrastructure is the problem not what you claim, THOU SHALL NOT LIE
@tegadalay1 11 жыл бұрын
Ben emil; your right his an agame ethiopian, there are so many of them sent abroad as eritrean,bcs if you are an eritrean you have a special treatment by the enemies of Eritrea, they will give them a first class ticket to the west, in a vain hope that they will join the weak so called agame filled opposition.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
I think you get my message quite clear so no "incoherency" there. As for bullying, I am not doing that either rather I am rebutting your claims as well Amnesty International. Provide proof for the allegations made in this video. By the way, using AI or HRW or any NGO is not credible because they are not accountable to anyone except maybe their headquarter government ie US, UK, France which all three countries have a vendetta against Eritrea. Go read the History of ERITREA.
@Bozewani 10 жыл бұрын
حرير لديديب في اريترية
@kidaneisaac5006 11 жыл бұрын
be your self one of the Human rights activists and tell the world about the kidnapping of the Syrian Orthodox archbishops!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
Since we're on the topic of Africa Tracking Internet Progress: 3 w dot internetworldstats dot africa h t m # er ER - 6,086,495 population (2012) - Country Area: 121,100 sq km Capital city: Asmara - population 697,013 (2012) 377,363 Internet users on June 30, 2012, 6.2% of the population, per IWS. So Eritrea is a country building its infrastructure yet you are twisting that as if it is willfull on the GOE part.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
Amnesty International should focus on the source of all Military aid given to these evil regimes like Ethiopia, etc ie the source is the US/UK/France. If Amnesty International really wanted to stop human rights violation then all military aid to any country in AI should not get US/UK/France and the EU as well.You can't complain of human rights violation when your TAX DOLLARS are paying these evil regimes. FYI, Eritrea does not receive any Funding from the US/UK/France. It trades not begs!
@habeshapage755 Жыл бұрын
What does it has to do with being funded and torturing your people 🤔
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
Here is the list of your references for your claims about ERitrea or any country in the world: 1. AI, HRW, RSF, NPR, US, UK, France, UN = One source (Same Author different translations) 2. Eritrean Diaspora (1 million) who visit Eritrea every year 250,000 approx every year (hmmm why would they keep going back to Eritrea if it is such a bad place as you say?) oooops sorry for being logical again 3. Eritreans in Eritrea (6 million, they are still there infact they have festivals) 4. SelamKidane
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
For the record your NOT ERitrean so don't try to speak as if you KNOW MORE than ERITREANS do. For the record, ERITREA was MILITARIly and TERRITORIALLY INDEPENDENT in 1991 after the MIGHTY EPLF defeated the DERGUE Army in ERITREA.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
First off, tigrinya tezarebka doesn't mean anything to me. "Our gov't is inflicting atrocities"? really like what exactly? Your NOT the ONLY one who GOES to ERITREA, Your NOT the ONLY ONE who has Family in Eritrea and Who Knows what goes on In ERITREA. I think people like you EXAGGERATE or WILLFULLY leave out the DETAILS of things just to PROVE your POINT. My POINT isn't to Defend INJUSTICE, My Point is YOU have To PROVE your POINT! I haven't made a CLAIM yet FYI. YOU HAVE!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
No , I just its important to bring a comparison to see whether you screaming "FIRE" in a theatre that is Under water means anything other than you trying to scare the movie goers. Try to figure that analogy. You see that is exactly what people like you are doing yelling "HUMAN RIGHTS" in ERitrea while you sit in a HUMAN RIGHTS violation-saturated country like South Africa, Ethiopia, US, France.. yet you don't want to be questioned your like a Priest, You can do as you wish but the sheep NOT!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
You see I mentioned all those references and its funny you try to represent Reference 1 as if it many DIFFERENT sources but all they do is say "According to AI or HRW " and then repeat it again to make it seem likes its many. Its only One Reference ie West Reference ie NOT ERITREA and then you use Reference 4 , Selam Kidane wait she's an Ethiopian (BIAS) but you INTENTIONALLY IGNORE Reference 2 becuase majority call you a LIAR! now steenbrix, you've been proven WRONG and a LIAR! Give it up!
@leoneroklomer 11 жыл бұрын
u all talk about the opposition faq, first we need to be united under acts freedom and speech then we sit down and talk about the oppsition thing, u guys they way u talk make s the freedom of pple stall the time in which case the prsions in eri are filling with youth
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ben. Yep Danny Kidane is also an Eritrean like me and can have his own problem ...agreed. You labeling me Tigrian doesn't bother me at all. You can name me whatever you want. What bothers me is the suffering of ma people back home. I am not against anybody here but only against injustice. Our gov't is inflicting atrocities on our own people which makes me sad. I was the victim and I don't want others to be victims as well. Merahtna ageb ziblom sienom. Amlak nab lbom ymlesom.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
No, I'm not avoiding the "subject" because you are trying to make a SUBJECT of the Eritrean People. You are not permitted nor capable of doing so. You attempt to do so will backfire on you PERSONALLY! Again, what is your intended goal with ERITREA?
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
just like you get basic facts about ERitrea wrong, why should anyone Fact Check. And you dare to talk down to Eritreans who visit Eritrea every year. Give me a break, 250,000 Go in and Out of ERITREA every year. steenbrix, go to Eritrea or even Ask 10 even 20 of those 250,000 Eritreans who visit Eritrea every year. "nothing is being reported within Eritrean borders" really, you want to say that because it fits in with the Narrative you wish for and you'll use the Biased sources ie AI, UK, HRW,
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
you don't have much to say. I hope those that are viewing are learning to atleast do some research before repeating claims. People like steenbrix speak about opinions as if being facts and try to impose those opinions on people who are more knowledgeable than him. But I think steenbrix has the typical "Western arrogant" view of an African having a different perspective on their own African COUNTRY! wow...steenbrix, what is your nationality and race? Atleast be fair when u talk bout Eritreans
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
Why can't Ethiopia? Steenbrix, lets talk about Ethiopia because its relevant to why Eritrea is in a National Security mode. Infact, has not the US been in a National Security mode since its creation? roughly 200 years? Does not the US have a Army Corp of Engineers? "Other countries" in the last 20 years are NOT and will never be TRUE NO true Democracy exist. If you are saying that ERitrea be like those countries, "On Paper" Democracies, then you are being disingenuous.
@yeezybandit4261 2 жыл бұрын
Free da guys
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
steenbrix, apply your logic to the US/UK/France which have violated the human rights of its citizens for 100s of years. And here you are judging Eritrea after only 20 years. Your concern for Eritrean people is Non-existing. And your Information on the wellbeing of Eritreans in Eritrea is LACKING to say the least. Have you ever been to Eritrea? Ever? More recently?
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
wow, really, I call BS. 250,000 PEOPLE visit ERITREA every from all over the WORLD, a majority of them ERITREANs, I bet you wouldn't believe their word on Eritrea because it won't go with your NARRATIVE about ERITREA!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
Also, you talk about the Eritrean govt doesn't invest in its development. Do you ahve concrete proof or are you just pulling nonsense out of your behind? Obviously, you are lying and have never been to Eritrea. So be it. Oh also your saying there is "no enemy abroad", really, what would you call Ethiopia not vacating Eritrean land (Badme)? Ethiopia has 250,000 soldiers waiting to invade Eritrea.
@bechomoreno3583 Жыл бұрын
Propaganda.. Viva Isaias Afwerki Viva
@1kblur779 4 жыл бұрын
Lies and more lies
@disawifromros722 4 жыл бұрын
Lies about what kid? Wtf do you know about Eritrea?
@ehadohab1972 11 жыл бұрын
kkkkkkkkk. Keep on gedli..against your beloved people...tegadalay..for a wrong cause though. I feel sorry for you.
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
There political prisoners in Ethiopia, ESKINDER NEGA, yet does the EU or yourself CONDEMN Ethiopia? No, becuase its your EU/UK/US Puppet (Ally). All this talk of human rights against ERITREA is GEO-POLITICAL!
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
ehad ohab, EYSC simer, kidane isaac, why are you so Against Eritreans in the Diaspora, Eritreans in Eritrea? Why do you guys have so much hatred for Eritreans? And no I'm not talking about your claims about the government. But Its quite obvious your ooozing with Hatred for Eritrean peoeveryple. You are angry that ERitreans dont' go along with your nonsense. For every 1 of you there are 10,000 Eritreans who DISAGREE With YOU. So you are not up against any government but against an entire NATION
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
@benemil4580 11 жыл бұрын
I get no money for typing here. I'm as free to Counter your LIES as you are to say those LIES! I don't care if "new visitors" come to this video because they can read I assume and they are logical enough to see that you are not ERitrean yet you want to argue with Eritreans who are telling you that you are wrong. But you can't handle an African that tells a White Westerner like you that you are making inaccurate claims and basing on groups that also are making false claims and so forth.
@DannyJumbo 11 жыл бұрын
why are they trying to lie and bring down the name of my country, eritrea is a model country for the world rely on your on works and make your own living. people are jelous we dont have to ask america for food and aid all the time LONG LIVE ERITREA
@josefhistory5276 6 жыл бұрын
This is not true in Eritrea we have freedom morethan European
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