What Nobody Told You About China's 6th Generation Fighter - the J-36

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Eurasia Naval Insight

Eurasia Naval Insight

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@billhsu6349 18 күн бұрын
According to US media, the 6th generation fighter is not a big threat, while Chinese garlic possesses great danger to "national security".
@jakevicknair5262 18 күн бұрын
well comparatively speaking they are calling it 6th gen but realistically it will compete with our 20 year old raptors if that. Food can contain contaminates, in this day and age war is cyber and biological.
@KGYe-草氯皮蕉 18 күн бұрын
@@jakevicknair5262a garlic hater speaking 😂😂😂
@BiblicallyAccurateToaster 17 күн бұрын
I honestly think it's just an internal propaganda project rushed to release on Mao's bday. They are certainly working on a real gen6 in the background but knew regarding this one all the world's military aviation analysts were not going to buy it.
@胡八一-n5d 17 күн бұрын
How should the American media respond if sixth-generation airplanes are stuffed with garlic? ?🤣
@KGYe-草氯皮蕉 17 күн бұрын
@ a deadly dead freedom democracy killer? might be
@yanlord 18 күн бұрын
So glad that high tech is in the hands of civilizations!
@boyunwang7761 18 күн бұрын
@tung4449 18 күн бұрын
So glad that high tech is in the hands of REAL civilization.
@jaydee6268 18 күн бұрын
Me too. No one is talking about the 7th gen fighter but whatever.
@Jfff-ugfgh 18 күн бұрын
If you think communist evil country lead by Xi dictatorship a real civilization, then you must be a evil . Go back to China please. You are not welcome here.
@ongwee8472 18 күн бұрын
Communist is civilisation?
@OrionsMako 18 күн бұрын
As an American Patriot, one is a touch jealous and wishes to congratulate the effort. It is a beautiful craft.
@shangmaoquanyu6263 18 күн бұрын
@shencecilia685 18 күн бұрын
no war ,focus ourself,great toghter
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
Fair enough. What will be really interesting, though is whether the program can be run more efficient at lower costs... That will decide any further contest in the Pacific.
@einautofan6685 18 күн бұрын
To me it's more like a Attack Bomber than a Fighter! Because it's too big for a Fighter...🧐🤔
@OrionsMako 18 күн бұрын
@shangmaoquanyu6263 It would be nice to know the translation.
@shuailou9189 16 күн бұрын
The Pentagon thought about the countermeasures for several nights and finally chose to modify Wikipedia.😂
@maozedong7536 18 күн бұрын
A great birthday gift
@Wvk5zc 18 күн бұрын
​@@FreeSpeech-z6jchina prefers trump than Biden, ignorant
@PomegranateChocolate 17 күн бұрын
两份条约, 一目了然。 一、中苏友好同盟协议:(1949) 签字人:毛泽东, 斯大林 1.中华人民共和国无条件承认外蒙古独立,取消国民政府关于外蒙的不平等条约。并愿意根据联合国民族居住权原则,把南京政府用武力霸占的外蒙领土还给外蒙。 2.中华人民共和国承认海参威(包括海参威所辖之郊区)是苏联固有领土;中华人民共和国承认江东六十四屯为苏联领土。中华人民共和国承认图门江出海口是苏联主权;"新疆北郊"是苏联领土; 3.中华人民共和国停止1945年以来南京政府所有索土要求。承认清朝政府1850年以来所有领土条约。 4.乌苏里江江域靠苏方三分之二属于苏联主权,靠中方三分之一属于中国主权。 5.苏联政府欢迎中华人民共和国关于领土的声明。 6.双方同盟一致反对台湾国民党,及美国为首的帝国主义。 7.承认清政府关于大连的协议,承认苏联在大连旅顺的特权。 8.中华人民共和国欢迎苏联在新疆、东北、内蒙驻军,兄弟互助关系。 二、1945年中华民国和苏联加盟条约 签字人:王世杰(外长), 斯大林 1.苏联承认中国对外蒙古的宗主国地位;苏联必须在1950年前撤走在外蒙古境内的所有驻军。苏联同意中国政府对蒙古的驻军,但其驻军不能用来反对苏联。苏联强烈要求25年以内中国政府同意外蒙古举行公民表决,由联合国监督表决的公平性。 2.中华民国政府声明对外蒙古有不可质辩的主权,中国政府1950年10月10日恢复对外蒙古驻军,用于保护领土完整,不用于反对苏联,在同一时间实行蒙古高度自治。中华民国政府同意 100年以内让外蒙古人民举行公民表决,由联合国监督表决的公平性。公民表决的先决条件是1911年被苏联用武力驱逐出去的原外蒙各族居民迁回原地,参与投票。中国政府认为,公民表决是决定自治,不是决定独立。 3.双方同意就蒙古问题继续进行谈判。双方同意就东蒙问题继续进行谈判。 4.苏联同意无条件撤走苏联驻东三省所有武装力量。同意中国政府恢复原苏殖民地大连主权;苏联承认中国对海参威的主权,苏联同意在50内以内撤走苏联驻海参威所有武装力量。 5.中国政府将在1995恢复对海参威的主权,并开放海参威为自由港,对苏联免税。 6.双方同意就海参威问题继续进行谈判。 7.苏联承认江东六十四屯为中国领土。苏联承认图门江出海口是中国主权。 8.中国声明图门江出海口是中国主权,为了中苏友好图门江对苏联开放。 9.中国政府将保留继续废除不平等条约的权力。 10.苏联拒绝中国对科叶群岛的主权要求,但原意同中国政府就所有领土纠纷进行谈判。 11.中苏两国一致同意江面主权中苏各二分之一。 12.本条约需要中国国民代表大会同意,苏联人民代表大会同意,中苏最高领导人签字才能生效。 《人民日报》社论:只有国民党反动派才痛恨蒙古独立 1950.02.24 作者:胡华 大家知道,蒙古曾侵入中华建立过蒙元。明太祖即位后蒙元灭亡,满清兴起后,又被满清占领统治。蒙古人民长期在本族统治阶级和异族统治的奴役压迫下,过着极其贫穷痛苦的生活。 到一九一一年中国辛亥革命,推翻满清后,蒙古是不是解放了呢?没有的,相反的它更成了帝国主义侵略争夺的对像。当辛亥革命十月中国武昌起义时,蒙古的统治阶级――王公、便利用这个机会,以“独立”的名义,投入帝俄的怀抱。 一九一七年俄国十月革命胜利,日本帝国主义却利用了白俄反动将军谢米诺夫,窃据蒙古,和苏联红军作战,到一九一一年才被苏联红军击溃。谢米诺夫失败之后,日本帝国主义又利用了中国北洋军阀安福系将军徐树铮侵入蒙古,在那里建立了亲日的军事独裁。安福系在中国北方失势之后,日寇复扶植谢米诺夫的一个助手――温根男爵,盘踞蒙古。蒙古人民受这样长期的侵略掠夺,什么时候才起来革命获得解放的呢? 为了反对帝国主义的劫掠,为了解放蒙古,蒙古贫苦破产的牧人和广大的下层职员、喇嘛、便在却伊巴桑等蒙古革命者领导下,在一九二○年组织了一个秘密的革命团体,发动游击战争。 侵略者统治着虽然用各种野蛮的屠杀,死刑和迫害来对待蒙古革命者,但蒙古的革命团体和革命游击队却日益壮大,到一九二一年的三月便举行了一个游击队和恰克图附近的盟族的代表大会,选出临时的革命政府,会上并以大多数决议,请求苏联的帮助。 在三月十七日到十八日夜间,蒙古革命游击队便攻占了恰克图,不久,又先后击溃了中国北洋军阀侵略军万余人,日寇扶植的白俄温根男爵反动骑兵一万一千人,在战争过程中,苏联红军曾出兵援助蒙古革命游击队,使革命取得了胜利。 在一九二四年(民国十三年),蒙古已宣告了独立,建立了蒙古人民共和国。当时,中国的国共合作的广东革命政府,对蒙古的独立是承认的,因为孙中山先生在“国民党第一次全国代表大会宣言”中,已承认了“民族自决”的原则。“那末,正式承认蒙古独立问题为何一直拖到一九四五年呢?承认经过如何呢?”由于在一九二七年叛卖革命的中国国民党反动政府,一直坚持大汉族主义,所以不肯承认蒙古独立。而蒙古从革命以来,在苏联的友谊帮助下,内部已建设的很强盛;对牵制打击日寇保卫远东和平,有也很大的贡献,如一九三五年和三六年,蒙古革命军曾两次击退了日寇在蒙古国境内东部的挑衅行为;一九三九年在诺门坎,苏军蒙军并肩作战,给进犯的日寇以严重的打击。在中国八年抗战中,苏联远东军和蒙古革命军对百多万日本精锐关东军的牵制,对中国抗战是极大的帮助。而在一九四五年的八月十日,蒙古人民共和国有对日宣战,配合苏军,联合东北抗日联军,出兵夹击日寇,在世界反法西斯战争中间,建立了卓著功勋。因此,世界各国,尤其是中国,应该正式承认蒙古的独立,这是义不容辞的。 所以,在一九四五年八月十日订“中苏友好同盟条约”的同时,双方又交换了“关于蒙古人民共和国之独立的问题”的文书。在文书中,中国国民党政府声明:“……由于外蒙古人民屡次所表示出的对于独立的热望,中国政府声明:在日本失败以后,若是外蒙古人民的投票公决证实此种热望时,那么,中国政府将承认具有其现时境界的外蒙古之独立。……” “投票公决”的结果如何呢?一九四五年十月二十日举行的蒙古人民投票的结果,有百分之九十七?八的人,投票赞成独立,连国民党政府派去监票的内政部次长雷法章,也对投票手续表示满意(见塔斯社一九四五年十月二十二日库仑电)。 蒙古的独立,就是在民族自决的原则下,一个新国家的诞生,给世界的和平民主阵营增加了一份力量。承认蒙古独立,对每个真正爱国的中国人来说,是天经地义的事,只得欢呼的事。只有国民党反动派才痛恨蒙古独立,他们在当时被迫承认了蒙古独立,事后又大肆造谣,侮蔑人民的蒙古,侮蔑苏联与伟大的世界领袖斯大林,说:“蒙古独立是中国领土的丧失”。反动派这样说原也不足为怪,可怪的是,我们人民中有的人居然也有宗主国的情绪,似乎蒙古也非得划在中国“版图”上不可以似的,这实在是中了大汉族主义的毒。 [注:胡华为我国著名中共党史专家,曾任中国人民大学中共党史教研室主任,中共党史系名誉系主任。]
@henrykum-nr7bw 16 күн бұрын
2024-11-27 National University of Defense Technology announced a new type of stealth coating that can convert radar waves into heat, which means that all anti-stealth radars in service are ineffective! In the field of air defense operations, the battle between spear and shield has never stopped. Especially with the emergence of fifth-generation stealth fighters represented by F-35 and J-20, anti-stealth operations have become the focus of military scientific research, and cracking anti-stealth radars has become a cutting-edge topic. Recently, the People's Liberation Army disclosed a material that can make anti-stealth radars ineffective. Laboratory tests have proved that this material can effectively absorb low-frequency electromagnetic waves from different angles, but the thickness is only equivalent to two sheets of photocopy paper. After converting radar waves into heat, the powerful anti-stealth radar will be completely invalidated. The People's Liberation Army has successively launched a variety of anti-stealth radars. According to relevant introductions from the PLA official media, these radars can detect stealth fighters such as the US F-22 and F-35 from a considerable distance. At present, the United States is also increasing the research and development and deployment of anti-stealth radars, but has encountered a series of technical bottlenecks and has fallen far behind China.
@tanhuevien9295 18 күн бұрын
When China's first 6th war plane appeared, it shocked the US government, only Boeing and lockheed smiled happily because they could make more money😁😁😁
@Steven-mf7no 18 күн бұрын
yes it's the best Christmas Gift 🎁
@carlosandleon 18 күн бұрын
lockheed flew theirs 5 years ago. China is behind
@pixytorres7117 18 күн бұрын
​@@carlosandleonLockheed one has financial problems, if the funding problems continue China might catch up.
@peanut0brain 18 күн бұрын
​@@carlosandleonsure and your alien tech anti gravity spacecraft also flew 10yrs ago lol.
@Eventual-Visitor 18 күн бұрын
@@carlosandleon Is that the "The Crasher" aka "The Grounded", meaning the rarely flyable, hyper expensive F-35. I thought that was a 5th generation money drainer.
@lololman 18 күн бұрын
Calling B21 6 gen is really stretching it too far, its Mach 0.9 speed is too slow.
@xjc2612 18 күн бұрын
subsonic 6th gen
@黑猫不捉鼠 18 күн бұрын
@Phantom-bh5ru 18 күн бұрын
That’s because it’s designed to be subsonic. For max stealth
@latymz 18 күн бұрын
Top speed is classified.
@stridesmurf4540 18 күн бұрын
its the only plane I know of that the enemy has no radar signature to rely on also using more communication tech that is experimental than most jets
@MrStevemur 18 күн бұрын
Very classy of you to give credit to Jason for his ideas.
@dannytadashi4235 18 күн бұрын
Well that’s cool HAHAHAHAHA LOL 😃😃😃👍👍👍💕💕💕🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
@todewilliams 18 күн бұрын
Oh i thought it stand for Junk lol.
@vision9275 18 күн бұрын
@@todewilliams ..... No, that is the well-known classification of the brain structure of a person in intense envy situation.
@antwango 17 күн бұрын
Jason!? Jason!?? Jason!!??
@Metapharsical 17 күн бұрын
I'm guessing the other guy he's giving credit to is Chinese nationalist too? Otherwise, this would be 1st time I ever heard Chinese give credit to others
@mmojave 17 күн бұрын
China's military ambition : Deterrence is key. Lessons from Qing Dynasty will forever etch in the minds of Chinese. Never again will they let history repeat. Never let yourself fallen behind in technology, otherwise you get whacked.
@ybet1000 6 күн бұрын
History of mankind..... guy with the biggest stick usually is inclined to use it
@zgvip 18 күн бұрын
@3q9409 18 күн бұрын
@Jiafeilee 18 күн бұрын
@俞恩理 18 күн бұрын
然而美国六代机已经实现隐身化了,肉眼看不见,谁也看不见。 包括美国人自己。
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
Possible. But if UCAVS do all the fighting, the active sensors and the 'stealth', then the controlling airplane doesn't have to have these features and can be reduced in cost. Defending the vast Pacific theater, however requires large fuel reserves and arguably high speed, hence large airframes...
@lijackson-x6r 18 күн бұрын
@adam68756 17 күн бұрын
American: If I weld two 3rd generation fighter jets together, I will have a 6th generation fighter
@henrykum-nr7bw 16 күн бұрын
2024-11-27 National University of Defense Technology announced a new type of stealth coating that can convert radar waves into heat, which means that all anti-stealth radars in service are ineffective! In the field of air defense operations, the battle between spear and shield has never stopped. Especially with the emergence of fifth-generation stealth fighters represented by F-35 and J-20, anti-stealth operations have become the focus of military scientific research, and cracking anti-stealth radars has become a cutting-edge topic. Recently, the People's Liberation Army disclosed a material that can make anti-stealth radars ineffective. Laboratory tests have proved that this material can effectively absorb low-frequency electromagnetic waves from different angles, but the thickness is only equivalent to two sheets of photocopy paper. After converting radar waves into heat, the powerful anti-stealth radar will be completely invalidated. The People's Liberation Army has successively launched a variety of anti-stealth radars. According to relevant introductions from the PLA official media, these radars can detect stealth fighters such as the US F-22 and F-35 from a considerable distance. At present, the United States is also increasing the research and development and deployment of anti-stealth radars, but has encountered a series of technical bottlenecks and has fallen far behind China.
@kaweesiivan9610 15 күн бұрын
You're a genius 😂
@21sailors78 15 күн бұрын
glad some american still can do math
@rexmwh 14 күн бұрын
So funny😂
@US_made_911_terror_and_Covid19 13 күн бұрын
There are English grammar softwares around. Try it.
@justingerrd818 18 күн бұрын
Good Job! This will make US a more peace-loving country
@drganknstein 17 күн бұрын
How? It's just propaganda. They did this after the US launched its drones all over the country. You didn't catch that?
@anon69_q 17 күн бұрын
Pick up a history textbook. The most peaceful time in over a millennium was when the US was the only superpower. A new Cold War will likely see more war, not less. Hopefully, diplomats and experts can help us avoid such a repeat.
@patrickn2858 17 күн бұрын
@@anon69_qno use talking to them, their paid CCP shills meant to spread their stupid narrative that a nation that has been threatening war with Taiwan for the past decade is somehow the peaceful one
@_Wai_Wai_ 17 күн бұрын
that is true. Only when you are nuclear weapons armed, will the USA think twice about invading your country.
@I_fuck_moms_of_CIA_trolls. 17 күн бұрын
​@@anon69_q Take your own advice, and cry! LOL!
@gtcollection6933 18 күн бұрын
Happy New Year @ Pentagon & Co xo!!
@cosmoray9750 16 күн бұрын
House passes $1.6 billion to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas " But apparently Washington takes a different view when it comes to American propaganda operations in foreign countries. On Monday, the House passed HR 1157, the “Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund,” by a bipartisan 351-36 majority. This legislation authorizes more than $1.6 billion for the State Department and USAID over the next five years to, among other purposes, subsidize media and civil society sources around the world that counter Chinese “malign influence” globally. "
@gtcollection6933 15 күн бұрын
​@@cosmoray9750 I honestly believe everyone whacked out the work of USA from their vocabularies and mindsets. Passé. Insignificant. Sad to see 1.6B flushing down the bowl though, for all there is emphatically to say.
@Appreciation-Community 18 күн бұрын
Man imagine this thing flying perpendicular to you to make it harder to track on radar while still having a side radar pointed towards you while it launches HOBS missiles at you sideways. I wonder if it might maybe have a special launcher system that can actually turn the missile like 5-10 degrees before dropping it so it doesnt need to pull as many Gs to fire on you while it notches.
@CrzyD-cv8xz 18 күн бұрын
I've read something about there being a special air version of a vls system in this plane
@yuanwang5124 18 күн бұрын
Chinese engineers are developing something like a airborne vertical luanch system, totally beyond everyone's understanding
@CrzyD-cv8xz 18 күн бұрын
@@yuanwang5124 airborne version of naval destroyer concept.
@EthanX1ao 18 күн бұрын
@djjokerjaxx 18 күн бұрын
it doenst even have S ducts complete bs
@jamessanders8895 17 күн бұрын
Point of interest: Radar has no bandwidth in the sense that you used, it has frequency spectrum. Bandwidth generally refers to data, like what you would get from the internet or down/uploading. If you are referring to RF bandwidth, you are referring to the upper and lower frequency bounds of either the pulse (which is usually very narrow, often expressed using a differential of the upper and lower) or the overall block the radar operates in.
@RichardsMiscCorner 18 күн бұрын
As others have commented, the surprise for me is that it's not painted yellow but painted in PLAAF grey.
@ruixi-qi3sv 18 күн бұрын
No, j20 was black when it first came out, and j35 was black. The mass production fighter was painted yellow, so it was ready for mass production.
@shanerooney7288 18 күн бұрын
The yellow-green colour is an undercoat (i think zinc chromate-based). Adding the outer paint job could be for durability (heat, UV, weatherproofing) during extended testing.
@坐著火車去台灣 18 күн бұрын
@FreeSpeech-z6j 18 күн бұрын
@@坐著火車去台灣 yes, copy of USA NGAD
@andrewchew29 18 күн бұрын
@Vostadues 18 күн бұрын
Another thing is... In the video, The JX-36 is painted in Aviation Grey, but J-20S are the one who is painted in Prototype Yellow... So this might be a video that J-20S is the one who does the test flight, and the JX-36 is the escorting chaser plane...
@mikexhotmail 18 күн бұрын
Indeed ps. Or a benchmark?
@michaelngan99 18 күн бұрын
And u could a total ret*arded fanboy.
@magehunter3366 18 күн бұрын
Thats a nice obsevation, could it be a new upgrade to the J20 also doing test flight along with the 36
@aphidian 18 күн бұрын
It's primer yellow, not prototype yellow. Being yellow just mean the plane is fresh off the production line yet to be painted with the customer's livery, it doesn't mean it is a prototype. It's easy to spot which is the plane being first flown --- it's the one that doesn't retract its landing gears (customary procedure of first flight).
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
@@aphidian It's still odd to use a pre-production plane, announced two months before for safely escorting a prototype... If the tandem-seater J-20S is designed for Collaborative Combat Aircraft deployment, one can wonder if there is a connection with this test flight - considering that manned flight may be optional. It would make the J-XX the largest UCAV, today but would correspond with it's strike bomber low observability and very large payload...
@AIPretendingToBeHuman 18 күн бұрын
March 23, 1998, J10 First Flight (4th Gen) 26 years ago January 11, 2011 J20 First Flight (5th Gen) 13 years ago December 26, 2024 J36 First Flight (6th Gen) Now It looks like it takes China 13 years to go from generation to generation. The exponential difficulty of jumping from one generation to another is mitigated by more money, more industry, more scientists/engineers, more experience. We can confidently predict that the 7th Gen space fighter will have its first flight on 2037.
@gipsyking2011 18 күн бұрын
once you went to the moon and came back to the earth
@karanjit10 18 күн бұрын
Meanwhile India is still in 4th Gen and waiting for 2030 for 4.5 Tech completion
@davidsaw6183 18 күн бұрын
@lqm4224 18 күн бұрын
MD-19 MD-22
@DorJinTan 18 күн бұрын
2035 tops.
@GTOGregory 18 күн бұрын
Maybe this is why one Chinese general jested to the Americans, "Meet you in the sky!"
@billycarr7446 17 күн бұрын
Like Putin and his new tank and fighter... your boasts may not survive reality on the battlefield.
@albert152 17 күн бұрын
@@billycarr7446 Chinese are happy to see Americans think like this. Continue to be arrogant and stupid, please.
@brokenaura23 17 күн бұрын
Nothing beats American hardware.😊
@albert152 17 күн бұрын
@@billycarr7446 Continue to be arrogant and stupid, Chinese are happy to see you guys like this.
@albert152 17 күн бұрын
@@billycarr7446 Continue to be arrogant and st**pid, Chinese are happy to see you guys like this.
@jacobbaumgardner3406 18 күн бұрын
The critical Mach number of an airfoil (which can be calculated using the isentropic flow formula) is the angle at which the shockwave generated by the nose or other parts of the airframe interacts with the wing. The 49.5 wing sweep of the outer leading edge indicates the speed at which the shockwave generated by the leading edge at the inboard of the wing is generated and propagates across the leading edge. This happens at Mach 1.55. The second is the shockwave generated by the nose, the angle here is roughly 57 degrees, and the nose generated shockwave will his the wingtip at Mach 1.85. The final one is the inner leading edge that comes off the nose. This is 67-68 degrees and indicates a critical Mach number of 2.66. Now, it should be noted that this does not indicate top speed. The F-22 has a 42 degree wing sweep and yet definitely flies faster than Mach 2.3 (where the leading edge generated shockwaves propagates along the leading edge. It’s estimated by some that it will be able to reach Mach 2.7 or 2.8, similar to the MiG-31, and will be largely temperature limited.
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
"The F-22 has a 42 degree wing sweep and yet definitely flies faster than Mach 2.3 (...)" It does not. It lacks all characteristics of the MiG-31, material strength, fuel capacity and engine thrust at high altitude. The F-22A was optimized for super-cruising between Mach 0.8 and 1.6 with a capability of brief afterburner use up to Mach 2.2. The YF-23 - that wasn't built beyond two prototype demonstrators - is said to have been slightly faster for being slightly less maneuverable. Both designs were limited by the available engine in the late 1980s, early 1990s - without an Adaptive Cycle Engine which development is now stalling for a decade, the designs can't reach maximum flight characteristics. Americans and NAFOs need to get their head out of their derriere. Start with building 155mm shells in numbers that resemble the reality of warfare...
@HeidiKernstad 18 күн бұрын
F-22’s maximum speed is Mach 2.2. Can it reach speeds above that for short durations? Possibly, but not without consequences to the airframe and coating. USAF command would never allow the pilot to do it.
@dandrydog 18 күн бұрын
Doesn’t this also depend on air density? Couldn’t it climb to much higher altitudes? Thought it had three engines too…is one a SCRAM? If not…why not?
@jacobbaumgardner3406 17 күн бұрын
@ TYPO. I mean to say 1.3, which is the critical Mach number (or closer to 1.33) for 42 degrees. The maximum Mach number of the F-22 is officially 2.25.
@jacobbaumgardner3406 17 күн бұрын
@ nope, as far as we know it uses 3 turbofans, and the DSI fed centerline engine is actually optimized for lower speeds.
@rags417 17 күн бұрын
I am surprised that the high wing sweep and the insane three engine set up means that this could be a potential hypersonic aircraft - two conventional turbojets for cruise and supersonic flight and one ramjet for super high altitude / hypersonic flight.
@georgedang449 17 күн бұрын
Indeed. A more conventional 4 engine layout would make more sense if 2 engines lack the power, which isn't the case, as J-20's 2 WS-15 engines are already more capable than B1's 4 engines. Also, with modifications, DSI can be efficient at up to mach 2.8. China already perfected DSI. On a plane where stealth is so important, the only reason to sacrifice DSI is to trading for speed - not just a little higher than mach 2.8, but far higher, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the drawbacks.
@gags730 17 күн бұрын
Look at the role they play. Any 'fighter' jet in the last couple of decades are used more as a 'bomber' than a fighter jet. The general role they are used in is for air to ground targets. This is a large 'fighter' aircraft that will most likely follow the bomber first, fighter second, as they have other aircraft better suited as an actual fighter. As technology advances, we also see more emphasis on radar too. I don't really see this as a fighter jet but a fast, low observable small to medium-sized bomber with advanced radar systems to also eliminate the need for planes such as AEWs (AWACS)
@cameronfarrell9076 6 күн бұрын
​@@gags730 the reason fighter jets have been mainly used for ground attack over the last few decades is because of the types of wars that have been fought, mainly against smaller insurgency terrorist groups that are not tied to any one nation and who can't operate an air force. Can't fight aircraft when there are no aircraft to fight. The issue is you don't design your future aircraft for what you've been doing, you design it for what you predict in the future, and considering that tensions are rising in the South China sea, where China could be facing both Taiwan and the US who both have traditional air forces, it's safe to say both sides are looking to build fighter aircraft that will be used for fighting
@tbone7353 2 күн бұрын
More like it's huge and they have shit engines
@tbone7353 2 күн бұрын
​@@gags730it won't be able to fight for shit it's huge and with the mono wing set up it will loose all of it's energy after the 1st turn air to ground is really it's only option
@weibinzhuang8498 18 күн бұрын
@caindarin9665 17 күн бұрын
@EveDragon 16 күн бұрын
@Heavysmoker123 9 күн бұрын
​@@caindarin9665 bro is fully confused 😂
@thetruth7839 5 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 copy cat idiots
@williamlay4236 15 күн бұрын
@eurasia naval, saw your interview with Siming Lan. I have a lot of respect of your analysis and unbiased views. I seriously hope that there will be peace at the Taiwan Straits forever. Call me a pacifist, I don’t care as long as it saves lives. With the right policies and engagement, there can be unification without wars. It starts with talking, with understanding, with humility, with perseverance. Does not matter even if talk lasts donkey years; better than throwing lives away
@douginorlando6260 18 күн бұрын
The problem is drag goes extremely high as you approach the speed of sound. But if you can break through Mach 1 then the drag drops down but is still higher than subsonic drag. If you have enough thrust in full military throttle (no afterburners) then you can maintain super cruise which is something like mach 1.3 with only a minor range penalty. To hit Mach 2 you will need afterburners. At Mach 2 the skin heats up and could make the J-36 bright in IR sensors. 3 engines is probably designed to achieve super cruise. If the middle engine were high bypass, then the intent would be to cut the other 2 engines and fly subsonic on the highly efficient engine for great range but slow air speed until they were needed, then go supersonic. (That approach avoids the problems with a variable bypass engine). My guess is when in a threat environment, the J36 will maintain super cruise at high altitude and go AB when appropriate. A surprise launch of missiles at high speed and high altitude greatly improves their missile envelope and range. Stealth and high speed makes it reasonable the J36 can achieve the element of surprise when surface or air targets are within range.
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
All quite plausible. I suspect the airframe to be another interdictor, possibly unmanned, but at high speed (high geometric 'stealth', but no RADAR absorbent coating) and long range - hence the thir engine is indeed more related to flight regime than power output. There is no point in just building an NGAD, outside from an established doctrine of tanker interdiction.
@ln-du1ew 16 күн бұрын
When seeing American netizens still talking about the authenticity of China's sixth-generation fighter, their own sixth-generation fighter is still at the PPT stage, but some Americans are still sober, because the sixth-generation fighter you see is real, no matter how you fantasize, it is there staring at you, of course, mass production and maturity will be a few years later
@Jbkwoohooyeeha 13 күн бұрын
It sure is easy to plaster some stuff together and call it 6th gen. This definitely isn’t 6th gen.
@GG_Allin_Dulles 17 күн бұрын
praying this at least briefly stops the asinine criticisms of chinese designs not being "original" (as if this is art class and not war) but I fully expect to see a sandboxx article any day now explaining how actually lockheed martin invented triangles
@timothychung4811 17 күн бұрын
The aerodynamic shape was already proven long before triangular planes were invented. Triangular are the most aerodynamic. The Chinese planes have similarities to the US's looks because those shapes and angles are proven to deflect radar appropriately ...
@iamscoutstfu 16 күн бұрын
@GG_Allin_Dulles 16 күн бұрын
@@timothychung4811 yeah i know i was making fun of american defense news outlets
@GG_Allin_Dulles 16 күн бұрын
@@iamscoutstfu a british-designed tailless swept wing monoplane flew in 1911. before that french engineers filed a patent for a design in 1876. jack northrop's first prototype flew in 1929.
@hawkinsc478 16 күн бұрын
@@iamscoutstfu As long as the plane is made on the earth, Physics has decided how it would look like...
@xyxuz123 18 күн бұрын
We're really just judging a book by its cover, like when everyone made assumptions about the Foxbat based on how it looks.
@perfectcell1157 18 күн бұрын
Cope harder yankee
@mobiuszero1018 18 күн бұрын
Be that as it may,this is just a prototype...Just imagine what the final version will be like.
@obamagaming-zv4vy 18 күн бұрын
Yes but the russians themselves intended the foxbat as a heavy poorly maneuverable and long range inteceptor, we overhyped it and they decided to not correct our assumptions
@JC.72 18 күн бұрын
@@xyxuz123 the irony is that the chief designer name is announced recently and he released paper early 2024 about design philosophy etc. In other words the book was there but none of us read it. But perhaps now ppl will read it lol
@Forevertrue 17 күн бұрын
That comparison also crossed my mind. This is a big heavy slow fuel hungry, monster that's hard to fly and control.
@yu-jd5jg 18 күн бұрын
I think there are 4 main phases in developing China's PLA. 1) no outside army/armies can defeat the PLA in Mainland China 2) PLA is now able to defeat any invaders in the US first chain line to contain China 3) China is capable of defending its BRI assets effectively and confidently by 2035 4) PLA will be equal to the best in the world by 2049
@courtly5982 18 күн бұрын
China is already capable of defeating any army on the planet, china's 5g towers and drones (accoeding to the arny) can withstand EMP weapons. Meaning the drones are unstoppable unless the towers are destroyed, now imagine a thousand towers and a milion drones. The amount could blot out the sun. Drone warfare is the future
@tsz6993 18 күн бұрын
@黑猫不捉鼠 18 күн бұрын
@johnlee1546 18 күн бұрын
whats BRI?
@courtly5982 18 күн бұрын
@@cinnamonroll29 Ccp may, china won't, mind my stolen quote: "the ccp is not china and china is not the ccp"
@antn8387 14 күн бұрын
A triple engine indicates that the J36 is a hybrid fighter jet / space craft that's capable of flying in low earth orbit.
@Subhumanoid_ 4 күн бұрын
It can fly to Mars too.
@echen71 18 күн бұрын
Happy New Year! May 10-thousand matters go your way! 万事如意
@blasterbooks9282 17 күн бұрын
What is amazing to me is people thinking something that have three engines is a fighter aircraft it's a fighter bomber
@NotUnymous 16 күн бұрын
Its a little more complicated then that, brainiack. But nice flashing of arrogance you did there.
@thecartruthreport8451 18 күн бұрын
I'm sure this plane has all of the capabilities that have been advertised by the PLAF. Let me know when there is a KZbin code so I can get it 20% off on Temu
@andrean2247 18 күн бұрын
Temu is for poor country, in here we dont have temu
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
@@andrean2247 Your English is pathetic. Are you another starving mainlander?
@Gammaundertone1313 17 күн бұрын
​@@andrean2247 nah, China just uses gutter oil to feed their citizens while they power their phones off of tapped light fixtures in parking garages with burning e-vehicles for warmth
@horridohobbies 18 күн бұрын
Very cool design! Kudos, China.
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
NGAD knockoff
@horridohobbies 18 күн бұрын
@@KyleReese-vt8bo Hardly.
@SHine_REvolver_CN 18 күн бұрын
@@KyleReese-vt8bo knockoff PPT?🤣
@KyleReese-vt8bo 17 күн бұрын
@@SHine_REvolver_CN Its powered by the will of the CCP and starving villagers.
@Forevertrue 17 күн бұрын
I think it is the typical everyone expected it to be. Nothing unusual or surprising. What it will not be is very stealthy. If you are flying straight and level no problem but as soon as you turn you are locked. And the new electro-visual systems are really getting effective without radar so stealthy it will not be.
@UndoEverything 18 күн бұрын
Do you guys remember Endia eliminated COVID-19 with cow dung and cow piss? They have designed 12th generation plane which uses cow dung and cow piss as fuel and body coat to be invisible. It became so much invisible that it disappeared in front of their eyes and now the whole country is searching for it but still failing. Any help?
@davidmcguire4706 18 күн бұрын
@imikokodama3054 18 күн бұрын
Wow bro
@grigorebernschutz4611 18 күн бұрын
@shangmaoquanyu6263 18 күн бұрын
@ronron7763 18 күн бұрын
Typical of jihadi madrassa chaps. But yes Bharat did develop its own Corono virus meds and supplied world wide, as being top med producer, so take a chill pill. You know med penicillin orginated from MOLD. just drink camel urine as per your Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 5686 In-book reference : Book 76, Hadith 9
@JC.72 18 күн бұрын
Amazing analysis drawing from jason
@mansurazeez2229 18 күн бұрын
Futuristic flying triangle! China makes the world's first 3-engined 6th generation fighter jet! 👍
@grossindecency 18 күн бұрын
Ngad has been flying for nearly a decade, but okay.
@pendulmonium 18 күн бұрын
​@@grossindecencyour military went back to the drawing board lol we have no 6th gen atm
@grossindecency 18 күн бұрын
@pendulmonium I believe they have it on hold in favour of more raiders with drone Fighters. Sounds like they already have a cost effective solution that they have been overlooking during the ngad development.
@stevec5465 17 күн бұрын
It looks like a Huawei tri-fold phone.
@adam68756 17 күн бұрын
@@grossindecency ok, China test it 20 years ago
@Al-jn1pj 18 күн бұрын
Well probably end up knowing more about the aircraft than the Chinese.
@brianboye8025 17 күн бұрын
I think the third engine for power generation is exquisite.
@Lucas-o6b3v 16 күн бұрын
No, this obviously exposed the fact that their engine was not good.
@raymondtay3532 18 күн бұрын
Well done China Superpower have developed a new 6 Generation J-36 fighter jets 💪💪👏👏👍👍💯💯♥️♥️
@mikeosgood3846 18 күн бұрын
china is Not a superpower and never has been.
@nerdsworthpoindexter6661 18 күн бұрын
Made in China 😂
@codedlogic 17 күн бұрын
How do you know it’s a fighter - much less “sixth gen”? China hasn’t made any statements about this aircraft. And this looks much more like a bomber than a fighter. And whatever this is - it’s clearly a demonstrator not a production aircraft.
@danielmartin7838 18 күн бұрын
People are too hung-up on giving aircraft generational designations. More importantly, it’s impossible to determine a military aircraft’s full spread of capabilities via visual observation. If this platform/s are adopted by the PLAF, there is every reason to assume updates on software and capabilities would be recurring, like we see in the F-35 Use Boeing’s Bird of Prey prototype flown in the late nineties as an example of how futuristic aircraft do not always lead to adoption by a government I personally wouldn't be comfortable designating any aircraft “next gen” without the adoption of some kind of new propulsion system, like the transition from propeller driven fighters to jet engines.
@Bruhngus420 18 күн бұрын
your solution to what you personally think would classify a 6th gen with new propulsion technology is a bit arbitrary. as many point out, that goes against your own argument, is that the general classification of jets and their respective generation class is mainly due to the technology at their respective time of designation. yes, you could say "i personally think new advanced engines would classify a hey as 6th gen" but that same argument could've been said in the 60's, 70's, with "i dont think these jets are 4th gen unless thay have better structural stability" like, yes, that's understandable, but like many things, that in itself wouldn't necessarily help a jet hop over a generation. Just pointing that out, because it doesnt make sense
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
True in regard to generational 'designations', but pointless as the term derives from the West and dictates global discourse. In China ceremony is crucial. The plane would not have been tolerated to circulate tightly controlled social media if it is not meant to be talked about.
@HeidiKernstad 18 күн бұрын
@@christophmahler Last week, the U.S. congress approved a $895 billion spending bill with a focus on Asia. On the bill, it explicitly allocated $15 billion for “deterring China.” and allocates billions more in “investments to the Indo-Pacific region.” It also approved $300 million military aid to Taiwan. Funnily enough, congress unanimously voted for it. That was the reason for the sighting of these planes. A message from China to the ruling elites of the United States.
@Bruhngus420 18 күн бұрын
@@HeidiKernstad whats the name of that bill, and can you tell me the page where that deterring china thing is talked about? thanks
@HeidiKernstad 18 күн бұрын
@@Bruhngus420 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 TITLE XIII--OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO FOREIGN NATIONS Subtitle A--Matters Relating to the Indo-Pacific Region Read Sec. 1301 through Sec. 1319
@johnknight2012 16 күн бұрын
China's J-6 could even fly off the coast to meet with Russian Naval joint exercises without refueling tanks Japan was monitoring them and released the video. It showed they are super gas guzzlers with no range also no is buying J-6s because of shotty workman ship and Quality. China new jet is Pretty indeed but that all it is Pretty.
@christianbuczko1481 18 күн бұрын
I saw another analysis which suggested that central engine is a ramjet, and the aircraft is similar to failed us aircraft ideas.
@SKubric 17 күн бұрын
Pulse detonation engine
@georgedang449 17 күн бұрын
This is so different from Hopeless Diamond. When western analysts compare the two, it's basically due to sore grape syndrome.
@Cedartreetechnologies 17 күн бұрын
Nice how one short flight can give everything away.
@andresilvasophisma 18 күн бұрын
I'm suspecting the third engine might be ramjet. That intake above is weird.
@dannytadashi4235 18 күн бұрын
Nothing weird about it just pure cool and smart and good function 😃👍🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
@chinadoctorguo6784 18 күн бұрын
@MrKentaroMotoPI 18 күн бұрын
It's not
@rayl2505 18 күн бұрын
Chinese ramjet engine teach was mature 3 years back​@@MrKentaroMotoPI
@hypocritehater1673 18 күн бұрын
The weird is YOUU,you talk something beyond your grasp😂
@navypowertv 17 күн бұрын
The J-36 is a game-changer! From its triple-engine configuration to the innovative side-mounted AESA radars, it truly represents a leap in stealth and performance. The power demands alone hint at cutting-edge tech, and its potential for high-speed supercruising is incredible. Do you think this will be the future of 6th-gen fighters? Can it outpace the US and other superpowers?
@shteve3092 16 күн бұрын
Well I'm curious how much noise and exhaust plume this produces for a stealth jet. From the sound clip it definitely doesn't sound as stealthy compared to other jets.
@kayzrx8 15 күн бұрын
More like inefficient design , high drag and underpowered engines .....
@bobsmith3983 18 күн бұрын
People seems to over estimate power requirements on aircraft. The radar would be the biggest power user on the aircraft and even that is not that large as the RMS power used is only a small fraction of the peak RF transmit power of the radar. In passive receive mode the power used is relatively small compared to transmit power.
@kusotarre 18 күн бұрын
It's the other way around. This fighter will likely have quite a large battery (another area China excels in) to support extremely high energy use for short periods, which then can be charged back up during windows of passive scanning. This is all well trodden territory, and has been spoken about for a long time with for example the Megawatt Tactical Aircraft program, which was envisaged for the NGAD. A major limitation of 5th gen is that can't produce or thermally manage enough power for all the gadgets airforces want to stick on them.
@古德雍飛 18 күн бұрын
@@FreeSpeech-z6j 🃏
@kusotarre 18 күн бұрын
@@FreeSpeech-z6j"Chinese junk battery" lmao c'mon. Tesla, BMW, Mercedes all get their batteries from China, Northvolt just declared bankruptcy largely over QC issues and the founder of CATL is (in nice words) mocking Musk for pursuing cylindricals. Hate on China all you want, but this is reddit-tier nonsense. Don't be NEET Zeihan.
@itsericzhou 18 күн бұрын
@@FreeSpeech-z6j fun fact, every single battery used in EVs, power storage for solar, high capacity batteries for cell phones, are a) produced in china b) has its patents held in china. please educate yourself before you yap. there are many western sources that are claiming this like wall street journal.
@kusotarre 17 күн бұрын
@@itsericzhou Not entirely true. There have been Western attempts to produce batteries, they're just far behind on tech, process, and QC. Cybertruck is using Tesla batteries made in Cali and Texas, and even with the low run it's showing some serious problems. Some Euro manufacturers have tried to acquire batteries from companies like Northvolt (now entering bankruptcy), but dogged by consistent QC problems and low yields. Panasonic does have a decent battery division, but they are well behind CATL and BYD on process, density, cost. It's pretty grim for collective West battery producers, but not completely barren. They can learn, but will take time and proper incentives (less likely to happen with shitty ra-ra-ra fellators like @FreeSpeech-z6j taking up space.
@dougshoemaker2114 17 күн бұрын
That it doesn't work?
@Dr.TJ_Eckleburg 17 күн бұрын
The tri-engine layout very likely points to China's continued struggles with engine development and construction. They cannot build engines versatile enough for both high-mach and low speed efficiency, so they basically have to drag around a third very heavy engine to give the aircraft the performance range necessary to satisfy mission goals. It's very unlikely this is a 'true' 6-gen aircraft considering China's known technology and construction limitations. More likely a 5-plus in terms of overall capability. Still a huge achievement for them and should be taken seriously, but knowing what we know about how China 'fakes it till they make it', predictions about capabilities should be kept in perspective.
@Anlushac11 17 күн бұрын
I get the feeling that this is a long range strike aircraft.
@rod3134 18 күн бұрын
I initially thought that it was a silly design, but, I am rethinking the 3rd engine. Power down the outer engines and keep the center one on. Now you'll have a worldwide capable stealth bomber... 🤔 Several here are thinking speed and fighter roles. I believe it's main role is long-range surveillance and bombings. Any fighter type roles seem secondary based on its design 🤓
@agusedyanto3324 17 күн бұрын
I think this plane will be feared by air tankers, aircraft carriers, even low orbit spy satellites.
@fatmangoboom7722 17 күн бұрын
I think the 3rd engine is a scram jet! Instead of trying to make a jet engine and scram jet together they just added one!
@iamscoutstfu 16 күн бұрын
Pretty silly thing to do. Wastes a ton of space
@jfbaro2 18 күн бұрын
“Good day” I wait for your channel to comment on Chinese military. Thanks for sharing your knowledge
@Mauro-n1z 18 күн бұрын
Since this is a prototype and given the ongoing development of Chinese propulsion systems, the engine types and numbers may change.
@remix-yy1hs 18 күн бұрын
Was this in same city? Both in chemgdu ?
@luoroger-qm9sw 18 күн бұрын
and shengyang
@hawkinsc478 16 күн бұрын
The bigger one is in Chengdu, the smaller is in Shenyang. Those two cities are where two major Jet design institutes of PLA located.
@remix-yy1hs 9 күн бұрын
Thanks alot.. I wish I was there outside.. and see this suddenly 😮😮😂😂
@DMT-ix9zj 18 күн бұрын
It looks amazing, but reading so many of the comments like this plane is already in service. It usually takes many years 2-5 from first flight and service.
@drzhanga 18 күн бұрын
it's in military-ready paints, and it's #11 of its kind, I'd assume it is already in service. In contrast, that J20S that flies along with it, is not service ready
@peanut0brain 18 күн бұрын
There is a real thing called "China speed"!
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
@@peanut0brain Yes lol. The poor quality of your infrastructure reflects such 'speed'. Speed is NOT a virtue.
@92HazelMocha 17 күн бұрын
The time for Chinese aircraft development is much shorter than here in the west. However it will probably still be years before it enters service.
@Lucas-o6b3v 16 күн бұрын
This is a model, a big toy, for performance.
@ImInLoveWithBulla 17 күн бұрын
I heard from the Chinese bots that this can cruise in outer space at Mach 30 and can sink an aircraft carrier from 30000 miles away.
@PhilipTan-i1u 18 күн бұрын
China's J36, 6th generation stealth supersonic jet fighter is certainly superior than the 5th generation jet fighters simply because the J36 has a combo of optimized design parameters. That points to a very good aerodynamic design and payload capabilities. The J36 is a big aircraft with incredible payload capacity and high flight performance, hence the three engines configuration.
@PhilipTan-i1u 18 күн бұрын
@KyleReese-vt8bo why r u saying the lie that China is falling apart, while it isn't?
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
Best China Dorito. America be afraid. Jet powered by the will of the CCP and many starving Chinese people.
@PhilipTan-i1u 18 күн бұрын
@@KyleReese-vt8bo thats right Dude and the "whole world" knows you are lying.
@rudeboy1997 16 күн бұрын
If will all come down to its RCS.
@adeimousragnarok8150 17 күн бұрын
Made of Fiber Glass...
@92HazelMocha 17 күн бұрын
Wait till you find out that the F35 is like 34% plastic lmao.
@patricofritz4094 17 күн бұрын
China will have combined cycle engines for it's 6th generation lighters when it's adopted. This is a hybrid of turbine/turbojet/fan along with rocket and ram/scram jet. This can power aircraft like spacecraft and missiles and drones up to mach 6 but for bigger fighter jet about Mach 4 , and enable access to space or near space. I think China should work more on it's rtcc engine adding more airflow in the turbine part and making it like adaptive jet engine , work on scram jet as part of the CCE. China should look at inspiration from astromechanica electric adaptive jet engine. This is super advanced and combines turbojet turbofan and ramjet. For maneuverability and stability with the lack of tail and vertical stabilizers china can use control surfaces, active flow cycle and superb thrust vectoring. The 6th gen fighter can also use thrusters on the body.
@chiaweinam 18 күн бұрын
Sour grapes.
@Doomguy-777 16 күн бұрын
What is likely to make it to 6th gen fighters: Twin side-oriented GaN radars instead of one front facing AESA in the nose (although it's not really front facing in reality, it can be rotated), overlapping their scan angle to the front and fixing the issue of not being able to have an effective scan coverage on the sides autonomously despite the passive sensors allowing data fusion and data links which can't always be relied upon 100% of the time. GaN radars are said to have less energy consumption, more performance, less vulnerable to jamming, smaller form factor, so overall it does everything better simply put which could perhaps allow the installation of two instead of one radar, but it's going to cost a lot if that's the case and replacing or maintaining two radars for one aircraft is a technical challenge. So these possibly two "AESA" radars are probably not traditional AESA radars but GaN in fact. Traditional AESAs occupy too much volume inside the chassis. All with a complement of other antennas in the wings and/or fuselage, tail. Top mounted intake to reduce the radar cross section and allow more spacious weapon bays below, possibly to carry stand-off weapons in the future and an absurd amount of small diameter bombs and more BVRAAMs. Variable Cycle Engines (confirmed for the european NGF along thrust vectoring at this stage). "Older" generation features along present day ones: cloud combat servers, UCAVs, more jammers, towed decoys... Likely to reuse delta and diamond wing designs because those offer better supersonic performance, and better stalling when compensated with various leading-edge extensions and electronics. Maybe a flying wing of some sort such as this prototype, maybe an hybrid of the two.
@keffinsg 18 күн бұрын
The thing that should really frighten the Yanks, is that if China is showing a 6th Gen prototype, means that the 7th Gen is already being designed.
@drzhanga 18 күн бұрын
It is said that China showed these new tech in such a short period of time, was intended to prevent the Yanks from taking reckless risks and starts WW3 without knowing what they're up against.
@peanut0brain 18 күн бұрын
This new 6th Gen fighter goes Mach 7 and up to 100km into space with the ram jet engine. F22 and F35 goes Mach 2.2 and up to 15km high. What can 7th Gen be like?!
@DomZ83 18 күн бұрын
@@peanut0brain how do you know this?
@peanut0brain 18 күн бұрын
@@DomZ83 "wave media" channel with a verbal document link
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
@@peanut0brain INTO SPACE? lol. You are a simple villager. probably starving.
@Ste2023 17 күн бұрын
I heard it takes double A batteries .... plus plus ... a USb - C connector
@JinKee 18 күн бұрын
1:45 could the windows be for LIDAR emitters or maybe even directed energy laser weapons?
@JinKee 17 күн бұрын
@ i wonder how far we are away from nuclear powered loyal wingman drones? Russia has a nuclear powered drone that works sometimes (and blows up scientists other times), and without a crew the reactor could operate unshielded
@kingkea3451 17 күн бұрын
More likely cheek radars.
@acompletelynormalhuman6392 17 күн бұрын
Cwis lasers are nearly exclusively used against crouse missiles and drones. super sonic missiles are heat resistant to survive super sonic heating pulse dew to their high speed they are likely to hit a target before it can lase it down as it takes time for a laser to transfer that much energy. not to mention the size and weight of a lases defense system especially a tureted ones which you probably want so you can noch a missile in case the laser fails to shoot down the missile and you likey want it to pop out like the b36 to not heder stealth when not in use wich makes it hever and mor complex. the power requirements are barely met by ships so makeing enough power for lasers and everything else just semes impractical i feel like having a few air launched missile intorseptors like the iris T (which is mainly a fox 2s but it can intersept other missiles) 6th gens may have a dasler laser against fox 2s missiles like the su 57 is clamed to have but even then with the redused emphasis on dogfighting it seems unlikely
@MakroAlam 18 күн бұрын
Congratulations China always love you 😘 from Pakistan 🇵🇰
@glike2 10 күн бұрын
The J-36 flap hinge fairings is bad for stealth. The ailerons hinge angle looks designed to create advantageous roll yaw coupling to impove maneuver performance
@ChuckNorrizzed 18 күн бұрын
When can we see this cruise along the USA coastline?
@WayneAndrews-oo2mw 18 күн бұрын
Who said it was 6th gen please tell us
@hypocritehater1673 18 күн бұрын
@@WayneAndrews-oo2mw if you are told it's 7 gen,you won't know,you are just a birdbrain 🤭
@timothychung4811 17 күн бұрын
I agree on that, but I think it is a prelude to the 6th. I'm sure there are still lots of room for them to improve.
@92HazelMocha 17 күн бұрын
US defense bloggers. Neither the US nor Chinese government has actually labeled these aircraft as "6th generation"
@WayneAndrews-oo2mw 17 күн бұрын
@@timothychung4811 Look at the air intakes that isnt stealth
@Yduar-lo8bk 17 күн бұрын
I wont consider any yet piloted by a human gen 6. Should be autonomous at the very least. Good my opinion doesnt matter though 😂
@vincentkuah2525 17 күн бұрын
@rocketpunchgo1 18 күн бұрын
Only came here to give you video interaction by saying damn that's some amazing clickbait title work. Saying "What nobody told you about China's 6th Gen Fighter" is like saying "What nobody told you about next week's weather forecast." 13,000 views in 2 hours... nice.
@satanlucifer7363 17 күн бұрын
J37?on the way already, 7th Gen fighter jet
@yudiji1596 18 күн бұрын
If B21 is a Gen6 "fighter", B2 is a more capable Gen5 "fighter"
@austinjagusch6065 18 күн бұрын
There bombers not fighters
@jworthe 17 күн бұрын
Why is no one in the comments questioning why this aircraft was so conspicuously test flown (with pictures being allowed to be taken from all angles)?
@bai-iq3sw 17 күн бұрын
Maybe because it's nkt cutting-edge anymore,so there is no need to keep it under wraps
@jworthe 17 күн бұрын
This feels like a red herring. A little too conspicuous...
@byhyew 17 күн бұрын
So was the J20 and J35. This is definitely not the first flight of this plane though, there are clear wear on the paint/skin on the flaperons.
@MrJwmterry 16 күн бұрын
The serial number of this jet proves that it is the sixth product, and judging from the gray coating, it is already an officially mature product. Someone had already seen the test flight three years ago, but the military did not allow it to be released. Now that it can fly at low altitude in urban areas, it proves that there is no need for secrecy, as the research on the seventh generation fighter jet is likely already in progress.
@Lucas-o6b3v 16 күн бұрын
This is a model aircraft flight performance, not the so-called Chinese 6th generation aircraft
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
Though my grasp of aerodynamics boils down to mere formal logic in textbooks, instead of running the numbers, myself one can look at the wings more closely in order to grasp whether they are optimized for trans-sonic or supersonic speeds as one can't have it both ways. "A supersonic airfoil shape is designed to operate at Mach numbers greater than unity. Unlike subsonic airfoils, supersonic airfoils produce strong shock waves. These shock waves create significant pressure changes, affecting the airflow and aerodynamic performance of the airfoil. The well-rounded, cambered airfoil sections that are well-suited to subsonic flight speed are generally inappropriate for high-speed and supersonic flight. Supersonic airfoils are distinctive in their geometric shapes in that they are *thin* (i.e., have a low thickness-to-chord ratio) with *sharp leading edges* . Supersonic airfoils generally have thinner sections constructed of angled planes called double-wedge airfoils or opposed circular arcs called biconvex airfoils (...)" Aerodynamic traits that happen to coincide with the 'diamond shape' of a low RADAR signature. While merely being an informed gamble, from the PLAAF mission requirement of striking US tanker planes and refueling drones across the Pacific, I bet the J-XX/'J-36' is an interdictor, designed not just for low observability like a strike bomber, but for super-sonic dashes to the point of interception akin during the early Cold War against nuclear bombers - in that case, the 'dorky' third engine would not increase electrical power output, but thrust while maintaining small engine diameters, required for the sharp airframe edges of supersonic flight. We all wait for specialists like Augusto Adelghi (Millenium7) to give his '200 cents' on this question. Another noteworthy point: why does a J-20S that is designed for Collaborative Combat Aircraft deployment and not yet in serial production watch over a prototype... if the latter is not an Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle ?...
@georgedang449 17 күн бұрын
The factory has it on hand. They keep it around as a platform to tinker, test, and develop modifications for J-20. This is a common practice. It makes more sense to use it than borrowing a J-20 from the air force, one that most likely doesn't have the additional monitoring equipment likely installed on the factory test platform.
@christophmahler 17 күн бұрын
@@georgedang449 "This is a common practice." No. It is not. Everyone understands why, but You.
@georgedang449 16 күн бұрын
@@christophmahler Wrong, every single monitoring plane that flew alongside test flights in the past were existing factory testbeds, not service planes borrowed from PLAAF. Now you know.
@christophmahler 16 күн бұрын
@@georgedang449 "every single monitoring plane that flew alongside test flights in the past were existing factory testbeds" Right. What was the chase plane of the J-7 again ?...
@georgedang449 15 күн бұрын
@@christophmahler Why don't you recall back to the days of Wright brothers? The mark of stupidity is, instead of absorbing new information when offered, you double down on ignorance.
@johnsmith1953x 17 күн бұрын
*Are the bays in the J-36 big enough to hold Nuclear Cruise missiles?* If so, what would be their size? 10 kton? 50 kton?
@kingkea3451 17 күн бұрын
The bay is roughly 6m long. The Russian Kh-102 is >7m long, the American AGM-86B was 6.3m long. It's possible to make a nuclear-tipped cruise missile that fits in that bay, at least by length. Diameter and such may pose more of an issue depending on the cruise missile design. Of the two cruise missiles I mentioned, the AGM-86B could be used with "low" yield warheads (1-5kt) or a high yield warhead (150kt). Some configurations of the Kh-102 could do 250kt supposedly.
@johnsmith1953x 17 күн бұрын
@@kingkea3451 So China can land several nuclear/EMP/Bio hits on the USA from this jet disabling the US's ability to counter-attack. Of course, assuming they know the nuclear/EMP hits were also from China. Interesting...
@suekuan1540 18 күн бұрын
First 3 engine fighter bomber . Interesting to see if that is a valid deaign
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
Nope, it would get swatted out of the sky.
@georgedang449 17 күн бұрын
The middle engine is ramjet. Intake can be on top, because at hypersonic speeds, there's no such thing as dogfighting, where top intake can starve engine of oxygen. A more conventional 4 engine layout is more stable and easier to manage, if 2 engines lack the power, which isn't the case, as 2 of J-20's WS-15 engines are already more capable than B1's 4 engines. Also, with modifications, DSI can be efficient at up to mach 2.8. China already perfected DSI. On a plane where stealth is so important, the only reason to sacrifice DSI is to trade for speed - not just a little higher than mach 2.8, but far higher, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the drawbacks.
@chandrachurniyogi8394 18 күн бұрын
this is probably a technology demonstrator prototype . . . many of the features you see here in the prototype will be modified before commencing serial production . . . the J-36 aft landing gear arrangement is similar to that of the MIG-31B multi role air superiority fighter . . .
@timothychung4811 17 күн бұрын
If they're showing this to the public, they would most likely have already perfected the plane further...
@laughingkor8643 18 күн бұрын
Still waiting for the US's B21 to take a real flight. No AI virtual demonstration B21 flight. A real flight, like the J-36's, please.
@韋頑石-o7q 18 күн бұрын
@gone547 17 күн бұрын
I used to make paper planes like this when I was 6.
@TomDrez 18 күн бұрын
5:44 I'm not agreeing with this, this fighter is obviously way smaller and lighter than the other two we saw flying, i'd say this one is a third one, made specifically to be stealthier than fifth gen fighters as you were saying earlier in the video, it won't have a big range, but it would probably be faster and more manoeuvrable and hard to track, drone made like this would outperform everything in term of g force and would make manoeuvers that would be hard for any radar, aircraft or missiles to track, but everything about this one is different, the wings are not as wide and smaller, the cockpit and the nose are far ahead of the main body compared to the other aircrafts diamond shaped, there's only 2 engines which have their entrance on the top of the frame, and there's only one pilot seat, this fighter isn't any of the two we saw flying, it's another one. We had rumors a few days ago that another 6th gen fighter in Xi'an was not ready to fly yet but could have been in the reveal birthday of Mao, personnally i think because we know it exist since at least 2022, it's the one the u.s general were concerned about when they said earlier in the (last) year that the u.s should get rid of the ngad/fx-x to build "light fighter instead" the u.s fight outside their country with battlegroups of carrier, if the NGAD were to encounter such a swarm of man/unmmaned fighters that would make the task really complicated even for it and they'd have to manage a defensive position which would be far from ideal, so there would be no choice but to have exactly the same weapons than the chineses to counter them the best they could.
@Forevertrue 17 күн бұрын
The Chinese fell for it. This design is great at straight and level but as soon as you have to maneuver you are no longer stealthy and are easily locked. Change altitude locked , turn left or right locked. All those control surfaces are radar beacons. And this is not a fast air craft. It's heavy and awkward to fly. The piolet gets exhausted in short order trying to hold it level.
@TomDrez 17 күн бұрын
@Forevertrue There's still the others two aircrafts to not forget, i wonder if they "fell for it" as you said or just esteemed they had the ressources to do that, regardless of the way it fight it's a true nest of experience to gain and technology to improve, just as the others two, plus no matter the challenges they'll face they still have very reliable missiles of all kind and ranges, and if thoses have unmanned versions that will cost no lives to engage any target in case of loss of the craft. I'd say it will go well with the others 2 aircrafts, plus if the chineses have "falled for it" the american are doing the same by going in the "light fighter" direction.
@Nate_dog01 17 күн бұрын
It’s not about the frame but the compute ……what kind of compute does it have…….and how good are the radars….
@junkerpain251 18 күн бұрын
Its bigger than the j 20, Its huge, and they call it a fighter jet. It would have been less laughable if they call it a bomber. China has a scale issue with its new generation planes
@timothychung4811 17 күн бұрын
Where is the rule for fighter size? Perhaps you should call Washington for a job as the NGAD went back to the drawing board and fundings stalled for the current program's direction.
@junkerpain251 17 күн бұрын
@timothychung4811 its a big target, nothing more
@adder88 17 күн бұрын
Expanding fighter jets may be a trend. It can carry more payloads and has a longer range, carrying more advanced electronic warfare kits.
@junkerpain251 17 күн бұрын
@adder88 I'm sorry but u will never convince me that this huge thing is a fighter jet. Did you see its landing gear. It belongs to a bomber. It looks slow heavy and probably maneuver like a brick with wings. But its supposed to be 6th gen. It will probably get better in the future.
@AwesomesMan 17 күн бұрын
Three engines is impressive but has to hurt its range! Also I wonder if the air sensor point on the nose is final? It’ll hurt stealth profile wouldn’t it?
@randomname931 5 күн бұрын
they don't all have to be active at all times.
@AwesomesMan 4 күн бұрын
@@randomname931 good point
@bharal1731 18 күн бұрын
谢谢你的信息 元旦快乐😊🎉
@johnseah5678 17 күн бұрын
The J-36s leading swarms of long range CCA interceptor drones over the 2nd Island chain could hunt and shoot down cargo planes, such as C-130 or C-17 aircraft, temporarily repurposed under the Rapid Dragon program as standoff bombers capable of mass launching any variant of long or short range AGM-158 JASSM cruise missiles against land or naval targets. This could be one of China's answers to the USA's Rapid Dragon program, extending the air-sea battle thousands of kilometers out over the western Pacific away from the Chinese coastline.
@ASSETTO_EDITS 18 күн бұрын
If its manned is it really 6th gen?
@andrean2247 18 күн бұрын
It need to be manned if get jammed or lost comms. And unmanned when the pilot get unconsious because of high G.
@SilverSherry 17 күн бұрын
Being unmanned is not a key property of a 6th generation aircraft
@NotUnymous 16 күн бұрын
Depends. The "generation" thingy is more to label tech gamechanger. Gen. 6 doesnt have to be unmanned If they have something else what could be gamechanging tech. But considered the tech age we are in right now, I would be surprised about anything else but unmanned and/or AI. If its only a very stealthy and modern Jet it would be more of a 5.5 tho.
@1218omaroo 17 күн бұрын
"Aircrafts"... just a friendly note to say that in English, singular and plural variants are the same. One aircraft. Two aircraft. A squadron of aircraft. There is no such word as "aircrafts".
@Lucas-o6b3v 16 күн бұрын
This is a model, a big toy, for performance.
@Castragroup 18 күн бұрын
I want to see the PAK Dp
@christophmahler 18 күн бұрын
What can it do that a medium range ballistic missile with multiple warheads can't ?...
@Nero-Caesar 18 күн бұрын
But why are they not making the actuators flush it's really the only thing that holds it back imo
@mssv19123 18 күн бұрын
2nd island chain Guam will be contested airspace with 6th gen battling over the area
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
Sorry, China would be quickly humbled. Your generals are useless. Xi keeps making them disappear.
@christopherguerrero4685 17 күн бұрын
@KyleReese-vt8bo 17 күн бұрын
@Drownedinblood 18 күн бұрын
I think power issues aren't really a problem for China especially since they lead the way in battery tech. They could probably turn off non-essentials as well and cruise along.
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
You are thinking of Taiwan.
@Drownedinblood 15 күн бұрын
@@KyleReese-vt8bo china is ahead of taiwan in terms of battery tech..
@KyleReese-vt8bo 15 күн бұрын
@@Drownedinblood No. How about chips?
@Drownedinblood 15 күн бұрын
@@KyleReese-vt8bo ...we are talking about power though...
@heartfelt4387 18 күн бұрын
didnt know vincent teo was also into fighter jets as well as hdtv's
@Thetequilashooter1 16 күн бұрын
I don’t understand the big deal. The US tested a 6th gen fighter over four years ago. This isn’t anything groundbreaking.
@kinwai27271 16 күн бұрын
in Hollywood only.
@Thetequilashooter1 16 күн бұрын
@Cope harder. It’s reality. The US isn’t like China that shows its aircraft under development. Just like with the F-117, B-2, B-21, etc. the US typically reveals its more modern aircraft only when they’re about to enter service. “On September 14, 2020, it was revealed that the USAF had secretly designed, built, and flown at least one prototype of its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter. “We’ve already built and flown a full-scale flight demonstrator in the real world, and we broke records in doing it,” then head of the U.S. Air Force, Will Roper, told Defense News back in 2020. “We are ready to go and build the next-generation aircraft in a way that has never happened before.”
@haku9215 16 күн бұрын
in top gun2?
@Thetequilashooter1 16 күн бұрын
@@haku9215 Nope, in reality. It’s fun watching Chinese trolls coping hard.
@Thetequilashooter1 16 күн бұрын
@@haku9215 In reality.
@johnseah5678 18 күн бұрын
Seems like you don't think the 3rd jet engine will be a ramjet or scramjet? So you are not expecting the Chengdu J-36 to super-cruise in near-space > 18 km altitude so it can dash out beyond the 1st island chain to intercept incoming threats?
@tsz6993 18 күн бұрын
@honfmeilingfleet957 18 күн бұрын
the Shape could be a Chinese version of Pan Spatial Strikewitch
@heytruthdohurts 18 күн бұрын
but what about the oxygen supply to the pilot ??? oh wait its F35
@meow4619 18 күн бұрын
Waiting for the PowerPoint of USA 7th Generation Fighter.
@KyleReese-vt8bo 18 күн бұрын
Best China Dorito. America be afraid. Jet powered by the will of the CCP and many starving Chinese people.
@ritu8985 18 күн бұрын
The J-36 6th. Gen. is UNLIKE Anything I have Seen Before!
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